2023-08-24 13:44:17 +12:00
# Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
# Copyright © Catalyst IT 2023
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
""" Tests for Conditional ACEs, claims, and security tokens. """
from samba . dcerpc import security
from samba . security import access_check
from samba . tests . token_factory import token as Token
from samba . tests import TestCase , DynamicTestCase , get_env_dir
from samba . colour import c_RED , c_GREEN
import os
from samba import NTSTATUSError
from samba . ntstatus import NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED
security . SEC_ADS_LIST |
security . SEC_ADS_READ_PROP )
2023-08-23 15:23:29 +12:00
def write_c_test_on_failure ( f ) :
""" This is a function decorator that writes a function for
/ libcli / security / tests / test_run_conditional_ace . c that runs the
equivalent test . Why ? ! Because iterating over a test to debug the
failure is slower in Python tests , but adding new tests is faster
in Python . So the flow goes like this :
1. add python tests , run them
2. if nothing fails , goto 1
3. copy the test_something ( ) text into test_run_conditional_ace . c ,
rename it , and add it to main ( ) .
4. ` make bin / test_run_conditional_ace & & rr bin / test_run_conditional_ace `
5. ` rr replay `
and you ' re away. You can also just work from the Python, but a few
runs of ` make - j ` after touching something in libcli / security will
make you see why this exists .
You might be thinking that this surely took longer to write than
waiting 100 times for a 30 second compile , but that misses the
point that debugging needs to be ergonomic and fun .
from json import dumps as q # JSON quoting is C quoting, more or less
def wrapper ( name , token , sddl , access_desired ) :
try :
f ( name , token , sddl , access_desired )
except Exception :
print ( )
print ( ' static void test_something(void **state) ' )
print ( ' { ' )
print ( ' \t INIT(); ' )
for s in ( ' sids ' , ' device_sids ' ) :
if s in token :
macro = ( ' user_sids ' if s == ' sids ' else s ) . upper ( )
v = ' , ' . join ( q ( x ) for x in token [ s ] )
print ( f ' \t { macro } ( { v } ); ' )
for s in ( ' user_claims ' , ' device_claims ' ) :
if s in token :
macro = s . upper ( )
for name , values in token [ s ] . items ( ) :
if not isinstance ( values , ( list , tuple ) ) :
values = [ values ]
v = ' , ' . join ( q ( x ) for x in values )
v = q ( f " { v } " )
print ( f ' \t { macro } ( { q ( name ) } , { v } ); ' )
print ( f ' \t SD( { q ( sddl ) } ); ' )
if ' allow ' in f . __name__ :
print ( f ' \t ALLOW_CHECK( { access_desired : #x } ); ' )
else :
print ( f ' \t DENY_CHECK( { access_desired : #x } ); ' )
print ( ' } ' )
print ( )
return wrapper
2023-08-24 13:44:17 +12:00
class ConditionalAceClaimsBase ( TestCase ) :
maxDiff = 0
def setUpDynamicTestCases ( cls ) :
cls . domain_sid = security . dom_sid ( " S-1-22-333-4444 " )
seen = set ( )
for i , row in enumerate ( cls . data ) :
token , sddl , access_desired = row
name = f ' { i + 1 : 03 } - { token } - { sddl } - { access_desired } '
if len ( name ) > 150 :
name = f " { name [ : 125 ] } + { len ( name ) - 125 } -more-characters "
if name in seen :
print ( f " seen { row } after { len ( seen ) } " )
seen . add ( name )
if cls . allow :
cls . generate_dynamic_test ( ' test_allow ' ,
name , token , sddl , access_desired )
else :
cls . generate_dynamic_test ( ' test_deny ' ,
name , token , sddl , access_desired )
fuzz_seed_dir = get_env_dir ( ' SAMBA_WRITE_FUZZ_STRINGS_DIR ' )
if fuzz_seed_dir is not None :
cls . _write_sddl_strings_for_fuzz_seeds ( fuzz_seed_dir )
def _write_sddl_strings_for_fuzz_seeds ( cls , fuzz_seed_dir ) :
""" write all the SDDL strings we have into a directory as individual
files , using a naming convention beloved of fuzzing engines .
To run this set an environment variable ; see
cls . setUpDynamicTestCases ( ) , below .
Note this will only run in subclasses annotated with @DynamicTestCase .
from hashlib import md5
for _ , sddl , _ in cls . data :
name = md5 ( sddl . encode ( ) ) . hexdigest ( )
with open ( os . path . join ( fuzz_seed_dir , name ) , ' w ' ) as f :
f . write ( sddl )
2023-08-23 15:23:29 +12:00
2023-08-24 13:44:17 +12:00
def _test_allow_with_args ( self , _token , sddl , access_desired ) :
if isinstance ( _token , dict ) :
token = Token ( * * _token )
else :
token = _token
sd = security . descriptor . from_sddl ( sddl , self . domain_sid )
try :
granted = access_check ( sd , token , access_desired )
except NTSTATUSError as e :
print ( c_RED ( sddl ) )
print ( c_RED ( _token ) )
if e . args [ 0 ] != NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED :
self . fail ( " access was denied " )
self . assertEqual ( granted , access_desired )
2023-08-23 15:23:29 +12:00
2023-08-24 13:44:17 +12:00
def _test_deny_with_args ( self , token , sddl , access_desired ) :
if isinstance ( token , dict ) :
token = Token ( * * token )
sd = security . descriptor . from_sddl ( sddl , self . domain_sid )
try :
granted = access_check ( sd , token , access_desired )
except NTSTATUSError as e :
if e . args [ 0 ] == NT_STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED :
self . fail ( f " failed with { e } , not access denied " )
self . fail ( " access allowed " )
class AllowTests ( ConditionalAceClaimsBase ) :
name = " allow "
allow = True
data = [
( # device_claims
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_claims ' : { " colour " : [ " orange " , " blue " ] } } ,
( ' D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA; '
' (@Device.colour == { " orange " , " blue " })) ' ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_claims, int >=
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_claims ' : { " legs " : 4 } } ,
( ' D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(@Device.legs >= 1)) ' ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_claims, int
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_claims ' : { " legs " : 1 } } ,
( ' D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(@Device.legs == 1)) ' ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_member_of && member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA; "
" (Device_Member_of { SID(BA)} && Member_of { SID(WD)})) " ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_member_of || member_of, both true
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA; "
" (Device_Member_of { SID(AA)} || Member_of { SID(WD)})) " ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_member_of || member_of, second true
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA; "
" (Device_Member_of { SID(AA)} || Member_of { SID(WD)})) " ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_member_of || member_of, first true
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA; "
" (Device_Member_of { SID(BG)} || Member_of { SID(WR)})) " ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # single SID, Member_of_Any
{ ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1ff;;;S-1-222-333;(Member_of_Any { SID(S-1-222-333)})) " ) ,
0x1 ) ,
( { ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' ] } , " O:S-1-1-0D:(A;;0x1ff;;;WD) " , DEFAULT_ACCESS ) ,
( { ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' ] } ,
" O:S-1-1-0D:(XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of { SID(S-1-1-0)})) " ,
( { ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' , ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
" O:S-1-1-0D:(XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of { SID(S-1-1-0)})) " ,
( { ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
" O:S-1-1-0D:(XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of { SID(S-1-1-0)})) " ,
( # a single SID, not a composite
{ ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' , ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
" O:S-1-1-0D:(XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of SID(S-1-1-0))) " ,
( # a single SID, not a composite, without space after Member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' , ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
" O:S-1-1-0D:(XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of \n SID(S-1-1-0))) " ,
( # a single SID, not a composite, Member_of_Any
{ ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' , ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
" O:S-1-1-0D:(XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of_Any SID(S-1-1-0))) " ,
( # Member_of_Any
{ ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' , ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
" O:S-1-1-0D:(XA;;0x1;;;WD;(Member_of_Any { SID(AS),SID(WD)})) " ,
0x1 ) ,
( { ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' , ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
( " O:S-1-1-0D: "
" (XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of_Any { SID(S-1-1-0), SID(S-1-222-333)})) " ) ,
( { ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' , ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
( " O:S-1-1-0D: "
" (XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of_Any { SID(S-1-1-334), SID(S-1-222-333)})) " ) ,
( { ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' , ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of_Any { SID(S-1-222-333)})) " ) ,
( { ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-77-88-99 ' , ' AA ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(Member_of { SID(S-1-77-88-99)})) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(Device_Member_of { SID(BA)})) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(Device_Member_of { SID(BA)})) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # not (!) member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(! (Member_of { SID(BA)}))) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # not not (!!) member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(!(! (Member_of { SID(AA)})))) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # not * 8 (!!!! !!!!) member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(!(!(!(!(!(!(!(!( Member_of { SID(AA)})))))))))) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # not * 9 (!!! !!! !!!) member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(!(!(!( !(!(!( !(!(!(Member_of { SID(BA)}))))))))))) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # not * 9 (!!! !!! !!!) Not_Member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA; "
" (!(!(!( !(!(!( !(!(!( Not_Member_of { SID(AA)}))))))))))) " ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( #resource ACE
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_claims ' : { " colour " : [ " blue " ] } } ,
( ' D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(@Device.colour Contains @Resource.colour)) '
' S:(RA;;;;;WD;( " colour " ,TS,0, " blue " )) ' ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( #resource ACE ==
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_claims ' : { " colour " : [ " blue " ] } } ,
( ' D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(@Device.colour == @Resource.colour)) '
' S:(RA;;;;;WD;( " colour " ,TS,0, " blue " )) ' ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_claims, comparing single to single
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_claims ' : { " colour " : " blue " } } ,
( ' D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(@Device.colour == " blue " )) ' ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_claims == user_claims
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' user_claims ' : { " colour " : " blue " } ,
' device_claims ' : { " colour " : " blue " } } ,
( ' D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(@User.colour == @Device.colour)) ' ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( #resource ACE multi
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_claims ' : { " colour " : [ " blue " , " red " ] } } ,
( ' D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(@Device.colour Contains @Resource.colour)) '
' S:(RA;;;;;WD;( " colour " ,TS,0, " blue " , " red " )) ' ) ,
0x10 ) ,
class DenyTests ( ConditionalAceClaimsBase ) :
name = " allow "
allow = False
data = [
( { } , " " , DEFAULT_ACCESS ) ,
( { ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' ] } , " O:S-1-1-0D:(A;;0x1fe;;;WD) " , DEFAULT_ACCESS ) ,
( { } , " O:WDD:(A;;GACR;;;CO) " , DEFAULT_ACCESS ) ,
( { ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-1-0 ' , ' S-1-222-444 ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of_Any { SID(S-1-222-333)})) " ) ,
0x1 ) ,
( # Without explicit 'everyone' SID in list of SIDs, this is
# denied because the ACE SID 'WD' doesn't match.
{ ' sids ' : [ ' S-1-222-333 ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1ff;;;WD;(Member_of_Any { SID(S-1-222-333)})) " ) ,
0x1 ) ,
( # device_member_of && member_of, both false
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA; "
" (Device_Member_of { SID(AA)} && Member_of { SID(WR)})) " ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_member_of && member_of, first false
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA; "
" (Device_Member_of { SID(AA)} && Member_of { SID(WD)})) " ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_member_of && member_of, second false
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA; "
" (Device_Member_of { SID(BA)} && Member_of { SID(BA)})) " ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_member_of || member_of, both false
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
( " D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA; "
" (Device_Member_of { SID(AA)} || Member_of { SID(WR)})) " ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # device_claims, comparing composite to single
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_claims ' : { " colour " : [ " orange " , " blue " ] } } ,
( ' D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(@Device.colour == " blue " )) ' ) ,
0x10 ) ,
( # not (!) member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(! (Member_of { SID(AA)}))) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # not not (!!) member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(!(!( Member_of { SID(BA)})))) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # not * 8 (!!!! !!!!) member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(!(!( !(!( !(!( !(!(Member_of { SID(BA)})))))))))) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # not * 3 (!!!) member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(!(!(!(Member_of { SID(AA)}))))) " ,
0x10 ) ,
( # not * 3 (!!!) Not_Member_of
{ ' sids ' : [ ' WD ' , ' AA ' ] ,
' device_sids ' : [ ' BA ' , ' BG ' ] } ,
" D:(XA;;0x1f;;;AA;(!(!(!(Not_Member_of { SID(BA)}))))) " ,
0x10 ) ,