2020-06-11 17:38:51 +12:00
# Tests of malformed DNS packets
# Copyright (C) Catalyst.NET ltd
# written by Douglas Bagnall <douglas.bagnall@catalyst.net.nz>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
""" Sanity tests for DNS and NBT server parsing.
We don ' t use a proper client library so we can make improper packets.
import os
import struct
import socket
import select
from samba . dcerpc import dns , nbt
from samba . tests import TestCase
def _msg_id ( ) :
while True :
for i in range ( 1 , 0xffff ) :
yield i
SERVER = os . environ [ ' SERVER_IP ' ]
SERVER_NAME = f " { os . environ [ ' SERVER ' ] } . { os . environ [ ' REALM ' ] } "
def encode_netbios_bytes ( chars ) :
""" Even RFC 1002 uses distancing quotes when calling this " compression " . """
out = [ ]
chars = ( chars + b ' ' ) [ : 16 ]
for c in chars :
out . append ( ( c >> 4 ) + 65 )
out . append ( ( c & 15 ) + 65 )
return bytes ( out )
class TestDnsPacketBase ( TestCase ) :
msg_id = _msg_id ( )
def tearDown ( self ) :
# we need to ensure the DNS server is responsive before
# continuing.
for i in range ( 40 ) :
ok = self . _known_good_query ( )
if ok :
print ( f " the server is STILL unresponsive after { 40 * TIMEOUT } seconds " )
def decode_reply ( self , data ) :
header = data [ : 12 ]
id , flags , n_q , n_a , n_rec , n_exta = struct . unpack ( ' !6H ' ,
header )
return {
' rcode ' : flags & 0xf
def construct_query ( self , names ) :
""" Create a query packet containing one query record.
* names * is either a single string name in the usual dotted
form , or a list of names . In the latter case , each name can
be a dotted string or a list of byte components , which allows
dots in components . Where I say list , I mean non - string
iterable .
Examples :
# these 3 are all the same
" example.com "
[ " example.com " ]
[ [ b " example " , b " com " ] ]
# this is three names in the same request
[ " example.com " ,
[ b " example " , b " com " , b " ..! " ] ,
( b " first component " , b " 2nd component " ) ]
header = struct . pack ( ' !6H ' ,
next ( self . msg_id ) ,
0x0100 , # query, with recursion
len ( names ) , # number of queries
0x0000 , # no answers
0x0000 , # no records
0x0000 , # no extra records
tail = struct . pack ( ' !BHH ' ,
0x00 , # root node
self . qtype ,
0x0001 , # class IN-ternet
encoded_bits = [ ]
for name in names :
if isinstance ( name , str ) :
bits = name . encode ( ' utf8 ' ) . split ( b ' . ' )
else :
bits = name
for b in bits :
encoded_bits . append ( b ' %c %s ' % ( len ( b ) , b ) )
encoded_bits . append ( tail )
return header + b ' ' . join ( encoded_bits )
def _test_query ( self , names = ( ) , expected_rcode = None ) :
if isinstance ( names , str ) :
names = [ names ]
packet = self . construct_query ( names )
s = socket . socket ( socket . AF_INET , socket . SOCK_DGRAM )
s . sendto ( packet , self . server )
r , _ , _ = select . select ( [ s ] , [ ] , [ ] , TIMEOUT )
s . close ( )
# It is reasonable to not reply to these packets (Windows
# doesn't), but it is not reasonable to render the server
# unresponsive.
if r != [ s ] :
ok = self . _known_good_query ( )
self . assertTrue ( ok , f " the server is unresponsive " )
def _known_good_query ( self ) :
if self . server [ 1 ] == 53 :
expected_rcode = dns . DNS_RCODE_OK
else :
name = [ encode_netbios_bytes ( b ' nxdomain ' ) , b ' nxdomain ' ]
expected_rcode = nbt . NBT_RCODE_NAM
packet = self . construct_query ( [ name ] )
s = socket . socket ( socket . AF_INET , socket . SOCK_DGRAM )
s . sendto ( packet , self . server )
r , _ , _ = select . select ( [ s ] , [ ] , [ ] , TIMEOUT )
if r != [ s ] :
s . close ( )
return False
data , addr = s . recvfrom ( 4096 )
s . close ( )
rcode = self . decode_reply ( data ) [ ' rcode ' ]
return expected_rcode == rcode
2020-06-25 11:59:54 +12:00
def _test_empty_packet ( self ) :
packet = b " "
s = socket . socket ( socket . AF_INET , socket . SOCK_DGRAM )
s . sendto ( packet , self . server )
s . close ( )
# It is reasonable not to reply to an empty packet
# but it is not reasonable to render the server
# unresponsive.
ok = self . _known_good_query ( )
self . assertTrue ( ok , f " the server is unresponsive " )
2020-06-11 17:38:51 +12:00
class TestDnsPackets ( TestDnsPacketBase ) :
server = ( SERVER , 53 )
qtype = 1 # dns type A
def _test_many_repeated_components ( self , label , n , expected_rcode = None ) :
name = [ label ] * n
self . _test_query ( [ name ] ,
expected_rcode = expected_rcode )
def test_127_very_dotty_components ( self ) :
label = b ' . ' * 63
self . _test_many_repeated_components ( label , 127 )
def test_127_half_dotty_components ( self ) :
label = b ' x. ' * 31 + b ' x '
self . _test_many_repeated_components ( label , 127 )
2020-06-25 11:59:54 +12:00
def test_empty_packet ( self ) :
self . _test_empty_packet ( )
2020-06-11 17:38:51 +12:00
class TestNbtPackets ( TestDnsPacketBase ) :
server = ( SERVER , 137 )
qtype = 0x20 # NBT_QTYPE_NETBIOS
def _test_nbt_encode_query ( self , names , * args , * * kwargs ) :
if isinstance ( names , str ) :
names = [ names ]
nbt_names = [ ]
for name in names :
if isinstance ( name , str ) :
bits = name . encode ( ' utf8 ' ) . split ( b ' . ' )
else :
bits = name
encoded = [ encode_netbios_bytes ( bits [ 0 ] ) ]
encoded . extend ( bits [ 1 : ] )
nbt_names . append ( encoded )
self . _test_query ( nbt_names , * args , * * kwargs )
def _test_many_repeated_components ( self , label , n , expected_rcode = None ) :
name = [ label ] * n
name [ 0 ] = encode_netbios_bytes ( label )
self . _test_query ( [ name ] ,
expected_rcode = expected_rcode )
def test_127_very_dotty_components ( self ) :
label = b ' . ' * 63
self . _test_many_repeated_components ( label , 127 )
def test_127_half_dotty_components ( self ) :
label = b ' x. ' * 31 + b ' x '
self . _test_many_repeated_components ( label , 127 )
2020-06-25 11:59:54 +12:00
def test_empty_packet ( self ) :
self . _test_empty_packet ( )