2016-03-26 13:32:11 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2007-2015 (ita)
# Gustavo Carneiro (gjc), 2007
Support for Python , detect the headers and libraries and provide
* use * variables to link C / C + + programs against them : :
def options ( opt ) :
opt . load ( ' compiler_c python ' )
def configure ( conf ) :
conf . load ( ' compiler_c python ' )
conf . check_python_version ( ( 2 , 4 , 2 ) )
conf . check_python_headers ( )
def build ( bld ) :
bld . program ( features = ' pyembed ' , source = ' a.c ' , target = ' myprog ' )
bld . shlib ( features = ' pyext ' , source = ' b.c ' , target = ' mylib ' )
import os , sys
2018-01-31 11:48:43 +02:00
from waflib import Errors , Logs , Node , Options , Task , Utils
2016-03-26 13:32:11 +01:00
from waflib . TaskGen import extension , before_method , after_method , feature
from waflib . Configure import conf
FRAG = '''
#include <Python.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern " C " {
void Py_Initialize ( void ) ;
void Py_Finalize ( void ) ;
#ifdef __cplusplus
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
( void ) argc ; ( void ) argv ;
Py_Initialize ( ) ;
Py_Finalize ( ) ;
return 0 ;
Piece of C / C + + code used in : py : func : ` waflib . Tools . python . check_python_headers `
INST = '''
import sys , py_compile
py_compile . compile ( sys . argv [ 1 ] , sys . argv [ 2 ] , sys . argv [ 3 ] , True )
2018-01-31 11:48:43 +02:00
Piece of Python code used in : py : class : ` waflib . Tools . python . pyo ` and : py : class : ` waflib . Tools . python . pyc ` for byte - compiling python files
2016-03-26 13:32:11 +01:00
DISTUTILS_IMP = [ ' from distutils.sysconfig import get_config_var, get_python_lib ' ]
@before_method ( ' process_source ' )
@feature ( ' py ' )
def feature_py ( self ) :
Create tasks to byte - compile . py files and install them , if requested
self . install_path = getattr ( self , ' install_path ' , ' $ {PYTHONDIR} ' )
install_from = getattr ( self , ' install_from ' , None )
if install_from and not isinstance ( install_from , Node . Node ) :
install_from = self . path . find_dir ( install_from )
self . install_from = install_from
ver = self . env . PYTHON_VERSION
if not ver :
self . bld . fatal ( ' Installing python files requires PYTHON_VERSION, try conf.check_python_version ' )
if int ( ver . replace ( ' . ' , ' ' ) ) > 31 :
self . install_32 = True
@extension ( ' .py ' )
def process_py ( self , node ) :
Add signature of . py file , so it will be byte - compiled when necessary
2018-01-31 11:48:43 +02:00
assert ( hasattr ( self , ' install_path ' ) ) , ' add features= " py " '
2016-03-26 13:32:11 +01:00
# where to install the python file
if self . install_path :
if self . install_from :
self . add_install_files ( install_to = self . install_path , install_from = node , cwd = self . install_from , relative_trick = True )
else :
self . add_install_files ( install_to = self . install_path , install_from = node , relative_trick = True )
lst = [ ]
if self . env . PYC :
lst . append ( ' pyc ' )
if self . env . PYO :
lst . append ( ' pyo ' )
if self . install_path :
if self . install_from :
pyd = Utils . subst_vars ( " %s / %s " % ( self . install_path , node . path_from ( self . install_from ) ) , self . env )
else :
pyd = Utils . subst_vars ( " %s / %s " % ( self . install_path , node . path_from ( self . path ) ) , self . env )
else :
pyd = node . abspath ( )
for ext in lst :
if self . env . PYTAG and not self . env . NOPYCACHE :
# __pycache__ installation for python 3.2 - PEP 3147
name = node . name [ : - 3 ]
pyobj = node . parent . get_bld ( ) . make_node ( ' __pycache__ ' ) . make_node ( " %s . %s . %s " % ( name , self . env . PYTAG , ext ) )
pyobj . parent . mkdir ( )
else :
pyobj = node . change_ext ( " . %s " % ext )
tsk = self . create_task ( ext , node , pyobj )
tsk . pyd = pyd
if self . install_path :
self . add_install_files ( install_to = os . path . dirname ( pyd ) , install_from = pyobj , cwd = node . parent . get_bld ( ) , relative_trick = True )
class pyc ( Task . Task ) :
Byte - compiling python files
color = ' PINK '
def __str__ ( self ) :
node = self . outputs [ 0 ]
return node . path_from ( node . ctx . launch_node ( ) )
def run ( self ) :
cmd = [ Utils . subst_vars ( ' $ {PYTHON} ' , self . env ) , ' -c ' , INST , self . inputs [ 0 ] . abspath ( ) , self . outputs [ 0 ] . abspath ( ) , self . pyd ]
ret = self . generator . bld . exec_command ( cmd )
return ret
class pyo ( Task . Task ) :
Byte - compiling python files
color = ' PINK '
def __str__ ( self ) :
node = self . outputs [ 0 ]
return node . path_from ( node . ctx . launch_node ( ) )
def run ( self ) :
cmd = [ Utils . subst_vars ( ' $ {PYTHON} ' , self . env ) , Utils . subst_vars ( ' $ {PYFLAGS_OPT} ' , self . env ) , ' -c ' , INST , self . inputs [ 0 ] . abspath ( ) , self . outputs [ 0 ] . abspath ( ) , self . pyd ]
ret = self . generator . bld . exec_command ( cmd )
return ret
@feature ( ' pyext ' )
@before_method ( ' propagate_uselib_vars ' , ' apply_link ' )
@after_method ( ' apply_bundle ' )
def init_pyext ( self ) :
Change the values of * cshlib_PATTERN * and * cxxshlib_PATTERN * to remove the
* lib * prefix from library names .
self . uselib = self . to_list ( getattr ( self , ' uselib ' , [ ] ) )
if not ' PYEXT ' in self . uselib :
self . uselib . append ( ' PYEXT ' )
# override shlib_PATTERN set by the osx module
self . env . cshlib_PATTERN = self . env . cxxshlib_PATTERN = self . env . macbundle_PATTERN = self . env . pyext_PATTERN
self . env . fcshlib_PATTERN = self . env . dshlib_PATTERN = self . env . pyext_PATTERN
try :
if not self . install_path :
except AttributeError :
self . install_path = ' $ {PYTHONARCHDIR} '
@feature ( ' pyext ' )
@before_method ( ' apply_link ' , ' apply_bundle ' )
def set_bundle ( self ) :
""" Mac-specific pyext extension that enables bundles from c_osx.py """
if Utils . unversioned_sys_platform ( ) == ' darwin ' :
self . mac_bundle = True
@before_method ( ' propagate_uselib_vars ' )
@feature ( ' pyembed ' )
def init_pyembed ( self ) :
Add the PYEMBED variable .
self . uselib = self . to_list ( getattr ( self , ' uselib ' , [ ] ) )
if not ' PYEMBED ' in self . uselib :
self . uselib . append ( ' PYEMBED ' )
def get_python_variables ( self , variables , imports = None ) :
Spawn a new python process to dump configuration variables
: param variables : variables to print
: type variables : list of string
: param imports : one import by element
: type imports : list of string
: return : the variable values
: rtype : list of string
if not imports :
try :
imports = self . python_imports
except AttributeError :
program = list ( imports ) # copy
program . append ( ' ' )
for v in variables :
program . append ( " print(repr( %s )) " % v )
os_env = dict ( os . environ )
try :
del os_env [ ' MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET ' ] # see comments in the OSX tool
except KeyError :
try :
out = self . cmd_and_log ( self . env . PYTHON + [ ' -c ' , ' \n ' . join ( program ) ] , env = os_env )
except Errors . WafError :
self . fatal ( ' The distutils module is unusable: install " python-devel " ? ' )
self . to_log ( out )
return_values = [ ]
for s in out . splitlines ( ) :
s = s . strip ( )
if not s :
if s == ' None ' :
return_values . append ( None )
elif ( s [ 0 ] == " ' " and s [ - 1 ] == " ' " ) or ( s [ 0 ] == ' " ' and s [ - 1 ] == ' " ' ) :
return_values . append ( eval ( s ) )
elif s [ 0 ] . isdigit ( ) :
return_values . append ( int ( s ) )
else : break
return return_values
def test_pyembed ( self , mode , msg = ' Testing pyembed configuration ' ) :
self . check ( header_name = ' Python.h ' , define_name = ' HAVE_PYEMBED ' , msg = msg ,
fragment = FRAG , errmsg = ' Could not build a python embedded interpreter ' ,
features = ' %s %s program pyembed ' % ( mode , mode ) )
def test_pyext ( self , mode , msg = ' Testing pyext configuration ' ) :
self . check ( header_name = ' Python.h ' , define_name = ' HAVE_PYEXT ' , msg = msg ,
fragment = FRAG , errmsg = ' Could not build python extensions ' ,
features = ' %s %s shlib pyext ' % ( mode , mode ) )
def python_cross_compile ( self , features = ' pyembed pyext ' ) :
For cross - compilation purposes , it is possible to bypass the normal detection and set the flags that you want :
PYTHON_VERSION = ' 3.4 ' PYTAG = ' cpython34 ' pyext_PATTERN = " %s .so " PYTHON_LDFLAGS = ' -lpthread -ldl ' waf configure
The following variables are used :
PYTAG required
pyext_PATTERN required
features = Utils . to_list ( features )
if not ( ' PYTHON_LDFLAGS ' in self . environ or ' PYTHON_PYEXT_LDFLAGS ' in self . environ or ' PYTHON_PYEMBED_LDFLAGS ' in self . environ ) :
return False
for x in ' PYTHON_VERSION PYTAG pyext_PATTERN ' . split ( ) :
if not x in self . environ :
self . fatal ( ' Please set %s in the os environment ' % x )
else :
self . env [ x ] = self . environ [ x ]
xx = self . env . CXX_NAME and ' cxx ' or ' c '
if ' pyext ' in features :
flags = self . environ . get ( ' PYTHON_PYEXT_LDFLAGS ' , self . environ . get ( ' PYTHON_LDFLAGS ' ) )
if flags is None :
self . fatal ( ' No flags provided through PYTHON_PYEXT_LDFLAGS as required ' )
else :
self . parse_flags ( flags , ' PYEXT ' )
self . test_pyext ( xx )
if ' pyembed ' in features :
flags = self . environ . get ( ' PYTHON_PYEMBED_LDFLAGS ' , self . environ . get ( ' PYTHON_LDFLAGS ' ) )
if flags is None :
self . fatal ( ' No flags provided through PYTHON_PYEMBED_LDFLAGS as required ' )
else :
self . parse_flags ( flags , ' PYEMBED ' )
self . test_pyembed ( xx )
return True
def check_python_headers ( conf , features = ' pyembed pyext ' ) :
Check for headers and libraries necessary to extend or embed python by using the module * distutils * .
On success the environment variables xxx_PYEXT and xxx_PYEMBED are added :
* PYEXT : for compiling python extensions
* PYEMBED : for embedding a python interpreter
features = Utils . to_list ( features )
assert ( ' pyembed ' in features ) or ( ' pyext ' in features ) , " check_python_headers features must include ' pyembed ' and/or ' pyext ' "
env = conf . env
if not env . CC_NAME and not env . CXX_NAME :
conf . fatal ( ' load a compiler first (gcc, g++, ..) ' )
# bypass all the code below for cross-compilation
if conf . python_cross_compile ( features ) :
if not env . PYTHON_VERSION :
conf . check_python_version ( )
pybin = env . PYTHON
if not pybin :
conf . fatal ( ' Could not find the python executable ' )
# so we actually do all this for compatibility reasons and for obtaining pyext_PATTERN below
try :
lst = conf . get_python_variables ( [ " get_config_var( ' %s ' ) or ' ' " % x for x in v ] )
except RuntimeError :
conf . fatal ( " Python development headers not found (-v for details). " )
vals = [ ' %s = %r ' % ( x , y ) for ( x , y ) in zip ( v , lst ) ]
conf . to_log ( " Configuration returned from %r : \n %s \n " % ( pybin , ' \n ' . join ( vals ) ) )
dct = dict ( zip ( v , lst ) )
if dct [ x ] :
env [ x ] = conf . environ [ x ] = dct [ x ]
env . pyext_PATTERN = ' %s ' + dct [ ' SO ' ] # not a mistake
# Try to get pythonX.Y-config
num = ' . ' . join ( env . PYTHON_VERSION . split ( ' . ' ) [ : 2 ] )
conf . find_program ( [ ' ' . join ( pybin ) + ' -config ' , ' python %s -config ' % num , ' python-config- %s ' % num , ' python %s m-config ' % num ] , var = ' PYTHON_CONFIG ' , msg = " python-config " , mandatory = False )
if env . PYTHON_CONFIG :
# python2.6-config requires 3 runs
all_flags = [ [ ' --cflags ' , ' --libs ' , ' --ldflags ' ] ]
if sys . hexversion < 0x2070000 :
all_flags = [ [ k ] for k in all_flags [ 0 ] ]
xx = env . CXX_NAME and ' cxx ' or ' c '
if ' pyembed ' in features :
for flags in all_flags :
conf . check_cfg ( msg = ' Asking python-config for pyembed %r flags ' % ' ' . join ( flags ) , path = env . PYTHON_CONFIG , package = ' ' , uselib_store = ' PYEMBED ' , args = flags )
try :
conf . test_pyembed ( xx )
except conf . errors . ConfigurationError :
# python bug 7352
if dct [ ' Py_ENABLE_SHARED ' ] and dct [ ' LIBDIR ' ] :
env . append_unique ( ' LIBPATH_PYEMBED ' , [ dct [ ' LIBDIR ' ] ] )
conf . test_pyembed ( xx )
else :
if ' pyext ' in features :
for flags in all_flags :
conf . check_cfg ( msg = ' Asking python-config for pyext %r flags ' % ' ' . join ( flags ) , path = env . PYTHON_CONFIG , package = ' ' , uselib_store = ' PYEXT ' , args = flags )
try :
conf . test_pyext ( xx )
except conf . errors . ConfigurationError :
# python bug 7352
if dct [ ' Py_ENABLE_SHARED ' ] and dct [ ' LIBDIR ' ] :
env . append_unique ( ' LIBPATH_PYEXT ' , [ dct [ ' LIBDIR ' ] ] )
conf . test_pyext ( xx )
else :
conf . define ( ' HAVE_PYTHON_H ' , 1 )
# No python-config, do something else on windows systems
all_flags = dct [ ' LDFLAGS ' ] + ' ' + dct [ ' CFLAGS ' ]
conf . parse_flags ( all_flags , ' PYEMBED ' )
all_flags = dct [ ' LDFLAGS ' ] + ' ' + dct [ ' LDSHARED ' ] + ' ' + dct [ ' CFLAGS ' ]
conf . parse_flags ( all_flags , ' PYEXT ' )
result = None
if not dct [ " LDVERSION " ] :
dct [ " LDVERSION " ] = env . PYTHON_VERSION
# further simplification will be complicated
for name in ( ' python ' + dct [ ' LDVERSION ' ] , ' python ' + env . PYTHON_VERSION + ' m ' , ' python ' + env . PYTHON_VERSION . replace ( ' . ' , ' ' ) ) :
# LIBPATH_PYEMBED is already set; see if it works.
if not result and env . LIBPATH_PYEMBED :
path = env . LIBPATH_PYEMBED
conf . to_log ( " \n \n # Trying default LIBPATH_PYEMBED: %r \n " % path )
result = conf . check ( lib = name , uselib = ' PYEMBED ' , libpath = path , mandatory = False , msg = ' Checking for library %s in LIBPATH_PYEMBED ' % name )
if not result and dct [ ' LIBDIR ' ] :
path = [ dct [ ' LIBDIR ' ] ]
conf . to_log ( " \n \n # try again with -L$python_LIBDIR: %r \n " % path )
result = conf . check ( lib = name , uselib = ' PYEMBED ' , libpath = path , mandatory = False , msg = ' Checking for library %s in LIBDIR ' % name )
if not result and dct [ ' LIBPL ' ] :
path = [ dct [ ' LIBPL ' ] ]
conf . to_log ( " \n \n # try again with -L$python_LIBPL (some systems don ' t install the python library in $prefix/lib) \n " )
result = conf . check ( lib = name , uselib = ' PYEMBED ' , libpath = path , mandatory = False , msg = ' Checking for library %s in python_LIBPL ' % name )
if not result :
path = [ os . path . join ( dct [ ' prefix ' ] , " libs " ) ]
conf . to_log ( " \n \n # try again with -L$prefix/libs, and pythonXY name rather than pythonX.Y (win32) \n " )
result = conf . check ( lib = name , uselib = ' PYEMBED ' , libpath = path , mandatory = False , msg = ' Checking for library %s in $prefix/libs ' % name )
if result :
break # do not forget to set LIBPATH_PYEMBED
if result :
env . LIBPATH_PYEMBED = path
env . append_value ( ' LIB_PYEMBED ' , [ name ] )
else :
conf . to_log ( " \n \n ### LIB NOT FOUND \n " )
# under certain conditions, python extensions must link to
# python libraries, not just python embedding programs.
if Utils . is_win32 or dct [ ' Py_ENABLE_SHARED ' ] :
conf . to_log ( " Include path for Python extensions (found via distutils module): %r \n " % ( dct [ ' INCLUDEPY ' ] , ) )
env . INCLUDES_PYEXT = [ dct [ ' INCLUDEPY ' ] ]
env . INCLUDES_PYEMBED = [ dct [ ' INCLUDEPY ' ] ]
# Code using the Python API needs to be compiled with -fno-strict-aliasing
if env . CC_NAME == ' gcc ' :
env . append_value ( ' CFLAGS_PYEMBED ' , [ ' -fno-strict-aliasing ' ] )
env . append_value ( ' CFLAGS_PYEXT ' , [ ' -fno-strict-aliasing ' ] )
if env . CXX_NAME == ' gcc ' :
env . append_value ( ' CXXFLAGS_PYEMBED ' , [ ' -fno-strict-aliasing ' ] )
env . append_value ( ' CXXFLAGS_PYEXT ' , [ ' -fno-strict-aliasing ' ] )
if env . CC_NAME == " msvc " :
from distutils . msvccompiler import MSVCCompiler
dist_compiler = MSVCCompiler ( )
dist_compiler . initialize ( )
env . append_value ( ' CFLAGS_PYEXT ' , dist_compiler . compile_options )
env . append_value ( ' CXXFLAGS_PYEXT ' , dist_compiler . compile_options )
env . append_value ( ' LINKFLAGS_PYEXT ' , dist_compiler . ldflags_shared )
# See if it compiles
conf . check ( header_name = ' Python.h ' , define_name = ' HAVE_PYTHON_H ' , uselib = ' PYEMBED ' , fragment = FRAG , errmsg = ' Distutils not installed? Broken python installation? Get python-config now! ' )
def check_python_version ( conf , minver = None ) :
Check if the python interpreter is found matching a given minimum version .
minver should be a tuple , eg . to check for python > = 2.4 .2 pass ( 2 , 4 , 2 ) as minver .
2018-09-05 09:58:21 +12:00
If successful , PYTHON_VERSION is defined as ' MAJOR.MINOR '
( eg . ' 2.4 ' ) of the actual python version found , and PYTHONDIR is
defined , pointing to the site - packages directory appropriate for
2016-03-26 13:32:11 +01:00
this python version , where modules / packages / extensions should be
installed .
: param minver : minimum version
: type minver : tuple of int
assert minver is None or isinstance ( minver , tuple )
pybin = conf . env . PYTHON
if not pybin :
conf . fatal ( ' could not find the python executable ' )
# Get python version string
cmd = pybin + [ ' -c ' , ' import sys \n for x in sys.version_info: print(str(x)) ' ]
Logs . debug ( ' python: Running python command %r ' , cmd )
lines = conf . cmd_and_log ( cmd ) . split ( )
assert len ( lines ) == 5 , " found %r lines, expected 5: %r " % ( len ( lines ) , lines )
pyver_tuple = ( int ( lines [ 0 ] ) , int ( lines [ 1 ] ) , int ( lines [ 2 ] ) , lines [ 3 ] , int ( lines [ 4 ] ) )
# Compare python version with the minimum required
result = ( minver is None ) or ( pyver_tuple > = minver )
if result :
# define useful environment variables
pyver = ' . ' . join ( [ str ( x ) for x in pyver_tuple [ : 2 ] ] )
conf . env . PYTHON_VERSION = pyver
if ' PYTHONDIR ' in conf . env :
# Check if --pythondir was specified
pydir = conf . env . PYTHONDIR
elif ' PYTHONDIR ' in conf . environ :
# Check environment for PYTHONDIR
pydir = conf . environ [ ' PYTHONDIR ' ]
else :
# Finally, try to guess
if Utils . is_win32 :
( python_LIBDEST , pydir ) = conf . get_python_variables (
[ " get_config_var( ' LIBDEST ' ) or ' ' " ,
" get_python_lib(standard_lib=0) or ' ' " ] )
else :
python_LIBDEST = None
( pydir , ) = conf . get_python_variables ( [ " get_python_lib(standard_lib=0, prefix= %r ) or ' ' " % conf . env . PREFIX ] )
if python_LIBDEST is None :
if conf . env . LIBDIR :
python_LIBDEST = os . path . join ( conf . env . LIBDIR , ' python ' + pyver )
else :
python_LIBDEST = os . path . join ( conf . env . PREFIX , ' lib ' , ' python ' + pyver )
if ' PYTHONARCHDIR ' in conf . env :
# Check if --pythonarchdir was specified
pyarchdir = conf . env . PYTHONARCHDIR
elif ' PYTHONARCHDIR ' in conf . environ :
# Check environment for PYTHONDIR
pyarchdir = conf . environ [ ' PYTHONARCHDIR ' ]
else :
# Finally, try to guess
( pyarchdir , ) = conf . get_python_variables ( [ " get_python_lib(plat_specific=1, standard_lib=0, prefix= %r ) or ' ' " % conf . env . PREFIX ] )
if not pyarchdir :
pyarchdir = pydir
if hasattr ( conf , ' define ' ) : # conf.define is added by the C tool, so may not exist
conf . define ( ' PYTHONDIR ' , pydir )
conf . define ( ' PYTHONARCHDIR ' , pyarchdir )
conf . env . PYTHONDIR = pydir
conf . env . PYTHONARCHDIR = pyarchdir
# Feedback
pyver_full = ' . ' . join ( map ( str , pyver_tuple [ : 3 ] ) )
if minver is None :
conf . msg ( ' Checking for python version ' , pyver_full )
else :
minver_str = ' . ' . join ( map ( str , minver ) )
conf . msg ( ' Checking for python version >= %s ' % ( minver_str , ) , pyver_full , color = result and ' GREEN ' or ' YELLOW ' )
if not result :
conf . fatal ( ' The python version is too old, expecting %r ' % ( minver , ) )
import % s as current_module
version = getattr ( current_module , ' __version__ ' , None )
if version is not None :
print ( str ( version ) )
else :
print ( ' unknown version ' )
def check_python_module ( conf , module_name , condition = ' ' ) :
Check if the selected python interpreter can import the given python module : :
def configure ( conf ) :
conf . check_python_module ( ' pygccxml ' )
conf . check_python_module ( ' re ' , condition = " ver > num(2, 0, 4) and ver <= num(3, 0, 0) " )
: param module_name : module
: type module_name : string
msg = " Checking for python module %r " % module_name
if condition :
msg = ' %s ( %s ) ' % ( msg , condition )
conf . start_msg ( msg )
try :
ret = conf . cmd_and_log ( conf . env . PYTHON + [ ' -c ' , PYTHON_MODULE_TEMPLATE % module_name ] )
2018-01-31 11:48:43 +02:00
except Errors . WafError :
2016-03-26 13:32:11 +01:00
conf . end_msg ( False )
conf . fatal ( ' Could not find the python module %r ' % module_name )
ret = ret . strip ( )
if condition :
conf . end_msg ( ret )
if ret == ' unknown version ' :
conf . fatal ( ' Could not check the %s version ' % module_name )
from distutils . version import LooseVersion
def num ( * k ) :
if isinstance ( k [ 0 ] , int ) :
return LooseVersion ( ' . ' . join ( [ str ( x ) for x in k ] ) )
else :
return LooseVersion ( k [ 0 ] )
d = { ' num ' : num , ' ver ' : LooseVersion ( ret ) }
ev = eval ( condition , { } , d )
if not ev :
conf . fatal ( ' The %s version does not satisfy the requirements ' % module_name )
else :
if ret == ' unknown version ' :
conf . end_msg ( True )
else :
conf . end_msg ( ret )
def configure ( conf ) :
Detect the python interpreter
v = conf . env
if getattr ( Options . options , ' pythondir ' , None ) :
v . PYTHONDIR = Options . options . pythondir
if getattr ( Options . options , ' pythonarchdir ' , None ) :
v . PYTHONARCHDIR = Options . options . pythonarchdir
if getattr ( Options . options , ' nopycache ' , None ) :
v . NOPYCACHE = Options . options . nopycache
if not v . PYTHON :
2018-01-31 11:48:43 +02:00
v . PYTHON = [ getattr ( Options . options , ' python ' , None ) or sys . executable ]
2016-03-26 13:32:11 +01:00
v . PYTHON = Utils . to_list ( v . PYTHON )
conf . find_program ( ' python ' , var = ' PYTHON ' )
v . PYFLAGS = ' '
v . PYFLAGS_OPT = ' -O '
v . PYC = getattr ( Options . options , ' pyc ' , 1 )
v . PYO = getattr ( Options . options , ' pyo ' , 1 )
try :
v . PYTAG = conf . cmd_and_log ( conf . env . PYTHON + [ ' -c ' , " import imp;print(imp.get_tag()) " ] ) . strip ( )
except Errors . WafError :
def options ( opt ) :
Add python - specific options
pyopt = opt . add_option_group ( " Python Options " )
pyopt . add_option ( ' --nopyc ' , dest = ' pyc ' , action = ' store_false ' , default = 1 ,
help = ' Do not install bytecode compiled .pyc files (configuration) [Default:install] ' )
pyopt . add_option ( ' --nopyo ' , dest = ' pyo ' , action = ' store_false ' , default = 1 ,
help = ' Do not install optimised compiled .pyo files (configuration) [Default:install] ' )
pyopt . add_option ( ' --nopycache ' , dest = ' nopycache ' , action = ' store_true ' ,
help = ' Do not use __pycache__ directory to install objects [Default:auto] ' )
pyopt . add_option ( ' --python ' , dest = " python " ,
help = ' python binary to be used [Default: %s ] ' % sys . executable )
pyopt . add_option ( ' --pythondir ' , dest = ' pythondir ' ,
help = ' Installation path for python modules (py, platform-independent .py and .pyc files) ' )
pyopt . add_option ( ' --pythonarchdir ' , dest = ' pythonarchdir ' ,
help = ' Installation path for python extension (pyext, platform-dependent .so or .dylib files) ' )
2018-01-31 11:48:43 +02:00