2018-12-12 13:40:43 +13:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Tests that confidential attributes (or attributes protected by a ACL that
# denies read access) cannot be guessed through wildcard DB searches.
# Copyright (C) Catalyst.Net Ltd
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import optparse
import sys
sys . path . insert ( 0 , " bin/python " )
import samba
2023-01-27 08:32:41 +13:00
import random
import statistics
import time
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
from samba . tests . subunitrun import SubunitOptions , TestProgram
import samba . getopt as options
from ldb import SCOPE_BASE , SCOPE_SUBTREE
2023-08-08 14:30:19 +12:00
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
from ldb import Message , MessageElement , Dn
from samba . auth import system_session
from samba import gensec , sd_utils
from samba . samdb import SamDB
from samba . credentials import Credentials , DONT_USE_KERBEROS
2023-08-08 14:30:19 +12:00
from samba . dcerpc import security
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
import samba . tests
import samba . dsdb
parser = optparse . OptionParser ( " confidential_attr.py [options] <host> " )
sambaopts = options . SambaOptions ( parser )
parser . add_option_group ( sambaopts )
parser . add_option_group ( options . VersionOptions ( parser ) )
# use command line creds if available
credopts = options . CredentialsOptions ( parser )
parser . add_option_group ( credopts )
subunitopts = SubunitOptions ( parser )
parser . add_option_group ( subunitopts )
opts , args = parser . parse_args ( )
if len ( args ) < 1 :
parser . print_usage ( )
sys . exit ( 1 )
host = args [ 0 ]
if " :// " not in host :
ldaphost = " ldap:// %s " % host
else :
ldaphost = host
start = host . rindex ( " :// " )
host = host . lstrip ( start + 3 )
lp = sambaopts . get_loadparm ( )
creds = credopts . get_credentials ( lp )
creds . set_gensec_features ( creds . get_gensec_features ( ) | gensec . FEATURE_SEAL )
# Tests start here
class ConfidentialAttrCommon ( samba . tests . TestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( ConfidentialAttrCommon , self ) . setUp ( )
self . ldb_admin = SamDB ( ldaphost , credentials = creds ,
session_info = system_session ( lp ) , lp = lp )
self . user_pass = " samba123@ "
self . base_dn = self . ldb_admin . domain_dn ( )
self . schema_dn = self . ldb_admin . get_schema_basedn ( )
self . sd_utils = sd_utils . SDUtils ( self . ldb_admin )
# the tests work by setting the 'Confidential' bit in the searchFlags
# for an existing schema attribute. This only works against Windows if
# the systemFlags does not have FLAG_SCHEMA_BASE_OBJECT set for the
# schema attribute being modified. There are only a few attributes that
# meet this criteria (most of which only apply to 'user' objects)
self . conf_attr = " homePostalAddress "
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
attr_cn = " CN=Address-Home "
# schemaIdGuid for homePostalAddress (used for ACE tests)
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . conf_attr_guid = " 16775781-47f3-11d1-a9c3-0000f80367c1 "
self . conf_attr_sec_guid = " 77b5b886-944a-11d1-aebd-0000f80367c1 "
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
self . attr_dn = " {0} , {1} " . format ( attr_cn , self . schema_dn )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
userou = " OU=conf-attr-test "
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
self . ou = " {0} , {1} " . format ( userou , self . base_dn )
2023-08-07 13:15:40 +12:00
samba . tests . delete_force ( self . ldb_admin , self . ou , controls = [ ' tree_delete:1 ' ] )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . ldb_admin . create_ou ( self . ou )
2023-08-07 13:15:40 +12:00
self . addCleanup ( samba . tests . delete_force , self . ldb_admin , self . ou , controls = [ ' tree_delete:1 ' ] )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# use a common username prefix, so we can use sAMAccountName=CATC-* as
# a search filter to only return the users we're interested in
self . user_prefix = " catc- "
# add a test object with this attribute set
self . conf_value = " abcdef "
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
self . conf_user = " {0} conf-user " . format ( self . user_prefix )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . ldb_admin . newuser ( self . conf_user , self . user_pass , userou = userou )
self . conf_dn = self . get_user_dn ( self . conf_user )
self . add_attr ( self . conf_dn , self . conf_attr , self . conf_value )
# add a sneaky user that will try to steal our secrets
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
self . user = " {0} sneaky-user " . format ( self . user_prefix )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . ldb_admin . newuser ( self . user , self . user_pass , userou = userou )
self . ldb_user = self . get_ldb_connection ( self . user , self . user_pass )
self . all_users = [ self . user , self . conf_user ]
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
# add some other users that also have confidential attributes, so we
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# check we don't disclose their details, particularly in '!' searches
for i in range ( 1 , 3 ) :
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
username = " {0} other-user {1} " . format ( self . user_prefix , i )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . ldb_admin . newuser ( username , self . user_pass , userou = userou )
userdn = self . get_user_dn ( username )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
self . add_attr ( userdn , self . conf_attr , " xyz {0} " . format ( i ) )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . all_users . append ( username )
# there are 4 users in the OU, plus the OU itself
self . test_dn = self . ou
self . total_objects = len ( self . all_users ) + 1
self . objects_with_attr = 3
# sanity-check the flag is not already set (this'll cause problems if
# previous test run didn't clean up properly)
2023-08-07 14:44:28 +12:00
search_flags = int ( self . get_attr_search_flags ( self . attr_dn ) )
2023-08-08 14:30:19 +12:00
self . set_attr_search_flags ( self . attr_dn , str ( search_flags & ~ ( SEARCH_FLAG_CONFIDENTIAL | SEARCH_FLAG_RODC_ATTRIBUTE ) ) )
2023-08-07 14:44:28 +12:00
search_flags = int ( self . get_attr_search_flags ( self . attr_dn ) )
2023-08-08 14:30:19 +12:00
self . assertEqual ( 0 , search_flags & ( SEARCH_FLAG_CONFIDENTIAL | SEARCH_FLAG_RODC_ATTRIBUTE ) ,
f " { self . conf_attr } searchFlags did not reset to omit SEARCH_FLAG_CONFIDENTIAL and SEARCH_FLAG_RODC_ATTRIBUTE ( { search_flags } ) " )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
def add_attr ( self , dn , attr , value ) :
m = Message ( )
m . dn = Dn ( self . ldb_admin , dn )
m [ attr ] = MessageElement ( value , FLAG_MOD_ADD , attr )
self . ldb_admin . modify ( m )
def set_attr_search_flags ( self , attr_dn , flags ) :
""" Modifies the searchFlags for an object in the schema """
m = Message ( )
m . dn = Dn ( self . ldb_admin , attr_dn )
m [ ' searchFlags ' ] = MessageElement ( flags , FLAG_MOD_REPLACE ,
' searchFlags ' )
self . ldb_admin . modify ( m )
# note we have to update the schema for this change to take effect (on
# Windows, at least)
self . ldb_admin . set_schema_update_now ( )
def get_attr_search_flags ( self , attr_dn ) :
""" Marks the attribute under test as being confidential """
res = self . ldb_admin . search ( attr_dn , scope = SCOPE_BASE ,
attrs = [ ' searchFlags ' ] )
return res [ 0 ] [ ' searchFlags ' ] [ 0 ]
def make_attr_confidential ( self ) :
""" Marks the attribute under test as being confidential """
# work out the original 'searchFlags' value before we overwrite it
old_value = self . get_attr_search_flags ( self . attr_dn )
self . set_attr_search_flags ( self . attr_dn , str ( SEARCH_FLAG_CONFIDENTIAL ) )
# reset the value after the test completes
self . addCleanup ( self . set_attr_search_flags , self . attr_dn , old_value )
def get_user_dn ( self , name ) :
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
return " CN= {0} , {1} " . format ( name , self . ou )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
def get_user_sid_string ( self , username ) :
user_dn = self . get_user_dn ( username )
user_sid = self . sd_utils . get_object_sid ( user_dn )
return str ( user_sid )
def get_ldb_connection ( self , target_username , target_password ) :
creds_tmp = Credentials ( )
creds_tmp . set_username ( target_username )
creds_tmp . set_password ( target_password )
creds_tmp . set_domain ( creds . get_domain ( ) )
creds_tmp . set_realm ( creds . get_realm ( ) )
creds_tmp . set_workstation ( creds . get_workstation ( ) )
features = creds_tmp . get_gensec_features ( ) | gensec . FEATURE_SEAL
creds_tmp . set_gensec_features ( features )
creds_tmp . set_kerberos_state ( DONT_USE_KERBEROS )
ldb_target = SamDB ( url = ldaphost , credentials = creds_tmp , lp = lp )
return ldb_target
def assert_search_result ( self , expected_num , expr , samdb ) :
# try asking for different attributes back: None/all, the confidential
# attribute itself, and a random unrelated attribute
attr_filters = [ None , [ " * " ] , [ self . conf_attr ] , [ ' name ' ] ]
for attr in attr_filters :
res = samdb . search ( self . test_dn , expression = expr ,
scope = SCOPE_SUBTREE , attrs = attr )
2023-01-27 07:43:40 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( len ( res ) , expected_num ,
" %u results, not %u for search %s , attr %s " %
( len ( res ) , expected_num , expr , str ( attr ) ) )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# return a selection of searches that match exactly against the test object
def get_exact_match_searches ( self ) :
first_char = self . conf_value [ : 1 ]
last_char = self . conf_value [ - 1 : ]
test_attr = self . conf_attr
searches = [
# search for the attribute using a sub-string wildcard
# (which could reveal the attribute's actual value)
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" ( {0} = {1} *) " . format ( test_attr , first_char ) ,
" ( {0} =* {1} ) " . format ( test_attr , last_char ) ,
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# sanity-check equality against an exact match on value
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" ( {0} = {1} ) " . format ( test_attr , self . conf_value ) ,
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# '~=' searches don't work against Samba
# sanity-check an approx search against an exact match on value
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
# "({0}~={1})".format(test_attr, self.conf_value),
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# check wildcard in an AND search...
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" (&( {0} = {1} *)(objectclass=*)) " . format ( test_attr , first_char ) ,
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# ...an OR search (against another term that will never match)
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" (|( {0} = {1} *)(objectclass=banana)) " . format ( test_attr , first_char ) ]
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
return searches
# return searches that match any object with the attribute under test
def get_match_all_searches ( self ) :
searches = [
# check a full wildcard against the confidential attribute
# (which could reveal the attribute's presence/absence)
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" ( {0} =*) " . format ( self . conf_attr ) ,
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# check wildcard in an AND search...
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" (&(objectclass=*)( {0} =*)) " . format ( self . conf_attr ) ,
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# ...an OR search (against another term that will never match)
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" (|(objectclass=banana)( {0} =*)) " . format ( self . conf_attr ) ,
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# check <=, and >= expressions that would normally find a match
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" ( {0} >=0) " . format ( self . conf_attr ) ,
" ( {0} <=ZZZZZZZZZZZ) " . format ( self . conf_attr ) ]
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
return searches
def assert_conf_attr_searches ( self , has_rights_to = 0 , samdb = None ) :
""" Check searches against the attribute under test work as expected """
if samdb is None :
samdb = self . ldb_user
if has_rights_to == " all " :
has_rights_to = self . objects_with_attr
# these first few searches we just expect to match against the one
# object under test that we're trying to guess the value of
expected_num = 1 if has_rights_to > 0 else 0
for search in self . get_exact_match_searches ( ) :
self . assert_search_result ( expected_num , search , samdb )
# these next searches will match any objects we have rights to see
expected_num = has_rights_to
for search in self . get_match_all_searches ( ) :
self . assert_search_result ( expected_num , search , samdb )
# The following are double negative searches (i.e. NOT non-matching-
# condition) which will therefore match ALL objects, including the test
# object(s).
def get_negative_match_all_searches ( self ) :
first_char = self . conf_value [ : 1 ]
last_char = self . conf_value [ - 1 : ]
not_first_char = chr ( ord ( first_char ) + 1 )
not_last_char = chr ( ord ( last_char ) + 1 )
searches = [
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" (!( {0} = {1} *)) " . format ( self . conf_attr , not_first_char ) ,
" (!( {0} =* {1} )) " . format ( self . conf_attr , not_last_char ) ]
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
return searches
# the following searches will not match against the test object(s). So
# a user with sufficient rights will see an inverse sub-set of objects.
# (An unprivileged user would either see all objects on Windows, or no
# objects on Samba)
def get_inverse_match_searches ( self ) :
first_char = self . conf_value [ : 1 ]
last_char = self . conf_value [ - 1 : ]
searches = [
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" (!( {0} = {1} *)) " . format ( self . conf_attr , first_char ) ,
" (!( {0} =* {1} )) " . format ( self . conf_attr , last_char ) ]
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
return searches
def negative_searches_all_rights ( self , total_objects = None ) :
expected_results = { }
if total_objects is None :
total_objects = self . total_objects
# these searches should match ALL objects (including the OU)
for search in self . get_negative_match_all_searches ( ) :
expected_results [ search ] = total_objects
# a ! wildcard should only match the objects without the attribute
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
search = " (!( {0} =*)) " . format ( self . conf_attr )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
expected_results [ search ] = total_objects - self . objects_with_attr
# whereas the inverse searches should match all objects *except* the
# one under test
for search in self . get_inverse_match_searches ( ) :
expected_results [ search ] = total_objects - 1
return expected_results
# Returns the expected negative (i.e. '!') search behaviour when talking to
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# a DC, i.e. we assert that users
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# without rights always see ALL objects in '!' searches
def negative_searches_return_all ( self , has_rights_to = 0 ,
total_objects = None ) :
""" Asserts user without rights cannot see objects in ' ! ' searches """
expected_results = { }
if total_objects is None :
total_objects = self . total_objects
# Windows 'hides' objects by always returning all of them, so negative
# searches that match all objects will simply return all objects
for search in self . get_negative_match_all_searches ( ) :
expected_results [ search ] = total_objects
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
# if we're matching on everything except the one object under test
# (i.e. the inverse subset), we'll still see all objects if
# has_rights_to == 0. Or we'll see all bar one if has_rights_to == 1.
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
inverse_searches = self . get_inverse_match_searches ( )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
inverse_searches + = [ " (!( {0} =*)) " . format ( self . conf_attr ) ]
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
for search in inverse_searches :
expected_results [ search ] = total_objects - has_rights_to
return expected_results
# Returns the expected negative (i.e. '!') search behaviour. This varies
# depending on what type of DC we're talking to (i.e. Windows or Samba)
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
# and what access rights the user has.
# Note we only handle has_rights_to="all", 1 (the test object), or 0 (i.e.
# we don't have rights to any objects)
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def negative_search_expected_results ( self , has_rights_to , total_objects = None ) :
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
if has_rights_to == " all " :
expect_results = self . negative_searches_all_rights ( total_objects )
else :
expect_results = self . negative_searches_return_all ( has_rights_to ,
total_objects )
return expect_results
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
def assert_negative_searches ( self , has_rights_to = 0 , samdb = None ) :
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
""" Asserts user without rights cannot see objects in ' ! ' searches """
if samdb is None :
samdb = self . ldb_user
# build a dictionary of key=search-expr, value=expected_num assertions
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expected_results = self . negative_search_expected_results ( has_rights_to )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
for search , expected_num in expected_results . items ( ) :
self . assert_search_result ( expected_num , search , samdb )
def assert_attr_returned ( self , expect_attr , samdb , attrs ) :
# does a query that should always return a successful result, and
# checks whether the confidential attribute is present
res = samdb . search ( self . conf_dn , expression = " (objectClass=*) " ,
scope = SCOPE_SUBTREE , attrs = attrs )
2023-01-27 07:43:40 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( res ) )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
attr_returned = False
for msg in res :
if self . conf_attr in msg :
attr_returned = True
self . assertEqual ( expect_attr , attr_returned )
def assert_attr_visible ( self , expect_attr , samdb = None ) :
if samdb is None :
samdb = self . ldb_user
# sanity-check confidential attribute is/isn't returned as expected
# based on the filter attributes we ask for
self . assert_attr_returned ( expect_attr , samdb , attrs = None )
self . assert_attr_returned ( expect_attr , samdb , attrs = [ " * " ] )
self . assert_attr_returned ( expect_attr , samdb , attrs = [ self . conf_attr ] )
# filtering on a different attribute should never return the conf_attr
self . assert_attr_returned ( expect_attr = False , samdb = samdb ,
attrs = [ ' name ' ] )
def assert_attr_visible_to_admin ( self ) :
# sanity-check the admin user can always see the confidential attribute
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " ,
samdb = self . ldb_admin )
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " ,
samdb = self . ldb_admin )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = True , samdb = self . ldb_admin )
class ConfidentialAttrTest ( ConfidentialAttrCommon ) :
def test_basic_search ( self ) :
""" Basic test confidential attributes aren ' t disclosed via searches """
# check we can see a non-confidential attribute in a basic searches
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " )
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " )
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = True )
# now make the attribute confidential. Repeat the tests and check that
# an ordinary user can't see the attribute, or indirectly match on the
# attribute via the search expression
self . make_attr_confidential ( )
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = False )
# sanity-check we haven't hidden the attribute from the admin as well
self . assert_attr_visible_to_admin ( )
def _test_search_with_allow_acl ( self , allow_ace ) :
""" Checks a ACE with ' CR ' rights can override a confidential attr """
# make the test attribute confidential and check user can't see it
self . make_attr_confidential ( )
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = False )
# apply the allow ACE to the object under test
self . sd_utils . dacl_add_ace ( self . conf_dn , allow_ace )
# the user should now be able to see the attribute for the one object
# we gave it rights to
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = 1 )
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self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = 1 )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = True )
# sanity-check the admin can still see the attribute
self . assert_attr_visible_to_admin ( )
def test_search_with_attr_acl_override ( self ) :
""" Make the confidential attr visible via an OA attr ACE """
# set the SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS bit ('CR') for the user for the
# attribute under test, so the user can see it once more
user_sid = self . get_user_sid_string ( self . user )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (OA;;CR; {0} ;; {1} ) " . format ( self . conf_attr_guid , user_sid )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . _test_search_with_allow_acl ( ace )
def test_search_with_propset_acl_override ( self ) :
""" Make the confidential attr visible via a Property-set ACE """
# set the SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS bit ('CR') for the user for the
# property-set containing the attribute under test (i.e. the
# attributeSecurityGuid), so the user can see it once more
user_sid = self . get_user_sid_string ( self . user )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (OA;;CR; {0} ;; {1} ) " . format ( self . conf_attr_sec_guid , user_sid )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . _test_search_with_allow_acl ( ace )
def test_search_with_acl_override ( self ) :
""" Make the confidential attr visible via a general ' allow ' ACE """
# set the allow SEC_ADS_CONTROL_ACCESS bit ('CR') for the user
user_sid = self . get_user_sid_string ( self . user )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (A;;CR;;; {0} ) " . format ( user_sid )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . _test_search_with_allow_acl ( ace )
def test_search_with_blanket_oa_acl ( self ) :
""" Make the confidential attr visible via a non-specific OA ACE """
# this just checks that an Object Access (OA) ACE without a GUID
# specified will work the same as an 'Access' (A) ACE
user_sid = self . get_user_sid_string ( self . user )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (OA;;CR;;; {0} ) " . format ( user_sid )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . _test_search_with_allow_acl ( ace )
def _test_search_with_neutral_acl ( self , neutral_ace ) :
""" Checks that a user does NOT gain access via an unrelated ACE """
# make the test attribute confidential and check user can't see it
self . make_attr_confidential ( )
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = False )
# apply the ACE to the object under test
self . sd_utils . dacl_add_ace ( self . conf_dn , neutral_ace )
# this should make no difference to the user's ability to see the attr
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = False )
# sanity-check the admin can still see the attribute
self . assert_attr_visible_to_admin ( )
def test_search_with_neutral_acl ( self ) :
""" Give the user all rights *except* CR for any attributes """
# give the user all rights *except* CR and check it makes no difference
user_sid = self . get_user_sid_string ( self . user )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (A;;RPWPCCDCLCLORCWOWDSDDTSW;;; {0} ) " . format ( user_sid )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . _test_search_with_neutral_acl ( ace )
def test_search_with_neutral_attr_acl ( self ) :
""" Give the user all rights *except* CR for the attribute under test """
# giving user all OA rights *except* CR should make no difference
user_sid = self . get_user_sid_string ( self . user )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (OA;; {0} ; {1} ;; {2} ) " . format ( rights , self . conf_attr_guid , user_sid )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . _test_search_with_neutral_acl ( ace )
def test_search_with_neutral_cr_acl ( self ) :
""" Give the user CR rights for *another* unrelated attribute """
# giving user object-access CR rights to an unrelated attribute
user_sid = self . get_user_sid_string ( self . user )
# use the GUID for sAMAccountName here (for no particular reason)
unrelated_attr = " 3e0abfd0-126a-11d0-a060-00aa006c33ed "
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (OA;;CR; {0} ;; {1} ) " . format ( unrelated_attr , user_sid )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . _test_search_with_neutral_acl ( ace )
# Check that a Deny ACL on an attribute doesn't reveal confidential info
class ConfidentialAttrTestDenyAcl ( ConfidentialAttrCommon ) :
def assert_not_in_result ( self , res , exclude_dn ) :
for msg in res :
self . assertNotEqual ( msg . dn , exclude_dn ,
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" Search revealed object {0} " . format ( exclude_dn ) )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# deny ACL tests are slightly different as we are only denying access to
# the one object under test (rather than any objects with that attribute).
# Therefore we need an extra check that we don't reveal the test object
# in the search, if we're not supposed to
def assert_search_result ( self , expected_num , expr , samdb ,
excl_testobj = False ) :
# try asking for different attributes back: None/all, the confidential
# attribute itself, and a random unrelated attribute
attr_filters = [ None , [ " * " ] , [ self . conf_attr ] , [ ' name ' ] ]
for attr in attr_filters :
res = samdb . search ( self . test_dn , expression = expr ,
scope = SCOPE_SUBTREE , attrs = attr )
2023-01-27 07:43:40 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( len ( res ) , expected_num ,
" %u results, not %u for search %s , attr %s " %
( len ( res ) , expected_num , expr , str ( attr ) ) )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# assert we haven't revealed the hidden test-object
if excl_testobj :
self . assert_not_in_result ( res , exclude_dn = self . conf_dn )
# we make a few tweaks to the regular version of this function to cater to
# denying specifically one object via an ACE
def assert_conf_attr_searches ( self , has_rights_to = 0 , samdb = None ) :
""" Check searches against the attribute under test work as expected """
if samdb is None :
samdb = self . ldb_user
# make sure the test object is not returned if we've been denied rights
# to it via an ACE
2023-01-27 07:43:40 +13:00
excl_testobj = has_rights_to == " deny-one "
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# these first few searches we just expect to match against the one
# object under test that we're trying to guess the value of
expected_num = 1 if has_rights_to == " all " else 0
for search in self . get_exact_match_searches ( ) :
self . assert_search_result ( expected_num , search , samdb ,
excl_testobj )
# these next searches will match any objects with the attribute that
# we have rights to see (i.e. all except the object under test)
if has_rights_to == " all " :
expected_num = self . objects_with_attr
elif has_rights_to == " deny-one " :
expected_num = self . objects_with_attr - 1
for search in self . get_match_all_searches ( ) :
self . assert_search_result ( expected_num , search , samdb ,
excl_testobj )
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
# override method specifically for deny ACL test cases
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
def negative_searches_return_all ( self , has_rights_to = 0 ,
total_objects = None ) :
expected_results = { }
# When a user lacks access rights to an object, Windows 'hides' it in
# '!' searches by always returning it, regardless of whether it matches
searches = self . get_negative_match_all_searches ( )
searches + = self . get_inverse_match_searches ( )
for search in searches :
expected_results [ search ] = self . total_objects
# in the wildcard case, the one object we don't have rights to gets
# bundled in with the objects that don't have the attribute at all
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
search = " (!( {0} =*)) " . format ( self . conf_attr )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
has_rights_to = self . objects_with_attr - 1
expected_results [ search ] = self . total_objects - has_rights_to
return expected_results
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
# override method specifically for deny ACL test cases
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
def assert_negative_searches ( self , has_rights_to = 0 , samdb = None ) :
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
""" Asserts user without rights cannot see objects in ' ! ' searches """
if samdb is None :
samdb = self . ldb_user
# As the deny ACL is only denying access to one particular object, add
# an extra check that the denied object is not returned. (We can only
# assert this if the '!'/negative search behaviour is to suppress any
# objects we don't have access rights to)
excl_testobj = False
# build a dictionary of key=search-expr, value=expected_num assertions
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
expected_results = self . negative_search_expected_results ( has_rights_to )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
for search , expected_num in expected_results . items ( ) :
self . assert_search_result ( expected_num , search , samdb ,
excl_testobj = excl_testobj )
def _test_search_with_deny_acl ( self , ace ) :
# check the user can see the attribute initially
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " )
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " )
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = True )
# add the ACE that denies access to the attr under test
self . sd_utils . dacl_add_ace ( self . conf_dn , ace )
# the user shouldn't be able to see the attribute anymore
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = " deny-one " )
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = " deny-one " )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = False )
# sanity-check we haven't hidden the attribute from the admin as well
self . assert_attr_visible_to_admin ( )
def test_search_with_deny_attr_acl ( self ) :
""" Checks a deny ACE works the same way as a confidential attribute """
# add an ACE that denies the user Read Property (RP) access to the attr
# (which is similar to making the attribute confidential)
user_sid = self . get_user_sid_string ( self . user )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (OD;;RP; {0} ;; {1} ) " . format ( self . conf_attr_guid , user_sid )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# check the user cannot see the attribute anymore
self . _test_search_with_deny_acl ( ace )
def test_search_with_deny_acl ( self ) :
""" Checks a blanket deny ACE denies access to an object ' s attributes """
# add an blanket deny ACE for Read Property (RP) rights
user_dn = self . get_user_dn ( self . user )
user_sid = self . sd_utils . get_object_sid ( user_dn )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (D;;RP;;; {0} ) " . format ( str ( user_sid ) )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# check the user cannot see the attribute anymore
self . _test_search_with_deny_acl ( ace )
def test_search_with_deny_propset_acl ( self ) :
""" Checks a deny ACE on the attribute ' s Property-Set """
# add an blanket deny ACE for Read Property (RP) rights
user_sid = self . get_user_sid_string ( self . user )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (OD;;RP; {0} ;; {1} ) " . format ( self . conf_attr_sec_guid , user_sid )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# check the user cannot see the attribute anymore
self . _test_search_with_deny_acl ( ace )
def test_search_with_blanket_oa_deny_acl ( self ) :
""" Checks a non-specific ' OD ' ACE works the same as a ' D ' ACE """
# this just checks that adding a 'Object Deny' (OD) ACE without
# specifying a GUID will work the same way as a 'Deny' (D) ACE
user_sid = self . get_user_sid_string ( self . user )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
ace = " (OD;;RP;;; {0} ) " . format ( user_sid )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# check the user cannot see the attribute anymore
self . _test_search_with_deny_acl ( ace )
# Check that using the dirsync controls doesn't reveal confidential attributes
class ConfidentialAttrTestDirsync ( ConfidentialAttrCommon ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( ConfidentialAttrTestDirsync , self ) . setUp ( )
self . dirsync = [ " dirsync:1:1:1000 " ]
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
# because we need to search on the base DN when using the dirsync
# controls, we need an extra filter for the inverse ('!') search,
# so we don't get thousands of objects returned
self . extra_filter = \
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" (&(samaccountname= {0} *)(!(isDeleted=*))) " . format ( self . user_prefix )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
self . single_obj_filter = \
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
" (&(samaccountname= {0} )(!(isDeleted=*))) " . format ( self . conf_user )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
self . attr_filters = [ None , [ " * " ] , [ " name " ] ]
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
2023-08-02 10:44:32 +02:00
# Note dirsync behaviour is slightly different for the attribute under
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# test - when you have full access rights, it only returns the objects
# that actually have this attribute (i.e. it doesn't return an empty
# message with just the DN). So we add the 'name' attribute into the
# attribute filter to avoid complicating our assertions further
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
self . attr_filters + = [ [ self . conf_attr , " name " ] ]
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
# override method specifically for dirsync, i.e. add dirsync controls
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
def assert_search_result ( self , expected_num , expr , samdb , base_dn = None ) :
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
# Note dirsync must always search on the partition base DN
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
base_dn = self . base_dn
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
# we need an extra filter for dirsync because:
# - we search on the base DN, so otherwise the '!' searches return
# thousands of unrelated results, and
# - we make the test attribute preserve-on-delete in one case, so we
# want to weed out results from any previous test runs
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
search = " (& {0} {1} ) " . format ( expr , self . extra_filter )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
2023-08-08 11:18:46 +12:00
# If we expect to return multiple results, only check the first
if expected_num > 0 :
attr_filters = [ self . attr_filters [ 0 ] ]
else :
attr_filters = self . attr_filters
for attr in attr_filters :
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
res = samdb . search ( base_dn , expression = search , scope = SCOPE_SUBTREE ,
attrs = attr , controls = self . dirsync )
2023-01-27 07:43:40 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( len ( res ) , expected_num ,
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
" %u results, not %u for search %s , attr %s " %
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
( len ( res ) , expected_num , search , str ( attr ) ) )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
# override method specifically for dirsync, i.e. add dirsync controls
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
def assert_attr_returned ( self , expect_attr , samdb , attrs ,
no_result_ok = False ) :
# When using dirsync, the base DN we search on needs to be a naming
# context. Add an extra filter to ignore all the objects we aren't
# interested in
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
expr = self . single_obj_filter
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
res = samdb . search ( self . base_dn , expression = expr , scope = SCOPE_SUBTREE ,
attrs = attrs , controls = self . dirsync )
2023-01-27 07:43:40 +13:00
if not no_result_ok :
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( res ) )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
attr_returned = False
for msg in res :
if self . conf_attr in msg and len ( msg [ self . conf_attr ] ) > 0 :
attr_returned = True
self . assertEqual ( expect_attr , attr_returned )
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
# override method specifically for dirsync (it has slightly different
# behaviour to normal when requesting specific attributes)
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
def assert_attr_visible ( self , expect_attr , samdb = None ) :
if samdb is None :
samdb = self . ldb_user
# sanity-check confidential attribute is/isn't returned as expected
# based on the filter attributes we ask for
self . assert_attr_returned ( expect_attr , samdb , attrs = None )
self . assert_attr_returned ( expect_attr , samdb , attrs = [ " * " ] )
if expect_attr :
self . assert_attr_returned ( expect_attr , samdb ,
attrs = [ self . conf_attr ] )
else :
# The behaviour with dirsync when asking solely for an attribute
# that you don't have rights to is a bit strange. Samba returns
# no result rather than an empty message with just the DN.
# Presumably this is due to dirsync module behaviour. It's not
# disclosive in that the DC behaves the same way as if you asked
# for a garbage/non-existent attribute
self . assert_attr_returned ( expect_attr , samdb ,
attrs = [ self . conf_attr ] ,
no_result_ok = True )
self . assert_attr_returned ( expect_attr , samdb ,
attrs = [ " garbage " ] , no_result_ok = True )
# filtering on a different attribute should never return the conf_attr
self . assert_attr_returned ( expect_attr = False , samdb = samdb ,
attrs = [ ' name ' ] )
2018-08-01 17:30:37 +12:00
# override method specifically for dirsync (total object count differs)
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
def assert_negative_searches ( self , has_rights_to = 0 , samdb = None ) :
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
""" Asserts user without rights cannot see objects in ' ! ' searches """
if samdb is None :
samdb = self . ldb_user
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
# because dirsync uses an extra filter, the total objects we expect
# here only includes the user objects (not the parent OU)
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
total_objects = len ( self . all_users )
expected_results = self . negative_search_expected_results ( has_rights_to ,
total_objects )
for search , expected_num in expected_results . items ( ) :
self . assert_search_result ( expected_num , search , samdb )
def test_search_with_dirsync ( self ) :
""" Checks dirsync controls don ' t reveal confidential attributes """
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " )
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = True )
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " )
# make the test attribute confidential and check user can't see it,
# even if they use the dirsync controls
self . make_attr_confidential ( )
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = False )
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
# as a final sanity-check, make sure the admin can still see the attr
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " ,
samdb = self . ldb_admin )
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = True , samdb = self . ldb_admin )
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " ,
samdb = self . ldb_admin )
2023-02-07 09:48:37 +13:00
def get_guid_string ( self , dn ) :
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
""" Returns an object ' s GUID (in string format) """
res = self . ldb_admin . search ( base = dn , attrs = [ " objectGUID " ] ,
scope = SCOPE_BASE )
guid = res [ 0 ] [ ' objectGUID ' ] [ 0 ]
2023-02-07 09:48:37 +13:00
return self . ldb_admin . schema_format_value ( " objectGUID " , guid ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
def make_attr_preserve_on_delete ( self ) :
""" Marks the attribute under test as being preserve on delete """
# work out the original 'searchFlags' value before we overwrite it
search_flags = int ( self . get_attr_search_flags ( self . attr_dn ) )
# check we've already set the confidential flag
2023-01-27 07:43:40 +13:00
self . assertNotEqual ( 0 , search_flags & SEARCH_FLAG_CONFIDENTIAL )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
self . set_attr_search_flags ( self . attr_dn , str ( search_flags ) )
def change_attr_under_test ( self , attr_name , attr_cn ) :
# change the attribute that the test code uses
self . conf_attr = attr_name
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
self . attr_dn = " {0} , {1} " . format ( attr_cn , self . schema_dn )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
# set the new attribute for the user-under-test
self . add_attr ( self . conf_dn , self . conf_attr , self . conf_value )
# 2 other users also have the attribute-under-test set (to a randomish
# value). Set the new attribute for them now (normally this gets done
# in the setUp())
for username in self . all_users :
if " other-user " in username :
dn = self . get_user_dn ( username )
self . add_attr ( dn , self . conf_attr , " xyz-blah " )
def test_search_with_dirsync_deleted_objects ( self ) :
""" Checks dirsync doesn ' t reveal confidential info for deleted objs """
# change the attribute we're testing (we'll preserve on delete for this
# test case, which means the attribute-under-test hangs around after
# the test case finishes, and would interfere with the searches for
# subsequent other test cases)
self . change_attr_under_test ( " carLicense " , " CN=carLicense " )
# Windows dirsync behaviour is a little strange when you request
# attributes that deleted objects no longer have, so just request 'all
# attributes' to simplify the test logic
self . attr_filters = [ None , [ " * " ] ]
# normally dirsync uses extra filters to exclude deleted objects that
# we're not interested in. Override these filters so they WILL include
# deleted objects, but only from this particular test run. We can do
# this by matching lastKnownParent against this test case's OU, which
# will match any deleted child objects.
2023-02-07 09:48:37 +13:00
ou_guid = self . get_guid_string ( self . ou )
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
deleted_filter = " (lastKnownParent=<GUID= {0} >) " . format ( ou_guid )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
# the extra-filter will get combined via AND with the search expression
# we're testing, i.e. filter on the confidential attribute AND only
# include non-deleted objects, OR deleted objects from this test run
exclude_deleted_objs_filter = self . extra_filter
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
self . extra_filter = " (| {0} {1} ) " . format ( exclude_deleted_objs_filter ,
deleted_filter )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
# for matching on a single object, the search expresseion becomes:
# match exactly by account-name AND either a non-deleted object OR a
# deleted object from this test run
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
match_by_name = " (samaccountname= {0} ) " . format ( self . conf_user )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
not_deleted = " (!(isDeleted=*)) "
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
self . single_obj_filter = " (& {0} (| {1} {2} )) " . format ( match_by_name ,
not_deleted ,
deleted_filter )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
# check that the search filters work as expected
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " )
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = True )
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = " all " )
# make the test attribute confidential *and* preserve on delete.
self . make_attr_confidential ( )
self . make_attr_preserve_on_delete ( )
# check we can't see the objects now, even with using dirsync controls
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
self . assert_attr_visible ( expect_attr = False )
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
# now delete the users (except for the user whose LDB connection
# we're currently using)
for user in self . all_users :
2023-01-27 07:43:40 +13:00
if user is not self . user :
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
self . ldb_admin . delete ( self . get_user_dn ( user ) )
# check we still can't see the objects
self . assert_conf_attr_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2023-03-01 14:49:06 +13:00
self . assert_negative_searches ( has_rights_to = 0 )
2018-08-01 13:51:42 +12:00
2023-01-27 08:32:41 +13:00
def test_timing_attack ( self ) :
# Create the machine account.
mach_name = f ' conf_timing_ { random . randint ( 0 , 0xffff ) } '
mach_dn = Dn ( self . ldb_admin , f ' CN= { mach_name } , { self . ou } ' )
details = {
' dn ' : mach_dn ,
' objectclass ' : ' computer ' ,
' sAMAccountName ' : f ' { mach_name } $ ' ,
self . ldb_admin . add ( details )
# Get the machine account's GUID.
res = self . ldb_admin . search ( mach_dn ,
attrs = [ ' objectGUID ' ] ,
scope = SCOPE_BASE )
mach_guid = res [ 0 ] . get ( ' objectGUID ' , idx = 0 )
# Now we can create an msFVE-RecoveryInformation object that is a child
# of the machine account object.
recovery_dn = Dn ( self . ldb_admin , str ( mach_dn ) )
recovery_dn . add_child ( ' CN=recovery_info ' )
secret_pw = ' Secret007 '
not_secret_pw = ' Secret008 '
secret_pw_utf8 = secret_pw . encode ( ' utf-8 ' )
# The crucial attribute, msFVE-RecoveryPassword, is a confidential
# attribute.
conf_attr = ' msFVE-RecoveryPassword '
m = Message ( recovery_dn )
m [ ' objectClass ' ] = ' msFVE-RecoveryInformation '
m [ ' msFVE-RecoveryGuid ' ] = mach_guid
m [ conf_attr ] = secret_pw
self . ldb_admin . add ( m )
attrs = [ conf_attr ]
# Search for the confidential attribute as administrator, ensuring it
# is visible.
res = self . ldb_admin . search ( recovery_dn ,
attrs = attrs ,
scope = SCOPE_BASE )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( res ) )
pw = res [ 0 ] . get ( conf_attr , idx = 0 )
self . assertEqual ( secret_pw_utf8 , pw )
# Repeat the search with an expression matching on the confidential
# attribute. This should also work.
res = self . ldb_admin . search (
recovery_dn ,
attrs = attrs ,
expression = f ' ( { conf_attr } = { secret_pw } ) ' ,
scope = SCOPE_BASE )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( res ) )
pw = res [ 0 ] . get ( conf_attr , idx = 0 )
self . assertEqual ( secret_pw_utf8 , pw )
# Search for the attribute as an unprivileged user. It should not be
# visible.
user_res = self . ldb_user . search ( recovery_dn ,
attrs = attrs ,
scope = SCOPE_BASE )
pw = user_res [ 0 ] . get ( conf_attr , idx = 0 )
# The attribute should be None.
self . assertIsNone ( pw )
# We use LDAP_MATCHING_RULE_TRANSITIVE_EVAL to create a search
# expression that takes a long time to execute, by setting off another
# search each time it is evaluated. It makes no difference that the
# object on which we're searching has no 'member' attribute.
dummy_dn = ' cn=user,cn=users,dc=samba,dc=example,dc=com '
slow_subexpr = f ' (member:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:= { dummy_dn } ) '
slow_expr = f ' (| { slow_subexpr * 100 } ) '
# The full search expression. It comprises a match on the confidential
# attribute joined by an AND to our slow search expression, The AND
# operator is short-circuiting, so if our first subexpression fails to
# match, we'll bail out of the search early. Otherwise, we'll evaluate
# the slow part; as its subexpressions are joined by ORs, and will all
# fail to match, every one of them will need to be evaluated. By
# measuring how long the search takes, we'll be able to infer whether
# the confidential attribute matched or not.
# This is bad if we are not an administrator, and are able to use this
# to determine the values of confidential attributes. Therefore we need
# to ensure we can't observe any difference in timing.
correct_expr = f ' (&( { conf_attr } = { secret_pw } ) { slow_expr } ) '
wrong_expr = f ' (&( { conf_attr } = { not_secret_pw } ) { slow_expr } ) '
def standard_uncertainty_bounds ( times ) :
mean = statistics . mean ( times )
stdev = statistics . stdev ( times , mean )
return ( mean - stdev , mean + stdev )
# Perform a number of searches with both correct and incorrect
# expressions, and return the uncertainty bounds for each.
def time_searches ( samdb ) :
warmup_samples = 3
samples = 10
matching_times = [ ]
non_matching_times = [ ]
for _ in range ( warmup_samples ) :
samdb . search ( recovery_dn ,
attrs = attrs ,
expression = correct_expr ,
scope = SCOPE_BASE )
for _ in range ( samples ) :
# Measure the time taken for a search, for both a matching and
# a non-matching search expression.
prev = time . time ( )
samdb . search ( recovery_dn ,
attrs = attrs ,
expression = correct_expr ,
scope = SCOPE_BASE )
now = time . time ( )
matching_times . append ( now - prev )
prev = time . time ( )
samdb . search ( recovery_dn ,
attrs = attrs ,
expression = wrong_expr ,
scope = SCOPE_BASE )
now = time . time ( )
non_matching_times . append ( now - prev )
matching = standard_uncertainty_bounds ( matching_times )
non_matching = standard_uncertainty_bounds ( non_matching_times )
return matching , non_matching
def assertRangesDistinct ( a , b ) :
a0 , a1 = a
b0 , b1 = b
self . assertLess ( min ( a1 , b1 ) , max ( a0 , b0 ) )
def assertRangesOverlap ( a , b ) :
a0 , a1 = a
b0 , b1 = b
self . assertGreaterEqual ( min ( a1 , b1 ) , max ( a0 , b0 ) )
# For an administrator, the uncertainty bounds for matching and
# non-matching searches should be distinct. This shows that the two
# cases are distinguishable, and therefore that confidential attributes
# are visible.
admin_matching , admin_non_matching = time_searches ( self . ldb_admin )
assertRangesDistinct ( admin_matching , admin_non_matching )
# The user cannot view the confidential attribute, so the uncertainty
# bounds for matching and non-matching searches must overlap. The two
# cases must be indistinguishable.
user_matching , user_non_matching = time_searches ( self . ldb_user )
assertRangesOverlap ( user_matching , user_non_matching )
2023-08-08 14:30:19 +12:00
# Check that using the dirsync controls doesn't reveal confidential
# "RODC filtered attribute" values to users with only
# GUID_DRS_GET_CHANGES. The tests is so similar to the Confidential
# attribute test we base it on that.
class RodcFilteredAttrDirsync ( ConfidentialAttrTestDirsync ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( ) . setUp ( )
self . dirsync = [ " dirsync:1:0:1000 " ]
user_sid = self . sd_utils . get_object_sid ( self . get_user_dn ( self . user ) )
mod = " (OA;;CR; %s ;; %s ) " % ( security . GUID_DRS_GET_CHANGES ,
str ( user_sid ) )
self . sd_utils . dacl_add_ace ( self . base_dn , mod )
self . ldb_user = self . get_ldb_connection ( self . user , self . user_pass )
self . addCleanup ( self . sd_utils . dacl_delete_aces , self . base_dn , mod )
def make_attr_confidential ( self ) :
""" Marks the attribute under test as being confidential AND RODC
filtered ( which should mean it is not visible with only
# work out the original 'searchFlags' value before we overwrite it
old_value = self . get_attr_search_flags ( self . attr_dn )
self . set_attr_search_flags ( self . attr_dn , str ( SEARCH_FLAG_RODC_ATTRIBUTE | SEARCH_FLAG_CONFIDENTIAL ) )
# reset the value after the test completes
self . addCleanup ( self . set_attr_search_flags , self . attr_dn , old_value )
2023-01-27 08:32:41 +13:00
2018-07-09 15:57:59 +12:00
TestProgram ( module = __name__ , opts = subunitopts )