2022-05-26 17:19:51 +12:00
# Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
# Copyright (C) Catalyst.Net Ltd. 2022
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import subprocess
import os
from samba . tests import TestCaseInTempDir
from pprint import pprint
HERE = os . path . dirname ( __file__ )
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S4_SERVER = os . path . join ( HERE , ' ../../../../bin/test_s4_logging ' )
S3_SERVER = os . path . join ( HERE , ' ../../../../bin/test_s3_logging ' )
2022-05-26 17:19:51 +12:00
CLASS_LIST = [ " all " , " tdb " , " printdrivers " , " lanman " , " smb " ,
" rpc_parse " , " rpc_srv " , " rpc_cli " , " passdb " , " sam " , " auth " ,
" winbind " , " vfs " , " idmap " , " quota " , " acls " , " locking " , " msdfs " ,
" dmapi " , " registry " , " scavenger " , " dns " , " ldb " , " tevent " ,
" auth_audit " , " auth_json_audit " , " kerberos " , " drs_repl " ,
" smb2 " , " smb2_credits " , " dsdb_audit " , " dsdb_json_audit " ,
" dsdb_password_audit " , " dsdb_password_json_audit " ,
" dsdb_transaction_audit " , " dsdb_transaction_json_audit " ,
" dsdb_group_audit " , " dsdb_group_json_audit " ]
CLASS_CODES = { k : i for i , k in enumerate ( CLASS_LIST ) }
class S4LoggingTests ( TestCaseInTempDir ) :
2022-06-08 14:40:36 +12:00
server = S4_SERVER
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def _write_smb_conf ( self ,
default_level = 2 ,
default_file = " default " ,
mapping = ( ) ) :
self . smbconf = os . path . join ( self . tempdir , " smb.conf " )
with open ( self . smbconf , " w " ) as f :
f . write ( ' [global] \n ' )
if default_file is not None :
dest = os . path . join ( self . tempdir ,
default_file )
f . write ( f " log file = { dest } \n " )
f . write ( " log level = " )
if default_level :
f . write ( f " { default_level } " )
for dbg_class , log_level , log_file in mapping :
f . write ( ' ' )
f . write ( dbg_class )
if log_level is not None :
f . write ( f ' : { log_level } ' )
if log_file is not None :
dest = os . path . join ( self . tempdir ,
log_file )
f . write ( f ' @ { dest } ' )
f . write ( ' \n ' )
self . addCleanup ( os . unlink , self . smbconf )
def _extract_log_level_line ( self , new_level = 2 ) :
# extricate the 'log level' line from the smb.conf, returning
# the value, and replacing the log level line with something
# innocuous.
smbconf2 = self . smbconf + ' new '
with open ( self . smbconf ) as f :
with open ( smbconf2 , ' w ' ) as f2 :
for line in f :
if ' log level ' in line :
debug_arg = line . split ( ' = ' , 1 ) [ 1 ] . strip ( )
if new_level is not None :
f2 . write ( f ' log level = { new_level } \n ' )
else :
f2 . write ( line )
os . replace ( smbconf2 , self . smbconf )
return debug_arg
def _get_expected_strings ( self , mapping ,
level_filter ,
default_file = ' default ' ,
file_filter = None ) :
default = os . path . join ( self . tempdir , default_file )
expected = { default : [ ] }
# this kind of thing:
# " logging for 'dns' [21], at level 4"
for dbg_class , log_level , log_file in mapping :
if log_file is None :
log_file = default_file
f = os . path . join ( self . tempdir , log_file )
expected . setdefault ( f , [ ] )
if log_level < level_filter :
if file_filter not in ( None , log_file ) :
s = ( f " logging for ' { dbg_class } ' [ { CLASS_CODES [ dbg_class ] } ], "
f " at level { level_filter } " )
expected [ f ] . append ( s )
return expected
def _run_s4_logger ( self , log_level , * extra_args ) :
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cmd = [ self . server ,
2022-05-26 17:19:51 +12:00
' -s ' , self . smbconf ,
' -L ' , str ( log_level ) ,
* extra_args ]
p = subprocess . run ( cmd ,
stdout = subprocess . PIPE ,
stderr = subprocess . PIPE )
self . assertEqual ( p . returncode , 0 ,
f " ' { ' ' . join ( cmd ) } ' failed ( { p . returncode } ) " )
return p . stdout . decode ( ) , p . stderr . decode ( )
def assert_string_contains ( self , string , expected_lines ,
filename = None ) :
expected_lines = set ( expected_lines )
string_lines = set ( string . split ( ' \n ' ) )
present_lines = string_lines & expected_lines
if present_lines != expected_lines :
if filename :
print ( filename )
print ( " expected %d lines, found %d " %
( len ( expected_lines ) , len ( present_lines ) ) )
print ( " missing lines: " )
pprint ( expected_lines - present_lines )
raise AssertionError ( " missing lines " )
def assert_file_contains ( self , filename , expected_lines ) :
with open ( filename ) as f :
string = f . read ( )
self . assert_string_contains ( string , expected_lines , filename )
def assert_n_known_lines_string ( self , string , n ) :
count = string . count ( " logging for ' " )
if count != n :
raise AssertionError (
f " string has { count } lines, expected { n } " )
def assert_n_known_lines ( self , filename , n ) :
with open ( filename ) as f :
string = f . read ( )
count = string . count ( " logging for ' " )
if count != n :
raise AssertionError (
f " { filename } has { count } lines, expected { n } " )
def assert_unlink_expected_strings ( self , expected_strings ) :
for k , v in expected_strings . items ( ) :
if not os . path . exists ( k ) :
self . fail ( f " { k } does not exist " )
self . assert_file_contains ( k , v )
self . assert_n_known_lines ( k , len ( v ) )
os . unlink ( k )
def test_each_to_its_own ( self ) :
level = 4
mapping = [ ( x , level , x ) for x in CLASS_LIST ]
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = mapping )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_all_to_one ( self ) :
level = 4
dest = ' everything '
mapping = [ ( x , level , dest ) for x in CLASS_LIST ]
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = mapping )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_bifurcate ( self ) :
level = 4
dests = [ ' even ' , ' odd ' ]
mapping = [ ( x , level + 1 , dests [ i & 1 ] )
for i , x in enumerate ( CLASS_LIST ) ]
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = mapping )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_bifurcate_level_out_of_range ( self ) :
# nothing will be logged, because we're logging at a too high
# level.
level = 4
dests = [ ' even ' , ' odd ' ]
mapping = [ ( x , level - 1 , dests [ i & 1 ] )
for i , x in enumerate ( CLASS_LIST ) ]
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = mapping )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_bifurcate_misc_log_level ( self ) :
# We are sending even numbers to default and odd numbers to
# 'odd', at various levels, depending on mod 3. Like this:
# log level = 2 all:5 \
# tdb:4@odd \
# printdrivers:3 \
# lanman:5@odd \
# smb:4 \
# rpc_parse:3@odd \
# rpc_srv:5 ...
# Therefore, 'default' should get classes that are (0 or 4) % 6
# and 'odd' should get classes that are (1 or 3) % 6.
level = 4
dests = [ None , ' odd ' ]
mapping = [ ]
for i , x in enumerate ( CLASS_LIST ) :
parity = i & 1
log_level = level + 1 - ( i % 3 )
mapping . append ( ( x , log_level , dests [ parity ] ) )
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = mapping )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_all_different_ways_cmdline_d ( self ) :
level = 4
dests = [ None , ' a ' , ' b ' , ' c ' ]
mapping = [ ]
seed = 123
for i , x in enumerate ( CLASS_LIST ) :
d = seed & 3
seed = seed * 17 + 1
log_level = seed % 10
seed & = 0xff
mapping . append ( ( x , log_level , dests [ d ] ) )
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = mapping )
debug_arg = self . _extract_log_level_line ( 26 )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level , ' -d ' , debug_arg )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_all_different_ways_cmdline_d_interactive ( self ) :
level = 4
dests = [ None , ' a ' , ' b ' , ' c ' ]
mapping = [ ]
seed = 1234
for i , x in enumerate ( CLASS_LIST ) :
d = seed & 3
seed = seed * 13 + 1
log_level = seed % 10
seed & = 0xff
mapping . append ( ( x , log_level , dests [ d ] ) )
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = mapping )
debug_arg = self . _extract_log_level_line ( None )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level , ' -d ' , debug_arg , ' -i ' )
expected_lines = [ ]
for v in expected_strings . values ( ) :
# stderr doesn't end up with leading ' '
expected_lines . extend ( [ x . strip ( ) for x in v ] )
self . assert_string_contains ( stderr , expected_lines )
self . assert_n_known_lines_string ( stderr , len ( expected_lines ) )
def test_only_some_level_0 ( self ) :
# running the logger with -L 0 makes the log messages run at
# level 0 (i.e DBG_ERR), so we always see them in default,
# even though smb.conf doesn't ask.
mapping = [ ( x , 3 , [ ' default ' , ' bees ' ] [ ' b ' in x ] )
for x in CLASS_LIST ]
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , 0 )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = [ x for x in mapping if x [ 2 ] == ' bees ' ] )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( 0 )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_only_some_level_3 ( self ) :
# here, we're expecting the unmentioned non-b classes to just
# disappear.
level = 3
mapping = [ ( x , level , ' bees ' ) for x in CLASS_LIST if ' b ' in x ]
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = [ x for x in mapping if x [ 2 ] == ' bees ' ] )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_none ( self ) :
level = 4
mapping = [ ]
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = mapping )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_none_high_default ( self ) :
# We set the default level to 5 and do nothing else special,
# which means we need a different mapping for the smb.conf
# than the expected strings.
level = 4
mapping = [ ( x , 5 , ' default ' ) for x in CLASS_LIST ]
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
# note the empty mapping in smb.conf
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = [ ] , default_level = 5 )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_none_high_cmdline_d ( self ) :
# We set the default level to 2, but run the 'server' with -d 10.
level = 4
mapping = [ ( x , 10 , ' default ' ) for x in CLASS_LIST ]
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
# note the empty mapping in smb.conf
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = [ ] )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level , ' -d ' , ' 10 ' )
self . assert_unlink_expected_strings ( expected_strings )
def test_interactive_high_default_simple ( self ) :
# running with -i should send everything to stderr.
level = 4
mapping = [ ( x , 5 , ' default ' ) for x in CLASS_LIST ]
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = [ ] , default_level = 5 )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level , ' -i ' )
expected_lines = [ ]
for v in expected_strings . values ( ) :
# stderr doesn't end up with leading ' '
expected_lines . extend ( [ x . strip ( ) for x in v ] )
self . assert_string_contains ( stderr , expected_lines )
def test_interactive_complex_smb_conf ( self ) :
# running with -i should send everything to stderr. The
# smb.conf will set the levels, but the target files are
# overridden.
# (this is the test_bifurcate_misc_log_level() smb.conf).
level = 4
dests = [ None , ' odd ' ]
mapping = [ ]
for i , x in enumerate ( CLASS_LIST ) :
parity = i & 1
log_level = level + 1 - ( i % 3 )
mapping . append ( ( x , log_level , dests [ parity ] ) )
expected_strings = self . _get_expected_strings ( mapping , level )
self . _write_smb_conf ( mapping = mapping )
stdout , stderr = self . _run_s4_logger ( level , ' -i ' )
expected_lines = [ ]
for v in expected_strings . values ( ) :
# stderr doesn't end up with leading ' '
expected_lines . extend ( [ x . strip ( ) for x in v ] )
self . assert_string_contains ( stderr , expected_lines )
2022-06-08 14:40:36 +12:00
class S3LoggingTests ( S4LoggingTests ) :
server = S3_SERVER
# These tests were developed for testing the test_logger when
# linked against CMDLINE_S4 (see lib/util/wscript_build), but can
# also run when linked against CMDLINE_S3.