2018-12-12 13:43:21 +13:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2015-05-04 22:03:54 +03:00
# Sample run-on-target script
# This is a script that can be used as cross-execute parameter to samba
# configuration process, running the command on a remote target for which
# the cross-compiled configure test was compiled.
# To use:
# ./configure \
# --cross-compile \
# '--cross-execute=./buildtools/example/run_on_target.py --host=<host>'
# A more elaborate example:
# ./configure \
# --cross-compile \
# '--cross-execute=./buildtools/example/run_on_target.py --host=<host> --user=<user> "--ssh=ssh -i <some key file>" --destdir=/path/to/dir'
# Typically this is to be used also with --cross-answers, so that the
# cross answers file gets built and further builds can be made without
# the help of a remote target.
# The following assumptions are made:
# 1. rsync is available on build machine and target machine
# 2. A running ssh service on target machine with password-less shell login
# 3. A directory writable by the password-less login user
# 4. The tests on the target can run and provide reliable results
# from the login account's home directory. This is significant
# for example in locking tests which
# create files in the current directory. As a workaround to this
# assumption, the TESTDIR environment variable can be set on the target
# (using ssh command line or server config) and the tests shall
# chdir to that directory.
import sys
import os
import subprocess
from optparse import OptionParser
# those are defaults, but can be overidden using command line
SSH = ' ssh '
USER = None
HOST = ' localhost '
def xfer_files ( ssh , srcdir , host , user , targ_destdir ) :
""" Transfer executable files to target
Use rsync to copy the directory containing program to run
INTO a destination directory on the target . An exact copy
of the source directory is created on the target machine ,
possibly deleting files on the target machine which do not
exist on the source directory .
The idea is that the test may include files in addition to
the compiled binary , and all of those files reside alongside
the binary in a source directory .
For example , if the test to run is / foo / bar / test and the
destination directory on the target is / tbaz , then / tbaz / bar
on the target shall be an exact copy of / foo / bar on the source ,
including deletion of files inside / tbaz / bar which do not exist
on the source .
userhost = host
if user :
userhost = ' %s @ %s ' % ( user , host )
cmd = ' rsync --verbose -rl --ignore-times --delete -e " %s " %s %s : %s / ' % \
( ssh , srcdir , userhost , targ_destdir )
p = subprocess . Popen ( cmd , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE ,
stderr = subprocess . PIPE )
( out , err ) = p . communicate ( )
if p . returncode != 0 :
raise Exception ( ' failed syncing files \n stdout: \n %s \n stderr: %s \n '
% ( out , err ) )
def exec_remote ( ssh , host , user , destdir , targdir , prog , args ) :
""" Run a test on the target
Using password - less ssh , run the compiled binary on the target .
An assumption is that there ' s no need to cd into the target dir,
same as there ' s no need to do it on a native build.
userhost = host
if user :
userhost = ' %s @ %s ' % ( user , host )
cmd = ' %s %s %s / %s / %s ' % ( ssh , userhost , destdir , targdir , prog )
if args :
cmd = cmd + ' ' + ' ' . join ( args )
p = subprocess . Popen ( cmd , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE ,
stderr = subprocess . PIPE )
( out , err ) = p . communicate ( )
return ( p . returncode , out )
def main ( argv ) :
usage = " usage: % prog [options] <prog> [args] "
parser = OptionParser ( usage )
parser . add_option ( ' --ssh ' , help = " SSH client and additional flags " ,
default = SSH )
parser . add_option ( ' --host ' , help = " target host name or IP address " ,
default = HOST )
parser . add_option ( ' --user ' , help = " login user on target " ,
default = USER )
parser . add_option ( ' --destdir ' , help = " work directory on target " ,
default = ' ~ ' )
( options , args ) = parser . parse_args ( argv )
if len ( args ) < 1 :
parser . error ( " please supply test program to run " )
progpath = args [ 0 ]
# assume that a test that was not compiled fails (e.g. getconf)
if progpath [ 0 ] != ' / ' :
return ( 1 , " " )
progdir = os . path . dirname ( progpath )
prog = os . path . basename ( progpath )
targ_progdir = os . path . basename ( progdir )
xfer_files (
options . ssh ,
progdir ,
options . host ,
options . user ,
options . destdir )
( rc , out ) = exec_remote ( options . ssh ,
options . host ,
options . user ,
options . destdir ,
targ_progdir ,
prog , args [ 1 : ] )
return ( rc , out )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
( rc , out ) = main ( sys . argv [ 1 : ] )
sys . stdout . write ( out )
sys . exit ( rc )