Unix SMB / Netbios implementation .
Version 2.2 .
Samba system utilities for ACL support .
Copyright ( C ) Jeremy Allison 2000.
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 675 Mass Ave , Cambridge , MA 0213 9 , USA .
# include "includes.h"
extern int DEBUGLEVEL ;
This file wraps all differing system ACL interfaces into a consistent
one based on the POSIX interface . It also returns the correct errors
for older UNIX systems that don ' t support ACLs .
The interfaces that each ACL implementation must support are as follows :
int sys_acl_get_entry ( SMB_ACL_T acl , int entry_id , SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T * entry_p )
int sys_acl_get_tag_type ( SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d , SMB_ACL_TAG_T * tag_type_p )
int sys_acl_get_permset ( SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d , SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T * permset_p
void * sys_acl_get_qualifier ( SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d )
SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file ( const char * path_p , SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type )
SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd ( int fd )
int sys_acl_free ( void * obj_p )
int sys_acl_clear_perms ( SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T permset ) ;
int sys_acl_add_perm ( SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T permset , SMB_ACL_PERM_T perm ) ;
char * sys_acl_to_text ( SMB_ACL_T acl , ssize_t * plen )
This next one is not POSIX complient - but we * have * to have it !
More POSIX braindamage .
int sys_acl_get_perm ( SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T permset , SMB_ACL_PERM_T perm )
# if defined(HAVE_POSIX_ACLS)
/* Identity mapping - easy. */
int sys_acl_get_entry ( SMB_ACL_T the_acl , int entry_id , SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T * entry_p )
return acl_get_entry ( the_acl , entry_id , entry_p ) ;
int sys_acl_get_tag_type ( SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d , SMB_ACL_TAG_T * tag_type_p )
return acl_get_tag_type ( entry_d , tag_type_p ) ;
int sys_acl_get_permset ( SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d , SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T * permset_p )
return acl_get_permset ( entry_d , permset_p ) ;
void * sys_acl_get_qualifier ( SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d )
return acl_get_qualifier ( entry_d ) ;
SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file ( const char * path_p , SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type )
return acl_get_file ( path_p , type ) ;
SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd ( int fd )
return acl_get_fd ( fd ) ;
int sys_acl_free ( void * obj_p )
return acl_free ( obj_p ) ;
int sys_acl_clear_perms ( SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T permset )
return acl_clear_perms ( permset ) ;
int sys_acl_add_perm ( SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T permset , SMB_ACL_PERM_T perm )
return acl_add_perm ( permset , perm ) ;
int sys_acl_get_perm ( SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T permset , SMB_ACL_PERM_T perm )
return acl_get_perm ( permset , perm ) ;
char * sys_acl_to_text ( SMB_ACL_T the_acl , ssize_t * plen )
return acl_to_text ( the_acl , plen ) ;
# elif defined(HAVE_SOLARIS_ACLS)
# elif defined(HAVE_IRIX_ACLS)
# else /* No ACLs. */
int sys_acl_get_entry ( SMB_ACL_T the_acl , int entry_id , SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T * entry_p )
return - 1 ;
int sys_acl_get_tag_type ( SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d , SMB_ACL_TAG_T * tag_type_p )
return - 1 ;
int sys_acl_get_permset ( SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d , SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T * permset_p )
return - 1 ;
void * sys_acl_get_qualifier ( SMB_ACL_ENTRY_T entry_d )
return NULL ;
SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_file ( const char * path_p , SMB_ACL_TYPE_T type )
return ( SMB_ACL_T ) NULL ;
SMB_ACL_T sys_acl_get_fd ( int fd )
return ( SMB_ACL_T ) NULL ;
int sys_acl_free ( void * obj_p )
return - 1 ;
int sys_acl_clear_perms ( SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T permset )
return - 1 ;
int sys_acl_add_perm ( SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T permset , SMB_ACL_PERM_T perm )
return - 1 ;
int sys_acl_get_perm ( SMB_ACL_PERMSET_T permset , SMB_ACL_PERM_T perm )
return ( permset & perm ) ? 1 : 0 ;
char * sys_acl_to_text ( SMB_ACL_T the_acl , ssize_t * plen )
return NULL ;
# endif /* No ACLs. */