#! /usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 by Martin Pool <mbp@samba.org>
# Copyright (C) 2003 by Tim Potter <tpot@samba.org>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307
""" comfychair: a Python-based instrument of software torture.
Copyright ( C ) 2002 , 2003 by Martin Pool < mbp @samba.org >
Copyright ( C ) 2003 by Tim Potter < tpot @samba.org >
This is a test framework designed for testing programs written in
Python , or ( through a fork / exec interface ) any other language .
For more information , see the file README . comfychair .
To run a test suite based on ComfyChair , just run it as a program .
import sys , re
class TestCase :
""" A base class for tests. This class defines required functions which
can optionally be overridden by subclasses . It also provides some
utility functions for """
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . test_log = " "
self . background_pids = [ ]
self . _cleanups = [ ]
self . _enter_rundir ( )
self . _save_environment ( )
self . add_cleanup ( self . teardown )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Save and restore directory
def _enter_rundir ( self ) :
import os
self . basedir = os . getcwd ( )
self . add_cleanup ( self . _restore_directory )
self . rundir = os . path . join ( self . basedir ,
' testtmp ' ,
self . __class__ . __name__ )
self . tmpdir = os . path . join ( self . rundir , ' tmp ' )
os . system ( " rm -fr %s " % self . rundir )
os . makedirs ( self . tmpdir )
os . system ( " mkdir -p %s " % self . rundir )
os . chdir ( self . rundir )
def _restore_directory ( self ) :
import os
os . chdir ( self . basedir )
# --------------------------------------------------
# Save and restore environment
def _save_environment ( self ) :
import os
self . _saved_environ = os . environ . copy ( )
self . add_cleanup ( self . _restore_environment )
def _restore_environment ( self ) :
import os
os . environ . clear ( )
os . environ . update ( self . _saved_environ )
def setup ( self ) :
""" Set up test fixture. """
def teardown ( self ) :
""" Tear down test fixture. """
def runtest ( self ) :
""" Run the test. """
def add_cleanup ( self , c ) :
""" Queue a cleanup to be run when the test is complete. """
self . _cleanups . append ( c )
def fail ( self , reason = " " ) :
""" Say the test failed. """
raise AssertionError ( reason )
# Requisition methods
def require ( self , predicate , message ) :
""" Check a predicate for running this test.
If the predicate value is not true , the test is skipped with a message explaining
why . """
if not predicate :
raise NotRunError , message
def require_root ( self ) :
""" Skip this test unless run by root. """
import os
self . require ( os . getuid ( ) == 0 ,
" must be root to run this test " )
# Assertion methods
def assert_ ( self , expr , reason = " " ) :
if not expr :
raise AssertionError ( reason )
def assert_equal ( self , a , b ) :
if not a == b :
raise AssertionError ( " assertEquals failed: %s " % ` ( a , b ) ` )
def assert_notequal ( self , a , b ) :
if a == b :
raise AssertionError ( " assertNotEqual failed: %s " % ` ( a , b ) ` )
def assert_re_match ( self , pattern , s ) :
""" Assert that a string matches a particular pattern
Inputs :
pattern string : regular expression
s string : to be matched
Raises :
AssertionError if not matched
if not re . match ( pattern , s ) :
raise AssertionError ( " string does not match regexp \n "
" string: %s \n "
" re: %s " % ( ` s ` , ` pattern ` ) )
def assert_re_search ( self , pattern , s ) :
""" Assert that a string *contains* a particular pattern
Inputs :
pattern string : regular expression
s string : to be searched
Raises :
AssertionError if not matched
if not re . search ( pattern , s ) :
raise AssertionError ( " string does not contain regexp \n "
" string: %s \n "
" re: %s " % ( ` s ` , ` pattern ` ) )
def assert_no_file ( self , filename ) :
import os . path
assert not os . path . exists ( filename ) , ( " file exists but should not: %s " % filename )
# Methods for running programs
def runcmd_background ( self , cmd ) :
import os
self . test_log = self . test_log + " Run in background: \n " + ` cmd ` + " \n "
pid = os . fork ( )
if pid == 0 :
# child
try :
os . execvp ( " /bin/sh " , [ " /bin/sh " , " -c " , cmd ] )
finally :
os . _exit ( 127 )
self . test_log = self . test_log + " pid: %d \n " % pid
return pid
def runcmd ( self , cmd , expectedResult = 0 ) :
""" Run a command, fail if the command returns an unexpected exit
code . Return the output produced . """
rc , output , stderr = self . runcmd_unchecked ( cmd )
if rc != expectedResult :
raise AssertionError ( """ command returned %d ; expected %s : \" %s \"
stdout :
% s
stderr :
% s """ % (rc, expectedResult, cmd, output, stderr))
return output , stderr
def run_captured ( self , cmd ) :
""" Run a command, capturing stdout and stderr.
Based in part on popen2 . py
Returns ( waitstatus , stdout , stderr ) . """
import os , types
pid = os . fork ( )
if pid == 0 :
# child
try :
pid = os . getpid ( )
openmode = os . O_WRONLY | os . O_CREAT | os . O_TRUNC
outfd = os . open ( ' %d .out ' % pid , openmode , 0666 )
os . dup2 ( outfd , 1 )
os . close ( outfd )
errfd = os . open ( ' %d .err ' % pid , openmode , 0666 )
os . dup2 ( errfd , 2 )
os . close ( errfd )
if isinstance ( cmd , types . StringType ) :
cmd = [ ' /bin/sh ' , ' -c ' , cmd ]
os . execvp ( cmd [ 0 ] , cmd )
finally :
os . _exit ( 127 )
else :
# parent
exited_pid , waitstatus = os . waitpid ( pid , 0 )
stdout = open ( ' %d .out ' % pid ) . read ( )
stderr = open ( ' %d .err ' % pid ) . read ( )
return waitstatus , stdout , stderr
def runcmd_unchecked ( self , cmd , skip_on_noexec = 0 ) :
""" Invoke a command; return (exitcode, stdout, stderr) """
import os
waitstatus , stdout , stderr = self . run_captured ( cmd )
assert not os . WIFSIGNALED ( waitstatus ) , \
( " %s terminated with signal %d " % ( ` cmd ` , os . WTERMSIG ( waitstatus ) ) )
rc = os . WEXITSTATUS ( waitstatus )
self . test_log = self . test_log + ( """ Run command: %s
Wait status : % #x (exit code %d, signal %d)
stdout :
% s
stderr :
% s """ % (cmd, waitstatus, os.WEXITSTATUS(waitstatus), os.WTERMSIG(waitstatus),
stdout , stderr ) )
if skip_on_noexec and rc == 127 :
# Either we could not execute the command or the command
# returned exit code 127. According to system(3) we can't
# tell the difference.
raise NotRunError , " could not execute %s " % ` cmd `
return rc , stdout , stderr
def explain_failure ( self , exc_info = None ) :
print " test_log: "
print self . test_log
def log ( self , msg ) :
""" Log a message to the test log. This message is displayed if
the test fails , or when the runtests function is invoked with
the verbose option . """
self . test_log = self . test_log + msg + " \n "
class NotRunError ( Exception ) :
""" Raised if a test must be skipped because of missing resources """
def __init__ ( self , value = None ) :
self . value = value
def _report_error ( case , debugger ) :
""" Ask the test case to explain failure, and optionally run a debugger
Input :
case TestCase instance
debugger if true , a debugger function to be applied to the traceback
import sys
ex = sys . exc_info ( )
print " ----------------------------------------------------------------- "
if ex :
import traceback
traceback . print_exc ( file = sys . stdout )
case . explain_failure ( )
print " ----------------------------------------------------------------- "
if debugger :
tb = ex [ 2 ]
debugger ( tb )
def runtests ( test_list , verbose = 0 , debugger = None ) :
""" Run a series of tests.
Inputs :
test_list sequence of TestCase classes
verbose print more information as testing proceeds
debugger debugger object to be applied to errors
Returns :
unix return code : 0 for success , 1 for failures , 2 for test failure
import traceback
ret = 0
for test_class in test_list :
print " %-30s " % _test_name ( test_class ) ,
# flush now so that long running tests are easier to follow
sys . stdout . flush ( )
obj = None
try :
try : # run test and show result
obj = test_class ( )
obj . setup ( )
obj . runtest ( )
print " OK "
except KeyboardInterrupt :
print " INTERRUPT "
_report_error ( obj , debugger )
ret = 2
except NotRunError , msg :
print " NOTRUN, %s " % msg . value
except :
print " FAIL "
_report_error ( obj , debugger )
ret = 1
finally :
while obj and obj . _cleanups :
try :
apply ( obj . _cleanups . pop ( ) )
except KeyboardInterrupt :
print " interrupted during teardown "
_report_error ( obj , debugger )
ret = 2
except :
print " error during teardown "
_report_error ( obj , debugger )
ret = 1
# Display log file if we're verbose
if ret == 0 and verbose :
obj . explain_failure ( )
return ret
def _test_name ( test_class ) :
""" Return a human-readable name for a test class.
try :
return test_class . __name__
except :
return ` test_class `
def print_help ( ) :
""" Help for people running tests """
import sys
print """ %s : software test suite based on ComfyChair
usage :
To run all tests , just run this program . To run particular tests ,
list them on the command line .
options :
- - help show usage message
- - list list available tests
- - verbose , - v show more information while running tests
- - post - mortem , - p enter Python debugger on error
""" % s ys.argv[0]
def print_list ( test_list ) :
""" Show list of available tests """
for test_class in test_list :
print " %s " % _test_name ( test_class )
def main ( tests , extra_tests = [ ] ) :
""" Main entry point for test suites based on ComfyChair.
inputs :
tests Sequence of TestCase subclasses to be run by default .
extra_tests Sequence of TestCase subclasses that are available but
not run by default .
Test suites should contain this boilerplate :
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
comfychair . main ( tests )
This function handles standard options such as - - help and - - list , and
by default runs all tests in the suggested order .
Calls sys . exit ( ) on completion .
from sys import argv
import getopt , sys
opt_verbose = 0
debugger = None
opts , args = getopt . getopt ( argv [ 1 : ] , ' pv ' ,
[ ' help ' , ' list ' , ' verbose ' , ' post-mortem ' ] )
for opt , opt_arg in opts :
if opt == ' --help ' :
print_help ( )
elif opt == ' --list ' :
print_list ( tests + extra_tests )
elif opt == ' --verbose ' or opt == ' -v ' :
opt_verbose = 1
elif opt == ' --post-mortem ' or opt == ' -p ' :
import pdb
debugger = pdb . post_mortem
if args :
all_tests = tests + extra_tests
by_name = { }
for t in all_tests :
by_name [ _test_name ( t ) ] = t
which_tests = [ ]
for name in args :
which_tests . append ( by_name [ name ] )
else :
which_tests = tests
sys . exit ( runtests ( which_tests , verbose = opt_verbose ,
debugger = debugger ) )
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
print __doc__