2010-03-16 14:06:08 +03:00
# Manipulate ACLs on directory objects
# Copyright (C) Nadezhda Ivanova <nivanova@samba.org> 2010
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import samba . getopt as options
from samba . dcerpc import security
from samba . samdb import SamDB
from samba . ndr import ndr_unpack , ndr_pack
2010-04-04 01:18:23 +04:00
from samba . dcerpc . security import (
2010-03-16 14:06:08 +03:00
import ldb
2010-04-04 01:18:23 +04:00
from ldb import SCOPE_BASE
2010-03-16 14:06:08 +03:00
import re
from samba . auth import system_session
from samba . netcmd import (
Command ,
CommandError ,
SuperCommand ,
Option ,
class cmd_ds_acl_set ( Command ) :
""" Modify access list on a directory object """
synopsis = " set --objectdn=objectdn --car=control right --action=[deny|allow] --trusteedn=trustee-dn "
car_help = """ The access control right to allow or deny """
takes_optiongroups = {
" sambaopts " : options . SambaOptions ,
" credopts " : options . CredentialsOptions ,
" versionopts " : options . VersionOptions ,
takes_options = [
Option ( " --host " , help = " LDB URL for database or target server " , type = str ) ,
Option ( " --car " , type = " choice " , choices = [ " change-rid " ,
" change-pdc " ,
" change-infrastructure " ,
" change-schema " ,
" change-naming " ,
" allocate_rids " ,
" get-changes " ,
" get-changes-all " ,
" get-changes-filtered " ,
" topology-manage " ,
" topology-monitor " ,
" repl-sync " ,
" ro-repl-secret-sync " ] ,
help = car_help ) ,
Option ( " --action " , type = " choice " , choices = [ " allow " , " deny " ] ,
help = """ Deny or allow access """ ) ,
Option ( " --objectdn " , help = " DN of the object whose SD to modify " , type = " string " ) ,
Option ( " --trusteedn " , help = " DN of the entity that gets access " , type = " string " ) ,
def find_trustee_sid ( self , samdb , trusteedn ) :
res = samdb . search ( base = trusteedn , expression = " (objectClass=*) " , scope = SCOPE_BASE )
assert ( len ( res ) == 1 )
return ndr_unpack ( security . dom_sid , res [ 0 ] [ " objectSid " ] [ 0 ] )
def modify_descriptor ( self , samdb , object_dn , desc , controls = None ) :
assert ( isinstance ( desc , security . descriptor ) )
m = ldb . Message ( )
m . dn = ldb . Dn ( samdb , object_dn )
m [ " nTSecurityDescriptor " ] = ldb . MessageElement (
( ndr_pack ( desc ) ) , ldb . FLAG_MOD_REPLACE ,
" nTSecurityDescriptor " )
samdb . modify ( m )
def read_descriptor ( self , samdb , object_dn ) :
res = samdb . search ( base = object_dn , scope = SCOPE_BASE , attrs = [ " nTSecurityDescriptor " ] )
# we should theoretically always have an SD
assert ( len ( res ) == 1 )
desc = res [ 0 ] [ " nTSecurityDescriptor " ] [ 0 ]
return ndr_unpack ( security . descriptor , desc )
def get_domain_sid ( self , samdb ) :
res = samdb . search ( base = SamDB . domain_dn ( samdb ) , expression = " (objectClass=*) " , scope = SCOPE_BASE )
return ndr_unpack ( security . dom_sid , res [ 0 ] [ " objectSid " ] [ 0 ] )
#add new ace explicitly
def add_ace ( self , samdb , object_dn , new_ace ) :
desc = self . read_descriptor ( samdb , object_dn )
desc_sddl = desc . as_sddl ( self . get_domain_sid ( samdb ) )
#TODO add bindings for descriptor manipulation and get rid of this
desc_aces = re . findall ( " \ (.*? \ ) " , desc_sddl )
for ace in desc_aces :
if ( " ID " in ace ) :
desc_sddl = desc_sddl . replace ( ace , " " )
if new_ace in desc_sddl :
if desc_sddl . find ( " ( " ) > = 0 :
desc_sddl = desc_sddl [ : desc_sddl . index ( " ( " ) ] + new_ace + desc_sddl [ desc_sddl . index ( " ( " ) : ]
else :
desc_sddl = desc_sddl + new_ace
desc = security . descriptor . from_sddl ( desc_sddl , self . get_domain_sid ( samdb ) )
self . modify_descriptor ( samdb , object_dn , desc )
def print_new_acl ( self , samdb , object_dn ) :
desc = self . read_descriptor ( samdb , object_dn )
desc_sddl = desc . as_sddl ( self . get_domain_sid ( samdb ) )
print " new descriptor for %s : " % object_dn
print desc_sddl
def run ( self , car , action , objectdn , trusteedn ,
host = None , credopts = None , sambaopts = None , versionopts = None ) :
lp = sambaopts . get_loadparm ( )
creds = credopts . get_credentials ( lp )
2010-04-08 14:19:51 +04:00
if ( car is None or action is None or objectdn is None or
trusteedn is None ) :
2010-03-16 14:06:08 +03:00
return self . usage ( )
2010-04-08 14:19:51 +04:00
samdb = SamDB ( url = host , session_info = system_session ( ) ,
2010-03-16 14:06:08 +03:00
credentials = creds , lp = lp )
cars = { ' change-rid ' : GUID_DRS_CHANGE_RID_MASTER ,
' change-pdc ' : GUID_DRS_CHANGE_PDC ,
' change-infrastructure ' : GUID_DRS_CHANGE_INFR_MASTER ,
' change-schema ' : GUID_DRS_CHANGE_SCHEMA_MASTER ,
' change-naming ' : GUID_DRS_CHANGE_DOMAIN_MASTER ,
' allocate_rids ' : GUID_DRS_ALLOCATE_RIDS ,
' get-changes ' : GUID_DRS_GET_CHANGES ,
' get-changes-all ' : GUID_DRS_GET_ALL_CHANGES ,
' get-changes-filtered ' : GUID_DRS_GET_FILTERED_ATTRIBUTES ,
' topology-manage ' : GUID_DRS_MANAGE_TOPOLOGY ,
' topology-monitor ' : GUID_DRS_MONITOR_TOPOLOGY ,
' repl-sync ' : GUID_DRS_REPL_SYNCRONIZE ,
' ro-repl-secret-sync ' : GUID_DRS_RO_REPL_SECRET_SYNC ,
sid = self . find_trustee_sid ( samdb , trusteedn )
if action == " allow " :
new_ace = " (OA;;CR; %s ;; %s ) " % ( cars [ car ] , str ( sid ) )
elif action == " deny " :
new_ace = " (OD;;CR; %s ;; %s ) " % ( cars [ car ] , str ( sid ) )
else :
raise CommandError ( " Wrong argument ' %s ' ! " % action )
self . print_new_acl ( samdb , objectdn )
self . add_ace ( samdb , objectdn , new_ace )
self . print_new_acl ( samdb , objectdn )
class cmd_ds_acl ( SuperCommand ) :
""" DS ACLs manipulation """
subcommands = { }
subcommands [ " set " ] = cmd_ds_acl_set ( )