Unix SMB / CIFS implementation .
Samba wins server helper functions
Copyright ( C ) Andrew Tridgell 1992 - 2002
Copyright ( C ) Christopher R . Hertel 2000
Copyright ( C ) Tim Potter 2003
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 675 Mass Ave , Cambridge , MA 0213 9 , USA .
# include "includes.h"
This is pretty much a complete rewrite of the earlier code . The main
aim of the rewrite is to add support for having multiple wins server
lists , so Samba can register with multiple groups of wins servers
and each group has a failover list of wins servers .
Central to the way it all works is the idea of a wins server
' tag ' . A wins tag is a label for a group of wins servers . For
example if you use
wins server = fred : 192.168 .2 .10 mary : 192.168 .3 .199 fred : 192.168 .2 .61
then you would have two groups of wins servers , one tagged with the
name ' fred ' and the other with the name ' mary ' . I would usually
recommend using interface names instead of ' fred ' and ' mary ' but
they can be any alpha string .
Now , how does it all work . Well , nmbd needs to register each of its
IPs with each of its names once with each group of wins servers . So
it tries registering with the first one mentioned in the list , then
if that fails it marks that WINS server dead and moves onto the next
one .
In the client code things are a bit different . As each of the groups
of wins servers is a separate name space we need to try each of the
groups until we either succeed or we run out of wins servers to
try . If we get a negative response from a wins server then that
means the name doesn ' t exist in that group , so we give up on that
group and move to the next group . If we don ' t get a response at all
then maybe the wins server is down , in which case we need to
failover to the next one for that group .
confused yet ? ( tridge )
/* how long a server is marked dead for */
# define DEATH_TIME 600
/* The list of dead wins servers is stored in gencache.tdb. Each server is
marked dead from the point of view of a given source address . We keep a
separate dead list for each src address to cope with multiple interfaces
that are not routable to each other .
# define WINS_SRV_FMT "WINS_SRV_DEAD / %s,%s" /* wins_ip,src_ip */
static char * wins_srv_keystr ( struct in_addr wins_ip , struct in_addr src_ip )
char * keystr ;
if ( asprintf ( & keystr , WINS_SRV_FMT , inet_ntoa ( wins_ip ) ,
inet_ntoa ( src_ip ) ) = = - 1 ) {
DEBUG ( 0 , ( " wins_srv_is_dead: malloc error \n " ) ) ;
return NULL ;
return keystr ;
see if an ip is on the dead list
BOOL wins_srv_is_dead ( struct in_addr wins_ip , struct in_addr src_ip )
char * keystr = wins_srv_keystr ( wins_ip , src_ip ) ;
BOOL result ;
/* If the key exists then the WINS server has been marked as dead */
result = gencache_get ( keystr , NULL , NULL ) ;
SAFE_FREE ( keystr ) ;
DEBUG ( 4 , ( " wins_srv_is_dead: %s is %s \n " , inet_ntoa ( wins_ip ) ,
result ? " dead " : " alive " ) ) ;
return result ;
mark a wins server as being alive ( for the moment )
void wins_srv_alive ( struct in_addr wins_ip , struct in_addr src_ip )
char * keystr = wins_srv_keystr ( wins_ip , src_ip ) ;
gencache_del ( keystr ) ;
SAFE_FREE ( keystr ) ;
DEBUG ( 4 , ( " wins_srv_alive: marking wins server %s alive \n " ,
inet_ntoa ( wins_ip ) ) ) ;
mark a wins server as temporarily dead
void wins_srv_died ( struct in_addr wins_ip , struct in_addr src_ip )
char * keystr ;
if ( is_zero_ip ( wins_ip ) | | wins_srv_is_dead ( wins_ip , src_ip ) )
return ;
keystr = wins_srv_keystr ( wins_ip , src_ip ) ;
gencache_set ( keystr , " DOWN " , time ( NULL ) + DEATH_TIME ) ;
SAFE_FREE ( keystr ) ;
DEBUG ( 4 , ( " Marking wins server %s dead for %u seconds from source %s \n " ,
inet_ntoa ( wins_ip ) , DEATH_TIME , inet_ntoa ( src_ip ) ) ) ;
return the total number of wins servers , dead or not
unsigned wins_srv_count ( void )
const char * * list ;
int count = 0 ;
if ( lp_wins_support ( ) ) {
/* simple - just talk to ourselves */
return 1 ;
list = lp_wins_server_list ( ) ;
for ( count = 0 ; list & & list [ count ] ; count + + )
/* nop */ ;
return count ;
/* an internal convenience structure for an IP with a short string tag
attached */
struct tagged_ip {
fstring tag ;
struct in_addr ip ;
} ;
parse an IP string that might be in tagged format
the result is a tagged_ip structure containing the tag
and the ip in in_addr format . If there is no tag then
use the tag ' * '
static void parse_ip ( struct tagged_ip * ip , const char * str )
char * s = strchr ( str , ' : ' ) ;
if ( ! s ) {
fstrcpy ( ip - > tag , " * " ) ;
ip - > ip = * interpret_addr2 ( str ) ;
return ;
ip - > ip = * interpret_addr2 ( s + 1 ) ;
fstrcpy ( ip - > tag , str ) ;
s = strchr ( ip - > tag , ' : ' ) ;
if ( s ) * s = 0 ;
return the list of wins server tags . A ' tag ' is used to distinguish
wins server as either belonging to the same name space or a separate
name space . Usually you would setup your ' wins server ' option to
list one or more wins server per interface and use the interface
name as your tag , but you are free to use any tag you like .
char * * wins_srv_tags ( void )
char * * ret = NULL ;
int count = 0 , i , j ;
const char * * list ;
if ( lp_wins_support ( ) ) {
/* give the caller something to chew on. This makes
the rest of the logic simpler ( ie . less special cases ) */
ret = ( char * * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char * ) * 2 ) ;
if ( ! ret ) return NULL ;
ret [ 0 ] = strdup ( " * " ) ;
ret [ 1 ] = NULL ;
return ret ;
list = lp_wins_server_list ( ) ;
if ( ! list )
return NULL ;
/* yes, this is O(n^2) but n is very small */
for ( i = 0 ; list [ i ] ; i + + ) {
struct tagged_ip t_ip ;
parse_ip ( & t_ip , list [ i ] ) ;
/* see if we already have it */
for ( j = 0 ; j < count ; j + + ) {
if ( strcmp ( ret [ j ] , t_ip . tag ) = = 0 ) {
break ;
if ( j ! = count ) {
/* we already have it. Move along */
continue ;
/* add it to the list */
ret = ( char * * ) Realloc ( ret , ( count + 2 ) * sizeof ( char * ) ) ;
ret [ count ] = strdup ( t_ip . tag ) ;
if ( ! ret [ count ] ) break ;
count + + ;
if ( count ) {
/* make sure we null terminate */
ret [ count ] = NULL ;
return ret ;
/* free a list of wins server tags given by wins_srv_tags */
void wins_srv_tags_free ( char * * list )
int i ;
if ( ! list ) return ;
for ( i = 0 ; list [ i ] ; i + + ) {
free ( list [ i ] ) ;
free ( list ) ;
return the IP of the currently active wins server for the given tag ,
or the zero IP otherwise
struct in_addr wins_srv_ip_tag ( const char * tag , struct in_addr src_ip )
const char * * list ;
int i ;
struct tagged_ip t_ip ;
/* if we are a wins server then we always just talk to ourselves */
if ( lp_wins_support ( ) ) {
extern struct in_addr loopback_ip ;
return loopback_ip ;
list = lp_wins_server_list ( ) ;
if ( ! list | | ! list [ 0 ] ) {
struct in_addr ip ;
zero_ip ( & ip ) ;
return ip ;
/* find the first live one for this tag */
for ( i = 0 ; list [ i ] ; i + + ) {
parse_ip ( & t_ip , list [ i ] ) ;
if ( strcmp ( tag , t_ip . tag ) ! = 0 ) {
/* not for the right tag. Move along */
continue ;
if ( ! wins_srv_is_dead ( t_ip . ip , src_ip ) ) {
fstring src_name ;
fstrcpy ( src_name , inet_ntoa ( src_ip ) ) ;
DEBUG ( 6 , ( " Current wins server for tag '%s' with source %s is %s \n " ,
tag ,
src_name ,
inet_ntoa ( t_ip . ip ) ) ) ;
return t_ip . ip ;
/* they're all dead - try the first one until they revive */
for ( i = 0 ; list [ i ] ; i + + ) {
parse_ip ( & t_ip , list [ i ] ) ;
if ( strcmp ( tag , t_ip . tag ) ! = 0 ) {
continue ;
return t_ip . ip ;
/* this can't happen?? */
zero_ip ( & t_ip . ip ) ;
return t_ip . ip ;
return a count of the number of IPs for a particular tag , including
dead ones
unsigned wins_srv_count_tag ( const char * tag )
const char * * list ;
int i , count = 0 ;
/* if we are a wins server then we always just talk to ourselves */
if ( lp_wins_support ( ) ) {
return 1 ;
list = lp_wins_server_list ( ) ;
if ( ! list | | ! list [ 0 ] ) {
return 0 ;
/* find the first live one for this tag */
for ( i = 0 ; list [ i ] ; i + + ) {
struct tagged_ip t_ip ;
parse_ip ( & t_ip , list [ i ] ) ;
if ( strcmp ( tag , t_ip . tag ) = = 0 ) {
count + + ;
return count ;