2018-12-12 13:40:43 +13:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Tests for Password Settings Objects.
# This also tests the default password complexity (i.e. pwdProperties),
# minPwdLength, pwdHistoryLength settings as a side-effect.
# Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org> 2018
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# Usage:
# export SERVER_IP=target_dc
# export SUBUNITRUN=$samba4srcdir/scripting/bin/subunitrun
2018-07-27 14:34:16 +12:00
# PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$samba4srcdir/dsdb/tests/python" $SUBUNITRUN \
# password_settings -U"$DOMAIN/$DC_USERNAME"%"$DC_PASSWORD"
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
import samba . tests
import ldb
2018-07-27 12:31:43 +12:00
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
from samba import dsdb
import time
from samba . tests . password_test import PasswordTestCase
from samba . tests . pso import TestUser
from samba . tests . pso import PasswordSettings
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from samba . tests import env_get_var_value
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from samba . credentials import Credentials
from samba import gensec
import base64
2018-07-27 13:42:18 +12:00
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
class PasswordSettingsTestCase ( PasswordTestCase ) :
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( PasswordSettingsTestCase , self ) . setUp ( )
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self . host_url = " ldap:// %s " % env_get_var_value ( " SERVER_IP " )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . ldb = samba . tests . connect_samdb ( self . host_url )
# create a temp OU to put this test's users into
self . ou = samba . tests . create_test_ou ( self . ldb , " password_settings " )
# update DC to allow password changes for the duration of this test
self . allow_password_changes ( )
# store the current password-settings for the domain
self . pwd_defaults = PasswordSettings ( None , self . ldb )
self . test_objs = [ ]
def tearDown ( self ) :
super ( PasswordSettingsTestCase , self ) . tearDown ( )
# remove all objects under the top-level OU
self . ldb . delete ( self . ou , [ " tree_delete:1 " ] )
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# PSOs can't reside within an OU so they get cleaned up separately
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for obj in self . test_objs :
self . ldb . delete ( obj )
def add_obj_cleanup ( self , dn_list ) :
""" Handles cleanup of objects outside of the test OU in the tearDown """
self . test_objs . extend ( dn_list )
def add_group ( self , group_name ) :
""" Creates a new group """
2018-07-27 13:26:23 +12:00
dn = " CN= %s , %s " % ( group_name , self . ou )
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self . ldb . add ( { " dn " : dn , " objectclass " : " group " } )
return dn
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def set_attribute ( self , dn , attr , value , operation = FLAG_MOD_ADD ,
samdb = None ) :
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
""" Modifies an attribute for an object """
if samdb is None :
samdb = self . ldb
m = ldb . Message ( )
m . dn = ldb . Dn ( samdb , dn )
m [ attr ] = ldb . MessageElement ( value , operation , attr )
samdb . modify ( m )
def add_user ( self , username ) :
# add a new user to the DB under our top-level OU
2018-05-24 20:28:13 +12:00
userou = " ou= %s " % self . ou . get_component_value ( 0 )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
return TestUser ( username , self . ldb , userou = userou )
def assert_password_invalid ( self , user , password ) :
Check we can ' t set a password that violates complexity or length
try :
user . set_password ( password )
# fail the test if no exception was encountered
self . fail ( " Password ' %s ' should have been rejected " % password )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
2020-02-07 11:02:38 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( num , ldb . ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION , msg )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . assertTrue ( ' 0000052D ' in msg , msg )
def assert_password_valid ( self , user , password ) :
""" Checks that we can set a password successfully """
try :
user . set_password ( password )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
# fail the test (rather than throw an error)
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self . fail ( " Password ' %s ' unexpectedly rejected: %s " % ( password ,
msg ) )
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def assert_PSO_applied ( self , user , pso ) :
Asserts the expected PSO is applied by checking the msDS - ResultantPSO
attribute , as well as checking the corresponding password - length ,
complexity , and history are enforced correctly
resultant_pso = user . get_resultant_PSO ( )
self . assertTrue ( resultant_pso == pso . dn ,
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" Expected PSO %s , not %s " % ( pso . name ,
str ( resultant_pso ) ) )
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# we're mirroring the pwd_history for the user, so make sure this is
# up-to-date, before we start making password changes
if user . last_pso :
user . pwd_history_change ( user . last_pso . history_len , pso . history_len )
user . last_pso = pso
# check if we can set a sufficiently long, but non-complex, password.
# (We use the history-size to generate a unique password for each
# assertion - otherwise, if the password is already in the history,
# then it'll be rejected)
unique_char = chr ( ord ( ' a ' ) + len ( user . all_old_passwords ) )
noncomplex_pwd = " %c abcdefghijklmnopqrst " % unique_char
if pso . complexity :
self . assert_password_invalid ( user , noncomplex_pwd )
else :
self . assert_password_valid ( user , noncomplex_pwd )
# use a unique and sufficiently complex base-string to check pwd-length
pass_phrase = " %d #AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIi " % len ( user . all_old_passwords )
# check that passwords less than the specified length are rejected
for i in range ( 3 , pso . password_len ) :
self . assert_password_invalid ( user , pass_phrase [ : i ] )
# check we can set a password that's exactly the minimum length
self . assert_password_valid ( user , pass_phrase [ : pso . password_len ] )
# check the password history is enforced correctly.
# first, check the last n items in the password history are invalid
invalid_passwords = user . old_invalid_passwords ( pso . history_len )
for pwd in invalid_passwords :
self . assert_password_invalid ( user , pwd )
# next, check any passwords older than the history-len can be re-used
valid_passwords = user . old_valid_passwords ( pso . history_len )
for pwd in valid_passwords :
self . assert_set_old_password ( user , pwd , pso )
def password_is_complex ( self , password ) :
# non-complex passwords used in the tests are all lower-case letters
# If it's got a number in the password, assume it's complex
return any ( c . isdigit ( ) for c in password )
def assert_set_old_password ( self , user , password , pso ) :
Checks a user password can be set ( if the password conforms to the PSO
settings ) . Used to check an old password that falls outside the history
length , but might still be invalid for other reasons .
if self . password_is_complex ( password ) :
# check password conforms to length requirements
if len ( password ) < pso . password_len :
self . assert_password_invalid ( user , password )
else :
self . assert_password_valid ( user , password )
else :
# password is not complex, check PSO handles it appropriately
if pso . complexity :
self . assert_password_invalid ( user , password )
else :
self . assert_password_valid ( user , password )
def test_pso_basics ( self ) :
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""" Simple tests that a PSO takes effect when applied to a group/user """
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# create some PSOs that vary in priority and basic password-len
best_pso = PasswordSettings ( " highest-priority-PSO " , self . ldb ,
precedence = 5 , password_len = 16 ,
history_len = 6 )
medium_pso = PasswordSettings ( " med-priority-PSO " , self . ldb ,
precedence = 15 , password_len = 10 ,
history_len = 4 )
worst_pso = PasswordSettings ( " lowest-priority-PSO " , self . ldb ,
precedence = 100 , complexity = False ,
password_len = 4 , history_len = 2 )
# handle PSO clean-up (as they're outside the top-level test OU)
self . add_obj_cleanup ( [ worst_pso . dn , medium_pso . dn , best_pso . dn ] )
# create some groups and apply the PSOs to the groups
group1 = self . add_group ( " Group-1 " )
group2 = self . add_group ( " Group-2 " )
group3 = self . add_group ( " Group-3 " )
group4 = self . add_group ( " Group-4 " )
worst_pso . apply_to ( group1 )
medium_pso . apply_to ( group2 )
best_pso . apply_to ( group3 )
worst_pso . apply_to ( group4 )
# create a user and check the default settings apply to it
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , self . pwd_defaults )
# add user to a group. Check that the group's PSO applies to the user
self . set_attribute ( group1 , " member " , user . dn )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , worst_pso )
# add the user to a group with a higher precedence PSO and and check
# that now trumps the previous PSO
self . set_attribute ( group2 , " member " , user . dn )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , medium_pso )
# add the user to the remaining groups. The highest precedence PSO
# should now take effect
self . set_attribute ( group3 , " member " , user . dn )
self . set_attribute ( group4 , " member " , user . dn )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , best_pso )
# delete a group membership and check the PSO changes
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self . set_attribute ( group3 , " member " , user . dn ,
operation = FLAG_MOD_DELETE )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , medium_pso )
# apply the low-precedence PSO directly to the user
# (directly applied PSOs should trump higher precedence group PSOs)
worst_pso . apply_to ( user . dn )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , worst_pso )
# remove applying the PSO directly to the user and check PSO changes
worst_pso . unapply ( user . dn )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , medium_pso )
# remove all appliesTo and check we have the default settings again
worst_pso . unapply ( group1 )
medium_pso . unapply ( group2 )
worst_pso . unapply ( group4 )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , self . pwd_defaults )
def test_pso_nested_groups ( self ) :
""" PSOs operate correctly when applied to nested groups """
# create some PSOs that vary in priority and basic password-len
group1_pso = PasswordSettings ( " group1-PSO " , self . ldb , precedence = 50 ,
password_len = 12 , history_len = 3 )
group2_pso = PasswordSettings ( " group2-PSO " , self . ldb , precedence = 25 ,
password_len = 10 , history_len = 5 ,
complexity = False )
group3_pso = PasswordSettings ( " group3-PSO " , self . ldb , precedence = 10 ,
password_len = 6 , history_len = 2 )
# create some groups and apply the PSOs to the groups
group1 = self . add_group ( " Group-1 " )
group2 = self . add_group ( " Group-2 " )
group3 = self . add_group ( " Group-3 " )
group4 = self . add_group ( " Group-4 " )
group1_pso . apply_to ( group1 )
group2_pso . apply_to ( group2 )
group3_pso . apply_to ( group3 )
# create a PSO and apply it to a group that the user is not a member
# of - it should not have any effect on the user
unused_pso = PasswordSettings ( " unused-PSO " , self . ldb , precedence = 1 ,
password_len = 20 )
unused_pso . apply_to ( group4 )
# handle PSO clean-up (as they're outside the top-level test OU)
self . add_obj_cleanup ( [ group1_pso . dn , group2_pso . dn , group3_pso . dn ,
unused_pso . dn ] )
# create a user and check the default settings apply to it
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , self . pwd_defaults )
# add user to a group. Check that the group's PSO applies to the user
self . set_attribute ( group1 , " member " , user . dn )
self . set_attribute ( group2 , " member " , group1 )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , group2_pso )
# add another level to the group heirachy & check this PSO takes effect
self . set_attribute ( group3 , " member " , group2 )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , group3_pso )
# invert the PSO precedence and check the new lowest value takes effect
group1_pso . set_precedence ( 3 )
group2_pso . set_precedence ( 13 )
group3_pso . set_precedence ( 33 )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , group1_pso )
# delete a PSO and check it no longer applies
self . ldb . delete ( group1_pso . dn )
self . test_objs . remove ( group1_pso . dn )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , group2_pso )
def get_guid ( self , dn ) :
2018-07-27 14:34:16 +12:00
res = self . ldb . search ( base = dn , attrs = [ " objectGUID " ] ,
scope = ldb . SCOPE_BASE )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
return res [ 0 ] [ ' objectGUID ' ] [ 0 ]
def guid_string ( self , guid ) :
return self . ldb . schema_format_value ( " objectGUID " , guid )
def PSO_with_lowest_GUID ( self , pso_list ) :
""" Returns the PSO object in the list with the lowest GUID """
# go through each PSO and fetch its GUID
guid_list = [ ]
mapping = { }
for pso in pso_list :
guid = self . get_guid ( pso . dn )
guid_list . append ( guid )
# remember which GUID maps to what PSO
mapping [ guid ] = pso
# sort the GUID list to work out the lowest/best GUID
guid_list . sort ( )
best_guid = guid_list [ 0 ]
# sanity-check the mapping between GUID and DN is correct
2018-07-27 14:34:16 +12:00
best_pso_dn = mapping [ best_guid ] . dn
self . assertEqual ( self . guid_string ( self . get_guid ( best_pso_dn ) ) ,
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . guid_string ( best_guid ) )
# return the PSO that this GUID corresponds to
return mapping [ best_guid ]
def test_pso_equal_precedence ( self ) :
""" Tests expected PSO wins when several have the same precedence """
# create some PSOs that vary in priority and basic password-len
pso1 = PasswordSettings ( " PSO-1 " , self . ldb , precedence = 5 , history_len = 1 ,
password_len = 11 )
pso2 = PasswordSettings ( " PSO-2 " , self . ldb , precedence = 5 , history_len = 2 ,
password_len = 8 )
pso3 = PasswordSettings ( " PSO-3 " , self . ldb , precedence = 5 , history_len = 3 ,
password_len = 5 , complexity = False )
pso4 = PasswordSettings ( " PSO-4 " , self . ldb , precedence = 5 , history_len = 4 ,
password_len = 13 , complexity = False )
# handle PSO clean-up (as they're outside the top-level test OU)
self . add_obj_cleanup ( [ pso1 . dn , pso2 . dn , pso3 . dn , pso4 . dn ] )
# create some groups and apply the PSOs to the groups
group1 = self . add_group ( " Group-1 " )
group2 = self . add_group ( " Group-2 " )
group3 = self . add_group ( " Group-3 " )
group4 = self . add_group ( " Group-4 " )
pso1 . apply_to ( group1 )
pso2 . apply_to ( group2 )
pso3 . apply_to ( group3 )
pso4 . apply_to ( group4 )
# create a user and check the default settings apply to it
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , self . pwd_defaults )
# add the user to all the groups
self . set_attribute ( group1 , " member " , user . dn )
self . set_attribute ( group2 , " member " , user . dn )
self . set_attribute ( group3 , " member " , user . dn )
self . set_attribute ( group4 , " member " , user . dn )
# precedence is equal, so the PSO with lowest GUID gets applied
pso_list = [ pso1 , pso2 , pso3 , pso4 ]
best_pso = self . PSO_with_lowest_GUID ( pso_list )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , best_pso )
# excluding the winning PSO, apply the other PSOs directly to the user
pso_list . remove ( best_pso )
for pso in pso_list :
pso . apply_to ( user . dn )
# we should now have a different PSO applied (the 2nd lowest GUID)
next_best_pso = self . PSO_with_lowest_GUID ( pso_list )
self . assertTrue ( next_best_pso is not best_pso )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , next_best_pso )
# bump the precedence of another PSO and it should now win
pso_list . remove ( next_best_pso )
best_pso = pso_list [ 0 ]
best_pso . set_precedence ( 4 )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , best_pso )
def test_pso_invalid_location ( self ) :
""" Tests that PSOs in an invalid location have no effect """
# PSOs should only be able to be created within a Password Settings
# Container object. Trying to create one under an OU should fail
try :
rogue_pso = PasswordSettings ( " rogue-PSO " , self . ldb , precedence = 1 ,
complexity = False , password_len = 20 ,
container = self . ou )
self . fail ( )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
2020-02-07 11:02:38 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( num , ldb . ERR_NAMING_VIOLATION , msg )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
# Windows returns 2099 (Illegal superior), Samba returns 2037
# (Naming violation - "not a valid child class")
self . assertTrue ( ' 00002099 ' in msg or ' 00002037 ' in msg , msg )
# we can't create Password Settings Containers under an OU either
try :
rogue_psc = " CN=Rogue-PSO-container, %s " % self . ou
self . ldb . add ( { " dn " : rogue_psc ,
" objectclass " : " msDS-PasswordSettingsContainer " } )
self . fail ( )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
2020-02-07 11:02:38 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( num , ldb . ERR_NAMING_VIOLATION , msg )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . assertTrue ( ' 00002099 ' in msg or ' 00002037 ' in msg , msg )
base_dn = self . ldb . get_default_basedn ( )
rogue_psc = " CN=Rogue-PSO-container,CN=Computers, %s " % base_dn
self . ldb . add ( { " dn " : rogue_psc ,
" objectclass " : " msDS-PasswordSettingsContainer " } )
rogue_pso = PasswordSettings ( " rogue-PSO " , self . ldb , precedence = 1 ,
container = rogue_psc , password_len = 20 )
self . add_obj_cleanup ( [ rogue_pso . dn , rogue_psc ] )
# apply the PSO to a group and check it has no effect on the user
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
group = self . add_group ( " Group-1 " )
rogue_pso . apply_to ( group )
self . set_attribute ( group , " member " , user . dn )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , self . pwd_defaults )
# apply the PSO directly to the user and check it has no effect
rogue_pso . apply_to ( user . dn )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , self . pwd_defaults )
# the PSOs created in these test-cases all use a default min-age of zero.
# This is the only test case that checks the PSO's min-age is enforced
def test_pso_min_age ( self ) :
""" Tests that a PSO ' s min-age is enforced """
pso = PasswordSettings ( " min-age-PSO " , self . ldb , password_len = 10 ,
2018-06-18 09:03:40 +12:00
password_age_min = 2 , complexity = False )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . add_obj_cleanup ( [ pso . dn ] )
# create a user and apply the PSO
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
pso . apply_to ( user . dn )
self . assertTrue ( user . get_resultant_PSO ( ) == pso . dn )
2018-07-27 14:34:16 +12:00
# changing the password immediately should fail, even if the password
# is valid
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
valid_password = " min-age-passwd "
self . assert_password_invalid ( user , valid_password )
2018-06-18 09:03:40 +12:00
# then trying the same password later should succeed
time . sleep ( pso . password_age_min + 0.5 )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . assert_password_valid ( user , valid_password )
def test_pso_max_age ( self ) :
""" Tests that a PSO ' s max-age is used """
# create PSOs that use the domain's max-age +/- 1 day
domain_max_age = self . pwd_defaults . password_age_max
day_in_secs = 60 * 60 * 24
higher_max_age = domain_max_age + day_in_secs
lower_max_age = domain_max_age - day_in_secs
longer_pso = PasswordSettings ( " longer-age-PSO " , self . ldb , precedence = 5 ,
password_age_max = higher_max_age )
shorter_pso = PasswordSettings ( " shorter-age-PSO " , self . ldb ,
precedence = 1 ,
password_age_max = lower_max_age )
self . add_obj_cleanup ( [ longer_pso . dn , shorter_pso . dn ] )
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
2018-07-27 14:34:16 +12:00
# we can't wait around long enough for the max-age to expire, so
# instead just check the msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed for
# the user
2018-07-27 13:26:23 +12:00
attrs = [ ' msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed ' ]
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
res = self . ldb . search ( user . dn , attrs = attrs )
domain_expiry = int ( res [ 0 ] [ ' msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed ' ] [ 0 ] )
# apply the longer PSO and check the expiry-time becomes longer
longer_pso . apply_to ( user . dn )
self . assertTrue ( user . get_resultant_PSO ( ) == longer_pso . dn )
res = self . ldb . search ( user . dn , attrs = attrs )
new_expiry = int ( res [ 0 ] [ ' msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed ' ] [ 0 ] )
# use timestamp diff of 1 day - 1 minute. The new expiry should still
# be greater than this, without getting into nano-second granularity
approx_timestamp_diff = ( day_in_secs - 60 ) * ( 1e7 )
self . assertTrue ( new_expiry > domain_expiry + approx_timestamp_diff )
# apply the shorter PSO and check the expiry-time is shorter
shorter_pso . apply_to ( user . dn )
self . assertTrue ( user . get_resultant_PSO ( ) == shorter_pso . dn )
res = self . ldb . search ( user . dn , attrs = attrs )
new_expiry = int ( res [ 0 ] [ ' msDS-UserPasswordExpiryTimeComputed ' ] [ 0 ] )
self . assertTrue ( new_expiry < domain_expiry - approx_timestamp_diff )
def test_pso_special_groups ( self ) :
""" Checks applying a PSO to built-in AD groups takes effect """
# create some PSOs that will apply to special groups
default_pso = PasswordSettings ( " default-PSO " , self . ldb , precedence = 20 ,
password_len = 8 , complexity = False )
guest_pso = PasswordSettings ( " guest-PSO " , self . ldb , history_len = 4 ,
precedence = 5 , password_len = 5 )
builtin_pso = PasswordSettings ( " builtin-PSO " , self . ldb , history_len = 9 ,
precedence = 1 , password_len = 9 )
admin_pso = PasswordSettings ( " admin-PSO " , self . ldb , history_len = 0 ,
precedence = 2 , password_len = 10 )
self . add_obj_cleanup ( [ default_pso . dn , guest_pso . dn , admin_pso . dn ,
builtin_pso . dn ] )
2018-07-27 14:34:16 +12:00
base_dn = self . ldb . domain_dn ( )
domain_users = " CN=Domain Users,CN=Users, %s " % base_dn
domain_guests = " CN=Domain Guests,CN=Users, %s " % base_dn
admin_users = " CN=Domain Admins,CN=Users, %s " % base_dn
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
# if we apply a PSO to Domain Users (which all users are a member of)
# then that PSO should take effect on a new user
default_pso . apply_to ( domain_users )
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , default_pso )
# Apply a PSO to a builtin group. 'Domain Users' should be a member of
# Builtin/Users, but builtin groups should be excluded from the PSO
# calculation, so this should have no effect
2018-07-27 14:34:16 +12:00
builtin_pso . apply_to ( " CN=Users,CN=Builtin, %s " % base_dn )
builtin_pso . apply_to ( " CN=Administrators,CN=Builtin, %s " % base_dn )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , default_pso )
# change the user's primary group to another group (the primaryGroupID
# is a little odd in that there's no memberOf backlink for it)
self . set_attribute ( domain_guests , " member " , user . dn )
user . set_primary_group ( domain_guests )
# No PSO is applied to the Domain Guests yet, so the default PSO should
# still apply
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , default_pso )
# now apply a PSO to the guests group, which should trump the default
# PSO (because the guest PSO has a better precedence)
guest_pso . apply_to ( domain_guests )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , guest_pso )
# create a new group that's a member of Admin Users
nested_group = self . add_group ( " nested-group " )
self . set_attribute ( admin_users , " member " , nested_group )
# set the user's primary-group to be the new group
self . set_attribute ( nested_group , " member " , user . dn )
user . set_primary_group ( nested_group )
# we've only changed group membership so far, not the PSO
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , guest_pso )
# now apply the best-precedence PSO to Admin Users and check it applies
# to the user (via the nested-group's membership)
admin_pso . apply_to ( admin_users )
self . assert_PSO_applied ( user , admin_pso )
2018-05-29 10:46:50 +12:00
# restore the default primaryGroupID so we can safely delete the group
user . set_primary_group ( domain_users )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
def test_pso_none_applied ( self ) :
""" Tests cases where no Resultant PSO should be returned """
# create a PSO that we will check *doesn't* get returned
dummy_pso = PasswordSettings ( " dummy-PSO " , self . ldb , password_len = 20 )
self . add_obj_cleanup ( [ dummy_pso . dn ] )
# you can apply a PSO to other objects (like OUs), but the resultantPSO
# attribute should only be returned for users
2018-05-24 20:28:13 +12:00
dummy_pso . apply_to ( str ( self . ou ) )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
res = self . ldb . search ( self . ou , attrs = [ ' msDS-ResultantPSO ' ] )
self . assertFalse ( ' msDS-ResultantPSO ' in res [ 0 ] )
# create a dummy user and apply the PSO
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
dummy_pso . apply_to ( user . dn )
self . assertTrue ( user . get_resultant_PSO ( ) == dummy_pso . dn )
2021-09-20 14:54:03 +12:00
try :
# now clear the ADS_UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT flag for the user, which should
# mean a resultant PSO is no longer returned (we're essentially turning
# the user into a DC here, which is a little overkill but tests
# behaviour as per the Windows specification)
self . set_attribute ( user . dn , " userAccountControl " ,
operation = FLAG_MOD_REPLACE )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
self . fail ( " Failed to change user into a workstation: {msg} " )
2018-07-27 13:33:26 +12:00
self . assertIsNone ( user . get_resultant_PSO ( ) )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
2021-09-20 14:54:03 +12:00
try :
# reset it back to a normal user account
self . set_attribute ( user . dn , " userAccountControl " ,
str ( dsdb . UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT ) ,
operation = FLAG_MOD_REPLACE )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
self . fail ( " Failed to change user back into a user: {msg} " )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . assertTrue ( user . get_resultant_PSO ( ) == dummy_pso . dn )
# no PSO should be returned if RID is equal to DOMAIN_USER_RID_KRBTGT
# (note this currently fails against Windows due to a Windows bug)
krbtgt_user = " CN=krbtgt,CN=Users, %s " % self . ldb . domain_dn ( )
dummy_pso . apply_to ( krbtgt_user )
res = self . ldb . search ( krbtgt_user , attrs = [ ' msDS-ResultantPSO ' ] )
self . assertFalse ( ' msDS-ResultantPSO ' in res [ 0 ] )
def get_ldb_connection ( self , username , password , ldaphost ) :
""" Returns an LDB connection using the specified user ' s credentials """
creds = self . get_credentials ( )
creds_tmp = Credentials ( )
creds_tmp . set_username ( username )
creds_tmp . set_password ( password )
creds_tmp . set_domain ( creds . get_domain ( ) )
creds_tmp . set_realm ( creds . get_realm ( ) )
creds_tmp . set_workstation ( creds . get_workstation ( ) )
2018-07-27 13:49:16 +12:00
features = creds_tmp . get_gensec_features ( ) | gensec . FEATURE_SEAL
creds_tmp . set_gensec_features ( features )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
return samba . tests . connect_samdb ( ldaphost , credentials = creds_tmp )
def test_pso_permissions ( self ) :
""" Checks that regular users can ' t modify/view PSO objects """
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
# get an ldb connection with the new user's privileges
user_ldb = self . get_ldb_connection ( " testuser " , user . get_password ( ) ,
self . host_url )
# regular users should not be able to create a PSO (at least, not in
# the default Password Settings container)
try :
priv_pso = PasswordSettings ( " priv-PSO " , user_ldb , password_len = 20 )
self . fail ( )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
2020-02-07 11:02:38 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( num , ldb . ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS , msg )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
# create a PSO as the admin user
priv_pso = PasswordSettings ( " priv-PSO " , self . ldb , password_len = 20 )
self . add_obj_cleanup ( [ priv_pso . dn ] )
# regular users should not be able to apply a PSO to a user
try :
self . set_attribute ( priv_pso . dn , " msDS-PSOAppliesTo " , user . dn ,
samdb = user_ldb )
self . fail ( )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
2020-02-07 11:02:38 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( num , ldb . ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS , msg )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . assertTrue ( ' 00002098 ' in msg , msg )
self . set_attribute ( priv_pso . dn , " msDS-PSOAppliesTo " , user . dn ,
samdb = self . ldb )
# regular users should not be able to change a PSO's precedence
try :
priv_pso . set_precedence ( 100 , samdb = user_ldb )
self . fail ( )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
2020-02-07 11:02:38 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( num , ldb . ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS , msg )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . assertTrue ( ' 00002098 ' in msg , msg )
priv_pso . set_precedence ( 100 , samdb = self . ldb )
# regular users should not be able to view a PSO's settings
pso_attrs = [ " msDS-PSOAppliesTo " , " msDS-PasswordSettingsPrecedence " ,
" msDS-PasswordHistoryLength " , " msDS-LockoutThreshold " ,
" msDS-PasswordComplexityEnabled " ]
# users can see the PSO object's DN, but not its attributes
res = user_ldb . search ( priv_pso . dn , scope = ldb . SCOPE_BASE ,
attrs = pso_attrs )
self . assertTrue ( str ( priv_pso . dn ) == str ( res [ 0 ] . dn ) )
for attr in pso_attrs :
self . assertFalse ( attr in res [ 0 ] )
# whereas admin users can see everything
res = self . ldb . search ( priv_pso . dn , scope = ldb . SCOPE_BASE ,
attrs = pso_attrs )
for attr in pso_attrs :
self . assertTrue ( attr in res [ 0 ] )
# check replace/delete operations can't be performed by regular users
2018-07-27 13:36:18 +12:00
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
for oper in operations :
try :
self . set_attribute ( priv_pso . dn , " msDS-PSOAppliesTo " , user . dn ,
samdb = user_ldb , operation = oper )
self . fail ( )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
2020-02-07 11:02:38 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( num , ldb . ERR_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_RIGHTS , msg )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . assertTrue ( ' 00002098 ' in msg , msg )
# ...but can be performed by the admin user
self . set_attribute ( priv_pso . dn , " msDS-PSOAppliesTo " , user . dn ,
samdb = self . ldb , operation = oper )
2018-07-27 15:27:09 +12:00
def format_password_for_ldif ( self , password ) :
""" Encodes/decodes the password so that it ' s accepted in an LDIF """
2018-09-21 13:22:56 +12:00
pwd = ' " {0} " ' . format ( password )
2018-07-27 15:27:09 +12:00
return base64 . b64encode ( pwd . encode ( ' utf-16-le ' ) ) . decode ( ' utf8 ' )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
# The 'user add' case is a bit more complicated as you can't really query
# the msDS-ResultantPSO attribute on a user that doesn't exist yet (it
# won't have any group membership or PSOs applied directly against it yet).
# In theory it's possible to still get an applicable PSO via the user's
# primaryGroupID (i.e. 'Domain Users' by default). However, testing aginst
# Windows shows that the PSO doesn't take effect during the user add
# operation. (However, the Windows GUI tools presumably adds the user in 2
# steps, because it does enforce the PSO for users added via the GUI).
def test_pso_add_user ( self ) :
""" Tests against a ' Domain Users ' PSO taking effect on a new user """
# create a PSO that will apply to users by default
default_pso = PasswordSettings ( " default-PSO " , self . ldb , precedence = 20 ,
password_len = 12 , complexity = False )
self . add_obj_cleanup ( [ default_pso . dn ] )
# apply the PSO to Domain Users (which all users are a member of). In
# theory, this PSO *could* take effect on a new user (but it doesn't)
domain_users = " CN=Domain Users,CN=Users, %s " % self . ldb . domain_dn ( )
default_pso . apply_to ( domain_users )
# first try to add a user with a password that doesn't meet the domain
# defaults, to prove that the DC will reject bad passwords during a
# user add
userdn = " CN=testuser, %s " % self . ou
2018-07-27 15:27:09 +12:00
password = self . format_password_for_ldif ( ' abcdef ' )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
# Note we use an LDIF operation to ensure that the password gets set
# as part of the 'add' operation (whereas self.add_user() adds the user
# first, then sets the password later in a 2nd step)
try :
ldif = """
dn : % s
objectClass : user
sAMAccountName : testuser
unicodePwd : : % s
""" % (userdn, password)
self . ldb . add_ldif ( ldif )
self . fail ( )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
# error codes differ between Samba and Windows
self . assertTrue ( num == ldb . ERR_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM or
num == ldb . ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION , msg )
self . assertTrue ( ' 0000052D ' in msg , msg )
# now use a password that meets the domain defaults, but doesn't meet
# the PSO requirements. Note that Windows allows this, i.e. it doesn't
# honour the PSO during the add operation
2018-07-27 15:27:09 +12:00
password = self . format_password_for_ldif ( ' abcde12# ' )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
ldif = """
dn : % s
objectClass : user
sAMAccountName : testuser
unicodePwd : : % s
""" % (userdn, password)
self . ldb . add_ldif ( ldif )
# Now do essentially the same thing, but set the password in a 2nd step
# which proves that the same password doesn't meet the PSO requirements
userdn = " CN=testuser2, %s " % self . ou
ldif = """
dn : % s
objectClass : user
sAMAccountName : testuser2
""" % u serdn
self . ldb . add_ldif ( ldif )
# now that the user exists, assert that the PSO is honoured
try :
ldif = """
dn : % s
changetype : modify
delete : unicodePwd
add : unicodePwd
unicodePwd : : % s
""" % (userdn, password)
self . ldb . modify_ldif ( ldif )
self . fail ( )
except ldb . LdbError as e :
( num , msg ) = e . args
2020-02-07 11:02:38 +13:00
self . assertEqual ( num , ldb . ERR_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION , msg )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
self . assertTrue ( ' 0000052D ' in msg , msg )
# check setting a password that meets the PSO settings works
2018-07-27 15:27:09 +12:00
password = self . format_password_for_ldif ( ' abcdefghijkl ' )
2018-03-12 15:22:24 +13:00
ldif = """
dn : % s
changetype : modify
delete : unicodePwd
add : unicodePwd
unicodePwd : : % s
""" % (userdn, password)
self . ldb . modify_ldif ( ldif )
2018-05-11 09:29:01 +12:00
def set_domain_pwdHistoryLength ( self , value ) :
m = ldb . Message ( )
m . dn = ldb . Dn ( self . ldb , self . ldb . domain_dn ( ) )
2018-07-27 14:34:16 +12:00
m [ " pwdHistoryLength " ] = ldb . MessageElement ( value ,
" pwdHistoryLength " )
2018-05-11 09:29:01 +12:00
self . ldb . modify ( m )
def test_domain_pwd_history ( self ) :
""" Non-PSO test for domain ' s pwdHistoryLength setting """
# restore the current pwdHistoryLength setting after the test completes
curr_hist_len = str ( self . pwd_defaults . history_len )
self . addCleanup ( self . set_domain_pwdHistoryLength , curr_hist_len )
self . set_domain_pwdHistoryLength ( " 4 " )
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
initial_pwd = user . get_password ( )
passwords = [ " First12# " , " Second12# " , " Third12# " , " Fourth12# " ]
# we should be able to set the password to new values OK
for pwd in passwords :
self . assert_password_valid ( user , pwd )
# the 2nd time round it should fail because they're in the history now
for pwd in passwords :
self . assert_password_invalid ( user , pwd )
# but the initial password is now outside the history, so should be OK
self . assert_password_valid ( user , initial_pwd )
# if we set the history to zero, all the old passwords should now be OK
self . set_domain_pwdHistoryLength ( " 0 " )
for pwd in passwords :
self . assert_password_valid ( user , pwd )
def test_domain_pwd_history_zero ( self ) :
""" Non-PSO test for pwdHistoryLength going from zero to non-zero """
# restore the current pwdHistoryLength setting after the test completes
curr_hist_len = str ( self . pwd_defaults . history_len )
self . addCleanup ( self . set_domain_pwdHistoryLength , curr_hist_len )
self . set_domain_pwdHistoryLength ( " 0 " )
user = self . add_user ( " testuser " )
self . assert_password_valid ( user , " NewPwd12# " )
# we can set the exact same password again because there's no history
self . assert_password_valid ( user , " NewPwd12# " )
# There is a difference in behaviour here between Windows and Samba.
# When going from zero to non-zero password-history, Windows treats
# the current user's password as invalid (even though the password has
# not been altered since the setting changed). Whereas Samba accepts
# the current password (because it's not in the history until the
# *next* time the user's password changes.
self . set_domain_pwdHistoryLength ( " 1 " )
self . assert_password_invalid ( user , " NewPwd12# " )