2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' automated testing library for testing Samba against windows '''
import pexpect , subprocess
2010-12-03 15:31:39 +11:00
import optparse
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
import sys , os , time , re
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
class wintest ( ) :
''' testing of Samba against windows VMs '''
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . vars = { }
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
self . list_mode = False
2010-11-30 11:54:55 +11:00
self . vms = None
2011-02-21 16:46:58 +11:00
os . environ [ ' PYTHONUNBUFFERED ' ] = ' 1 '
2010-12-03 15:31:39 +11:00
self . parser = optparse . OptionParser ( " wintest " )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
2010-12-10 12:13:58 +11:00
def check_prerequesites ( self ) :
self . info ( " Checking prerequesites " )
self . setvar ( ' HOSTNAME ' , self . cmd_output ( " hostname -s " ) . strip ( ) )
if os . getuid ( ) != 0 :
raise Exception ( " You must run this script as root " )
self . run_cmd ( ' ifconfig $ {INTERFACE} $ {INTERFACE_NET} up ' )
if self . getvar ( ' INTERFACE_IPV6 ' ) :
self . run_cmd ( ' ifconfig $ {INTERFACE} inet6 del $ {INTERFACE_IPV6} /64 ' , checkfail = False )
self . run_cmd ( ' ifconfig $ {INTERFACE} inet6 add $ {INTERFACE_IPV6} /64 up ' )
def stop_vms ( self ) :
''' Shut down any existing alive VMs, so they do not collide with what we are doing '''
self . info ( ' Shutting down any of our VMs already running ' )
vms = self . get_vms ( )
for v in vms :
self . vm_poweroff ( v , checkfail = False )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
def setvar ( self , varname , value ) :
''' set a substitution variable '''
self . vars [ varname ] = value
2010-11-23 20:20:18 +11:00
def getvar ( self , varname ) :
''' return a substitution variable '''
2010-11-24 13:36:21 +11:00
if not varname in self . vars :
return None
2010-11-23 20:20:18 +11:00
return self . vars [ varname ]
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
def setwinvars ( self , vm , prefix = ' WIN ' ) :
''' setup WIN_XX vars based on a vm name '''
2010-11-30 11:58:05 +11:00
for v in [ ' VM ' , ' HOSTNAME ' , ' USER ' , ' PASS ' , ' SNAPSHOT ' , ' REALM ' , ' DOMAIN ' , ' IP ' ] :
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
vname = ' %s _ %s ' % ( vm , v )
if vname in self . vars :
self . setvar ( " %s _ %s " % ( prefix , v ) , self . substitute ( " $ { %s } " % vname ) )
else :
self . vars . pop ( " %s _ %s " % ( prefix , v ) , None )
2010-11-30 11:58:05 +11:00
if self . getvar ( " WIN_REALM " ) :
self . setvar ( " WIN_REALM " , self . getvar ( " WIN_REALM " ) . upper ( ) )
self . setvar ( " WIN_LCREALM " , self . getvar ( " WIN_REALM " ) . lower ( ) )
dnsdomain = self . getvar ( " WIN_REALM " )
self . setvar ( " WIN_BASEDN " , " DC= " + dnsdomain . replace ( " . " , " ,DC= " ) )
2010-12-14 10:53:34 +11:00
if self . getvar ( " WIN_USER " ) is None :
self . setvar ( " WIN_USER " , " administrator " )
2010-11-30 11:58:05 +11:00
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
def info ( self , msg ) :
''' print some information '''
if not self . list_mode :
print ( self . substitute ( msg ) )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
def load_config ( self , fname ) :
''' load the config file '''
f = open ( fname )
for line in f :
line = line . strip ( )
if len ( line ) == 0 or line [ 0 ] == ' # ' :
colon = line . find ( ' : ' )
if colon == - 1 :
raise RuntimeError ( " Invalid config line ' %s ' " % line )
varname = line [ 0 : colon ] . strip ( )
value = line [ colon + 1 : ] . strip ( )
self . setvar ( varname , value )
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
def list_steps_mode ( self ) :
''' put wintest in step listing mode '''
self . list_mode = True
def set_skip ( self , skiplist ) :
''' set a list of tests to skip '''
self . skiplist = skiplist . split ( ' , ' )
2010-11-30 11:54:55 +11:00
def set_vms ( self , vms ) :
''' set a list of VMs to test '''
2010-11-30 12:37:01 +11:00
if vms is not None :
2011-02-17 11:21:12 +11:00
self . vms = [ ]
for vm in vms . split ( ' , ' ) :
vm = vm . upper ( )
self . vms . append ( vm )
2010-11-30 11:54:55 +11:00
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
def skip ( self , step ) :
''' return True if we should skip a step '''
if self . list_mode :
print ( " \t %s " % step )
return True
return step in self . skiplist
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
def substitute ( self , text ) :
""" Substitute strings of the form $ {NAME} in text, replacing
with substitutions from vars .
if isinstance ( text , list ) :
ret = text [ : ]
for i in range ( len ( ret ) ) :
ret [ i ] = self . substitute ( ret [ i ] )
return ret
2010-11-22 21:24:56 +11:00
""" We may have objects such as pexpect.EOF that are not strings """
if not isinstance ( text , str ) :
return text
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
while True :
var_start = text . find ( " $ { " )
if var_start == - 1 :
return text
var_end = text . find ( " } " , var_start )
if var_end == - 1 :
return text
var_name = text [ var_start + 2 : var_end ]
if not var_name in self . vars :
raise RuntimeError ( " Unknown substitution variable $ { %s } " % var_name )
text = text . replace ( " $ { %s } " % var_name , self . vars [ var_name ] )
return text
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
def have_var ( self , varname ) :
''' see if a variable has been set '''
return varname in self . vars
2010-11-30 11:54:55 +11:00
def have_vm ( self , vmname ) :
''' see if a VM should be used '''
if not self . have_var ( vmname + ' _VM ' ) :
return False
if self . vms is None :
return True
return vmname in self . vms
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
def putenv ( self , key , value ) :
''' putenv with substitution '''
2011-02-21 16:46:58 +11:00
os . environ [ key ] = self . substitute ( value )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
def chdir ( self , dir ) :
''' chdir with substitution '''
os . chdir ( self . substitute ( dir ) )
2010-11-19 14:08:18 +11:00
def del_files ( self , dirs ) :
''' delete all files in the given directory '''
for d in dirs :
self . run_cmd ( " find %s -type f | xargs rm -f " % d )
def write_file ( self , filename , text , mode = ' w ' ) :
''' write to a file '''
f = open ( self . substitute ( filename ) , mode = mode )
f . write ( self . substitute ( text ) )
f . close ( )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
def run_cmd ( self , cmd , dir = " . " , show = None , output = False , checkfail = True ) :
2010-11-24 17:48:39 +11:00
''' run a command '''
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
cmd = self . substitute ( cmd )
if isinstance ( cmd , list ) :
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
self . info ( ' $ ' + " " . join ( cmd ) )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
else :
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
self . info ( ' $ ' + cmd )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
if output :
return subprocess . Popen ( [ cmd ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT , cwd = dir ) . communicate ( ) [ 0 ]
if isinstance ( cmd , list ) :
shell = False
else :
shell = True
if checkfail :
return subprocess . check_call ( cmd , shell = shell , cwd = dir )
else :
return subprocess . call ( cmd , shell = shell , cwd = dir )
2010-11-24 17:48:39 +11:00
2010-11-23 17:38:31 +11:00
def run_child ( self , cmd , dir = " . " ) :
2010-11-24 17:48:39 +11:00
''' create a child and return the Popen handle to it '''
2010-11-23 17:38:31 +11:00
cwd = os . getcwd ( )
cmd = self . substitute ( cmd )
if isinstance ( cmd , list ) :
self . info ( ' $ ' + " " . join ( cmd ) )
else :
self . info ( ' $ ' + cmd )
if isinstance ( cmd , list ) :
shell = False
else :
shell = True
os . chdir ( dir )
2010-11-24 17:48:39 +11:00
ret = subprocess . Popen ( cmd , shell = shell , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT )
2010-11-23 17:38:31 +11:00
os . chdir ( cwd )
return ret
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
def cmd_output ( self , cmd ) :
''' return output from and command '''
cmd = self . substitute ( cmd )
return self . run_cmd ( cmd , output = True )
2010-11-19 14:08:18 +11:00
def cmd_contains ( self , cmd , contains , nomatch = False , ordered = False , regex = False ,
2010-12-01 16:07:56 +11:00
casefold = True ) :
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
''' check that command output contains the listed strings '''
2010-11-19 14:08:18 +11:00
if isinstance ( contains , str ) :
contains = [ contains ]
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
out = self . cmd_output ( cmd )
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
self . info ( out )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
for c in self . substitute ( contains ) :
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
if regex :
2010-12-01 16:07:56 +11:00
if casefold :
c = c . upper ( )
out = out . upper ( )
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
m = re . search ( c , out )
if m is None :
start = - 1
end = - 1
else :
start = m . start ( )
end = m . end ( )
2010-11-19 14:08:18 +11:00
elif casefold :
start = out . upper ( ) . find ( c . upper ( ) )
end = start + len ( c )
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
else :
start = out . find ( c )
end = start + len ( c )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
if nomatch :
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
if start != - 1 :
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
raise RuntimeError ( " Expected to not see %s in %s " % ( c , cmd ) )
else :
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
if start == - 1 :
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
raise RuntimeError ( " Expected to see %s in %s " % ( c , cmd ) )
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
if ordered and start != - 1 :
out = out [ end : ]
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
def retry_cmd ( self , cmd , contains , retries = 30 , delay = 2 , wait_for_fail = False ,
2010-12-01 16:07:56 +11:00
ordered = False , regex = False , casefold = True ) :
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
''' retry a command a number of times '''
while retries > 0 :
try :
2010-11-18 23:56:22 +11:00
self . cmd_contains ( cmd , contains , nomatch = wait_for_fail ,
2010-11-19 14:08:18 +11:00
ordered = ordered , regex = regex , casefold = casefold )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
except :
time . sleep ( delay )
2010-11-27 11:33:52 +11:00
retries - = 1
self . info ( " retrying (retries= %u delay= %u ) " % ( retries , delay ) )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
raise RuntimeError ( " Failed to find %s " % contains )
2010-11-30 11:55:48 +11:00
def pexpect_spawn ( self , cmd , timeout = 60 , crlf = True , casefold = True ) :
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
''' wrapper around pexpect spawn '''
cmd = self . substitute ( cmd )
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
self . info ( " $ " + cmd )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
ret = pexpect . spawn ( cmd , logfile = sys . stdout , timeout = timeout )
def sendline_sub ( line ) :
2010-11-30 11:55:48 +11:00
line = self . substitute ( line )
if crlf :
line = line . replace ( ' \n ' , ' \r \n ' ) + ' \r '
return ret . old_sendline ( line )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
2010-11-30 11:55:48 +11:00
def expect_sub ( line , timeout = ret . timeout , casefold = casefold ) :
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
line = self . substitute ( line )
2010-11-30 11:55:48 +11:00
if casefold :
2010-12-01 13:24:35 +11:00
if isinstance ( line , list ) :
for i in range ( len ( line ) ) :
if isinstance ( line [ i ] , str ) :
line [ i ] = ' (?i) ' + line [ i ]
elif isinstance ( line , str ) :
line = ' (?i) ' + line
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
return ret . old_expect ( line , timeout = timeout )
2010-11-30 11:55:48 +11:00
ret . old_sendline = ret . sendline
ret . sendline = sendline_sub
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
ret . old_expect = ret . expect
ret . expect = expect_sub
return ret
2010-11-23 17:38:31 +11:00
def get_nameserver ( self ) :
''' Get the current nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf '''
2010-11-24 17:48:39 +11:00
child = self . pexpect_spawn ( ' cat /etc/resolv.conf ' , crlf = False )
i = child . expect ( [ ' Generated by wintest ' , ' nameserver ' ] )
if i == 0 :
child . expect ( ' your original resolv.conf ' )
child . expect ( ' nameserver ' )
2010-11-23 17:38:31 +11:00
child . expect ( ' \ d+. \ d+. \ d+. \ d+ ' )
return child . after
2010-12-10 12:13:58 +11:00
def rndc_cmd ( self , cmd , checkfail = True ) :
''' run a rndc command '''
self . run_cmd ( " $ {RNDC} -c $ {PREFIX} /etc/rndc.conf %s " % cmd , checkfail = checkfail )
def named_supports_gssapi_keytab ( self ) :
''' see if named supports tkey-gssapi-keytab '''
self . write_file ( " $ {PREFIX} /named.conf.test " ,
' options { tkey-gssapi-keytab " test " ; }; ' )
try :
self . run_cmd ( " $ {NAMED_CHECKCONF} $ {PREFIX} /named.conf.test " )
except subprocess . CalledProcessError :
return False
return True
def set_nameserver ( self , nameserver ) :
''' set the nameserver in resolv.conf '''
self . write_file ( " /etc/resolv.conf.wintest " , '''
# Generated by wintest, the Samba v Windows automated testing system
nameserver % s
# your original resolv.conf appears below:
''' % s elf.substitute(nameserver))
child = self . pexpect_spawn ( " cat /etc/resolv.conf " , crlf = False )
i = child . expect ( [ ' your original resolv.conf appears below: ' , pexpect . EOF ] )
if i == 0 :
child . expect ( pexpect . EOF )
contents = child . before . lstrip ( ) . replace ( ' \r ' , ' ' )
self . write_file ( ' /etc/resolv.conf.wintest ' , contents , mode = ' a ' )
self . write_file ( ' /etc/resolv.conf.wintest-bak ' , contents )
self . run_cmd ( " mv -f /etc/resolv.conf.wintest /etc/resolv.conf " )
self . resolv_conf_backup = ' /etc/resolv.conf.wintest-bak ' ;
def configure_bind ( self , kerberos_support = False , include = None ) :
self . chdir ( ' $ {PREFIX} ' )
nameserver = self . get_nameserver ( )
if nameserver == self . getvar ( ' INTERFACE_IP ' ) :
raise RuntimeError ( " old /etc/resolv.conf must not contain %s as a nameserver, this will create loops with the generated dns configuration " % nameserver )
self . setvar ( ' DNSSERVER ' , nameserver )
if self . getvar ( ' INTERFACE_IPV6 ' ) :
ipv6_listen = ' listen-on-v6 port 53 { $ {INTERFACE_IPV6} ; }; '
else :
ipv6_listen = ' '
self . setvar ( ' BIND_LISTEN_IPV6 ' , ipv6_listen )
if not kerberos_support :
self . setvar ( " NAMED_TKEY_OPTION " , " " )
else :
if self . named_supports_gssapi_keytab ( ) :
self . setvar ( " NAMED_TKEY_OPTION " ,
' tkey-gssapi-keytab " $ {PREFIX} /private/dns.keytab " ; ' )
else :
self . info ( " LCREALM=$ {LCREALM} " )
self . setvar ( " NAMED_TKEY_OPTION " ,
''' tkey-gssapi-credential " DNS/$ {LCREALM} " ;
tkey - domain " $ {LCREALM} " ;
''' )
self . putenv ( ' KEYTAB_FILE ' , ' $ {PREFIX} /private/dns.keytab ' )
self . putenv ( ' KRB5_KTNAME ' , ' $ {PREFIX} /private/dns.keytab ' )
if include :
self . setvar ( " NAMED_INCLUDE " , ' include " %s " ; ' % include )
else :
self . setvar ( " NAMED_INCLUDE " , ' ' )
self . run_cmd ( " mkdir -p $ {PREFIX} /etc " )
self . write_file ( " etc/named.conf " , '''
options {
listen - on port 53 { $ { INTERFACE_IP } ; } ;
directory " $ {PREFIX} /var/named " ;
dump - file " $ {PREFIX} /var/named/data/cache_dump.db " ;
pid - file " $ {PREFIX} /var/named/named.pid " ;
statistics - file " $ {PREFIX} /var/named/data/named_stats.txt " ;
memstatistics - file " $ {PREFIX} /var/named/data/named_mem_stats.txt " ;
allow - query { any ; } ;
recursion yes ;
max - cache - ttl 10 ;
max - ncache - ttl 10 ;
forward only ;
forwarders {
} ;
} ;
key " rndc-key " {
algorithm hmac - md5 ;
secret " lA/cTrno03mt5Ju17ybEYw== " ;
} ;
controls {
inet $ { INTERFACE_IP } port 953
allow { any ; } keys { " rndc-key " ; } ;
} ;
''' )
# add forwarding for the windows domains
domains = self . get_domains ( )
for d in domains :
self . write_file ( ' etc/named.conf ' ,
zone " %s " IN {
type forward ;
forward only ;
forwarders {
% s ;
} ;
} ;
''' % (d, domains[d]),
mode = ' a ' )
self . write_file ( " etc/rndc.conf " , '''
# Start of rndc.conf
key " rndc-key " {
algorithm hmac - md5 ;
secret " lA/cTrno03mt5Ju17ybEYw== " ;
} ;
options {
default - key " rndc-key " ;
default - server $ { INTERFACE_IP } ;
default - port 953 ;
} ;
''' )
def stop_bind ( self ) :
''' Stop our private BIND from listening and operating '''
self . rndc_cmd ( " stop " , checkfail = False )
self . port_wait ( " $ {INTERFACE_IP} " , 53 , wait_for_fail = True )
self . run_cmd ( " rm -rf var/named " )
def start_bind ( self ) :
''' restart the test environment version of bind '''
self . info ( " Restarting bind9 " )
self . chdir ( ' $ {PREFIX} ' )
self . set_nameserver ( self . getvar ( ' INTERFACE_IP ' ) )
self . run_cmd ( " mkdir -p var/named/data " )
self . run_cmd ( " chown -R $ {BIND_USER} var/named " )
self . bind_child = self . run_child ( " $ {BIND9} -u $ {BIND_USER} -n 1 -c $ {PREFIX} /etc/named.conf -g " )
self . port_wait ( " $ {INTERFACE_IP} " , 53 )
self . rndc_cmd ( " flush " )
def restart_bind ( self , kerberos_support = False , include = None ) :
2010-12-13 18:14:51 +02:00
self . configure_bind ( kerberos_support = kerberos_support , include = include )
2010-12-10 12:13:58 +11:00
self . stop_bind ( )
self . start_bind ( )
def restore_resolv_conf ( self ) :
''' restore the /etc/resolv.conf after testing is complete '''
if getattr ( self , ' resolv_conf_backup ' , False ) :
self . info ( " restoring /etc/resolv.conf " )
self . run_cmd ( " mv -f %s /etc/resolv.conf " % self . resolv_conf_backup )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
def vm_poweroff ( self , vmname , checkfail = True ) :
''' power off a VM '''
self . setvar ( ' VMNAME ' , vmname )
self . run_cmd ( " $ {VM_POWEROFF} " , checkfail = checkfail )
2010-11-27 11:33:52 +11:00
def vm_reset ( self , vmname ) :
''' reset a VM '''
self . setvar ( ' VMNAME ' , vmname )
self . run_cmd ( " $ {VM_RESET} " )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
def vm_restore ( self , vmname , snapshot ) :
''' restore a VM '''
self . setvar ( ' VMNAME ' , vmname )
self . setvar ( ' SNAPSHOT ' , snapshot )
self . run_cmd ( " $ {VM_RESTORE} " )
def ping_wait ( self , hostname ) :
''' wait for a hostname to come up on the network '''
hostname = self . substitute ( hostname )
loops = 10
while loops > 0 :
try :
self . run_cmd ( " ping -c 1 -w 10 %s " % hostname )
except :
loops = loops - 1
if loops == 0 :
raise RuntimeError ( " Failed to ping %s " % hostname )
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
self . info ( " Host %s is up " % hostname )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
def port_wait ( self , hostname , port , retries = 200 , delay = 3 , wait_for_fail = False ) :
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
''' wait for a host to come up on the network '''
self . retry_cmd ( " nc -v -z -w 1 %s %u " % ( hostname , port ) , [ ' succeeded ' ] ,
retries = retries , delay = delay , wait_for_fail = wait_for_fail )
def run_net_time ( self , child ) :
''' run net time on windows '''
child . sendline ( " net time \\ \\ $ {HOSTNAME} /set " )
child . expect ( " Do you want to set the local computer " )
child . sendline ( " Y " )
child . expect ( " The command completed successfully " )
def run_date_time ( self , child , time_tuple = None ) :
''' run date and time on windows '''
if time_tuple is None :
time_tuple = time . localtime ( )
child . sendline ( " date " )
child . expect ( " Enter the new date: " )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
i = child . expect ( [ " dd-mm-yy " , " mm-dd-yy " ] )
if i == 0 :
child . sendline ( time . strftime ( " %d - % m- % y " , time_tuple ) )
else :
child . sendline ( time . strftime ( " % m- %d - % y " , time_tuple ) )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
child . expect ( " C: " )
child . sendline ( " time " )
child . expect ( " Enter the new time: " )
child . sendline ( time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time_tuple ) )
child . expect ( " C: " )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
def get_ipconfig ( self , child ) :
''' get the IP configuration of the child '''
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
child . sendline ( " ipconfig /all " )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
child . expect ( ' Ethernet adapter ' )
child . expect ( " [ \ w \ s]+ " )
self . setvar ( " WIN_NIC " , child . after )
child . expect ( [ ' IPv4 Address ' , ' IP Address ' ] )
child . expect ( ' \ d+. \ d+. \ d+. \ d+ ' )
self . setvar ( ' WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS ' , child . after )
child . expect ( ' Subnet Mask ' )
child . expect ( ' \ d+. \ d+. \ d+. \ d+ ' )
self . setvar ( ' WIN_SUBNET_MASK ' , child . after )
child . expect ( ' Default Gateway ' )
child . expect ( ' \ d+. \ d+. \ d+. \ d+ ' )
self . setvar ( ' WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY ' , child . after )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
child . expect ( " C: " )
2010-11-29 19:03:34 +11:00
def get_is_dc ( self , child ) :
2010-12-01 16:34:16 +11:00
''' check if a windows machine is a domain controller '''
2010-11-29 19:03:34 +11:00
child . sendline ( " dcdiag " )
2010-12-01 16:34:16 +11:00
i = child . expect ( [ " is not a Directory Server " ,
" is not recognized as an internal or external command " ,
" Home Server = " ,
" passed test Replications " ] )
2010-11-29 19:03:34 +11:00
if i == 0 :
return False
2010-12-01 16:34:16 +11:00
if i == 1 or i == 3 :
2010-11-30 21:18:34 +11:00
child . expect ( " C: " )
child . sendline ( " net config Workstation " )
child . expect ( " Workstation domain " )
child . expect ( ' [ \ S]+ ' )
domain = child . after
i = child . expect ( [ " Workstation Domain DNS Name " , " Logon domain " ] )
''' If we get the Logon domain first, we are not in an AD domain '''
if i == 1 :
return False
if domain . upper ( ) == self . getvar ( " WIN_DOMAIN " ) . upper ( ) :
return True
2010-11-29 19:03:34 +11:00
child . expect ( ' [ \ S]+ ' )
hostname = child . after
2010-11-30 21:18:34 +11:00
if hostname . upper ( ) == self . getvar ( " WIN_HOSTNAME " ) . upper ( ) :
2010-11-29 19:03:34 +11:00
return True
2010-12-09 22:05:14 +11:00
def set_noexpire ( self , child , username ) :
2011-03-28 12:27:33 +11:00
""" Ensure this user ' s password does not expire """
2010-12-09 22:05:14 +11:00
child . sendline ( ' wmic useraccount where name= " %s " set PasswordExpires=FALSE ' % username )
child . expect ( " update successful " )
child . expect ( " C: " )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
def run_tlntadmn ( self , child ) :
''' remove the annoying telnet restrictions '''
child . sendline ( ' tlntadmn config maxconn=1024 ' )
2011-04-07 12:25:30 +10:00
child . expect ( [ " The settings were successfully updated " , " Access is denied " ] )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
child . expect ( " C: " )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
def disable_firewall ( self , child ) :
''' remove the annoying firewall '''
child . sendline ( ' netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off ' )
2011-04-07 14:06:31 +10:00
i = child . expect ( [ " Ok " , " The following command was not found: advfirewall set allprofiles state off " , " The requested operation requires elevation " ] )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
child . expect ( " C: " )
if i == 1 :
child . sendline ( ' netsh firewall set opmode mode = DISABLE profile = ALL ' )
2010-11-27 10:27:22 +11:00
i = child . expect ( [ " Ok " , " The following command was not found " ] )
if i != 0 :
self . info ( " Firewall disable failed - ignoring " )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
child . expect ( " C: " )
2010-12-13 18:14:51 +02:00
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
def set_dns ( self , child ) :
2010-11-23 17:38:31 +11:00
child . sendline ( ' netsh interface ip set dns " $ {WIN_NIC} " static $ {INTERFACE_IP} primary ' )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
i = child . expect ( [ ' C: ' , pexpect . EOF , pexpect . TIMEOUT ] , timeout = 5 )
if i > 0 :
return True
else :
return False
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
def set_ip ( self , child ) :
2010-11-23 20:20:18 +11:00
""" fix the IP address to the same value it had when we
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
connected , but don ' t use DHCP, and force the DNS server to our
2010-11-23 20:20:18 +11:00
DNS server . This allows DNS updates to run """
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
self . get_ipconfig ( child )
2010-11-24 14:16:35 +11:00
if self . getvar ( " WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS " ) != self . getvar ( " WIN_IP " ) :
raise RuntimeError ( " ipconfig address %s != nmblookup address %s " % ( self . getvar ( " WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS " ) ,
self . getvar ( " WIN_IP " ) ) )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
child . sendline ( ' netsh ' )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
child . expect ( ' netsh> ' )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
child . sendline ( ' offline ' )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
child . expect ( ' netsh> ' )
child . sendline ( ' routing ip add persistentroute dest= mask= name= " $ {WIN_NIC} " nhop=$ {WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY} ' )
child . expect ( ' netsh> ' )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
child . sendline ( ' interface ip set address " $ {WIN_NIC} " static $ {WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS} $ {WIN_SUBNET_MASK} $ {WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY} 1 store=persistent ' )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
i = child . expect ( [ ' The syntax supplied for this command is not valid. Check help for the correct syntax ' , ' netsh> ' , pexpect . EOF , pexpect . TIMEOUT ] , timeout = 5 )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
if i == 0 :
child . sendline ( ' interface ip set address " $ {WIN_NIC} " static $ {WIN_IPV4_ADDRESS} $ {WIN_SUBNET_MASK} $ {WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY} 1 ' )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
child . expect ( ' netsh> ' )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
child . sendline ( ' commit ' )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
child . sendline ( ' online ' )
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
child . sendline ( ' exit ' )
child . expect ( [ pexpect . EOF , pexpect . TIMEOUT ] , timeout = 5 )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
return True
2010-11-24 13:36:21 +11:00
def resolve_ip ( self , hostname , retries = 60 , delay = 5 ) :
''' resolve an IP given a hostname, assuming NBT '''
while retries > 0 :
child = self . pexpect_spawn ( " bin/nmblookup %s " % hostname )
2010-12-14 10:53:34 +11:00
i = 0
while i == 0 :
i = child . expect ( [ " querying " , ' \ d+. \ d+. \ d+. \ d+ ' , hostname , " Lookup failed " ] )
if i == 0 :
child . expect ( " \r " )
if i == 1 :
2010-11-24 13:36:21 +11:00
return child . after
retries - = 1
time . sleep ( delay )
2010-11-27 11:33:52 +11:00
self . info ( " retrying (retries= %u delay= %u ) " % ( retries , delay ) )
2010-11-24 13:36:21 +11:00
raise RuntimeError ( " Failed to resolve IP of %s " % hostname )
def open_telnet ( self , hostname , username , password , retries = 60 , delay = 5 , set_time = False , set_ip = False ,
2010-12-09 22:05:14 +11:00
disable_firewall = True , run_tlntadmn = True , set_noexpire = False ) :
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
''' open a telnet connection to a windows server, return the pexpect child '''
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
set_route = False
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
set_dns = False
2010-11-24 13:36:21 +11:00
if self . getvar ( ' WIN_IP ' ) :
ip = self . getvar ( ' WIN_IP ' )
else :
ip = self . resolve_ip ( hostname )
self . setvar ( ' WIN_IP ' , ip )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
while retries > 0 :
2010-11-24 13:36:21 +11:00
child = self . pexpect_spawn ( " telnet " + ip + " -l ' " + username + " ' " )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
i = child . expect ( [ " Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service " ,
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
" Denying new connections due to the limit on number of connections " ,
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
" No more connections are allowed to telnet server " ,
" Unable to connect to remote host " ,
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
" No route to host " ,
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
" Connection refused " ,
pexpect . EOF ] )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
if i != 0 :
child . close ( )
time . sleep ( delay )
retries - = 1
2010-11-27 11:33:52 +11:00
self . info ( " retrying (retries= %u delay= %u ) " % ( retries , delay ) )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
child . expect ( " password: " )
child . sendline ( password )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
i = child . expect ( [ " C: " ,
" Denying new connections due to the limit on number of connections " ,
" No more connections are allowed to telnet server " ,
" Unable to connect to remote host " ,
" No route to host " ,
" Connection refused " ,
pexpect . EOF ] )
if i != 0 :
child . close ( )
time . sleep ( delay )
retries - = 1
2010-11-27 11:33:52 +11:00
self . info ( " retrying (retries= %u delay= %u ) " % ( retries , delay ) )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
if set_dns :
set_dns = False
if self . set_dns ( child ) :
continue ;
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
if set_route :
child . sendline ( ' route add mask $ {WIN_DEFAULT_GATEWAY} ' )
child . expect ( " C: " )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
set_route = False
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
if set_time :
self . run_date_time ( child , None )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
set_time = False
if run_tlntadmn :
self . run_tlntadmn ( child )
run_tlntadmn = False
2010-12-09 22:05:14 +11:00
if set_noexpire :
self . set_noexpire ( child , username )
set_noexpire = False
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
if disable_firewall :
self . disable_firewall ( child )
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
disable_firewall = False
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
if set_ip :
set_ip = False
2010-11-23 15:04:31 +11:00
if self . set_ip ( child ) :
set_route = True
set_dns = True
2010-11-22 21:23:38 +11:00
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
return child
raise RuntimeError ( " Failed to connect with telnet " )
def kinit ( self , username , password ) :
''' use kinit to setup a credentials cache '''
self . run_cmd ( " kdestroy " )
self . putenv ( ' KRB5CCNAME ' , " $ {PREFIX} /ccache.test " )
username = self . substitute ( username )
s = username . split ( ' @ ' )
if len ( s ) > 0 :
s [ 1 ] = s [ 1 ] . upper ( )
username = ' @ ' . join ( s )
2010-11-29 17:19:55 +11:00
child = self . pexpect_spawn ( ' kinit ' + username )
child . expect ( " Password " )
2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
child . sendline ( password )
2010-11-29 17:19:55 +11:00
child . expect ( pexpect . EOF )
child . close ( )
if child . exitstatus != 0 :
raise RuntimeError ( " kinit failed with status %d " % child . exitstatus )
2010-11-24 13:36:21 +11:00
def get_domains ( self ) :
''' return a dictionary of DNS domains and IPs for named.conf '''
ret = { }
for v in self . vars :
if v [ - 6 : ] == " _REALM " :
base = v [ : - 6 ]
if base + ' _IP ' in self . vars :
ret [ self . vars [ base + ' _REALM ' ] ] = self . vars [ base + ' _IP ' ]
return ret
2010-11-27 11:33:52 +11:00
def wait_reboot ( self , retries = 3 ) :
''' wait for a VM to reboot '''
# first wait for it to shutdown
self . port_wait ( " $ {WIN_IP} " , 139 , wait_for_fail = True , delay = 6 )
# now wait for it to come back. If it fails to come back
# then try resetting it
while retries > 0 :
try :
self . port_wait ( " $ {WIN_IP} " , 139 )
except :
retries - = 1
self . vm_reset ( " $ {WIN_VM} " )
self . info ( " retrying reboot (retries= %u ) " % retries )
raise RuntimeError ( self . substitute ( " VM $ {WIN_VM} failed to reboot " ) )
2010-11-30 11:55:32 +11:00
def get_vms ( self ) :
''' return a dictionary of all the configured VM names '''
ret = [ ]
for v in self . vars :
if v [ - 3 : ] == " _VM " :
ret . append ( self . vars [ v ] )
return ret
2010-12-03 15:31:39 +11:00
2010-12-10 12:13:58 +11:00
def run_dcpromo_as_first_dc ( self , vm , func_level = None ) :
self . setwinvars ( vm )
self . info ( " Configuring a windows VM $ {WIN_VM} at the first DC in the domain using dcpromo " )
child = self . open_telnet ( " $ {WIN_HOSTNAME} " , " administrator " , " $ {WIN_PASS} " , set_time = True )
if self . get_is_dc ( child ) :
if func_level == ' 2008r2 ' :
self . setvar ( " FUNCTION_LEVEL_INT " , str ( 4 ) )
elif func_level == ' 2003 ' :
self . setvar ( " FUNCTION_LEVEL_INT " , str ( 1 ) )
else :
self . setvar ( " FUNCTION_LEVEL_INT " , str ( 0 ) )
child = self . open_telnet ( " $ {WIN_HOSTNAME} " , " administrator " , " $ {WIN_PASS} " , set_ip = True , set_noexpire = True )
""" This server must therefore not yet be a directory server, so we must promote it """
child . sendline ( " copy /Y con answers.txt " )
child . sendline ( '''
[ DCInstall ]
; New forest promotion
ReplicaOrNewDomain = Domain
NewDomain = Forest
NewDomainDNSName = $ { WIN_REALM }
ForestLevel = $ { FUNCTION_LEVEL_INT }
DomainNetbiosName = $ { WIN_DOMAIN }
DomainLevel = $ { FUNCTION_LEVEL_INT }
InstallDNS = Yes
ConfirmGc = Yes
CreateDNSDelegation = No
DatabasePath = " C: \ Windows \ NTDS "
LogPath = " C: \ Windows \ NTDS "
SYSVOLPath = " C: \ Windows \ SYSVOL "
; Set SafeModeAdminPassword to the correct value prior to using the unattend file
SafeModeAdminPassword = $ { WIN_PASS }
; Run - time flags ( optional )
RebootOnCompletion = No
''' )
child . expect ( " copied. " )
child . expect ( " C: " )
child . expect ( " C: " )
child . sendline ( " dcpromo /answer:answers.txt " )
i = child . expect ( [ " You must restart this computer " , " failed " , " Active Directory Domain Services was not installed " , " C: " ] , timeout = 240 )
if i == 1 or i == 2 :
raise Exception ( " dcpromo failed " )
child . sendline ( " shutdown -r -t 0 " )
self . port_wait ( " $ {WIN_IP} " , 139 , wait_for_fail = True )
self . port_wait ( " $ {WIN_IP} " , 139 )
2010-12-14 10:53:34 +11:00
self . retry_cmd ( " host -t SRV _ldap._tcp.$ {WIN_REALM} $ {WIN_IP} " , [ ' has SRV record ' ] )
def start_winvm ( self , vm ) :
''' start a Windows VM '''
self . setwinvars ( vm )
self . info ( " Joining a windows box to the domain " )
self . vm_poweroff ( " $ {WIN_VM} " , checkfail = False )
self . vm_restore ( " $ {WIN_VM} " , " $ {WIN_SNAPSHOT} " )
def run_winjoin ( self , vm , domain , username = " administrator " , password = " $ {PASSWORD1} " ) :
''' join a windows box to a domain '''
child = self . open_telnet ( " $ {WIN_HOSTNAME} " , " $ {WIN_USER} " , " $ {WIN_PASS} " , set_time = True , set_ip = True , set_noexpire = True )
child . sendline ( " ipconfig /flushdns " )
child . expect ( " C: " )
child . sendline ( " netdom join $ {WIN_HOSTNAME} /Domain: %s /UserD: %s /PasswordD: %s " % ( domain , username , password ) )
child . expect ( " The command completed successfully " )
child . expect ( " C: " )
child . sendline ( " shutdown /r -t 0 " )
self . wait_reboot ( )
child = self . open_telnet ( " $ {WIN_HOSTNAME} " , " $ {WIN_USER} " , " $ {WIN_PASS} " , set_time = True , set_ip = True )
child . sendline ( " ipconfig /registerdns " )
child . expect ( " Registration of the DNS resource records for all adapters of this computer has been initiated. Any errors will be reported in the Event Viewer " )
child . expect ( " C: " )
def test_remote_smbclient ( self , vm , username = " $ {WIN_USER} " , password = " $ {WIN_PASS} " , args = " " ) :
''' test smbclient against remote server '''
self . setwinvars ( vm )
self . info ( ' Testing smbclient ' )
self . chdir ( ' $ {PREFIX} ' )
self . cmd_contains ( " bin/smbclient --version " , [ " $ {SAMBA_VERSION} " ] )
self . retry_cmd ( ' bin/smbclient -L $ {WIN_HOSTNAME} -U %s %% %s %s ' % ( username , password , args ) , [ " IPC " ] )
2010-12-10 12:13:58 +11:00
2011-04-07 08:54:52 +10:00
def test_net_use ( self , vm , domain , username , password ) :
self . setwinvars ( vm )
self . info ( ' Testing net use against Samba3 member ' )
child = self . open_telnet ( " $ {WIN_HOSTNAME} " , " %s \\ %s " % ( domain , username ) , password )
child . sendline ( " net use t: \\ \\ $ {HOSTNAME} .$ {LCREALM} \\ test " )
child . expect ( " The command completed successfully " )
2010-12-10 12:13:58 +11:00
2010-12-03 15:31:39 +11:00
def setup ( self , testname , subdir ) :
''' setup for main tests, parsing command line '''
self . parser . add_option ( " --conf " , type = ' string ' , default = ' ' , help = ' config file ' )
self . parser . add_option ( " --skip " , type = ' string ' , default = ' ' , help = ' list of steps to skip (comma separated) ' )
self . parser . add_option ( " --vms " , type = ' string ' , default = None , help = ' list of VMs to use (comma separated) ' )
self . parser . add_option ( " --list " , action = ' store_true ' , default = False , help = ' list the available steps ' )
self . parser . add_option ( " --rebase " , action = ' store_true ' , default = False , help = ' do a git pull --rebase ' )
self . parser . add_option ( " --clean " , action = ' store_true ' , default = False , help = ' clean the tree ' )
self . parser . add_option ( " --prefix " , type = ' string ' , default = None , help = ' override install prefix ' )
self . parser . add_option ( " --sourcetree " , type = ' string ' , default = None , help = ' override sourcetree location ' )
self . parser . add_option ( " --nocleanup " , action = ' store_true ' , default = False , help = ' disable cleanup code ' )
self . opts , self . args = self . parser . parse_args ( )
if not self . opts . conf :
print ( " Please specify a config file with --conf " )
sys . exit ( 1 )
# we don't need fsync safety in these tests
self . putenv ( ' TDB_NO_FSYNC ' , ' 1 ' )
self . load_config ( self . opts . conf )
self . set_skip ( self . opts . skip )
self . set_vms ( self . opts . vms )
if self . opts . list :
self . list_steps_mode ( )
if self . opts . prefix :
self . setvar ( ' PREFIX ' , self . opts . prefix )
if self . opts . sourcetree :
self . setvar ( ' SOURCETREE ' , self . opts . sourcetree )
if self . opts . rebase :
self . info ( ' rebasing ' )
self . chdir ( ' $ {SOURCETREE} ' )
self . run_cmd ( ' git pull --rebase ' )
if self . opts . clean :
self . info ( ' cleaning ' )
self . chdir ( ' $ {SOURCETREE} / ' + subdir )
self . run_cmd ( ' make clean ' )