Unix SMB / Netbios implementation .
Version 1.9 .
Create codepage files from codepage_def . XXX files .
Copyright ( C ) Jeremy Allison 1997 - 1998.
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or
( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
Foundation , Inc . , 675 Mass Ave , Cambridge , MA 0213 9 , USA .
# include "includes.h"
static char * prog_name = NULL ;
* Print program usage and die .
static void codepage_usage ( char * progname )
fprintf ( stderr , " Usage is : %s [c|d] <codepage> <inputfile> <outputfile> \n " ,
progname ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
* Read a line from a buffer into a line buffer . Ensure null
* terminated .
static void read_line ( char * * buf , char * line_buf , int size )
char * p = * buf ;
int num = 0 ;
for ( ; * p & & ( * p ! = ' \n ' ) ; p + + )
if ( num < ( size - 1 ) )
line_buf [ num + + ] = * p ;
if ( * p )
p + + ; /* Go past the '\n' */
line_buf [ num ] = ' \0 ' ;
* buf = p ;
* Strip comment lines and blank lines from the data .
* Copies into a new buffer and frees the old .
* Returns the number of lines copied .
static int clean_data ( char * * buf , uint32 * size )
pstring linebuf ;
char * p = * buf ;
int num_lines = 0 ;
char * newbuf = ( char * ) malloc ( * size + 1 ) ;
char * newbuf_p = NULL ;
if ( newbuf = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: malloc fail for size %d. \n " , prog_name , * size + 1 ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
newbuf_p = newbuf ;
* newbuf_p = ' \0 ' ;
while ( * p )
char * cp ;
read_line ( & p , linebuf , sizeof ( linebuf ) ) ;
/* Null terminate after comment. */
if ( ( cp = strchr ( linebuf , ' # ' ) ) ! = NULL )
* cp = ' \0 ' ;
for ( cp = linebuf ; * cp & & isspace ( * cp ) ; cp + + )
if ( * cp = = ' \0 ' )
continue ;
safe_strcpy ( newbuf_p , cp , * size - ( newbuf_p - newbuf ) ) ;
num_lines + + ;
newbuf_p + = ( strlen ( newbuf_p ) + 1 ) ;
free ( * buf ) ;
* buf = newbuf ;
return num_lines ;
* Parse a byte from a codepage file .
static BOOL parse_byte ( char * buf , unsigned char * bp )
unsigned int b ;
char * endptr = NULL ;
b = ( unsigned int ) strtol ( buf , & endptr , 0 ) ;
if ( endptr = = buf | | b > 255 )
return False ;
* bp = ( unsigned char ) b ;
return True ;
* Parse a bool from a codepage file .
static BOOL parse_bool ( char * buf , unsigned char * bp )
if ( isdigit ( ( int ) * buf ) )
char * endptr = NULL ;
* bp = ( unsigned char ) strtol ( buf , & endptr , 0 ) ;
if ( endptr = = buf )
return False ;
if ( * bp ! = 0 )
* bp = 1 ;
} else {
if ( strcasecmp ( buf , " True " ) & & strcasecmp ( buf , " False " ) )
return False ;
if ( strcasecmp ( buf , " True " ) = = 0 )
* bp = 1 ;
* bp = 0 ;
return True ;
* Print a parse error and exit .
static void parse_error ( char * buf , char * msg )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: %s whilst parsing line \n %s \n " , prog_name ,
msg , buf ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
* Create a compiled codepage file from a codepage definition file .
static int do_compile ( int codepage , char * input_file , char * output_file )
FILE * fp = NULL ;
uint32 size = 0 ;
char * buf = NULL ;
int num_lines = 0 ;
int i = 0 ;
/* Get the size of the input file. Read the entire thing into memory. */
if ( sys_stat ( ( char * ) input_file , & st ) ! = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: failed to get the file size for file %s. Error was %s \n " ,
prog_name , input_file , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
size = ( uint32 ) st . st_size ;
/* I don't believe these things should be bigger than 100k :-) */
if ( size > 100 * 1024 )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: filesize %d is too large for a codepage definition file. \
The maximum size I will believe is 100 k . \ n " , prog_name, size);
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( ( fp = sys_fopen ( input_file , " r " ) ) = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: cannot open file %s for input. \n " , prog_name , input_file ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* As we will be reading text, allocate one more byte for a '\0' */
if ( ( buf = ( char * ) malloc ( size + 1 ) ) = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: malloc fail for size %d. \n " , prog_name , size + 1 ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( fread ( buf , 1 , size , fp ) ! = size )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: read failed for file %s. Error was %s. \n " , prog_name ,
input_file , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
free ( ( char * ) buf ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Null terminate the text read. */
buf [ size ] = ' \0 ' ;
/* Go through the data line by line, strip out comments (anything
after a ' # ' to end - of - line ) and blank lines . The rest should be
the codepage data .
num_lines = clean_data ( & buf , & size ) ;
/* There can be a maximum of MAXCODEPAGELINES lines. */
if ( num_lines > MAXCODEPAGELINES )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: There can be a maximum %d lines of data in a codepage \
definition file . File % s has % d . \ n " , prog_name, MAXCODEPAGELINES, input_file, num_lines);
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Setup the output file header. */
SSVAL ( output_buf , CODEPAGE_CLIENT_CODEPAGE_OFFSET , ( uint16 ) codepage ) ;
SIVAL ( output_buf , CODEPAGE_LENGTH_OFFSET , ( num_lines * 4 ) ) ;
/* Now convert the lines into the compiled form. */
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_lines ; i + + )
char token_buf [ 512 ] ;
char * p = buf ;
unsigned char b = 0 ;
/* Get the 'lower' value. */
if ( ! next_token ( & p , token_buf , NULL , sizeof ( token_buf ) ) )
parse_error ( buf , " cannot parse first value " ) ;
if ( ! parse_byte ( token_buf , & b ) )
parse_error ( buf , " first value doesn't resolve to a byte " ) ;
/* Add this to the output buffer. */
SCVAL ( output_buf , CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE + ( i * 4 ) , b ) ;
/* Get the 'upper' value. */
if ( ! next_token ( & p , token_buf , NULL , sizeof ( token_buf ) ) )
parse_error ( buf , " cannot parse second value " ) ;
if ( ! parse_byte ( token_buf , & b ) )
parse_error ( buf , " second value doesn't resolve to a byte " ) ;
/* Add this to the output buffer. */
SCVAL ( output_buf , CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE + ( i * 4 ) + 1 , b ) ;
/* Get the 'upper to lower' value. */
if ( ! next_token ( & p , token_buf , NULL , sizeof ( token_buf ) ) )
parse_error ( buf , " cannot parse third value " ) ;
if ( ! parse_bool ( token_buf , & b ) )
parse_error ( buf , " third value doesn't resolve to a boolean " ) ;
/* Add this to the output buffer. */
SCVAL ( output_buf , CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE + ( i * 4 ) + 2 , b ) ;
/* Get the 'lower to upper' value. */
if ( ! next_token ( & p , token_buf , NULL , sizeof ( token_buf ) ) )
parse_error ( buf , " cannot parse fourth value " ) ;
if ( ! parse_bool ( token_buf , & b ) )
parse_error ( buf , " fourth value doesn't resolve to a boolean " ) ;
/* Add this to the output buffer. */
SCVAL ( output_buf , CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE + ( i * 4 ) + 3 , b ) ;
buf + = ( strlen ( buf ) + 1 ) ;
/* Now write out the output_buf. */
if ( ( fp = sys_fopen ( output_file , " w " ) ) = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: Cannot open output file %s. Error was %s. \n " ,
prog_name , output_file , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( fwrite ( output_buf , 1 , CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE + ( num_lines * 4 ) , fp ) ! =
CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE + ( num_lines * 4 ) )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: Cannot write output file %s. Error was %s. \n " ,
prog_name , output_file , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
return 0 ;
* Placeholder for now .
static int do_decompile ( int codepage , char * input_file , char * output_file )
uint32 size = 0 ;
char header_buf [ CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE ] ;
char * buf = NULL ;
FILE * fp = NULL ;
int num_lines = 0 ;
int i = 0 ;
/* Get the size of the input file. Read the entire thing into memory. */
if ( sys_stat ( ( char * ) input_file , & st ) ! = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: failed to get the file size for file %s. Error was %s \n " ,
prog_name , input_file , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
size = ( uint32 ) st . st_size ;
if ( size < CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE | | size > ( CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE + 256 ) )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: file %s is an incorrect size for a \
code page file . \ n " , prog_name, input_file);
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Read the first 8 bytes of the codepage file - check
the version number and code page number . All the data
is held in little endian format .
if ( ( fp = sys_fopen ( input_file , " r " ) ) = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: cannot open file %s. Error was %s \n " ,
prog_name , input_file , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( fread ( header_buf , 1 , CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE , fp ) ! = CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: cannot read header from file %s. Error was %s \n " ,
prog_name , input_file , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Check the version value */
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: filename %s has incorrect version id. \
Needed % hu , got % hu . \ n " ,
prog_name , input_file , ( uint16 ) CODEPAGE_FILE_VERSION_ID ,
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Check the codepage matches */
if ( SVAL ( header_buf , CODEPAGE_CLIENT_CODEPAGE_OFFSET ) ! = ( uint16 ) codepage )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: filename %s has incorrect codepage. \
Needed % hu , got % hu . \ n " ,
prog_name , input_file , ( uint16 ) codepage ,
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Check the length is correct. */
if ( IVAL ( header_buf , CODEPAGE_LENGTH_OFFSET ) ! =
( unsigned int ) ( size - CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE ) )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: filename %s has incorrect size headers. \
Needed % u , got % u . \ n " , prog_name, input_file, size - CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE,
IVAL ( header_buf , CODEPAGE_LENGTH_OFFSET ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
size - = CODEPAGE_HEADER_SIZE ; /* Remove header */
/* Make sure the size is a multiple of 4. */
if ( ( size % 4 ) ! = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: filename %s has a codepage size not a \
multiple of 4. \ n " , prog_name, input_file);
exit ( 1 ) ;
/* Allocate space for the code page file and read it all in. */
if ( ( buf = ( char * ) malloc ( size ) ) = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: malloc fail for size %d. \n " ,
prog_name , size ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( fread ( buf , 1 , size , fp ) ! = size )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: read fail on file %s. Error was %s. \n " ,
prog_name , input_file , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
/* Now dump the codepage into an ascii file. */
if ( ( fp = sys_fopen ( output_file , " w " ) ) = = NULL )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: cannot open file %s. Error was %s \n " ,
prog_name , output_file , strerror ( errno ) ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
fprintf ( fp , " # \n # Codepage definition file for IBM Code Page %d. \n # \n " ,
codepage ) ;
fprintf ( fp , " # This file was automatically generated. \n # \n " ) ;
fprintf ( fp , " # defines lower->upper mapping. \n " ) ;
fprintf ( fp , " # \n #The columns are : \n # lower \t upper \t u-t-l \t l-t-u \n # \n " ) ;
num_lines = size / 4 ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < num_lines ; i + + )
fprintf ( fp , " 0x%02X \t 0x%02X \t %s \t %s \n " , CVAL ( buf , ( i * 4 ) ) , CVAL ( buf , ( i * 4 ) + 1 ) ,
CVAL ( buf , ( i * 4 ) + 2 ) ? " True " : " False " ,
CVAL ( buf , ( i * 4 ) + 3 ) ? " True " : " False " ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
return 0 ;
int main ( int argc , char * * argv )
int codepage = 0 ;
char * input_file = NULL ;
char * output_file = NULL ;
BOOL compile = False ;
prog_name = argv [ 0 ] ;
if ( argc ! = 5 )
codepage_usage ( prog_name ) ;
if ( argv [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ! = ' c ' & & argv [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ! = ' C ' & & argv [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ! = ' d ' & &
argv [ 1 ] [ 0 ] ! = ' D ' )
codepage_usage ( prog_name ) ;
input_file = argv [ 3 ] ;
output_file = argv [ 4 ] ;
/* Are we compiling or decompiling. */
if ( argv [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = = ' c ' | | argv [ 1 ] [ 0 ] = = ' C ' )
compile = True ;
/* Convert the second argument into a client codepage value. */
if ( ( codepage = atoi ( argv [ 2 ] ) ) = = 0 )
fprintf ( stderr , " %s: %s is not a valid codepage. \n " , prog_name , argv [ 2 ] ) ;
exit ( 1 ) ;
if ( compile )
return do_compile ( codepage , input_file , output_file ) ;
return do_decompile ( codepage , input_file , output_file ) ;