2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
# Copyright (C) Stefan Metzmacher 2020
# Copyright (C) Catalyst.Net Ltd 2023
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import sys
import os
sys . path . insert ( 0 , ' bin/python ' )
os . environ [ ' PYTHONUNBUFFERED ' ] = ' 1 '
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import partial
import re
from string import Formatter
import ldb
from samba import dsdb , ntstatus
from samba . dcerpc import claims , krb5pac , security
from samba . ndr import ndr_pack , ndr_unpack
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
from samba . sd_utils import escaped_claim_id
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
from samba . tests import DynamicTestCase , env_get_var_value
from samba . tests . krb5 . authn_policy_tests import (
AuditEvent ,
AuditReason ,
AuthnPolicyBaseTests ,
from samba . tests . krb5 . raw_testcase import RawKerberosTest
from samba . tests . krb5 . rfc4120_constants import (
import samba . tests . krb5 . rfc4120_pyasn1 as krb5_asn1
SidType = RawKerberosTest . SidType
global_asn1_print = False
global_hexdump = False
# When used as a test outcome, indicates that the test can cause a Windows
# server to crash, and is to be run with caution.
CRASHES_WINDOWS = object ( )
class ConditionalAceBaseTests ( AuthnPolicyBaseTests ) :
# Constants for group SID attributes.
default_attrs = security . SE_GROUP_DEFAULT_FLAGS
resource_attrs = default_attrs | security . SE_GROUP_RESOURCE
aa_asserted_identity = (
service_asserted_identity = security . SID_SERVICE_ASSERTED_IDENTITY
def setUpClass ( cls ) :
super ( ) . setUpClass ( )
cls . _setup = False
def setUp ( self ) :
super ( ) . setUp ( )
self . do_asn1_print = global_asn1_print
self . do_hexdump = global_hexdump
if not self . _setup :
samdb = self . get_samdb ( )
cls = type ( self )
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
cls . _mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER )
# Create some new groups.
group0_name = self . get_new_username ( )
group0_dn = self . create_group ( samdb , group0_name )
cls . _group0_sid = self . get_objectSid ( samdb , group0_dn )
group1_name = self . get_new_username ( )
group1_dn = self . create_group ( samdb , group1_name )
cls . _group1_sid = self . get_objectSid ( samdb , group1_dn )
# Create machine accounts with which to perform FAST that belong to
# various arrangements of the groups.
cls . _member_of_both_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' member_of ' : ( group0_dn , group1_dn ) } )
cls . _member_of_one_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' member_of ' : ( group1_dn , ) } )
# Create some authentication silos.
cls . _unenforced_silo = self . create_authn_silo ( enforced = False )
cls . _enforced_silo = self . create_authn_silo ( enforced = True )
# Create machine accounts with which to perform FAST that belong to
# the respective silos.
cls . _member_of_unenforced_silo = self . _get_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_silo = self . _unenforced_silo ,
cached = True )
self . add_to_group ( str ( self . _member_of_unenforced_silo . get_dn ( ) ) ,
self . _unenforced_silo . dn ,
' msDS-AuthNPolicySiloMembers ' ,
expect_attr = False )
cls . _member_of_enforced_silo = self . _get_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_silo = self . _enforced_silo ,
cached = True )
self . add_to_group ( str ( self . _member_of_enforced_silo . get_dn ( ) ) ,
self . _enforced_silo . dn ,
' msDS-AuthNPolicySiloMembers ' ,
expect_attr = False )
# Create a couple of multi‐ valued string claims for testing claim
# value comparisons.
cls . claim0_attr = ' carLicense '
cls . claim0_id = self . get_new_username ( )
self . create_claim ( cls . claim0_id ,
enabled = True ,
attribute = cls . claim0_attr ,
single_valued = False ,
source_type = ' AD ' ,
for_classes = [ ' computer ' , ' user ' ] ,
value_type = claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING )
cls . claim1_attr = ' departmentNumber '
cls . claim1_id = self . get_new_username ( )
self . create_claim ( cls . claim1_id ,
enabled = True ,
attribute = cls . claim1_attr ,
single_valued = False ,
source_type = ' AD ' ,
for_classes = [ ' computer ' , ' user ' ] ,
value_type = claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING )
cls . _setup = True
# For debugging purposes. Prints out the SDDL representation of
# authentication policy conditions set by the Windows GUI.
def _print_authn_policy_sddl ( self , policy_id ) :
policy_dn = self . get_authn_policies_dn ( )
policy_dn . add_child ( f ' CN= { policy_id } ' )
attrs = [
' msDS-ComputerAllowedToAuthenticateTo ' ,
' msDS-ServiceAllowedToAuthenticateFrom ' ,
' msDS-ServiceAllowedToAuthenticateTo ' ,
' msDS-UserAllowedToAuthenticateFrom ' ,
' msDS-UserAllowedToAuthenticateTo ' ,
samdb = self . get_samdb ( )
res = samdb . search ( policy_dn , scope = ldb . SCOPE_BASE , attrs = attrs )
self . assertEqual ( 1 , len ( res ) ,
f ' Authentication policy { policy_id } not found ' )
result = res [ 0 ]
def print_sddl ( attr ) :
sd = result . get ( attr , idx = 0 )
if sd is None :
sec_desc = ndr_unpack ( security . descriptor , sd )
print ( f ' { attr } : { sec_desc . as_sddl ( ) } ' )
for attr in attrs :
print_sddl ( attr )
def sddl_array_from_sids ( self , sids ) :
def sddl_from_sid_entry ( sid_entry ) :
sid , _ , _ = sid_entry
return f ' SID( { sid } ) '
return f " {{ { ' , ' . join ( map ( sddl_from_sid_entry , sids ) ) } }} "
def allow_if ( self , condition ) :
return f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD;( { condition } )) '
class ConditionalAceTests ( ConditionalAceBaseTests ) :
def setUpDynamicTestCases ( cls ) :
FILTER = env_get_var_value ( ' FILTER ' , allow_missing = True )
# These operators are arranged so that each operator precedes its own
# affixes.
op_names = OrderedDict ( [
( ' != ' , ' does not equal ' ) ,
( ' ! ' , ' not ' ) ,
( ' && ' , ' and ' ) ,
( ' <= ' , ' is less than or equals ' ) ,
( ' < ' , ' is less than ' ) ,
( ' == ' , ' equals ' ) ,
( ' >= ' , ' exceeds or equals ' ) ,
( ' > ' , ' exceeds ' ) ,
( ' Not_Any_of ' , ' matches none of ' ) ,
( ' Any_of ' , ' matches any of ' ) ,
( ' Not_Contains ' , ' does not contain ' ) ,
( ' Contains ' , ' contains ' ) ,
( ' Not_Member_of_Any ' , ' the user belongs to none of ' ) ,
( ' Not_Device_Member_of_Any ' , ' the device belongs to none of ' ) , # TODO: no test for this yet
( ' Device_Member_of_Any ' , ' the device belongs to any of ' ) , # TODO: no test for this yet
( ' Not_Device_Member_of ' , ' the device does not belong to ' ) , # TODO: no test for this yet
( ' Device_Member_of ' , ' the device belongs to ' ) ,
( ' Not_Exists ' , ' there does not exist ' ) ,
( ' Exists ' , ' there exists ' ) ,
( ' Member_of_Any ' , ' the user belongs to any of ' ) ,
( ' Not_Member_of ' , ' the user does not belong to ' ) ,
( ' Member_of ' , ' the user belongs to ' ) ,
( ' || ' , ' or ' ) ,
] )
# This is a safety measure to ensure correct ordering of op_names
keys = list ( op_names . keys ( ) )
for i in range ( len ( keys ) ) :
for j in range ( i + 1 , len ( keys ) ) :
if keys [ i ] in keys [ j ] :
raise AssertionError ( ( keys [ i ] , keys [ j ] ) )
for case in cls . pac_claim_cases :
if len ( case ) == 3 :
pac_claims , expression , outcome = case
claim_map = None
elif len ( case ) == 4 :
pac_claims , expression , claim_map , outcome = case
else :
raise AssertionError (
f ' found { len ( case ) } items in case, expected 3– 4 ' )
expression_name = expression
for op , op_name in op_names . items ( ) :
expression_name = expression_name . replace ( op , op_name )
name = f ' { pac_claims } _ { expression_name } '
if claim_map is not None :
name + = f ' _ { claim_map } '
name = re . sub ( r ' \ W+ ' , ' _ ' , name )
if len ( name ) > 150 :
name = f ' { name [ : 125 ] } + { len ( name ) - 125 } ‐ more'
if FILTER and not re . search ( FILTER , name ) :
cls . generate_dynamic_test ( ' test_pac_claim_cmp ' , name ,
pac_claims , expression , claim_map ,
outcome )
for case in cls . claim_against_claim_cases :
lhs , op , rhs , outcome = case
op_name = op_names [ op ]
name = f ' { lhs } _ { op_name } _ { rhs } '
name = re . sub ( r ' \ W+ ' , ' _ ' , name )
if FILTER and not re . search ( FILTER , name ) :
cls . generate_dynamic_test ( ' test_cmp ' , name ,
lhs , op , rhs , outcome )
for case in cls . claim_against_literal_cases :
lhs , op , rhs , outcome = case
op_name = op_names [ op ]
name = f ' { lhs } _ { op_name } _literal_ { rhs } '
name = re . sub ( r ' \ W+ ' , ' _ ' , name )
if FILTER and not re . search ( FILTER , name ) :
cls . generate_dynamic_test ( ' test_cmp ' , name ,
lhs , op , rhs , outcome , True )
def test_allowed_from_member_of_each ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that allows accounts belonging to
# both groups.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD;(Member_of '
f ' {{ SID( { self . _group0_sid } ), SID( { self . _group1_sid } ) }} )) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that we get a policy error if the machine account does not
# belong to both groups.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_one_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
# Otherwise, authentication should succeed.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_both_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_member_of_any ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that allows accounts belonging to
# either group.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD;(Member_of_Any '
f ' {{ SID( { self . _group0_sid } ), SID( { self . _group1_sid } ) }} )) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that we get a policy error if the machine account belongs to
# neither group.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
# Otherwise, authentication should succeed.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_one_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_not_member_of_each ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that allows accounts not belonging to
# both groups.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD;(Not_Member_of '
f ' {{ SID( { self . _group0_sid } ), SID( { self . _group1_sid } ) }} )) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that we get a policy error if the machine account belongs to
# both groups.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_both_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
# Otherwise, authentication should succeed.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_one_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_not_member_of_any ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that allows accounts belonging to
# neither group.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD;(Not_Member_of_Any '
f ' {{ SID( { self . _group0_sid } ), SID( { self . _group1_sid } ) }} )) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that we get a policy error if the machine account belongs to one
# of the groups.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_one_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
# Otherwise, authentication should succeed.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_member_of_each_deny ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that denies accounts belonging to
# both groups, and allows other accounts.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;;WD;(Member_of '
f ' {{ SID( { self . _group0_sid } ), SID( { self . _group1_sid } ) }} )) '
f ' (A;;CR;;;WD) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that we get a policy error if the machine account belongs to
# both groups.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_both_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
# Otherwise, authentication should succeed.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_one_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_member_of_any_deny ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that denies accounts belonging to
# either group, and allows other accounts.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;;WD;(Member_of_Any '
f ' {{ SID( { self . _group0_sid } ), SID( { self . _group1_sid } ) }} )) '
f ' (A;;CR;;;WD) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that we get a policy error if the machine account belongs to
# either group.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_one_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
# Otherwise, authentication should succeed.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_not_member_of_each_deny ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that denies accounts not belonging to
# both groups, and allows other accounts.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;;WD;(Not_Member_of '
f ' {{ SID( { self . _group0_sid } ), SID( { self . _group1_sid } ) }} )) '
f ' (A;;CR;;;WD) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that we get a policy error if the machine account doesn’ t belong
# to both groups.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_one_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
# Otherwise, authentication should succeed.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_both_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_not_member_of_any_deny ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that denies accounts belonging to
# neither group, and allows other accounts.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;;WD;(Not_Member_of_Any '
f ' {{ SID( { self . _group0_sid } ), SID( { self . _group1_sid } ) }} )) '
f ' (A;;CR;;;WD) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that we get a policy error if the machine account belongs to
# neither group.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
# Otherwise, authentication should succeed.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_one_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_unenforced_silo_equals ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that allows accounts belonging to the
# unenforced silo.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' (@User.ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo == '
f ' " { self . _unenforced_silo } " )) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# As the policy is unenforced, the ‘ ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo’ claim
# will not be present in the TGT, and the ACE will never allow access.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_unenforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_enforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
def test_allowed_from_enforced_silo_equals ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that allows accounts belonging to the
# enforced silo.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' (@User.ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo == '
f ' " { self . _enforced_silo } " )) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that we get a policy error if the machine account does not
# belong to the silo.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_unenforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
# Otherwise, authentication should succeed.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_enforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_unenforced_silo_not_equals ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that allows accounts not belonging to
# the unenforced silo.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' (@User.ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo != '
f ' " { self . _unenforced_silo } " )) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that authentication fails unless the account belongs to a silo
# other than the unenforced silo.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_unenforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_enforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_enforced_silo_not_equals ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that allows accounts not belonging to
# the enforced silo.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' (@User.ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo != '
f ' " { self . _enforced_silo } " )) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that authentication always fails, as none of the machine
# accounts belong to a silo that is not the enforced one. (The
# unenforced silo doesn’ t count, as it will never appear in a claim.)
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_unenforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_enforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
def test_allowed_from_unenforced_silo_equals_deny ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that denies accounts belonging to the
# unenforced silo, and allows other accounts.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' (@User.ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo == '
f ' " { self . _unenforced_silo } " )) '
f ' (A;;CR;;;WD) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that authentication fails unless the account belongs to a silo
# other than the unenforced silo.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_unenforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_enforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_enforced_silo_equals_deny ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that denies accounts belonging to the
# enforced silo, and allows other accounts.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' (@User.ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo == '
f ' " { self . _enforced_silo } " )) '
f ' (A;;CR;;;WD) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that authentication always fails, as none of the machine
# accounts belong to a silo that is not the enforced one. (The
# unenforced silo doesn’ t count, as it will never appear in a claim.)
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_unenforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_enforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
def test_allowed_from_unenforced_silo_not_equals_deny ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that denies accounts not belonging to
# the unenforced silo, and allows other accounts.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' (@User.ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo != '
f ' " { self . _unenforced_silo } " )) '
f ' (A;;CR;;;WD) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that authentication always fails, as the unenforced silo will
# never appear in a claim.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_unenforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_enforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
def test_allowed_from_enforced_silo_not_equals_deny ( self ) :
# Create an authentication policy that denies accounts not belonging to
# the enforced silo, and allows other accounts.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' (@User.ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo != '
f ' " { self . _enforced_silo } " )) '
f ' (A;;CR;;;WD) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that authentication fails unless the account belongs to the
# enforced silo.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_unenforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _member_of_enforced_silo )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_from_claim_equals_claim ( self ) :
2023-10-17 01:59:40 +03:00
# Create a couple of claim types.
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
claim0_id = self . get_new_username ( )
self . create_claim ( claim0_id ,
enabled = True ,
attribute = ' carLicense ' ,
single_valued = True ,
source_type = ' AD ' ,
for_classes = [ ' computer ' ] ,
value_type = claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING )
claim1_id = self . get_new_username ( )
self . create_claim ( claim1_id ,
enabled = True ,
attribute = ' comment ' ,
single_valued = True ,
source_type = ' AD ' ,
for_classes = [ ' computer ' ] ,
value_type = claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING )
# Create an authentication policy that allows accounts having the two
# claims be equal.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' (@User. { claim0_id } == @User. { claim1_id } )) ' ) ,
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = {
' additional_details ' : (
( ' carLicense ' , ' foo ' ) ,
( ' comment ' , ' foo ' ) ,
) ,
} )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt (
mach_creds ,
expect_client_claims = True ,
expected_client_claims = {
claim0_id : {
' source_type ' : claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD ,
' type ' : claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING ,
' values ' : ( ' foo ' , ) ,
} ,
claim1_id : {
' source_type ' : claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD ,
' type ' : claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING ,
' values ' : ( ' foo ' , ) ,
} ,
} )
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = 0 )
def test_allowed_to_client_equals ( self ) :
client_claim_attr = ' carLicense '
client_claim_value = ' foo bar '
client_claim_values = client_claim_value ,
client_claim_id = self . get_new_username ( )
self . create_claim ( client_claim_id ,
enabled = True ,
attribute = client_claim_attr ,
single_valued = True ,
source_type = ' AD ' ,
for_classes = [ ' user ' ] ,
value_type = claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING )
# Create an authentication policy that allows authorization if the
# client has a particular claim value.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
computer_allowed_to = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' ((@User. { client_claim_id } == " { client_claim_value } " ))) ' ) ,
# Create a computer account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
# Create a user account without the claim value.
client_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Show that obtaining a service ticket is denied.
self . _tgs_req (
tgt , KDC_ERR_POLICY , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expect_edata = self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
expect_status = None ,
check_patypes = False )
# Create a user account with the claim value.
client_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
opts = {
' additional_details ' : (
( client_claim_attr , client_claim_values ) ,
) ,
} )
tgt = self . get_tgt (
client_creds ,
expect_client_claims = True ,
expected_client_claims = {
client_claim_id : {
' source_type ' : claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD ,
' type ' : claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING ,
' values ' : client_claim_values ,
} ,
} )
# Show that obtaining a service ticket is allowed.
self . _tgs_req ( tgt , 0 , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = armor_tgt )
def test_allowed_to_device_equals ( self ) :
device_claim_attr = ' carLicense '
device_claim_value = ' bar '
device_claim_values = device_claim_value ,
device_claim_id = self . get_new_username ( )
self . create_claim ( device_claim_id ,
enabled = True ,
attribute = device_claim_attr ,
single_valued = True ,
source_type = ' AD ' ,
for_classes = [ ' computer ' ] ,
value_type = claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that allows authorization if the
# device has a particular claim value.
policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
computer_allowed_to = (
f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD; '
f ' (@Device. { device_claim_id } == " { device_claim_value } " )) ' ) ,
# Create a computer account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( self . _mach_creds )
# Show that obtaining a service ticket is denied when the claim value
# is not present.
self . _tgs_req (
tgt , KDC_ERR_POLICY , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expect_edata = self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
expect_status = None ,
check_patypes = False )
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = {
' additional_details ' : (
( device_claim_attr , device_claim_values ) ,
) ,
} )
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt (
mach_creds ,
expect_client_claims = True ,
expected_client_claims = {
device_claim_id : {
' source_type ' : claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD ,
' type ' : claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING ,
' values ' : device_claim_values ,
} ,
} )
# Show that obtaining a service ticket is allowed when the claim value
# is present.
self . _tgs_req ( tgt , 0 , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = armor_tgt )
claim_against_claim_cases = [
# If either side is missing, the result is unknown.
( ( ) , ' == ' , ( ) , None ) ,
( ( ) , ' != ' , ( ) , None ) ,
( ' a ' , ' == ' , ( ) , None ) ,
( ( ) , ' == ' , ' b ' , None ) ,
# Straightforward equality and inequality checks work.
( ' foo ' , ' == ' , ' foo ' , True ) ,
( ' foo ' , ' == ' , ' bar ' , False ) ,
( ' foo ' , ' != ' , ' foo ' , False ) ,
( ' foo ' , ' != ' , ' bar ' , True ) ,
# We can perform less‐ than and greater‐ than operations.
( ' cat ' , ' < ' , ' dog ' , True ) ,
( ' cat ' , ' <= ' , ' dog ' , True ) ,
( ' cat ' , ' > ' , ' dog ' , False ) ,
( ' cat ' , ' >= ' , ' dog ' , False ) ,
( ' foo ' , ' <= ' , ' foo ' , True ) ,
( ' foo ' , ' >= ' , ' foo ' , True ) ,
( ' foo ' , ' < ' , ' foo bar ' , True ) ,
( ' foo bar ' , ' > ' , ' foo ' , True ) ,
# String comparison is case‐ sensitive.
( ' foo bar ' , ' == ' , ' Foo BAR ' , True ) ,
( ' f o o b a r ' , ' == ' , ' F O O B A R ' , True ) ,
( ' ćàț ' , ' == ' , ' ĆÀȚ ' , True ) ,
( ' ḽ ' , ' == ' , ' Ḽ ' , True ) ,
( ' ⅸ ' , ' == ' , ' Ⅸ ' , True ) ,
( ' ꙭ ' , ' == ' , ' Ꙭ ' , True ) ,
( ' ⱦ ' , ' == ' , ' Ⱦ ' , True ) , # Lowercased variant added in Unicode 5.0.
( ' ԛԣ ' , ' == ' , ' ԚԢ ' , True ) , # All added in Unicode 5.1.
( ' foo ' , ' < ' , ' f o o ' , True ) ,
( ' ćàș ' , ' < ' , ' ĆÀȚ ' , True ) ,
( ' cat ' , ' < ' , ' ćàț ' , True ) ,
# This is done by converting to UPPER CASE. Hence, both ‘ A’ (U+41) and
# ‘ a’ (U+61) compare less than ‘ _’ (U+5F).
( ' A ' , ' < ' , ' _ ' , True ) ,
( ' a ' , ' < ' , ' _ ' , True ) ,
# But not all uppercased/lowercased pairs are considered to be equal in
# this way.
( ' ß ' , ' < ' , ' ẞ ' , True ) ,
( ' ß ' , ' > ' , ' SS ' , True ) ,
( ' ⳬ ' , ' > ' , ' Ⳬ ' , True ) , # Added in Unicode 5.2.
( ' ʞ ' , ' < ' , ' Ʞ ' , True ) , # Uppercased variant added in Unicode 6.0.
( ' ʞ ' , ' < ' , ' ʟ ' , True ) , # U+029E < U+029F < U+A7B0 (upper variant, Ʞ)
( ' ꞧ ' , ' > ' , ' Ꞧ ' , True ) , # Added in Unicode 6.0.
( ' ɜ ' , ' < ' , ' Ɜ ' , True ) , # Uppercased variant added in Unicode 7.0.
# Strings are compared as UTF‐ 16 code units, rather than as Unicode
# codepoints. So while you might expect ‘𐀀’ (U+10000) to compare
# greater than ‘豈’ (U+F900), it is actually considered to be the
# *smaller* of the pair. That is because it is encoded as a sequence of
# two code units, 0xd800 and 0xdc00, which combination compares less
# than the single code unit 0xf900.
( ' ퟻ ' , ' < ' , ' 𐀀 ' , True ) ,
( ' 𐀀 ' , ' < ' , ' 豈 ' , True ) ,
( ' ퟻ ' , ' < ' , ' 豈 ' , True ) ,
# Composites can be compared.
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' == ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' == ' , ( ' foo ' , ' baz ' ) , False ) ,
# The individual components don’ t have to match in case.
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' == ' , ( ' FOO ' , ' BAR ' ) , True ) ,
# Nor must they match in order.
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' == ' , ( ' bar ' , ' foo ' ) , True ) ,
# Composites of different lengths compare unequal.
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' != ' , ' foo ' , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' != ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' , ' baz ' ) , True ) ,
# But composites don’ t have a defined ordering, and aren’ t considered
# greater or lesser than one another.
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' < ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , None ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' <= ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , None ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' > ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' , ' baz ' ) , None ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' >= ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' , ' baz ' ) , None ) ,
# We can test for containment.
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Contains ' , ( ' FOO ' ) , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Contains ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Not_Contains ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , False ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Contains ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' , ' baz ' ) , False ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Not_Contains ' , ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' , ' baz ' ) , True ) ,
# We can test whether the operands have any elements in common.
( ' foo ' , ' Any_of ' , ' foo ' , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Any_of ' , ' BAR ' , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Any_of ' , ' baz ' , False ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Not_Any_of ' , ' baz ' , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Any_of ' , ( ' bar ' , ' baz ' ) , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Not_Any_of ' , ( ' bar ' , ' baz ' ) , False ) ,
claim_against_literal_cases = [
# String comparisons also work against literals.
( ' foo bar ' , ' == ' , ' " foo bar " ' , True ) ,
# Composites can be compared with literals.
( ' bar ' , ' == ' , ' {{ " bar " }} ' , True ) ,
( ( ' apple ' , ' banana ' ) , ' == ' , ' {{ " APPLE " , " BANANA " }} ' , True ) ,
( ( ' apple ' , ' banana ' ) , ' == ' , ' {{ " BANANA " , " APPLE " }} ' , True ) ,
( ( ' apple ' , ' banana ' ) , ' == ' , ' {{ " apple " , " banana " , " apple " }} ' , False ) ,
# We can test for containment.
( ( ) , ' Contains ' , ' {{ " foo " }} ' , None ) ,
( ( ) , ' Not_Contains ' , ' {{ " foo " , " bar " }} ' , None ) ,
( ' bar ' , ' Contains ' , ' {{ " bar " }} ' , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Contains ' , ' {{ " foo " , " bar " }} ' , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Contains ' , ' {{ " foo " , " bar " , " baz " }} ' , False ) ,
# The right‐ hand side of Contains or Not_Contains does not have to be a
# composite.
( ' foo ' , ' Contains ' , ' " foo " ' , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Not_Contains ' , ' " foo " ' , False ) ,
# It’ s fine if the right‐ hand side contains duplicate elements.
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Contains ' , ' {{ " foo " , " bar " , " bar " }} ' , True ) ,
# We can test whether the operands have any elements in common.
( ' bar ' , ' Any_of ' , ' {{ " bar " }} ' , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Any_of ' , ' {{ " bar " , " baz " }} ' , True ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Any_of ' , ' {{ " baz " }} ' , False ) ,
# The right‐ hand side of Any_of or Not_Any_of must be a composite.
( ' foo ' , ' Any_of ' , ' " foo " ' , None ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Not_Any_of ' , ' " baz " ' , None ) ,
# A string won’ t compare equal to a numeric literal.
( ' 42 ' , ' == ' , ' " 42 " ' , True ) ,
( ' 42 ' , ' == ' , ' 42 ' , None ) ,
# Nor can composites that mismatch in type be compared.
( ( ' 123 ' , ' 456 ' ) , ' == ' , ' {{ " 123 " , " 456 " }} ' , True ) ,
( ( ' 654 ' , ' 321 ' ) , ' == ' , ' {{ 654, 321}} ' , None ) ,
( ( ' foo ' , ' bar ' ) , ' Contains ' , ' {{ 1, 2, 3}} ' , None ) ,
def _test_cmp_with_args ( self , lhs , op , rhs , outcome , rhs_is_literal = False ) :
# Construct a conditional ACE expression that evaluates to True if the
# two claim values are equal.
if rhs_is_literal :
self . assertIsInstance ( rhs , str )
rhs = rhs . format ( self = self )
expression = f ' (@User. { self . claim0_id } { op } { rhs } ) '
else :
expression = f ' (@User. { self . claim0_id } { op } @User. { self . claim1_id } ) '
# Create an authentication policy that will allow authentication when
# the expression is true, and a second that will deny authentication in
# the same circumstance. By observing the results of authenticating
# against each of these policies in turn, we can determine whether the
# expression evaluates to a True, False, or Unknown value.
allowed_sddl = f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD; { expression } ) '
denied_sddl = f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;;WD; { expression } )(A;;CR;;;WD) '
allowed_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = allowed_sddl )
denied_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = denied_sddl )
# Create a user account assigned to each policy.
allowed_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = allowed_policy )
denied_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = denied_policy )
additional_details = ( )
if lhs :
additional_details + = ( ( self . claim0_attr , lhs ) , )
if rhs and not rhs_is_literal :
additional_details + = ( ( self . claim1_attr , rhs ) , )
# Create a computer account with the provided attribute values.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' additional_details ' : additional_details } )
def expected_values ( val ) :
if isinstance ( val , ( str , bytes ) ) :
return val ,
return val
expected_client_claims = { }
if lhs :
expected_client_claims [ self . claim0_id ] = {
' source_type ' : claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD ,
' type ' : claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING ,
' values ' : expected_values ( lhs ) ,
if rhs and not rhs_is_literal :
expected_client_claims [ self . claim1_id ] = {
' source_type ' : claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD ,
' type ' : claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING ,
' values ' : expected_values ( rhs ) ,
# Fetch the computer account’ s TGT, and ensure it contains the claims.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt (
mach_creds ,
expect_client_claims = bool ( expected_client_claims ) or None ,
expected_client_claims = expected_client_claims )
# The first or the second authentication request is expected to succeed
# if the outcome is True or False, respectively. An Unknown outcome,
# represented by None, will result in a policy error in either case.
allowed_error = 0 if outcome is True else KDC_ERR_POLICY
denied_error = 0 if outcome is False else KDC_ERR_POLICY
# Attempt to authenticate and ensure that we observe the expected
# results.
self . _get_tgt ( allowed_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = allowed_error )
self . _get_tgt ( denied_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = denied_error )
pac_claim_cases = [
# Test a very simple expression with various claims.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {non_empty_string} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo bar ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {non_empty_string} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {zero_uint} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {zero_uint} ' , False ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {nonzero_uint} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {nonzero_uint} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {zero_uints} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 0 , 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {zero_uints} ' , KDC_ERR_GENERIC ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {zero_and_one_uint} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 0 , 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {zero_and_one_uint} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {one_and_zero_uint} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 1 , 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {one_and_zero_uint} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {zero_int} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_INT64 , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {zero_int} ' , False ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {nonzero_int} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_INT64 , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {nonzero_int} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {zero_ints} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_INT64 , [ 0 , 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {zero_ints} ' , KDC_ERR_GENERIC ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {zero_and_one_int} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_INT64 , [ 0 , 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {zero_and_one_int} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {one_and_zero_int} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_INT64 , [ 1 , 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {one_and_zero_int} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {false_boolean} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {false_boolean} ' , False ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {true_boolean} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {true_boolean} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {false_booleans} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 , 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {false_booleans} ' , KDC_ERR_GENERIC ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {false_and_true_boolean} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 , 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {false_and_true_boolean} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {true_and_false_boolean} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 , 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {true_and_false_boolean} ' , True ) ,
# Test a basic comparison against a literal.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo bar ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == " foo bar " ' , True ) ,
# Claims can be compared against one another.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo bar ' ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' FOO BAR ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == {b} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' FOO ' , ' BAR ' , ' BAZ ' ] ) ,
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' , ' bar ' , ' baz ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} != {b} ' , False ) ,
# Certificate claims are also valid.
( [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == " foo " ' , True ) ,
# Other claim source types are ignored.
( [
( 0 , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == " foo " ' , None ) ,
( [
( 3 , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == " foo " ' , None ) ,
# If multiple claims have the same ID, the *last* one takes precedence.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' this is not the value… ' ] ) ,
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' …nor is this… ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' …and this isn’ t either. ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' here’ s the actual value! ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
( 3 , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' this is a red herring. ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == " here’ s the actual value! " ' , True ) ,
# Claim values can be empty.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {empty_claim_string} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {empty_claim_string} != " foo bar " ' , None ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {empty_claim_boolean} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' Exists {empty_claim_boolean} ' , None ) ,
# Test unsigned integer equality.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 42 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == 42 ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == 3 ' , False ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == {{ 1, 2, 3}} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 4 , 5 , 6 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} != {{ 1, 2, 3}} ' , True ) ,
# Test unsigned integer comparison. Ensure we don’ t run into any
# integer overflow issues.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 1 << 32 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} > 0 ' , True ) ,
# Test signed integer comparisons.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_INT64 , [ 42 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == 42 ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_INT64 , [ 42 << 32 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , f ' {{ a }} == { 42 << 32 } ' , True ) ,
# Test boolean claims. Be careful! Windows will *crash* if you send it
# claims that aren’ t real booleans (not 0 or 1). I doubt Microsoft will
# consider this a security issue though.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 2 ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 3 ] ) ,
] ) ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
] , ' {a} == {b} ' , ( None , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) ) ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == {b} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == 42 ' , None ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} && {b} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} && {b} ' , False ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} && {b} ' , False ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} || {b} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} || {b} ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} || {b} ' , False ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' !( {a} ) ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' !(!(!(!( {a} )))) ' , False ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' !( {a} && {a} ) ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} && !( {b} || {b} ) ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' !( {a} ) || !( {a} ) ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} && !( {b} ) ' , None ) ,
# Expressions containing the ‘ not’ operator are occasionally evaluated
# inconsistently, as evidenced here. ‘ a || !a’ evaluates to ‘ unknown’ …
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} || !( {a} ) ' , None ) ,
# …but ‘ !a || a’ — the same expression, just with the operands switched
# round — evaluates to ‘ true’ .
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' !( {a} ) || {a} ' , True ) ,
# This inconsistency is not observed with other boolean expressions,
# such as ‘ a || a’ .
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} || ( {a} || {a} ) ' , True ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {b} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 1 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' ( {b} || {b} ) || {b} ' , True ) ,
# Test a very large claim. Much larger than this, and
# conditional_ace_encode_binary() will refuse to encode the conditions.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {large_claim} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' z ' * 4900 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , f ' {{ large_claim }} == " { " z " * 4900 } " ' , True ) ,
# Test an even larger claim. Windows does not appear to like receiving
# a claim this large.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {larger_claim} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' z ' * 100000 ] ) ,
] ) ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
] , ' {larger_claim} > " z " ' , ( True , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) ) ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
# Test a great number of claims. Windows does not appear to like
# receiving this many claims.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {many_claims} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 ,
list ( range ( 0 , 100000 ) ) ) ,
] ) ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
] , ' {many_claims} Any_of " 99999 " ' , ( True , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) ) ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
# Test a claim with a very long name. Much larger than this, and
# conditional_ace_encode_binary() will refuse to encode the conditions.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {long_name} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' a ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {long_name} == " a " ' , { ' long_name ' : ' z ' * 4900 } , True ) ,
# Test attribute name escaping.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {escaped_claim} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' claim value ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {escaped_claim} == " claim value " ' ,
{ ' escaped_claim ' : ' (:foo:! /&/ :bar:!) ' } , True ) ,
# Test a claim whose name consists entirely of dots.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {dotty_claim} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' a ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {dotty_claim} == " a " ' , { ' dotty_claim ' : ' ... ' } , True ) ,
# Test a claim whose name consists of the first thousand non‐ zero
# Unicode codepoints.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {1000_unicode} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' a ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {1000_unicode} == " a " ' ,
{ ' 1000_unicode ' : ' ' . join ( map ( chr , range ( 1 , 1001 ) ) ) } , True ) ,
# Test a claim whose name consists of some higher Unicode codepoints,
# including non‐ BMP ones.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {higher_unicode} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' a ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {higher_unicode} == " a " ' ,
{ ' higher_unicode ' : ' ' . join ( map ( chr , range ( 0xfe00 , 0x10800 ) ) ) } , True ) ,
# Duplicate claim values are not allowed…
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_INT64 , [ 42 , 42 , 42 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == {a} ' , KDC_ERR_GENERIC ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 42 , 42 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == {a} ' , KDC_ERR_GENERIC ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' , ' foo ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == {a} ' , KDC_ERR_GENERIC ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' FOO ' , ' foo ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == {a} ' , KDC_ERR_GENERIC ) ,
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {a} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ 0 , 0 ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {a} == {a} ' , KDC_ERR_GENERIC ) ,
# …but it’ s OK if duplicate values are spread across multiple claim
# entries.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {dup} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' ] ) ,
( ' {dup} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
( ' {dup} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 42 ] ) ,
( ' {dup} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ 42 ] ) ,
] ) ,
( ' {dup} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' ] ) ,
( ' {dup} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' ] ) ,
( ' {dup} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' , ' bar ' ] ) ,
( ' {dup} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' foo ' , ' bar ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {dup} == {dup} ' , True ) ,
# Test invalid claim types. Be careful! Windows will *crash* if you
# send it invalid claim types. I doubt Microsoft will consider this a
# security issue though.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {invalid_sid} ' , 5 , [ ] ) ,
] ) ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
] , ' {invalid_sid} == {invalid_sid} ' , ( None , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) ) ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {invalid_octet_string} ' , 16 , [ ] ) ,
] ) ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
] , ' {invalid_octet_string} == {invalid_octet_string} ' , ( None , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) ) ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
# Sending an empty string will crash Windows.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {empty_string} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ' ' ] ) ,
] ) ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
] , ' {empty_string} ' , ( None , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) ) ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
# But sending empty arrays is OK.
( [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( ' {empty_array} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_INT64 , [ ] ) ,
( ' {empty_array} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_UINT64 , [ ] ) ,
( ' {empty_array} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_BOOLEAN , [ ] ) ,
( ' {empty_array} ' , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ ] ) ,
] ) ,
] , ' {empty_array} ' , None ) ,
def _test_pac_claim_cmp_with_args ( self ,
pac_claims ,
expression ,
claim_map ,
outcome ) :
self . assertIsInstance ( expression , str )
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
try :
outcome , crashes_windows = outcome
self . assertIs ( crashes_windows , CRASHES_WINDOWS )
if not self . crash_windows :
self . skipTest ( ' test crashes Windows servers ' )
except TypeError :
self . assertIsNot ( outcome , CRASHES_WINDOWS )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
if claim_map is None :
claim_map = { }
claim_ids = { }
def get_claim_id ( claim_name ) :
claim = claim_ids . get ( claim_name )
if claim is None :
claim = claim_map . pop ( claim_name , None )
if claim is None :
claim = self . get_new_username ( )
claim_ids [ claim_name ] = claim
return claim
def formatted_claim_expression ( expr ) :
formatter = Formatter ( )
result = [ ]
for literal_text , field_name , format_spec , conversion in (
formatter . parse ( expr ) ) :
self . assertFalse ( format_spec ,
f ' format specifier ( { format_spec } ) should '
f ' not be specified ' )
self . assertFalse ( conversion ,
f ' conversion ( { conversion } ) should not be '
' specified ' )
result . append ( literal_text )
if field_name is not None :
self . assertTrue ( field_name ,
' a field name should be specified ' )
claim_id = get_claim_id ( field_name )
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
claim_id = escaped_claim_id ( claim_id )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
result . append ( f ' @User. { claim_id } ' )
return ' ' . join ( result )
# Construct the conditional ACE expression.
expression = formatted_claim_expression ( expression )
self . assertFalse ( claim_map , ' unused claim mapping(s) remain ' )
# Create an authentication policy that will allow authentication when
# the expression is true, and a second that will deny authentication in
# the same circumstance. By observing the results of authenticating
# against each of these policies in turn, we can determine whether the
# expression evaluates to a True, False, or Unknown value.
allowed_sddl = f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD;( { expression } )) '
denied_sddl = f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;;WD;( { expression } ))(A;;CR;;;WD) '
allowed_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = allowed_sddl )
denied_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = denied_sddl )
# Create a user account assigned to each policy.
allowed_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = allowed_policy )
denied_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = denied_policy )
# Create a computer account.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER )
def expected_values ( val ) :
if isinstance ( val , ( str , bytes ) ) :
return val ,
return val
# Fetch the computer account’ s TGT.
armor_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
if pac_claims :
# Replace the claims in the PAC with our own.
armor_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
armor_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_claims ,
client_claims = pac_claims ,
claim_ids = claim_ids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# The first or the second authentication request is expected to succeed
# if the outcome is True or False, respectively. An Unknown outcome,
# represented by None, will result in a policy error in either case.
if outcome is True :
allowed_error , denied_error = 0 , KDC_ERR_POLICY
elif outcome is False :
allowed_error , denied_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY , 0
elif outcome is None :
allowed_error , denied_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY , KDC_ERR_POLICY
else :
allowed_error , denied_error = outcome , outcome
# Attempt to authenticate and ensure that we observe the expected
# results.
self . _get_tgt ( allowed_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = allowed_error )
self . _get_tgt ( denied_creds , armor_tgt = armor_tgt ,
expected_error = denied_error )
def test_rbcd_without_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
service_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_rbcd_with_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
service_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
expected_groups = service_sids | {
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
def test_rbcd_without_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
service_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_rbcd_with_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
service_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
expected_groups = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# The Application Authority Asserted Identity SID has replaced the
# Service Asserted Identity SID.
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
def test_rbcd_without_claims_valid ( self ) :
service_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_rbcd_with_claims_valid ( self ) :
service_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
expected_groups = service_sids | {
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
def test_rbcd_without_compounded_authentication ( self ) :
service_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_rbcd_with_compounded_authentication ( self ) :
service_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
expected_groups = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
service_sids = service_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
def test_rbcd_client_without_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids )
def test_rbcd_client_with_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_rbcd_client_without_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_rbcd_client_with_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Not_Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Not_Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_rbcd_client_without_claims_valid ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids )
def test_rbcd_client_with_claims_valid ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_rbcd_client_without_compounded_authentication ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_rbcd_client_with_compounded_authentication ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Not_Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Not_Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_rbcd_device_without_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Device_Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids ,
status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Device_Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_rbcd_device_without_aa_asserted_identity_not_memberof ( self ) :
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Not_Device_Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Not_Device_Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids )
def test_rbcd_device_with_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Device_Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Device_Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids )
def test_rbcd_device_without_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Device_Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids ,
status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Device_Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_rbcd_device_with_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Device_Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Device_Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids )
def test_rbcd_device_without_claims_valid ( self ) :
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Device_Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids ,
status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Device_Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_rbcd_device_with_claims_valid ( self ) :
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Device_Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Device_Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids )
2023-10-18 04:05:16 +03:00
def test_rbcd_device_without_compounded_authentication ( self ) :
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Device_Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids ,
status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Device_Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
2023-10-18 04:05:16 +03:00
def test_rbcd_device_with_compounded_authentication ( self ) :
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _rbcd ( f ' Device_Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids )
self . _rbcd ( target_policy = f ' Device_Member_of SID( { security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION } ) ' ,
device_sids = device_sids )
def test_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _rbcd ( ' Member_of SID( {service_sid} ) ' )
def test_rbcd_device_from_rodc ( self ) :
self . _rbcd ( ' Member_of SID( {service_sid} ) ' ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
code = ( 0 , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_rbcd_service_from_rodc ( self ) :
self . _rbcd ( ' Member_of SID( {service_sid} ) ' ,
2023-10-18 05:08:47 +03:00
service_from_rodc = True )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_rbcd_device_and_service_from_rodc ( self ) :
self . _rbcd ( ' Member_of SID( {service_sid} ) ' ,
service_from_rodc = True ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
code = ( 0 , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_rbcd_client_from_rodc ( self ) :
self . _rbcd ( ' Member_of SID( {service_sid} ) ' ,
2023-10-18 05:08:47 +03:00
client_from_rodc = True )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_rbcd_client_and_device_from_rodc ( self ) :
self . _rbcd ( ' Member_of SID( {service_sid} ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
code = ( 0 , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_rbcd_client_and_service_from_rodc ( self ) :
self . _rbcd ( ' Member_of SID( {service_sid} ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
2023-10-18 05:08:47 +03:00
service_from_rodc = True )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_rbcd_all_from_rodc ( self ) :
self . _rbcd ( ' Member_of SID( {service_sid} ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
service_from_rodc = True ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
code = ( 0 , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
2023-10-25 05:09:54 +03:00
def test_delegating_proxy_in_world_group_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_delegating_proxy_in_group_rbcd ( security . SID_WORLD )
def test_delegating_proxy_in_network_group_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_delegating_proxy_not_in_group_rbcd ( security . SID_NT_NETWORK )
def test_delegating_proxy_in_authenticated_users_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_delegating_proxy_in_group_rbcd (
def test_delegating_proxy_in_aa_asserted_identity_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_delegating_proxy_in_group_rbcd (
def test_delegating_proxy_in_service_asserted_identity_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_delegating_proxy_not_in_group_rbcd (
def test_delegating_proxy_in_compounded_authentication_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_delegating_proxy_not_in_group_rbcd (
def test_delegating_proxy_in_claims_valid_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_delegating_proxy_in_group_rbcd ( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID )
def test_device_in_world_group_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group_rbcd ( security . SID_WORLD )
def test_device_in_network_group_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_device_not_in_group_rbcd ( security . SID_NT_NETWORK )
def test_device_in_authenticated_users_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group_rbcd ( security . SID_NT_AUTHENTICATED_USERS )
def test_device_in_aa_asserted_identity_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group_rbcd (
def test_device_in_service_asserted_identity_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_device_not_in_group_rbcd (
def test_device_in_compounded_authentication_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_device_not_in_group_rbcd (
def test_device_in_claims_valid_rbcd ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group_rbcd ( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID )
def _check_delegating_proxy_in_group_rbcd ( self , group ) :
self . _check_membership_rbcd ( group , expect_in_group = True )
def _check_delegating_proxy_not_in_group_rbcd ( self , group ) :
self . _check_membership_rbcd ( group , expect_in_group = False )
def _check_device_in_group_rbcd ( self , group ) :
self . _check_membership_rbcd ( group , expect_in_group = True , device = True )
def _check_device_not_in_group_rbcd ( self , group ) :
self . _check_membership_rbcd ( group , expect_in_group = False , device = True )
def _check_membership_rbcd ( self ,
group ,
* ,
expect_in_group ,
device = False ) :
""" Test that authentication succeeds or fails when the delegating proxy
is required to belong to a certain group .
sddl_op = ' Device_Member_of ' if device else ' Member_of '
samdb = self . get_samdb ( )
functional_level = self . get_domain_functional_level ( samdb )
if functional_level < dsdb . DS_DOMAIN_FUNCTION_2008 :
self . skipTest ( ' RBCD requires FL2008 ' )
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tkt_options = ' forwardable '
expected_flags = krb5_asn1 . TicketFlags ( client_tkt_options )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds ,
kdc_options = client_tkt_options ,
expected_flags = expected_flags )
client_sid = client_creds . get_sid ( )
client_username = client_creds . get_username ( )
client_cname = self . PrincipalName_create ( name_type = NT_PRINCIPAL ,
names = [ client_username ] )
service_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' service ' } )
service_tgt = self . get_tgt ( service_creds )
client_service_tkt = self . get_service_ticket (
client_tgt ,
service_creds ,
kdc_options = client_tkt_options ,
expected_flags = expected_flags )
domain_sid_str = samdb . get_domain_sid ( )
domain_sid = security . dom_sid ( domain_sid_str )
# Require the principal to belong to a certain group.
in_group_sddl = self . allow_if ( f ' { sddl_op } {{ SID( { group } ) }} ' )
in_group_descriptor = security . descriptor . from_sddl ( in_group_sddl ,
domain_sid )
# Create a target account that allows RBCD if the principal belongs to
# the group.
in_group_target_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = {
' additional_details ' : (
( ' msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity ' ,
ndr_pack ( in_group_descriptor ) ) ,
) ,
} )
kdc_options = str ( krb5_asn1 . KDCOptions ( ' cname-in-addl-tkt ' ) )
in_group_target_key = self . TicketDecryptionKey_from_creds (
in_group_target_creds )
in_group_target_etypes = in_group_target_creds . tgs_supported_enctypes
service_name = service_creds . get_username ( )
if service_name [ - 1 ] == ' $ ' :
service_name = service_name [ : - 1 ]
expected_transited_services = [
f ' host/ { service_name } @ { service_creds . get_realm ( ) } '
pac_options = ' 1001 ' # supports claims, RBCD
success_result = 0 , None , None
failure_result = (
self . expect_padata_outer ,
code , status , expect_edata = ( success_result if expect_in_group
else failure_result )
# Test whether obtaining a service ticket with RBCD is allowed.
self . _tgs_req ( service_tgt ,
code ,
service_creds ,
in_group_target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
kdc_options = kdc_options ,
pac_options = pac_options ,
expected_cname = client_cname ,
expected_account_name = client_username ,
additional_ticket = client_service_tkt ,
decryption_key = in_group_target_key ,
expected_sid = client_sid ,
expected_supported_etypes = in_group_target_etypes ,
expected_proxy_target = in_group_target_creds . get_spn ( ) ,
expected_transited_services = expected_transited_services ,
expected_status = status ,
expect_edata = expect_edata )
effective_client_creds = service_creds if code else client_creds
self . check_tgs_log ( effective_client_creds , in_group_target_creds ,
checked_creds = service_creds ,
status = status )
# Require the principal not to belong to a certain group.
not_in_group_sddl = self . allow_if ( f ' Not_ { sddl_op } {{ SID( { group } ) }} ' )
not_in_group_descriptor = security . descriptor . from_sddl (
not_in_group_sddl , domain_sid )
# Create a target account that allows RBCD if the principal does not
# belong to the group.
not_in_group_target_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = {
' additional_details ' : (
( ' msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity ' ,
ndr_pack ( not_in_group_descriptor ) ) ,
) ,
} )
not_in_group_target_key = self . TicketDecryptionKey_from_creds (
not_in_group_target_creds )
not_in_group_target_etypes = (
not_in_group_target_creds . tgs_supported_enctypes )
code , status , expect_edata = ( failure_result if expect_in_group
else success_result )
# Test whether obtaining a service ticket with RBCD is allowed.
self . _tgs_req ( service_tgt ,
code ,
service_creds ,
not_in_group_target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
kdc_options = kdc_options ,
pac_options = pac_options ,
expected_cname = client_cname ,
expected_account_name = client_username ,
additional_ticket = client_service_tkt ,
decryption_key = not_in_group_target_key ,
expected_sid = client_sid ,
expected_supported_etypes = not_in_group_target_etypes ,
expected_proxy_target = not_in_group_target_creds . get_spn ( ) ,
expected_transited_services = expected_transited_services ,
expected_status = status ,
expect_edata = expect_edata )
effective_client_creds = service_creds if code else client_creds
self . check_tgs_log ( effective_client_creds , not_in_group_target_creds ,
checked_creds = service_creds ,
status = status )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def _rbcd ( self ,
rbcd_expression = None ,
* ,
code = 0 ,
status = None ,
event = AuditEvent . OK ,
reason = AuditReason . NONE ,
edata = False ,
target_policy = None ,
client_from_rodc = False ,
service_from_rodc = False ,
device_from_rodc = False ,
client_sids = None ,
client_claims = None ,
service_sids = None ,
service_claims = None ,
device_sids = None ,
device_claims = None ,
expected_groups = None ,
expected_device_groups = None ,
expected_claims = None ) :
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
try :
code , crashes_windows = code
self . assertIs ( crashes_windows , CRASHES_WINDOWS )
if not self . crash_windows :
self . skipTest ( ' test crashes Windows servers ' )
except TypeError :
self . assertIsNot ( code , CRASHES_WINDOWS )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
samdb = self . get_samdb ( )
functional_level = self . get_domain_functional_level ( samdb )
if functional_level < dsdb . DS_DOMAIN_FUNCTION_2008 :
self . skipTest ( ' RBCD requires FL2008 ' )
domain_sid_str = samdb . get_domain_sid ( )
domain_sid = security . dom_sid ( domain_sid_str )
client_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
opts = {
' allowed_replication_mock ' : client_from_rodc ,
' revealed_to_mock_rodc ' : client_from_rodc ,
} )
client_sid = client_creds . get_sid ( )
client_username = client_creds . get_username ( )
client_cname = self . PrincipalName_create ( name_type = NT_PRINCIPAL ,
names = [ client_username ] )
client_tkt_options = ' forwardable '
expected_flags = krb5_asn1 . TicketFlags ( client_tkt_options )
checksum_key = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( )
if client_from_rodc or service_from_rodc or device_from_rodc :
rodc_krbtgt_creds = self . get_mock_rodc_krbtgt_creds ( )
rodc_krbtgt_key = self . TicketDecryptionKey_from_creds ( rodc_krbtgt_creds )
rodc_checksum_key = {
krb5pac . PAC_TYPE_KDC_CHECKSUM : rodc_krbtgt_key ,
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds ,
kdc_options = client_tkt_options ,
expected_flags = expected_flags )
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = {
' allowed_replication_mock ' : device_from_rodc ,
' revealed_to_mock_rodc ' : device_from_rodc ,
} )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
device_modify_pac_fn = [ ]
if device_sids is not None :
device_modify_pac_fn . append ( partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = device_sids ) )
if device_claims is not None :
device_modify_pac_fn . append ( partial ( self . set_pac_claims ,
client_claims = device_claims ) )
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = device_modify_pac_fn ,
new_ticket_key = rodc_krbtgt_key if device_from_rodc else None ,
checksum_keys = rodc_checksum_key if device_from_rodc else checksum_key )
service_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = {
' id ' : 1 ,
' allowed_replication_mock ' : service_from_rodc ,
' revealed_to_mock_rodc ' : service_from_rodc ,
} )
service_tgt = self . get_tgt ( service_creds )
service_modify_pac_fn = [ ]
if service_sids is not None :
service_modify_pac_fn . append ( partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = service_sids ) )
if service_claims is not None :
service_modify_pac_fn . append ( partial ( self . set_pac_claims ,
client_claims = service_claims ) )
service_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
service_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = service_modify_pac_fn ,
new_ticket_key = rodc_krbtgt_key if service_from_rodc else None ,
checksum_keys = rodc_checksum_key if service_from_rodc else checksum_key )
if target_policy is None :
policy = None
assigned_policy = None
else :
sddl = f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD;( { target_policy . format ( service_sid = service_creds . get_sid ( ) ) } )) '
policy = self . create_authn_policy ( enforced = True ,
computer_allowed_to = sddl )
assigned_policy = str ( policy . dn )
if rbcd_expression is not None :
sddl = f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD;( { rbcd_expression . format ( service_sid = service_creds . get_sid ( ) ) } )) '
else :
sddl = ' O:SYD:(A;;CR;;;WD) '
descriptor = security . descriptor . from_sddl ( sddl , domain_sid )
descriptor = ndr_pack ( descriptor )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = {
' assigned_policy ' : assigned_policy ,
' additional_details ' : (
( ' msDS-AllowedToActOnBehalfOfOtherIdentity ' , descriptor ) ,
) ,
} )
client_service_tkt = self . get_service_ticket (
client_tgt ,
service_creds ,
kdc_options = client_tkt_options ,
expected_flags = expected_flags )
client_modify_pac_fn = [ ]
if client_sids is not None :
client_modify_pac_fn . append ( partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = client_sids ) )
if client_claims is not None :
client_modify_pac_fn . append ( partial ( self . set_pac_claims ,
client_claims = client_claims ) )
client_service_tkt = self . modified_ticket ( client_service_tkt ,
modify_pac_fn = client_modify_pac_fn ,
checksum_keys = rodc_checksum_key if client_from_rodc else checksum_key )
kdc_options = str ( krb5_asn1 . KDCOptions ( ' cname-in-addl-tkt ' ) )
target_decryption_key = self . TicketDecryptionKey_from_creds (
target_creds )
target_etypes = target_creds . tgs_supported_enctypes
service_name = service_creds . get_username ( )
if service_name [ - 1 ] == ' $ ' :
service_name = service_name [ : - 1 ]
expected_transited_services = [
f ' host/ { service_name } @ { service_creds . get_realm ( ) } '
expected_groups = self . map_sids ( expected_groups , None , domain_sid_str )
expected_device_groups = self . map_sids ( expected_device_groups , None , domain_sid_str )
# Show that obtaining a service ticket with RBCD is allowed.
self . _tgs_req ( service_tgt , code , service_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
kdc_options = kdc_options ,
pac_options = ' 1001 ' , # supports claims, RBCD
expected_cname = client_cname ,
expected_account_name = client_username ,
additional_ticket = client_service_tkt ,
decryption_key = target_decryption_key ,
expected_sid = client_sid ,
expected_groups = expected_groups ,
expect_device_info = bool ( expected_device_groups ) or None ,
expected_device_domain_sid = domain_sid_str ,
expected_device_groups = expected_device_groups ,
expect_client_claims = bool ( expected_claims ) or None ,
expected_client_claims = expected_claims ,
expected_supported_etypes = target_etypes ,
expected_proxy_target = target_creds . get_spn ( ) ,
expected_transited_services = expected_transited_services ,
expected_status = status ,
expect_edata = edata )
if code :
effective_client_creds = service_creds
else :
effective_client_creds = client_creds
self . check_tgs_log ( effective_client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = policy ,
checked_creds = service_creds ,
status = status ,
event = event ,
reason = reason )
2023-10-25 06:38:57 +03:00
def test_tgs_claims_valid_missing ( self ) :
""" Test that the Claims Valid SID is not added to the PAC when
performing a TGS ‐ REQ . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_claims_valid_missing_from_rodc ( self ) :
""" Test that the Claims Valid SID *is* added to the PAC when
performing a TGS ‐ REQ with an RODC ‐ issued TGT . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
expected_groups = client_sids | {
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
def test_tgs_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
""" Test performing a TGS‐ REQ with the Authentication Identity Asserted
Identity SID present . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_aa_asserted_identity_no_attrs ( self ) :
""" Test performing a TGS‐ REQ with the Authentication Identity Asserted
Identity SID present , albeit without any attributes . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Put the Asserted Identity SID in the PAC without any flags set.
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , 0 ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_aa_asserted_identity_from_rodc ( self ) :
""" Test that the Authentication Identity Asserted Identity SID in an
RODC ‐ issued PAC is preserved when performing a TGS ‐ REQ . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_aa_asserted_identity_from_rodc_no_attrs_from_rodc ( self ) :
""" Test that the Authentication Identity Asserted Identity SID without
attributes in an RODC ‐ issued PAC is preserved when performing a
TGS ‐ REQ . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Put the Asserted Identity SID in the PAC without any flags set.
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , 0 ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
expected_groups = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# The SID in the resulting PAC has the default attributes.
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
def test_tgs_compound_authentication ( self ) :
""" Test performing a TGS‐ REQ with the Compounded Authentication SID
present . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_compound_authentication_from_rodc ( self ) :
""" Test that the Compounded Authentication SID in an
RODC ‐ issued PAC is not preserved when performing a TGS ‐ REQ . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
expected_groups = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
def test_tgs_asserted_identity_missing ( self ) :
""" Test that the Authentication Identity Asserted Identity SID is not
added to the PAC when performing a TGS ‐ REQ . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_asserted_identity_missing_from_rodc ( self ) :
""" Test that the Authentication Identity Asserted Identity SID is not
added to an RODC ‐ issued PAC when performing a TGS ‐ REQ . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
""" Test performing a TGS‐ REQ with the Service Asserted Identity SID
present . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_service_asserted_identity_from_rodc ( self ) :
""" Test that the Service Asserted Identity SID in an
RODC ‐ issued PAC is not preserved when performing a TGS ‐ REQ . """
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
expected_groups = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Don’ t expect the Service Asserted Identity SID.
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( use_fast = False ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_without_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_tgs_without_aa_asserted_identity_client_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-17 04:03:33 +03:00
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_tgs_without_aa_asserted_identity_device_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_without_aa_asserted_identity_both_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_with_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_with_aa_asserted_identity_client_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
2023-10-30 06:12:36 +03:00
expected_groups = client_sids | {
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-30 06:12:36 +03:00
expected_groups = expected_groups )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_with_aa_asserted_identity_device_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
code = ( 0 , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_with_aa_asserted_identity_both_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
2023-10-30 06:12:36 +03:00
expected_groups = client_sids | {
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . aa_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-30 06:12:36 +03:00
expected_groups = expected_groups ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
code = ( 0 , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_without_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_tgs_without_service_asserted_identity_client_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-17 04:03:33 +03:00
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_tgs_without_service_asserted_identity_device_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_without_service_asserted_identity_both_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_with_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_with_service_asserted_identity_client_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-30 05:20:59 +03:00
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_with_service_asserted_identity_device_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
code = ( 0 , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_with_service_asserted_identity_both_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { self . service_asserted_identity } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-30 05:20:59 +03:00
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_without_claims_valid ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
def test_tgs_without_claims_valid_client_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
2023-10-30 06:12:36 +03:00
expected_groups = client_sids | {
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-31 00:52:03 +03:00
expected_groups = expected_groups )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_without_claims_valid_device_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
edata = self . expect_padata_outer )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_without_claims_valid_both_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
2023-10-30 06:12:36 +03:00
expected_groups = client_sids | {
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-30 06:12:36 +03:00
expected_groups = expected_groups ,
code = ( 0 , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_with_claims_valid ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids )
def test_tgs_with_claims_valid_client_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
2023-10-17 03:34:29 +03:00
expected_groups = client_sids )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_with_claims_valid_device_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
code = ( 0 , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def test_tgs_with_claims_valid_both_from_rodc ( self ) :
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
self . _tgs ( f ' Member_of SID( { security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID } ) ' ,
client_from_rodc = True ,
device_from_rodc = True ,
client_sids = client_sids ,
expected_groups = client_sids ,
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
code = ( 0 , CRASHES_WINDOWS ) )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
def _tgs ( self ,
target_policy = None ,
* ,
code = 0 ,
event = AuditEvent . OK ,
reason = AuditReason . NONE ,
status = None ,
edata = False ,
2023-10-18 04:18:47 +03:00
use_fast = True ,
2023-10-18 04:17:59 +03:00
client_from_rodc = None ,
device_from_rodc = None ,
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
client_sids = None ,
client_claims = None ,
device_sids = None ,
device_claims = None ,
expected_groups = None ,
expected_device_groups = None ,
expected_claims = None ) :
2023-10-02 02:20:48 +03:00
try :
code , crashes_windows = code
self . assertIs ( crashes_windows , CRASHES_WINDOWS )
if not self . crash_windows :
self . skipTest ( ' test crashes Windows servers ' )
except TypeError :
self . assertIsNot ( code , CRASHES_WINDOWS )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
2023-10-18 04:18:47 +03:00
if not use_fast :
self . assertIsNone ( device_from_rodc )
self . assertIsNone ( device_sids )
self . assertIsNone ( device_claims )
self . assertIsNone ( expected_device_groups )
2023-10-18 04:17:59 +03:00
if client_from_rodc is None :
client_from_rodc = False
if device_from_rodc is None :
device_from_rodc = False
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
client_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
opts = {
' allowed_replication_mock ' : client_from_rodc ,
' revealed_to_mock_rodc ' : client_from_rodc ,
} )
client_sid = client_creds . get_sid ( )
client_username = client_creds . get_username ( )
client_cname = self . PrincipalName_create ( name_type = NT_PRINCIPAL ,
names = [ client_username ] )
client_tkt_options = ' forwardable '
expected_flags = krb5_asn1 . TicketFlags ( client_tkt_options )
checksum_key = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( )
if client_from_rodc or device_from_rodc :
rodc_krbtgt_creds = self . get_mock_rodc_krbtgt_creds ( )
rodc_krbtgt_key = self . TicketDecryptionKey_from_creds ( rodc_krbtgt_creds )
rodc_checksum_key = {
krb5pac . PAC_TYPE_KDC_CHECKSUM : rodc_krbtgt_key ,
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds ,
kdc_options = client_tkt_options ,
expected_flags = expected_flags )
client_modify_pac_fn = [ ]
if client_sids is not None :
client_modify_pac_fn . append ( partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = client_sids ) )
if client_claims is not None :
client_modify_pac_fn . append ( partial ( self . set_pac_claims ,
client_claims = client_claims ) )
client_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
client_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = client_modify_pac_fn ,
new_ticket_key = rodc_krbtgt_key if client_from_rodc else None ,
checksum_keys = rodc_checksum_key if client_from_rodc else checksum_key )
2023-10-18 04:18:47 +03:00
if use_fast :
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = {
' allowed_replication_mock ' : device_from_rodc ,
' revealed_to_mock_rodc ' : device_from_rodc ,
} )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
device_modify_pac_fn = [ ]
if device_sids is not None :
device_modify_pac_fn . append ( partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = device_sids ) )
if device_claims is not None :
device_modify_pac_fn . append ( partial ( self . set_pac_claims ,
client_claims = device_claims ) )
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = device_modify_pac_fn ,
new_ticket_key = rodc_krbtgt_key if device_from_rodc else None ,
checksum_keys = rodc_checksum_key if device_from_rodc else checksum_key )
else :
mach_tgt = None
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
if target_policy is None :
policy = None
assigned_policy = None
else :
sddl = f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;;WD;( { target_policy . format ( client_sid = client_creds . get_sid ( ) ) } )) '
policy = self . create_authn_policy ( enforced = True ,
computer_allowed_to = sddl )
assigned_policy = str ( policy . dn )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' assigned_policy ' : assigned_policy } )
target_decryption_key = self . TicketDecryptionKey_from_creds (
target_creds )
target_etypes = target_creds . tgs_supported_enctypes
2023-10-18 04:15:27 +03:00
samdb = self . get_samdb ( )
domain_sid_str = samdb . get_domain_sid ( )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
expected_groups = self . map_sids ( expected_groups , None , domain_sid_str )
expected_device_groups = self . map_sids ( expected_device_groups , None , domain_sid_str )
# Show that obtaining a service ticket is allowed.
self . _tgs_req ( client_tgt , code , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expected_cname = client_cname ,
expected_account_name = client_username ,
decryption_key = target_decryption_key ,
expected_sid = client_sid ,
expected_groups = expected_groups ,
expect_device_info = bool ( expected_device_groups ) or None ,
expected_device_domain_sid = domain_sid_str ,
expected_device_groups = expected_device_groups ,
expect_client_claims = bool ( expected_claims ) or None ,
expected_client_claims = expected_claims ,
expected_supported_etypes = target_etypes ,
expected_status = status ,
expect_edata = edata )
self . check_tgs_log ( client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = policy ,
checked_creds = client_creds ,
status = status ,
event = event ,
reason = reason )
def test_conditional_ace_allowed_from_user_deny ( self ) :
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that explicitly denies the machine
# account for a user.
allowed = ' O:SYD:(A;;CR;;;WD) '
denied = f ' O:SYD:(XD;;CR;;; { mach_creds . get_sid ( ) } ;(abc)) '
policy = self . create_authn_policy ( enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = denied ,
service_allowed_from = allowed )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = policy )
# Show that we get a policy error when trying to authenticate.
self . _get_tgt ( client_creds , armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
self . check_as_log (
client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = policy ,
client_policy_status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
class DeviceRestrictionTests ( ConditionalAceBaseTests ) :
def test_pac_groups_not_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication fails if the device does not belong to some
required groups .
required_sids = {
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-9-8-7 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to belong to
# certain groups.
client_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
# Show that authentication fails.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
2023-10-19 06:22:28 +03:00
self . get_krbtgt_creds ( ) ,
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
mach_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
self . check_as_log (
client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy ,
client_policy_status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
def test_pac_groups_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication succeeds if the device belongs to some
required groups .
required_sids = {
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-9-8-7 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
device_sids = required_sids | {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Add the required groups to the machine account’ s TGT.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = device_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to belong to
# certain groups.
client_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
2023-10-19 06:23:32 +03:00
# FIXME: we need to pass this parameter only because Samba doesn’ t
# handle ‘ krbtgt@REALM’ principals correctly (see
# https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15482).
krbtgt_sname = self . get_krbtgt_sname ( )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
# Show that authentication succeeds.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
2023-10-19 06:22:28 +03:00
self . get_krbtgt_creds ( ) ,
2023-10-19 06:23:32 +03:00
mach_tgt ,
target_sname = krbtgt_sname )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
self . check_as_log ( client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy )
def test_pac_resource_groups_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication succeeds if the device belongs to some
required resource groups .
required_sids = {
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-5 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-6 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
device_sids = required_sids | {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Add the required groups to the machine account’ s TGT.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = device_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to belong to
# certain groups.
client_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
# Show that authentication fails.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
2023-10-19 06:22:28 +03:00
self . get_krbtgt_creds ( ) ,
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
mach_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
self . check_as_log (
client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy ,
client_policy_status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
def test_pac_resource_groups_present_to_service_sid_compression ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication succeeds if the device belongs to some
required resource groups , and the request is to a service that supports
SID compression .
required_sids = {
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-5 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-6 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
device_sids = required_sids | {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Add the required groups to the machine account’ s TGT.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = device_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to belong to
# certain groups.
client_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
target_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' target ' } )
# Show that authentication fails.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
target_creds ,
mach_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
self . check_as_log (
client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy ,
client_policy_status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
def test_pac_resource_groups_present_to_service_no_sid_compression ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication succeeds if the device belongs to some
required resource groups , and the request is to a service that does not
support SID compression .
required_sids = {
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-5 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-6 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
device_sids = required_sids | {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Add the required groups to the machine account’ s TGT.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = device_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to belong to
# certain groups.
client_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
target_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = {
' id ' : ' target ' ,
' supported_enctypes ' : (
security . KERB_ENCTYPE_RC4_HMAC_MD5 ) | (
security . KERB_ENCTYPE_AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96_SK ) ,
' sid_compression_support ' : False ,
} )
# Show that authentication fails.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
target_creds ,
mach_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
self . check_as_log (
client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy ,
client_policy_status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
def test_pac_well_known_groups_not_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication fails if the device does not belong to one
or more required well ‐ known groups .
required_sids = {
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Modify the machine account’ s TGT to contain only the SID of the
# machine account’ s primary group.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = device_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to belong to
# certain groups.
client_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of_any { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
# Show that authentication fails.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
2023-10-19 06:22:28 +03:00
self . get_krbtgt_creds ( ) ,
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
mach_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
self . check_as_log (
client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy ,
client_policy_status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
def test_pac_device_info ( self ) :
""" Test the groups of the client and the device after performing a
FAST ‐ armored AS ‐ REQ .
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Add the required groups to the machine account’ s TGT.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = device_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
target_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' target ' } )
expected_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# The client’ s groups are to include the Asserted Identity and
# Claims Valid SIDs.
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
samdb = self . get_samdb ( )
domain_sid_str = samdb . get_domain_sid ( )
expected_sids = self . map_sids ( expected_sids , None , domain_sid_str )
# Show that authentication succeeds. Check that the groups in the PAC
# are as expected.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
target_creds ,
mach_tgt ,
expected_groups = expected_sids ,
expect_device_info = False ,
expected_device_groups = None )
self . check_as_log (
client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds )
def test_pac_claims_not_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication fails if the device does not have a
required claim .
claim_id = ' the name of the claim '
claim_value = ' the value of the claim '
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to have a
# certain claim.
client_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
f ' @User. { escaped_claim_id ( claim_id ) } == " { claim_value } " ' )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
# Show that authentication fails.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
2023-10-19 06:22:28 +03:00
self . get_krbtgt_creds ( ) ,
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
mach_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
self . check_as_log (
client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy ,
client_policy_status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
def test_pac_claims_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication succeeds if the device has a required
claim .
claim_id = ' the name of the claim '
claim_value = ' the value of the claim '
pac_claims = [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( claim_id , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ claim_value ] ) ,
] ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Add the required claim to the machine account’ s TGT.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_claims ,
client_claims = pac_claims ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to have a
# certain claim.
client_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
f ' @User. { escaped_claim_id ( claim_id ) } == " { claim_value } " ' )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
2023-10-19 06:23:32 +03:00
# FIXME: we need to pass this parameter only because Samba doesn’ t
# handle ‘ krbtgt@REALM’ principals correctly (see
# https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15482).
krbtgt_sname = self . get_krbtgt_sname ( )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
# Show that authentication succeeds.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
2023-10-19 06:22:28 +03:00
self . get_krbtgt_creds ( ) ,
2023-10-19 06:23:32 +03:00
mach_tgt ,
target_sname = krbtgt_sname )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
self . check_as_log ( client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy )
def test_pac_claims_invalid ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication fails if the device’ s required claim is not
valid .
claim_id = ' the name of the claim '
claim_value = ' the value of the claim '
pac_claims = [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( claim_id , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ claim_value ] ) ,
] ) ,
# The device’ s SIDs do not include the Claims Valid SID.
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Add the SIDs and the required claim to the machine account’ s TGT.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = [
partial ( self . set_pac_claims , client_claims = pac_claims ) ,
partial ( self . set_pac_sids , new_sids = device_sids ) ] ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to have a
# certain claim.
client_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
f ' @User. { escaped_claim_id ( claim_id ) } == " { claim_value } " ' )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
# Show that authentication fails.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
2023-10-19 06:22:28 +03:00
self . get_krbtgt_creds ( ) ,
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
mach_tgt ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY )
self . check_as_log (
client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy ,
client_policy_status = ntstatus . NT_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
2023-10-19 07:11:41 +03:00
def test_device_in_world_group ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group ( security . SID_WORLD )
def test_device_in_network_group ( self ) :
self . _check_device_not_in_group ( security . SID_NT_NETWORK )
def test_device_in_authenticated_users ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group ( security . SID_NT_AUTHENTICATED_USERS )
2023-10-25 04:59:27 +03:00
def test_device_in_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group (
def test_device_in_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
self . _check_device_not_in_group ( security . SID_SERVICE_ASSERTED_IDENTITY )
def test_device_in_compounded_authentication ( self ) :
self . _check_device_not_in_group ( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION )
def test_device_in_claims_valid ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group ( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID )
2023-10-19 07:11:41 +03:00
def _check_device_in_group ( self , group ) :
self . _check_device_membership ( group , expect_in_group = True )
def _check_device_not_in_group ( self , group ) :
self . _check_device_membership ( group , expect_in_group = False )
def _check_device_membership ( self , group , * , expect_in_group ) :
""" Test that authentication succeeds or fails when the device is
required to belong to a certain group .
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to belong to
# a certain group.
in_group_sddl = self . allow_if ( f ' Member_of {{ SID( { group } ) }} ' )
in_group_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = in_group_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = in_group_policy )
krbtgt_creds = self . get_krbtgt_creds ( )
# FIXME: we need to pass this parameter only because Samba doesn’ t
# handle ‘ krbtgt@REALM’ principals correctly (see
# https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15482).
krbtgt_sname = self . get_krbtgt_sname ( )
# Test whether authentication succeeds or fails.
self . _armored_as_req (
client_creds ,
krbtgt_creds ,
mach_tgt ,
target_sname = krbtgt_sname ,
expected_error = 0 if expect_in_group else KDC_ERR_POLICY )
policy_success_args = { }
policy_failure_args = {
' client_policy_status ' : ntstatus . NT_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED ,
' event ' : AuditEvent . KERBEROS_DEVICE_RESTRICTION ,
' reason ' : AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
' status ' : ntstatus . NT_STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION ,
self . check_as_log ( client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = in_group_policy ,
* * ( policy_success_args if expect_in_group
else policy_failure_args ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device not to belong
# to the group.
not_in_group_sddl = self . allow_if ( f ' Not_Member_of {{ SID( { group } ) }} ' )
not_in_group_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , user_allowed_from = not_in_group_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = not_in_group_policy )
# Test whether authentication succeeds or fails.
self . _armored_as_req (
client_creds ,
krbtgt_creds ,
mach_tgt ,
target_sname = krbtgt_sname ,
expected_error = KDC_ERR_POLICY if expect_in_group else 0 )
self . check_as_log ( client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = not_in_group_policy ,
* * ( policy_failure_args if expect_in_group
else policy_success_args ) )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
class TgsReqServicePolicyTests ( ConditionalAceBaseTests ) :
def test_pac_groups_not_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authorization succeeds if the client does not belong to
some required groups .
required_sids = {
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-9-8-7 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the client to belong to
# certain groups.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization fails.
self . _tgs_req (
client_tgt , KDC_ERR_POLICY , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expect_edata = self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
expect_status = None ,
self . check_tgs_log (
client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = target_policy ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED )
def test_pac_groups_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authorization succeeds if the client belongs to some
required groups .
required_sids = {
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-9-8-7 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
client_sids = required_sids | {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Add the required groups to the client’ s TGT.
client_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
client_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = client_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the client to belong to
# certain groups.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization succeeds.
self . _tgs_req ( client_tgt , 0 , client_creds , target_creds , armor_tgt = mach_tgt )
self . check_tgs_log ( client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = target_policy )
def test_pac_resource_groups_present_to_service_sid_compression ( self ) :
""" Test that authorization succeeds if the client belongs to some
required resource groups , and the request is to a service that supports
SID compression .
required_sids = {
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-5 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-6 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
client_sids = required_sids | {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Add the required groups to the client’ s TGT.
client_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
client_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = client_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the client to belong to
# certain groups.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization fails.
self . _tgs_req (
client_tgt , KDC_ERR_POLICY , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expect_edata = self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
expect_status = None ,
self . check_tgs_log (
client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = target_policy ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED )
def test_pac_resource_groups_present_to_service_no_sid_compression ( self ) :
""" Test that authorization succeeds if the client belongs to some
required resource groups , and the request is to a service that does not
support SID compression .
required_sids = {
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-5 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-6 ' , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
client_sids = required_sids | {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Add the required groups to the client’ s TGT.
client_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
client_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = client_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the client to belong to
# certain groups.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy ,
additional_details = {
' msDS-SupportedEncryptionTypes ' : str ( (
security . KERB_ENCTYPE_RC4_HMAC_MD5 ) | (
security . KERB_ENCTYPE_AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96_SK ) | (
# Show that authorization fails.
self . _tgs_req (
client_tgt , KDC_ERR_POLICY , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expect_edata = self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
expect_status = None ,
self . check_tgs_log (
client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = target_policy ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED )
def test_pac_well_known_groups_not_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authorization fails if the client does not belong to one
or more required well ‐ known groups .
required_sids = {
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( self . aa_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( self . service_asserted_identity , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Modify the client’ s TGT to contain only the SID of the client’ s
# primary group.
client_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
client_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = client_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the client to belong to
# certain groups.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Member_of_any { self . sddl_array_from_sids ( required_sids ) } ' )
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization fails.
self . _tgs_req (
client_tgt , KDC_ERR_POLICY , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expect_edata = self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
expect_status = None ,
self . check_tgs_log (
client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = target_policy ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED )
def test_pac_device_info ( self ) :
self . _run_pac_device_info_test ( )
def test_pac_device_info_no_compound_id_support ( self ) :
self . _run_pac_device_info_test ( compound_id_support = False )
def test_pac_device_info_no_claims_valid ( self ) :
self . _run_pac_device_info_test ( device_claims_valid = False )
def _run_pac_device_info_test ( self , compound_id_support = True , device_claims_valid = True ) :
""" Test the groups of the client and the device after performing a
FAST ‐ armored TGS ‐ REQ .
client_claim_id = ' the name of the client’ s client claim '
client_claim_value = ' the value of the client’ s client claim '
client_claims = [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( client_claim_id , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ client_claim_value ] ) ,
] ) ,
expected_client_claims = {
client_claim_id : {
' source_type ' : claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD ,
' type ' : claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING ,
' values ' : ( client_claim_value , ) ,
} ,
device_claim_id = ' the name of the device’ s client claim '
device_claim_value = ' the value of the device’ s client claim '
device_claims = [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( device_claim_id , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ device_claim_value ] ) ,
] ) ,
if compound_id_support :
expected_device_claims = {
device_claim_id : {
' source_type ' : claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD ,
' type ' : claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING ,
' values ' : ( device_claim_value , ) ,
} ,
else :
expected_device_claims = None
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# This to ensure we have EXTRA_SIDS set already, as
# windows won't set that flag otherwise when adding one
# more
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-3-4-5 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
if device_claims_valid :
device_sids . add ( ( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) )
# Modify the machine account’ s TGT to contain only the SID of the
# machine account’ s primary group.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = [
partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = device_sids ) ,
partial ( self . set_pac_claims , client_claims = device_claims ) ,
] ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Modify the client’ s TGT to contain only the SID of the client’ s
# primary group.
client_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
client_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = [
partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = client_sids ) ,
partial ( self . set_pac_claims , client_claims = client_claims ) ,
] ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Indicate that Compound Identity is supported.
target_creds , _ = self . get_target ( to_krbtgt = False , compound_id = compound_id_support )
expected_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
# The client’ s groups are not to include the Asserted Identity and
# Claims Valid SIDs.
if compound_id_support :
expected_sids . add ( ( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) )
expected_device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( ' S-1-2-3-4 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
( ' S-1-3-4-5 ' , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . resource_attrs ) ,
if device_claims_valid :
expected_device_sids . add ( frozenset ( [ ( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . RESOURCE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ] ) )
else :
expected_device_sids = None
samdb = self . get_samdb ( )
domain_sid_str = samdb . get_domain_sid ( )
expected_sids = self . map_sids ( expected_sids , None , domain_sid_str )
# The device SIDs will be put into the PAC unmodified.
expected_device_sids = self . map_sids ( expected_device_sids , None , domain_sid_str )
# Show that authorization succeeds.
self . _tgs_req ( client_tgt , 0 , client_creds , target_creds , armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expected_groups = expected_sids ,
expect_device_info = bool ( expected_device_sids ) or None ,
expected_device_domain_sid = domain_sid_str ,
expected_device_groups = expected_device_sids ,
expect_client_claims = bool ( expected_client_claims ) or None ,
expected_client_claims = expected_client_claims ,
expect_device_claims = bool ( expected_device_claims ) or None ,
expected_device_claims = expected_device_claims )
self . check_tgs_log ( client_creds , target_creds )
def test_pac_extra_sids_behaviour ( self ) :
""" Test the groups of the client and the device after performing a
FAST ‐ armored TGS ‐ REQ .
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
client_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Modify the client’ s TGT to contain only the SID of the client’ s
# primary group.
client_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
client_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_sids ,
new_sids = client_sids ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Indicate that Compound Identity is supported.
target_creds , _ = self . get_target ( to_krbtgt = False , compound_id = True )
expected_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs )
# The client’ s groups are not to include the Asserted Identity and
# Claims Valid SIDs.
samdb = self . get_samdb ( )
domain_sid_str = samdb . get_domain_sid ( )
expected_sids = self . map_sids ( expected_sids , None , domain_sid_str )
# Show that authorization succeeds.
self . _tgs_req ( client_tgt , 0 , client_creds , target_creds , armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expected_groups = expected_sids )
self . check_tgs_log ( client_creds , target_creds )
def test_pac_claims_not_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication fails if the device does not have a
required claim .
claim_id = ' the name of the claim '
claim_value = ' the value of the claim '
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to have a
# certain claim.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
f ' @User. { escaped_claim_id ( claim_id ) } == " { claim_value } " ' )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization fails.
self . _tgs_req (
client_tgt , KDC_ERR_POLICY , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expect_edata = self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
expect_status = None ,
self . check_tgs_log (
client_creds ,
target_creds ,
policy = target_policy ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED )
def test_pac_claims_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication succeeds if the user has a required
claim .
claim_id = ' the name of the claim '
claim_value = ' the value of the claim '
pac_claims = [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( claim_id , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ claim_value ] ) ,
] ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the user to have a
# certain claim.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
f ' @User. { escaped_claim_id ( claim_id ) } == " { claim_value } " ' )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Add the required claim to the client’ s TGT.
client_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
client_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_claims ,
client_claims = pac_claims ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization succeeds.
self . _tgs_req ( client_tgt , 0 , client_creds , target_creds , armor_tgt = mach_tgt )
self . check_tgs_log ( client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = target_policy )
def test_pac_claims_invalid ( self ) :
""" Test that authentication fails if the device’ s required claim is not
valid .
claim_id = ' the name of the claim '
claim_value = ' the value of the claim '
pac_claims = [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( claim_id , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ claim_value ] ) ,
] ) ,
# The device’ s SIDs do not include the Claims Valid SID.
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to have a
# certain claim.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
f ' @User. { escaped_claim_id ( claim_id ) } == " { claim_value } " ' )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Add the SIDs and the required claim to the client’ s TGT.
client_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
client_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = [
partial ( self . set_pac_claims , client_claims = pac_claims ) ,
partial ( self . set_pac_sids , new_sids = device_sids ) ] ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization fails.
self . _tgs_req (
client_tgt , KDC_ERR_POLICY , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expect_edata = self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
expect_status = None ,
self . check_tgs_log (
client_creds ,
target_creds ,
policy = target_policy ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED )
def test_pac_device_claims_not_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authorization fails if the device does not have a
required claim .
claim_id = ' the name of the claim '
claim_value = ' the value of the claim '
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to have a
# certain device claim.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
f ' @Device. { escaped_claim_id ( claim_id ) } == " { claim_value } " ' )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization fails.
self . _tgs_req (
client_tgt , KDC_ERR_POLICY , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expect_edata = self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
expect_status = None ,
self . check_tgs_log (
client_creds ,
target_creds ,
policy = target_policy ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED )
def test_pac_device_claims_present ( self ) :
""" Test that authorization succeeds if the device has a required claim.
claim_id = ' the name of the claim '
claim_value = ' the value of the claim '
pac_claims = [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( claim_id , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ claim_value ] ) ,
] ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Add the required claim to the machine account’ s TGT.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = partial ( self . set_pac_claims ,
client_claims = pac_claims ) ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to have a
# certain device claim.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
f ' @Device. { escaped_claim_id ( claim_id ) } == " { claim_value } " ' )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization succeeds.
self . _tgs_req ( client_tgt , 0 , client_creds , target_creds , armor_tgt = mach_tgt )
self . check_tgs_log ( client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = target_policy )
def test_pac_device_claims_invalid ( self ) :
""" Test that authorization fails if the device’ s required claim is not
valid .
claim_id = ' the name of the claim '
claim_value = ' the value of the claim '
pac_claims = [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( claim_id , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ claim_value ] ) ,
] ) ,
# The device’ s SIDs do not include the Claims Valid SID.
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Add the SIDs and the required claim to the machine account’ s TGT.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = [
partial ( self . set_pac_claims , client_claims = pac_claims ) ,
partial ( self . set_pac_sids , new_sids = device_sids ) ] ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to have a
# certain claim.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
f ' @Device. { escaped_claim_id ( claim_id ) } == " { claim_value } " ' )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization fails.
self . _tgs_req (
client_tgt , KDC_ERR_POLICY , client_creds , target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
expect_edata = self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
expect_status = None ,
self . check_tgs_log (
client_creds ,
target_creds ,
policy = target_policy ,
reason = AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED )
def test_pac_device_claims_invalid_no_attrs ( self ) :
""" Test that authorization fails if the device’ s required claim is not
valid .
claim_id = ' the name of the claim '
claim_value = ' the value of the claim '
pac_claims = [
( claims . CLAIMS_SOURCE_TYPE_AD , [
( claim_id , claims . CLAIM_TYPE_STRING , [ claim_value ] ) ,
] ) ,
device_sids = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
# The device’ s SIDs include the Claims Valid SID, but it has no
# attributes.
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , 0 ) ,
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Add the SIDs and the required claim to the machine account’ s TGT.
mach_tgt = self . modified_ticket (
mach_tgt ,
modify_pac_fn = [
partial ( self . set_pac_claims , client_claims = pac_claims ) ,
partial ( self . set_pac_sids , new_sids = device_sids ) ] ,
checksum_keys = self . get_krbtgt_checksum_key ( ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to have a
# certain claim.
target_policy_sddl = self . allow_if (
2023-10-26 03:13:44 +03:00
f ' @Device. { escaped_claim_id ( claim_id ) } == " { claim_value } " ' )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
# Show that authorization succeeds.
self . _tgs_req ( client_tgt , 0 , client_creds , target_creds , armor_tgt = mach_tgt )
self . check_tgs_log ( client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = target_policy )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
def test_simple_as_req_client_and_target_policy ( self ) :
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that explicitly allows the machine
# account for a user.
client_policy_sddl = f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;; { mach_creds . get_sid ( ) } ;(Member_of {{ SID( { mach_creds . get_sid ( ) } ), SID( { mach_creds . get_sid ( ) } ) }} )) '
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy ( enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
# Create an authentication policy that applies to a computer and
# explicitly allows the user account to obtain a service ticket.
target_policy_sddl = f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;; { client_creds . get_sid ( ) } ;(Member_of SID( { client_creds . get_sid ( ) } ))) '
target_policy = self . create_authn_policy ( enforced = True ,
computer_allowed_to = target_policy_sddl )
# Create a computer account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = target_policy )
expected_groups = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_AUTHENTICATION_AUTHORITY_ASSERTED_IDENTITY , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
# Show that obtaining a service ticket with an AS‐ REQ is allowed.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
target_creds ,
mach_tgt ,
expected_groups = expected_groups )
self . check_as_log ( client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy ,
server_policy = target_policy )
2023-10-19 07:11:41 +03:00
def test_device_in_world_group ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group ( security . SID_WORLD )
def test_device_in_network_group ( self ) :
self . _check_device_not_in_group ( security . SID_NT_NETWORK )
def test_device_in_authenticated_users ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group ( security . SID_NT_AUTHENTICATED_USERS )
2023-10-25 04:59:27 +03:00
def test_device_in_aa_asserted_identity ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group (
def test_device_in_service_asserted_identity ( self ) :
self . _check_device_not_in_group ( security . SID_SERVICE_ASSERTED_IDENTITY )
def test_device_in_compounded_authentication ( self ) :
self . _check_device_not_in_group ( security . SID_COMPOUNDED_AUTHENTICATION )
def test_device_in_claims_valid ( self ) :
self . _check_device_in_group ( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID )
2023-10-19 07:11:41 +03:00
def _check_device_in_group ( self , group ) :
self . _check_device_membership ( group , expect_in_group = True )
def _check_device_not_in_group ( self , group ) :
self . _check_device_membership ( group , expect_in_group = False )
def _check_device_membership ( self , group , * , expect_in_group ) :
""" Test that authentication succeeds or fails when the device is
required to belong to a certain group .
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
opts = { ' id ' : ' device ' } )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device to belong to
# a certain group.
in_group_sddl = self . allow_if ( f ' Device_Member_of {{ SID( { group } ) }} ' )
in_group_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = in_group_sddl )
# Create a user account.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER )
client_tgt = self . get_tgt ( client_creds )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = in_group_policy )
tgs_success_args = { }
tgs_failure_args = {
' expect_edata ' : self . expect_padata_outer ,
# We aren’ t particular about whether or not we get an NTSTATUS.
' expect_status ' : None ,
' expected_status ' : ntstatus . NT_STATUS_AUTHENTICATION_FIREWALL_FAILED ,
# Test whether authorization succeeds or fails.
self . _tgs_req ( client_tgt ,
0 if expect_in_group else KDC_ERR_POLICY ,
client_creds ,
target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
* * ( tgs_success_args if expect_in_group
else tgs_failure_args ) )
policy_success_args = { }
policy_failure_args = {
' event ' : AuditEvent . KERBEROS_SERVER_RESTRICTION ,
' reason ' : AuditReason . ACCESS_DENIED ,
self . check_tgs_log ( client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = in_group_policy ,
* * ( policy_success_args if expect_in_group
else policy_failure_args ) )
# Create an authentication policy that requires the device not to belong
# to the group.
not_in_group_sddl = self . allow_if (
f ' Not_Device_Member_of {{ SID( { group } ) }} ' )
not_in_group_policy = self . create_authn_policy (
enforced = True , computer_allowed_to = not_in_group_sddl )
# Create a target account with the assigned policy.
target_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER ,
assigned_policy = not_in_group_policy )
# Test whether authorization succeeds or fails.
self . _tgs_req ( client_tgt ,
KDC_ERR_POLICY if expect_in_group else 0 ,
client_creds ,
target_creds ,
armor_tgt = mach_tgt ,
* * ( tgs_failure_args if expect_in_group
else tgs_success_args ) )
self . check_tgs_log ( client_creds , target_creds ,
policy = not_in_group_policy ,
* * ( policy_failure_args if expect_in_group
else policy_success_args ) )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
def test_simple_as_req_client_policy_only ( self ) :
# Create a machine account with which to perform FAST.
mach_creds = self . get_cached_creds (
account_type = self . AccountType . COMPUTER )
mach_tgt = self . get_tgt ( mach_creds )
# Create an authentication policy that explicitly allows the machine
# account for a user.
client_policy_sddl = f ' O:SYD:(XA;;CR;;; { mach_creds . get_sid ( ) } ;(Member_of SID( { mach_creds . get_sid ( ) } ))) '
client_policy = self . create_authn_policy ( enforced = True ,
user_allowed_from = client_policy_sddl )
# Create a user account with the assigned policy.
client_creds = self . _get_creds ( account_type = self . AccountType . USER ,
assigned_policy = client_policy )
expected_groups = {
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . BASE_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . DOMAIN_RID_USERS , SidType . PRIMARY_GID , None ) ,
( security . SID_AUTHENTICATION_AUTHORITY_ASSERTED_IDENTITY , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
( security . SID_CLAIMS_VALID , SidType . EXTRA_SID , self . default_attrs ) ,
2023-10-19 06:23:32 +03:00
# FIXME: we need to pass this parameter only because Samba doesn’ t
# handle ‘ krbtgt@REALM’ principals correctly (see
# https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15482).
krbtgt_sname = self . get_krbtgt_sname ( )
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
# Show that obtaining a service ticket with an AS‐ REQ is allowed.
self . _armored_as_req ( client_creds ,
self . get_krbtgt_creds ( ) ,
mach_tgt ,
2023-10-19 06:23:32 +03:00
target_sname = krbtgt_sname ,
2023-05-02 06:42:24 +03:00
expected_groups = expected_groups )
self . check_as_log ( client_creds ,
armor_creds = mach_creds ,
client_policy = client_policy )
2023-09-28 04:10:16 +03:00
if __name__ == ' __main__ ' :
global_asn1_print = False
global_hexdump = False
import unittest
unittest . main ( )