2010-11-18 10:56:05 +11:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
''' automated testing library for testing Samba against windows '''
import pexpect , subprocess
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import sys , os , time , re
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class wintest ( ) :
''' testing of Samba against windows VMs '''
def __init__ ( self ) :
self . vars = { }
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self . list_mode = False
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os . putenv ( ' PYTHONUNBUFFERED ' , ' 1 ' )
def setvar ( self , varname , value ) :
''' set a substitution variable '''
self . vars [ varname ] = value
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def setwinvars ( self , vm , prefix = ' WIN ' ) :
''' setup WIN_XX vars based on a vm name '''
for v in [ ' VM ' , ' HOSTNAME ' , ' USER ' , ' PASS ' , ' SNAPSHOT ' , ' BASEDN ' , ' REALM ' , ' DOMAIN ' ] :
vname = ' %s _ %s ' % ( vm , v )
if vname in self . vars :
self . setvar ( " %s _ %s " % ( prefix , v ) , self . substitute ( " $ { %s } " % vname ) )
else :
self . vars . pop ( " %s _ %s " % ( prefix , v ) , None )
def info ( self , msg ) :
''' print some information '''
if not self . list_mode :
print ( self . substitute ( msg ) )
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def load_config ( self , fname ) :
''' load the config file '''
f = open ( fname )
for line in f :
line = line . strip ( )
if len ( line ) == 0 or line [ 0 ] == ' # ' :
colon = line . find ( ' : ' )
if colon == - 1 :
raise RuntimeError ( " Invalid config line ' %s ' " % line )
varname = line [ 0 : colon ] . strip ( )
value = line [ colon + 1 : ] . strip ( )
self . setvar ( varname , value )
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def list_steps_mode ( self ) :
''' put wintest in step listing mode '''
self . list_mode = True
def set_skip ( self , skiplist ) :
''' set a list of tests to skip '''
self . skiplist = skiplist . split ( ' , ' )
def skip ( self , step ) :
''' return True if we should skip a step '''
if self . list_mode :
print ( " \t %s " % step )
return True
return step in self . skiplist
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def substitute ( self , text ) :
""" Substitute strings of the form $ {NAME} in text, replacing
with substitutions from vars .
if isinstance ( text , list ) :
ret = text [ : ]
for i in range ( len ( ret ) ) :
ret [ i ] = self . substitute ( ret [ i ] )
return ret
while True :
var_start = text . find ( " $ { " )
if var_start == - 1 :
return text
var_end = text . find ( " } " , var_start )
if var_end == - 1 :
return text
var_name = text [ var_start + 2 : var_end ]
if not var_name in self . vars :
raise RuntimeError ( " Unknown substitution variable $ { %s } " % var_name )
text = text . replace ( " $ { %s } " % var_name , self . vars [ var_name ] )
return text
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def have_var ( self , varname ) :
''' see if a variable has been set '''
return varname in self . vars
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def putenv ( self , key , value ) :
''' putenv with substitution '''
os . putenv ( key , self . substitute ( value ) )
def chdir ( self , dir ) :
''' chdir with substitution '''
os . chdir ( self . substitute ( dir ) )
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def del_files ( self , dirs ) :
''' delete all files in the given directory '''
for d in dirs :
self . run_cmd ( " find %s -type f | xargs rm -f " % d )
def write_file ( self , filename , text , mode = ' w ' ) :
''' write to a file '''
f = open ( self . substitute ( filename ) , mode = mode )
f . write ( self . substitute ( text ) )
f . close ( )
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def run_cmd ( self , cmd , dir = " . " , show = None , output = False , checkfail = True ) :
cmd = self . substitute ( cmd )
if isinstance ( cmd , list ) :
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self . info ( ' $ ' + " " . join ( cmd ) )
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else :
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self . info ( ' $ ' + cmd )
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if output :
return subprocess . Popen ( [ cmd ] , shell = True , stdout = subprocess . PIPE , stderr = subprocess . STDOUT , cwd = dir ) . communicate ( ) [ 0 ]
if isinstance ( cmd , list ) :
shell = False
else :
shell = True
if checkfail :
return subprocess . check_call ( cmd , shell = shell , cwd = dir )
else :
return subprocess . call ( cmd , shell = shell , cwd = dir )
def cmd_output ( self , cmd ) :
''' return output from and command '''
cmd = self . substitute ( cmd )
return self . run_cmd ( cmd , output = True )
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def cmd_contains ( self , cmd , contains , nomatch = False , ordered = False , regex = False ,
casefold = False ) :
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''' check that command output contains the listed strings '''
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if isinstance ( contains , str ) :
contains = [ contains ]
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out = self . cmd_output ( cmd )
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self . info ( out )
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for c in self . substitute ( contains ) :
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if regex :
m = re . search ( c , out )
if m is None :
start = - 1
end = - 1
else :
start = m . start ( )
end = m . end ( )
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elif casefold :
start = out . upper ( ) . find ( c . upper ( ) )
end = start + len ( c )
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else :
start = out . find ( c )
end = start + len ( c )
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if nomatch :
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if start != - 1 :
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raise RuntimeError ( " Expected to not see %s in %s " % ( c , cmd ) )
else :
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if start == - 1 :
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raise RuntimeError ( " Expected to see %s in %s " % ( c , cmd ) )
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if ordered and start != - 1 :
out = out [ end : ]
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def retry_cmd ( self , cmd , contains , retries = 30 , delay = 2 , wait_for_fail = False ,
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ordered = False , regex = False , casefold = False ) :
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''' retry a command a number of times '''
while retries > 0 :
try :
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self . cmd_contains ( cmd , contains , nomatch = wait_for_fail ,
2010-11-19 14:08:18 +11:00
ordered = ordered , regex = regex , casefold = casefold )
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except :
time . sleep ( delay )
retries = retries - 1
raise RuntimeError ( " Failed to find %s " % contains )
def pexpect_spawn ( self , cmd , timeout = 60 ) :
''' wrapper around pexpect spawn '''
cmd = self . substitute ( cmd )
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self . info ( " $ " + cmd )
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ret = pexpect . spawn ( cmd , logfile = sys . stdout , timeout = timeout )
def sendline_sub ( line ) :
line = self . substitute ( line ) . replace ( ' \n ' , ' \r \n ' )
return ret . old_sendline ( line + ' \r ' )
def expect_sub ( line , timeout = ret . timeout ) :
line = self . substitute ( line )
return ret . old_expect ( line , timeout = timeout )
ret . old_sendline = ret . sendline
ret . sendline = sendline_sub
ret . old_expect = ret . expect
ret . expect = expect_sub
return ret
def vm_poweroff ( self , vmname , checkfail = True ) :
''' power off a VM '''
self . setvar ( ' VMNAME ' , vmname )
self . run_cmd ( " $ {VM_POWEROFF} " , checkfail = checkfail )
def vm_restore ( self , vmname , snapshot ) :
''' restore a VM '''
self . setvar ( ' VMNAME ' , vmname )
self . setvar ( ' SNAPSHOT ' , snapshot )
self . run_cmd ( " $ {VM_RESTORE} " )
def ping_wait ( self , hostname ) :
''' wait for a hostname to come up on the network '''
hostname = self . substitute ( hostname )
loops = 10
while loops > 0 :
try :
self . run_cmd ( " ping -c 1 -w 10 %s " % hostname )
except :
loops = loops - 1
if loops == 0 :
raise RuntimeError ( " Failed to ping %s " % hostname )
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self . info ( " Host %s is up " % hostname )
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2010-11-18 14:43:53 +11:00
def port_wait ( self , hostname , port , retries = 200 , delay = 3 , wait_for_fail = False ) :
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''' wait for a host to come up on the network '''
self . retry_cmd ( " nc -v -z -w 1 %s %u " % ( hostname , port ) , [ ' succeeded ' ] ,
retries = retries , delay = delay , wait_for_fail = wait_for_fail )
def run_net_time ( self , child ) :
''' run net time on windows '''
child . sendline ( " net time \\ \\ $ {HOSTNAME} /set " )
child . expect ( " Do you want to set the local computer " )
child . sendline ( " Y " )
child . expect ( " The command completed successfully " )
def run_date_time ( self , child , time_tuple = None ) :
''' run date and time on windows '''
if time_tuple is None :
time_tuple = time . localtime ( )
child . sendline ( " date " )
child . expect ( " Enter the new date: " )
child . sendline ( time . strftime ( " % m- %d - % y " , time_tuple ) )
child . expect ( " C: " )
child . sendline ( " time " )
child . expect ( " Enter the new time: " )
child . sendline ( time . strftime ( " % H: % M: % S " , time_tuple ) )
child . expect ( " C: " )
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def open_telnet ( self , hostname , username , password , retries = 60 , delay = 5 , set_time = False ) :
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''' open a telnet connection to a windows server, return the pexpect child '''
while retries > 0 :
child = self . pexpect_spawn ( " telnet " + hostname + " -l ' " + username + " ' " )
i = child . expect ( [ " Welcome to Microsoft Telnet Service " ,
" No more connections are allowed to telnet server " ,
" Unable to connect to remote host " ,
" No route to host " ] )
if i != 0 :
child . close ( )
time . sleep ( delay )
retries - = 1
child . expect ( " password: " )
child . sendline ( password )
child . expect ( " C: " )
if set_time :
self . run_date_time ( child , None )
return child
raise RuntimeError ( " Failed to connect with telnet " )
def kinit ( self , username , password ) :
''' use kinit to setup a credentials cache '''
self . run_cmd ( " kdestroy " )
self . putenv ( ' KRB5CCNAME ' , " $ {PREFIX} /ccache.test " )
username = self . substitute ( username )
s = username . split ( ' @ ' )
if len ( s ) > 0 :
s [ 1 ] = s [ 1 ] . upper ( )
username = ' @ ' . join ( s )
child = self . pexpect_spawn ( ' kinit -V ' + username )
child . expect ( " Password for " )
child . sendline ( password )
child . expect ( " Authenticated to Kerberos " )