diff --git a/selftest/selftest.pl b/selftest/selftest.pl index 45e0ae0451f..32fc845bde5 100755 --- a/selftest/selftest.pl +++ b/selftest/selftest.pl @@ -307,8 +307,11 @@ die("using an empty prefix isn't allowed") unless $prefix ne ""; # permissions on this as some subdirectories in this tree will have # wider permissions (ie 0777) and this would allow other users on the # host to subvert the test process. +umask 0077; mkdir($prefix, 0700) unless -d $prefix; chmod 0700, $prefix; +# We need to have no umask limitations for the tests. +umask 0000; my $prefix_abs = abs_path($prefix); my $tmpdir_abs = abs_path("$prefix/tmp");