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synced 2025-03-20 22:50:26 +03:00
s4:torture:vfs_fruit: add tests for AFP_AfpInfo delete-on-close and eof
Bug: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11347 Signed-off-by: Ralph Boehme <slow@samba.org> Reviewed-by: Jeremy Allison <jra@samba.org> (cherry picked from commit e5588b463ee77aac3b396774e68c10b13a9f6f04)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2806,6 +2806,298 @@ done:
return ret;
static bool test_create_delete_on_close(struct torture_context *tctx,
struct smb2_tree *tree)
bool ret = true;
NTSTATUS status;
struct smb2_create create;
struct smb2_handle h1;
TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_new(tctx);
const char *fname = BASEDIR "\\file";
const char *sname = BASEDIR "\\file" AFPINFO_STREAM_NAME;
const char *type_creator = "SMB,OLE!";
AfpInfo *info = NULL;
const char *streams_basic[] = {
const char *streams_afpinfo[] = {
torture_assert_goto(tctx, mem_ctx != NULL, ret, done, "talloc_new");
torture_comment(tctx, "Checking whether create with delete-on-close work with AFP_AfpInfo\n");
smb2_deltree(tree, BASEDIR);
status = torture_smb2_testdir(tree, BASEDIR, &h1);
torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ret, done, "torture_smb2_testdir");
smb2_util_close(tree, h1);
ret = torture_setup_file(mem_ctx, tree, fname, false);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "torture_setup_file");
torture_comment(tctx, "Opening not existing AFP_AfpInfo\n");
create.in.create_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN;
create.in.desired_access = SEC_FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTE; /* stat open */
create.in.fname = sname;
status = smb2_create(tree, mem_ctx, &create);
torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND,
ret, done, "Got unexpected AFP_AfpInfo stream");
create.in.create_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN;
create.in.desired_access = SEC_FILE_ALL;
create.in.fname = sname;
status = smb2_create(tree, mem_ctx, &create);
torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND,
ret, done, "Got unexpected AFP_AfpInfo stream");
ret = check_stream_list(tree, tctx, fname, 1, streams_basic, false);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "Bad streams");
torture_comment(tctx, "Deleting AFP_AfpInfo via create with delete-on-close\n");
info = torture_afpinfo_new(mem_ctx);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, info != NULL, ret, done, "torture_afpinfo_new failed");
memcpy(info->afpi_FinderInfo, type_creator, 8);
ret = torture_write_afpinfo(tree, tctx, mem_ctx, fname, info);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "torture_write_afpinfo failed");
ret = check_stream(tree, __location__, tctx, mem_ctx, fname, AFPINFO_STREAM,
0, 60, 16, 8, type_creator);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "Bad type/creator in AFP_AfpInfo");
ret = check_stream_list(tree, tctx, fname, 2, streams_afpinfo, false);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "Bad streams");
create.in.create_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN;
create.in.create_options = NTCREATEX_OPTIONS_DELETE_ON_CLOSE;
create.in.impersonation_level = NTCREATEX_IMPERSONATION_IMPERSONATION;
create.in.fname = sname;
create.in.file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
status = smb2_create(tree, mem_ctx, &create);
torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ret, done, "smb2_create failed");
h1 = create.out.file.handle;
smb2_util_close(tree, h1);
create.in.create_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN;
create.in.desired_access = SEC_FILE_READ_ATTRIBUTE;
create.in.fname = sname;
create.in.file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
status = smb2_create(tree, mem_ctx, &create);
torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND,
ret, done, "Got unexpected AFP_AfpInfo stream");
ret = check_stream_list(tree, tctx, fname, 1, streams_basic, false);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "Bad streams");
smb2_util_unlink(tree, fname);
smb2_util_rmdir(tree, BASEDIR);
return ret;
static bool test_setinfo_delete_on_close(struct torture_context *tctx,
struct smb2_tree *tree)
bool ret = true;
NTSTATUS status;
struct smb2_create create;
union smb_setfileinfo sfinfo;
struct smb2_handle h1;
TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_new(tctx);
const char *fname = BASEDIR "\\file";
const char *sname = BASEDIR "\\file" AFPINFO_STREAM_NAME;
const char *type_creator = "SMB,OLE!";
AfpInfo *info = NULL;
const char *streams_basic[] = {
torture_assert_goto(tctx, mem_ctx != NULL, ret, done, "talloc_new");
torture_comment(tctx, "Deleting AFP_AfpInfo via setinfo with delete-on-close\n");
smb2_deltree(tree, BASEDIR);
status = torture_smb2_testdir(tree, BASEDIR, &h1);
torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ret, done, "torture_smb2_testdir");
smb2_util_close(tree, h1);
ret = torture_setup_file(mem_ctx, tree, fname, false);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "torture_setup_file");
info = torture_afpinfo_new(mem_ctx);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, info != NULL, ret, done, "torture_afpinfo_new failed");
memcpy(info->afpi_FinderInfo, type_creator, 8);
ret = torture_write_afpinfo(tree, tctx, mem_ctx, fname, info);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "torture_write_afpinfo failed");
create.in.create_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN;
create.in.fname = sname;
create.in.file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
create.in.impersonation_level = NTCREATEX_IMPERSONATION_IMPERSONATION;
status = smb2_create(tree, mem_ctx, &create);
torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ret, done, "smb2_create failed");
h1 = create.out.file.handle;
/* Delete stream via setinfo delete-on-close */
sfinfo.disposition_info.in.delete_on_close = 1;
sfinfo.generic.in.file.handle = h1;
status = smb2_setinfo_file(tree, &sfinfo);
torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ret, done, "set delete-on-close failed");
smb2_util_close(tree, h1);
ret = check_stream_list(tree, tctx, fname, 1, streams_basic, false);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "Bad streams");
create.in.create_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN;
create.in.desired_access = SEC_FILE_ALL;
create.in.fname = sname;
create.in.file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
create.in.impersonation_level = NTCREATEX_IMPERSONATION_IMPERSONATION;
status = smb2_create(tree, mem_ctx, &create);
torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND,
ret, done, "Got unexpected AFP_AfpInfo stream");
smb2_util_unlink(tree, fname);
smb2_util_rmdir(tree, BASEDIR);
return ret;
static bool test_setinfo_eof(struct torture_context *tctx,
struct smb2_tree *tree)
bool ret = true;
NTSTATUS status;
struct smb2_create create;
union smb_setfileinfo sfinfo;
struct smb2_handle h1;
TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_new(tctx);
const char *fname = BASEDIR "\\file";
const char *sname = BASEDIR "\\file" AFPINFO_STREAM_NAME;
const char *type_creator = "SMB,OLE!";
AfpInfo *info = NULL;
const char *streams_afpinfo[] = {
torture_assert_goto(tctx, mem_ctx != NULL, ret, done, "talloc_new");
torture_comment(tctx, "Set AFP_AfpInfo EOF to 61, 1 and 0\n");
smb2_deltree(tree, BASEDIR);
status = torture_smb2_testdir(tree, BASEDIR, &h1);
torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ret, done, "torture_smb2_testdir");
smb2_util_close(tree, h1);
ret = torture_setup_file(mem_ctx, tree, fname, false);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "torture_setup_file");
info = torture_afpinfo_new(mem_ctx);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, info != NULL, ret, done, "torture_afpinfo_new failed");
memcpy(info->afpi_FinderInfo, type_creator, 8);
ret = torture_write_afpinfo(tree, tctx, mem_ctx, fname, info);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "torture_write_afpinfo failed");
create.in.create_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN;
create.in.desired_access = SEC_FILE_ALL;
create.in.fname = sname;
create.in.file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
create.in.impersonation_level = NTCREATEX_IMPERSONATION_IMPERSONATION;
status = smb2_create(tree, mem_ctx, &create);
torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ret, done, "smb2_create failed");
h1 = create.out.file.handle;
torture_comment(tctx, "Set AFP_AfpInfo EOF to 61\n");
/* Test setinfo end-of-file info */
sfinfo.generic.in.file.handle = h1;
sfinfo.position_information.in.position = 61;
status = smb2_setinfo_file(tree, &sfinfo);
torture_assert_ntstatus_equal_goto(tctx, status, NT_STATUS_ALLOTTED_SPACE_EXCEEDED,
ret, done, "set eof 61 failed");
torture_comment(tctx, "Set AFP_AfpInfo EOF to 1\n");
/* Truncation returns success, but has no effect */
sfinfo.generic.in.file.handle = h1;
sfinfo.position_information.in.position = 1;
status = smb2_setinfo_file(tree, &sfinfo);
torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status,
ret, done, "set eof 1 failed");
smb2_util_close(tree, h1);
ret = check_stream_list(tree, tctx, fname, 2, streams_afpinfo, false);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "Bad streams");
ret = check_stream(tree, __location__, tctx, mem_ctx, fname, AFPINFO_STREAM,
0, 60, 16, 8, type_creator);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "FinderInfo changed");
create.in.create_disposition = NTCREATEX_DISP_OPEN;
create.in.desired_access = SEC_FILE_ALL;
create.in.fname = sname;
create.in.file_attributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL;
create.in.impersonation_level = NTCREATEX_IMPERSONATION_IMPERSONATION;
status = smb2_create(tree, mem_ctx, &create);
torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ret, done, "smb2_create failed");
h1 = create.out.file.handle;
* Delete stream via setinfo end-of-file info to 0, should
* return success but stream MUST NOT deleted
sfinfo.generic.in.file.handle = h1;
sfinfo.position_information.in.position = 0;
status = smb2_setinfo_file(tree, &sfinfo);
torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ret, done, "set eof 0 failed");
smb2_util_close(tree, h1);
ret = check_stream_list(tree, tctx, fname, 2, streams_afpinfo, false);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "Bad streams");
ret = check_stream(tree, __location__, tctx, mem_ctx, fname, AFPINFO_STREAM,
0, 60, 16, 8, type_creator);
torture_assert_goto(tctx, ret == true, ret, done, "FinderInfo changed");
smb2_util_unlink(tree, fname);
smb2_util_rmdir(tree, BASEDIR);
return ret;
* Note: This test depends on "vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr". For
* some tests torture must be run on the host it tests and takes an additional
@ -2832,6 +3124,9 @@ struct torture_suite *torture_vfs_fruit(void)
torture_suite_add_1smb2_test(suite, "opening and creating resource fork", test_rfork_create);
torture_suite_add_1smb2_test(suite, "rename_dir_openfile", test_rename_dir_openfile);
torture_suite_add_1smb2_test(suite, "File without AFP_AfpInfo", test_afpinfo_enoent);
torture_suite_add_1smb2_test(suite, "create delete-on-close AFP_AfpInfo", test_create_delete_on_close);
torture_suite_add_1smb2_test(suite, "setinfo delete-on-close AFP_AfpInfo", test_setinfo_delete_on_close);
torture_suite_add_1smb2_test(suite, "setinfo eof AFP_AfpInfo", test_setinfo_eof);
return suite;
Reference in New Issue
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