mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 01:58:17 +03:00
pidl:Samba4/NDR/Client: convert code to $self->pidl()
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,6 +6,10 @@
package Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Client;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(Parse);
use Parse::Pidl::Samba4 qw(choose_header is_intree);
use Parse::Pidl::Util qw(has_property);
@ -14,54 +18,71 @@ $VERSION = '0.01';
use strict;
sub indent($) { my ($self) = @_; $self->{tabs}.="\t"; }
sub deindent($) { my ($self) = @_; $self->{tabs} = substr($self->{tabs}, 1); }
sub pidl($$) { my ($self,$txt) = @_; $self->{res} .= $txt ? "$self->{tabs}$txt\n" : "\n"; }
sub pidl_hdr($$) { my ($self, $txt) = @_; $self->{res_hdr} .= "$txt\n"; }
sub fn_declare($$) { my ($self,$n) = @_; $self->pidl($n); $self->pidl_hdr("$n;"); }
sub ParseFunction_r_State($$$)
sub genpad($)
my ($if, $fn, $name) = @_;
my $uname = uc $name;
if (has_property($fn, "todo")) {
$res .= "struct dcerpc_$name\_r_state {\n";
$res .= "\tTALLOC_CTX *out_mem_ctx;\n";
$res .= "};\n";
$res .= "\n";
$res .= "static void dcerpc_$name\_r_done(struct tevent_req *subreq);\n";
$res .= "\n";
my ($s) = @_;
my $nt = int((length($s)+1)/8);
my $lt = ($nt*8)-1;
my $ns = (length($s)-$lt);
return "\t"x($nt)." "x($ns);
sub ParseFunction_r_Send($$$)
sub new($)
my ($if, $fn, $name) = @_;
my ($class) = shift;
my $self = { res => "", res_hdr => "", tabs => "" };
bless($self, $class);
sub ParseFunction_r_State($$$$)
my ($self, $if, $fn, $name) = @_;
my $uname = uc $name;
if (has_property($fn, "todo")) {
$self->pidl("struct dcerpc_$name\_r_state {");
$self->pidl("TALLOC_CTX *out_mem_ctx;");
$self->pidl("static void dcerpc_$name\_r_done(struct tevent_req *subreq);");
sub ParseFunction_r_Send($$$$)
my ($self, $if, $fn, $name) = @_;
my $uname = uc $name;
my $proto = "struct tevent_req *dcerpc_$name\_r_send(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx,\n";
$proto .= "\tstruct tevent_context *ev,\n",
$proto .= "\tstruct dcerpc_binding_handle *h,\n",
$proto .= "\tstruct $name *r)";
$res_hdr .= "\n$proto;\n";
$res .= "$proto\n{\n";
$res .= "\tstruct tevent_req *req;\n";
$res .= "\tstruct dcerpc_$name\_r_state *state;\n";
$res .= "\tstruct tevent_req *subreq;\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("struct tevent_req *req;");
$self->pidl("struct dcerpc_$name\_r_state *state;");
$self->pidl("struct tevent_req *subreq;");
$res .= "\treq = tevent_req_create(mem_ctx, &state,\n";
$res .= "\t\t\t\tstruct dcerpc_$name\_r_state);\n";
$res .= "\tif (req == NULL) {\n";
$res .= "\t\treturn NULL;\n";
$res .= "\t}\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("req = tevent_req_create(mem_ctx, &state,");
$self->pidl("\t\t\tstruct dcerpc_$name\_r_state);");
$self->pidl("if (req == NULL) {");
$self->pidl("return NULL;");
my $out_params = 0;
foreach (@{$fn->{ELEMENTS}}) {
@ -72,203 +93,210 @@ sub ParseFunction_r_Send($$$)
my $submem;
if ($out_params > 0) {
$res .= "\tstate->out_mem_ctx = talloc_new(state);\n";
$res .= "\tif (tevent_req_nomem(state->out_mem_ctx, req)) {\n";
$res .= "\t\treturn tevent_req_post(req, ev);\n";
$res .= "\t}\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("state->out_mem_ctx = talloc_new(state);");
$self->pidl("if (tevent_req_nomem(state->out_mem_ctx, req)) {");
$self->pidl("return tevent_req_post(req, ev);");
$submem = "state->out_mem_ctx";
} else {
$res .= "\tstate->out_mem_ctx = NULL;\n";
$self->pidl("state->out_mem_ctx = NULL;");
$submem = "state";
$res .= "\tsubreq = dcerpc_binding_handle_call_send(state, ev, h,\n";
$res .= "\t\t\tNULL, &ndr_table_$if->{NAME},\n";
$res .= "\t\t\tNDR_$uname, $submem, r);\n";
$res .= "\tif (tevent_req_nomem(subreq, req)) {\n";
$res .= "\t\treturn tevent_req_post(req, ev);\n";
$res .= "\t}\n";
$res .= "\ttevent_req_set_callback(subreq, dcerpc_$name\_r_done, req);\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("subreq = dcerpc_binding_handle_call_send(state, ev, h,");
$self->pidl("\t\tNULL, &ndr_table_$if->{NAME},");
$self->pidl("\t\tNDR_$uname, $submem, r);");
$self->pidl("if (tevent_req_nomem(subreq, req)) {");
$self->pidl("return tevent_req_post(req, ev);");
$self->pidl("tevent_req_set_callback(subreq, dcerpc_$name\_r_done, req);");
$res .= "\treturn req;\n";
$res .= "}\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("return req;");
sub ParseFunction_r_Done($$$)
sub ParseFunction_r_Done($$$$)
my ($if, $fn, $name) = @_;
my ($self, $if, $fn, $name) = @_;
my $uname = uc $name;
if (has_property($fn, "todo")) {
my $proto = "static void dcerpc_$name\_r_done(struct tevent_req *subreq)";
$res .= "$proto\n";
$res .= "{\n";
$res .= "\tstruct tevent_req *req =\n";
$res .= "\t\ttevent_req_callback_data(subreq,\n";
$res .= "\t\tstruct tevent_req);\n";
$res .= "\tNTSTATUS status;\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("struct tevent_req *req =");
$self->pidl("\tstruct tevent_req);");
$self->pidl("NTSTATUS status;");
$res .= "\tstatus = dcerpc_binding_handle_call_recv(subreq);\n";
$res .= "\tif (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {\n";
$res .= "\t\ttevent_req_nterror(req, status);\n";
$res .= "\t\treturn;\n";
$res .= "\t}\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("status = dcerpc_binding_handle_call_recv(subreq);");
$self->pidl("if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) {");
$self->pidl("tevent_req_nterror(req, status);");
$res .= "\ttevent_req_done(req);\n";
$res .= "}\n";
$res .= "\n";
sub ParseFunction_r_Recv($$$)
sub ParseFunction_r_Recv($$$$)
my ($if, $fn, $name) = @_;
my ($self, $if, $fn, $name) = @_;
my $uname = uc $name;
if (has_property($fn, "todo")) {
my $proto = "NTSTATUS dcerpc_$name\_r_recv(struct tevent_req *req, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx)";
$res_hdr .= "\n$proto;\n";
$res .= "$proto\n{\n";
$res .= "\tstruct dcerpc_$name\_r_state *state =\n";
$res .= "\t\ttevent_req_data(req,\n";
$res .= "\t\tstruct dcerpc_$name\_r_state);\n";
$res .= "\tNTSTATUS status;\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("struct dcerpc_$name\_r_state *state =");
$self->pidl("\tstruct dcerpc_$name\_r_state);");
$self->pidl("NTSTATUS status;");
$res .= "\tif (tevent_req_is_nterror(req, &status)) {\n";
$res .= "\t\ttevent_req_received(req);\n";
$res .= "\t\treturn status;\n";
$res .= "\t}\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("if (tevent_req_is_nterror(req, &status)) {");
$self->pidl("return status;");
$res .= "\ttalloc_steal(mem_ctx, state->out_mem_ctx);\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("talloc_steal(mem_ctx, state->out_mem_ctx);");
$res .= "\ttevent_req_received(req);\n";
$res .= "\treturn NT_STATUS_OK;\n";
$res .= "}\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("return NT_STATUS_OK;");
sub ParseFunction_r_Sync($$$)
sub ParseFunction_r_Sync($$$$)
my ($if, $fn, $name) = @_;
my ($self, $if, $fn, $name) = @_;
my $uname = uc $name;
if (has_property($fn, "todo")) {
my $proto = "NTSTATUS dcerpc_$name\_r(struct dcerpc_binding_handle *h, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct $name *r)";
$res_hdr .= "\n$proto;\n";
$res .= "$proto\n{\n";
$res .= "\tNTSTATUS status;\n";
$res .= "\n";
$res .= "\tstatus = dcerpc_binding_handle_call(h,\n";
$res .= "\t\t\tNULL, &ndr_table_$if->{NAME},\n";
$res .= "\t\t\tNDR_$uname, mem_ctx, r);\n";
$res .= "\n";
$res .= "\treturn status;\n";
$self->pidl("NTSTATUS status;");
$res .= "}\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("status = dcerpc_binding_handle_call(h,");
$self->pidl("\t\tNULL, &ndr_table_$if->{NAME},");
$self->pidl("\t\tNDR_$uname, mem_ctx, r);");
$self->pidl("return status;");
# parse a function
sub ParseFunction($$)
sub ParseFunction($$$)
my ($if, $fn) = @_;
my ($self, $if, $fn) = @_;
ParseFunction_r_State($if, $fn, $fn->{NAME});
ParseFunction_r_Send($if, $fn, $fn->{NAME});
ParseFunction_r_Done($if, $fn, $fn->{NAME});
ParseFunction_r_Recv($if, $fn, $fn->{NAME});
ParseFunction_r_Sync($if, $fn, $fn->{NAME});
$self->ParseFunction_r_State($if, $fn, $fn->{NAME});
$self->ParseFunction_r_Send($if, $fn, $fn->{NAME});
$self->ParseFunction_r_Done($if, $fn, $fn->{NAME});
$self->ParseFunction_r_Recv($if, $fn, $fn->{NAME});
$self->ParseFunction_r_Sync($if, $fn, $fn->{NAME});
my %done;
# parse the interface definitions
sub ParseInterface($)
sub ParseInterface($$)
my($if) = shift;
my ($self, $if) = @_;
$res_hdr .= "#ifndef _HEADER_RPC_$if->{NAME}\n";
$res_hdr .= "#define _HEADER_RPC_$if->{NAME}\n\n";
$self->pidl_hdr("#ifndef _HEADER_RPC_$if->{NAME}");
$self->pidl_hdr("#define _HEADER_RPC_$if->{NAME}");
if (defined $if->{PROPERTIES}->{uuid}) {
$res_hdr .= "extern const struct ndr_interface_table ndr_table_$if->{NAME};\n";
$self->pidl_hdr("extern const struct ndr_interface_table ndr_table_$if->{NAME};");
$res .= "/* $if->{NAME} - client functions generated by pidl */\n\n";
$self->pidl("/* $if->{NAME} - client functions generated by pidl */");
foreach my $fn (@{$if->{FUNCTIONS}}) {
next if not defined($fn->{OPNUM});
next if defined($done{$fn->{NAME}});
ParseFunction($if, $fn);
next if has_property($fn, "noopnum");
next if has_property($fn, "todo");
$self->ParseFunction($if, $fn);
$done{$fn->{NAME}} = 1;
$res_hdr .= "#endif /* _HEADER_RPC_$if->{NAME} */\n";
return $res;
$self->pidl_hdr("#endif /* _HEADER_RPC_$if->{NAME} */");
sub Parse($$$$)
sub Parse($$$$$$)
my($ndr,$header,$ndr_header,$client_header) = @_;
my($self,$ndr,$header,$ndr_header,$client_header) = @_;
$res = "";
$res_hdr = "";
$res .= "/* client functions auto-generated by pidl */\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("/* client functions auto-generated by pidl */");
if (is_intree()) {
$res .= "#include \"includes.h\"\n";
$self->pidl("#include \"includes.h\"");
} else {
$res .= "#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE\n";
$res .= "#define _GNU_SOURCE\n";
$res .= "#endif\n";
$res .= "#include <stdio.h>\n";
$res .= "#include <stdbool.h>\n";
$res .= "#include <stdlib.h>\n";
$res .= "#include <stdint.h>\n";
$res .= "#include <stdarg.h>\n";
$res .= "#include <core/ntstatus.h>\n";
$self->pidl("#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE");
$self->pidl("#define _GNU_SOURCE");
$self->pidl("#include <stdio.h>");
$self->pidl("#include <stdbool.h>");
$self->pidl("#include <stdlib.h>");
$self->pidl("#include <stdint.h>");
$self->pidl("#include <stdarg.h>");
$self->pidl("#include <core/ntstatus.h>");
$res .= "#include <tevent.h>\n";
$res .= choose_header("lib/util/tevent_ntstatus.h", "util/tevent_ntstatus.h")."\n";
$res .= "#include \"$ndr_header\"\n";
$res .= "#include \"$client_header\"\n";
$res .= "\n";
$self->pidl("#include <tevent.h>");
$self->pidl(choose_header("lib/util/tevent_ntstatus.h", "util/tevent_ntstatus.h")."");
$self->pidl("#include \"$ndr_header\"");
$self->pidl("#include \"$client_header\"");
$res_hdr .= choose_header("librpc/rpc/dcerpc.h", "dcerpc.h")."\n";
$res_hdr .= "#include \"$header\"\n";
$self->pidl_hdr(choose_header("librpc/rpc/dcerpc.h", "dcerpc.h")."");
$self->pidl_hdr("#include \"$header\"");
foreach my $x (@{$ndr}) {
($x->{TYPE} eq "INTERFACE") && ParseInterface($x);
($x->{TYPE} eq "INTERFACE") && $self->ParseInterface($x);
return ($res,$res_hdr);
return ($self->{res},$self->{res_hdr});
@ -698,7 +698,8 @@ sub process_file($)
my ($c_header) = $c_client;
$c_header =~ s/\.c$/.h/;
my ($srcd,$hdrd) = Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Client::Parse(
my $generator = new Parse::Pidl::Samba4::NDR::Client();
my ($srcd,$hdrd) = $generator->Parse(
FileSave($c_client, $srcd);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user