mirror of
synced 2025-03-08 04:58:40 +03:00
Upgrade provision-backend to python.
This required a large rework of the provision code, so as to move much of the 'guess' logic into subprocedures, rather than just inline in the provision code. Andrew Bartlett (This used to be commit a0754c2a857217ca831c2295b17255d8f38dfbc2)
This commit is contained in:
@ -66,7 +66,27 @@ class ProvisionPaths:
self.dns = None
self.winsdb = None
self.private_dir = None
self.ldapdir = None
self.slapdconf = None
self.modulesconf = None
self.memberofconf = None
self.fedoradsinf = None
self.fedoradspartitions = None
class ProvisionNames:
def __init__(self):
self.rootdn = None
self.domaindn = None
self.configdn = None
self.schemadn = None
self.ldapmanagerdn = None
self.dnsdomain = None
self.realm = None
self.netbiosname = None
self.domain = None
self.hostname = None
self.sitename = None
class ProvisionResult:
def __init__(self):
self.paths = None
@ -218,6 +238,18 @@ def provision_paths_from_lp(lp, dnsdomain):
paths.s4_ldapi_path = os.path.join(paths.private_dir, "ldapi")
paths.phpldapadminconfig = os.path.join(paths.private_dir,
paths.ldapdir = os.path.join(paths.private_dir,
paths.slapdconf = os.path.join(paths.ldapdir,
paths.modulesconf = os.path.join(paths.ldapdir,
paths.memberofconf = os.path.join(paths.ldapdir,
paths.fedoradsinf = os.path.join(paths.ldapdir,
paths.fedoradspartitions = os.path.join(paths.ldapdir,
paths.hklm = "hklm.ldb"
paths.hkcr = "hkcr.ldb"
paths.hkcu = "hkcu.ldb"
@ -225,16 +257,142 @@ def provision_paths_from_lp(lp, dnsdomain):
paths.hkpd = "hkpd.ldb"
paths.hkpt = "hkpt.ldb"
paths.sysvol = lp.get("sysvol", "path")
if paths.sysvol is None:
paths.sysvol = os.path.join(lp.get("lock dir"), "sysvol")
paths.sysvol = lp.get("path", "sysvol")
paths.netlogon = lp.get("netlogon", "path")
if paths.netlogon is None:
paths.netlogon = os.path.join(os.path.join(paths.sysvol, "scripts"))
paths.netlogon = lp.get("path", "netlogon")
return paths
def guess_names(lp=None, hostname=None, domain=None, dnsdomain=None, serverrole=None,
rootdn=None, domaindn=None, configdn=None, schemadn=None, sitename=None):
if hostname is None:
hostname = gethostname().split(".")[0].lower()
netbiosname = hostname.upper()
if not valid_netbios_name(netbiosname):
raise InvalidNetbiosName(netbiosname)
hostname = hostname.lower()
if dnsdomain is None:
dnsdomain = lp.get("realm")
if serverrole is None:
serverrole = lp.get("server role")
assert dnsdomain is not None
realm = dnsdomain.upper()
if lp.get("realm").upper() != realm:
raise Exception("realm '%s' in %s must match chosen realm '%s'" %
(lp.get("realm"), smbconf, realm))
dnsdomain = dnsdomain.lower()
if (serverrole == "domain controller"):
if domain is None:
domain = lp.get("workgroup")
if domaindn is None:
domaindn = "DC=" + dnsdomain.replace(".", ",DC=")
if lp.get("workgroup").upper() != domain.upper():
raise Error("workgroup '%s' in smb.conf must match chosen domain '%s'",
lp.get("workgroup"), domain)
domain = netbiosname
if domaindn is None:
domaindn = "CN=" + netbiosname
assert domain is not None
domain = domain.upper()
if not valid_netbios_name(domain):
raise InvalidNetbiosName(domain)
if rootdn is None:
rootdn = domaindn
if configdn is None:
configdn = "CN=Configuration," + rootdn
if schemadn is None:
schemadn = "CN=Schema," + configdn
if sitename is None:
names = ProvisionNames()
names.rootdn = rootdn
names.domaindn = domaindn
names.configdn = configdn
names.schemadn = schemadn
names.ldapmanagerdn = "CN=Manager," + rootdn
names.dnsdomain = dnsdomain
names.domain = domain
names.realm = realm
names.netbiosname = netbiosname
names.hostname = hostname
names.sitename = sitename
return names
def load_or_make_smbconf(smbconf, setup_path, hostname, domain, realm, serverrole, targetdir):
if targetdir is not None:
if not os.path.exists(targetdir):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(targetdir, "etc")):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(targetdir, "etc"))
smbconf = os.path.join(targetdir, "etc", "smb.conf")
# only install a new smb.conf if there isn't one there already
if not os.path.exists(smbconf):
if hostname is None:
hostname = gethostname().split(".")[0].lower()
if serverrole is None:
serverrole = "standalone"
assert serverrole in ("domain controller", "member server", "standalone")
if serverrole == "domain controller":
smbconfsuffix = "dc"
elif serverrole == "member server":
smbconfsuffix = "member"
elif serverrole == "standalone":
smbconfsuffix = "standalone"
assert domain is not None
assert realm is not None
default_lp = param.LoadParm()
#Load non-existant file
if targetdir is not None:
privatedir_line = "private dir = " + os.path.abspath(os.path.join(targetdir, "private"))
lockdir_line = "lock dir = " + os.path.abspath(targetdir)
default_lp.set("lock dir", os.path.abspath(targetdir))
sysvol = os.path.join(default_lp.get("lock dir"), "sysvol")
netlogon = os.path.join(sysvol, realm.lower(), "scripts")
setup_file(setup_path("provision.smb.conf.%s" % smbconfsuffix),
smbconf, {
"HOSTNAME": hostname,
"DOMAIN": domain,
"REALM": realm,
"SERVERROLE": serverrole,
"NETLOGONPATH": netlogon,
"SYSVOLPATH": sysvol,
"PRIVATEDIR_LINE": privatedir_line,
"LOCKDIR_LINE": lockdir_line
lp = param.LoadParm()
return lp
def setup_name_mappings(ldb, sid, domaindn, root, nobody, nogroup, users,
wheel, backup):
@ -277,9 +435,8 @@ def setup_name_mappings(ldb, sid, domaindn, root, nobody, nogroup, users,
def setup_samdb_partitions(samdb_path, setup_path, message, lp, session_info,
credentials, configdn, schemadn, domaindn,
hostname, netbiosname, dnsdomain, realm,
rootdn, serverrole, sitename, ldap_backend=None,
credentials, names,
serverrole, ldap_backend=None,
ldap_backend_type=None, erase=False):
"""Setup the partitions for the SAM database.
@ -366,12 +523,12 @@ def setup_samdb_partitions(samdb_path, setup_path, message, lp, session_info,
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_partitions.ldif"), {
"SCHEMADN": schemadn,
"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
"SCHEMADN_LDB": schemadn_ldb,
"SCHEMADN_MOD2": ",objectguid",
"CONFIGDN": configdn,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
"CONFIGDN_LDB": configdn_ldb,
"DOMAINDN": domaindn,
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn,
"DOMAINDN_LDB": domaindn_ldb,
"SCHEMADN_MOD": "schema_fsmo,instancetype",
"CONFIGDN_MOD": "naming_fsmo,instancetype",
@ -397,9 +554,9 @@ def setup_samdb_partitions(samdb_path, setup_path, message, lp, session_info,
message("Setting up sam.ldb rootDSE")
setup_samdb_rootdse(samdb, setup_path, schemadn, domaindn, hostname,
dnsdomain, realm, rootdn, configdn, netbiosname,
setup_samdb_rootdse(samdb, setup_path, names.schemadn, names.domaindn, names.hostname,
names.dnsdomain, names.realm, names.rootdn, names.configdn, names.netbiosname,
if erase:
message("Erasing data from partitions")
@ -532,10 +689,10 @@ def setup_samdb_rootdse(samdb, setup_path, schemadn, domaindn, hostname,
def setup_self_join(samdb, configdn, schemadn, domaindn,
netbiosname, hostname, dnsdomain, machinepass, dnspass,
realm, domainname, domainsid, invocationid, setup_path,
policyguid, sitename, hostguid=None):
def setup_self_join(samdb, names,
machinepass, dnspass,
domainsid, invocationid, setup_path,
policyguid, hostguid=None):
"""Join a host to its own domain."""
if hostguid is not None:
hostguid_add = "objectGUID: %s" % hostguid
@ -543,33 +700,32 @@ def setup_self_join(samdb, configdn, schemadn, domaindn,
hostguid_add = ""
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_self_join.ldif"), {
"CONFIGDN": configdn,
"SCHEMADN": schemadn,
"DOMAINDN": domaindn,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn,
"INVOCATIONID": invocationid,
"NETBIOSNAME": netbiosname,
"DEFAULTSITE": sitename,
"DNSNAME": "%s.%s" % (hostname, dnsdomain),
"NETBIOSNAME": names.netbiosname,
"DEFAULTSITE": names.sitename,
"DNSNAME": "%s.%s" % (names.hostname, names.dnsdomain),
"MACHINEPASS_B64": b64encode(machinepass),
"DNSPASS_B64": b64encode(dnspass),
"REALM": realm,
"DOMAIN": domainname,
"REALM": names.realm,
"DOMAIN": names.domain,
"HOSTGUID_ADD": hostguid_add,
"DNSDOMAIN": dnsdomain})
"DNSDOMAIN": names.dnsdomain})
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_group_policy.ldif"), {
"POLICYGUID": policyguid,
"DNSDOMAIN": dnsdomain,
"DNSDOMAIN": names.dnsdomain,
"DOMAINSID": str(domainsid),
"DOMAINDN": domaindn})
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn})
def setup_samdb(path, setup_path, session_info, credentials, lp,
schemadn, configdn, domaindn, dnsdomain, realm,
netbiosname, message, hostname, rootdn,
names, message,
domainsid, aci, domainguid, policyguid,
domainname, fill, adminpass, krbtgtpass,
fill, adminpass, krbtgtpass,
machinepass, hostguid, invocationid, dnspass,
serverrole, sitename, ldap_backend=None,
serverrole, ldap_backend=None,
"""Setup a complete SAM Database.
@ -579,14 +735,11 @@ def setup_samdb(path, setup_path, session_info, credentials, lp,
erase = (fill != FILL_DRS)
# Also wipes the database
setup_samdb_partitions(path, setup_path, schemadn=schemadn, configdn=configdn,
domaindn=domaindn, message=message, lp=lp,
setup_samdb_partitions(path, setup_path, message=message, lp=lp,
credentials=credentials, session_info=session_info,
hostname=hostname, netbiosname=netbiosname,
dnsdomain=dnsdomain, realm=realm, rootdn=rootdn,
ldap_backend=ldap_backend, serverrole=serverrole,
ldap_backend_type=ldap_backend_type, erase=erase,
ldap_backend_type=ldap_backend_type, erase=erase)
samdb = SamDB(path, session_info=session_info,
credentials=credentials, lp=lp)
@ -604,18 +757,18 @@ def setup_samdb(path, setup_path, session_info, credentials, lp,
if serverrole == "domain controller":
load_schema(setup_path, samdb, schemadn, netbiosname, configdn, sitename)
load_schema(setup_path, samdb, names.schemadn, names.netbiosname, names.configdn, names.sitename)
message("Adding DomainDN: %s (permitted to fail)" % domaindn)
message("Adding DomainDN: %s (permitted to fail)" % names.domaindn)
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_basedn.ldif"), {
"DOMAINDN": domaindn,
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn,
"ACI": aci,
message("Modifying DomainDN: " + domaindn + "")
message("Modifying DomainDN: " + names.domaindn + "")
if domainguid is not None:
domainguid_mod = "replace: objectGUID\nobjectGUID: %s\n-" % domainguid
@ -624,104 +777,102 @@ def setup_samdb(path, setup_path, session_info, credentials, lp,
setup_modify_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_basedn_modify.ldif"), {
"LDAPTIME": timestring(int(time.time())),
"DOMAINSID": str(domainsid),
"SCHEMADN": schemadn,
"NETBIOSNAME": netbiosname,
"DEFAULTSITE": sitename,
"CONFIGDN": configdn,
"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
"NETBIOSNAME": names.netbiosname,
"DEFAULTSITE": names.sitename,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
"POLICYGUID": policyguid,
"DOMAINDN": domaindn,
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn,
"DOMAINGUID_MOD": domainguid_mod,
message("Adding configuration container (permitted to fail)")
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_configuration_basedn.ldif"), {
"CONFIGDN": configdn,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
"ACI": aci,
"EXTENSIBLEOBJECT": "# no objectClass: extensibleObject for local ldb",
message("Modifying configuration container")
setup_modify_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_configuration_basedn_modify.ldif"), {
"CONFIGDN": configdn,
"SCHEMADN": schemadn,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
message("Adding schema container (permitted to fail)")
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_schema_basedn.ldif"), {
"SCHEMADN": schemadn,
"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
"ACI": aci,
"EXTENSIBLEOBJECT": "# no objectClass: extensibleObject for local ldb"
message("Modifying schema container")
setup_path("provision_schema_basedn_modify.ldif"), {
"SCHEMADN": schemadn,
"NETBIOSNAME": netbiosname,
"DEFAULTSITE": sitename,
"CONFIGDN": configdn,
"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
"NETBIOSNAME": names.netbiosname,
"DEFAULTSITE": names.sitename,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
message("Setting up sam.ldb Samba4 schema")
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("schema_samba4.ldif"),
{"SCHEMADN": schemadn })
{"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn })
message("Setting up sam.ldb AD schema")
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("schema.ldif"),
{"SCHEMADN": schemadn})
{"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn})
message("Setting up sam.ldb configuration data")
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_configuration.ldif"), {
"CONFIGDN": configdn,
"NETBIOSNAME": netbiosname,
"DEFAULTSITE": sitename,
"DNSDOMAIN": dnsdomain,
"DOMAIN": domainname,
"SCHEMADN": schemadn,
"DOMAINDN": domaindn,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
"NETBIOSNAME": names.netbiosname,
"DEFAULTSITE": names.sitename,
"DNSDOMAIN": names.dnsdomain,
"DOMAIN": names.domain,
"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn,
message("Setting up display specifiers")
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("display_specifiers.ldif"),
{"CONFIGDN": configdn})
{"CONFIGDN": names.configdn})
message("Adding users container (permitted to fail)")
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_users_add.ldif"), {
"DOMAINDN": domaindn})
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn})
message("Modifying users container")
setup_modify_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_users_modify.ldif"), {
"DOMAINDN": domaindn})
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn})
message("Adding computers container (permitted to fail)")
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_computers_add.ldif"), {
"DOMAINDN": domaindn})
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn})
message("Modifying computers container")
setup_modify_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_computers_modify.ldif"), {
"DOMAINDN": domaindn})
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn})
message("Setting up sam.ldb data")
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision.ldif"), {
"DOMAINDN": domaindn,
"NETBIOSNAME": netbiosname,
"DEFAULTSITE": sitename,
"CONFIGDN": configdn,
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn,
"NETBIOSNAME": names.netbiosname,
"DEFAULTSITE": names.sitename,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
if fill == FILL_FULL:
message("Setting up sam.ldb users and groups")
setup_add_ldif(samdb, setup_path("provision_users.ldif"), {
"DOMAINDN": domaindn,
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn,
"DOMAINSID": str(domainsid),
"CONFIGDN": configdn,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
"ADMINPASS_B64": b64encode(adminpass),
"KRBTGTPASS_B64": b64encode(krbtgtpass),
if serverrole == "domain controller":
message("Setting up self join")
setup_self_join(samdb, configdn=configdn, schemadn=schemadn,
domaindn=domaindn, invocationid=invocationid,
dnspass=dnspass, netbiosname=netbiosname,
dnsdomain=dnsdomain, realm=realm,
machinepass=machinepass, domainname=domainname,
setup_self_join(samdb, names=names, invocationid=invocationid,
domainsid=domainsid, policyguid=policyguid,
hostname=hostname, hostguid=hostguid,
setup_path=setup_path, sitename=sitename)
#We want to setup the index last, as adds are faster unindexed
message("Setting up sam.ldb index")
@ -746,7 +897,7 @@ def provision(setup_dir, message, session_info,
policyguid=None, invocationid=None, machinepass=None,
dnspass=None, root=None, nobody=None, nogroup=None, users=None,
wheel=None, backup=None, aci=None, serverrole=None,
ldap_backend=None, ldap_backend_type=None, sitename=DEFAULTSITE):
ldap_backend=None, ldap_backend_type=None, sitename=None):
"""Provision samba4
:note: caution, this wipes all existing data!
@ -785,129 +936,37 @@ def provision(setup_dir, message, session_info,
backup = findnss(grp.getgrnam, ["backup", "wheel", "root", "staff"])[0]
if aci is None:
aci = "# no aci for local ldb"
if hostname is None:
hostname = gethostname().split(".")[0].lower()
lp = load_or_make_smbconf(smbconf, setup_path, hostname, domain, realm, serverrole, targetdir)
names = guess_names(lp=lp, hostname=hostname, domain=domain,
dnsdomain=realm, serverrole=serverrole, sitename=sitename,
rootdn=rootdn, domaindn=domaindn, configdn=configdn, schemadn=schemadn)
paths = provision_paths_from_lp(lp, names.dnsdomain)
if hostip is None:
hostip = gethostbyname(hostname)
netbiosname = hostname.upper()
if not valid_netbios_name(netbiosname):
raise InvalidNetbiosName(netbiosname)
if targetdir is not None:
if not os.path.exists(targetdir):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(targetdir, "etc")):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(targetdir, "etc"))
smbconf = os.path.join(targetdir, os.path.join("etc", "smb.conf"))
# only install a new smb.conf if there isn't one there already
if not os.path.exists(smbconf):
message("Setting up smb.conf")
if serverrole is None:
serverrole = "standalone"
assert serverrole in ("domain controller", "member server", "standalone")
if serverrole == "domain controller":
smbconfsuffix = "dc"
elif serverrole == "member server":
smbconfsuffix = "member"
elif serverrole == "standalone":
smbconfsuffix = "standalone"
assert domain is not None
assert realm is not None
default_lp = param.LoadParm()
#Load non-existant file
if targetdir is not None:
privatedir_line = "private dir = " + os.path.abspath(os.path.join(targetdir, "private"))
lockdir_line = "lock dir = " + os.path.abspath(targetdir)
default_lp.set("lock dir", os.path.abspath(targetdir))
sysvol = os.path.join(default_lp.get("lock dir"), "sysvol")
netlogon = os.path.join(os.path.join(sysvol, "scripts"))
setup_file(setup_path("provision.smb.conf.%s" % smbconfsuffix),
smbconf, {
"HOSTNAME": hostname,
"DOMAIN": domain,
"REALM": realm,
"SERVERROLE": serverrole,
"NETLOGONPATH": netlogon,
"SYSVOLPATH": sysvol,
"PRIVATEDIR_LINE": privatedir_line,
"LOCKDIR_LINE": lockdir_line
lp = param.LoadParm()
hostip = gethostbyname(names.hostname)
if serverrole is None:
serverrole = lp.get("server role")
assert serverrole in ("domain controller", "member server", "standalone")
if invocationid is None and serverrole == "domain controller":
invocationid = uuid.random()
if realm is None:
realm = lp.get("realm")
assert realm is not None
realm = realm.upper()
if lp.get("realm").upper() != realm.upper():
raise Exception("realm '%s' in %s must match chosen realm '%s'" %
(lp.get("realm"), smbconf, realm))
dnsdomain = realm.lower()
paths = provision_paths_from_lp(lp, dnsdomain)
if targetdir is not None:
if not os.path.exists(paths.private_dir):
if not os.path.exists(paths.private_dir):
ldapi_url = "ldapi://%s" % urllib.quote(paths.s4_ldapi_path, safe="")
if ldap_backend == "ldapi":
# provision-backend will set this path suggested slapd command line / fedorads.inf
ldap_backend = "ldapi://" % urllib.quote(os.path.join(paths.private_dir, "ldap", "ldapi"), safe="")
if serverrole == "domain controller":
if domaindn is None:
domaindn = "DC=" + dnsdomain.replace(".", ",DC=")
if domain is None:
domain = lp.get("workgroup")
if lp.get("workgroup").upper() != domain.upper():
raise Error("workgroup '%s' in smb.conf must match chosen domain '%s'",
lp.get("workgroup"), domain)
assert domain is not None
domain = domain.upper()
if not valid_netbios_name(domain):
raise InvalidNetbiosName(domain)
if domaindn is None:
domaindn = "CN=" + netbiosname
domain = netbiosname
if rootdn is None:
rootdn = domaindn
if configdn is None:
configdn = "CN=Configuration," + rootdn
if schemadn is None:
schemadn = "CN=Schema," + configdn
if ldap_backend is not None:
if ldap_backend == "ldapi":
# provision-backend will set this path suggested slapd command line / fedorads.inf
ldap_backend = "ldapi://" % urllib.quote(os.path.join(paths.private_dir, "ldap", "ldapi"), safe="")
message("set DOMAIN SID: %s" % str(domainsid))
message("Provisioning for %s in realm %s" % (domain, realm))
message("Provisioning for %s in realm %s" % (names.domain, realm))
message("Using administrator password: %s" % adminpass)
# only install a new shares config db if there is none
@ -936,21 +995,19 @@ def provision(setup_dir, message, session_info,
credentials=credentials, lp=lp)
samdb = setup_samdb(paths.samdb, setup_path, session_info=session_info,
credentials=credentials, lp=lp, schemadn=schemadn,
configdn=configdn, domaindn=domaindn,
dnsdomain=dnsdomain, netbiosname=netbiosname,
realm=realm, message=message, hostname=hostname,
rootdn=rootdn, domainsid=domainsid,
credentials=credentials, lp=lp, names=names,
aci=aci, domainguid=domainguid, policyguid=policyguid,
domainname=domain, fill=samdb_fill,
adminpass=adminpass, krbtgtpass=krbtgtpass,
hostguid=hostguid, invocationid=invocationid,
machinepass=machinepass, dnspass=dnspass,
serverrole=serverrole, ldap_backend=ldap_backend,
ldap_backend_type=ldap_backend_type, sitename=sitename)
if lp.get("server role") == "domain controller":
policy_path = os.path.join(paths.sysvol, dnsdomain, "Policies",
policy_path = os.path.join(paths.sysvol, names.dnsdomain, "Policies",
"{" + policyguid + "}")
os.makedirs(policy_path, 0755)
os.makedirs(os.path.join(policy_path, "Machine"), 0755)
@ -959,14 +1016,14 @@ def provision(setup_dir, message, session_info,
os.makedirs(paths.netlogon, 0755)
secrets_ldb = Ldb(paths.secrets, session_info=session_info,
credentials=credentials, lp=lp)
secretsdb_become_dc(secrets_ldb, setup_path, domain=domain, realm=realm,
netbiosname=netbiosname, domainsid=domainsid,
secretsdb_become_dc(secrets_ldb, setup_path, domain=domain, realm=names.realm,
netbiosname=names.netbiosname, domainsid=domainsid,
keytab_path=paths.keytab, samdb_url=paths.samdb,
dns_keytab_path=paths.dns_keytab, dnspass=dnspass,
machinepass=machinepass, dnsdomain=dnsdomain)
machinepass=machinepass, dnsdomain=names.dnsdomain)
if samdb_fill == FILL_FULL:
setup_name_mappings(samdb, str(domainsid), domaindn, root=root,
setup_name_mappings(samdb, str(domainsid), names.domaindn, root=root,
nobody=nobody, nogroup=nogroup, wheel=wheel,
users=users, backup=backup)
@ -981,14 +1038,14 @@ def provision(setup_dir, message, session_info,
domainguid = samdb.searchone(basedn=domaindn, attribute="objectGUID")
assert isinstance(domainguid, str)
hostguid = samdb.searchone(basedn=domaindn, attribute="objectGUID",
expression="(&(objectClass=computer)(cn=%s))" % hostname,
expression="(&(objectClass=computer)(cn=%s))" % names.hostname,
assert isinstance(hostguid, str)
message("Setting up DNS zone: %s" % dnsdomain)
message("Setting up DNS zone: %s" % names.dnsdomain)
create_zone_file(paths.dns, setup_path, samdb,
hostname=hostname, hostip=hostip, dnsdomain=dnsdomain,
domaindn=domaindn, dnspass=dnspass, realm=realm,
hostname=names.hostname, hostip=hostip, dnsdomain=names.dnsdomain,
domaindn=names.domaindn, dnspass=dnspass, realm=names.realm,
domainguid=domainguid, hostguid=hostguid)
message("Please install the zone located in %s into your DNS server" % paths.dns)
@ -1025,6 +1082,150 @@ def provision_become_dc(setup_dir=None,
domain=domain, hostname=hostname, hostip="", domainsid=domainsid, machinepass=machinepass, serverrole="domain controller", sitename=sitename);
def setup_db_config(setup_path, file, dbdir):
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dbdir, "bdb-logs")):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(dbdir, "bdb-logs"), 0700);
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.join(dbdir, "tmp")):
os.makedirs(os.path.join(dbdir, "tmp"), 0700);
setup_file(setup_path("DB_CONFIG"), os.path.join(dbdir, "DB_CONFIG"),
{"LDAPDBDIR": dbdir})
def provision_backend(setup_dir=None, message=None,
smbconf=None, targetdir=None, realm=None,
rootdn=None, domaindn=None, schemadn=None, configdn=None,
domain=None, hostname=None, adminpass=None, root=None, serverrole=None,
def setup_path(file):
return os.path.join(setup_dir, file)
if hostname is None:
hostname = gethostname().split(".")[0].lower()
if root is None:
root = findnss(pwd.getpwnam, ["root"])[0]
lp = load_or_make_smbconf(smbconf, setup_path, hostname, domain, realm, serverrole, targetdir)
names = guess_names(lp=lp, hostname=hostname, domain=domain,
dnsdomain=realm, serverrole=serverrole,
rootdn=rootdn, domaindn=domaindn, configdn=configdn, schemadn=schemadn)
paths = provision_paths_from_lp(lp, names.dnsdomain)
if not os.path.isdir(paths.ldapdir):
schemadb_path = os.path.join(paths.ldapdir, "schema-tmp.ldb")
schemadb = Ldb(schemadb_path, lp=lp)
setup_add_ldif(schemadb, setup_path("provision_schema_basedn.ldif"),
{"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
"ACI": "#",
"EXTENSIBLEOBJECT": "# no objectClass: extensibleObject for local ldb"
setup_path("provision_schema_basedn_modify.ldif"), \
{"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
"NETBIOSNAME": names.netbiosname,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
setup_add_ldif(schemadb, setup_path("schema_samba4.ldif"),
{"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn })
setup_add_ldif(schemadb, setup_path("schema.ldif"),
{"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn})
if ldap_backend_type == "fedora-ds":
setup_file(setup_path("fedora-ds.inf"), paths.fedoradsinf,
{"ROOT": root,
"HOSTNAME": hostname,
"DNSDOMAIN": names.dnsdomain,
"LDAPDIR": paths.ldapdir,
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn,
"LDAPMANAGERDN": names.ldapmanagerdn,
setup_file(setup_path("fedora-partitions.ldif"), paths.fedoradspartitions,
{"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
setup_file(setup_path("fedora-partitions.ldif"), paths.fedoradspartitions,
{"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
mapping = "schema-map-fedora-ds-1.0"
backend_schema = "99_ad.ldif"
elif ldap_backend_type == "openldap":
setup_file(setup_path("slapd.conf"), paths.slapdconf,
{"DNSDOMAIN": names.dnsdomain,
"LDAPDIR": paths.ldapdir,
"DOMAINDN": names.domaindn,
"CONFIGDN": names.configdn,
"SCHEMADN": names.schemadn,
"LDAPMANAGERDN": names.ldapmanagerdn,
"LDAPMANAGERPASS": adminpass})
setup_file(setup_path("modules.conf"), paths.modulesconf,
{"REALM": names.realm})
setup_db_config(setup_path, file, os.path.join(paths.ldapdir, "db", "user"))
setup_db_config(setup_path, file, os.path.join(paths.ldapdir, "db", "config"))
setup_db_config(setup_path, file, os.path.join(paths.ldapdir, "db", "schema"))
mapping = "schema-map-openldap-2.3"
backend_schema = "backend-schema.schema"
attrs = ["linkID", "lDAPDisplayName"]
res = schemadb.search(expression="(&(&(linkID=*)(!(linkID:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=1)))(objectclass=attributeSchema))", base=names.schemadn, scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE, attrs=attrs);
memberof_config = "# This is a generated file, do not edit!\n";
refint_attributes = "";
for i in range (0, len(res)):
linkid = res[i]["linkID"][0]
linkid = str(int(linkid) + 1)
target = schemadb.searchone(basedn=names.schemadn,
expression="(&(objectclass=attributeSchema)(linkID=" + (linkid) + "))",
if target is not None:
refint_attributes = refint_attributes + " " + target + " " + res[i]["lDAPDisplayName"];
memberof_config = memberof_config + """overlay memberof
memberof-dangling error
memberof-refint TRUE
memberof-group-oc top
memberof-member-ad """ + res[i]["lDAPDisplayName"] + """
memberof-memberof-ad """ + target + """
memberof-dangling-error 32
memberof_config = memberof_config + """
overlay refint
refint_attributes""" + refint_attributes + "\n";
if os.path.exists(paths.memberofconf):
open(paths.memberofconf, 'w').write(memberof_config)
ldapi_uri = "ldapi://" + urllib.quote(os.path.join(paths.private_dir, "ldap", "ldapi"), safe="")
message("Start slapd with: slapd -f " + paths.ldapdir + "/slapd.conf -h " + ldapi_uri)
schema_command = "bin/ad2oLschema --option=convert:target=" + ldap_backend_type + " -I " + setup_path(mapping) + " -H tdb://" + schemadb_path + " -O " + os.path.join(paths.ldapdir, backend_schema);
def create_phpldapadmin_config(path, setup_path, ldapi_uri):
"""Create a PHP LDAP admin configuration file.
@ -1,189 +1,98 @@
exec smbscript "$0" ${1+"$@"}
provision a Samba4 server
Copyright Andrew Tridgell 2005
Released under the GNU GPL v2 or later
# Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
# provision a Samba4 server
# Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@samba.org> 2007-2008
# Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org> 2008
# Based on the original in EJS:
# Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2005
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
options = GetOptions(ARGV,
import getopt
import optparse
import os, sys
if (options == undefined) {
println("Failed to parse options");
return -1;
import samba
import param
sys = sys_init();
from auth import system_session
import samba.getopt as options
from samba.provision import (provision_backend)
parser = optparse.OptionParser("provision [options]")
sambaopts = options.SambaOptions(parser)
credopts = options.CredentialsOptions(parser)
parser.add_option("--setupdir", type="string", metavar="DIR",
help="directory with setup files")
parser.add_option("--realm", type="string", metavar="REALM", help="set realm")
parser.add_option("--domain", type="string", metavar="DOMAIN",
help="set domain")
parser.add_option("--host-name", type="string", metavar="HOSTNAME",
help="set hostname")
parser.add_option("--adminpass", type="string", metavar="PASSWORD",
help="choose admin password (otherwise random)")
parser.add_option("--root", type="string", metavar="USERNAME",
help="choose 'root' unix username")
parser.add_option("--quiet", help="Be quiet", action="store_true")
parser.add_option("--ldap-backend-type", type="choice", metavar="LDAP-BACKEND-TYPE",
help="LDB mapping module to use for the LDAP backend",
choices=["fedora-ds", "openldap"])
parser.add_option("--server-role", type="choice", metavar="ROLE",
choices=["domain controller", "dc", "member server", "member", "standalone"],
help="Set server role to provision for (default standalone)")
parser.add_option("--targetdir", type="string", metavar="DIR",
help="Set target directory")
print a message if quiet is not set
function message()
if (options["quiet"] == undefined) {
opts = parser.parse_args()[0]
show some help
function ShowHelp()
Samba4 provisioning
def message(text):
"""print a message if quiet is not set."""
if not opts.quiet:
print text
provision [options]
--realm REALM set realm
--host-name HOSTNAME set hostname
--ldap-manager-pass PASSWORD choose LDAP Manager password (otherwise random)
--root USERNAME choose 'root' unix username
--quiet Be quiet
--ldap-backend-type LDAPSERVER Select either \"openldap\" or \"fedora-ds\" as a target to configure
--ldap-backend-port PORT Select the TCP port (if any) that the LDAP backend should listen on (Fedora DS only)
You must provide at least a realm and ldap-backend-type
if opts.realm is None or opts.domain is None:
if opts.realm is None:
print >>sys.stderr, "No realm set"
if opts.domain is None:
print >>sys.stderr, "No domain set"
smbconf = sambaopts.get_loadparm().configfile()
if (options['host-name'] == undefined) {
options['host-name'] = hostname();
if opts.server_role == "dc":
server_role = "domain controller"
elif opts.server_role == "member":
server_role = "member server"
server_role = opts.server_role
main program
if (options["realm"] == undefined ||
options["ldap-backend-type"] == undefined ||
options["host-name"] == undefined) {
setup_dir = opts.setupdir
if setup_dir is None:
setup_dir = "setup"
/* cope with an initially blank smb.conf */
var lp = loadparm_init();
lp.set("realm", options.realm);
provision_backend(setup_dir=setup_dir, message=message, smbconf=smbconf, targetdir=opts.targetdir,
realm=opts.realm, domain=opts.domain,
root=opts.root, serverrole=server_role,
var subobj = provision_guess();
for (r in options) {
var key = strupper(join("", split("-", r)));
subobj[key] = options[r];
var paths = provision_default_paths(subobj);
provision_fix_subobj(subobj, paths);
message("Provisioning LDAP backend for %s in realm %s into %s\n", subobj.HOSTNAME, subobj.REALM, subobj.LDAPDIR);
message("Using %s password: %s\n", subobj.LDAPMANAGERDN, subobj.LDAPMANAGERPASS);
var tmp_schema_ldb = subobj.LDAPDIR + "/schema-tmp.ldb";
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDIR, 0700);
provision_schema(subobj, message, tmp_schema_ldb, paths);
var mapping;
var backend_schema;
var slapd_command;
if (options["ldap-backend-type"] == "fedora-ds") {
mapping = "schema-map-fedora-ds-1.0";
backend_schema = "99_ad.ldif";
if (options["ldap-backend-port"] != undefined) {
message("Will listen on TCP port " + options["ldap-backend-port"] + "\n");
subobj.SERVERPORT="ServerPort = " + options["ldap-backend-port"];
} else {
message("Will listen on LDAPI only\n");
setup_file("fedorads.inf", message, subobj.LDAPDIR + "/fedorads.inf", subobj);
setup_file("fedorads-partitions.ldif", message, subobj.LDAPDIR + "/fedorads-partitions.ldif", subobj);
slapd_command = "(see documentation)";
} else if (options["ldap-backend-type"] == "openldap") {
mapping = "schema-map-openldap-2.3";
backend_schema = "backend-schema.schema";
setup_file("slapd.conf", message, subobj.LDAPDIR + "/slapd.conf", subobj);
setup_file("modules.conf", message, subobj.LDAPDIR + "/modules.conf", subobj);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDIR + "/db", 0700);
subobj.LDAPDBDIR = subobj.LDAPDIR + "/db/user";
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR, 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/bdb-logs", 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/tmp", 0700);
setup_file("DB_CONFIG", message, subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/DB_CONFIG", subobj);
subobj.LDAPDBDIR = subobj.LDAPDIR + "/db/config";
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR, 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/bdb-logs", 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/tmp", 0700);
setup_file("DB_CONFIG", message, subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/DB_CONFIG", subobj);
subobj.LDAPDBDIR = subobj.LDAPDIR + "/db/schema";
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR, 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/tmp", 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/bdb-logs", 0700);
setup_file("DB_CONFIG", message, subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/DB_CONFIG", subobj);
if (options["ldap-backend-port"] != undefined) {
message("\nStart slapd with: \n");
slapd_command = "slapd -f " + subobj.LDAPDIR + "/slapd.conf -h \"ldap://" + options["ldap-backend-port"] + " " + subobj.LDAPI_URI "\"";
} else {
slapd_command = "slapd -f " + subobj.LDAPDIR + "/slapd.conf -h " + subobj.LDAPI_URI;
var ldb = ldb_init();
ldb.filename = tmp_schema_ldb;
var connect_ok = ldb.connect(ldb.filename);
var attrs = new Array("linkID", "lDAPDisplayName");
var res = ldb.search("(&(&(linkID=*)(!(linkID:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=1)))(objectclass=attributeSchema))", subobj.SCHEMADN, ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, attrs);
assert(res.error == 0);
var memberof_config = "";
var refint_attributes = "";
for (i=0; i < res.msgs.length; i++) {
searchone(ldb, subobj.DOMAINDN, "(&(objectClass=computer)(cn=" + subobj.NETBIOSNAME + "))", "objectGUID");
var target = searchone(ldb, subobj.SCHEMADN, "(&(objectclass=attributeSchema)(linkID=" + (res.msgs[i].linkID + 1) + "))", "lDAPDisplayName");
if (target != undefined) {
refint_attributes = refint_attributes + " " + target + " " + res.msgs[i].lDAPDisplayName;
memberof_config = memberof_config + "overlay memberof
memberof-dangling error
memberof-refint TRUE
memberof-group-oc top
memberof-member-ad " + res.msgs[i].lDAPDisplayName + "
memberof-memberof-ad " + target + "
memberof-dangling-error 32
memberof_config = memberof_config + "
overlay refint
refint_attributes" + refint_attributes + "
ok = sys.file_save(subobj.LDAPDIR + "/memberof.conf", memberof_config);
if (!ok) {
message("failed to create file: " + f + "\n");
var schema_command = "ad2oLschema --option=convert:target=" + options["ldap-backend-type"] + " -I " + lp.get("setup directory") + "/" + mapping + " -H tdb://" + tmp_schema_ldb + " -O " + subobj.LDAPDIR + "/" + backend_schema;
message("\nCreate a suitable schema file with:\n%s\n", schema_command);
message("\nStart slapd with: \n%s\n", slapd_command);
message("All OK\n");
return 0;
message("All OK")
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
exec smbscript "$0" ${1+"$@"}
provision a Samba4 server
Copyright Andrew Tridgell 2005
Released under the GNU GPL v2 or later
options = GetOptions(ARGV,
if (options == undefined) {
println("Failed to parse options");
return -1;
sys = sys_init();
print a message if quiet is not set
function message()
if (options["quiet"] == undefined) {
show some help
function ShowHelp()
Samba4 provisioning
provision [options]
--realm REALM set realm
--host-name HOSTNAME set hostname
--ldap-manager-pass PASSWORD choose LDAP Manager password (otherwise random)
--root USERNAME choose 'root' unix username
--quiet Be quiet
--ldap-backend-type LDAPSERVER Select either \"openldap\" or \"fedora-ds\" as a target to configure
--ldap-backend-port PORT Select the TCP port (if any) that the LDAP backend should listen on (Fedora DS only)
You must provide at least a realm and ldap-backend-type
if (options['host-name'] == undefined) {
options['host-name'] = hostname();
main program
if (options["realm"] == undefined ||
options["ldap-backend-type"] == undefined ||
options["host-name"] == undefined) {
/* cope with an initially blank smb.conf */
var lp = loadparm_init();
lp.set("realm", options.realm);
var subobj = provision_guess();
for (r in options) {
var key = strupper(join("", split("-", r)));
subobj[key] = options[r];
var paths = provision_default_paths(subobj);
provision_fix_subobj(subobj, paths);
message("Provisioning LDAP backend for %s in realm %s into %s\n", subobj.HOSTNAME, subobj.REALM, subobj.LDAPDIR);
message("Using %s password: %s\n", subobj.LDAPMANAGERDN, subobj.LDAPMANAGERPASS);
var tmp_schema_ldb = subobj.LDAPDIR + "/schema-tmp.ldb";
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDIR, 0700);
provision_schema(subobj, message, tmp_schema_ldb, paths);
var mapping;
var backend_schema;
var slapd_command;
if (options["ldap-backend-type"] == "fedora-ds") {
mapping = "schema-map-fedora-ds-1.0";
backend_schema = "99_ad.ldif";
if (options["ldap-backend-port"] != undefined) {
message("Will listen on TCP port " + options["ldap-backend-port"] + "\n");
subobj.SERVERPORT="ServerPort = " + options["ldap-backend-port"];
} else {
message("Will listen on LDAPI only\n");
setup_file("fedorads.inf", message, subobj.LDAPDIR + "/fedorads.inf", subobj);
setup_file("fedorads-partitions.ldif", message, subobj.LDAPDIR + "/fedorads-partitions.ldif", subobj);
slapd_command = "(see documentation)";
} else if (options["ldap-backend-type"] == "openldap") {
mapping = "schema-map-openldap-2.3";
backend_schema = "backend-schema.schema";
setup_file("slapd.conf", message, subobj.LDAPDIR + "/slapd.conf", subobj);
setup_file("modules.conf", message, subobj.LDAPDIR + "/modules.conf", subobj);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDIR + "/db", 0700);
subobj.LDAPDBDIR = subobj.LDAPDIR + "/db/user";
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR, 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/bdb-logs", 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/tmp", 0700);
setup_file("DB_CONFIG", message, subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/DB_CONFIG", subobj);
subobj.LDAPDBDIR = subobj.LDAPDIR + "/db/config";
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR, 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/bdb-logs", 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/tmp", 0700);
setup_file("DB_CONFIG", message, subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/DB_CONFIG", subobj);
subobj.LDAPDBDIR = subobj.LDAPDIR + "/db/schema";
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR, 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/tmp", 0700);
sys.mkdir(subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/bdb-logs", 0700);
setup_file("DB_CONFIG", message, subobj.LDAPDBDIR + "/DB_CONFIG", subobj);
if (options["ldap-backend-port"] != undefined) {
message("\nStart slapd with: \n");
slapd_command = "slapd -f " + subobj.LDAPDIR + "/slapd.conf -h \"ldap://" + options["ldap-backend-port"] + " " + subobj.LDAPI_URI "\"";
} else {
slapd_command = "slapd -f " + subobj.LDAPDIR + "/slapd.conf -h " + subobj.LDAPI_URI;
var ldb = ldb_init();
ldb.filename = tmp_schema_ldb;
var connect_ok = ldb.connect(ldb.filename);
var attrs = new Array("linkID", "lDAPDisplayName");
var res = ldb.search("(&(&(linkID=*)(!(linkID:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=1)))(objectclass=attributeSchema))", subobj.SCHEMADN, ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, attrs);
assert(res.error == 0);
var memberof_config = "";
var refint_attributes = "";
for (i=0; i < res.msgs.length; i++) {
var target = searchone(ldb, subobj.SCHEMADN, "(&(objectclass=attributeSchema)(linkID=" + (res.msgs[i].linkID + 1) + "))", "lDAPDisplayName");
if (target != undefined) {
refint_attributes = refint_attributes + " " + target + " " + res.msgs[i].lDAPDisplayName;
memberof_config = memberof_config + "overlay memberof
memberof-dangling error
memberof-refint TRUE
memberof-group-oc top
memberof-member-ad " + res.msgs[i].lDAPDisplayName + "
memberof-memberof-ad " + target + "
memberof-dangling-error 32
memberof_config = memberof_config + "
overlay refint
refint_attributes" + refint_attributes + "
ok = sys.file_save(subobj.LDAPDIR + "/memberof.conf", memberof_config);
if (!ok) {
message("failed to create file: " + f + "\n");
var schema_command = "ad2oLschema --option=convert:target=" + options["ldap-backend-type"] + " -I " + lp.get("setup directory") + "/" + mapping + " -H tdb://" + tmp_schema_ldb + " -O " + subobj.LDAPDIR + "/" + backend_schema;
message("\nCreate a suitable schema file with:\n%s\n", schema_command);
message("\nStart slapd with: \n%s\n", slapd_command);
message("All OK\n");
return 0;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user