mirror of https://github.com/samba-team/samba.git synced 2025-03-30 06:50:24 +03:00

Add all the source files from the old CVS tree,

add the 5 missing chapters from the HOWTO
and add jht's Samba by Example book.
(This used to be commit 9fb5bcb93e57c5162b3ee6f9c7d777dc0269d100)
This commit is contained in:
Jelmer Vernooij 2004-04-07 10:15:11 +00:00 committed by Gerald W. Carter
parent 65c0fd5920
commit 992f1e6b8f
579 changed files with 85612 additions and 0 deletions

docs/Makefile.in Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
# Makefile.in for Samba Documentation
# Authors:
# James Moore <jmoore@php.net>
# Gerald Carter <jerry@samba.org>
# Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@samba.org>
# Please see http://www.samba.org/samba/cvs.html
# for information on getting the latest
# source and documentation source files.
# Programs
LATEX = TEXINPUTS=xslt/latex:.: @LATEX@
RM = @RM@
PDFLATEX += --interaction nonstopmode
LATEX += --interaction nonstopmode
# Paths
OUTPUTDIR = output
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MANPROJDOC = manpages
PROJDOC = projdoc
GUIDEDOC = guide
EXAMPLESDIR = examples
DEVDOC = devdoc
SMBDOTCONFDOC = smbdotconf
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# Lists of files to process
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@echo "Supported make targets:"
@echo "release - Build the docs needed for a Samba release"
@echo "pdf - Build PDF version of book"
@echo "tex - Build Latex version of book"
@echo "dvi - Build Device Independant File of book"
@echo "ps - Build PostScript version of book"
@echo "manpages - Build manpages"
@echo "txt - Build plain text version of HOWTO Collection and Developers Guide"
@echo -n "html-single - Build single file HTML version of HOWTO Collection"
@echo " and developers guide"
@echo "html - Build HTML version of HOWTO Collection and Developers Guide"
@echo "htmlman - Build html version of manpages"
@echo "htmlfaq - Build html version of the FAQ"
@echo "plucker - Build HOWTO, Developers Guide, man pages, and FAQ in Plucker format for PDA"
@echo "undocumented - Output list of undocumented smb.conf options"
@echo "samples - Extract examples"
@echo "files - Extract other files"
@echo "everything - Build all of the above"
everything: manpages pdf html-single html htmlman htmlfaq txt ps
release: manpages htmlman html html-single htmlfaq pdf
# Global rules
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$(XSLTPROC) --output $@ xslt/generate-attributions.xsl $<
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@echo > $@ # Make sure we don't get recursive dependencies, etc!
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$(PDFDIR)/*.pdf $(FAQDIR)/*.html $(HTMLDIR)/*html $(HTMLDIR)/samba.css
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rm -f Samba-Guide.*
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rm -f $(PLUCKERDIR)/*.pdb
# Text files
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# Tex files
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# Single large HTML files
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# Manpages
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$(XSLTPROC) --xinclude \
--param smb.context "'G'" \
--output parameters.global.xml \
generate-context.xsl parameters.all.xml && \
$(SMBDOTCONFDOC)/parameters.service.xml: $(SMBDOTCONFDOC)/parameters.all.xml $(SMBDOTCONFDOC)/generate-context.xsl
$(XSLTPROC) --xinclude \
--param smb.context "'S'" \
--output parameters.service.xml \
generate-context.xsl parameters.all.xml && \
smb.conf.5.xml: $(SMBDOTCONFDOC)/smb.conf.5.xml $(SMBDOTCONFDOC)/parameters.all.xml \
$(SMBDOTCONFDOC)/parameters.global.xml $(SMBDOTCONFDOC)/parameters.service.xml
$(XSLTPROC) --stringparam noreference 1 --xinclude --output $@ xslt/expand-sambadoc.xsl $<
mkdir $(MANDIR)
$(MANDIR)/%: %.xml
$(XSLTPROC) --output $@ xslt/man.xsl $<
# Find undocumented parameters
undocumented: $(SMBDOTCONFDOC)/parameters.all.xml
$(PERL) scripts/find_missing_doc.pl ../..
# Examples and the like
files: $(PROJDOC)/samba-doc.xml $(PROJDOC)/attributions.xml $(EXAMPLESDIR)
$(XSLTPROC) xslt/extract-smbfiles.xsl $< > /dev/null
samples: $(EXAMPLESDIR) Samba-HOWTO-Collection.xml
$(XSLTPROC) xslt/extract-examples.xsl Samba-HOWTO-Collection.xml > /dev/null 2> examples/README
for I in examples/*.conf; do { ./scripts/indent-smb.conf.pl < $$I > $$I.tmp; mv $$I.tmp $$I; } done
howto: $(PDFDIR)/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.pdf
guide: $(PDFDIR)/Samba-Guide.pdf
%/changelog.xml: % $(wildcard %/CVS/*)
$(CVS2CL) --stdout --xml $< | $(XSLTPROC) --output $@ xslt/genchangelog.xsl -

docs/configure.in Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
if test "x$XSLTPROC" = x; then
AC_MSG_ERROR("xsltproc is required")
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AC_MSG_ERROR("pdflatex is required")
if test "x$MAKEINDEX" = x; then
AC_MSG_ERROR("makeindex is required")
[ --enable-crop Whether to use a crop template],
[ test "$withval" && DOCROP="1" ])
[ --with-papersize Specify papersize (a4paper,letter) ],
[ test "$withval" && PAPERSIZE="$withval" ])
[ --with-fontsize Specify the fontsize in points (default: 10.5) ],
[ test "$withval" && FONTSIZE="$withval" ])
AC_PATH_PROG(PLUCKERBUILD, plucker-build, [echo -e 'No plucker-build utility was found, ignoring following options:\n'])
DOC_BUILD_DATE=`date '+%d-%m-%Y'`
AC_OUTPUT( Makefile settings.xsl )

docs/devel/.cvsignore Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
<chapter id="CodingSuggestions">
<title>Coding Suggestions</title>
So you want to add code to Samba ...
One of the daunting tasks facing a programmer attempting to write code for
Samba is understanding the various coding conventions used by those most
active in the project. These conventions were mostly unwritten and helped
improve either the portability, stability or consistency of the code. This
document will attempt to document a few of the more important coding
practices used at this time on the Samba project. The coding practices are
expected to change slightly over time, and even to grow as more is learned
about obscure portability considerations. Two existing documents
<filename>samba/source/internals.doc</filename> and
<filename>samba/source/architecture.doc</filename> provide
additional information.
The loosely related question of coding style is very personal and this
document does not attempt to address that subject, except to say that I
have observed that eight character tabs seem to be preferred in Samba
source. If you are interested in the topic of coding style, two oft-quoted
documents are:
<ulink url="http://lxr.linux.no/source/Documentation/CodingStyle">http://lxr.linux.no/source/Documentation/CodingStyle</ulink>
<ulink url="http://www.fsf.org/prep/standards_toc.html">http://www.fsf.org/prep/standards_toc.html</ulink>
But note that coding style in Samba varies due to the many different
programmers who have contributed.
Following are some considerations you should use when adding new code to
Samba. First and foremost remember that:
Portability is a primary consideration in adding function, as is network
compatability with de facto, existing, real world CIFS/SMB implementations.
There are lots of platforms that Samba builds on so use caution when adding
a call to a library function that is not invoked in existing Samba code.
Also note that there are many quite different SMB/CIFS clients that Samba
tries to support, not all of which follow the SNIA CIFS Technical Reference
(or the earlier Microsoft reference documents or the X/Open book on the SMB
Standard) perfectly.
Here are some other suggestions:
use d_printf instead of printf for display text
reason: enable auto-substitution of translated language text
use SAFE_FREE instead of free
reason: reduce traps due to null pointers
don't use bzero use memset, or ZERO_STRUCT and ZERO_STRUCTP macros
reason: not POSIX
don't use strcpy and strlen (use safe_* equivalents)
reason: to avoid traps due to buffer overruns
don't use getopt_long, use popt functions instead
reason: portability
explicitly add const qualifiers on parm passing in functions where parm
is input only (somewhat controversial but const can be #defined away)
when passing a va_list as an arg, or assigning one to another
please use the VA_COPY() macro
reason: on some platforms, va_list is a struct that must be
initialized in each function...can SEGV if you don't.
discourage use of threads
reason: portability (also see architecture.doc)
don't explicitly include new header files in C files - new h files
should be included by adding them once to includes.h
reason: consistency
don't explicitly extern functions (they are autogenerated by
"make proto" into proto.h)
reason: consistency
use endian safe macros when unpacking SMBs (see byteorder.h and
reason: not everyone uses Intel
Note Unicode implications of charset handling (see internals.doc). See
pull_* and push_* and convert_string functions.
reason: Internationalization
Don't assume English only
reason: See above
Try to avoid using in/out parameters (functions that return data which
overwrites input parameters)
reason: Can cause stability problems
Ensure copyright notices are correct, don't append Tridge's name to code
that he didn't write. If you did not write the code, make sure that it
can coexist with the rest of the Samba GPLed code.
Consider usage of DATA_BLOBs for length specified byte-data.
reason: stability
Take advantage of tdbs for database like function
reason: consistency
Don't access the SAM_ACCOUNT structure directly, they should be accessed
via pdb_get...() and pdb_set...() functions.
reason: stability, consistency
Don't check a password directly against the passdb, always use the
check_password() interface.
reason: long term pluggability
Try to use asprintf rather than pstrings and fstrings where possible
Use normal C comments / * instead of C++ comments // like
this. Although the C++ comment format is part of the C99
standard, some older vendor C compilers do not accept it.
Try to write documentation for API functions and structures
explaining the point of the code, the way it should be used, and
any special conditions or results. Mark these with a double-star
comment start / ** so that they can be picked up by Doxygen, as in
this file.
Keep the scope narrow. This means making functions/variables
static whenever possible. We don't want our namespace
polluted. Each module should have a minimal number of externally
visible functions or variables.
Use function pointers to keep knowledge about particular pieces of
code isolated in one place. We don't want a particular piece of
functionality to be spread out across lots of places - that makes
for fragile, hand to maintain code. Instead, design an interface
and use tables containing function pointers to implement specific
functionality. This is particularly important for command
Think carefully about what it will be like for someone else to add
to and maintain your code. If it would be hard for someone else to
maintain then do it another way.
The suggestions above are simply that, suggestions, but the information may
help in reducing the routine rework done on new code. The preceeding list
is expected to change routinely as new support routines and macros are

docs/devel/NetBIOS.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
<chapter id="netbios">
<pubdate>12 June 1997</pubdate>
<title>Definition of NetBIOS Protocol and Name Resolution Modes</title>
NetBIOS runs over the following tranports: TCP/IP; NetBEUI and IPX/SPX.
Samba only uses NetBIOS over TCP/IP. For details on the TCP/IP NetBIOS
Session Service NetBIOS Datagram Service, and NetBIOS Names, see
rfc1001.txt and rfc1002.txt.
NetBEUI is a raw NetBIOS frame protocol implementation that allows NetBIOS
datagrams to be sent out over the 'wire' embedded within LLC frames.
NetBEUI is not required when using NetBIOS over TCP/IP protocols and it
is preferable NOT to install NetBEUI if it can be avoided.
IPX/SPX is also not required when using NetBIOS over TCP/IP, and it is
preferable NOT to install the IPX/SPX transport unless you are using Novell
servers. At the very least, it is recommended that you do not install
'NetBIOS over IPX/SPX'.
[When installing Windows 95, you will find that NetBEUI and IPX/SPX are
installed as the default protocols. This is because they are the simplest
to manage: no Windows 95 user-configuration is required].
NetBIOS applications (such as samba) offer their services (for example,
SMB file and print sharing) on a NetBIOS name. They must claim this name
on the network before doing so. The NetBIOS session service will then
accept connections on the application's behalf (on the NetBIOS name
claimed by the application). A NetBIOS session between the application
and the client can then commence.
NetBIOS names consist of 15 characters plus a 'type' character. This is
similar, in concept, to an IP address and a TCP port number, respectively.
A NetBIOS-aware application on a host will offer different services under
different NetBIOS name types, just as a host will offer different TCP/IP
services on different port numbers.
NetBIOS names must be claimed on a network, and must be defended. The use
of NetBIOS names is most suitable on a single subnet; a Local Area Network
or a Wide Area Network.
NetBIOS names are either UNIQUE or GROUP. Only one application can claim a
UNIQUE NetBIOS name on a network.
There are two kinds of NetBIOS Name resolution: Broadcast and Point-to-Point.
<title>BROADCAST NetBIOS</title>
Clients can claim names, and therefore offer services on successfully claimed
names, on their broadcast-isolated subnet. One way to get NetBIOS services
(such as browsing: see ftp.microsoft.com/drg/developr/CIFS/browdiff.txt; and
SMB file/print sharing: see cifs4.txt) working on a LAN or WAN is to make
your routers forward all broadcast packets from TCP/IP ports 137, 138 and 139.
This, however, is not recommended. If you have a large LAN or WAN, you will
find that some of your hosts spend 95 percent of their time dealing with
broadcast traffic. [If you have IPX/SPX on your LAN or WAN, you will find
that this is already happening: a packet analyzer will show, roughly
every twelve minutes, great swathes of broadcast traffic!].
<title>NBNS NetBIOS</title>
rfc1001.txt describes, amongst other things, the implementation and use
of, a 'NetBIOS Name Service'. NT/AS offers 'Windows Internet Name Service'
which is fully rfc1001/2 compliant, but has had to take specific action
with certain NetBIOS names in order to make it useful. (for example, it
deals with the registration of &lt;1c&gt; &lt;1d&gt; &lt;1e&gt; names all in different ways.
I recommend the reading of the Microsoft WINS Server Help files for full
The use of a WINS server cuts down on broadcast network traffic for
NetBIOS name resolution. It has the effect of pulling all the broadcast
isolated subnets together into a single NetBIOS scope, across your LAN
or WAN, while avoiding the use of TCP/IP broadcast packets.
When you have a WINS server on your LAN, WINS clients will be able to
contact the WINS server to resolve NetBIOS names. Note that only those
WINS clients that have registered with the same WINS server will be
visible. The WINS server _can_ have static NetBIOS entries added to its
database (usually for security reasons you might want to consider putting
your domain controllers or other important servers as static entries,
but you should not rely on this as your sole means of security), but for
the most part, NetBIOS names are registered dynamically.
This provides some confusion for lots of people, and is worth mentioning
here: a Browse Server is NOT a WINS Server, even if these services are
implemented in the same application. A Browse Server _needs_ a WINS server
because a Browse Server is a WINS client, which is _not_ the same thing].
Clients can claim names, and therefore offer services on successfully claimed
names, on their broadcast-isolated subnet. One way to get NetBIOS services
(such as browsing: see ftp.microsoft.com/drg/developr/CIFS/browdiff.txt; and
SMB file/print sharing: see cifs6.txt) working on a LAN or WAN is to make
your routers forward all broadcast packets from TCP/IP ports 137, 138 and 139.
You will find, however, if you do this on a large LAN or a WAN, that your
network is completely swamped by NetBIOS and browsing packets, which is why
WINS was developed to minimise the necessity of broadcast traffic.
WINS Clients therefore claim names from the WINS server. If the WINS
server allows them to register a name, the client's NetBIOS session service
can then offer services on this name. Other WINS clients will then
contact the WINS server to resolve a NetBIOS name.

docs/devel/Tracing.xml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
<chapter id="tracing">
<orgname>Samba Team</orgname>
<title>Tracing samba system calls</title>
This file describes how to do a system call trace on Samba to work out
what its doing wrong. This is not for the faint of heart, but if you
are reading this then you are probably desperate.
Actually its not as bad as the the above makes it sound, just don't
expect the output to be very pretty :-)
Ok, down to business. One of the big advantages of unix systems is
that they nearly all come with a system trace utility that allows you
to monitor all system calls that a program is making. This is
extremely using for debugging and also helps when trying to work out
why something is slower than you expect. You can use system tracing
without any special compilation options.
The system trace utility is called different things on different
systems. On Linux systems its called strace. Under SunOS 4 its called
trace. Under SVR4 style systems (including solaris) its called
truss. Under many BSD systems its called ktrace.
The first thing you should do is read the man page for your native
system call tracer. In the discussion below I'll assume its called
strace as strace is the only portable system tracer (its available for
free for many unix types) and its also got some of the nicest
Next, try using strace on some simple commands. For example, <command>strace
ls</command> or <command>strace echo hello</command>.
You'll notice that it produces a LOT of output. It is showing you the
arguments to every system call that the program makes and the
result. Very little happens in a program without a system call so you
get lots of output. You'll also find that it produces a lot of
"preamble" stuff showing the loading of shared libraries etc. Ignore
this (unless its going wrong!)
For example, the only line that really matters in the <command>strace echo
hello</command> output is:
write(1, "hello\n", 6) = 6
<para>all the rest is just setting up to run the program.</para>
Ok, now you're familiar with strace. To use it on Samba you need to
strace the running smbd daemon. The way I tend ot use it is to first
login from my Windows PC to the Samba server, then use smbstatus to
find which process ID that client is attached to, then as root I do
<command>strace -p PID</command> to attach to that process. I normally redirect the
stderr output from this command to a file for later perusal. For
example, if I'm using a csh style shell:
<para><command>strace -f -p 3872 &gt;&amp; strace.out</command></para>
<para>or with a sh style shell:</para>
<para><command>strace -f -p 3872 > strace.out 2&gt;&amp;1</command></para>
Note the "-f" option. This is only available on some systems, and
allows you to trace not just the current process, but any children it
forks. This is great for finding printing problems caused by the
"print command" being wrong.
Once you are attached you then can do whatever it is on the client
that is causing problems and you will capture all the system calls
that smbd makes.
So how do you interpret the results? Generally I search through the
output for strings that I know will appear when the problem
happens. For example, if I am having touble with permissions on a file
I would search for that files name in the strace output and look at
the surrounding lines. Another trick is to match up file descriptor
numbers and "follow" what happens to an open file until it is closed.
Beyond this you will have to use your initiative. To give you an idea
of what you are looking for here is a piece of strace output that
shows that <filename>/dev/null</filename> is not world writeable, which
causes printing to fail with Samba:
[pid 28268] open("/dev/null", O_RDWR) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
[pid 28268] open("/dev/null", O_WRONLY) = -1 EACCES (Permission denied)
The process is trying to first open <filename>/dev/null</filename> read-write
then read-only. Both fail. This means <filename>/dev/null</filename> has
incorrect permissions.

docs/devel/architecture.xml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
<chapter id="architecture">
<pubdate> November 1997</pubdate>
<title>Samba Architecture</title>
This document gives a general overview of how Samba works
internally. The Samba Team has tried to come up with a model which is
the best possible compromise between elegance, portability, security
and the constraints imposed by the very messy SMB and CIFS
It also tries to answer some of the frequently asked questions such as:
Is Samba secure when running on Unix? The xyz platform?
What about the root priveliges issue?
<listitem><para>Pros and cons of multithreading in various parts of Samba</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Why not have a separate process for name resolution, WINS, and browsing?</para></listitem>
<title>Multithreading and Samba</title>
People sometimes tout threads as a uniformly good thing. They are very
nice in their place but are quite inappropriate for smbd. nmbd is
another matter, and multi-threading it would be very nice.
The short version is that smbd is not multithreaded, and alternative
servers that take this approach under Unix (such as Syntax, at the
time of writing) suffer tremendous performance penalties and are less
robust. nmbd is not threaded either, but this is because it is not
possible to do it while keeping code consistent and portable across 35
or more platforms. (This drawback also applies to threading smbd.)
The longer versions is that there are very good reasons for not making
smbd multi-threaded. Multi-threading would actually make Samba much
slower, less scalable, less portable and much less robust. The fact
that we use a separate process for each connection is one of Samba's
biggest advantages.
<title>Threading smbd</title>
A few problems that would arise from a threaded smbd are:
It's not only to create threads instead of processes, but you
must care about all variables if they have to be thread specific
(currently they would be global).
if one thread dies (eg. a seg fault) then all threads die. We can
immediately throw robustness out the window.
many of the system calls we make are blocking. Non-blocking
equivalents of many calls are either not available or are awkward (and
slow) to use. So while we block in one thread all clients are
waiting. Imagine if one share is a slow NFS filesystem and the others
are fast, we will end up slowing all clients to the speed of NFS.
you can't run as a different uid in different threads. This means
we would have to switch uid/gid on _every_ SMB packet. It would be
horrendously slow.
the per process file descriptor limit would mean that we could only
support a limited number of clients.
we couldn't use the system locking calls as the locking context of
fcntl() is a process, not a thread.
<title>Threading nmbd</title>
This would be ideal, but gets sunk by portability requirements.
Andrew tried to write a test threads library for nmbd that used only
ansi-C constructs (using setjmp and longjmp). Unfortunately some OSes
defeat this by restricting longjmp to calling addresses that are
shallower than the current address on the stack (apparently AIX does
this). This makes a truly portable threads library impossible. So to
support all our current platforms we would have to code nmbd both with
and without threads, and as the real aim of threads is to make the
code clearer we would not have gained anything. (it is a myth that
threads make things faster. threading is like recursion, it can make
things clear but the same thing can always be done faster by some
other method)
Chris tried to spec out a general design that would abstract threading
vs separate processes (vs other methods?) and make them accessible
through some general API. This doesn't work because of the data
sharing requirements of the protocol (packets in the future depending
on packets now, etc.) At least, the code would work but would be very
clumsy, and besides the fork() type model would never work on Unix. (Is there an OS that it would work on, for nmbd?)
A fork() is cheap, but not nearly cheap enough to do on every UDP
packet that arrives. Having a pool of processes is possible but is
nasty to program cleanly due to the enormous amount of shared data (in
complex structures) between the processes. We can't rely on each
platform having a shared memory system.
<title>nbmd Design</title>
Originally Andrew used recursion to simulate a multi-threaded
environment, which use the stack enormously and made for really
confusing debugging sessions. Luke Leighton rewrote it to use a
queuing system that keeps state information on each packet. The
first version used a single structure which was used by all the
pending states. As the initialisation of this structure was
done by adding arguments, as the functionality developed, it got
pretty messy. So, it was replaced with a higher-order function
and a pointer to a user-defined memory block. This suddenly
made things much simpler: large numbers of functions could be
made static, and modularised. This is the same principle as used
in NT's kernel, and achieves the same effect as threads, but in
a single process.
Then Jeremy rewrote nmbd. The packet data in nmbd isn't what's on the
wire. It's a nice format that is very amenable to processing but still
keeps the idea of a distinct packet. See "struct packet_struct" in
nameserv.h. It has all the detail but none of the on-the-wire
mess. This makes it ideal for using in disk or memory-based databases
for browsing and WINS support.

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<para><link linkend="netbios">Definition of NetBIOS Protocol and Name Resolution Modes</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Luke Leighton</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="unix-smb">NetBIOS in a Unix World</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Andrew Tridgell</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="ntdomain">NT Domain RPC's</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Luke Leighton &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:lkcl@switchboard.net">lkcl@switchboard.net</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Paul Ashton &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:paul@argo.demon.co.uk">paul@argo.demon.co.uk</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Duncan Stansfield &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:duncans@sco.com">duncans@sco.com</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="architecture">Samba Architecture</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Dan Shearer</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="debug">The samba DEBUG system</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Chris Hertel</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="internals">Samba Internals</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>David Chappell &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:David.Chappell@mail.trincoll.edu">David.Chappell@mail.trincoll.edu</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="CodingSuggestions">Coding Suggestions</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Steve French</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Simo Sorce</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Andrew Bartlett</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Tim Potter</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Martin Pool</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="contributing">Contributing code</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Jelmer R. Vernooij &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:jelmer@samba.org">jelmer@samba.org</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="modules">Modules</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Jelmer Vernooij &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:jelmer@samba.org">jelmer@samba.org</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="sam">The Upcoming SAM System</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Andrew Bartlett</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="rpc-plugin">RPC Pluggable Modules</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Anthony Liguori &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:aliguor@us.ibm.com">aliguor@us.ibm.com</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Jelmer Vernooij &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:jelmer@samba.org">jelmer@samba.org</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="vfs">VFS Modules</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Alexander Bokovoy &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:ab@samba.org">ab@samba.org</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Stefan Metzmacher &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:metze@metzemix.de">metze@metzemix.de</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="registry">The registry subsystem</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Jelmer R. Vernooij &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:jelmer@samba.org">jelmer@samba.org</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="parsing">The smb.conf file</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Chris Hertel</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="wins">Samba WINS Internals</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Gerald Carter</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="pwencrypt">LanMan and NT Password Encryption</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Jeremy Allison &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:samba@samba.org">samba@samba.org</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="tracing">Tracing samba system calls</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Andrew Tridgell</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="windows-debug">Finding useful information on windows</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Jelmer R. Vernooij &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:jelmer@samba.org">jelmer@samba.org</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Andrew Tridgell &lt;<ulink noescape="1" url="mailto:tridge@samba.org">tridge@samba.org</ulink>&gt;</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="printing">Samba Printing Internals</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Gerald Carter</para></listitem>
</para><para><link linkend="Packaging">Notes to packagers</link>
<itemizedlist> <listitem><para>Jelmer Vernooij</para></listitem>

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<chapter id="contributing">
<title>Contributing code</title>
<para>Here are a few tips and notes that might be useful if you are
interested in modifying samba source code and getting it into
samba's main branch.</para>
<term>Retrieving the source</term>
<para>In order to contribute code to samba, make sure you have the
latest source. Retrieving the samba source code from CVS is
documented in the appendix of the Samba HOWTO Collection.
<term>Discuss large modifications with team members</term>
<para>Please discuss large modifications you are going to make
with members of the samba team. Some parts of the samba code
have one or more 'owners' - samba developers who wrote most
of the code and maintain it.
<para>This way you can avoid spending your time and effort on
something that is not going to make it into the main samba branch
because someone else was working on the same thing or because your
implementation is not the correct one.
<term>Patch format</term>
<para>Patches to the samba tree should be in unified diff format,
e.g. files generated by <userinput>diff -u</userinput>.
<para>If you are modifying a copy of samba you retrieved from CVS,
you can easily generate a diff file of these changes by running
<userinput>cvs diff -u</userinput>.</para>
<term>Points of attention when modifying samba source code</term>
<listitem><para>Don't simply copy code from other places and modify it until it
works. Code needs to be clean and logical. Duplicate
code is to be avoided.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Test your patch. It might take a while before one of us looks
at your patch so it will take longer before your patch when your patch
needs to go thru the review cycle again.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Don't put seperate patches in one large diff file. This makes
it harder to read, understand and test the patch. You might
also risk not getting a good patch committed because you mixed it
with one that had issues. </para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Make sure your patch complies to the samba coding style as
suggested in the coding-suggestions chapter. </para></listitem>
<term>Sending in bugfixes</term>
<para>Bugfixes to bugs in samba should be submitted to samba's
<ulink url="https://bugzilla.samba.org/">bugzilla system</ulink>,
along with a description of the bug.
<term>Sending in feature patches</term>
<para>Send feature patches along with a description of what the
patch is supposed to do to the
<ulink url="mailto:samba-technical@samba.org">Samba-technical mailinglist</ulink> and possibly to a samba team member who is (one of the) 'owners'
of the code you made modifications to. We are all busy people
so everybody tends to 'let one of the others handle it'. If nobody
responded to your patch for a week, try to send it again until you
get a response from one of us.
<term>Feedback on your patch</term>
<para>One of the team members will look at your patch and either
commit your patch or give comments why he won't apply it. In the
latter case you can fix your patch and re-send it until
your patch is approved.</para>

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<chapter id="debug">
<pubdate>July 1998</pubdate>
<title>The samba DEBUG system</title>
<title>New Output Syntax</title>
The syntax of a debugging log file is represented as:
&gt;debugfile&lt; :== { &gt;debugmsg&lt; }
&gt;debugmsg&lt; :== &gt;debughdr&lt; '\n' &gt;debugtext&lt;
&gt;debughdr&lt; :== '[' TIME ',' LEVEL ']' FILE ':' [FUNCTION] '(' LINE ')'
&gt;debugtext&lt; :== { &gt;debugline&lt; }
&gt;debugline&lt; :== TEXT '\n'
TEXT is a string of characters excluding the newline character.
LEVEL is the DEBUG level of the message (an integer in the range
TIME is a timestamp.
FILE is the name of the file from which the debug message was
FUNCTION is the function from which the debug message was generated.
LINE is the line number of the debug statement that generated the
<para>Basically, what that all means is:</para>
A debugging log file is made up of debug messages.
Each debug message is made up of a header and text. The header is
separated from the text by a newline.
The header begins with the timestamp and debug level of the
message enclosed in brackets. The filename, function, and line
number at which the message was generated follow. The filename is
terminated by a colon, and the function name is terminated by the
parenthesis which contain the line number. Depending upon the
compiler, the function name may be missing (it is generated by the
__FUNCTION__ macro, which is not universally implemented, dangit).
The message text is made up of zero or more lines, each terminated
by a newline.
<para>Here's some example output:</para>
[1998/08/03 12:55:25, 1] nmbd.c:(659)
Netbios nameserver version 1.9.19-prealpha started.
Copyright Andrew Tridgell 1994-1997
[1998/08/03 12:55:25, 3] loadparm.c:(763)
Initializing global parameters
Note that in the above example the function names are not listed on
the header line. That's because the example above was generated on an
SGI Indy, and the SGI compiler doesn't support the __FUNCTION__ macro.
<title>The DEBUG() Macro</title>
Use of the DEBUG() macro is unchanged. DEBUG() takes two parameters.
The first is the message level, the second is the body of a function
call to the Debug1() function.
<para>That's confusing.</para>
<para>Here's an example which may help a bit. If you would write</para>
printf( "This is a %s message.\n", "debug" );
to send the output to stdout, then you would write
DEBUG( 0, ( "This is a %s message.\n", "debug" ) );
to send the output to the debug file. All of the normal printf()
formatting escapes work.
Note that in the above example the DEBUG message level is set to 0.
Messages at level 0 always print. Basically, if the message level is
less than or equal to the global value DEBUGLEVEL, then the DEBUG
statement is processed.
The output of the above example would be something like:
[1998/07/30 16:00:51, 0] file.c:function(128)
This is a debug message.
Each call to DEBUG() creates a new header *unless* the output produced
by the previous call to DEBUG() did not end with a '\n'. Output to the
debug file is passed through a formatting buffer which is flushed
every time a newline is encountered. If the buffer is not empty when
DEBUG() is called, the new input is simply appended.
...but that's really just a Kludge. It was put in place because
DEBUG() has been used to write partial lines. Here's a simple (dumb)
example of the kind of thing I'm talking about:
DEBUG( 0, ("The test returned " ) );
if( test() )
DEBUG(0, ("True") );
DEBUG(0, ("False") );
DEBUG(0, (".\n") );
Without the format buffer, the output (assuming test() returned true)
would look like this:
[1998/07/30 16:00:51, 0] file.c:function(256)
The test returned
[1998/07/30 16:00:51, 0] file.c:function(258)
[1998/07/30 16:00:51, 0] file.c:function(261)
<para>Which isn't much use. The format buffer kludge fixes this problem.
<title>The DEBUGADD() Macro</title>
In addition to the kludgey solution to the broken line problem
described above, there is a clean solution. The DEBUGADD() macro never
generates a header. It will append new text to the current debug
message even if the format buffer is empty. The syntax of the
DEBUGADD() macro is the same as that of the DEBUG() macro.
DEBUG( 0, ("This is the first line.\n" ) );
DEBUGADD( 0, ("This is the second line.\nThis is the third line.\n" ) );
[1998/07/30 16:00:51, 0] file.c:function(512)
This is the first line.
This is the second line.
This is the third line.
<title>The DEBUGLVL() Macro</title>
One of the problems with the DEBUG() macro was that DEBUG() lines
tended to get a bit long. Consider this example from
DEBUG(3,("send_local_master_announcement: type %x for name %s on subnet %s for workgroup %s\n",
type, global_myname, subrec->subnet_name, work->work_group));
One solution to this is to break it down using DEBUG() and DEBUGADD(),
as follows:
DEBUG( 3, ( "send_local_master_announcement: " ) );
DEBUGADD( 3, ( "type %x for name %s ", type, global_myname ) );
DEBUGADD( 3, ( "on subnet %s ", subrec->subnet_name ) );
DEBUGADD( 3, ( "for workgroup %s\n", work->work_group ) );
A similar, but arguably nicer approach is to use the DEBUGLVL() macro.
This macro returns True if the message level is less than or equal to
the global DEBUGLEVEL value, so:
if( DEBUGLVL( 3 ) )
dbgtext( "send_local_master_announcement: " );
dbgtext( "type %x for name %s ", type, global_myname );
dbgtext( "on subnet %s ", subrec->subnet_name );
dbgtext( "for workgroup %s\n", work->work_group );
<para>(The dbgtext() function is explained below.)</para>
<para>There are a few advantages to this scheme:</para>
The test is performed only once.
You can allocate variables off of the stack that will only be used
within the DEBUGLVL() block.
Processing that is only relevant to debug output can be contained
within the DEBUGLVL() block.
<title>New Functions</title>
This function prints debug message text to the debug file (and
possibly to syslog) via the format buffer. The function uses a
variable argument list just like printf() or Debug1(). The
input is printed into a buffer using the vslprintf() function,
and then passed to format_debug_text().
If you use DEBUGLVL() you will probably print the body of the
message using dbgtext().
This is the function that writes a debug message header.
Headers are not processed via the format buffer. Also note that
if the format buffer is not empty, a call to dbghdr() will not
produce any output. See the comments in dbghdr() for more info.
It is not likely that this function will be called directly. It
is used by DEBUG() and DEBUGADD().
This is a static function in debug.c. It stores the output text
for the body of the message in a buffer until it encounters a
newline. When the newline character is found, the buffer is
written to the debug file via the Debug1() function, and the
buffer is reset. This allows us to add the indentation at the
beginning of each line of the message body, and also ensures
that the output is written a line at a time (which cleans up
syslog output).

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<book id="Samba-Developers-Guide">
<title>SAMBA Developers Guide</title>
<emphasis>Last Update</emphasis> : Fri Oct 10 00:59:58 CEST 2003
This book is a collection of documents that might be useful for
people developing samba or those interested in doing so.
It's nothing more than a collection of documents written by samba developers about
the internals of various parts of samba and the SMB protocol. It's still (and will always be) incomplete.
The most recent version of this document
can be found at <ulink url="http://devel.samba.org/">http://devel.samba.org/</ulink>.
Please send updates to <ulink
url="mailto:jelmer@samba.org">Jelmer Vernooij</ulink>.
This documentation is distributed under the GNU General Public License (GPL)
version 2. A copy of the license is included with the Samba source
distribution. A copy can be found on-line at <ulink
<!-- Contents -->
<!-- Chapters -->
<title>The protocol</title>
<title>Samba Basics</title>
<title>Samba Subsystems</title>
<title>Debugging and tracing</title>

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<chapter id="pwencrypt">
<orgname>Samba Team</orgname>
<pubdate>19 Apr 1999</pubdate>
<title>LanMan and NT Password Encryption</title>
<para>With the development of LanManager and Windows NT
compatible password encryption for Samba, it is now able
to validate user connections in exactly the same way as
a LanManager or Windows NT server.</para>
<para>This document describes how the SMB password encryption
algorithm works and what issues there are in choosing whether
you want to use it. You should read it carefully, especially
the part about security and the "PROS and CONS" section.</para>
<title>How does it work?</title>
<para>LanManager encryption is somewhat similar to UNIX
password encryption. The server uses a file containing a
hashed value of a user's password. This is created by taking
the user's plaintext password, capitalising it, and either
truncating to 14 bytes or padding to 14 bytes with null bytes.
This 14 byte value is used as two 56 bit DES keys to encrypt
a 'magic' eight byte value, forming a 16 byte value which is
stored by the server and client. Let this value be known as
the "hashed password".</para>
<para>Windows NT encryption is a higher quality mechanism,
consisting of doing an MD4 hash on a Unicode version of the user's
password. This also produces a 16 byte hash value that is
<para>When a client (LanManager, Windows for WorkGroups, Windows
95 or Windows NT) wishes to mount a Samba drive (or use a Samba
resource), it first requests a connection and negotiates the
protocol that the client and server will use. In the reply to this
request the Samba server generates and appends an 8 byte, random
value - this is stored in the Samba server after the reply is sent
and is known as the "challenge". The challenge is different for
every client connection.</para>
<para>The client then uses the hashed password (16 byte values
described above), appended with 5 null bytes, as three 56 bit
DES keys, each of which is used to encrypt the challenge 8 byte
value, forming a 24 byte value known as the "response".</para>
<para>In the SMB call SMBsessionsetupX (when user level security
is selected) or the call SMBtconX (when share level security is
selected), the 24 byte response is returned by the client to the
Samba server. For Windows NT protocol levels the above calculation
is done on both hashes of the user's password and both responses are
returned in the SMB call, giving two 24 byte values.</para>
<para>The Samba server then reproduces the above calculation, using
its own stored value of the 16 byte hashed password (read from the
<filename>smbpasswd</filename> file - described later) and the challenge
value that it kept from the negotiate protocol reply. It then checks
to see if the 24 byte value it calculates matches the 24 byte value
returned to it from the client.</para>
<para>If these values match exactly, then the client knew the
correct password (or the 16 byte hashed value - see security note
below) and is thus allowed access. If not, then the client did not
know the correct password and is denied access.</para>
<para>Note that the Samba server never knows or stores the cleartext
of the user's password - just the 16 byte hashed values derived from
it. Also note that the cleartext password or 16 byte hashed values
are never transmitted over the network - thus increasing security.</para>
<title>The smbpasswd file</title>
<para>In order for Samba to participate in the above protocol
it must be able to look up the 16 byte hashed values given a user name.
Unfortunately, as the UNIX password value is also a one way hash
function (ie. it is impossible to retrieve the cleartext of the user's
password given the UNIX hash of it), a separate password file
containing this 16 byte value must be kept. To minimise problems with
these two password files, getting out of sync, the UNIX <filename>
/etc/passwd</filename> and the <filename>smbpasswd</filename> file,
a utility, <command>mksmbpasswd.sh</command>, is provided to generate
a smbpasswd file from a UNIX <filename>/etc/passwd</filename> file.
<para>To generate the smbpasswd file from your <filename>/etc/passwd
</filename> file use the following command:</para>
<para><prompt>$ </prompt><userinput>cat /etc/passwd | mksmbpasswd.sh
&gt; /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd</userinput></para>
<para>If you are running on a system that uses NIS, use</para>
<para><prompt>$ </prompt><userinput>ypcat passwd | mksmbpasswd.sh
&gt; /usr/local/samba/private/smbpasswd</userinput></para>
<para>The <command>mksmbpasswd.sh</command> program is found in
the Samba source directory. By default, the smbpasswd file is
stored in :</para>
<para>The owner of the <filename>/usr/local/samba/private/</filename>
directory should be set to root, and the permissions on it should
be set to 0500 (<command>chmod 500 /usr/local/samba/private</command>).
<para>Likewise, the smbpasswd file inside the private directory should
be owned by root and the permissions on is should be set to 0600
(<command>chmod 600 smbpasswd</command>).</para>
<para>The format of the smbpasswd file is (The line has been
wrapped here. It should appear as one entry per line in
your smbpasswd file.)</para>
[Account type]:LCT-&lt;last-change-time&gt;:Long name
<para>Although only the <replaceable>username</replaceable>,
<replaceable>uid</replaceable>, <replaceable>
[<replaceable>Account type</replaceable>] and <replaceable>
last-change-time</replaceable> sections are significant
and are looked at in the Samba code.</para>
<para>It is <emphasis>VITALLY</emphasis> important that there by 32
'X' characters between the two ':' characters in the XXX sections -
the smbpasswd and Samba code will fail to validate any entries that
do not have 32 characters between ':' characters. The first XXX
section is for the Lanman password hash, the second is for the
Windows NT version.</para>
<para>When the password file is created all users have password entries
consisting of 32 'X' characters. By default this disallows any access
as this user. When a user has a password set, the 'X' characters change
to 32 ascii hexadecimal digits (0-9, A-F). These are an ascii
representation of the 16 byte hashed value of a user's password.</para>
<para>To set a user to have no password (not recommended), edit the file
using vi, and replace the first 11 characters with the ascii text
<constant>"NO PASSWORD"</constant> (minus the quotes).</para>
<para>For example, to clear the password for user bob, his smbpasswd file
entry would look like :</para>
[U ]:LCT-00000000:Bob's full name:/bobhome:/bobshell
<para>If you are allowing users to use the smbpasswd command to set
their own passwords, you may want to give users NO PASSWORD initially
so they do not have to enter a previous password when changing to their
new password (not recommended). In order for you to allow this the
<command>smbpasswd</command> program must be able to connect to the
<command>smbd</command> daemon as that user with no password. Enable this
by adding the line :</para>
<para><command>null passwords = yes</command></para>
<para>to the [global] section of the smb.conf file (this is why
the above scenario is not recommended). Preferably, allocate your
users a default password to begin with, so you do not have
to enable this on your server.</para>
<para><emphasis>Note : </emphasis>This file should be protected very
carefully. Anyone with access to this file can (with enough knowledge of
the protocols) gain access to your SMB server. The file is thus more
sensitive than a normal unix <filename>/etc/passwd</filename> file.</para>

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<chapter id="gencache">
<pubdate>April 2003</pubdate>
<title>General cache mechanism and API</title>
General cache (gencache) was designed to combine various kinds of caching
mechanisms into one, defined by a simple API. This way, anyone can use it
to create their own caching layer on top of gencache. An example of
such approach is the netbios name cache.
<title>The mechanism</title>
Gencache utilises <emphasise>tdb</emphasise> database, like many other
parts of Samba. As its origins are in Berkeley DB implementation, it
uses key/value pairs stored in binary file. The values gencache
operates on are string-based, however. This makes very easy to use it
in command line environment eg. to quickly take a look at what's in
the cache or set some value.
All the data is stored in <filename>gencache.tdb</filename>
file. Records put there are in key/value format as mentioned below,
but as it's a cache, the timeout plays also important role and has a
special place in the key/value pair, as well as API.
<title>The data structure</title>
The record stored in <filename>gencache.tdb</filename> file consists
of the key, the value and the expiration timeout. While the first part
is stored completely independent from the others, the last two are
kept together. The form the record has is:
key: &lt;string&bt;
value: &lt;12-digit timeout&bt;/&lt;string&gt;
<para>The timeout part is the ASCII representation of
<emphasis>time_t</emphasis> value of the time when the cache entry
expires. Obviously the API, the programmer is provided with, hides this detail,
so that you don't have to care about checking it. Simply watch
carefully the return status of the function.
<title>The API</title>
BOOL gencache_init()
<para>This is used to initialise to whole caching mechanism. It means
opening the file or creating it if non-existing. If it's already been
opened earlier, then the routine just does nothing and returns
<constant>true</constant>. If something goes wrong, say the user
doesn't have necessary rights, the function returns
BOOL gencache_shutdown()
<para>This is the proper way to close the cache file. It simply
returns <constant>true</constant> after successful closing file and
<constant>false</constant> upon a failure.</para>
BOOL gencache_set(const char* keystr, const char* value, time_t timeout)
<para>This is one of the most basic functions. What it allows you to
do is to set some particular cache entry. If the entry haven't
existed yet, the function will act just as it was "gencache_add"
function. If it's already been in the cache, the entry will be set to
the new value. In either case, the cache entry will be set with given
key, value and timeout. Thus it is comfortable way to just set the
entry and not care about the details.</para>
BOOL gencache_set_only(const char* keystr, const char* value, time_t timeout)
BOOL gencache_del(const char* keystr)
BOOL gencache_get(const char* keystr, char** valstr, time_t* timeout)
void gencache_iterate(void (*fn)(const char* key, const char *value, time_t timeout, void* dptr),
void* data, const char* keystr_pattern)
<title>Writing your own caching layer</title>

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<chapter id="internals">
<pubdate>8 May 1996</pubdate>
<title>Samba Internals</title>
<title>Character Handling</title>
This section describes character set handling in Samba, as implemented in
Samba 3.0 and above
In the past Samba had very ad-hoc character set handling. Scattered
throughout the code were numerous calls which converted particular
strings to/from DOS codepages. The problem is that there was no way of
telling if a particular char* is in dos codepage or unix
codepage. This led to a nightmare of code that tried to cope with
particular cases without handlingt the general case.
<title>The new functions</title>
The new system works like this:
all char* strings inside Samba are "unix" strings. These are
multi-byte strings that are in the charset defined by the "unix
charset" option in smb.conf.
there is no single fixed character set for unix strings, but any
character set that is used does need the following properties:
must not contain NULLs except for termination
must be 7-bit compatible with C strings, so that a constant
string or character in C will be byte-for-byte identical to the
equivalent string in the chosen character set.
when you uppercase or lowercase a string it does not become
longer than the original string
must be able to correctly hold all characters that your client
will throw at it
For example, UTF-8 is fine, and most multi-byte asian character sets
are fine, but UCS2 could not be used for unix strings as they
contain nulls.
when you need to put a string into a buffer that will be sent on the
wire, or you need a string in a character set format that is
compatible with the clients character set then you need to use a
pull_ or push_ function. The pull_ functions pull a string from a
wire buffer into a (multi-byte) unix string. The push_ functions
push a string out to a wire buffer.
the two main pull_ and push_ functions you need to understand are
pull_string and push_string. These functions take a base pointer
that should point at the start of the SMB packet that the string is
in. The functions will check the flags field in this packet to
automatically determine if the packet is marked as a unicode packet,
and they will choose whether to use unicode for this string based on
that flag. You may also force this decision using the STR_UNICODE or
STR_ASCII flags. For use in smbd/ and libsmb/ there are wrapper
functions clistr_ and srvstr_ that call the pull_/push_ functions
with the appropriate first argument.
You may also call the pull_ascii/pull_ucs2 or push_ascii/push_ucs2
functions if you know that a particular string is ascii or
unicode. There are also a number of other convenience functions in
charcnv.c that call the pull_/push_ functions with particularly
common arguments, such as pull_ascii_pstring()
The biggest thing to remember is that internal (unix) strings in Samba
may now contain multi-byte characters. This means you cannot assume
that characters are always 1 byte long. Often this means that you will
have to convert strings to ucs2 and back again in order to do some
(seemingly) simple task. For examples of how to do this see functions
like strchr_m(). I know this is very slow, and we will eventually
speed it up but right now we want this stuff correct not fast.
all lp_ functions now return unix strings. The magic "DOS" flag on
parameters is gone.
all vfs functions take unix strings. Don't convert when passing to them
<title>Macros in byteorder.h</title>
This section describes the macros defined in byteorder.h. These macros
are used extensively in the Samba code.
returns the byte at offset pos within buffer buf as an unsigned character.
<para>returns the value of CVAL(buf,pos) cast to type unsigned integer.</para>
<para>sets the byte at offset pos within buffer buf to value val.</para>
returns the value of the unsigned short (16 bit) little-endian integer at
offset pos within buffer buf. An integer of this type is sometimes
refered to as "USHORT".
<para>returns the value of the unsigned 32 bit little-endian integer at offset
pos within buffer buf.</para>
<para>returns the value of the signed short (16 bit) little-endian integer at
offset pos within buffer buf.</para>
<para>returns the value of the signed 32 bit little-endian integer at offset pos
within buffer buf.</para>
<para>sets the unsigned short (16 bit) little-endian integer at offset pos within
buffer buf to value val.</para>
<para>sets the unsigned 32 bit little-endian integer at offset pos within buffer
buf to the value val.</para>
<para>sets the short (16 bit) signed little-endian integer at offset pos within
buffer buf to the value val.</para>
<para>sets the signed 32 bit little-endian integer at offset pos withing buffer
buf to the value val.</para>
<para>returns the value of the unsigned short (16 bit) big-endian integer at
offset pos within buffer buf.</para>
<para>returns the value of the unsigned 32 bit big-endian integer at offset
pos within buffer buf.</para>
<para>sets the value of the unsigned short (16 bit) big-endian integer at
offset pos within buffer buf to value val.
refered to as "USHORT".</para>
<para>sets the value of the unsigned 32 bit big-endian integer at offset
pos within buffer buf to value val.</para>
<title>LAN Manager Samba API</title>
This section describes the functions need to make a LAN Manager RPC call.
This information had been obtained by examining the Samba code and the LAN
Manager 2.0 API documentation. It should not be considered entirely
call_api(int prcnt, int drcnt, int mprcnt, int mdrcnt,
char *param, char *data, char **rparam, char **rdata);
This function is defined in client.c. It uses an SMB transaction to call a
remote api.
<para>The parameters are as follows:</para>
prcnt: the number of bytes of parameters begin sent.
drcnt: the number of bytes of data begin sent.
mprcnt: the maximum number of bytes of parameters which should be returned
mdrcnt: the maximum number of bytes of data which should be returned
param: a pointer to the parameters to be sent.
data: a pointer to the data to be sent.
rparam: a pointer to a pointer which will be set to point to the returned
paramters. The caller of call_api() must deallocate this memory.
rdata: a pointer to a pointer which will be set to point to the returned
data. The caller of call_api() must deallocate this memory.
These are the parameters which you ought to send, in the order of their
appearance in the parameter block:
An unsigned 16 bit integer API number. You should set this value with
SSVAL(). I do not know where these numbers are described.
An ASCIIZ string describing the parameters to the API function as defined
in the LAN Manager documentation. The first parameter, which is the server
name, is ommited. This string is based uppon the API function as described
in the manual, not the data which is actually passed.
An ASCIIZ string describing the data structure which ought to be returned.
Any parameters which appear in the function call, as defined in the LAN
Manager API documentation, after the "Server" and up to and including the
"uLevel" parameters.
An unsigned 16 bit integer which gives the size in bytes of the buffer we
will use to receive the returned array of data structures. Presumably this
should be the same as mdrcnt. This value should be set with SSVAL().
An ASCIIZ string describing substructures which should be returned. If no
substructures apply, this string is of zero length.
The code in client.c always calls call_api() with no data. It is unclear
when a non-zero length data buffer would be sent.
<title>Return value</title>
The returned parameters (pointed to by rparam), in their order of appearance
An unsigned 16 bit integer which contains the API function's return code.
This value should be read with SVAL().
An adjustment which tells the amount by which pointers in the returned
data should be adjusted. This value should be read with SVAL(). Basically,
the address of the start of the returned data buffer should have the returned
pointer value added to it and then have this value subtracted from it in
order to obtain the currect offset into the returned data buffer.
A count of the number of elements in the array of structures returned.
It is also possible that this may sometimes be the number of bytes returned.
When call_api() returns, rparam points to the returned parameters. The
first if these is the result code. It will be zero if the API call
suceeded. This value by be read with "SVAL(rparam,0)".
The second parameter may be read as "SVAL(rparam,2)". It is a 16 bit offset
which indicates what the base address of the returned data buffer was when
it was built on the server. It should be used to correct pointer before
The returned data buffer contains the array of returned data structures.
Note that all pointers must be adjusted before use. The function
fix_char_ptr() in client.c can be used for this purpose.
The third parameter (which may be read as "SVAL(rparam,4)") has something to
do with indicating the amount of data returned or possibly the amount of
data which can be returned if enough buffer space is allowed.
<title>Code character table</title>
Certain data structures are described by means of ASCIIz strings containing
code characters. These are the code characters:
W a type byte little-endian unsigned integer
N a count of substructures which follow
D a four byte little-endian unsigned integer
B a byte (with optional count expressed as trailing ASCII digits)
z a four byte offset to a NULL terminated string
l a four byte offset to non-string user data
b an offset to data (with count expressed as trailing ASCII digits)
r pointer to returned data buffer???
L length in bytes of returned data buffer???
h number of bytes of information available???

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<chapter id="modules">
<orgname>Samba Team</orgname>
<pubdate> 19 March 2003 </pubdate>
The new modules system has the following advantages:
<member>Transparent loading of static and shared modules (no need
for a subsystem to know about modules)</member>
<member>Simple selection between shared and static modules at configure time</member>
<member>"preload modules" option for increasing performance for stable modules</member>
<member>No nasty #define stuff anymore</member>
<member>All backends are available as plugin now (including pdb_ldap and pdb_tdb)</member>
<title>Loading modules</title>
Some subsystems in samba use different backends. These backends can be
either statically linked in to samba or available as a plugin. A subsystem
should have a function that allows a module to register itself. For example,
the passdb subsystem has:
NTSTATUS smb_register_passdb(int version, const char *name, pdb_init_function init);
This function will be called by the initialisation function of the module to
register itself.
<title>Static modules</title>
The modules system compiles a list of initialisation functions for the
static modules of each subsystem. This is a define. For example,
it is here currently (from <filename>include/config.h</filename>):
/* Static init functions */
#define static_init_pdb { pdb_mysql_init(); pdb_ldap_init(); pdb_smbpasswd_init(); pdb_tdbsam_init(); pdb_guest_init();}
These functions should be called before the subsystem is used. That
should be done when the subsystem is initialised or first used.
<title>Shared modules</title>
If a subsystem needs a certain backend, it should check if it has
already been registered. If the backend hasn't been registered already,
the subsystem should call smb_probe_module(char *subsystem, char *backend).
This function tries to load the correct module from a certain path
($LIBDIR/subsystem/backend.so). If the first character in 'backend'
is a slash, smb_probe_module() tries to load the module from the
absolute path specified in 'backend'.
<para>After smb_probe_module() has been executed, the subsystem
should check again if the module has been registered.
<title>Writing modules</title>
Each module has an initialisation function. For modules that are
included with samba this name is '<replaceable>subsystem</replaceable>_<replaceable>backend</replaceable>_init'. For external modules (that will never be built-in, but only available as a module) this name is always 'init_module'. (In the case of modules included with samba, the configure system will add a #define subsystem_backend_init() init_module()).
The prototype for these functions is:
NTSTATUS init_module(void);
<para>This function should call one or more
registration functions. The function should return NT_STATUS_OK on success and
NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL or a more useful nt error code on failure.</para>
<para>For example, pdb_ldap_init() contains: </para>
NTSTATUS pdb_ldap_init(void)
smb_register_passdb(PASSDB_INTERFACE_VERSION, "ldapsam", pdb_init_ldapsam);
smb_register_passdb(PASSDB_INTERFACE_VERSION, "ldapsam_nua", pdb_init_ldapsam_nua);
return NT_STATUS_OK;
<title>Static/Shared selection in configure.in</title>
Some macros in configure.in generate the various defines and substs that
are necessary for the system to work correct. All modules that should
be built by default have to be added to the variable 'default_modules'.
For example, if ldap is found, pdb_ldap is added to this variable.
On the bottom of configure.in, SMB_MODULE() should be called
for each module and SMB_SUBSYSTEM() for each subsystem.
SMB_MODULE(<replaceable>subsystem</replaceable>_<replaceable>backend</replaceable>, <replaceable>object files</replaceable>, <replaceable>plugin name</replaceable>, <replaceable>subsystem name</replaceable>, <replaceable>static_action</replaceable>, <replaceable>shared_action</replaceable>)
<para>The depfile for a certain subsystem is the file that calls the
initialisation functions for the statically built in modules.</para>
<replaceable>@SUBSYSTEM_MODULES@</replaceable> in Makefile.in will
be replaced with the names of the plugins to build.
<para>You must make sure all .c files that contain defines that can
be changed by ./configure are rebuilded in the 'modules_clean' make target.
Practically, this means all c files that contain <command>static_init_subsystem;</command> calls need to be rebuilded.
There currently also is a configure.in command called SMB_MODULE_PROVIVES().
This is used for modules that register multiple things. It should not
be used as probing will most likely disappear in the future.</para>

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<chapter id="Packaging">
<title>Notes to packagers</title>
<para>Please, please update the version number in
<filename>source/include/version.h</filename> to include the versioning of your package. This makes it easier to distinguish standard samba builds
from custom-build samba builds (distributions often patch packages). For
example, a good version would be: </para>
Version 2.999+3.0.alpha21-5 for Debian
<para>Samba now has support for building parts of samba as plugins. This
makes it possible to, for example, put ldap or mysql support in a seperate
package, thus making it possible to have a normal samba package not
depending on ldap or mysql. To build as much parts of samba
as a plugin, run: </para>
./configure --with-shared-modules=rpc,vfs,auth,pdb,charset

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<chapter id="parsing">
<pubdate>November 1997</pubdate>
<title>The smb.conf file</title>
<title>Lexical Analysis</title>
Basically, the file is processed on a line by line basis. There are
four types of lines that are recognized by the lexical analyzer
Blank lines - Lines containing only whitespace.
Comment lines - Lines beginning with either a semi-colon or a
pound sign (';' or '#').
Section header lines - Lines beginning with an open square bracket ('[').
Parameter lines - Lines beginning with any other character.
(The default line type.)
The first two are handled exclusively by the lexical analyzer, which
ignores them. The latter two line types are scanned for
- Section names
- Parameter names
- Parameter values
These are the only tokens passed to the parameter loader
(loadparm.c). Parameter names and values are divided from one
another by an equal sign: '='.
<title>Handling of Whitespace</title>
Whitespace is defined as all characters recognized by the isspace()
function (see ctype(3C)) except for the newline character ('\n')
The newline is excluded because it identifies the end of the line.
The lexical analyzer scans past white space at the beginning of a line.
Section and parameter names may contain internal white space. All
whitespace within a name is compressed to a single space character.
Internal whitespace within a parameter value is kept verbatim with
the exception of carriage return characters ('\r'), all of which
are removed.
Leading and trailing whitespace is removed from names and values.
<title>Handling of Line Continuation</title>
Long section header and parameter lines may be extended across
multiple lines by use of the backslash character ('\\'). Line
continuation is ignored for blank and comment lines.
If the last (non-whitespace) character within a section header or on
a parameter line is a backslash, then the next line will be
(logically) concatonated with the current line by the lexical
analyzer. For example:
param name = parameter value string \
with line continuation.
<para>Would be read as</para>
param name = parameter value string with line continuation.
Note that there are five spaces following the word 'string',
representing the one space between 'string' and '\\' in the top
line, plus the four preceeding the word 'with' in the second line.
(Yes, I'm counting the indentation.)
Line continuation characters are ignored on blank lines and at the end
of comments. They are *only* recognized within section and parameter
<title>Line Continuation Quirks</title>
<para>Note the following example:</para>
param name = parameter value string \
with line continuation.
The middle line is *not* parsed as a blank line because it is first
concatonated with the top line. The result is
param name = parameter value string with line continuation.
<para>The same is true for comment lines.</para>
param name = parameter value string \
; comment \
with a comment.
<para>This becomes:</para>
param name = parameter value string ; comment with a comment.
On a section header line, the closing bracket (']') is considered a
terminating character, and the rest of the line is ignored. The lines
[ section name ] garbage \
param name = value
<para>are read as</para>
[section name]
param name = value
<para>The syntax of the smb.conf file is as follows:</para>
&lt;file&gt; :== { &lt;section&gt; } EOF
&lt;section&gt; :== &lt;section header&gt; { &lt;parameter line&gt; }
&lt;section header&gt; :== '[' NAME ']'
&lt;parameter line&gt; :== NAME '=' VALUE NL
<para>Basically, this means that</para>
a file is made up of zero or more sections, and is terminated by
an EOF (we knew that).
A section is made up of a section header followed by zero or more
parameter lines.
A section header is identified by an opening bracket and
terminated by the closing bracket. The enclosed NAME identifies
the section.
A parameter line is divided into a NAME and a VALUE. The *first*
equal sign on the line separates the NAME from the VALUE. The
VALUE is terminated by a newline character (NL = '\n').
<title>About params.c</title>
The parsing of the config file is a bit unusual if you are used to
lex, yacc, bison, etc. Both lexical analysis (scanning) and parsing
are performed by params.c. Values are loaded via callbacks to

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<chapter id="printing">
<pubdate>October 2002</pubdate>
<title>Samba Printing Internals</title>
The purpose of this document is to provide some insight into
Samba's printing functionality and also to describe the semantics
of certain features of Windows client printing.
Printing Interface to Various Back ends
Samba uses a table of function pointers to seven functions. The
function prototypes are defined in the <varname>printif</varname> structure declared
in <filename>printing.h</filename>.
<listitem><para>retrieve the contents of a print queue</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>pause the print queue</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>resume a paused print queue</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>delete a job from the queue</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>pause a job in the print queue</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>result a paused print job in the queue</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>submit a job to the print queue</para></listitem>
Currently there are only two printing back end implementations
<listitem><para>a generic set of functions for working with standard UNIX
printing subsystems</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>a set of CUPS specific functions (this is only enabled if
the CUPS libraries were located at compile time).</para></listitem>
Print Queue TDB's
Samba provides periodic caching of the output from the "lpq command"
for performance reasons. This cache time is configurable in seconds.
Obviously the longer the cache time the less often smbd will be
required to exec a copy of lpq. However, the accuracy of the print
queue contents displayed to clients will be diminished as well.
The list of currently opened print queue TDB's can be found
be examining the list of tdb_print_db structures ( see print_db_head
in printing.c ). A queue TDB is opened using the wrapper function
printing.c:get_print_db_byname(). The function ensures that smbd
does not open more than MAX_PRINT_DBS_OPEN in an effort to prevent
a large print server from exhausting all available file descriptors.
If the number of open queue TDB's exceeds the MAX_PRINT_DBS_OPEN
limit, smbd falls back to a most recently used algorithm for maintaining
a list of open TDB's.
There are two ways in which a a print job can be entered into
a print queue's TDB. The first is to submit the job from a Windows
client which will insert the job information directly into the TDB.
The second method is to have the print job picked up by executing the
"lpq command".
/* included from printing.h */
struct printjob {
pid_t pid; /* which process launched the job */
int sysjob; /* the system (lp) job number */
int fd; /* file descriptor of open file if open */
time_t starttime; /* when the job started spooling */
int status; /* the status of this job */
size_t size; /* the size of the job so far */
int page_count; /* then number of pages so far */
BOOL spooled; /* has it been sent to the spooler yet? */
BOOL smbjob; /* set if the job is a SMB job */
fstring filename; /* the filename used to spool the file */
fstring jobname; /* the job name given to us by the client */
fstring user; /* the user who started the job */
fstring queuename; /* service number of printer for this job */
NT_DEVICEMODE *nt_devmode;
The current manifestation of the printjob structure contains a field
for the UNIX job id returned from the "lpq command" and a Windows job
ID (32-bit bounded by PRINT_MAX_JOBID). When a print job is returned
by the "lpq command" that does not match an existing job in the queue's
TDB, a 32-bit job ID above the &lt;*vance doesn't know what word is missing here*&gt; is generating by adding UNIX_JOB_START to
the id reported by lpq.
In order to match a 32-bit Windows jobid onto a 16-bit lanman print job
id, smbd uses an in memory TDB to match the former to a number appropriate
for old lanman clients.
When updating a print queue, smbd will perform the following
steps ( refer to <filename>print.c:print_queue_update()</filename> ):
<listitem><para>Check to see if another smbd is currently in
the process of updating the queue contents by checking the pid
stored in <constant>LOCK/<replaceable>printer_name</replaceable></constant>.
If so, then do not update the TDB.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Lock the mutex entry in the TDB and store our own pid.
Check that this succeeded, else fail.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Store the updated time stamp for the new cache
<listitem><para>Retrieve the queue listing via "lpq command"</para></listitem>
foreach job in the queue
if the job is a UNIX job, create a new entry;
if the job has a Windows based jobid, then
Lookup the record by the jobid;
if the lookup failed, then
treat it as a UNIX job;
update the job status only
<listitem><para>Delete any jobs in the TDB that are not
in the in the lpq listing</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Store the print queue status in the TDB</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>update the cache time stamp again</para></listitem>
Note that it is the contents of this TDB that is returned to Windows
clients and not the actual listing from the "lpq command".
The NT_DEVICEMODE stored as part of the printjob structure is used to
store a pointer to a non-default DeviceMode associated with the print
job. The pointer will be non-null when the client included a Device
Mode in the OpenPrinterEx() call and subsequently submitted a job for
printing on that same handle. If the client did not include a Device
Mode in the OpenPrinterEx() request, the nt_devmode field is NULL
and the job has the printer's device mode associated with it by default.
Only non-default Device Mode are stored with print jobs in the print
queue TDB. Otherwise, the Device Mode is obtained from the printer
object when the client issues a GetJob(level == 2) request.
ChangeID and Client Caching of Printer Information
[To be filled in later]
Windows NT/2K Printer Change Notify
When working with Windows NT+ clients, it is possible for a
print server to use RPC to send asynchronous change notification
events to clients for certain printer and print job attributes.
This can be useful when the client needs to know that a new
job has been added to the queue for a given printer or that the
driver for a printer has been changed. Note that this is done
entirely orthogonal to cache updates based on a new ChangeID for
a printer object.
The basic set of RPC's used to implement change notification are
<listitem><para>RemoteFindFirstPrinterChangeNotifyEx ( RFFPCN )</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>RemoteFindNextPrinterChangeNotifyEx ( RFNPCN )</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>FindClosePrinterChangeNotify( FCPCN )</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>RouteRefreshPrinterChangeNotify ( RRPCN )</para></listitem>
One additional RPC is available to a server, but is never used by the
Windows spooler service:
The opnum for all of these RPC's are defined in include/rpc_spoolss.h
Windows NT print servers use a bizarre method of sending print
notification event to clients. The process of registering a new change
notification handle is as follows. The 'C' is for client and the
'S' is for server. All error conditions have been eliminated.
C: Obtain handle to printer or to the printer
server via the standard OpenPrinterEx() call.
S: Respond with a valid handle to object
C: Send a RFFPCN request with the previously obtained
handle with either (a) set of flags for change events
to monitor, or (b) a PRINTER_NOTIFY_OPTIONS structure
containing the event information to monitor. The windows
spooler has only been observed to use (b).
S: The &lt;* another missing word*&gt; opens a new TCP session to the client (thus requiring
all print clients to be CIFS servers as well) and sends
a ReplyOpenPrinter() request to the client.
C: The client responds with a printer handle that can be used to
send event notification messages.
S: The server replies success to the RFFPCN request.
C: The windows spooler follows the RFFPCN with a RFNPCN
request to fetch the current values of all monitored
S: The server replies with an array SPOOL_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA
structures (contained in a SPOOL_NOTIFY_INFO structure).
C: If the change notification handle is ever released by the
client via a FCPCN request, the server sends a ReplyClosePrinter()
request back to the client first. However a request of this
nature from the client is often an indication that the previous
notification event was not marshalled correctly by the server
or a piece of data was wrong.
S: The server closes the internal change notification handle
(POLICY_HND) and does not send any further change notification
events to the client for that printer or job.
The current list of notification events supported by Samba can be
found by examining the internal tables in srv_spoolss_nt.c
When an event occurs that could be monitored, smbd sends a message
to itself about the change. The list of events to be transmitted
are queued by the smbd process sending the message to prevent an
overload of TDB usage and the internal message is sent during smbd's
idle loop (refer to printing/notify.c and the functions
send_spoolss_notify2_msg() and print_notify_send_messages() ).
The decision of whether or not the change is to be sent to connected
clients is made by the routine which actually sends the notification.
( refer to srv_spoolss_nt.c:recieve_notify2_message() ).
Because it possible to receive a listing of multiple changes for
multiple printers, the notification events must be split into
categories by the printer name. This makes it possible to group
multiple change events to be sent in a single RPC according to the
printer handle obtained via a ReplyOpenPrinter().
The actual change notification is performed using the RRPCN request
RPC. This packet contains
<listitem><para>the printer handle registered with the
client's spooler on which the change occurred</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The change_low value which was sent as part
of the last RFNPCN request from the client</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The SPOOL_NOTIFY_INFO container with the event
A <varname>SPOOL_NOTIFY_INFO</varname> contains:
<listitem><para>the version and flags field are predefined
and should not be changed</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The count field is the number of entries
in the SPOOL_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA array</para></listitem>
The <varname>SPOOL_NOTIFY_INFO_DATA</varname> entries contain:
<listitem><para>The type defines whether or not this event
is for a printer or a print job</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The field is the flag identifying the event</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>the notify_data union contains the new valuie of the
<listitem><para>The enc_type defines the size of the structure for marshalling
and unmarshalling</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>(a) the id must be 0 for a printer event on a printer handle.
(b) the id must be the job id for an event on a printer job
(c) the id must be the matching number of the printer index used
in the response packet to the RFNPCN when using a print server
handle for notification. Samba currently uses the snum of
the printer for this which can break if the list of services
has been modified since the notification handle was registered.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>The size is either (a) the string length in UNICODE for strings,
(b) the size in bytes of the security descriptor, or (c) 0 for
data values.</para></listitem>

docs/devel/registry.dot Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
digraph foo {
libwinregistry -> libregistry;
KConfig -> libregistry;
gconf -> libregistry;
"TDB (Samba)" -> libwinregistry;
"Wine registry files" -> libwinregistry;
"RPC (Remote windows server" -> libwinregistry;
"NT4-style Registry files" -> libwinregistry;
libregistry -> libwinregistry;

docs/devel/registry.xml Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
<chapter id="registry">
<pubdate>24 September 2003</pubdate>
<title>The registry subsystem</title>
<sect1><title>Planned backends</title>
The new registry subsystem will work with several different backends:
<listitem><para>NT4 (NT4 registry files)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>TDB (Samba TDB files)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>RPC (Remote Registry over RPC, reg pipe)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>wine (Wine Registry Files)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>gconf (The GNOME configuration backend)</para></listitem>
<sect1><title>Data structures</title>
The following structure describes a registry key:
typedef struct reg_key_s {
char *name; /* Name of the key */
smb_ucs2_t *class_name; /* Name of key class */
int type; /* One of REG_ROOT_KEY or REG_SUB_KEY */
NTTIME last_mod; /* Time last modified */
struct reg_key_s *owner;
struct key_list_s *sub_keys; /* NULL indicates keys not available in memory, function should be called */
struct val_list_s *values; /* NULL indicates values not available in memory, function should be called */
SEC_DESC *security;
REG_HANDLE *handle; /* Pointer to REG_HANDLE this key belongs to */
void *backend_data; /* Pointer used by the backend */
<para>The following structure describes a registry value:</para>
typedef struct val_key_s {
char *name; /* NULL if name not available */
int data_type;
int data_len;
void *data_blk; /* Might want a separate block */
REG_HANDLE *handle; /* Pointer to REG_HANDLE this key belongs to */
void *backend_data;
<para>The following structures are used for lists of subkeys or values:</para>
/* container for registry subkey names */
typedef struct key_list_s {
uint32 num_subkeys;
REG_KEY **subkeys;
/* container for registry values */
typedef struct val_list_s {
uint32 num_vals;
REG_VAL **vals;
And this structure is used for an instance of a registry (a registry file that's opened, a remote registry pipe we're connected to, etc).
typedef struct reg_handle_s {
REGISTRY_OPS *functions;
REG_KEY *root; /* NULL if not available */
void *backend_data;
<title>External interface</title>
REG_HANDLE *reg_open(char *backend, char *location, BOOL try_full_load);
REG_KEY *reg_open_key(REG_KEY *parent, char *name);
REG_VAL *reg_key_get_val(REG_KEY *key, char *name);
REG_VAL_LIST *reg_key_get_vals(REG_KEY *key);
REG_KEY_LIST *reg_key_get_subkeys(REG_KEY *key);
BOOL reg_key_del(REG_KEY *key);
BOOL reg_val_del(REG_VAL *val);
BOOL reg_key_add(REG_KEY *parent, REG_KEY *key);
BOOL reg_val_add(REG_KEY *parent, REG_VAL *val):
BOOL reg_val_update(REG_VAL *val);
BOOL reg_key_update(REG_KEY *key);
void reg_free_key(REG_KEY *key);
void reg_free_val(REG_VAL *val);
void reg_free(REG_HANDLE *h);
void reg_free_key_list(REG_KEY_LIST *list):
void reg_free_val_list(REG_VAL_LIST *list):
<title>Utility functions</title>
<para>The following helper functions are available:</para>
void reg_key_list_init( REG_KEY_LIST *ctr );
int reg_key_list_addkey( REG_KEY_LIST *ctr, const char *keyname );
int reg_key_list_numkeys( REG_KEY_LIST *ctr );
char* reg_key_list_specific_key( REG_KEY_LIST *ctr, uint32 key_index );
void reg_key_list_destroy( REG_KEY_LIST *ctr );
void reg_val_list_init( REG_VAL_LIST *ctr );
int reg_val_list_numvals( REG_VAL_LIST *ctr );
void free_registry_value( REG_VAL *val );
uint8* regval_data_p( REG_VAL *val );
int regval_size( REG_VAL *val );
char* regval_name( REG_VAL *val );
uint32 regval_type( REG_VAL *val );
TALLOC_CTX* reg_val_list_getctx( REG_VAL_LIST *val );
int reg_val_list_addvalue( REG_VAL_LIST *ctr, const char *name, uint16 type,
const char *data_p, size_t size );
int reg_val_list_copyvalue( REG_VAL_LIST *ctr, REG_VAL *val );
int reg_val_list_delvalue( REG_VAL_LIST *ctr, const char *name );
void reg_val_list_destroy( REG_VAL_LIST *ctr );
<title>Writing backends</title>
<para>There are basically two ways of reading data from the registry: loading
it all into memory and then working in this copy in memory, or
re-reading/re-opening it every time necessary.</para>
<para>This interface aims to support both types. </para>
<para>A registry backend should provide the following functions:</para>
typedef struct {
REG_HANDLE *(*open_registry) (const char *location, BOOL try_complete_load);
REG_KEY *(*open_root_key) (REG_HANDLE *);
REG_KEY *(*open_key_rel) (REG_KEY *parent, const char *name);
/* if open_key_abs is set to NULL, a default implementation will be provided. */
REG_KEY *(*open_key_abs) (REG_HANDLE *, const char *name);
REG_KEY_LIST *(*get_subkeys) (REG_KEY *);
REG_VAL_LIST *(*get_values) (REG_KEY *);
BOOL (*add_key)(REG_KEY *, REG_KEY *);
BOOL (*update_key)(REG_KEY *);
BOOL (*del_key)(REG_KEY *);
BOOL (*add_value)(REG_KEY *, REG_VAL *);
BOOL (*update_value)(REG_VAL *);
BOOL (*del_value)(REG_VAL *);
REG_VAL *(*get_value) (REG_KEY *, const char *name);
/* It is not guaranteed that no data has been stored before save()
* has been called. This function is only useful for backends that
* store the data in memory and then write out the whole registry at once */
BOOL (*save)(REG_HANDLE *, const char *location);
BOOL (*close_registry) (REG_HANDLE *);
void (*free_key)(REG_KEY *);
void (*free_value)(REG_VAL *);
<para>open_root_key() is optional. It's only called if the
<parameter>root</parameter> field of the REG_HANDLE struct is NULL.</para>
<para>open_key_abs() is optional. If it's NULL, the frontend will
provide a replacement, using open_key_rel().</para>
<para>get_values() and get_value() are optional. They're only called if
the <parameter>values</parameter> field of the REG_KEY struct is NULL.</para>
<para>get_subkeys() and get_key() are optional. THey're only called
if the <parameter>subkeys</parameter> field of the REG_KEY struct is NULL.</para>
<sect1><title>Memory allocation</title>
<para>Okay, so who's responsible for what parts of the memory? </para>
<para>The memory is basically maintained by the backends. When the user
is finished using a particular structure, it should call the related free
function for the structure it's freeing.</para>
<para>The backend should then decide what to do with the structure. It may
choose to free it, or, if it's maintaining single copies of everything in
memory, may choose to ignore the free and free it when the registry is closed.

docs/devel/rpc_plugin.xml Normal file
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<chapter id="rpc-plugin">
<orgname>Samba Team</orgname>
<pubdate>January 2003</pubdate>
<title>RPC Pluggable Modules</title>
This document describes how to make use the new RPC Pluggable Modules features
of Samba 3.0. This architecture was added to increase the maintainability of
Samba allowing RPC Pipes to be worked on separately from the main CVS branch.
The RPM architecture will also allow third-party vendors to add functionality
to Samba through plug-ins.
<title>General Overview</title>
When an RPC call is sent to smbd, smbd tries to load a shared library by the
name <filename>librpc_&lt;pipename&gt;.so</filename> to handle the call if
it doesn't know how to handle the call internally. For instance, LSA calls
are handled by <filename>librpc_lsass.so</filename>..
These shared libraries should be located in the <filename>&lt;sambaroot&gt;/lib/rpc</filename>. smbd then attempts to call the init_module function within
the shared library. Check the chapter on modules for more information.
In the init_module function, the library should call
rpc_pipe_register_commands(). This function takes the following arguments:
NTSTATUS rpc_pipe_register_commands(int version, const char *clnt, const char *srv,
const struct api_struct *cmds, int size);
<listitem><para>Version number of the RPC interface. Use the define <emphasis>SMB_RPC_INTERFACE_VERSION</emphasis> for this
<listitem><para>the Client name of the named pipe</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>the Server name of the named pipe</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>a list of api_structs that map RPC ordinal numbers to function calls</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>the number of api_structs contained in cmds</para></listitem>
See rpc_server/srv_reg.c and rpc_server/srv_reg_nt.c for a small example of
how to use this library.

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<chapter id="sam">
<pubdate>1 October 2002</pubdate>
<title>The Upcoming SAM System</title>
<title>Security in the 'new SAM'</title>
<para>One of the biggest problems with passdb is it's implementation of
'security'. Access control is on a 'are you root at the moment' basis,
and it has no concept of NT ACLs. Things like ldapsam had to add
'magic' 'are you root' checks.</para>
<para>We took this very seriously when we started work, and the new structure
is designed with this in mind, from the ground up. Each call to the SAM
has a NT_TOKEN and (if relevant) an 'access desired'. This is either
provided as a parameter, or implicitly supplied by the object being
For example, when you call
NTSTATUS sam_get_account_by_name(const SAM_CONTEXT *context, const
NT_USER_TOKEN *access_token, uint32 access_desired, const char *domain,
const char *name, SAM_ACCOUNT_HANDLE **account)
The context can be NULL (and is used to allow import/export by setting
up 2 contexts, and allowing calls on both simultaneously)
The access token *must* be specified. Normally the user's token out of
current_user, this can also be a global 'system' context.
The access desired is as per the ACL, for passing to the seaccess stuff.
The domain/username are standard. Even if we only have one domain,
keeping this ensures that we don't get 'unqualified' usernames (same
problem as we had with unqualified SIDs).
We return a 'handle'. This is opaque to the rest of Samba, but is
operated on by get/set routines, all of which return NTSTATUS.
The access checking is done by the SAM module. The reason it is not
done 'above' the interface is to ensure a 'choke point'. I put a lot of
effort into the auth subsystem to ensure we never 'accidentally' forgot
to check for null passwords, missed a restriction etc. I intend the SAM
to be written with the same caution.
The reason the access checking is not handled by the interface itself is
due to the different implementations it make take on. For example, on
ADS, you cannot set a password over a non-SSL connection. Other
backends may have similar requirements - we need to leave this policy up
to the modules. They will naturally have access to 'helper' procedures
and good examples to avoid mishaps.
(Furthermore, some backends my actually chose to push the whole ACL
issue to the remote server, and - assuming ldap for this example - bind
as the user directly)
Each returned handle has an internal 'access permitted', which allows
the 'get' and 'set' routines to return 'ACCESS_DENIED' for things that
were not able to be retrieved from the backend. This removes the need
to specify the NT_TOKEN on every operation, and allows for 'object not
present' to be easily distinguished from 'access denied'.
When you 'set' an object (calling sam_update_account) the internal
details are again used. Each change that has been made to the object
has been flagged, so as to avoid race conditions (on unmodified
components) and to avoid violating any extra ACL requirements on the
actual data store (like the LDAP server).
Finally, we have generic get_sec_desc() and set_sec_desc() routines to
allow external ACL manipulation. These do lookups based on SID.
<title>Standalone from UNIX</title>
One of the primary tenants of the 'new SAM' is that it would not attempt
to deal with 'what unix id for that'. This would be left to the 'SMS'
(Sid Mapping System') or SID farm, and probably administered via
winbind. We have had constructive discussion on how 'basic' unix
accounts like 'root' would be handled, and we think this can work.
Accounts not preexisting in unix would be served up via winbind.
This is an *optional* part, and my preferred end-game. We have a fare
way to go before things like winbind up to it however.
<title>Handles and Races in the new SAM</title>
One of the things that the 'new SAM' work has tried to face is both
compatibility with existing code, and a closer alignment to the SAMR
interface. I consider SAMR to be a 'primary customer' to the this work,
because if we get alignment with that wrong, things get more, rather
than less complex. Also, most other parts of Samba are much more
flexible with what they can allow.
In any case, that was a decision taken as to how the general design
would progress. BTW, my understanding of SAMR may be completely flawed.
One of the most race-prone areas of the new code is the conflicting
update problem. We have taken two approaches:
<para>'Not conflicting' conflicts. Due to the way usrmgr operates, it will
open a user, display all the properties and *save* them all, even if you
don't change any.
For this, see what I've done in rpc_server/srv_samr_util.c. I intend
to take this one step further, and operate on the 'handle' that the
values were read from. This should mean that we only update things that
have *really* changed.
'conflicting' updates: Currently we don't deal with this (in passdb
or the new sam stuff), but the design is sufficiently flexible to 'deny'
a second update. I don't foresee locking records however.
This is where smbd, samtest and whatever end-user replacement we have
for pdbedit sits. They use only the SAM interface, and do not get
'special knowledge' of what is below them.
<title>SAM Interface</title>
This level 'owns' the various handle structures, the get/set routines on
those structures and provides the public interface. The application
layer may initialize a 'context' to be passed to all interface routines,
else a default, self-initialising context will be supplied. This layser
finds the appropriate backend module for the task, and tries very hard
not to need to much 'knowledge'. It should just provide the required
abstraction to the modules below, and arrange for their initial loading.
We could possibly add ACL checking at this layer, to avoid discrepancies
in implementation modules.
<title>SAM Modules</title>
These do not communicate with the application directly, only by setting
values in the handles, and receiving requests from the interface. These
modules are responsible for translating values from the handle's
.private into (say) an LDAP modification list. The module is expected
to 'know' things like it's own domain SID, domain name, and any other
state attached to the SAM. Simpler modules may call back to some helper
<title>SAM Modules</title>
<title>Special Module: sam_passdb</title>
In order for there to be a smooth transition, kai is writing a module
that reads existing passdb backends, and translates them into SAM
replies. (Also pulling data from the account policy DB etc). We also
intend to write a module that does the reverse - gives the SAM a passdb
This is the first of the SAM modules to be committed to the tree -
mainly because I needed to coordinate work with metze (who authored most
of it). This module aims to use Samba's libads code to provide an
Active Directory LDAP client, suitable for use on a mixed-mode DC.
While it is currently being tested against Win2k servers (with a
password in the smb.conf file) it is expected to eventually use a
(possibly modified) OpenLDAP server. We hope that this will assist in
the construction of an Samba AD DC.
We also intend to construct a Samba 2.2/3.0 compatible ldap module,
again using libads code.
<title>Memory Management</title>
The 'new SAM' development effort also concerned itself with getting a
sane implementation of memory management. It was decided that we would
be (as much as possible) talloc based, using an 'internal talloc
context' on many objects. That is, the creation of an object would
initiate it's own internal talloc context, and this would be used for
all operations on that object. Much of this is already implemented in
passdb. Also, like passdb, it will be possible to specify that some
object actually be created on a specified context.
Memory management is important here because the APIs in the 'new SAM' do
not use 'pdb_init()' or an equivalent. They always allocate new
objects. Enumeration's are slightly different, and occur on a supplied
context that 'owns' the entire list, rather than per-element. (the
enumeration functions return an array of all elements - not full handles
just basic (and public) info) Likewise for things that fill in a char
<para>For example:</para>
NTSTATUS sam_lookup_sid(const SAM_CONTEXT *context, const NT_USER_TOKEN
*access_token, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const DOM_SID *sid, char **name,
uint32 *type)
<para>Takes a context to allocate the 'name' on, while:</para>
NTSTATUS sam_get_account_by_sid(const SAM_CONTEXT *context, const
NT_USER_TOKEN *access_token, uint32 access_desired, const DOM_SID
*accountsid, SAM_ACCOUNT_HANDLE **account)
<para>Allocates a handle and stores the allocation context on that handle.</para>
<para>I think that the following:</para>
NTSTATUS sam_enum_accounts(const SAM_CONTEXT *context, const
NT_USER_TOKEN *access_token, const DOM_SID *domainsid, uint16 acct_ctrl,
int32 *account_count, SAM_ACCOUNT_ENUM **accounts)
Testing is vital in any piece of software, and Samba is certainly no
exception. In designing this new subsystem, we have taken care to ensure
it is easily tested, independent of outside protocols.
To this end, Jelmer has constructed 'samtest'.
This utility (see torture/samtest.c) is structured like rpcclient, but
instead operates on the SAM subsystem. It creates a 'custom' SAM
context, that may be distinct from the default values used by the rest
of the system, and can load a separate configuration file.
A small number of commands are currently implemented, but these have
already proved vital in testing. I expect SAM module authors will find
it particularly valuable.
<para>Example useage:</para>
<para><prompt>$</prompt> <command>bin/samtest</command></para>
> context ads:ldap://
(this loads a new context, using the new ADS module. The parameter is
the 'location' of the ldap server)
> lookup_name DOMAIN abartlet
(returns a sid).
Because the 'new SAM' is NT ACL based, there will be a command to
specify an arbitrary NT ACL, but for now it uses 'system' by default.

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<chapter id="unix-smb">
<pubdate>April 1995</pubdate>
<title>NetBIOS in a Unix World</title>
This is a short document that describes some of the issues that
confront a SMB implementation on unix, and how Samba copes with
them. They may help people who are looking at unix&lt;-&gt;PC
It was written to help out a person who was writing a paper on unix to
PC connectivity.
The SMB protocol has only a loose username concept. Early SMB
protocols (such as CORE and COREPLUS) have no username concept at
all. Even in later protocols clients often attempt operations
(particularly printer operations) without first validating a username
on the server.
Unix security is based around username/password pairs. A unix box
should not allow clients to do any substantive operation without some
sort of validation.
The problem mostly manifests itself when the unix server is in "share
level" security mode. This is the default mode as the alternative
"user level" security mode usually forces a client to connect to the
server as the same user for each connected share, which is
inconvenient in many sites.
In "share level" security the client normally gives a username in the
"session setup" protocol, but does not supply an accompanying
password. The client then connects to resources using the "tree
connect" protocol, and supplies a password. The problem is that the
user on the PC types the username and the password in different
contexts, unaware that they need to go together to give access to the
server. The username is normally the one the user typed in when they
"logged onto" the PC (this assumes Windows for Workgroups). The
password is the one they chose when connecting to the disk or printer.
The user often chooses a totally different username for their login as
for the drive connection. Often they also want to access different
drives as different usernames. The unix server needs some way of
divining the correct username to combine with each password.
Samba tries to avoid this problem using several methods. These succeed
in the vast majority of cases. The methods include username maps, the
service%user syntax, the saving of session setup usernames for later
validation and the derivation of the username from the service name
(either directly or via the user= option).
<title>File Ownership</title>
The commonly used SMB protocols have no way of saying "you can't do
that because you don't own the file". They have, in fact, no concept
of file ownership at all.
This brings up all sorts of interesting problems. For example, when
you copy a file to a unix drive, and the file is world writeable but
owned by another user the file will transfer correctly but will
receive the wrong date. This is because the utime() call under unix
only succeeds for the owner of the file, or root, even if the file is
world writeable. For security reasons Samba does all file operations
as the validated user, not root, so the utime() fails. This can stuff
up shared development diectories as programs like "make" will not get
file time comparisons right.
There are several possible solutions to this problem, including
username mapping, and forcing a specific username for particular
Many SMB clients uppercase passwords before sending them. I have no
idea why they do this. Interestingly WfWg uppercases the password only
if the server is running a protocol greater than COREPLUS, so
obviously it isn't just the data entry routines that are to blame.
Unix passwords are case sensitive. So if users use mixed case
passwords they are in trouble.
Samba can try to cope with this by either using the "password level"
option which causes Samba to try the offered password with up to the
specified number of case changes, or by using the "password server"
option which allows Samba to do its validation via another machine
(typically a WinNT server).
Samba supports the password encryption method used by SMB
clients. Note that the use of password encryption in Microsoft
networking leads to password hashes that are "plain text equivalent".
This means that it is *VERY* important to ensure that the Samba
smbpasswd file containing these password hashes is only readable
by the root user. See the documentation ENCRYPTION.txt for more
Since samba 2.2, samba supports other types of locking as well. This
section is outdated.
The locking calls available under a DOS/Windows environment are much
richer than those available in unix. This means a unix server (like
Samba) choosing to use the standard fcntl() based unix locking calls
to implement SMB locking has to improvise a bit.
One major problem is that dos locks can be in a 32 bit (unsigned)
range. Unix locking calls are 32 bits, but are signed, giving only a 31
bit range. Unfortunately OLE2 clients use the top bit to select a
locking range used for OLE semaphores.
To work around this problem Samba compresses the 32 bit range into 31
bits by appropriate bit shifting. This seems to work but is not
ideal. In a future version a separate SMB lockd may be added to cope
with the problem.
It also doesn't help that many unix lockd daemons are very buggy and
crash at the slightest provocation. They normally go mostly unused in
a unix environment because few unix programs use byte range
locking. The stress of huge numbers of lock requests from dos/windows
clients can kill the daemon on some systems.
The second major problem is the "opportunistic locking" requested by
some clients. If a client requests opportunistic locking then it is
asking the server to notify it if anyone else tries to do something on
the same file, at which time the client will say if it is willing to
give up its lock. Unix has no simple way of implementing
opportunistic locking, and currently Samba has no support for it.
<title>Deny Modes</title>
When a SMB client opens a file it asks for a particular "deny mode" to
be placed on the file. These modes (DENY_NONE, DENY_READ, DENY_WRITE,
DENY_ALL, DENY_FCB and DENY_DOS) specify what actions should be
allowed by anyone else who tries to use the file at the same time. If
DENY_READ is placed on the file, for example, then any attempt to open
the file for reading should fail.
Unix has no equivalent notion. To implement this Samba uses either lock
files based on the files inode and placed in a separate lock
directory or a shared memory implementation. The lock file method
is clumsy and consumes processing and file resources,
the shared memory implementation is vastly prefered and is turned on
by default for those systems that support it.
<title>Trapdoor UIDs</title>
A SMB session can run with several uids on the one socket. This
happens when a user connects to two shares with different
usernames. To cope with this the unix server needs to switch uids
within the one process. On some unixes (such as SCO) this is not
possible. This means that on those unixes the client is restricted to
a single uid.
Note that you can also get the "trapdoor uid" message for other
reasons. Please see the FAQ for details.
<title>Port numbers</title>
There is a convention that clients on sockets use high "unprivilaged"
port numbers (>1000) and connect to servers on low "privilaged" port
numbers. This is enforced in Unix as non-root users can't open a
socket for listening on port numbers less than 1000.
Most PC based SMB clients (such as WfWg and WinNT) don't follow this
convention completely. The main culprit is the netbios nameserving on
udp port 137. Name query requests come from a source port of 137. This
is a problem when you combine it with the common firewalling technique
of not allowing incoming packets on low port numbers. This means that
these clients can't query a netbios nameserver on the other side of a
low port based firewall.
The problem is more severe with netbios node status queries. I've
found that WfWg, Win95 and WinNT3.5 all respond to netbios node status
queries on port 137 no matter what the source port was in the
request. This works between machines that are both using port 137, but
it means it's not possible for a unix user to do a node status request
to any of these OSes unless they are running as root. The answer comes
back, but it goes to port 137 which the unix user can't listen
on. Interestingly WinNT3.1 got this right - it sends node status
responses back to the source port in the request.
<title>Protocol Complexity</title>
There are many "protocol levels" in the SMB protocol. It seems that
each time new functionality was added to a Microsoft operating system,
they added the equivalent functions in a new protocol level of the SMB
protocol to "externalise" the new capabilities.
This means the protocol is very "rich", offering many ways of doing
each file operation. This means SMB servers need to be complex and
large. It also means it is very difficult to make them bug free. It is
not just Samba that suffers from this problem, other servers such as
WinNT don't support every variation of every call and it has almost
certainly been a headache for MS developers to support the myriad of
SMB calls that are available.
There are about 65 "top level" operations in the SMB protocol (things
like SMBread and SMBwrite). Some of these include hundreds of
sub-functions (SMBtrans has at least 120 sub-functions, like
DosPrintQAdd and NetSessionEnum). All of them take several options
that can change the way they work. Many take dozens of possible
"information levels" that change the structures that need to be
returned. Samba supports all but 2 of the "top level" functions. It
supports only 8 (so far) of the SMBtrans sub-functions. Even NT
doesn't support them all.
Samba currently supports up to the "NT LM 0.12" protocol, which is the
one preferred by Win95 and WinNT3.5. Luckily this protocol level has a
"capabilities" field which specifies which super-duper new-fangled
options the server suports. This helps to make the implementation of
this protocol level much easier.
There is also a problem with the SMB specications. SMB is a X/Open
spec, but the X/Open book is far from ideal, and fails to cover many
important issues, leaving much to the imagination. Microsoft recently
renamed the SMB protocol CIFS (Common Internet File System) and have
published new specifications. These are far superior to the old
X/Open documents but there are still undocumented calls and features.
This specification is actively being worked on by a CIFS developers
mailing list hosted by Microsft.

docs/devel/vfs.xml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,797 @@
<chapter id="vfs">
<pubdate> 27 May 2003 </pubdate>
<title>VFS Modules</title>
<title>The Samba (Posix) VFS layer</title>
<title>The general interface</title>
Each VFS operation has a vfs_op_type, a function pointer and a handle pointer in the
struct vfs_ops and tree macros to make it easier to call the operations.
(Take a look at <filename>include/vfs.h</filename> and <filename>include/vfs_macros.h</filename>.)
typedef enum _vfs_op_type {
/* File operations */
} vfs_op_type;
<para>This struct contains the function and handle pointers for all operations.<programlisting>
struct vfs_ops {
struct vfs_fn_pointers {
/* File operations */
int (*open)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
struct connection_struct *conn,
const char *fname, int flags, mode_t mode);
int (*close)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
struct files_struct *fsp, int fd);
ssize_t (*read)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
struct files_struct *fsp, int fd, void *data, size_t n);
ssize_t (*write)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
struct files_struct *fsp, int fd,
const void *data, size_t n);
SMB_OFF_T (*lseek)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
struct files_struct *fsp, int fd,
SMB_OFF_T offset, int whence);
ssize_t (*sendfile)(struct vfs_handle_struct *handle,
int tofd, files_struct *fsp, int fromfd,
const DATA_BLOB *header, SMB_OFF_T offset, size_t count);
} ops;
struct vfs_handles_pointers {
/* File operations */
struct vfs_handle_struct *open;
struct vfs_handle_struct *close;
struct vfs_handle_struct *read;
struct vfs_handle_struct *write;
struct vfs_handle_struct *lseek;
struct vfs_handle_struct *sendfile;
} handles;
This macros SHOULD be used to call any vfs operation.
DO NOT ACCESS conn-&gt;vfs.ops.* directly !!!
/* File operations */
#define SMB_VFS_OPEN(conn, fname, flags, mode) \
(conn), (fname), (flags), (mode)))
#define SMB_VFS_CLOSE(fsp, fd) \
(fsp)-&gt;conn-&gt;vfs.handles.close, (fsp), (fd)))
#define SMB_VFS_READ(fsp, fd, data, n) \
(fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_WRITE(fsp, fd, data, n) \
(fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_LSEEK(fsp, fd, offset, whence) \
(fsp), (fd), (offset), (whence)))
#define SMB_VFS_SENDFILE(tofd, fsp, fromfd, header, offset, count) \
(tofd), (fsp), (fromfd), (header), (offset), (count)))
<title>Possible VFS operation layers</title>
These values are used by the VFS subsystem when building the conn-&gt;vfs
and conn-&gt;vfs_opaque structs for a connection with multiple VFS modules.
Internally, Samba differentiates only opaque and transparent layers at this process.
Other types are used for providing better diagnosing facilities.
Most modules will provide transparent layers. Opaque layer is for modules
which implement actual file system calls (like DB-based VFS). For example,
default POSIX VFS which is built in into Samba is an opaque VFS module.
Other layer types (logger, splitter, scanner) were designed to provide different
degree of transparency and for diagnosing VFS module behaviour.
Each module can implement several layers at the same time provided that only
one layer is used per each operation.
typedef enum _vfs_op_layer {
SMB_VFS_LAYER_NOOP = -1, /* - For using in VFS module to indicate end of array */
/* of operations description */
SMB_VFS_LAYER_OPAQUE = 0, /* - Final level, does not call anything beyond itself */
SMB_VFS_LAYER_TRANSPARENT, /* - Normal operation, calls underlying layer after */
/* possibly changing passed data */
SMB_VFS_LAYER_LOGGER, /* - Logs data, calls underlying layer, logging may not */
/* use Samba VFS */
SMB_VFS_LAYER_SPLITTER, /* - Splits operation, calls underlying layer _and_ own facility, */
/* then combines result */
SMB_VFS_LAYER_SCANNER /* - Checks data and possibly initiates additional */
/* file activity like logging to files _inside_ samba VFS */
} vfs_op_layer;
<title>The Interaction between the Samba VFS subsystem and the modules</title>
<title>Initialization and registration</title>
As each Samba module a VFS module should have a
<programlisting>NTSTATUS vfs_example_init(void);</programlisting> function if it's staticly linked to samba or
<programlisting>NTSTATUS init_module(void);</programlisting> function if it's a shared module.
This should be the only non static function inside the module.
Global variables should also be static!
The module should register its functions via the
NTSTATUS smb_register_vfs(int version, const char *name, vfs_op_tuple *vfs_op_tuples);
</programlisting> function.
<listitem><para>should be filled with SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>this is the name witch can be listed in the
<command>vfs objects</command> parameter to use this module.</para></listitem>
this is an array of vfs_op_tuple's.
(vfs_op_tuples is descripted in details below.)
For each operation the module wants to provide it has a entry in the
vfs_op_tuple array.
typedef struct _vfs_op_tuple {
void* op;
vfs_op_type type;
vfs_op_layer layer;
} vfs_op_tuple;
<listitem><para>the function pointer to the specified function.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>the vfs_op_type of the function to specified witch operation the function provides.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>the vfs_op_layer in whitch the function operates.</para></listitem>
<para>A simple example:</para>
static vfs_op_tuple example_op_tuples[] = {
/* This indicates the end of the array */
NTSTATUS init_module(void)
return smb_register_vfs(SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION, &quot;example&quot;, example_op_tuples);
<title>How the Modules handle per connection data</title>
<para>Each VFS function has as first parameter a pointer to the modules vfs_handle_struct.
typedef struct vfs_handle_struct {
struct vfs_handle_struct *next, *prev;
const char *param;
struct vfs_ops vfs_next;
struct connection_struct *conn;
void *data;
void (*free_data)(void **data);
} vfs_handle_struct;
<listitem><para>this is the module parameter specified in the <command>vfs objects</command> parameter.</para>
<para>e.g. for 'vfs objects = example:test' param would be &quot;test&quot;.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This vfs_ops struct contains the information for calling the next module operations.
Use the SMB_VFS_NEXT_* macros to call a next module operations and
don't access handle-&gt;vfs_next.ops.* directly!</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This is a pointer back to the connection_struct to witch the handle belongs.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This is a pointer for holding module private data.
You can alloc data with connection life time on the handle-&gt;conn-&gt;mem_ctx TALLOC_CTX.
But you can also manage the memory allocation yourself.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>This is a function pointer to a function that free's the module private data.
If you talloc your private data on the TALLOC_CTX handle-&gt;conn-&gt;mem_ctx,
you can set this function pointer to NULL.</para></listitem>
<para>Some useful MACROS for handle private data.
#define SMB_VFS_HANDLE_GET_DATA(handle, datap, type, ret) { \
if (!(handle)||((datap=(type *)(handle)-&gt;data)==NULL)) { \
DEBUG(0,(&quot;%s() failed to get vfs_handle-&gt;data!\n&quot;,FUNCTION_MACRO)); \
ret; \
} \
#define SMB_VFS_HANDLE_SET_DATA(handle, datap, free_fn, type, ret) { \
if (!(handle)) { \
DEBUG(0,(&quot;%s() failed to set handle-&gt;data!\n&quot;,FUNCTION_MACRO)); \
ret; \
} else { \
if ((handle)-&gt;free_data) { \
(handle)-&gt;free_data(&amp;(handle)-&gt;data); \
} \
(handle)-&gt;data = (void *)datap; \
(handle)-&gt;free_data = free_fn; \
} \
#define SMB_VFS_HANDLE_FREE_DATA(handle) { \
if ((handle) &amp;&amp; (handle)-&gt;free_data) { \
(handle)-&gt;free_data(&amp;(handle)-&gt;data); \
} \
<para>How SMB_VFS_LAYER_TRANSPARENT functions can call the SMB_VFS_LAYER_OPAQUE functions.</para>
<para>The easiest way to do this is to use the SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_* macros.
/* File operations */
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_OPEN(conn, fname, flags, mode) \
(conn), (fname), (flags), (mode)))
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_CLOSE(fsp, fd) \
(fsp), (fd)))
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_READ(fsp, fd, data, n) \
(fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_WRITE(fsp, fd, data, n) \
(fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_LSEEK(fsp, fd, offset, whence) \
(fsp), (fd), (offset), (whence)))
#define SMB_VFS_OPAQUE_SENDFILE(tofd, fsp, fromfd, header, offset, count) \
(tofd), (fsp), (fromfd), (header), (offset), (count)))
<para>How SMB_VFS_LAYER_TRANSPARENT functions can call the next modules functions.</para>
<para>The easiest way to do this is to use the SMB_VFS_NEXT_* macros.
/* File operations */
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_OPEN(handle, conn, fname, flags, mode) \
(conn), (fname), (flags), (mode)))
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_CLOSE(handle, fsp, fd) \
(fsp), (fd)))
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_READ(handle, fsp, fd, data, n) \
(fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_WRITE(handle, fsp, fd, data, n) \
(fsp), (fd), (data), (n)))
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_LSEEK(handle, fsp, fd, offset, whence) \
(fsp), (fd), (offset), (whence)))
#define SMB_VFS_NEXT_SENDFILE(handle, tofd, fsp, fromfd, header, offset, count) \
(tofd), (fsp), (fromfd), (header), (offset), (count)))
<title>Upgrading to the New VFS Interface</title>
<title>Upgrading from 2.2.* and 3.0aplha modules</title>
Add &quot;vfs_handle_struct *handle, &quot; as first parameter to all vfs operation functions.
e.g. example_connect(connection_struct *conn, const char *service, const char *user);
-&gt; example_connect(vfs_handle_struct *handle, connection_struct *conn, const char *service, const char *user);
Replace &quot;default_vfs_ops.&quot; with &quot;smb_vfs_next_&quot;.
e.g. default_vfs_ops.connect(conn, service, user);
-&gt; smb_vfs_next_connect(conn, service, user);
Uppercase all &quot;smb_vfs_next_*&quot; functions.
e.g. smb_vfs_next_connect(conn, service, user);
-&gt; SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT(conn, service, user);
Add &quot;handle, &quot; as first parameter to all SMB_VFS_NEXT_*() calls.
e.g. SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT(conn, service, user);
-&gt; SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT(handle, conn, service, user);
(Only for 2.2.* modules)
Convert the old struct vfs_ops example_ops to
a vfs_op_tuple example_op_tuples[] array.
struct vfs_ops example_ops = {
/* Disk operations */
example_connect, /* connect */
example_disconnect, /* disconnect */
NULL, /* disk free *
/* Directory operations */
NULL, /* opendir */
NULL, /* readdir */
NULL, /* mkdir */
NULL, /* rmdir */
NULL, /* closedir */
/* File operations */
NULL, /* open */
NULL, /* close */
NULL, /* read */
NULL, /* write */
NULL, /* lseek */
NULL, /* sendfile */
NULL, /* rename */
NULL, /* fsync */
example_stat, /* stat */
example_fstat, /* fstat */
example_lstat, /* lstat */
NULL, /* unlink */
NULL, /* chmod */
NULL, /* fchmod */
NULL, /* chown */
NULL, /* fchown */
NULL, /* chdir */
NULL, /* getwd */
NULL, /* utime */
NULL, /* ftruncate */
NULL, /* lock */
NULL, /* symlink */
NULL, /* readlink */
NULL, /* link */
NULL, /* mknod */
NULL, /* realpath */
NULL, /* fget_nt_acl */
NULL, /* get_nt_acl */
NULL, /* fset_nt_acl */
NULL, /* set_nt_acl */
NULL, /* chmod_acl */
NULL, /* fchmod_acl */
NULL, /* sys_acl_get_entry */
NULL, /* sys_acl_get_tag_type */
NULL, /* sys_acl_get_permset */
NULL, /* sys_acl_get_qualifier */
NULL, /* sys_acl_get_file */
NULL, /* sys_acl_get_fd */
NULL, /* sys_acl_clear_perms */
NULL, /* sys_acl_add_perm */
NULL, /* sys_acl_to_text */
NULL, /* sys_acl_init */
NULL, /* sys_acl_create_entry */
NULL, /* sys_acl_set_tag_type */
NULL, /* sys_acl_set_qualifier */
NULL, /* sys_acl_set_permset */
NULL, /* sys_acl_valid */
NULL, /* sys_acl_set_file */
NULL, /* sys_acl_set_fd */
NULL, /* sys_acl_delete_def_file */
NULL, /* sys_acl_get_perm */
NULL, /* sys_acl_free_text */
NULL, /* sys_acl_free_acl */
NULL /* sys_acl_free_qualifier */
static vfs_op_tuple example_op_tuples[] = {
Move the example_op_tuples[] array to the end of the file.
Add the init_module() function at the end of the file.
NTSTATUS init_module(void)
return smb_register_vfs(SMB_VFS_INTERFACE_VERSION,&quot;example&quot;,example_op_tuples);
Check if your vfs_init() function does more then just prepare the vfs_ops structs or
remember the struct smb_vfs_handle_struct.
<member>If NOT you can remove the vfs_init() function.</member>
<member>If YES decide if you want to move the code to the example_connect() operation or to the init_module(). And then remove vfs_init().
e.g. a debug class registration should go into init_module() and the allocation of private data should go to example_connect().</member>
(Only for 3.0alpha* modules)
Check if your vfs_done() function contains needed code.
<member>If NOT you can remove the vfs_done() function.</member>
<member>If YES decide if you can move the code to the example_disconnect() operation. Otherwise register a SMB_EXIT_EVENT with smb_register_exit_event(); (Described in the <link linkend="modules">modules section</link>) And then remove vfs_done(). e.g. the freeing of private data should go to example_disconnect().
Check if you have any global variables left.
Decide if it wouldn't be better to have this data on a connection basis.
<member>If NOT leave them as they are. (e.g. this could be the variable for the private debug class.)</member>
<member>If YES pack all this data into a struct. You can use handle-&gt;data to point to such a struct on a per connection basis.</member>
e.g. if you have such a struct:
struct example_privates {
char *some_string;
int db_connection;
first way of doing it:
static int example_connect(vfs_handle_struct *handle,
connection_struct *conn, const char *service,
const char* user)
struct example_privates *data = NULL;
/* alloc our private data */
data = (struct example_privates *)talloc_zero(conn-&gt;mem_ctx, sizeof(struct example_privates));
if (!data) {
DEBUG(0,(&quot;talloc_zero() failed\n&quot;));
return -1;
/* init out private data */
data-&gt;some_string = talloc_strdup(conn-&gt;mem_ctx,&quot;test&quot;);
if (!data-&gt;some_string) {
DEBUG(0,(&quot;talloc_strdup() failed\n&quot;));
return -1;
data-&gt;db_connection = open_db_conn();
/* and now store the private data pointer in handle-&gt;data
* we don't need to specify a free_function here because
* we use the connection TALLOC context.
* (return -1 if something failed.)
VFS_HANDLE_SET_DATA(handle, data, NULL, struct example_privates, return -1);
return SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT(handle,conn,service,user);
static int example_close(vfs_handle_struct *handle, files_struct *fsp, int fd)
struct example_privates *data = NULL;
/* get the pointer to our private data
* return -1 if something failed
SMB_VFS_HANDLE_GET_DATA(handle, data, struct example_privates, return -1);
/* do something here...*/
DEBUG(0,(&quot;some_string: %s\n&quot;,data-&gt;some_string));
return SMB_VFS_NEXT_CLOSE(handle, fsp, fd);
second way of doing it:
static void free_example_privates(void **datap)
struct example_privates *data = (struct example_privates *)*datap;
*datap = NULL;
static int example_connect(vfs_handle_struct *handle,
connection_struct *conn, const char *service,
const char* user)
struct example_privates *data = NULL;
/* alloc our private data */
data = (struct example_privates *)malloc(sizeof(struct example_privates));
if (!data) {
DEBUG(0,(&quot;malloc() failed\n&quot;));
return -1;
/* init out private data */
data-&gt;some_string = strdup(&quot;test&quot;);
if (!data-&gt;some_string) {
DEBUG(0,(&quot;strdup() failed\n&quot;));
return -1;
data-&gt;db_connection = open_db_conn();
/* and now store the private data pointer in handle-&gt;data
* we need to specify a free_function because we used malloc() and strdup().
* (return -1 if something failed.)
SMB_VFS_HANDLE_SET_DATA(handle, data, free_example_privates, struct example_privates, return -1);
return SMB_VFS_NEXT_CONNECT(handle,conn,service,user);
static int example_close(vfs_handle_struct *handle, files_struct *fsp, int fd)
struct example_privates *data = NULL;
/* get the pointer to our private data
* return -1 if something failed
SMB_VFS_HANDLE_GET_DATA(handle, data, struct example_privates, return -1);
/* do something here...*/
DEBUG(0,(&quot;some_string: %s\n&quot;,data-&gt;some_string));
return SMB_VFS_NEXT_CLOSE(handle, fsp, fd);
To make it easy to build 3rd party modules it would be usefull to provide
configure.in, (configure), install.sh and Makefile.in with the module.
(Take a look at the example in <filename>examples/VFS</filename>.)
The configure script accepts <option>--with-samba-source</option> to specify
the path to the samba source tree.
It also accept <option>--enable-developer</option> which lets the compiler
give you more warnings.
The idea is that you can extend this
<filename>configure.in</filename> and <filename>Makefile.in</filename> scripts
for your module.
Compiling &amp; Testing...
<member><userinput>./configure <option>--enable-developer</option></userinput> ...</member>
<member>Try to fix all compiler warnings</member>
<member>Testing, Testing, Testing ...</member>
<title>Some Notes</title>
<title>Implement TRANSPARENT functions</title>
Avoid writing functions like this:
static int example_close(vfs_handle_struct *handle, files_struct *fsp, int fd)
return SMB_VFS_NEXT_CLOSE(handle, fsp, fd);
Overload only the functions you really need to!
<title>Implement OPAQUE functions</title>
If you want to just implement a better version of a
default samba opaque function
(e.g. like a disk_free() function for a special filesystem)
it's ok to just overload that specific function.
If you want to implement a database filesystem or
something different from a posix filesystem.
Make sure that you overload every vfs operation!!!
Functions your FS does not support should be overloaded by something like this:
e.g. for a readonly filesystem.
static int example_rename(vfs_handle_struct *handle, connection_struct *conn,
char *oldname, char *newname)
DEBUG(10,(&quot;function rename() not allowed on vfs 'example'\n&quot;));
errno = ENOSYS;
return -1;

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<chapter id="windows-debug">
<title>Finding useful information on windows</title>
<sect1><title>Netlogon debugging output</title>
<step><para>stop netlogon service on PDC</para></step>
<step><para>rename original netlogon.dll to netlogon.dll.original</para></step>
<step><para>copy checked version of netlogon.dll to system32 directory</para></step>
<step><para>set HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters\DBFlag to 0x20000004</para></step>
<step><para>start netlogon service on PDC</para></step>

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<chapter id="wins">
<pubdate>October 2002</pubdate>
<title>Samba WINS Internals</title>
<title>WINS Failover</title>
The current Samba codebase possesses the capability to use groups of WINS
servers that share a common namespace for NetBIOS name registration and
resolution. The formal parameter syntax is
WINS_SERVER_PARAM = &quot;wins server&quot;
ADDR = ip_addr | fqdn
TAG = string
SEPARATOR = comma | \s+
A simple example of a valid wins server setting is
wins server =
In the event that no TAG is defined in for a SERVER in the list, smbd assigns a default
TAG of &quot;*&quot;. A TAG is used to group servers of a shared NetBIOS namespace together. Upon
startup, nmbd will attempt to register the netbios name value with one server in each
tagged group.
An example using tags to group WINS servers together is show here. Note that the use of
interface names in the tags is only by convention and is not a technical requirement.
wins server =
Using this configuration, nmbd would attempt to register the server's NetBIOS name
with one WINS server in each group. Because the &quot;eth0&quot; group has two servers, the
second server would only be used when a registration (or resolution) request to
the first server in that group timed out.
NetBIOS name resolution follows a similar pattern as name registration. When resolving
a NetBIOS name via WINS, smbd and other Samba programs will attempt to query a single WINS
server in a tagged group until either a positive response is obtained at least once or
until a server from every tagged group has responded negatively to the name query request.
If a timeout occurs when querying a specific WINS server, that server is marked as down to
prevent further timeouts and the next server in the WINS group is contacted. Once marked as
dead, Samba will not attempt to contact that server for name registration/resolution queries
for a period of 10 minutes.

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!== docbook.txt for Samba 3.0
!== Author: David Bannon, D.Bannon@latrobe.edu.au November, 2000
!== Updates: Gerald (Jerry) Carter, jerry@samba.org, Feb. 2001
!== Updates: Jelmer Vernooij, jelmer@samba.org, Aug, 2002
!== Updates: Jelmer Vernooij, jelmer@samba.org, Jun, 2003
What are DocBook documents doing in the Samba Distribution ?
We have converted all samba docs to XML/DocBook V4.2
in order to make them easier to maintain and produce a nicer looking
This short note (strange isn't it how it always starts out as a short note
and becomes a long one ?) will explain very briefly how and why we have
done this.
The format
If you are new to xml, regard an xml file as 'source code'. You don't
read it directly, but use it to create other formats (like the txt and html
included in ../txtdocs and ../htmldocs).
Docbook is a particular XML style, particularly suited to producing
technical manuals.
For more information on DocBook tags and format, see "DocBook: The
Definitive Guide" by Walsh and Muellner, (c) O'Reilly Publishing.
This book covers DocBook V4.2 and is available on-line
at http://www.docbook.org/
The Output
The current Samba CVS tree contains the XML/DocBook source files.
A regularly generated version can be found at http://samba.org/samba/docs/.
The Tools
To generate the docs, you need to have the following packages installed:
* autoconf
* docbook-utils
* xsltproc
* pngtopnm and pnmtops (from the netpbm utilities)
* cvs2cl (for generating the changelog file for the HOWTO)
For generating PDF (thru LaTeX):
* db2latex (from http://db2latex.sf.net/). Make sure to get CVS version
dated 20030622 -- it works best. Versions previous to 20030425 are known
to have problems, as well as current (as of 20031210) snapshots.
* pdflatex
For generating PostScript (thru LaTeX):
* latex
* dvips
For generating ASCII:
* xmlto
This directory now contains a ./configure script and Makefile to
support the automated building of man pages (including HTML versions), and
the building of the Samba-HOWTO-Collection and the
Samba Developers Guide (HTML,DVI,TeX,PDF,PS,Text versions).

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<chapter id="HA">
<title>Performance, Reliability, and Availability</title>
Well, you have reached the chapter before the Appendix. It is customary to attempt
to wrap up the theme and contents of a book in what is generally regarded as the
chapter that should draw conclusions. This book is a suspense thriller and since
the plot of the stories told mostly lead you to bigger, better Samba-3 networking
solutions, it is perhaps appropriate to close this book with a few pertinent comments
regarding some of the things everyone can do to deliver a reliable Samba-3 network.
In a world so full of noise, how can the sparrow be heard?
The sparrow is a small bird whose sounds are drowned out by the noise of the busy
world it lives in. Likewise, the simple steps that can be taken to improve the
reliability and availability of a Samba network are often drowned out by the volume
of discussions about grandiose Samba clustering designs. This is not intended to
suggest that clustering is not important, because clearly it is. This chapter does not devote
itself to discussion of clustering because each clustering methodology uses its own
custom tools and methods. Only passing comments are offered concerning these methods.
<primary>samba cluster</primary>
<ulink url="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&amp;lr=&amp;ie=ISO-8859-1&amp;q=samba+cluster&amp;btnG=Google+Search">A search</ulink>
for <quote>samba cluster</quote> produced 71,600 hits. And a search for <quote>highly available samba</quote>
and <quote>highly available windows</quote> produced an amazing number of references.
It is clear from the resources on the Internet that Windows file and print services
availability, reliability, and scalability are of vital interest to corporate network users.
So without further background, you can review a checklist of simple steps that
can be taken to ensure acceptable network performance while keeping costs of ownership
well under control.
<title>Dissection and Discussion</title>
If it is your purpose to get the best mileage out of your Samba servers, there is one rule that
must be obeyed. If you want the best, keep your implementation as simple as possible. You may
well be forced to introduce some complexities, but you should do so only as a last resort.
Simple solutions are likely to be easier to get right than are complex ones. They certainly
make life easier for your successor. Simple implementations can be more readily audited than can
complex ones.
<primary>broken behavior</primary>
<primary>poor performance</primary>
Problems reported by users fall into three categories: configurations that do not work, those
that have broken behavior, and poor performance. The term <emphasis>broken behavior</emphasis>
means that the function of a partciluar Samba component appears to work sometimes, but not at
others. The resulting intermittent operation is clearly unacceptable. An example of
<emphasis>broken behavior</emphasis> known to many Windows networking users occurs when the
list of Windows machines in MS Explorer changes, sometimes listing machines that are running
and at other times not listing them even though the machines are in use on the network.
A significant number of reports concern problems with the <command>smbfs</command> file system
driver that is part of the Linux kernel, not part of Samba. Users continue to interpret that
<command>smbfs</command> is part of Samba, simply because Samba includes the front-end tools
that are used to manage <command>smbfs</command>-based file service connections. So, just
for the record, the tools <command>smbmnt, smbmount, smbumount,</command> and <command>smbumnt</command> are front-end
facilities to core drivers that are supplied as part of the Linux kernel. These tools share a
common infrastructure with some Samba components, but they are not maintained as part of
Samba and are really foreign to it.
The new project, <command>cifsfs</command>, is destined to replace <command>smbfs</command>.
It, too, is not part of Samba, even though one of the Samba Team members is a prime mover in
this project.
The following table lists typical causes of:
<listitem><para>Not Working (NW)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Broken Behavior (BB)</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Poor Performance (PP)</para></listitem>
<table id="ProbList">
<title>Effect of Common Problems</title>
<tgroup cols="4">
<colspec align="left"/>
<colspec align="center"/>
<colspec align="center"/>
<colspec align="center"/>
<entry><para>File Locking</para></entry>
<entry><para>Hardware Problems</para></entry>
<entry><para>Incorrect Authentication</para></entry>
<entry><para>Incorrect Configuration</para></entry>
<entry><para>LDAP Problems</para></entry>
<entry><para>Name Resolution</para></entry>
<entry><para>Printing Problems</para></entry>
<entry><para>Slow File Transfer</para></entry>
<entry><para>Winbind Problems</para></entry>
<primary>network hygiene</primary>
It is obvious to all that the first requirement (as a matter of network hygiene) is to eliminate
problems that affect basic network operation. This book has provided sufficient working examples
to help you to avoid all these problems.
<title>Guidelines for Reliable Samba Operation</title>
<primary>extreme demand</primary>
Your objective is to provide a network that works correctly, can grow at all times, is resilient
at times of extreme demand, and can scale to meet future needs. The following subject areas provide
pointers that can help you today.
<title>Name Resolution</title>
There are three basic current problem areas: bad hostnames, routed networks, and network collisions.
These are covered in the discussion below.
<title>Bad Hostnames</title>
<primary>netbios name</primary>
When configured as a DHCP client, a number of Linux distributions set the system hostname
to <constant>localhost</constant>. If the parameter <parameter>netbios name</parameter> is not
specified to something other than <constant>localhost</constant>, the Samba server appears
in the Windows Explorer as <constant>LOCALHOST</constant>. Moreover, the entry in the <filename>/etc/hosts</filename>
on the Linux server points to IP address <constant></constant>. This means that
when the Windows client obtains the IP address of the Samba server called <constant>LOCALHOST</constant>,
it obtains the IP address <constant></constant> and then proceeds to attempt to
set up a NetBIOS over TCP/IP connection to it. This cannot work, because that IP address is
the local Windows machine itself. Hostnames must be valid for Windows networking to function
A few sites have tried to name Windows clients and Samba servers with a name that begins
with the digits 1-9. This does not work either because it may result in the client or
server attempting to use that name as an IP address.
<secondary>name lookup</secondary>
A Samba server called <constant>FRED</constant>, in a NetBIOS Domain called <constant>COLLISION</constant>
in a network environment that is part of the fully qualified Internet domain name space known
as <constant>parrots.com</constant>, results in DNS name lookups for: <constant>fred.parrots.com</constant>
and <constant>collision.parrots.com</constant>. It is, therefore, a mistake to name the Domain
(workgroup) <constant>collision.parrots.com</constant> since this results in DNS lookup
attempts to resolve: <constant>fred.parrots.com.parrots.com</constant>, which most likely
fails given that you probably do not have this in your DNS name space.
<primary>Active Directory</primary>
An Active Directory realm called <constant>collision.parrots.com</constant> is perfectly okay,
although it too must be capable of being resolved via DNS, something that functions correctly
if Windows 200x ADS has been properly installed and configured.
<title>Routed Networks</title>
NetBIOS networks (Windows networking with NetBIOS over TCP/IP enabled) makes extensive use
of UDP-based broadcast traffic. You saw that during the exercises in Chapter 1.
UDP broadcast traffic is not forwarded by routers. This means that NetBIOS broadcast-based
networking cannot function across routed networks (i.e., multi-subnet networks) unless
special provisions are made:
<primary>remote announce</primary>
<primary>remote browse sync</primary>
Either install on every Windows client an LMHOSTS file (located in the directory
<filename>C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc</filename>). It is also necessary to
add to the Samba server &smb.conf; file the parameters: <parameter>remote announce</parameter>
and <parameter>remote browse sync</parameter>. For more information, refer to the on-line
manual page for the &smb.conf; file.
Or configure Samba as a WINS server, and configure all network clients to use that
WINS server in their TCP/IP configuration.
<secondary>name resolution</secondary>
The use of DNS is not an acceptable substitute for WINS. DNS does not store specific
information regarding NetBIOS networking particulars that does get stored in the WINS
name resolution database, and that Windows clients require and depend on.
<title>Network Collisions</title>
<primary>collision rates</primary>
Excessive network activity causes NetBIOS network time-outs. Time-outs may result in
blue screen of death (BSOD) experiences. High collision rates may be caused by excessive
UDP broadcast activity, by defective networking hardware, or through excessive network
loads (another way of saying that the network is poorly designed).
The use of WINS is highly recommended to reduce network broadcast traffic, as outlined
in Chapter 1.
<primary>netbios forwarding</primary>
<primary>broadcast storms</primary>
Under no circumstances should the facility be supported by many routers, known as <constant>NetBIOS
forwarding</constant>, unless you know exactly what you are doing. Inappropriate use of this
facility can result in UDP broadcast storms. In one case in 1999, a university network became
unusable due to this being enabled on all routers. The problem was discovered during performance
testing of a Samba server. The maximum throughput on a 100-Base-T (100 MBit/sec) network was
less than 15 KBytes/sec. After the NetBIOS forwarding was turned off, file transfer performance
immediately returned to 11 MBytes/sec.
<title>Samba Configuration</title>
As a general rule, the contents of the &smb.conf; file should be kept as simple as possible.
No parameter should be specified unless you know it is essential to operation.
<primary>document the settings</primary>
Many UNIX administrators like to fully document the settings in the &smb.conf; file. This is a
bad idea because it adds content to the file. The &smb.conf; file is re-read by every <command>smbd</command>
process every time the file time stamp changes (or, on systems where this does not work, every 20 seconds or so).
As the size of the &smb.conf; file grows the risk of introduction of parsing errors increases also.
It is recommended to keep a fully documented &smb.conf; file on hand, and then to operate Samba only
with an optimized file.
The preferred way to maintain a documented file is to call it something like <filename>smb.conf.master</filename>.
You can generate the optimized file by executing:
&rootprompt; testparm -s smb.conf.master > smb.conf
You should carefully observe all warnings issued. It is also a good practice to execute the following
command to confirm correct interpretation of the &smb.conf; file contents:
&rootprompt; testparm
Load smb config files from /etc/samba/smb.conf
Can't find include file /etc/samba/machine.
Processing section "[homes]"
Processing section "[print$]"
Processing section "[netlogon]"
Processing section "[Profiles]"
Processing section "[printers]"
Processing section "[media]"
Processing section "[data]"
Processing section "[cdr]"
Processing section "[apps]"
Loaded services file OK.
'winbind separator = +' might cause problems with group membership.
Server role: ROLE_DOMAIN_PDC
Press enter to see a dump of your service definitions
<primary>fatal problem</primary>
You now, of course, press the enter key to complete the command, or else abort it by pressing Ctrl-C.
The important thing to note is the noted Server role, as well as warning messages. Noted configuration
conflicts must be remedied before proceeding. For example, the following error message represents a
common fatal problem:
ERROR: both 'wins support = true' and 'wins server = &lt;server list&gt;'
cannot be set in the smb.conf file. nmbd will abort with this setting.
<primary>performance degradation</primary>
<primary>socket options</primary>
<primary>socket address</primary>
There are two parameters that can cause severe network performance degradation, <parameter>socket options</parameter>
and <parameter>socket address</parameter>. The <parameter>socket options</parameter> parameter was often necessary
when Samba was used with the Linux 2.2.x kernels. Later kernels are largely self-tuning and seldom benefit from
this parameter being set. Do not use either parameter unless it has been proven necessary to use them.
<primary>strict sync</primary>
<primary>sync always</primary>
<primary>severely degrade</primary>
Another &smb.conf; parameter that may cause severe network performance degradation is the
<parameter>strict sync</parameter> parameter. Do not use this at all. There is no good reason
to use this with any modern Windows client. The <parameter>strict sync</parameter> is often
used together with the <parameter>sync always</parameter> parameter. This, too, can severely
degrade network performance, so do not set it or if you must, do so with caution.
<primary>opportunistic locking</primary>
<primary>file caching</primary>
Finally, many network administrators deliberately disable opportunistic locking support. While this
does not degrade Samba performance, it significantly degrades Windows client performance because
this disables local file caching on Windows clients and forces every file read and written to
invoke a network read or write call. If for any reason you must disable oplocks (opportunistic locking)
support, do so on the share on which it is required only. That way, all other shares can provide
oplock support for operations that are tolerant of it. See <link linkend="ch12dblck"/> for more
<title>Use and Location of BDCs</title>
<primary>routed network</primary>
<primary>wide-area network</primary>
<primary>network segment</primary>
On a network segment where there is a PDC and a BDC, the BDC carries the bulk of the network logon
processing. If the BDC is a heavily loaded server, the PDC carries a greater proportion of
authentication and logon processing. When a sole BDC on a routed network segment gets heavily
loaded, it is possible that network logon requests and authentication requests may be directed
to a BDC on a distant network segment. This significantly hinders wide-area network operations
and is undesirable.
<primary>Domain Member</primary>
<primary>Domain Controller</primary>
As a general guide, instead of adding Domain Member servers to a network, you would be better advised
to add BDCs until there are fewer than 30 Windows clients per BDC. Beyond that ratio, you should add
Domain Member servers. This practice ensures that there is always sufficient Domain Controllers
to handle logon requests and authentication traffic.
<title>Use One Consistent Version of MS Windows Client</title>
Every network client has its own peculiarities. From a management perspective, it is easier to deal
with one version of MS Windows that is maintained to a consistent update level, than it is to deal
with a mixture of clients.
On a number of occasions, particular Microsoft service pack updates of a Windows server or client
have necessitated special handling from the Samba server end. If you want to remain sane, keep you
client workstation configurations consistent.
<title>For Scalability, Use SAN Based Storage on Samba Servers</title>
Many SAN-based storage systems permit more than one server to share a common data store.
Use of a shared SAN data store means that you do not need to use time- and resource-hungry data
synchronization techniques.
<primary>load distribution</primary>
The use of a collection of relatively low-cost front-end Samba servers that are coupled to
a shared backend SAN data store permits load distribution while containing costs below that
of installing and managing a complex clustering facility.
<title>Distribute Network Load with MSDFS</title>
Microsoft DFS (distributed file system) technology has been implemented in Samba. MSDFS permits
data to be accessed from a single share and yet to actually be distributed across multiple actual
servers. Refer to <emphasis>TOSHARG</emphasis>, Chapter 16, for information regarding implementation of an MSDFS installation.
The combination of multiple back end servers together with a front-end server and use of MSDFS
can achieve almost the same as you would obtain with a clustered Samba server.
<title>Replicate Data to Conserve Peak-Demand Wide-Area Bandwidth</title>
<primary>wide-area network</primary>
Consider using <command>rsync</command> to replicate data across the wide-area network during times
of low utilization. Users can then access the replicated data store rather than needing to do so
across the wide-area network. This works best for read-only data, but with careful planning can be
implemented so that modified files get replicated back to the point of origin. Be careful with your
implementation if you choose to permit modification and return replication of the modified file;
otherwise, you may inadvertently overwrite important data.
<title>Hardware Problems</title>
<primary>hardware prices</primary>
<primary>hardware problems</primary>
Networking hardware prices have fallen sharply over the past five years. A surprising number
of Samba networking problems over this time have been traced to defective network interface
cards (NICs) or defective hubs, switches, and cables.
<primary>corrective action</primary>
Not surprising is the fact that network administrators do not like to be shown to have made
a bad decision. Money saved in buying low-cost hardware may result in high costs incurred
in corrective action.
<primary>data corruption</primary>
<primary>slow network</primary>
<primary>low performance</primary>
<primary>data integrity</primary>
Defective NICs, hubs, and switches may appear as intermittent network access problems, intermittent
or persistent data corruption, slow network throughput, low performance, or even as blue-screen-of-death (BSOD)
problems with MS Windows clients. In one case, a company updated several workstations with newer, faster
Windows client machines that triggered problems during logon as well as data integrity problems on
an older PC that was unaffected so long as the new machines were kept shut down.
Defective hardware problems may take patience and persistence before the real cause can be discovered.
<primary>RAID controllers</primary>
Networking hardware defects can significantly impact perceived Samba performance, but defective
RAID controllers as well as SCSI and IDE hard disk controllers have also been known to impair Samba server
operations. One business came to this realization only after replacing a Samba installation with MS
Windows Server 2000 running on the same hardware. The root of the problem completely eluded the network
administrator until the entire server was replaced. While you may well think that this would never
happen to you, experience shows that given the right (unfortunate) circumstances, this can happen to anyone.
<title>Key Points Learned</title>
This chapter has touched in broad sweeps on a number of simple steps that can be taken
to ensure that your Samba network is resilient, scalable, and reliable, and that it
performs well.
Always keep in mind that someone is responsible to maintain and manage your design.
In the long term, that may not be you. Spare a thought for your successor and give him or
her an even break.
Last, but not least, you should not only keep the network design simple, but it should
be well documented. This book may serve as your pattern for documenting every
aspect of your design, its implementation, and particularly the objects and assumptions
that underlie it.

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<preface lang="en-US">
<emphasis>Samba-3 by Example</emphasis> would not have been written except
as a result of feedback provided by reviewers of the book <emphasis>The
Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide.</emphasis> I hope this book
more than answers the challenge and fills the void that was brought to
my attention.
I am deeply indebted to a large group of diligent people. Space prevents
me from listing all of them, but a few stand out as worthy of mention.
Jelmer Vernooij made the notable contribution of building the XML production
environment and thereby made possible the typesetting of this book.
Samba would not have come into existence if Andrew Tridgell had not taken
the first steps. He continues to lead the project. Under the shadow of his
mantle are some great guys who never give up and are always ready to help.
Thank you to: Jeremy Allison, Jerry Carter, Andrew Bartlett, Jelmer Vernooij,
Alexander Bokovoy, Volker Lendecke, and other team members who answered my
continuous stream of questions &smbmdash; all of which resulted in improved content
in this book.
My heartfelt thanks go out also to a small set of reviewers (alphabetically
listed) who gave substantial feedback and significant suggestions for improvement:
Roland Gruber, Luke Howard, Jon Johnston, Alan Munter, Tarjei Huse, Mike MacIsaac,
Scott Mann, Ed Riddle, Santos Soler, Mark Taylor, and Jérôme Tournier.
My appreciation is extended to a team of over 30 additional reviewers who
helped me to find my way around dark corners.
Particular mention is due to Lyndell, Amos and Melissa who gave me the
latitude necessary to spend nearly a entire year writing Samba documentation.

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<title>Conventions Used</title>
The following notation conventions are used throughout this book:
TOSHARG is used as an abbreviation for the book, <quote>The Official Samba-3
HOWTO and Reference Guide,</quote> Editors: John H. Terpstra and Jelmer R. Vernooij,
Publisher: Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0131453556.
Directories and filenames appear in mono-font. For example,
Executable names are bolded. For example, <command>smbd</command>.
Menu items and buttons appear in bold. For example, click <guibutton>Next</guibutton>.
Selecting a menu item is indicated as:
<guimenuitem>Control Panel</guimenuitem>
<guimenuitem>Administrative Tools</guimenuitem>
<guimenuitem>Active Directory Users and Computers</guimenuitem>

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<preface lang="en-US">
<sect1><title>By Dan Kusnetzky, IDC</title>
Dan Kusnetzky, Vice President System Software Research, International Data Corporation
IDC's software research group has been conducting research on the market for software,
including operating environments, for over twenty years. In 1994, the system software
research team started to field questions from its subscribers on Linux. We had very
little empirical data to offer when these queries first were heard, so IDC added Linux
to its operating environment research agenda. The first demand and supply side research
containing IDC's findings on Linux started to appear in early 1995.
IDC has watched as Linux marched from being software for computer hobbyists to being
a mainstream choice in many markets worldwide. This march is very similar to the adoption
cycle UNIX experienced in the 1970s and 1980s. Windows repeated this pattern of adoption
during the 1980s and 1990s. IDC has long projected that Linux would be a mainstream
choice in nearly all markets by the end of 2005. The software is well down that path
now and just might beat IDC's projections.
As of the end of 2002, Linux was the number three desktop or client operating environment,
responsible for nearly 3% of the worldwide shipments of client operating environment
software. Linux was the number two server operating environment, responsible for nearly
25% of the worldwide shipments of server operating environment software. This is an amazing
level of growth from its rather humble beginnings of holding less than 1% share of either
client or server operating environment market when IDC first started publishing its findings
on Linux.
IDC's demand-side studies have indicated that Linux is most often utilized as a platform
for basic infrastructure services, such as supporting access to shared files and printers
or supporting basic networking functions. IDC's most recent survey, conducted in late 2003,
indicated that supporting file and print services was the most common use of Linux. Samba
and NFS are the most commonly mentioned approaches to offering file and print services on
Nearly all of IDC's operating environment studies have shown that Linux is being added
into organizational networks that already include Windows, UNIX, and mainframe operating
environments. This, of course, means that interoperability with these operating environments
is a crucial success factor for Linux.
All of this leads to the book in hand, <emphasis>Samba-3 By Example</emphasis>, by John H. Terpstra, It addresses
the most commonly heard questions about bringing Linux and Samba into a Windows or UNIX
focused environment. Namely, organizations voice concerns about staff having sufficient
levels of expertise to facilitate development, administration, operations and support activities
around the adoption of Linux and Samba. I expect <emphasis>Samba-3</emphasis> by Example will be of enormous help
to Windows or UNIX administrators hoping to gain a level of comfort and familiarity with both
Linux and Samba.
Samba is a mature open source software product that is well established as a leading Windows
file and print technology in use on large-scale UNIX systems. Its stability and scalability
appears to be well respected. This book demonstrates easy approaches to implementing Samba-3
no matter whether your network is large or small. It is a book that would make a fine addition
to the network administrators' library!
<title>By Andrew Tridgell, Samba Team</title>
Andrew Tridgell, President, Samba Team
I've always been the sort of computer user that learns best by
example. Seeing a complete example matching a real-world use of a
piece of software gives me an understanding of that software far
better than reading detailed manuals. If, like me, you are the sort of
computer user that learns best by example then this book is for you.
I was also delighted to see the use of ethereal to illustrate the
network protocols used by Samba. Ethereal has developed into a very
sophisticated network analysis tool, and familiarity with using
ethereal is a very useful skill for any system administrator.
Enjoy this book, and make the most of Samba!

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<glossterm>Access Control List</glossterm>
A detailed list of permissions granted to users or groups with respect to file and network
resource access.
<glossterm>Active Directory Service</glossterm>
A service unique to Microsoft Windows 200x servers that provides a centrally managed
directory for management of user identities and computer objects, as well as the
permissions each user or computer may be granted to access distributed network resources.
ADS uses Kerberos-based authentication and LDAP over Kerberos for directory access.
<glossterm>Common Internet File System</glossterm>
The new name for SMB. Microsoft renamed the SMB protocol to CIFS during
the Internet hype in the 1990s. At about the time that the SMB protocol was renamed
to CIFS, an additional dialect of the SMB protocol was in development. The need for the
deployment of the NetBIOS layer was also removed, thus paving the way for use of the SMB
protocol natively over TCP/IP (known as NetBIOS-less SMB or <quote>naked</quote> TCP
<glossterm>Common UNIX Printing System</glossterm>
A recent implementation of a high-capability printing system for UNIX developed by
<ulink url="http://www.easysw.com/">Easy Software Inc.</ulink> The design objective
of CUPS was to provide a rich print processing system that has built-in intelligence
that is capable of correctly rendering (processing) a file that is submitted for
printing even if it was formatted for an entirely different printer.
<glossterm>Domain Master Browser</glossterm>
The Domain Master Browser maintains a list of all the servers that
have announced their services within a given workgroup or NT domain.
<glossterm>Domain Name Service</glossterm>
A protocol by which computer hostnames may be resolved to the matching IP address/es.
DNS is implemented by the Berkeley Internet Name Daemon. There exists a recent version
of DNS that allows dynamic name registration by network clients or by a DHCP server.
This recent protocol is known as Dynamic DNS (DDNS).
<glossterm>Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol</glossterm>
A protocol that was based on the BOOTP protocol that may be used to dynamically assign
an IP address, from a reserved pool of addresses, to a network client or device.
Additionally, DHCP may assign all network configuration settings and may be used to
register a computer name and its address with a Dynamic DNS server.
A network analyzer, also known as: a network sniffer or a protocol analyzer. Ethereal is
freely available for UNIX/Linux and Microsoft Windows systems from
<ulink url="http://www.ethereal.com">the Ethereal Web site.</ulink>
<glossterm>Group IDentifier</glossterm>
The UNIX system Group Identifier; on older systems, a 32-bit unsigned integer, and on
newer systems, an unsigned 64-bit integer. The GID is used in UNIX-like operating systems
for all group level access control.
<glossterm>Key Distribution Center</glossterm>
The Kerberos authentication protocol makes use of security keys (also called a ticket)
by which access to network resources is controlled. The issuing of Kerberos tickets
is effected by a KDC.
<glossterm>Light Weight Directory Access Protocol</glossterm>
The Light Weight Directory Access Protocol is a technology that
originated from the development of X.500 protocol specifications and
implementations. LDAP was designed as a means of rapidly searching
through X.500 information. Later LDAP was adapted as an engine that
could drive its own directory database. LDAP is not a database per
se; rather it is a technology that enables high volume search and
locate activity from clients that wish to obtain simply defined
information about a sub-set of records that are stored in a
database. LDAP does not have a particularly efficient mechanism for
storing records in the database, and it has no concept of transaction
processing nor of mechanisms for preserving data consistency. LDAP is
premised around the notion that the search and read activity far
outweigh any need to add, delete, or modify records. LDAP does
provide a means for replication of the database so as to keep slave
servers up to date with a master. It also has built-in capability to
handle external references and deferral.
<glossterm>Local Master Browser</glossterm>
The Local Master Browser maintains a list of all servers that have announced themselves
within a given workgroup or NT domain on a particular broadcast isolated subnet.
<glossterm>Media Access Control</glossterm>
The hard-coded address of the physical layer device that is attached to the network.
All network interface controllers must have a hard-coded and unique MAC address. The
MAC address is 48 bits long.
<glossterm>NetBIOS Extended User Interface</glossterm>
Very simple network protocol invented by IBM and Microsoft. It is used to do NetBIOS
over ethernet with low overhead. NetBEUI is a non-routable protocol.
<glossterm>Network Address Translation</glossterm>
Network address translation is a form of IP address masquerading. It ensures that internal
private (RFC1918) network addresses from packets inside the network are rewritten so
that TCP/IP packets that leave the server over a public connection are seen to come only
from the external network address.
<glossterm>Network Basic Input/Output System</glossterm>
NetBIOS is a simple application programming interface (API) invented in the 1980s
that allows programs to send data to certain network names. NetBIOS is always run over
another network protocol such as IPX/SPX, TCP/IP, or Logical Link Control (LLC).
NetBIOS run over LLC is best known as NetBEUI (The NetBIOS Extended User Interface
&smbmdash; a complete misnomer!).
Protocol for transporting NetBIOS frames over TCP/IP. Uses ports 137, 138, and 139.
NetBT is a fully routable protocol.
<glossterm>NT/LanManager Security Support Provider</glossterm>
The NTLM Security Support Provider (NTLMSSP) service in Windows NT4/200x/XP is responsible for
handling all NTLM authentication requests. It is the front end for protocols such as SPNEGO,
Schannel, and other technologies. The generic protocol family supported by NTLMSSP is known as
GSSAPI, the Generic Security Service Application Program Interface specified in RFC2078.
<glossterm>Server Message Block</glossterm>
SMB was the original name of the protocol spoken by Samba. It was invented in the 1980s
by IBM and adopted and extended further by Microsoft. Microsoft renamed the protocol to
CIFS during the Internet hype in the 1990s.
<glossterm>The Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation</glossterm>
The purpose of SPNEGO is to allow a client and server to negotiate a security mechanism for
authentication. The protocol is specified in RFC2478 and uses tokens as built via ASN.1 DER.
DER refers to Distinguished Encoding Rules. These are a set of common rules for creating
binary encodings in a platform-independent manner. Samba has support for SPNEGO.
<glossterm>The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide</glossterm>
This book makes repeated reference to <quote>The Official Samba-3 HOWTO and Reference Guide</quote>
by John H. Terpstra (Author) and Jelmer R. Vernooij (Author). This publication is available from
Amazon.com. Publisher: Prentice Hall PTR (October 2003),
ISBN: 0131453556.
<glossterm>User IDentifier</glossterm>
The UNIX system User Identifier; on older systems, a 32-bit unsigned integer, and on newer systems,
an unsigned 64-bit integer. The UID is used in UNIX-like operating systems for all user level access
<glossterm>Universal Naming Convention</glossterm>
<glossdef><para>A syntax for specifying the location of network resources (such as file shares).
The UNC syntax was developed in the early days of MS DOS 3.x and is used internally by the SMB protocol.

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<title>GNU General Public License</title>
<pubdate>Version 2, June 1991</pubdate>
<year>1989, 1991</year>
<holder>Free Software Foundation, Inc.</holder>
<address>Free Software Foundation, Inc.
<street>59 Temple Place, Suite 330</street>,
<para> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
<releaseinfo> Version 2, June 1991</releaseinfo>
<title>GNU General Public License</title>
<para> The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public License is
intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change
free software - to make sure the software is free for all its users.
This General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit
to using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered
by the GNU Library General Public License instead.) You can apply it
to your programs, too.
<para> When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not price.
Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the
freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for this
service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
programs; and that you know you can do these things.
<para> To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone
to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. These
restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you distribute
copies of the software, or if you modify it.
<para> For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether gratis or
for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that you have. You
must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the source code. And you
must show them these terms so they know their rights.
<para> We protect your rights with two steps:
<para> copyright the software, and
<para> offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
<para> Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain that
everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free software. If
the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we want its
recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so that any
problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original authors'
<para> Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software patents.
We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free program will
individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the program
proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any patent must be
licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
<para> The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and modification
<title>Section 0</title>
<para> This License applies to any program or other work which contains a notice
placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed under the terms
of this General Public License. The "Program", below, refers to any such
program or work, and a
<quote>work based on the Program
</quote> means either
the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: that is to say, a
work containing the Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with
modifications and/or translated into another language. (Hereinafter, translation
is included without limitation in the term
</quote>.) Each licensee is addressed as <quote>you</quote>.
<para> Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not covered by
this License; they are outside its scope. The act of running the Program is not
restricted, and the output from the Program is covered only if its contents
constitute a work based on the Program (independent of having been made by running
the Program). Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
<sect2 id="sect1">
<title>Section 1</title>
<para> You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and appropriately
publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty;
keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any
warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
<para> You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and you may at
your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
<sect2 id="sect2">
<title>Section 2</title>
<para> You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus
forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications
or work under the terms of
<link linkend="sect1">Section 1
</link> above, provided
that you also meet all of these conditions:
<para> You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
you changed the files and the date of any change.
<para> You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in whole or
in part contains or is derived from the Program or any part thereof, to be
licensed as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the terms of
this License.
<para> If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you
must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most
ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate
copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying
that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program
under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
<para> If the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an
announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an
<para> These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections
of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered
independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms,
do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when
you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the
Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose
permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and
every part regardless of who wrote it.
<para> Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest your rights
to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to exercise the right to control
the distribution of derivative or collective works based on the Program.
<para> In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program with the Program
(or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium
does not bring the other work under the scope of this License.
<title>Section 3
<para> You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, under
<link linkend="sect2">Section 2
</link> in object code or executable form under the terms of
<link linkend="sect1">Sections 1
</link> and
<link linkend="sect2">2
</link> above provided that you also do one of the following:
<para> Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable source code, which
must be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
<para> Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three years, to give any
third party, for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source
distribution, a complete machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code,
to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily
used for software interchange; or,
<para> Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute
corresponding source code. (This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial
distribution and only if you received the program in object code or executable form
with such an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
<para> The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications
to it. For an executable work, complete source code means all the source code for all modules
it contains, plus any associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control
compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a special exception, the source
code distributed need not include anything that is normally distributed (in either source or
binary form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the operating system
on which the executable runs, unless that component itself accompanies the executable.
<para> If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering access to copy from a
designated place, then offering equivalent access to copy the source code from the same place
counts as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to
copy the source along with the object code.
<title>Section 4
<para> You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program except as expressly provided
under this License. Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the
Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. However,
parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their
licenses terminated so long as such parties remain in full compliance.
<title>Section 5
<para> You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing
else grants you permission to modify or distribute the Program or its derivative works.
These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying
or distributing the Program (or any work based on the Program), you indicate your acceptance
of this License to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or
modifying the Program or works based on it.
<title>Section 6
<para> Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the Program), the recipient
automatically receives a license from the original licensor to copy, distribute or modify
the Program subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions
on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. You are not responsible for enforcing
compliance by third parties to this License.
<title>Section 7
<para> If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other
reason (not limited to patent issues), conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order,
agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not excuse you
from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously
your obligations under this License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence
you may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent license would not permit
royalty-free redistribution of the Program by all those who receive copies directly or
indirectly through you, then the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be
to refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
<para> If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance,
the balance of the section is intended to apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply
in other circumstances.
<para> It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any patents or other property
right claims or to contest validity of any such claims; this section has the sole purpose of
protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system, which is implemented by public
license practices. Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software
distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system; it is up
to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing to distribute software through any other
system and a licensee cannot impose that choice.
<para> This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the
rest of this License.
<title>Section 8
<para> If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in certain countries either by patents
or by copyrighted interfaces, the original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those countries, so that
distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License
incorporates the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
<title>Section 9
<para> The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License
from time to time. Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ
in detail to address new problems or concerns.
<para> Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program specifies a version number of
this License which applies to it and "any later version", you have the option of following the terms
and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of this License, you may choose any
version ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
<title>Section 10
<para> If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free programs whose distribution
conditions are different, write to the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted
by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions
for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all
derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
<title>NO WARRANTY Section 11
<title>Section 12
<title>How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
&lt;one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.&gt;
Copyright (C) &lt;year&gt; &lt;name of author&gt;
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
&lt;signature of Ty Coon&gt;, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
Public License instead of this License.

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Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 38 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 21 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 26 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 22 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 24 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 56 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 50 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.3 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 7.8 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 23 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 24 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 14 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 16 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 8.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 12 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 6.1 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 3.0 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 16 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 24 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 38 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 39 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 21 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 84 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 96 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 74 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 86 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 98 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 84 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 94 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 82 KiB

Binary file not shown.

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More