mirror of
synced 2025-03-05 20:58:40 +03:00
simpler and more correct srvstr_push()
it now uses outbuf not inbuf for the unicode flag, which allows for some server fns to be ascii and means one less parameter in push calls
This commit is contained in:
@ -185,10 +185,375 @@ void CatchChildLeaveStatus(void);
int vslprintf(char *str, int n, char *format, va_list ap);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cliconnect.c */
BOOL cli_session_setup(struct cli_state *cli,
char *user,
char *pass, int passlen,
char *ntpass, int ntpasslen,
char *workgroup);
BOOL cli_ulogoff(struct cli_state *cli);
BOOL cli_send_tconX(struct cli_state *cli,
char *share, char *dev, char *pass, int passlen);
BOOL cli_tdis(struct cli_state *cli);
void cli_negprot_send(struct cli_state *cli);
BOOL cli_negprot(struct cli_state *cli);
BOOL cli_session_request(struct cli_state *cli,
struct nmb_name *calling, struct nmb_name *called);
BOOL cli_connect(struct cli_state *cli, const char *host, struct in_addr *ip);
BOOL cli_reestablish_connection(struct cli_state *cli);
BOOL cli_establish_connection(struct cli_state *cli,
char *dest_host, struct in_addr *dest_ip,
struct nmb_name *calling, struct nmb_name *called,
char *service, char *service_type,
BOOL do_shutdown, BOOL do_tcon);
BOOL attempt_netbios_session_request(struct cli_state *cli, char *srchost, char *desthost,
struct in_addr *pdest_ip);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clidgram.c */
int cli_send_mailslot(int dgram_sock, BOOL unique, char *mailslot,
char *buf, int len,
const char *srcname, int src_type,
const char *dstname, int dest_type,
struct in_addr dest_ip, struct in_addr src_ip,
int dest_port, int src_port);
int cli_get_response(int dgram_sock, BOOL unique, char *mailslot, char *buf, int bufsiz);
int cli_get_backup_list(const char *myname, const char *send_to_name);
int cli_get_backup_server(char *my_name, char *target, char *servername, int namesize);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clientgen.c */
int cli_set_port(struct cli_state *cli, int port);
BOOL cli_receive_smb(struct cli_state *cli);
BOOL cli_send_smb(struct cli_state *cli);
void cli_setup_packet(struct cli_state *cli);
void cli_setup_bcc(struct cli_state *cli, void *p);
void cli_init_creds(struct cli_state *cli, const struct ntuser_creds *usr);
struct cli_state *cli_initialise(struct cli_state *cli);
void cli_shutdown(struct cli_state *cli);
void cli_sockopt(struct cli_state *cli, char *options);
uint16 cli_setpid(struct cli_state *cli, uint16 pid);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clierror.c */
char *cli_errstr(struct cli_state *cli);
int cli_error(struct cli_state *cli, uint8 *eclass, uint32 *num, uint32 *nt_rpc_error);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clifile.c */
BOOL cli_rename(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname_src, char *fname_dst);
BOOL cli_unlink(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname);
BOOL cli_mkdir(struct cli_state *cli, char *dname);
BOOL cli_rmdir(struct cli_state *cli, char *dname);
int cli_nt_create(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname, uint32 DesiredAccess);
int cli_open(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname, int flags, int share_mode);
BOOL cli_close(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum);
BOOL cli_lock(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum,
uint32 offset, uint32 len, int timeout, enum brl_type lock_type);
BOOL cli_unlock(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum, uint32 offset, uint32 len);
BOOL cli_lock64(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum,
SMB_BIG_UINT offset, SMB_BIG_UINT len, int timeout, enum brl_type lock_type);
BOOL cli_unlock64(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum, SMB_BIG_UINT offset, SMB_BIG_UINT len);
BOOL cli_getattrE(struct cli_state *cli, int fd,
uint16 *attr, size_t *size,
time_t *c_time, time_t *a_time, time_t *m_time);
BOOL cli_getatr(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname,
uint16 *attr, size_t *size, time_t *t);
BOOL cli_setatr(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname, uint16 attr, time_t t);
BOOL cli_chkpath(struct cli_state *cli, char *path);
BOOL cli_dskattr(struct cli_state *cli, int *bsize, int *total, int *avail);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clilist.c */
int cli_list_new(struct cli_state *cli,const char *Mask,uint16 attribute,
void (*fn)(file_info *, const char *, void *), void *state);
int cli_list_old(struct cli_state *cli,const char *Mask,uint16 attribute,
void (*fn)(file_info *, const char *, void *), void *state);
int cli_list(struct cli_state *cli,const char *Mask,uint16 attribute,
void (*fn)(file_info *, const char *, void *), void *state);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cli_lsarpc.c */
struct cli_state *cli_lsa_initialise(struct cli_state *cli, char *system_name,
struct ntuser_creds *creds);
void cli_lsa_shutdown(struct cli_state *cli);
uint32 cli_lsa_open_policy(struct cli_state *cli, BOOL sec_qos,
uint32 des_access, POLICY_HND *pol);
uint32 cli_lsa_close(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol);
uint32 cli_lsa_lookup_sids(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol,
int num_sids, DOM_SID *sids, char ***names,
uint32 **types, int *num_names);
uint32 cli_lsa_lookup_names(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol,
int num_names, char **names, DOM_SID **sids,
uint32 **types, int *num_sids);
uint32 cli_lsa_query_info_policy(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol,
uint16 info_class, fstring domain_name,
DOM_SID * domain_sid);
uint32 cli_lsa_enum_trust_dom(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol,
uint32 *enum_ctx, uint32 *num_domains,
char ***domain_names, DOM_SID **domain_sids);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/climessage.c */
BOOL cli_message_start(struct cli_state *cli, char *host, char *username,
int *grp);
BOOL cli_message_text(struct cli_state *cli, char *msg, int len, int grp);
BOOL cli_message_end(struct cli_state *cli, int grp);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cliprint.c */
int cli_print_queue(struct cli_state *cli,
void (*fn)(struct print_job_info *));
int cli_printjob_del(struct cli_state *cli, int job);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clirap.c */
BOOL cli_api_pipe(struct cli_state *cli, char *pipe_name,
uint16 *setup, uint32 setup_count, uint32 max_setup_count,
char *params, uint32 param_count, uint32 max_param_count,
char *data, uint32 data_count, uint32 max_data_count,
char **rparam, uint32 *rparam_count,
char **rdata, uint32 *rdata_count);
BOOL cli_api(struct cli_state *cli,
char *param, int prcnt, int mprcnt,
char *data, int drcnt, int mdrcnt,
char **rparam, int *rprcnt,
char **rdata, int *rdrcnt);
BOOL cli_NetWkstaUserLogon(struct cli_state *cli,char *user, char *workstation);
int cli_RNetShareEnum(struct cli_state *cli, void (*fn)(const char *, uint32, const char *, void *), void *state);
BOOL cli_NetServerEnum(struct cli_state *cli, char *workgroup, uint32 stype,
void (*fn)(const char *, uint32, const char *, void *),
void *state);
BOOL cli_oem_change_password(struct cli_state *cli, const char *user, const char *new_password,
const char *old_password);
BOOL cli_qpathinfo(struct cli_state *cli, const char *fname,
time_t *c_time, time_t *a_time, time_t *m_time,
size_t *size, uint16 *mode);
BOOL cli_qpathinfo2(struct cli_state *cli, const char *fname,
time_t *c_time, time_t *a_time, time_t *m_time,
time_t *w_time, size_t *size, uint16 *mode,
SMB_INO_T *ino);
BOOL cli_qfileinfo(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum,
uint16 *mode, size_t *size,
time_t *c_time, time_t *a_time, time_t *m_time,
time_t *w_time, SMB_INO_T *ino);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clireadwrite.c */
size_t cli_read(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum, char *buf, off_t offset, size_t size);
ssize_t cli_write(struct cli_state *cli,
int fnum, uint16 write_mode,
char *buf, off_t offset, size_t size);
ssize_t cli_smbwrite(struct cli_state *cli,
int fnum, char *buf, off_t offset, size_t size1);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cli_samr.c */
struct cli_state *cli_samr_initialise(struct cli_state *cli, char *system_name,
struct ntuser_creds *creds);
void cli_samr_shutdown(struct cli_state *cli);
uint32 cli_samr_connect(struct cli_state *cli, char *srv_name,
uint32 access_mask, POLICY_HND *connect_pol);
uint32 cli_samr_close(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *connect_pol);
uint32 cli_samr_open_domain(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *connect_pol,
uint32 access_mask, DOM_SID *domain_sid,
POLICY_HND *domain_pol);
uint32 cli_samr_open_user(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *domain_pol,
uint32 access_mask, uint32 user_rid,
POLICY_HND *user_pol);
uint32 cli_samr_open_group(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *domain_pol,
uint32 access_mask, uint32 group_rid,
POLICY_HND *group_pol);
uint32 cli_samr_query_userinfo(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *user_pol,
uint16 switch_value, SAM_USERINFO_CTR *ctr);
uint32 cli_samr_query_groupinfo(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *group_pol,
uint32 info_level, GROUP_INFO_CTR *ctr);
uint32 cli_samr_query_usergroups(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *user_pol,
uint32 *num_groups, DOM_GID **gid);
uint32 cli_samr_query_groupmem(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *group_pol,
uint32 *num_mem, uint32 **rid, uint32 **attr);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clisecdesc.c */
SEC_DESC *cli_query_secdesc(struct cli_state *cli,int fd);
BOOL cli_set_secdesc(struct cli_state *cli,int fd, SEC_DESC *sd);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cli_spoolss.c */
struct cli_state *cli_spoolss_initialise(struct cli_state *cli,
char *system_name,
struct ntuser_creds *creds);
void cli_spoolss_shutdown(struct cli_state *cli);
uint32 cli_spoolss_open_printer_ex(struct cli_state *cli, char *printername,
char *datatype, uint32 access_required,
char *station, char *username,
uint32 cli_spoolss_closeprinter(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol);
uint32 cli_spoolss_enum_printers(struct cli_state *cli, uint32 flags,
uint32 level, int *returned,
uint32 cli_spoolss_enum_ports(struct cli_state *cli, uint32 level,
int *returned, PORT_INFO_CTR *ctr);
uint32 cli_spoolss_getprinter(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol,
uint32 level, PRINTER_INFO_CTR *ctr);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clistr.c */
int clistr_push(struct cli_state *cli, void *dest, const char *src, int dest_len, int flags);
int clistr_push_size(struct cli_state *cli, const void *dest, const char *src, int dest_len, int flags);
int clistr_pull(struct cli_state *cli, char *dest, const void *src, int dest_len, int src_len, int flags);
int clistr_pull_size(struct cli_state *cli, const void *src, int src_len);
int clistr_align(struct cli_state *cli, int offset);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clitrans.c */
BOOL cli_send_trans(struct cli_state *cli, int trans,
char *pipe_name,
int fid, int flags,
uint16 *setup, int lsetup, int msetup,
char *param, int lparam, int mparam,
char *data, int ldata, int mdata);
BOOL cli_receive_trans(struct cli_state *cli,int trans,
char **param, int *param_len,
char **data, int *data_len);
BOOL cli_send_nt_trans(struct cli_state *cli,
int function,
int flags,
uint16 *setup, int lsetup, int msetup,
char *param, int lparam, int mparam,
char *data, int ldata, int mdata);
BOOL cli_receive_nt_trans(struct cli_state *cli,
char **param, int *param_len,
char **data, int *data_len);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/credentials.c */
char *credstr(uchar *cred);
void cred_session_key(DOM_CHAL *clnt_chal, DOM_CHAL *srv_chal, char *pass,
uchar session_key[8]);
void cred_create(uchar session_key[8], DOM_CHAL *stor_cred, UTIME timestamp,
DOM_CHAL *cred);
int cred_assert(DOM_CHAL *cred, uchar session_key[8], DOM_CHAL *stored_cred,
UTIME timestamp);
BOOL clnt_deal_with_creds(uchar sess_key[8],
DOM_CRED *sto_clnt_cred, DOM_CRED *rcv_srv_cred);
BOOL deal_with_creds(uchar sess_key[8],
DOM_CRED *sto_clnt_cred,
DOM_CRED *rcv_clnt_cred, DOM_CRED *rtn_srv_cred);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/namequery.c */
struct node_status *name_status_query(int fd,struct nmb_name *name,
struct in_addr to_ip, int *num_names);
BOOL name_status_find(int type, struct in_addr to_ip, char *name);
BOOL name_register(int fd, const char *name, int name_type,
struct in_addr name_ip, int opcode,
BOOL bcast,
struct in_addr to_ip, int *count);
struct in_addr *name_query(int fd,const char *name,int name_type,
BOOL bcast,BOOL recurse,
struct in_addr to_ip, int *count);
FILE *startlmhosts(char *fname);
BOOL getlmhostsent( FILE *fp, pstring name, int *name_type, struct in_addr *ipaddr);
void endlmhosts(FILE *fp);
BOOL name_register_wins(const char *name, int name_type);
BOOL name_resolve_bcast(const char *name, int name_type,
struct in_addr **return_ip_list, int *return_count);
BOOL resolve_name(const char *name, struct in_addr *return_ip, int name_type);
BOOL resolve_srv_name(const char* srv_name, fstring dest_host,
struct in_addr *ip);
BOOL find_master_ip(char *group, struct in_addr *master_ip);
BOOL lookup_pdc_name(const char *srcname, const char *domain, struct in_addr *pdc_ip, char *ret_name);
BOOL get_dc_list(BOOL pdc_only, char *group, struct in_addr **ip_list, int *count);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/nmblib.c */
void debug_nmb_packet(struct packet_struct *p);
char *nmb_namestr(struct nmb_name *n);
struct packet_struct *copy_packet(struct packet_struct *packet);
void free_packet(struct packet_struct *packet);
struct packet_struct *parse_packet(char *buf,int length,
enum packet_type packet_type);
struct packet_struct *read_packet(int fd,enum packet_type packet_type);
void make_nmb_name( struct nmb_name *n, const char *name, int type);
BOOL nmb_name_equal(struct nmb_name *n1, struct nmb_name *n2);
int build_packet(char *buf, struct packet_struct *p);
BOOL send_packet(struct packet_struct *p);
struct packet_struct *receive_packet(int fd,enum packet_type type,int t);
struct packet_struct *receive_nmb_packet(int fd, int t, int trn_id);
struct packet_struct *receive_dgram_packet(int fd, int t, char *mailslot_name);
BOOL match_mailslot_name(struct packet_struct *p, char *mailslot_name);
void sort_query_replies(char *data, int n, struct in_addr ip);
char *dns_to_netbios_name(char *dns_name);
int name_mangle( char *In, char *Out, char name_type );
int name_extract(char *buf,int ofs,char *name);
int name_len(char *s1);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/nterr.c */
BOOL get_safe_nt_error_msg(uint32 nt_code,char *msg, size_t len);
char *get_nt_error_msg(uint32 nt_code);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/passchange.c */
BOOL remote_password_change(const char *remote_machine, const char *user_name,
const char *old_passwd, const char *new_passwd,
char *err_str, size_t err_str_len);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/pwd_cache.c */
void pwd_init(struct pwd_info *pwd);
BOOL pwd_is_nullpwd(const struct pwd_info *pwd);
BOOL pwd_compare(struct pwd_info *pwd1, struct pwd_info *pwd2);
void pwd_read(struct pwd_info *pwd, char *passwd_report, BOOL do_encrypt);
void pwd_set_nullpwd(struct pwd_info *pwd);
void pwd_set_cleartext(struct pwd_info *pwd, char *clr);
void pwd_get_cleartext(struct pwd_info *pwd, char *clr);
void pwd_set_lm_nt_16(struct pwd_info *pwd, uchar lm_pwd[16], uchar nt_pwd[16]);
void pwd_get_lm_nt_16(struct pwd_info *pwd, uchar lm_pwd[16], uchar nt_pwd[16]);
void pwd_make_lm_nt_16(struct pwd_info *pwd, char *clr);
void pwd_make_lm_nt_owf(struct pwd_info *pwd, uchar cryptkey[8]);
void pwd_get_lm_nt_owf(struct pwd_info *pwd, uchar lm_owf[24], uchar nt_owf[24]);
/*The following definitions come from lib/smbrun.c */
int smbrun(char *cmd,char *outfile,BOOL shared);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/smbdes.c */
void E_P16(unsigned char *p14,unsigned char *p16);
void E_P24(unsigned char *p21, unsigned char *c8, unsigned char *p24);
void D_P16(unsigned char *p14, unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out);
void E_old_pw_hash( unsigned char *p14, unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out);
void cred_hash1(unsigned char *out,unsigned char *in,unsigned char *key);
void cred_hash2(unsigned char *out,unsigned char *in,unsigned char *key);
void cred_hash3(unsigned char *out,unsigned char *in,unsigned char *key, int forw);
void SamOEMhash( unsigned char *data, unsigned char *key, int val);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/smbencrypt.c */
void SMBencrypt(uchar *passwd, uchar *c8, uchar *p24);
void E_md4hash(uchar *passwd, uchar *p16);
void nt_lm_owf_gen(char *pwd, uchar nt_p16[16], uchar p16[16]);
void SMBOWFencrypt(uchar passwd[16], uchar *c8, uchar p24[24]);
void NTLMSSPOWFencrypt(uchar passwd[8], uchar *ntlmchalresp, uchar p24[24]);
void SMBNTencrypt(uchar *passwd, uchar *c8, uchar *p24);
BOOL make_oem_passwd_hash(char data[516], const char *passwd, uchar old_pw_hash[16], BOOL unicode);
BOOL decode_pw_buffer(char buffer[516], char *new_pwrd,
int new_pwrd_size, uint32 *new_pw_len);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/smberr.c */
char *smb_errstr(char *inbuf);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/unexpected.c */
void unexpected_packet(struct packet_struct *p);
void clear_unexpected(time_t t);
struct packet_struct *receive_unexpected(enum packet_type packet_type, int id,
char *mailslot_name);
/*The following definitions come from lib/snprintf.c */
@ -372,6 +737,23 @@ BOOL user_in_group_list(char *user,char *gname);
BOOL user_in_list(char *user,char *list);
struct passwd *smb_getpwnam(char *user, BOOL allow_change);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_array.c */
void free_void_array(uint32 num_entries, void **entries,
void* add_copy_to_array(uint32 *len, void ***array, const void *item,
void*(item_dup)(const void*), BOOL alloc_anyway);
void* add_item_to_array(uint32 *len, void ***array, void *item);
void free_use_info_array(uint32 num_entries, struct use_info **entries);
struct use_info* add_use_info_to_array(uint32 *len, struct use_info ***array,
const struct use_info *name);
void free_char_array(uint32 num_entries, char **entries);
char* add_chars_to_array(uint32 *len, char ***array, const char *name);
void free_uint32_array(uint32 num_entries, uint32 **entries);
uint32* add_uint32s_to_array(uint32 *len, uint32 ***array, const uint32 *name);
void free_sid_array(uint32 num_entries, DOM_SID **entries);
DOM_SID* add_sid_to_array(uint32 *len, DOM_SID ***array, const DOM_SID *sid);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util.c */
char *tmpdir(void);
@ -440,23 +822,6 @@ BOOL ms_has_wild(char *s);
BOOL mask_match(char *string, char *pattern, BOOL is_case_sensitive);
int _Insure_trap_error(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_array.c */
void free_void_array(uint32 num_entries, void **entries,
void* add_copy_to_array(uint32 *len, void ***array, const void *item,
void*(item_dup)(const void*), BOOL alloc_anyway);
void* add_item_to_array(uint32 *len, void ***array, void *item);
void free_use_info_array(uint32 num_entries, struct use_info **entries);
struct use_info* add_use_info_to_array(uint32 *len, struct use_info ***array,
const struct use_info *name);
void free_char_array(uint32 num_entries, char **entries);
char* add_chars_to_array(uint32 *len, char ***array, const char *name);
void free_uint32_array(uint32 num_entries, uint32 **entries);
uint32* add_uint32s_to_array(uint32 *len, uint32 ***array, const uint32 *name);
void free_sid_array(uint32 num_entries, DOM_SID **entries);
DOM_SID* add_sid_to_array(uint32 *len, DOM_SID ***array, const DOM_SID *sid);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_file.c */
BOOL do_file_lock(int fd, int waitsecs, int type);
@ -685,371 +1050,6 @@ struct in_addr wins_srv_ip( void );
void wins_srv_died( struct in_addr boothill_ip );
unsigned long wins_srv_count( void );
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cli_lsarpc.c */
struct cli_state *cli_lsa_initialise(struct cli_state *cli, char *system_name,
struct ntuser_creds *creds);
void cli_lsa_shutdown(struct cli_state *cli);
uint32 cli_lsa_open_policy(struct cli_state *cli, BOOL sec_qos,
uint32 des_access, POLICY_HND *pol);
uint32 cli_lsa_close(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol);
uint32 cli_lsa_lookup_sids(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol,
int num_sids, DOM_SID *sids, char ***names,
uint32 **types, int *num_names);
uint32 cli_lsa_lookup_names(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol,
int num_names, char **names, DOM_SID **sids,
uint32 **types, int *num_sids);
uint32 cli_lsa_query_info_policy(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol,
uint16 info_class, fstring domain_name,
DOM_SID * domain_sid);
uint32 cli_lsa_enum_trust_dom(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol,
uint32 *enum_ctx, uint32 *num_domains,
char ***domain_names, DOM_SID **domain_sids);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cli_samr.c */
struct cli_state *cli_samr_initialise(struct cli_state *cli, char *system_name,
struct ntuser_creds *creds);
void cli_samr_shutdown(struct cli_state *cli);
uint32 cli_samr_connect(struct cli_state *cli, char *srv_name,
uint32 access_mask, POLICY_HND *connect_pol);
uint32 cli_samr_close(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *connect_pol);
uint32 cli_samr_open_domain(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *connect_pol,
uint32 access_mask, DOM_SID *domain_sid,
POLICY_HND *domain_pol);
uint32 cli_samr_open_user(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *domain_pol,
uint32 access_mask, uint32 user_rid,
POLICY_HND *user_pol);
uint32 cli_samr_open_group(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *domain_pol,
uint32 access_mask, uint32 group_rid,
POLICY_HND *group_pol);
uint32 cli_samr_query_userinfo(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *user_pol,
uint16 switch_value, SAM_USERINFO_CTR *ctr);
uint32 cli_samr_query_groupinfo(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *group_pol,
uint32 info_level, GROUP_INFO_CTR *ctr);
uint32 cli_samr_query_usergroups(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *user_pol,
uint32 *num_groups, DOM_GID **gid);
uint32 cli_samr_query_groupmem(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *group_pol,
uint32 *num_mem, uint32 **rid, uint32 **attr);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cli_spoolss.c */
struct cli_state *cli_spoolss_initialise(struct cli_state *cli,
char *system_name,
struct ntuser_creds *creds);
void cli_spoolss_shutdown(struct cli_state *cli);
uint32 cli_spoolss_open_printer_ex(struct cli_state *cli, char *printername,
char *datatype, uint32 access_required,
char *station, char *username,
uint32 cli_spoolss_closeprinter(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol);
uint32 cli_spoolss_enum_printers(struct cli_state *cli, uint32 flags,
uint32 level, int *returned,
uint32 cli_spoolss_enum_ports(struct cli_state *cli, uint32 level,
int *returned, PORT_INFO_CTR *ctr);
uint32 cli_spoolss_getprinter(struct cli_state *cli, POLICY_HND *pol,
uint32 level, PRINTER_INFO_CTR *ctr);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cliconnect.c */
BOOL cli_session_setup(struct cli_state *cli,
char *user,
char *pass, int passlen,
char *ntpass, int ntpasslen,
char *workgroup);
BOOL cli_ulogoff(struct cli_state *cli);
BOOL cli_send_tconX(struct cli_state *cli,
char *share, char *dev, char *pass, int passlen);
BOOL cli_tdis(struct cli_state *cli);
void cli_negprot_send(struct cli_state *cli);
BOOL cli_negprot(struct cli_state *cli);
BOOL cli_session_request(struct cli_state *cli,
struct nmb_name *calling, struct nmb_name *called);
BOOL cli_connect(struct cli_state *cli, const char *host, struct in_addr *ip);
BOOL cli_reestablish_connection(struct cli_state *cli);
BOOL cli_establish_connection(struct cli_state *cli,
char *dest_host, struct in_addr *dest_ip,
struct nmb_name *calling, struct nmb_name *called,
char *service, char *service_type,
BOOL do_shutdown, BOOL do_tcon);
BOOL attempt_netbios_session_request(struct cli_state *cli, char *srchost, char *desthost,
struct in_addr *pdest_ip);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clidgram.c */
int cli_send_mailslot(int dgram_sock, BOOL unique, char *mailslot,
char *buf, int len,
const char *srcname, int src_type,
const char *dstname, int dest_type,
struct in_addr dest_ip, struct in_addr src_ip,
int dest_port, int src_port);
int cli_get_response(int dgram_sock, BOOL unique, char *mailslot, char *buf, int bufsiz);
int cli_get_backup_list(const char *myname, const char *send_to_name);
int cli_get_backup_server(char *my_name, char *target, char *servername, int namesize);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clientgen.c */
int cli_set_port(struct cli_state *cli, int port);
BOOL cli_receive_smb(struct cli_state *cli);
BOOL cli_send_smb(struct cli_state *cli);
void cli_setup_packet(struct cli_state *cli);
void cli_setup_bcc(struct cli_state *cli, void *p);
void cli_init_creds(struct cli_state *cli, const struct ntuser_creds *usr);
struct cli_state *cli_initialise(struct cli_state *cli);
void cli_shutdown(struct cli_state *cli);
void cli_sockopt(struct cli_state *cli, char *options);
uint16 cli_setpid(struct cli_state *cli, uint16 pid);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clierror.c */
char *cli_errstr(struct cli_state *cli);
int cli_error(struct cli_state *cli, uint8 *eclass, uint32 *num, uint32 *nt_rpc_error);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clifile.c */
BOOL cli_rename(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname_src, char *fname_dst);
BOOL cli_unlink(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname);
BOOL cli_mkdir(struct cli_state *cli, char *dname);
BOOL cli_rmdir(struct cli_state *cli, char *dname);
int cli_nt_create(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname, uint32 DesiredAccess);
int cli_open(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname, int flags, int share_mode);
BOOL cli_close(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum);
BOOL cli_lock(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum,
uint32 offset, uint32 len, int timeout, enum brl_type lock_type);
BOOL cli_unlock(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum, uint32 offset, uint32 len);
BOOL cli_lock64(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum,
SMB_BIG_UINT offset, SMB_BIG_UINT len, int timeout, enum brl_type lock_type);
BOOL cli_unlock64(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum, SMB_BIG_UINT offset, SMB_BIG_UINT len);
BOOL cli_getattrE(struct cli_state *cli, int fd,
uint16 *attr, size_t *size,
time_t *c_time, time_t *a_time, time_t *m_time);
BOOL cli_getatr(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname,
uint16 *attr, size_t *size, time_t *t);
BOOL cli_setatr(struct cli_state *cli, char *fname, uint16 attr, time_t t);
BOOL cli_chkpath(struct cli_state *cli, char *path);
BOOL cli_dskattr(struct cli_state *cli, int *bsize, int *total, int *avail);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clilist.c */
int cli_list_new(struct cli_state *cli,const char *Mask,uint16 attribute,
void (*fn)(file_info *, const char *, void *), void *state);
int cli_list_old(struct cli_state *cli,const char *Mask,uint16 attribute,
void (*fn)(file_info *, const char *, void *), void *state);
int cli_list(struct cli_state *cli,const char *Mask,uint16 attribute,
void (*fn)(file_info *, const char *, void *), void *state);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/climessage.c */
BOOL cli_message_start(struct cli_state *cli, char *host, char *username,
int *grp);
BOOL cli_message_text(struct cli_state *cli, char *msg, int len, int grp);
BOOL cli_message_end(struct cli_state *cli, int grp);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cliprint.c */
int cli_print_queue(struct cli_state *cli,
void (*fn)(struct print_job_info *));
int cli_printjob_del(struct cli_state *cli, int job);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clirap.c */
BOOL cli_api_pipe(struct cli_state *cli, char *pipe_name,
uint16 *setup, uint32 setup_count, uint32 max_setup_count,
char *params, uint32 param_count, uint32 max_param_count,
char *data, uint32 data_count, uint32 max_data_count,
char **rparam, uint32 *rparam_count,
char **rdata, uint32 *rdata_count);
BOOL cli_api(struct cli_state *cli,
char *param, int prcnt, int mprcnt,
char *data, int drcnt, int mdrcnt,
char **rparam, int *rprcnt,
char **rdata, int *rdrcnt);
BOOL cli_NetWkstaUserLogon(struct cli_state *cli,char *user, char *workstation);
int cli_RNetShareEnum(struct cli_state *cli, void (*fn)(const char *, uint32, const char *, void *), void *state);
BOOL cli_NetServerEnum(struct cli_state *cli, char *workgroup, uint32 stype,
void (*fn)(const char *, uint32, const char *, void *),
void *state);
BOOL cli_oem_change_password(struct cli_state *cli, const char *user, const char *new_password,
const char *old_password);
BOOL cli_qpathinfo(struct cli_state *cli, const char *fname,
time_t *c_time, time_t *a_time, time_t *m_time,
size_t *size, uint16 *mode);
BOOL cli_qpathinfo2(struct cli_state *cli, const char *fname,
time_t *c_time, time_t *a_time, time_t *m_time,
time_t *w_time, size_t *size, uint16 *mode,
SMB_INO_T *ino);
BOOL cli_qfileinfo(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum,
uint16 *mode, size_t *size,
time_t *c_time, time_t *a_time, time_t *m_time,
time_t *w_time, SMB_INO_T *ino);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clireadwrite.c */
size_t cli_read(struct cli_state *cli, int fnum, char *buf, off_t offset, size_t size);
ssize_t cli_write(struct cli_state *cli,
int fnum, uint16 write_mode,
char *buf, off_t offset, size_t size);
ssize_t cli_smbwrite(struct cli_state *cli,
int fnum, char *buf, off_t offset, size_t size1);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clisecdesc.c */
SEC_DESC *cli_query_secdesc(struct cli_state *cli,int fd);
BOOL cli_set_secdesc(struct cli_state *cli,int fd, SEC_DESC *sd);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clistr.c */
int clistr_push(struct cli_state *cli, void *dest, const char *src, int dest_len, int flags);
int clistr_push_size(struct cli_state *cli, const void *dest, const char *src, int dest_len, int flags);
int clistr_pull(struct cli_state *cli, char *dest, const void *src, int dest_len, int src_len, int flags);
int clistr_pull_size(struct cli_state *cli, const void *src, int src_len);
int clistr_align(struct cli_state *cli, int offset);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/clitrans.c */
BOOL cli_send_trans(struct cli_state *cli, int trans,
char *pipe_name,
int fid, int flags,
uint16 *setup, int lsetup, int msetup,
char *param, int lparam, int mparam,
char *data, int ldata, int mdata);
BOOL cli_receive_trans(struct cli_state *cli,int trans,
char **param, int *param_len,
char **data, int *data_len);
BOOL cli_send_nt_trans(struct cli_state *cli,
int function,
int flags,
uint16 *setup, int lsetup, int msetup,
char *param, int lparam, int mparam,
char *data, int ldata, int mdata);
BOOL cli_receive_nt_trans(struct cli_state *cli,
char **param, int *param_len,
char **data, int *data_len);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/credentials.c */
char *credstr(uchar *cred);
void cred_session_key(DOM_CHAL *clnt_chal, DOM_CHAL *srv_chal, char *pass,
uchar session_key[8]);
void cred_create(uchar session_key[8], DOM_CHAL *stor_cred, UTIME timestamp,
DOM_CHAL *cred);
int cred_assert(DOM_CHAL *cred, uchar session_key[8], DOM_CHAL *stored_cred,
UTIME timestamp);
BOOL clnt_deal_with_creds(uchar sess_key[8],
DOM_CRED *sto_clnt_cred, DOM_CRED *rcv_srv_cred);
BOOL deal_with_creds(uchar sess_key[8],
DOM_CRED *sto_clnt_cred,
DOM_CRED *rcv_clnt_cred, DOM_CRED *rtn_srv_cred);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/namequery.c */
struct node_status *name_status_query(int fd,struct nmb_name *name,
struct in_addr to_ip, int *num_names);
BOOL name_status_find(int type, struct in_addr to_ip, char *name);
BOOL name_register(int fd, const char *name, int name_type,
struct in_addr name_ip, int opcode,
BOOL bcast,
struct in_addr to_ip, int *count);
struct in_addr *name_query(int fd,const char *name,int name_type,
BOOL bcast,BOOL recurse,
struct in_addr to_ip, int *count);
FILE *startlmhosts(char *fname);
BOOL getlmhostsent( FILE *fp, pstring name, int *name_type, struct in_addr *ipaddr);
void endlmhosts(FILE *fp);
BOOL name_register_wins(const char *name, int name_type);
BOOL name_resolve_bcast(const char *name, int name_type,
struct in_addr **return_ip_list, int *return_count);
BOOL resolve_name(const char *name, struct in_addr *return_ip, int name_type);
BOOL resolve_srv_name(const char* srv_name, fstring dest_host,
struct in_addr *ip);
BOOL find_master_ip(char *group, struct in_addr *master_ip);
BOOL lookup_pdc_name(const char *srcname, const char *domain, struct in_addr *pdc_ip, char *ret_name);
BOOL get_dc_list(BOOL pdc_only, char *group, struct in_addr **ip_list, int *count);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/nmblib.c */
void debug_nmb_packet(struct packet_struct *p);
char *nmb_namestr(struct nmb_name *n);
struct packet_struct *copy_packet(struct packet_struct *packet);
void free_packet(struct packet_struct *packet);
struct packet_struct *parse_packet(char *buf,int length,
enum packet_type packet_type);
struct packet_struct *read_packet(int fd,enum packet_type packet_type);
void make_nmb_name( struct nmb_name *n, const char *name, int type);
BOOL nmb_name_equal(struct nmb_name *n1, struct nmb_name *n2);
int build_packet(char *buf, struct packet_struct *p);
BOOL send_packet(struct packet_struct *p);
struct packet_struct *receive_packet(int fd,enum packet_type type,int t);
struct packet_struct *receive_nmb_packet(int fd, int t, int trn_id);
struct packet_struct *receive_dgram_packet(int fd, int t, char *mailslot_name);
BOOL match_mailslot_name(struct packet_struct *p, char *mailslot_name);
void sort_query_replies(char *data, int n, struct in_addr ip);
char *dns_to_netbios_name(char *dns_name);
int name_mangle( char *In, char *Out, char name_type );
int name_extract(char *buf,int ofs,char *name);
int name_len(char *s1);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/nterr.c */
BOOL get_safe_nt_error_msg(uint32 nt_code,char *msg, size_t len);
char *get_nt_error_msg(uint32 nt_code);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/passchange.c */
BOOL remote_password_change(const char *remote_machine, const char *user_name,
const char *old_passwd, const char *new_passwd,
char *err_str, size_t err_str_len);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/pwd_cache.c */
void pwd_init(struct pwd_info *pwd);
BOOL pwd_is_nullpwd(const struct pwd_info *pwd);
BOOL pwd_compare(struct pwd_info *pwd1, struct pwd_info *pwd2);
void pwd_read(struct pwd_info *pwd, char *passwd_report, BOOL do_encrypt);
void pwd_set_nullpwd(struct pwd_info *pwd);
void pwd_set_cleartext(struct pwd_info *pwd, char *clr);
void pwd_get_cleartext(struct pwd_info *pwd, char *clr);
void pwd_set_lm_nt_16(struct pwd_info *pwd, uchar lm_pwd[16], uchar nt_pwd[16]);
void pwd_get_lm_nt_16(struct pwd_info *pwd, uchar lm_pwd[16], uchar nt_pwd[16]);
void pwd_make_lm_nt_16(struct pwd_info *pwd, char *clr);
void pwd_make_lm_nt_owf(struct pwd_info *pwd, uchar cryptkey[8]);
void pwd_get_lm_nt_owf(struct pwd_info *pwd, uchar lm_owf[24], uchar nt_owf[24]);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/smbdes.c */
void E_P16(unsigned char *p14,unsigned char *p16);
void E_P24(unsigned char *p21, unsigned char *c8, unsigned char *p24);
void D_P16(unsigned char *p14, unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out);
void E_old_pw_hash( unsigned char *p14, unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out);
void cred_hash1(unsigned char *out,unsigned char *in,unsigned char *key);
void cred_hash2(unsigned char *out,unsigned char *in,unsigned char *key);
void cred_hash3(unsigned char *out,unsigned char *in,unsigned char *key, int forw);
void SamOEMhash( unsigned char *data, unsigned char *key, int val);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/smbencrypt.c */
void SMBencrypt(uchar *passwd, uchar *c8, uchar *p24);
void E_md4hash(uchar *passwd, uchar *p16);
void nt_lm_owf_gen(char *pwd, uchar nt_p16[16], uchar p16[16]);
void SMBOWFencrypt(uchar passwd[16], uchar *c8, uchar p24[24]);
void NTLMSSPOWFencrypt(uchar passwd[8], uchar *ntlmchalresp, uchar p24[24]);
void SMBNTencrypt(uchar *passwd, uchar *c8, uchar *p24);
BOOL make_oem_passwd_hash(char data[516], const char *passwd, uchar old_pw_hash[16], BOOL unicode);
BOOL decode_pw_buffer(char buffer[516], char *new_pwrd,
int new_pwrd_size, uint32 *new_pw_len);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/smberr.c */
char *smb_errstr(char *inbuf);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/unexpected.c */
void unexpected_packet(struct packet_struct *p);
void clear_unexpected(time_t t);
struct packet_struct *receive_unexpected(enum packet_type packet_type, int id,
char *mailslot_name);
/*The following definitions come from locking/brlock.c */
void brl_init(int read_only);
@ -1136,9 +1136,6 @@ BOOL queue_dns_query(struct packet_struct *p,struct nmb_name *question,
struct name_record **n);
void kill_async_dns_child(void);
/*The following definitions come from nmbd/nmbd.c */
/*The following definitions come from nmbd/nmbd_become_dmb.c */
void add_domain_names(time_t t);
@ -1169,6 +1166,9 @@ void announce_and_sync_with_domain_master_browser( struct subnet_record *subrec,
void collect_all_workgroup_names_from_wins_server(time_t t);
void sync_all_dmbs(time_t t);
/*The following definitions come from nmbd/nmbd.c */
/*The following definitions come from nmbd/nmbd_elections.c */
void check_master_browser_exists(time_t t);
@ -1979,11 +1979,6 @@ void pcap_printer_fn(void (*fn)(char *, char *));
void cups_printer_fn(void (*fn)(char *, char *));
int cups_printername_ok(char *name);
/*The following definitions come from printing/print_svid.c */
void sysv_printer_fn(void (*fn)(char *, char *));
int sysv_printername_ok(char *name);
/*The following definitions come from printing/printfsp.c */
files_struct *print_fsp_open(connection_struct *conn,char *jobname);
@ -2012,6 +2007,11 @@ BOOL print_queue_pause(struct current_user *user, int snum, int *errcode);
BOOL print_queue_resume(struct current_user *user, int snum, int *errcode);
BOOL print_queue_purge(struct current_user *user, int snum, int *errcode);
/*The following definitions come from printing/print_svid.c */
void sysv_printer_fn(void (*fn)(char *, char *));
int sysv_printername_ok(char *name);
/*The following definitions come from profile/profile.c */
void profile_message(int msg_type, pid_t src, void *buf, size_t len);
@ -2222,6 +2222,15 @@ BOOL do_wks_query_info(struct cli_state *cli,
char *server_name, uint32 switch_value,
WKS_INFO_100 *wks100);
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/cmd_lsarpc.c */
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/cmd_samr.c */
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/cmd_spoolss.c */
/*The following definitions come from rpc_client/ncacn_np_use.c */
BOOL ncacn_np_use_del(const char *srv_name, const char *pipe_name,
@ -2235,6 +2244,12 @@ struct ncacn_np *ncacn_np_use_add(const char *pipe_name,
const struct ntuser_creds *ntc,
BOOL reuse, BOOL *is_new_connection);
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/rpcclient.c */
void fetch_domain_sid(void);
void init_rpcclient_creds(struct ntuser_creds *creds);
void add_command_set(struct cmd_set *cmd_set);
/*The following definitions come from rpc_parse/parse_creds.c */
BOOL make_creds_unix(CREDS_UNIX *r_u, const char* user_name,
@ -3656,21 +3671,6 @@ BOOL api_wkssvc_rpc(pipes_struct *p);
uint32 _wks_query_info(pipes_struct *p, WKS_Q_QUERY_INFO *q_u, WKS_R_QUERY_INFO *r_u);
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/cmd_lsarpc.c */
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/cmd_samr.c */
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/cmd_spoolss.c */
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/rpcclient.c */
void fetch_domain_sid(void);
void init_rpcclient_creds(struct ntuser_creds *creds);
void add_command_set(struct cmd_set *cmd_set);
/*The following definitions come from smbd/blocking.c */
BOOL push_blocking_lock_request( char *inbuf, int length, int lock_timeout, int lock_num);
@ -4075,8 +4075,8 @@ void close_cnum(connection_struct *conn, uint16 vuid);
/*The following definitions come from smbd/srvstr.c */
int srvstr_push(void *inbuf, void *outbuf, void *dest, const char *src, int dest_len, int flags);
int srvstr_push_size(void *inbuf, void *outbuf,
int srvstr_push(void *outbuf, void *dest, const char *src, int dest_len, int flags);
int srvstr_push_size(void *outbuf,
const void *dest, const char *src, int dest_len, int flags);
int srvstr_pull(void *inbuf, char *dest, const void *src, int dest_len, int src_len, int flags);
int srvstr_pull_size(void *inbuf, const void *src, int src_len);
@ -4125,6 +4125,25 @@ DOM_SID *gid_to_sid(DOM_SID *psid, gid_t gid);
BOOL sid_to_uid(DOM_SID *psid, uid_t *puid, enum SID_NAME_USE *sidtype);
BOOL sid_to_gid(DOM_SID *psid, gid_t *pgid, enum SID_NAME_USE *sidtype);
/*The following definitions come from smbd/vfs.c */
int vfs_init_default(connection_struct *conn);
BOOL vfs_init_custom(connection_struct *conn);
BOOL vfs_directory_exist(connection_struct *conn, char *dname, SMB_STRUCT_STAT *st);
int vfs_mkdir(connection_struct *conn, char *fname, mode_t mode);
char *vfs_getwd(connection_struct *conn, char *unix_path);
BOOL vfs_file_exist(connection_struct *conn,char *fname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
ssize_t vfs_read_data(files_struct *fsp, char *buf, size_t byte_count);
ssize_t vfs_write_data(files_struct *fsp,char *buffer,size_t N);
int vfs_set_filelen(files_struct *fsp, SMB_OFF_T len);
SMB_OFF_T vfs_transfer_file(int in_fd, files_struct *in_fsp,
int out_fd, files_struct *out_fsp,
SMB_OFF_T n, char *header, int headlen, int align);
char *vfs_readdirname(connection_struct *conn, void *p);
int vfs_ChDir(connection_struct *conn, char *path);
char *vfs_GetWd(connection_struct *conn, char *path);
BOOL reduce_name(connection_struct *conn, char *s,char *dir,BOOL widelinks);
/*The following definitions come from smbd/vfs-wrap.c */
int vfswrap_dummy_connect(connection_struct *conn, char *service, char *user);
@ -4161,25 +4180,6 @@ BOOL vfswrap_set_nt_acl(files_struct *fsp, char *name, uint32 security_info_sent
int vfswrap_chmod_acl(connection_struct *conn, char *name, mode_t mode);
int vfswrap_fchmod_acl(files_struct *fsp, int fd, mode_t mode);
/*The following definitions come from smbd/vfs.c */
int vfs_init_default(connection_struct *conn);
BOOL vfs_init_custom(connection_struct *conn);
BOOL vfs_directory_exist(connection_struct *conn, char *dname, SMB_STRUCT_STAT *st);
int vfs_mkdir(connection_struct *conn, char *fname, mode_t mode);
char *vfs_getwd(connection_struct *conn, char *unix_path);
BOOL vfs_file_exist(connection_struct *conn,char *fname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
ssize_t vfs_read_data(files_struct *fsp, char *buf, size_t byte_count);
ssize_t vfs_write_data(files_struct *fsp,char *buffer,size_t N);
int vfs_set_filelen(files_struct *fsp, SMB_OFF_T len);
SMB_OFF_T vfs_transfer_file(int in_fd, files_struct *in_fsp,
int out_fd, files_struct *out_fsp,
SMB_OFF_T n, char *header, int headlen, int align);
char *vfs_readdirname(connection_struct *conn, void *p);
int vfs_ChDir(connection_struct *conn, char *path);
char *vfs_GetWd(connection_struct *conn, char *path);
BOOL reduce_name(connection_struct *conn, char *s,char *dir,BOOL widelinks);
/*The following definitions come from smbwrapper/realcalls.c */
int real_utime(const char *name, struct utimbuf *buf);
@ -320,7 +320,7 @@ int reply_tcon_and_X(connection_struct *conn, char *inbuf,char *outbuf,int lengt
if (Protocol < PROTOCOL_NT1) {
p = smb_buf(outbuf);
p += srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, devicename, -1,
p += srvstr_push(outbuf, p, devicename, -1,
} else {
@ -330,9 +330,9 @@ int reply_tcon_and_X(connection_struct *conn, char *inbuf,char *outbuf,int lengt
p = smb_buf(outbuf);
p += srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, devicename, -1,
p += srvstr_push(outbuf, p, devicename, -1,
p += srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, fsname, -1,
p += srvstr_push(outbuf, p, fsname, -1,
@ -1013,9 +1013,9 @@ int reply_sesssetup_and_X(connection_struct *conn, char *inbuf,char *outbuf,int
char *p;
p = smb_buf(outbuf);
p += srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, "Unix", -1, STR_TERMINATE|STR_CONVERT);
p += srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, "Samba", -1, STR_TERMINATE|STR_CONVERT);
p += srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, global_myworkgroup, -1, STR_TERMINATE|STR_CONVERT);
p += srvstr_push(outbuf, p, "Unix", -1, STR_TERMINATE|STR_CONVERT);
p += srvstr_push(outbuf, p, "Samba", -1, STR_TERMINATE|STR_CONVERT);
p += srvstr_push(outbuf, p, global_myworkgroup, -1, STR_TERMINATE|STR_CONVERT);
/* perhaps grab OS version here?? */
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
#include "includes.h"
#define UNICODE_FLAG() (SVAL(inbuf, smb_flg2) & FLAGS2_UNICODE_STRINGS)
#define UNICODE_FLAG(buf) (SVAL(buf, smb_flg2) & FLAGS2_UNICODE_STRINGS)
copy a string from a char* src to a unicode or ascii
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ flags can have:
dest_len is the maximum length allowed in the destination. If dest_len
is -1 then no maxiumum is used
int srvstr_push(void *inbuf, void *outbuf, void *dest, const char *src, int dest_len, int flags)
int srvstr_push(void *outbuf, void *dest, const char *src, int dest_len, int flags)
int len=0;
@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ int srvstr_push(void *inbuf, void *outbuf, void *dest, const char *src, int dest
dest_len = sizeof(pstring);
if (!(flags & STR_ASCII) && srvstr_align(inbuf, PTR_DIFF(dest, outbuf))) {
if (!(flags & STR_ASCII) && srvstr_align(outbuf, PTR_DIFF(dest, outbuf))) {
*(char *)dest = 0;
if ((flags & STR_ASCII) || !UNICODE_FLAG()) {
if ((flags & STR_ASCII) || !UNICODE_FLAG(outbuf)) {
/* the client doesn't want unicode */
safe_strcpy(dest, src, dest_len);
len = strlen(dest);
@ -86,14 +86,14 @@ return the length that a string would occupy when copied with srvstr_push()
STR_UPPER means uppercase in the destination
note that dest is only used for alignment purposes. No data is written.
int srvstr_push_size(void *inbuf, void *outbuf,
int srvstr_push_size(void *outbuf,
const void *dest, const char *src, int dest_len, int flags)
int len = strlen(src);
if (flags & STR_TERMINATE) len++;
if (!(flags & STR_ASCII) && UNICODE_FLAG()) len *= 2;
if (!(flags & STR_ASCII) && UNICODE_FLAG(outbuf)) len *= 2;
if (!(flags & STR_ASCII) && dest && srvstr_align(inbuf, PTR_DIFF(outbuf, dest))) {
if (!(flags & STR_ASCII) && dest && srvstr_align(outbuf, PTR_DIFF(outbuf, dest))) {
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ int srvstr_pull(void *inbuf, char *dest, const void *src, int dest_len, int src_
if (src_len > 0) src_len--;
if ((flags & STR_ASCII) || (!(flags & STR_UNICODE) && !UNICODE_FLAG())) {
if ((flags & STR_ASCII) || (!(flags & STR_UNICODE) && !UNICODE_FLAG(inbuf))) {
/* the server doesn't want unicode */
if (flags & STR_TERMINATE) {
safe_strcpy(dest, src, dest_len);
@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ int srvstr_pull_size(void *inbuf, const void *src, int src_len)
if (src_len > 0) src_len--;
if (!UNICODE_FLAG()) {
if (!UNICODE_FLAG(inbuf)) {
return strlen(src);
return strlen_w(src);
@ -181,6 +181,6 @@ otherwise return 1 if offset is off
int srvstr_align(void *inbuf, int offset)
if (!UNICODE_FLAG()) return 0;
if (!UNICODE_FLAG(inbuf)) return 0;
return offset & 1;
@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ static BOOL get_lanman2_dir_entry(connection_struct *conn,
p += l1_achName;
nameptr = p;
len = srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, fname, -1,
len = srvstr_push(outbuf, p, fname, -1,
SCVAL(p, -1, len);
p += len;
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ static BOOL get_lanman2_dir_entry(connection_struct *conn,
SIVAL(p,l2_cbList,0); /* No extended attributes */
p += l2_achName;
nameptr = p;
len = srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, fname, -1,
len = srvstr_push(outbuf, p, fname, -1,
SCVAL(p, -1, len);
p += len;
@ -501,7 +501,7 @@ static BOOL get_lanman2_dir_entry(connection_struct *conn,
p += 31;
nameptr = p;
len = srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, fname, -1,
len = srvstr_push(outbuf, p, fname, -1,
SCVAL(p, -1, len);
p += len;
@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ static BOOL get_lanman2_dir_entry(connection_struct *conn,
p += 33;
nameptr = p;
len = srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, fname, -1,
len = srvstr_push(outbuf, p, fname, -1,
SCVAL(p, -1, len);
p += len;
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ static BOOL get_lanman2_dir_entry(connection_struct *conn,
pstrcpy(mangled_name, fname);
mangled_name[12] = 0;
len = srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p+2, mangled_name, 24,
len = srvstr_push(outbuf, p+2, mangled_name, 24,
SSVAL(p, 0, len);
} else {
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ static BOOL get_lanman2_dir_entry(connection_struct *conn,
*(p+2) = 0;
p += 2 + 24;
len = srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, fname, -1,
len = srvstr_push(outbuf, p, fname, -1,
p += len;
@ -578,7 +578,7 @@ static BOOL get_lanman2_dir_entry(connection_struct *conn,
p += 16;
SIVAL(p,0,nt_extmode); p += 4;
p += 4;
len = srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, fname, -1,
len = srvstr_push(outbuf, p, fname, -1,
SIVAL(p, -4, len);
p += len;
@ -603,7 +603,7 @@ static BOOL get_lanman2_dir_entry(connection_struct *conn,
p += 4;
SIVAL(p,0,0); p += 4;
len = srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, fname, -1,
len = srvstr_push(outbuf, p, fname, -1,
SIVAL(p, -4, len);
p += len;
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ static BOOL get_lanman2_dir_entry(connection_struct *conn,
p += 4;
SIVAL(p,0,reskey); p += 4;
p += 4;
len = srvstr_push(inbuf, outbuf, p, fname, -1,
len = srvstr_push(outbuf, p, fname, -1,
SIVAL(p, -4, len);
p += len;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user