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synced 2025-03-22 02:50:28 +03:00
CVE-2018-10919 tests: Add extra test for dirsync deleted object corner-case
The acl_read.c code contains a special case to allow dirsync to work-around having insufficient access rights. We had a concern that the dirsync module could leak sensitive information for deleted objects. This patch adds a test-case to prove whether or not this is happening. The new test case is similar to the existing dirsync test except: - We make the confidential attribute also preserve-on-delete, so it hangs around for deleted objcts. Because the attributes now persist across test case runs, I've used a different attribute to normal. (Technically, the dirsync search expressions are now specific enough that the regular attribute could be used, but it would make things quite fragile if someone tried to add a new test case). - To handle searching for deleted objects, the search expressions are now more complicated. Currently dirsync adds an extra-filter to the '!' searches to exclude deleted objects, i.e. samaccountname matches the test-objects AND the object is not deleted. We now extend this to include deleted objects with lastKnownParent equal to the test OU. The search expression matches either case so that we can use the same expression throughout the test (regardless of whether the object is deleted yet or not). This test proves that the dirsync corner-case does not actually leak sensitive information on Samba. This is due to a bug in the dirsync code - when the buggy line is removed, this new test promptly fails. Test also passes against Windows. BUG: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=13434 Signed-off-by: Tim Beale <timbeale@catalyst.net.nz>
This commit is contained in:
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import os
from samba.tests.subunitrun import SubunitOptions, TestProgram
import samba.getopt as options
from samba.dsdb import SEARCH_FLAG_CONFIDENTIAL
from ldb import Message, MessageElement, Dn
from samba.auth import system_session
@ -102,11 +102,11 @@ class ConfidentialAttrCommon(samba.tests.TestCase):
# schema attribute being modified. There are only a few attributes that
# meet this criteria (most of which only apply to 'user' objects)
self.conf_attr = "homePostalAddress"
self.conf_attr_cn = "CN=Address-Home"
# schemaIdGuid for homePostalAddress:
attr_cn = "CN=Address-Home"
# schemaIdGuid for homePostalAddress (used for ACE tests)
self.conf_attr_guid = "16775781-47f3-11d1-a9c3-0000f80367c1"
self.conf_attr_sec_guid = "77b5b886-944a-11d1-aebd-0000f80367c1"
self.attr_dn = "{},{}".format(self.conf_attr_cn, self.schema_dn)
self.attr_dn = "{},{}".format(attr_cn, self.schema_dn)
userou = "OU=conf-attr-test"
self.ou = "{},{}".format(userou, self.base_dn)
@ -801,28 +801,42 @@ class ConfidentialAttrTestDirsync(ConfidentialAttrCommon):
super(ConfidentialAttrTestDirsync, self).setUp()
self.dirsync = ["dirsync:1:1:1000"]
def assert_search_result(self, expected_num, expr, samdb, base_dn=None):
# because we need to search on the base DN when using the dirsync
# controls, we need an extra filter for the inverse ('!') search,
# so we don't get thousands of objects returned
self.extra_filter = \
self.single_obj_filter = \
# Note dirsync must always search on the partition base DN
if base_dn is None:
base_dn = self.base_dn
attr_filters = [None, ["*"], ["name"]]
self.attr_filters = [None, ["*"], ["name"]]
# Note dirsync behaviour is slighty different for the attribute under
# test - when you have full access rights, it only returns the objects
# that actually have this attribute (i.e. it doesn't return an empty
# message with just the DN). So we add the 'name' attribute into the
# attribute filter to avoid complicating our assertions further
attr_filters += [[self.conf_attr, "name"]]
for attr in attr_filters:
res = samdb.search(base_dn, expression=expr, scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE,
attrs=attr, controls=self.dirsync)
self.attr_filters += [[self.conf_attr, "name"]]
def assert_search_result(self, expected_num, expr, samdb, base_dn=None):
# Note dirsync must always search on the partition base DN
if base_dn is None:
base_dn = self.base_dn
# we need an extra filter for dirsync because:
# - we search on the base DN, so otherwise the '!' searches return
# thousands of unrelated results, and
# - we make the test attribute preserve-on-delete in one case, so we
# want to weed out results from any previous test runs
search = "(&{}{})".format(expr, self.extra_filter)
for attr in self.attr_filters:
res = samdb.search(base_dn, expression=search, scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE,
attrs=attr, controls=self.dirsync)
self.assertTrue(len(res) == expected_num,
"%u results, not %u for search %s, attr %s" %
(len(res), expected_num, expr, str(attr)))
(len(res), expected_num, search, str(attr)))
def assert_attr_returned(self, expect_attr, samdb, attrs,
@ -830,7 +844,7 @@ class ConfidentialAttrTestDirsync(ConfidentialAttrCommon):
# When using dirsync, the base DN we search on needs to be a naming
# context. Add an extra filter to ignore all the objects we aren't
# interested in
expr = "(&(samaccountname={})(!(isDeleted=*)))".format(self.conf_user)
expr = self.single_obj_filter
res = samdb.search(self.base_dn, expression=expr, scope=SCOPE_SUBTREE,
attrs=attrs, controls=self.dirsync)
self.assertTrue(len(res) == 1 or no_result_ok)
@ -877,21 +891,14 @@ class ConfidentialAttrTestDirsync(ConfidentialAttrCommon):
if samdb is None:
samdb = self.ldb_user
# because we need to search on the base DN when using the dirsync
# controls, we need an extra filter for the inverse ('!') search,
# so we don't get thousands of objects returned
extra_filter = \
# because of this extra filter, the total objects we expect here only
# includes the user objects (not the parent OU)
# because dirsync uses an extra filter, the total objects we expect
# here only includes the user objects (not the parent OU)
total_objects = len(self.all_users)
expected_results = self.negative_search_expected_results(has_rights_to,
for search, expected_num in expected_results.items():
search = "(&{}{})".format(search, extra_filter)
self.assert_search_result(expected_num, search, samdb)
def test_search_with_dirsync(self):
@ -917,4 +924,102 @@ class ConfidentialAttrTestDirsync(ConfidentialAttrCommon):
def get_guid(self, dn):
"""Returns an object's GUID (in string format)"""
res = self.ldb_admin.search(base=dn, attrs=["objectGUID"],
guid = res[0]['objectGUID'][0]
return self.ldb_admin.schema_format_value("objectGUID", guid)
def make_attr_preserve_on_delete(self):
"""Marks the attribute under test as being preserve on delete"""
# work out the original 'searchFlags' value before we overwrite it
search_flags = int(self.get_attr_search_flags(self.attr_dn))
# check we've already set the confidential flag
self.assertTrue(search_flags & SEARCH_FLAG_CONFIDENTIAL != 0)
self.set_attr_search_flags(self.attr_dn, str(search_flags))
def change_attr_under_test(self, attr_name, attr_cn):
# change the attribute that the test code uses
self.conf_attr = attr_name
self.attr_dn = "{},{}".format(attr_cn, self.schema_dn)
# set the new attribute for the user-under-test
self.add_attr(self.conf_dn, self.conf_attr, self.conf_value)
# 2 other users also have the attribute-under-test set (to a randomish
# value). Set the new attribute for them now (normally this gets done
# in the setUp())
for username in self.all_users:
if "other-user" in username:
dn = self.get_user_dn(username)
self.add_attr(dn, self.conf_attr, "xyz-blah")
def test_search_with_dirsync_deleted_objects(self):
"""Checks dirsync doesn't reveal confidential info for deleted objs"""
# change the attribute we're testing (we'll preserve on delete for this
# test case, which means the attribute-under-test hangs around after
# the test case finishes, and would interfere with the searches for
# subsequent other test cases)
self.change_attr_under_test("carLicense", "CN=carLicense")
# Windows dirsync behaviour is a little strange when you request
# attributes that deleted objects no longer have, so just request 'all
# attributes' to simplify the test logic
self.attr_filters = [None, ["*"]]
# normally dirsync uses extra filters to exclude deleted objects that
# we're not interested in. Override these filters so they WILL include
# deleted objects, but only from this particular test run. We can do
# this by matching lastKnownParent against this test case's OU, which
# will match any deleted child objects.
ou_guid = self.get_guid(self.ou)
deleted_filter = "(lastKnownParent=<GUID={}>)".format(ou_guid)
# the extra-filter will get combined via AND with the search expression
# we're testing, i.e. filter on the confidential attribute AND only
# include non-deleted objects, OR deleted objects from this test run
exclude_deleted_objs_filter = self.extra_filter
self.extra_filter = "(|{}{})".format(exclude_deleted_objs_filter,
# for matching on a single object, the search expresseion becomes:
# match exactly by account-name AND either a non-deleted object OR a
# deleted object from this test run
match_by_name = "(samaccountname={})".format(self.conf_user)
not_deleted = "(!(isDeleted=*))"
self.single_obj_filter = "(&{}(|{}{}))".format(match_by_name,
# check that the search filters work as expected
# make the test attribute confidential *and* preserve on delete.
# check we can't see the objects now, even with using dirsync controls
dc_mode = self.guess_dc_mode()
self.assert_negative_searches(has_rights_to=0, dc_mode=dc_mode)
# now delete the users (except for the user whose LDB connection
# we're currently using)
for user in self.all_users:
if user != self.user:
# check we still can't see the objects
self.assert_negative_searches(has_rights_to=0, dc_mode=dc_mode)
TestProgram(module=__name__, opts=subunitopts)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user