mirror of https://github.com/samba-team/samba.git synced 2025-03-27 22:50:26 +03:00

r24015: merge RHEL4-CTDB packaging stuff from


(This used to be commit 51c90bfa6fdd1c151a27afefb43521540308f234)
This commit is contained in:
Stefan Metzmacher 2007-07-24 08:42:21 +00:00 committed by Gerald (Jerry) Carter
parent 213e178cb0
commit c0dbc801af
15 changed files with 1292 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
In order to keep the docs out of the bzr tree, first get a release
tarball of samba, then invoke makerpms.sh with the DOCS_DIR variable
pointing to the docs dir of that samba tarball.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
CFLAGS="-Wall -g -D_GNU_SOURCE" ./configure \
--prefix=/usr \
--localstatedir=/var \
--with-configdir=/etc/samba \
--with-libdir=/usr/lib/samba \
--with-lockdir=/var/lib/samba \
--with-logfilebase=/var/log/samba \
--with-mandir=/usr/man \
--with-piddir=/var/run \
--with-privatedir=/etc/samba \
--with-sambabook=/usr/share/swat/using_samba \
--with-swatdir=/usr/share/swat \
--enable-cups \
--with-acl-support \
--with-ads \
--with-automount \
--with-fhs \
--with-pam_smbpass \
--with-libsmbclient \
--with-libsmbsharemodes \
--without-smbwrapper \
--with-pam \
--with-quotas \
--with-shared-modules=idmap_rid,idmap_ad \
--with-smbmount \
--with-syslog \
--with-utmp \
--with-cluster-support \
--with-ctdb=/usr/include \
--without-ldb \
--with-dnsupdate \
--with-aio-support \

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
# Copyright (C) John H Terpstra 1998-2002
# Gerald (Jerry) Carter 2003
# The following allows environment variables to override the target directories
# the alternative is to have a file in your home directory calles .rpmmacros
# containing the following:
# %_topdir /home/mylogin/redhat
# Note: Under this directory rpm expects to find the same directories that are under the
# /usr/src/redhat directory
# set DOCS_DIR to the path to a release tarball docs dir in order to get docs
SPECDIR=`rpm --eval %_specdir`
SRCDIR=`rpm --eval %_sourcedir`
# At this point the SPECDIR and SRCDIR vaiables must have a value!
USERID=`id -u`
GRPID=`id -g`
RPMVER=`rpm --version | awk '{print $3}'`
## Check the RPM version (paranoid)
case $RPMVER in
echo "Supported RPM version [$RPMVER]"
echo "Unknown RPM version: `rpm --version`"
exit 1
pushd .
cd ../../source
if [ -f Makefile ]; then
make distclean
pushd .
cd ../../
SRCTREE=`basename $PWD`
if [ $DOCS_DIR ] && [ -d $DOCS_DIR ]; then
mv docs docs-orig
ln -s $DOCS_DIR docs
cd ../
if [ ! -d samba-${VERSION} ]; then
ln -s $SRCTREE samba-${VERSION} || exit 1
echo -n "Creating samba-${VERSION}.tar.bz2 ... "
tar --exclude=.svn --exclude=.bzr --exclude=.bzrignore --exclude=docs-orig -chf - samba-${VERSION}/. | bzip2 > ${SRCDIR}/samba-${VERSION}.tar.bz2
echo "Done."
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
cd ../../
# restore original structure if docs were specified
if [ ${DOCS_DIR} ] && [ -d docs-orig ] && [ -L docs ]; then
rm docs
mv docs-orig docs
echo "Build failed!"
exit 1
## copy additional source files
chmod 755 setup/filter-requires-samba.sh
tar --exclude=.svn -jcvf - setup > ${SRCDIR}/setup.tar.bz2
## Build
echo "$(basename $0): Getting Ready to build release package"
${RPM} -ba --clean --rmsource $EXTRA_OPTIONS $SPECFILE
# restore original structure if docs were specified
cd ../../
if [ ${DOCS_DIR} ] && [ -d docs-orig ] && [ -L docs ]; then
rm docs
mv -f docs-orig docs
echo "$(basename $0): Done."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,514 @@
%define initdir %{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d
%define auth %(test -f /etc/pam.d/system-auth && echo /etc/pam.d/system-auth || echo)
Summary: Samba SMB client and server
Vendor: Samba Team
Packager: Samba Team <samba@samba.org>
Name: samba
Version: 3.0.25
Release: ctdb.1
Epoch: 0
License: GNU GPL version 2
Group: System Environment/Daemons
URL: http://www.samba.org/
Source: samba-%{version}.tar.bz2
# Don't depend on Net::LDAP
Source998: filter-requires-samba.sh
Source999: setup.tar.bz2
Prereq: /sbin/chkconfig /bin/mktemp /usr/bin/killall
Prereq: fileutils sed /etc/init.d
Requires: pam >= 0.64 %{auth}
Requires: samba-common = %{version}-%{release}
Requires: logrotate >= 3.4 initscripts >= 5.54-1
Provides: samba = %{version}
Prefix: /usr
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-root
BuildRequires: pam-devel, readline-devel, fileutils, libacl-devel, openldap-devel, krb5-devel, cups-devel, ctdb
# Working around perl dependency problem from docs
%define __perl_requires %{SOURCE998}
Samba is the protocol by which a lot of PC-related machines share
files, printers, and other information (such as lists of available
files and printers). The Windows NT, OS/2, and Linux operating systems
support this natively, and add-on packages can enable the same thing
for DOS, Windows, VMS, UNIX of all kinds, MVS, and more. This package
provides an SMB server that can be used to provide network services to
SMB (sometimes called "Lan Manager") clients. Samba uses NetBIOS over
TCP/IP (NetBT) protocols and does NOT need the NetBEUI (Microsoft Raw
NetBIOS frame) protocol.
%package client
Summary: Samba (SMB) client programs.
Group: Applications/System
Requires: samba-common = %{version}-%{release}
Obsoletes: smbfs
Provides: samba-client = %{version}-%{release}
%description client
The samba-client package provides some SMB clients to compliment the
built-in SMB filesystem in Linux. These clients allow access of SMB
shares and printing to SMB printers.
%package common
Summary: Files used by both Samba servers and clients.
Group: Applications/System
Provides: samba-common = %{version}-%{release}
%description common
Samba-common provides files necessary for both the server and client
packages of Samba.
%package swat
Summary: The Samba SMB server configuration program.
Group: Applications/System
Requires: samba = %{version} xinetd
Provides: samba-swat = %{version}-%{release}
%description swat
The samba-swat package includes the new SWAT (Samba Web Administration
Tool), for remotely managing Samba's smb.conf file using your favorite
Web browser.
%package doc
Summary: Samba Documentation
Group: Documentation/Other
Provides: samba-doc = %{version}-%{release}
Prereq: /usr/bin/find /bin/rm /usr/bin/xargs
%description doc
The samba-doc package includes the HTML versions of the Samba manpages
utilized by SWAT as well as the HTML and PDF version of "Using Samba",
"Samba By Example", and "The Official Samba HOWTO and Reference Guide".
%setup -q
# setup the vendor files (init scripts, etc...)
%setup -T -D -a 999 -n samba-%{version} -q
/bin/cp setup/filter-requires-samba.sh %{SOURCE998}
cd source
## check for ccache
# ccache -h 2>&1 > /dev/null
#if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
# CC="ccache gcc"
## always run autogen.sh
--prefix=%{_prefix} \
--localstatedir=/var \
--with-configdir=%{_sysconfdir}/samba \
--with-libdir=%{_libdir}/samba \
--with-lockdir=/var/lib/samba \
--with-logfilebase=/var/log/samba \
--with-mandir=%{_mandir} \
--with-piddir=/var/run \
--with-privatedir=%{_sysconfdir}/samba \
--with-sambabook=%{_datadir}/swat/using_samba \
--with-swatdir=%{_datadir}/swat \
--enable-cups \
--with-acl-support \
--with-ads \
--with-automount \
--with-fhs \
--with-pam_smbpass \
--with-libsmbclient \
--with-libsmbsharemodes \
--without-smbwrapper \
--with-pam \
--with-quotas \
--with-shared-modules=idmap_rid,idmap_ad \
--with-smbmount \
--with-syslog \
--with-utmp \
--with-cluster-support \
--with-ctdb=/usr/include \
--without-ldb \
--with-dnsupdate \
make showlayout
## check for gcc 3.4 or later
CC_VERSION=`${CC} --version | head -1 | awk '{print $3}'`
CC_MAJOR=`echo ${CC_VERSION} | cut -d. -f 1`
CC_MINOR=`echo ${CC_VERSION} | cut -d. -f 2`
if [ ${CC_MAJOR} -ge 3 ]; then
if [ ${CC_MAJOR} -gt 3 -o ${CC_MINOR} -ge 4 ]; then
make pch
make CFLAGS="$RPM_OPT_FLAGS -D_GNU_SOURCE" %{?_smp_mflags} \
all modules pam_smbpass
## build the cifs fs mount helper
cd client
gcc -o mount.cifs $RPM_OPT_FLAGS -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE mount.cifs.c
gcc -o umount.cifs $RPM_OPT_FLAGS -D_GNU_SOURCE -Wall -D_GNU_SOURCE -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE umount.cifs.c
cd ..
# Remove some permission bits to avoid to many dependencies
cd ..
find examples docs -type f | xargs -r chmod -x
# Clean up in case there is trash left from a previous build
# Create the target build directory hierarchy
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/swat/{help,include,using_samba/{figs,gifsa}}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_initrddir}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_libdir},%{_includedir}}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/{auth,charset,idmap,vfs,pdb}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/security
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/{bin,sbin}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/lib
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/{logrotate.d,pam.d,samba}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/{pam.d,logrotate.d}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/rc.d/init.d
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/{samba,sysconfig}
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/samba/winbindd_privileged
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/{log,run/winbindd,spool}/samba
cd source
cd ..
# pam_smbpass
cp source/bin/pam_smbpass.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/security/pam_smbpass.so
# NSS & PAM winbind support
install -m 755 source/bin/pam_winbind.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/security/pam_winbind.so
install -m 755 source/nsswitch/libnss_winbind.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/libnss_winbind.so
install -m 755 source/nsswitch/libnss_wins.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/libnss_wins.so
( cd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib};
ln -sf libnss_winbind.so libnss_winbind.so.2;
ln -sf libnss_wins.so libnss_wins.so.2 )
# make install puts libsmbclient.so in the wrong place on x86_64
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib*/samba/libsmbclient.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib*/samba/libsmbclient.a || true
install -m 755 source/bin/libsmbclient.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libsmbclient.so
install -m 755 source/bin/libsmbclient.a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libsmbclient.a
install -m 644 source/include/libsmbclient.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}
ln -s %{_libdir}/libsmbclient.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libsmbclient.so.0
# make install puts libmsrpc.so in the wrong place on x86_64
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib*/samba/libmsrpc.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib*/samba/libmsrpc.a || true
install -m 755 source/bin/libmsrpc.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libmsrpc.so
install -m 755 source/bin/libmsrpc.a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libmsrpc.a
install -m 644 source/include/libmsrpc.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/libmsrpc.*
ln -s /%{_libdir}/libmsrpc.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libmsrpc.so.0
# make install puts libsmbsharemodes.so in the wrong place on x86_64
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib*/samba/libsmbsharemodes.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib*/samba/libsmbsharemodes.a || true
install -m 755 source/bin/libsmbsharemodes.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libsmbsharemodes.so
install -m 755 source/bin/libsmbsharemodes.a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libsmbsharemodes.a
install -m 644 source/include/smb_share_modes.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_includedir}
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/samba/libsmbsharemodes.*
ln -s /%{_libdir}/libsmbsharemodes.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libsmbsharemodes.so.0
# Install pam_smbpass.so
install -m755 source/bin/pam_smbpass.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%{_lib}/security/pam_smbpass.so
## cleanup
/bin/rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/lib*/samba/security
# we need a symlink for mount to recognise the smb and smbfs filesystem types
ln -sf %{_prefix}/bin/smbmount $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/mount.smbfs
ln -sf %{_prefix}/bin/smbmount $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/mount.smb
/bin/rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/mount.smbfs
# Install the miscellany
echo localhost > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/samba/lmhosts
install -m644 setup/samba.log $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/samba
install -m644 setup/swat $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/swat
install -m644 setup/samba.sysconfig $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/samba
install -m755 setup/smb.init $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{initdir}/smb
install -m755 setup/winbind.init $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{initdir}/winbind
install -m644 setup/samba.pamd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/samba
install -m755 setup/smbprint $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
install -m644 setup/smbusers $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/samba/smbusers
install -m644 setup/smb.conf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/samba/smb.conf
install -m755 source/client/mount.cifs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/mount.cifs
install -m755 source/client/umount.cifs $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/sbin/umount.cifs
install -m755 source/script/mksmbpasswd.sh $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
/bin/rm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/*mount.cifs
ln -s ../..%{initdir}/smb $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/samba
ln -s ../..%{initdir}/winbind $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir}/winbind
# Remove "*.old" files
find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name "*.old" -exec rm -f {} \;
## don't duplicate the docs. These are installed by/with SWAT
rm -rf docs/htmldocs
rm -rf docs/manpages
( cd docs; ln -s %{_prefix}/share/swat/help htmldocs )
## Clean out man pages for tools not installed here
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/log2pcap.1*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1/smbsh.1*
rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man5/vfstest.1*
## deal with an upgrade from a broken 3.0.21b RPM
if [ "$1" -eq "2" ]; then
if [ -d /var/cache/samba ]; then
for file in `ls /var/cache/samba/*tdb`; do
/bin/cp -up $file /var/lib/samba/`basename $file`
mkdir -p /var/lib/samba/eventlog
for file in `ls /var/cache/samba/eventlog/*tdb`; do
/bin/cp -up $file /var/lib/samba/eventlog/`basename $file`
/bin/mv /var/cache/samba /var/cache/samba.moved
if [ $1 = 0 ] ; then
/sbin/chkconfig --del smb
/sbin/chkconfig --del winbind
# rm -rf /var/log/samba/* /var/lib/samba/*
/sbin/service smb stop >/dev/null 2>&1
exit 0
if [ "$1" -ge "1" ]; then
%{initdir}/smb restart >/dev/null 2>&1
%post swat
# Add swat entry to /etc/services if not already there.
if [ ! "`grep ^\s**swat /etc/services`" ]; then
echo 'swat 901/tcp # Add swat service used via inetd' >> /etc/services
%post common
%postun common
## Files section ##
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/samba
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/samba/smbusers
%attr(755,root,root) %config %{initdir}/smb
%attr(755,root,root) %config %{initdir}/winbind
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/samba
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/pam.d/samba
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir /var/log/samba
%attr(0755,root,root) %dir /var/lib/samba
%attr(1777,root,root) %dir /var/spool/samba
%files doc
%doc README COPYING Manifest
%doc WHATSNEW.txt Roadmap
%doc docs
%doc examples/autofs examples/LDAP examples/libsmbclient examples/misc examples/printer-accounting
%doc examples/printing
%files swat
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/xinetd.d/swat
%dir %{_datadir}/swat
%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/samba/*.msg
%files client
%files common
%dir %{_sysconfdir}/samba
%dir %{_libdir}/samba
%dir %{_libdir}/samba/charset
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/samba/smb.conf
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/samba/lmhosts
%attr(755,root,root) /%{_lib}/libnss_wins.so*
%attr(755,root,root) /%{_lib}/libnss_winbind.so*
%attr(755,root,root) /%{_lib}/security/pam_winbind.so
%attr(755,root,root) /%{_lib}/security/pam_smbpass.so
* Fri Jan 16 2004 Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry@samba,org>
- Removed ChangeLog entries since they are kept in CVS

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
/usr/lib/rpm/perl.req $* | grep -E -v '(Net::LDAP|Crypt::SmbHash|CGI|Unicode::MapUTF8)'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
/var/log/samba/*.log /var/log/samba/log.smbd /var/log/samba/log.nmbd {
/bin/kill -HUP `cat /var/run/smbd.pid /var/run/nmbd.pid /var/run/winbindd.pid 2> /dev/null` 2> /dev/null || true

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
auth required pam_stack.so service=system-auth
session required pam_stack.so service=system-auth
account required pam_stack.so service=system-auth
password required pam_stack.so service=system-auth

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Options to smbd
# Options to nmbd
# Options for winbindd

View File

@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
# This is the main Samba configuration file. You should read the
# smb.conf(5) manual page in order to understand the options listed
# here. Samba has a huge number of configurable options (perhaps too
# many!) most of which are not shown in this example
# For a step to step guide on installing, configuring and using samba,
# read the Samba-HOWTO-Collection. This may be obtained from:
# http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/Samba-HOWTO-Collection.pdf
# Many working examples of smb.conf files can be found in the
# Samba-Guide which is generated daily and can be downloaded from:
# http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/Samba-Guide.pdf
# Any line which starts with a ; (semi-colon) or a # (hash)
# is a comment and is ignored. In this example we will use a #
# for commentry and a ; for parts of the config file that you
# may wish to enable
# NOTE: Whenever you modify this file you should run the command "testparm"
# to check that you have not made any basic syntactic errors.
#======================= Global Settings =====================================
# workgroup = NT-Domain-Name or Workgroup-Name, eg: MIDEARTH
workgroup = MYGROUP
# server string is the equivalent of the NT Description field
server string = Samba Server
# Security mode. Defines in which mode Samba will operate. Possible
# values are share, user, server, domain and ads. Most people will want
# user level security. See the Samba-HOWTO-Collection for details.
security = user
# This option is important for security. It allows you to restrict
# connections to machines which are on your local network. The
# following example restricts access to two C class networks and
# the "loopback" interface. For more examples of the syntax see
# the smb.conf man page
; hosts allow = 192.168.1. 192.168.2. 127.
# If you want to automatically load your printer list rather
# than setting them up individually then you'll need this
load printers = yes
# you may wish to override the location of the printcap file
; printcap name = /etc/printcap
# on SystemV system setting printcap name to lpstat should allow
# you to automatically obtain a printer list from the SystemV spool
# system
; printcap name = lpstat
# It should not be necessary to specify the print system type unless
# it is non-standard. Currently supported print systems include:
# bsd, cups, sysv, plp, lprng, aix, hpux, qnx
; printing = cups
# Uncomment this if you want a guest account, you must add this to /etc/passwd
# otherwise the user "nobody" is used
; guest account = pcguest
# this tells Samba to use a separate log file for each machine
# that connects
log file = /usr/local/samba/var/log.%m
# Put a capping on the size of the log files (in Kb).
max log size = 50
# Use password server option only with security = server
# The argument list may include:
# password server = My_PDC_Name [My_BDC_Name] [My_Next_BDC_Name]
# or to auto-locate the domain controller/s
# password server = *
; password server = <NT-Server-Name>
# Use the realm option only with security = ads
# Specifies the Active Directory realm the host is part of
; realm = MY_REALM
# Backend to store user information in. New installations should
# use either tdbsam or ldapsam. smbpasswd is available for backwards
# compatibility. tdbsam requires no further configuration.
; passdb backend = tdbsam
# Using the following line enables you to customise your configuration
# on a per machine basis. The %m gets replaced with the netbios name
# of the machine that is connecting.
# Note: Consider carefully the location in the configuration file of
# this line. The included file is read at that point.
; include = /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf.%m
# Configure Samba to use multiple interfaces
# If you have multiple network interfaces then you must list them
# here. See the man page for details.
; interfaces =
# Browser Control Options:
# set local master to no if you don't want Samba to become a master
# browser on your network. Otherwise the normal election rules apply
; local master = no
# OS Level determines the precedence of this server in master browser
# elections. The default value should be reasonable
; os level = 33
# Domain Master specifies Samba to be the Domain Master Browser. This
# allows Samba to collate browse lists between subnets. Don't use this
# if you already have a Windows NT domain controller doing this job
; domain master = yes
# Preferred Master causes Samba to force a local browser election on startup
# and gives it a slightly higher chance of winning the election
; preferred master = yes
# Enable this if you want Samba to be a domain logon server for
# Windows95 workstations.
; domain logons = yes
# if you enable domain logons then you may want a per-machine or
# per user logon script
# run a specific logon batch file per workstation (machine)
; logon script = %m.bat
# run a specific logon batch file per username
; logon script = %U.bat
# Where to store roving profiles (only for Win95 and WinNT)
# %L substitutes for this servers netbios name, %U is username
# You must uncomment the [Profiles] share below
; logon path = \\%L\Profiles\%U
# Windows Internet Name Serving Support Section:
# WINS Support - Tells the NMBD component of Samba to enable it's WINS Server
; wins support = yes
# WINS Server - Tells the NMBD components of Samba to be a WINS Client
# Note: Samba can be either a WINS Server, or a WINS Client, but NOT both
; wins server = w.x.y.z
# WINS Proxy - Tells Samba to answer name resolution queries on
# behalf of a non WINS capable client, for this to work there must be
# at least one WINS Server on the network. The default is NO.
; wins proxy = yes
# DNS Proxy - tells Samba whether or not to try to resolve NetBIOS names
# via DNS nslookups. The default is NO.
dns proxy = no
# These scripts are used on a domain controller or stand-alone
# machine to add or delete corresponding unix accounts
; add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd %u
; add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd %g
; add machine script = /usr/sbin/adduser -n -g machines -c Machine -d /dev/null -s /bin/false %u
; delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel %u
; delete user from group script = /usr/sbin/deluser %u %g
; delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel %g
#============================ Share Definitions ==============================
comment = Home Directories
browseable = no
writable = yes
# Un-comment the following and create the netlogon directory for Domain Logons
; [netlogon]
; comment = Network Logon Service
; path = /usr/local/samba/lib/netlogon
; guest ok = yes
; writable = no
; share modes = no
# Un-comment the following to provide a specific roving profile share
# the default is to use the user's home directory
; path = /usr/local/samba/profiles
; browseable = no
; guest ok = yes
# NOTE: If you have a BSD-style print system there is no need to
# specifically define each individual printer
comment = All Printers
path = /usr/spool/samba
browseable = no
# Set public = yes to allow user 'guest account' to print
guest ok = no
writable = no
printable = yes
# This one is useful for people to share files
; comment = Temporary file space
; path = /tmp
; read only = no
; public = yes
# A publicly accessible directory, but read only, except for people in
# the "staff" group
; comment = Public Stuff
; path = /home/samba
; public = yes
; writable = yes
; printable = no
; write list = @staff
# Other examples.
# A private printer, usable only by fred. Spool data will be placed in fred's
# home directory. Note that fred must have write access to the spool directory,
# wherever it is.
; comment = Fred's Printer
; valid users = fred
; path = /homes/fred
; printer = freds_printer
; public = no
; writable = no
; printable = yes
# A private directory, usable only by fred. Note that fred requires write
# access to the directory.
; comment = Fred's Service
; path = /usr/somewhere/private
; valid users = fred
; public = no
; writable = yes
; printable = no
# a service which has a different directory for each machine that connects
# this allows you to tailor configurations to incoming machines. You could
# also use the %U option to tailor it by user name.
# The %m gets replaced with the machine name that is connecting.
; comment = PC Directories
; path = /usr/pc/%m
; public = no
; writable = yes
# A publicly accessible directory, read/write to all users. Note that all files
# created in the directory by users will be owned by the default user, so
# any user with access can delete any other user's files. Obviously this
# directory must be writable by the default user. Another user could of course
# be specified, in which case all files would be owned by that user instead.
; path = /usr/somewhere/else/public
; public = yes
; only guest = yes
; writable = yes
; printable = no
# The following two entries demonstrate how to share a directory so that two
# users can place files there that will be owned by the specific users. In this
# setup, the directory should be writable by both users and should have the
# sticky bit set on it to prevent abuse. Obviously this could be extended to
# as many users as required.
; comment = Mary's and Fred's stuff
; path = /usr/somewhere/shared
; valid users = mary fred
; public = no
; writable = yes
; printable = no
; create mask = 0765

View File

@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
# chkconfig: - 91 35
# description: Starts and stops the Samba smbd and nmbd daemons \
# used to provide SMB network services.
# pidfile: /var/run/samba/smbd.pid
# pidfile: /var/run/samba/nmbd.pid
# config: /etc/samba/smb.conf
# Source function library.
if [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ] ; then
. /etc/init.d/functions
elif [ -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ] ; then
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
exit 0
# Avoid using root's TMPDIR
unset TMPDIR
# Source networking configuration.
. /etc/sysconfig/network
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/samba ]; then
. /etc/sysconfig/samba
# Check that networking is up.
[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0
# Check that smb.conf exists.
[ -f /etc/samba/smb.conf ] || exit 0
# Check that we can write to it... so non-root users stop here
[ -w /etc/samba/smb.conf ] || exit 0
# Check whether "netbios disabled" is true
ISNETBIOSDISABLED=$(testparm -s 2>/dev/null | \
sed -n '/\[global\]/,/^$/p' | \
grep "disable netbios = Yes" | \
awk 'BEGIN{FS=" = "}{print $2}')
start() {
echo -n $"Starting $KIND services: "
daemon smbd $SMBDOPTIONS
if [ x"$ISNETBIOSDISABLED" != x"Yes" ]; then
echo -n $"Starting $KIND services: "
daemon nmbd $NMBDOPTIONS
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 -a $RETVAL2 -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/smb || \
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/smb || \
return $RETVAL
stop() {
echo -n $"Shutting down $KIND services: "
killproc smbd
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/run/smbd.pid
if [ x"$ISNETBIOSDISABLED" != x"Yes" ]; then
echo -n $"Shutting down $KIND services: "
killproc nmbd
[ $RETVAL2 -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/run/nmbd.pid
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 -a $RETVAL2 -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/smb
echo ""
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/smb
echo ""
return $RETVAL
restart() {
reload() {
echo -n $"Reloading smb.conf file: "
killproc smbd -HUP
return $RETVAL
rhstatus() {
status smbd
status nmbd
case "$1" in
[ -f /var/lock/subsys/smb ] && restart || :
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|status|condrestart}"
exit 1
exit $?

View File

@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
# This script is an input filter for printcap printing on a unix machine. It
# uses the smbclient program to print the file to the specified smb-based
# server and service.
# For example you could have a printcap entry like this
# smb:lp=/dev/null:sd=/usr/spool/smb:sh:if=/usr/local/samba/smbprint
# which would create a unix printer called "smb" that will print via this
# script. You will need to create the spool directory /usr/spool/smb with
# appropriate permissions and ownerships for your system.
# Set these to the server and service you wish to print to
# In this example I have a WfWg PC called "lapland" that has a printer
# exported called "printer" with no password.
# Script further altered by hamiltom@ecnz.co.nz (Michael Hamilton)
# so that the server, service, and password can be read from
# a /usr/var/spool/lpd/PRINTNAME/.config file.
# In order for this to work the /etc/printcap entry must include an
# accounting file (af=...):
# cdcolour:\
# :cm=CD IBM Colorjet on 6th:\
# :sd=/var/spool/lpd/cdcolour:\
# :af=/var/spool/lpd/cdcolour/acct:\
# :if=/usr/local/etc/smbprint:\
# :mx=0:\
# :lp=/dev/null:
# The /usr/var/spool/lpd/PRINTNAME/.config file should contain:
# share=PC_SERVER
# user="user"
# password="password"
# Please, do not modify the order in the file.
# Example:
# share=\\server\deskjet
# user="fred"
# password=""
# The last parameter to the filter is the accounting file name.
# Extract the directory name from the file name.
# Concat this with /.config to get the config file.
eval acct_file=\${$#}
spool_dir=`dirname $acct_file`
# Should read the following variables set in the config file:
# share
# hostip
# user
# password
eval `cat $config_file`
share=`echo $share | sed "s/[\]/\//g"`
if [ "$user" != "" ]; then
if [ "$workgroup" != "" ]; then
if [ "$translate" = "yes" ]; then
command="translate ; print -"
command="print -"
#echo $share $password $translate $x_command > /tmp/smbprint.log
cat | /usr/bin/smbclient "$share" "$password" -E ${hostip:+-I} \
$hostip -N -P $usercmd "$user" $workgroupcmd "$workgroup" \
-c "$command" 2>/dev/null

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Unix_name = SMB_name1 SMB_name2 ...
root = administrator admin
nobody = guest pcguest smbguest

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
# default: off
# description: SWAT is the Samba Web Admin Tool. Use swat \
# to configure your Samba server. To use SWAT, \
# connect to port 901 with your favorite web browser.
service swat
port = 901
socket_type = stream
wait = no
only_from =
user = root
server = /usr/sbin/swat
log_on_failure += USERID
disable = yes

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Samba Configuration
Name[de]=Samba Konfiguration
Comment=Configure Samba with a web based interface

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
# chkconfig: - 91 35
# description: Starts and stops the Samba winbind daemon
# #
# pidfile: /var/cache/samba/winbind.pid
# config: /etc/samba/smb.conf
# Source function library.
if [ -f /etc/init.d/functions ] ; then
. /etc/init.d/functions
elif [ -f /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions ] ; then
. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
exit 0
# Avoid using root's TMPDIR
unset TMPDIR
# Source networking configuration.
. /etc/sysconfig/network
if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/samba ]; then
. /etc/sysconfig/samba
# Check that networking is up.
[ ${NETWORKING} = "no" ] && exit 0
# Check that smb.conf exists.
[ -f /etc/samba/smb.conf ] || exit 0
start() {
echo -n $"Starting $KIND services: "
daemon winbindd "$WINBINDOPTIONS"
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch /var/lock/subsys/winbindd || RETVAL=1
return $RETVAL
stop() {
echo -n $"Shutting down $KIND services: "
killproc winbindd
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/run/winbindd.pid && rm -f /var/lock/subsys/winbindd
echo ""
return $RETVAL
restart() {
reload() {
echo -n $"Reloading smb.conf file: "
killproc winbindd -HUP
return $RETVAL
rhstatus() {
status winbindd
case "$1" in
[ -f /var/lock/subsys/winbindd ] && restart || :
echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|status|condrestart}"
exit 1
exit $?