diff --git a/docs/docbook/projdoc/NetworkBrowsing.sgml b/docs/docbook/projdoc/NetworkBrowsing.sgml
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+ &author.jht;
+ July 5, 1998
+ Updated: April 21, 2003
+Samba / MS Windows Network Browsing Guide
+This document contains detailed informataion as well as a fast track guide to
+implementing browsing across subnets and / or across workgroups (or domains).
+WINS is the best tool for resolution of NetBIOS names to IP addesses. WINS is
+NOT involved in browse list handling except by way of name to address resolution.
+MS Windows 2000 and later can be configured to operate with NO NetBIOS
+over TCP/IP. Samba-3 and later also supports this mode of operation.
+When the use of NetBIOS over TCP/IP has been disabled then the primary
+means for resolution of MS Windows machine names is via DNS and Active Directory.
+The following information assumes that your site is running NetBIOS over TCP/IP.
+What is Browsing?
+To most people browsing means that they can see the MS Windows and Samba servers
+in the Network Neighborhood, and when the computer icon for a particular server is
+clicked, it opens up and shows the shares and printers available on the target server.
+What seems so simple is in fact a very complex interaction of different technologies.
+The technologies (or methods) employed in making all of this work includes:
+ MS Windows machines register their presence to the network
+ Machines announce themselves to other machines on the network
+ One or more machine on the network collates the local announcements
+ The client machine finds the machine that has the collated list of machines
+ The client machine is able to resolve the machine names to IP addresses
+ The client machine is able to connect to a target machine
+The samba application that controls/manages browse list management and name resolution is
+called nmbd. The configuration parameters involved in nmbd's operation are:
+ Browsing options:
+ -----------------
+ * os level
+ lm announce
+ lm interval
+ * preferred master
+ * local master
+ * domain master
+ browse list
+ enhanced browsing
+ Name Resolution Method:
+ -----------------------
+ * name resolve order
+ WINS options:
+ -------------
+ dns proxy
+ wins proxy
+ * wins server
+ * wins support
+ wins hook
+WINS Server and WINS Support are mutually exclusive options. Those marked with an '*' are
+the only options that commonly MAY need to be modified. Even if not one of these parameters
+is set nmbd will still do it's job.
+Firstly, all MS Windows networking is based on SMB (Server Message
+Block) based messaging. SMB messaging may be implemented using NetBIOS or
+without NetBIOS. Samba implements NetBIOS by encapsulating it over TCP/IP.
+MS Windows products can do likewise. NetBIOS based networking uses broadcast
+messaging to affect browse list management. When running NetBIOS over
+TCP/IP this uses UDP based messaging. UDP messages can be broadcast or unicast.
+Normally, only unicast UDP messaging can be forwarded by routers. The
+remote announce
+parameter to smb.conf helps to project browse announcements
+to remote network segments via unicast UDP. Similarly, the
+remote browse sync parameter of smb.conf
+implements browse list collation using unicast UDP.
+Secondly, in those networks where Samba is the only SMB server technology
+wherever possible nmbd should be configured on one (1) machine as the WINS
+server. This makes it easy to manage the browsing environment. If each network
+segment is configured with it's own Samba WINS server, then the only way to
+get cross segment browsing to work is by using the
+remote announce and the remote browse sync
+parameters to your smb.conf file.
+If only one WINS server is used for an entire multi-segment network then
+the use of the remote announce and the
+remote browse sync parameters should NOT be necessary.
+As of Samba 3 WINS replication is being worked on. The bulk of the code has
+been committed, but it still needs maturation.
+Right now samba WINS does not support MS-WINS replication. This means that
+when setting up Samba as a WINS server there must only be one nmbd configured
+as a WINS server on the network. Some sites have used multiple Samba WINS
+servers for redundancy (one server per subnet) and then used
+remote browse sync and remote announce
+to affect browse list collation across all
+segments. Note that this means clients will only resolve local names,
+and must be configured to use DNS to resolve names on other subnets in
+order to resolve the IP addresses of the servers they can see on other
+subnets. This setup is not recommended, but is mentioned as a practical
+consideration (ie: an 'if all else fails' scenario).
+Lastly, take note that browse lists are a collection of unreliable broadcast
+messages that are repeated at intervals of not more than 15 minutes. This means
+that it will take time to establish a browse list and it can take up to 45
+minutes to stabilise, particularly across network segments.
+How Browsing Functions
+As stated above, MS Windows machines register their NetBIOS names
+(ie: the machine name for each service type in operation) on start
+up. Also, as stated above, the exact method by which this name registration
+takes place is determined by whether or not the MS Windows client/server
+has been given a WINS server address, whether or not LMHOSTS lookup
+is enabled, or if DNS for NetBIOS name resolution is enabled, etc.
+In the case where there is no WINS server all name registrations as
+well as name lookups are done by UDP broadcast. This isolates name
+resolution to the local subnet, unless LMHOSTS is used to list all
+names and IP addresses. In such situations Samba provides a means by
+which the samba server name may be forcibly injected into the browse
+list of a remote MS Windows network (using the
+remote announce parameter).
+Where a WINS server is used, the MS Windows client will use UDP
+unicast to register with the WINS server. Such packets can be routed
+and thus WINS allows name resolution to function across routed networks.
+During the startup process an election will take place to create a
+local master browser if one does not already exist. On each NetBIOS network
+one machine will be elected to function as the domain master browser. This
+domain browsing has nothing to do with MS security domain control.
+Instead, the domain master browser serves the role of contacting each local
+master browser (found by asking WINS or from LMHOSTS) and exchanging browse
+list contents. This way every master browser will eventually obtain a complete
+list of all machines that are on the network. Every 11-15 minutes an election
+is held to determine which machine will be the master browser. By the nature of
+the election criteria used, the machine with the highest uptime, or the
+most senior protocol version, or other criteria, will win the election
+as domain master browser.
+Clients wishing to browse the network make use of this list, but also depend
+on the availability of correct name resolution to the respective IP
+Any configuration that breaks name resolution and/or browsing intrinsics
+will annoy users because they will have to put up with protracted
+inability to use the network services.
+Samba supports a feature that allows forced synchonisation
+of browse lists across routed networks using the remote
+browse sync parameter in the smb.conf file.
+This causes Samba to contact the local master browser on a remote network and
+to request browse list synchronisation. This effectively bridges
+two networks that are separated by routers. The two remote
+networks may use either broadcast based name resolution or WINS
+based name resolution, but it should be noted that the remote
+browse sync parameter provides browse list synchronisation - and
+that is distinct from name to address resolution, in other
+words, for cross subnet browsing to function correctly it is
+essential that a name to address resolution mechanism be provided.
+This mechanism could be via DNS, /etc/hosts,
+and so on.
+Setting up WORKGROUP Browsing
+To set up cross subnet browsing on a network containing machines
+in up to be in a WORKGROUP, not an NT Domain you need to set up one
+Samba server to be the Domain Master Browser (note that this is *NOT*
+the same as a Primary Domain Controller, although in an NT Domain the
+same machine plays both roles). The role of a Domain master browser is
+to collate the browse lists from local master browsers on all the
+subnets that have a machine participating in the workgroup. Without
+one machine configured as a domain master browser each subnet would
+be an isolated workgroup, unable to see any machines on any other
+subnet. It is the presense of a domain master browser that makes
+cross subnet browsing possible for a workgroup.
+In an WORKGROUP environment the domain master browser must be a
+Samba server, and there must only be one domain master browser per
+workgroup name. To set up a Samba server as a domain master browser,
+set the following option in the [global] section of the &smb.conf; file :
+ domain master = yes
+The domain master browser should also preferrably be the local master
+browser for its own subnet. In order to achieve this set the following
+options in the [global] section of the &smb.conf; file :
+ domain master = yes
+ local master = yes
+ preferred master = yes
+ os level = 65
+The domain master browser may be the same machine as the WINS
+server, if you require.
+Next, you should ensure that each of the subnets contains a
+machine that can act as a local master browser for the
+workgroup. Any MS Windows NT/2K/XP/2003 machine should be
+able to do this, as will Windows 9x machines (although these
+tend to get rebooted more often, so it's not such a good idea
+to use these). To make a Samba server a local master browser
+set the following options in the [global] section of the
+&smb.conf; file :
+ domain master = no
+ local master = yes
+ preferred master = yes
+ os level = 65
+Do not do this for more than one Samba server on each subnet,
+or they will war with each other over which is to be the local
+master browser.
+The local master parameter allows Samba to act as a
+local master browser. The preferred master causes nmbd
+to force a browser election on startup and the os level
+parameter sets Samba high enough so that it should win any browser elections.
+If you have an NT machine on the subnet that you wish to
+be the local master browser then you can disable Samba from
+becoming a local master browser by setting the following
+options in the [global] section of the
+&smb.conf; file :
+ domain master = no
+ local master = no
+ preferred master = no
+ os level = 0
+Setting up DOMAIN Browsing
+If you are adding Samba servers to a Windows NT Domain then
+you must not set up a Samba server as a domain master browser.
+By default, a Windows NT Primary Domain Controller for a Domain
+name is also the Domain master browser for that name, and many
+things will break if a Samba server registers the Domain master
+browser NetBIOS name (DOMAIN<1B>)
+with WINS instead of the PDC.
+For subnets other than the one containing the Windows NT PDC
+you may set up Samba servers as local master browsers as
+described. To make a Samba server a local master browser set
+the following options in the [global] section
+of the &smb.conf; file :
+ domain master = no
+ local master = yes
+ preferred master = yes
+ os level = 65
+If you wish to have a Samba server fight the election with machines
+on the same subnet you may set the os level parameter
+to lower levels. By doing this you can tune the order of machines that
+will become local master browsers if they are running. For
+more details on this see the section
+Forcing samba to be the master browser
+If you have Windows NT machines that are members of the domain
+on all subnets, and you are sure they will always be running then
+you can disable Samba from taking part in browser elections and
+ever becoming a local master browser by setting following options
+in the [global] section of the &smb.conf;
+file :
+ domain master = no
+ local master = no
+ preferred master = no
+ os level = 0
+Forcing samba to be the master
+Who becomes the master browser is determined by an election
+process using broadcasts. Each election packet contains a number of parameters
+which determine what precedence (bias) a host should have in the
+election. By default Samba uses a very low precedence and thus loses
+elections to just about anyone else.
+If you want Samba to win elections then just set the os level global
+option in &smb.conf; to a higher number. It defaults to 0. Using 34
+would make it win all elections over every other system (except other
+samba systems!)
+A os level of 2 would make it beat WfWg and Win95, but not MS Windows
+NT/2K Server. A MS Windows NT/2K Server domain controller uses level 32.
+The maximum os level is 255
+If you want samba to force an election on startup, then set the
+preferred master global option in &smb.conf; to "yes". Samba will
+then have a slight advantage over other potential master browsers
+that are not preferred master browsers. Use this parameter with
+care, as if you have two hosts (whether they are windows 95 or NT or
+samba) on the same local subnet both set with preferred master to
+"yes", then periodically and continually they will force an election
+in order to become the local master browser.
+If you want samba to be a domain master browser, then it is
+recommended that you also set preferred master to "yes", because
+samba will not become a domain master browser for the whole of your
+LAN or WAN if it is not also a local master browser on its own
+broadcast isolated subnet.
+It is possible to configure two samba servers to attempt to become
+the domain master browser for a domain. The first server that comes
+up will be the domain master browser. All other samba servers will
+attempt to become the domain master browser every 5 minutes. They
+will find that another samba server is already the domain master
+browser and will fail. This provides automatic redundancy, should
+the current domain master browser fail.
+Making samba the domain master
+The domain master is responsible for collating the browse lists of
+multiple subnets so that browsing can occur between subnets. You can
+make samba act as the domain master by setting domain master = yes
+in &smb.conf;. By default it will not be a domain master.
+Note that you should NOT set Samba to be the domain master for a
+workgroup that has the same name as an NT Domain.
+When samba is the domain master and the master browser it will listen
+for master announcements (made roughly every twelve minutes) from local
+master browsers on other subnets and then contact them to synchronise
+browse lists.
+If you want samba to be the domain master then I suggest you also set
+the os level high enough to make sure it wins elections, and set
+preferred master to "yes", to get samba to force an election on
+Note that all your servers (including samba) and clients should be
+using a WINS server to resolve NetBIOS names. If your clients are only
+using broadcasting to resolve NetBIOS names, then two things will occur:
+ your local master browsers will be unable to find a domain master
+ browser, as it will only be looking on the local subnet.
+ if a client happens to get hold of a domain-wide browse list, and
+ a user attempts to access a host in that list, it will be unable to
+ resolve the NetBIOS name of that host.
+If, however, both samba and your clients are using a WINS server, then:
+ your local master browsers will contact the WINS server and, as long as
+ samba has registered that it is a domain master browser with the WINS
+ server, your local master browser will receive samba's ip address
+ as its domain master browser.
+ when a client receives a domain-wide browse list, and a user attempts
+ to access a host in that list, it will contact the WINS server to
+ resolve the NetBIOS name of that host. as long as that host has
+ registered its NetBIOS name with the same WINS server, the user will
+ be able to see that host.
+Note about broadcast addresses
+If your network uses a "0" based broadcast address (for example if it
+ends in a 0) then you will strike problems. Windows for Workgroups
+does not seem to support a 0's broadcast and you will probably find
+that browsing and name lookups won't work.
+Multiple interfaces
+Samba now supports machines with multiple network interfaces. If you
+have multiple interfaces then you will need to use the interfaces
+option in &smb.conf; to configure them.
+Use of the Remote Announce parameter
+The remote announce parameter of
+smb.conf can be used to forcibly ensure
+that all the NetBIOS names on a network get announced to a remote network.
+The syntax of the remote announce parameter is:
+ remote announce = a.b.c.d [e.f.g.h] ...
+ remote announce = a.b.c.d/WORKGROUP [e.f.g.h/WORKGROUP] ...
+a.b.c.d and
+is either the LMB (Local Master Browser) IP address
+or the broadcst address of the remote network.
+ie: the LMB is at, or the address
+could be given as where the netmask
+is assumed to be 24 bits (
+When the remote announcement is made to the broadcast
+address of the remote network every host will receive
+our announcements. This is noisy and therefore
+undesirable but may be necessary if we do NOT know
+the IP address of the remote LMB.
+is optional and can be either our own workgroup
+or that of the remote network. If you use the
+workgroup name of the remote network then our
+NetBIOS machine names will end up looking like
+they belong to that workgroup, this may cause
+name resolution problems and should be avoided.
+Use of the Remote Browse Sync parameter
+The remote browse sync parameter of
+smb.conf is used to announce to
+another LMB that it must synchronise it's NetBIOS name list with our
+Samba LMB. It works ONLY if the Samba server that has this option is
+simultaneously the LMB on it's network segment.
+The syntax of the remote browse sync parameter is:
+remote browse sync = a.b.c.d
+where a.b.c.d is either the IP address of the
+remote LMB or else is the network broadcast address of the remote segment.
+WINS - The Windows Internetworking Name Server
+Use of WINS (either Samba WINS _or_ MS Windows NT Server WINS) is highly
+recommended. Every NetBIOS machine registers it's name together with a
+name_type value for each of of several types of service it has available.
+eg: It registers it's name directly as a unique (the type 0x03) name.
+It also registers it's name if it is running the lanmanager compatible
+server service (used to make shares and printers available to other users)
+by registering the server (the type 0x20) name.
+All NetBIOS names are up to 15 characters in length. The name_type variable
+is added to the end of the name - thus creating a 16 character name. Any
+name that is shorter than 15 characters is padded with spaces to the 15th
+character. ie: All NetBIOS names are 16 characters long (including the
+name_type information).
+WINS can store these 16 character names as they get registered. A client
+that wants to log onto the network can ask the WINS server for a list
+of all names that have registered the NetLogon service name_type. This saves
+broadcast traffic and greatly expedites logon processing. Since broadcast
+name resolution can not be used across network segments this type of
+information can only be provided via WINS _or_ via statically configured
+lmhosts files that must reside on all clients in the
+absence of WINS.
+WINS also serves the purpose of forcing browse list synchronisation by all
+LMB's. LMB's must synchronise their browse list with the DMB (domain master
+browser) and WINS helps the LMB to identify it's DMB. By definition this
+will work only within a single workgroup. Note that the domain master browser
+has NOTHING to do with what is referred to as an MS Windows NT Domain. The
+later is a reference to a security environment while the DMB refers to the
+master controller for browse list information only.
+Use of WINS will work correctly only if EVERY client TCP/IP protocol stack
+has been configured to use the WINS server/s. Any client that has not been
+configured to use the WINS server will continue to use only broadcast based
+name registration so that WINS may NEVER get to know about it. In any case,
+machines that have not registered with a WINS server will fail name to address
+lookup attempts by other clients and will therefore cause workstation access
+To configure Samba as a WINS server just add
+wins support = yes to the smb.conf
+file [globals] section.
+To configure Samba to register with a WINS server just add
+"wins server = a.b.c.d" to your smb.conf file [globals] section.
+Never use both wins support = yes together
+with wins server = a.b.c.d
+particularly not using it's own IP address.
+Specifying both will cause &nmbd; to refuse to start!
+Setting up a WINS server
+Either a Samba machine or a Windows NT Server machine may be set up
+as a WINS server. To set a Samba machine to be a WINS server you must
+add the following option to the &smb.conf; file on the selected machine :
+in the [globals] section add the line
+ wins support = yes
+Versions of Samba prior to 1.9.17 had this parameter default to
+yes. If you have any older versions of Samba on your network it is
+strongly suggested you upgrade to a recent version, or at the very
+least set the parameter to 'no' on all these machines.
+Machines with wins support = yes will keep a list of
+all NetBIOS names registered with them, acting as a DNS for NetBIOS names.
+You should set up only ONE wins server. Do NOT set the
+wins support = yes option on more than one Samba
+To set up a Windows NT Server as a WINS server you need to set up
+the WINS service - see your NT documentation for details. Note that
+Windows NT WINS Servers can replicate to each other, allowing more
+than one to be set up in a complex subnet environment. As Microsoft
+refuse to document these replication protocols Samba cannot currently
+participate in these replications. It is possible in the future that
+a Samba->Samba WINS replication protocol may be defined, in which
+case more than one Samba machine could be set up as a WINS server
+but currently only one Samba server should have the
+wins support = yes parameter set.
+After the WINS server has been configured you must ensure that all
+machines participating on the network are configured with the address
+of this WINS server. If your WINS server is a Samba machine, fill in
+the Samba machine IP address in the "Primary WINS Server" field of
+the "Control Panel->Network->Protocols->TCP->WINS Server" dialogs
+in Windows 95 or Windows NT. To tell a Samba server the IP address
+of the WINS server add the following line to the [global] section of
+all &smb.conf; files :
+ wins server = <name or IP address>
+where <name or IP address> is either the DNS name of the WINS server
+machine or its IP address.
+Note that this line MUST NOT BE SET in the &smb.conf; file of the Samba
+server acting as the WINS server itself. If you set both the
+wins support = yes option and the
+wins server = <name> option then
+nmbd will fail to start.
+There are two possible scenarios for setting up cross subnet browsing.
+The first details setting up cross subnet browsing on a network containing
+Windows 95, Samba and Windows NT machines that are not configured as
+part of a Windows NT Domain. The second details setting up cross subnet
+browsing on networks that contain NT Domains.
+WINS Replication
+Samba-3 permits WINS replication through the use of the wrepld utility.
+This tool is not currently capable of being used as it is still in active development.
+As soon as this tool becomes moderately functional we will prepare man pages and enhance this
+section of the documentation to provide usage and technical details.
+Static WINS Entries
+New to Samba-3 is a tool called winsedit that may be used to add
+static WINS entries to the WINS database. This tool can be used also to modify entries
+existing in the WINS database.
+The development of the winsedit tool was made necessary due to the migration
+of the older style wins.dat file into a new tdb binary backend data store.
+Helpful Hints
+The following hints should be carefully considered as they are stumbling points
+for many new network administrators.
+Windows Networking Protocols
+Do NOT use more than one (1) protocol on MS Windows machines
+A very common cause of browsing problems results from installing more than
+one protocol on an MS Windows machine.
+Every NetBIOS machine takes part in a process of electing the LMB (and DMB)
+every 15 minutes. A set of election criteria is used to determine the order
+of precidence for winning this election process. A machine running Samba or
+Windows NT will be biased so that the most suitable machine will predictably
+win and thus retain it's role.
+The election process is "fought out" so to speak over every NetBIOS network
+interface. In the case of a Windows 9x machine that has both TCP/IP and IPX
+installed and has NetBIOS enabled over both protocols the election will be
+decided over both protocols. As often happens, if the Windows 9x machine is
+the only one with both protocols then the LMB may be won on the NetBIOS
+interface over the IPX protocol. Samba will then lose the LMB role as Windows
+9x will insist it knows who the LMB is. Samba will then cease to function
+as an LMB and thus browse list operation on all TCP/IP only machines will
+Windows 95, 98, 98se, Me are referred to generically as Windows 9x.
+The Windows NT4, 2000, XP and 2003 use common protocols. These are roughly
+referred to as the WinNT family, but it should be recognised that 2000 and
+XP/2003 introduce new protocol extensions that cause them to behave
+differently from MS Windows NT4. Generally, where a server does NOT support
+the newer or extended protocol, these will fall back to the NT4 protocols.
+The safest rule of all to follow it this - USE ONLY ONE PROTOCOL!
+Name Resolution Order
+Resolution of NetBIOS names to IP addresses can take place using a number
+of methods. The only ones that can provide NetBIOS name_type information
+ WINS: the best tool!
+ LMHOSTS: is static and hard to maintain.
+ Broadcast: uses UDP and can not resolve names across remote segments.
+Alternative means of name resolution includes:
+/etc/hosts: is static, hard to maintain, and lacks name_type info
+DNS: is a good choice but lacks essential name_type info.
+Many sites want to restrict DNS lookups and want to avoid broadcast name
+resolution traffic. The "name resolve order" parameter is of great help here.
+The syntax of the "name resolve order" parameter is:
+name resolve order = wins lmhosts bcast host
+name resolve order = wins lmhosts (eliminates bcast and host)
+The default is:
+name resolve order = host lmhost wins bcast
+where "host" refers the the native methods used by the Unix system
+to implement the gethostbyname() function call. This is normally
+controlled by /etc/host.conf, /etc/nsswitch.conf and /etc/resolv.conf.
+Technical Overview of browsing
+SMB networking provides a mechanism by which clients can access a list
+of machines in a network, a so-called browse list. This list
+contains machines that are ready to offer file and/or print services
+to other machines within the network. Thus it does not include
+machines which aren't currently able to do server tasks. The browse
+list is heavily used by all SMB clients. Configuration of SMB
+browsing has been problematic for some Samba users, hence this
+MS Windows 2000 and later, as with Samba 3 and later, can be
+configured to not use NetBIOS over TCP/IP. When configured this way
+it is imperative that name resolution (using DNS/LDAP/ADS) be correctly
+configured and operative. Browsing will NOT work if name resolution
+from SMB machine names to IP addresses does not function correctly.
+Where NetBIOS over TCP/IP is enabled use of a WINS server is highly
+recommended to aid the resolution of NetBIOS (SMB) names to IP addresses.
+WINS allows remote segment clients to obtain NetBIOS name_type information
+that can NOT be provided by any other means of name resolution.
+Browsing support in samba
+Samba facilitates browsing. The browsing is supported by &nmbd;
+and is also controlled by options in the &smb.conf; file.
+Samba can act as a local browse master for a workgroup and the ability
+for samba to support domain logons and scripts is now available.
+Samba can also act as a domain master browser for a workgroup. This
+means that it will collate lists from local browse masters into a
+wide area network server list. In order for browse clients to
+resolve the names they may find in this list, it is recommended that
+both samba and your clients use a WINS server.
+Note that you should NOT set Samba to be the domain master for a
+workgroup that has the same name as an NT Domain: on each wide area
+network, you must only ever have one domain master browser per workgroup,
+regardless of whether it is NT, Samba or any other type of domain master
+that is providing this service.
+Nmbd can be configured as a WINS server, but it is not
+necessary to specifically use samba as your WINS server. MS Windows
+NT4, Server or Advanced Server 2000 or 2003 can be configured as
+your WINS server. In a mixed NT/2000/2003 server and samba environment on
+a Wide Area Network, it is recommended that you use the Microsoft
+WINS server capabilities. In a samba-only environment, it is
+recommended that you use one and only one Samba server as your WINS server.
+To get browsing to work you need to run nmbd as usual, but will need
+to use the workgroup option in &smb.conf;
+to control what workgroup Samba becomes a part of.
+Samba also has a useful option for a Samba server to offer itself for
+browsing on another subnet. It is recommended that this option is only
+used for 'unusual' purposes: announcements over the internet, for
+example. See remote announce in the
+&smb.conf; man page.
+Problem resolution
+If something doesn't work then hopefully the log.nmb file will help
+you track down the problem. Try a debug level of 2 or 3 for finding
+problems. Also note that the current browse list usually gets stored
+in text form in a file called browse.dat.
+Note that if it doesn't work for you, then you should still be able to
+type the server name as \\SERVER in filemanager then
+hit enter and filemanager should display the list of available shares.
+Some people find browsing fails because they don't have the global
+guest account set to a valid account. Remember that the
+IPC$ connection that lists the shares is done as guest, and thus you must
+have a valid guest account.
+MS Windows 2000 and upwards (as with Samba) can be configured to disallow
+anonymous (ie: Guest account) access to the IPC$ share. In that case, the
+MS Windows 2000/XP/2003 machine acting as an SMB/CIFS client will use the
+name of the currently logged in user to query the IPC$ share. MS Windows
+9X clients are not able to do this and thus will NOT be able to browse
+server resources.
+The other big problem people have is that their broadcast address,
+netmask or IP address is wrong (specified with the "interfaces" option
+in &smb.conf;)
+Browsing across subnets
+Since the release of Samba 1.9.17(alpha1) Samba has been
+updated to enable it to support the replication of browse lists
+across subnet boundaries. New code and options have been added to
+achieve this. This section describes how to set this feature up
+in different settings.
+To see browse lists that span TCP/IP subnets (ie. networks separated
+by routers that don't pass broadcast traffic) you must set up at least
+one WINS server. The WINS server acts as a DNS for NetBIOS names, allowing
+NetBIOS name to IP address translation to be done by doing a direct
+query of the WINS server. This is done via a directed UDP packet on
+port 137 to the WINS server machine. The reason for a WINS server is
+that by default, all NetBIOS name to IP address translation is done
+by broadcasts from the querying machine. This means that machines
+on one subnet will not be able to resolve the names of machines on
+another subnet without using a WINS server.
+Remember, for browsing across subnets to work correctly, all machines,
+be they Windows 95, Windows NT, or Samba servers must have the IP address
+of a WINS server given to them by a DHCP server, or by manual configuration
+(for Win95 and WinNT, this is in the TCP/IP Properties, under Network
+settings) for Samba this is in the &smb.conf; file.
+How does cross subnet browsing work ?
+Cross subnet browsing is a complicated dance, containing multiple
+moving parts. It has taken Microsoft several years to get the code
+that achieves this correct, and Samba lags behind in some areas.
+Samba is capable of cross subnet browsing when configured correctly.
+Consider a network set up as follows :
+ (DMB)
+ N1_A N1_B N1_C N1_D N1_E
+ | | | | |
+ -------------------------------------------------------
+ | subnet 1 |
+ +---+ +---+
+ |R1 | Router 1 Router 2 |R2 |
+ +---+ +---+
+ | |
+ | subnet 2 subnet 3 |
+ -------------------------- ------------------------------------
+ | | | | | | | |
+ N2_A N2_B N2_C N2_D N3_A N3_B N3_C N3_D
+ (WINS)
+Consisting of 3 subnets (1, 2, 3) connected by two routers
+(R1, R2) - these do not pass broadcasts. Subnet 1 has 5 machines
+on it, subnet 2 has 4 machines, subnet 3 has 4 machines. Assume
+for the moment that all these machines are configured to be in the
+same workgroup (for simplicities sake). Machine N1_C on subnet 1
+is configured as Domain Master Browser (ie. it will collate the
+browse lists for the workgroup). Machine N2_D is configured as
+WINS server and all the other machines are configured to register
+their NetBIOS names with it.
+As all these machines are booted up, elections for master browsers
+will take place on each of the three subnets. Assume that machine
+N1_C wins on subnet 1, N2_B wins on subnet 2, and N3_D wins on
+subnet 3 - these machines are known as local master browsers for
+their particular subnet. N1_C has an advantage in winning as the
+local master browser on subnet 1 as it is set up as Domain Master
+On each of the three networks, machines that are configured to
+offer sharing services will broadcast that they are offering
+these services. The local master browser on each subnet will
+receive these broadcasts and keep a record of the fact that
+the machine is offering a service. This list of records is
+the basis of the browse list. For this case, assume that
+all the machines are configured to offer services so all machines
+will be on the browse list.
+For each network, the local master browser on that network is
+considered 'authoritative' for all the names it receives via
+local broadcast. This is because a machine seen by the local
+master browser via a local broadcast must be on the same
+network as the local master browser and thus is a 'trusted'
+and 'verifiable' resource. Machines on other networks that
+the local master browsers learn about when collating their
+browse lists have not been directly seen - these records are
+called 'non-authoritative'.
+At this point the browse lists look as follows (these are
+the machines you would see in your network neighborhood if
+you looked in it on a particular network right now).
+Subnet Browse Master List
+------ ------------- ----
+Subnet1 N1_C N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E
+Subnet2 N2_B N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
+Subnet3 N3_D N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
+Note that at this point all the subnets are separate, no
+machine is seen across any of the subnets.
+Now examine subnet 2. As soon as N2_B has become the local
+master browser it looks for a Domain master browser to synchronize
+its browse list with. It does this by querying the WINS server
+(N2_D) for the IP address associated with the NetBIOS name
+WORKGROUP<1B>. This name was registerd by the Domain master
+browser (N1_C) with the WINS server as soon as it was booted.
+Once N2_B knows the address of the Domain master browser it
+tells it that is the local master browser for subnet 2 by
+sending a MasterAnnouncement packet as a UDP port 138 packet.
+It then synchronizes with it by doing a NetServerEnum2 call. This
+tells the Domain Master Browser to send it all the server
+names it knows about. Once the domain master browser receives
+the MasterAnnouncement packet it schedules a synchronization
+request to the sender of that packet. After both synchronizations
+are done the browse lists look like :
+Subnet Browse Master List
+------ ------------- ----
+Subnet1 N1_C N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E,
+ N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*)
+Subnet2 N2_B N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
+ N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*)
+Subnet3 N3_D N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
+Servers with a (*) after them are non-authoritative names.
+At this point users looking in their network neighborhood on
+subnets 1 or 2 will see all the servers on both, users on
+subnet 3 will still only see the servers on their own subnet.
+The same sequence of events that occured for N2_B now occurs
+for the local master browser on subnet 3 (N3_D). When it
+synchronizes browse lists with the domain master browser (N1_A)
+it gets both the server entries on subnet 1, and those on
+subnet 2. After N3_D has synchronized with N1_C and vica-versa
+the browse lists look like.
+Subnet Browse Master List
+------ ------------- ----
+Subnet1 N1_C N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E,
+ N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*),
+ N3_A(*), N3_B(*), N3_C(*), N3_D(*)
+Subnet2 N2_B N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
+ N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*)
+Subnet3 N3_D N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
+ N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*),
+ N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*)
+Servers with a (*) after them are non-authoritative names.
+At this point users looking in their network neighborhood on
+subnets 1 or 3 will see all the servers on all sunbets, users on
+subnet 2 will still only see the servers on subnets 1 and 2, but not 3.
+Finally, the local master browser for subnet 2 (N2_B) will sync again
+with the domain master browser (N1_C) and will recieve the missing
+server entries. Finally - and as a steady state (if no machines
+are removed or shut off) the browse lists will look like :
+Subnet Browse Master List
+------ ------------- ----
+Subnet1 N1_C N1_A, N1_B, N1_C, N1_D, N1_E,
+ N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*),
+ N3_A(*), N3_B(*), N3_C(*), N3_D(*)
+Subnet2 N2_B N2_A, N2_B, N2_C, N2_D
+ N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*)
+ N3_A(*), N3_B(*), N3_C(*), N3_D(*)
+Subnet3 N3_D N3_A, N3_B, N3_C, N3_D
+ N1_A(*), N1_B(*), N1_C(*), N1_D(*), N1_E(*),
+ N2_A(*), N2_B(*), N2_C(*), N2_D(*)
+Servers with a (*) after them are non-authoritative names.
+Synchronizations between the domain master browser and local
+master browsers will continue to occur, but this should be a
+steady state situation.
+If either router R1 or R2 fails the following will occur:
+ Names of computers on each side of the inaccessible network fragments
+ will be maintained for as long as 36 minutes, in the network neighbourhood
+ lists.
+ Attempts to connect to these inaccessible computers will fail, but the
+ names will not be removed from the network neighbourhood lists.
+ If one of the fragments is cut off from the WINS server, it will only
+ be able to access servers on its local subnet, by using subnet-isolated
+ broadcast NetBIOS name resolution. The effects are similar to that of
+ losing access to a DNS server.
diff --git a/docs/docbook/projdoc/locking.sgml b/docs/docbook/projdoc/locking.sgml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef65c16e2c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docbook/projdoc/locking.sgml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ &author.jeremy;
+ &author.jelmer;
+One area which sometimes causes trouble is locking.
+There are two types of locking which need to be
+performed by a SMB server. The first is "record locking"
+which allows a client to lock a range of bytes in a open file.
+The second is the "deny modes" that are specified when a file
+is open.
+Record locking semantics under Unix is very
+different from record locking under Windows. Versions
+of Samba before 2.2 have tried to use the native
+fcntl() unix system call to implement proper record
+locking between different Samba clients. This can not
+be fully correct due to several reasons. The simplest
+is the fact that a Windows client is allowed to lock a
+byte range up to 2^32 or 2^64, depending on the client
+OS. The unix locking only supports byte ranges up to
+2^31. So it is not possible to correctly satisfy a
+lock request above 2^31. There are many more
+differences, too many to be listed here.
+Samba 2.2 and above implements record locking
+completely independent of the underlying unix
+system. If a byte range lock that the client requests
+happens to fall into the range 0-2^31, Samba hands
+this request down to the Unix system. All other locks
+can not be seen by unix anyway.
+Strictly a SMB server should check for locks before
+every read and write call on a file. Unfortunately with the
+way fcntl() works this can be slow and may overstress the
+rpc.lockd. It is also almost always unnecessary as clients
+are supposed to independently make locking calls before reads
+and writes anyway if locking is important to them. By default
+Samba only makes locking calls when explicitly asked
+to by a client, but if you set "strict locking = yes" then it will
+make lock checking calls on every read and write.
+You can also disable by range locking completely
+using "locking = no". This is useful for those shares that
+don't support locking or don't need it (such as cdroms). In
+this case Samba fakes the return codes of locking calls to
+tell clients that everything is OK.
+The second class of locking is the "deny modes". These
+are set by an application when it opens a file to determine
+what types of access should be allowed simultaneously with
+its open. A client may ask for DENY_NONE, DENY_READ, DENY_WRITE
+or DENY_ALL. There are also special compatibility modes called