mirror of
synced 2025-01-15 23:24:37 +03:00
make proto
(This used to be commit 4443a8b6e698a6572152e575c41dfb760b9888a9)
This commit is contained in:
@ -210,390 +210,6 @@ void CatchChildLeaveStatus(void);
int vslprintf(char *str, int n, char *format, va_list ap);
/*The following definitions come from lib/smbrun.c */
int smbrun(char *cmd,char *outfile,BOOL shared);
/*The following definitions come from lib/snprintf.c */
/*The following definitions come from lib/substitute.c */
void standard_sub_basic(char *str);
void standard_sub_advanced(int snum, char *user, char *connectpath, gid_t gid, char *str);
void standard_sub_conn(connection_struct *conn, char *str);
void standard_sub_snum(int snum, char *str);
void standard_sub_vuser(char *str, user_struct *vuser);
void standard_sub_vsnum(char *str, user_struct *vuser, int snum);
/*The following definitions come from lib/system.c */
int sys_usleep(long usecs);
int sys_stat(const char *fname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int sys_fstat(int fd,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int sys_lstat(const char *fname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int sys_ftruncate(int fd, SMB_OFF_T offset);
SMB_OFF_T sys_lseek(int fd, SMB_OFF_T offset, int whence);
int sys_fseek(FILE *fp, SMB_OFF_T offset, int whence);
SMB_OFF_T sys_ftell(FILE *fp);
int sys_creat(const char *path, mode_t mode);
int sys_open(const char *path, int oflag, mode_t mode);
FILE *sys_fopen(const char *path, const char *type);
SMB_STRUCT_DIRENT *sys_readdir(DIR *dirp);
int sys_waitpid(pid_t pid,int *status,int options);
char *sys_getwd(char *s);
int sys_chown(const char *fname,uid_t uid,gid_t gid);
int sys_chroot(const char *dname);
struct hostent *sys_gethostbyname(const char *name);
void oplock_set_capability(BOOL this_process, BOOL inherit);
long sys_random(void);
void sys_srandom(unsigned int seed);
int groups_max(void);
int sys_getgroups(int setlen, gid_t *gidset);
int sys_setgroups(int setlen, gid_t *gidset);
struct passwd *sys_getpwnam(const char *name);
struct passwd *sys_getpwuid(uid_t uid);
int wsys_stat(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int wsys_lstat(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int wsys_creat(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname, mode_t mode);
int wsys_open(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname, int oflag, mode_t mode);
FILE *wsys_fopen(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname, const char *type);
DIR *wsys_opendir(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname);
smb_ucs2_t *wsys_getwd(smb_ucs2_t *s);
int wsys_chown(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
int wsys_chroot(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname);
pid_t sys_fork(void);
pid_t sys_getpid(void);
int sys_popen(const char *command);
int sys_pclose(int fd);
/*The following definitions come from lib/talloc.c */
TALLOC_CTX *talloc_init(void);
void *talloc(TALLOC_CTX *t, size_t size);
void talloc_destroy(TALLOC_CTX *t);
/*The following definitions come from lib/time.c */
void GetTimeOfDay(struct timeval *tval);
void TimeInit(void);
int TimeDiff(time_t t);
struct tm *LocalTime(time_t *t);
time_t nt_time_to_unix(NTTIME *nt);
time_t interpret_long_date(char *p);
void unix_to_nt_time(NTTIME *nt, time_t t);
void put_long_date(char *p,time_t t);
BOOL null_mtime(time_t mtime);
void put_dos_date(char *buf,int offset,time_t unixdate);
void put_dos_date2(char *buf,int offset,time_t unixdate);
void put_dos_date3(char *buf,int offset,time_t unixdate);
time_t make_unix_date(void *date_ptr);
time_t make_unix_date2(void *date_ptr);
time_t make_unix_date3(void *date_ptr);
char *http_timestring(time_t t);
char *timestring(BOOL hires);
time_t get_create_time(SMB_STRUCT_STAT *st,BOOL fake_dirs);
/*The following definitions come from lib/ufc.c */
char *ufc_crypt(char *key,char *salt);
/*The following definitions come from lib/username.c */
char *get_user_home_dir(char *user);
BOOL map_username(char *user);
struct passwd *Get_Pwnam(char *user,BOOL allow_change);
BOOL user_in_list(char *user,char *list);
struct passwd *smb_getpwnam(char *user, BOOL allow_change);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util.c */
char *tmpdir(void);
BOOL in_group(gid_t group, gid_t current_gid, int ngroups, gid_t *groups);
char *Atoic(char *p, int *n, char *c);
char *get_numlist(char *p, uint32 **num, int *count);
BOOL file_exist(char *fname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int file_rename(char *from, char *to);
time_t file_modtime(char *fname);
BOOL directory_exist(char *dname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *st);
SMB_OFF_T get_file_size(char *file_name);
char *attrib_string(uint16 mode);
void show_msg(char *buf);
void smb_setlen(char *buf,int len);
int set_message(char *buf,int num_words,int num_bytes,BOOL zero);
void dos_clean_name(char *s);
void unix_clean_name(char *s);
BOOL reduce_name(char *s,char *dir,BOOL widelinks);
void make_dir_struct(char *buf,char *mask,char *fname,SMB_OFF_T size,int mode,time_t date);
void close_low_fds(void);
int set_blocking(int fd, BOOL set);
SMB_OFF_T transfer_file(int infd,int outfd,SMB_OFF_T n,char *header,int headlen,int align);
void msleep(int t);
void become_daemon(void);
BOOL yesno(char *p);
int set_filelen(int fd, SMB_OFF_T len);
void *Realloc(void *p,size_t size);
void safe_free(void *p);
BOOL get_myname(char *my_name);
int interpret_protocol(char *str,int def);
BOOL is_ipaddress(const char *str);
uint32 interpret_addr(char *str);
struct in_addr *interpret_addr2(char *str);
BOOL zero_ip(struct in_addr ip);
BOOL same_net(struct in_addr ip1,struct in_addr ip2,struct in_addr mask);
struct hostent *Get_Hostbyname(const char *name);
BOOL process_exists(pid_t pid);
char *uidtoname(uid_t uid);
char *gidtoname(gid_t gid);
uid_t nametouid(const char *name);
gid_t nametogid(const char *name);
void smb_panic(char *why);
char *readdirname(DIR *p);
BOOL is_in_path(char *name, name_compare_entry *namelist);
void set_namearray(name_compare_entry **ppname_array, char *namelist);
void free_namearray(name_compare_entry *name_array);
BOOL fcntl_lock(int fd, int op, SMB_OFF_T offset, SMB_OFF_T count, int type);
BOOL is_myname(char *s);
void set_remote_arch(enum remote_arch_types type);
enum remote_arch_types get_remote_arch(void);
void out_ascii(FILE *f, unsigned char *buf,int len);
void out_data(FILE *f,char *buf1,int len, int per_line);
void print_asc(int level, unsigned char *buf,int len);
void dump_data(int level,char *buf1,int len);
char *tab_depth(int depth);
int str_checksum(const char *s);
void zero_free(void *p, size_t size);
int set_maxfiles(int requested_max);
BOOL reg_split_key(char *full_keyname, uint32 *reg_type, char *key_name);
char *smbd_mktemp(char *template);
void *memdup(void *p, size_t size);
char *myhostname(void);
char *lock_path(char *name);
char *parent_dirname(const char *path);
BOOL ms_has_wild(char *s);
BOOL mask_match(char *string, char *pattern, BOOL is_case_sensitive);
int _Insure_trap_error(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_array.c */
void free_void_array(uint32 num_entries, void **entries,
void* add_copy_to_array(uint32 *len, void ***array, const void *item,
void*(item_dup)(const void*), BOOL alloc_anyway);
void* add_item_to_array(uint32 *len, void ***array, void *item);
void free_use_info_array(uint32 num_entries, struct use_info **entries);
struct use_info* add_use_info_to_array(uint32 *len, struct use_info ***array,
const struct use_info *name);
void free_char_array(uint32 num_entries, char **entries);
char* add_chars_to_array(uint32 *len, char ***array, const char *name);
void free_uint32_array(uint32 num_entries, uint32 **entries);
uint32* add_uint32s_to_array(uint32 *len, uint32 ***array, const uint32 *name);
void free_sid_array(uint32 num_entries, DOM_SID **entries);
DOM_SID* add_sid_to_array(uint32 *len, DOM_SID ***array, const DOM_SID *sid);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_file.c */
BOOL do_file_lock(int fd, int waitsecs, int type);
BOOL file_lock(int fd, int type, int secs, int *plock_depth);
BOOL file_unlock(int fd, int *plock_depth);
void *startfilepwent(char *pfile, char *s_readbuf, int bufsize,
int *file_lock_depth, BOOL update);
void endfilepwent(void *vp, int *file_lock_depth);
SMB_BIG_UINT getfilepwpos(void *vp);
BOOL setfilepwpos(void *vp, SMB_BIG_UINT tok);
int getfileline(void *vp, char *linebuf, int linebuf_size);
char *fgets_slash(char *s2,int maxlen,FILE *f);
char *file_pload(char *syscmd, size_t *size);
char *file_load(char *fname, size_t *size);
char **file_lines_load(char *fname, int *numlines);
char **file_lines_pload(char *syscmd, int *numlines);
void file_lines_free(char **lines);
void file_lines_slashcont(char **lines);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_seaccess.c */
BOOL se_access_check(SEC_DESC *sd, uid_t uid, gid_t gid, int ngroups,
gid_t *groups, uint32 acc_desired,
uint32 *acc_granted, uint32 *status);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_sec.c */
void gain_root_privilege(void);
void gain_root_group_privilege(void);
void set_effective_uid(uid_t uid);
void set_effective_gid(gid_t gid);
void save_re_uid(void);
void restore_re_uid(void);
int set_re_uid(void);
void become_user_permanently(uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_sid.c */
void generate_wellknown_sids(void);
BOOL map_domain_sid_to_name(DOM_SID *sid, char *nt_domain);
BOOL lookup_known_rid(DOM_SID *sid, uint32 rid, char *name, uint8 *psid_name_use);
BOOL map_domain_name_to_sid(DOM_SID *sid, char *nt_domain);
void split_domain_name(const char *fullname, char *domain, char *name);
char *sid_to_string(fstring sidstr_out, DOM_SID *sid);
BOOL string_to_sid(DOM_SID *sidout, char *sidstr);
BOOL sid_append_rid(DOM_SID *sid, uint32 rid);
BOOL sid_split_rid(DOM_SID *sid, uint32 *rid);
void sid_copy(DOM_SID *dst, const DOM_SID *src);
DOM_SID *sid_dup(DOM_SID *src);
BOOL sid_linearize(char *outbuf, size_t len, DOM_SID *sid);
BOOL sid_equal(const DOM_SID *sid1, const DOM_SID *sid2);
size_t sid_size(DOM_SID *sid);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_sock.c */
BOOL is_a_socket(int fd);
void set_socket_options(int fd, char *options);
ssize_t read_udp_socket(int fd,char *buf,size_t len);
ssize_t read_with_timeout(int fd,char *buf,size_t mincnt,size_t maxcnt,unsigned int time_out);
BOOL send_keepalive(int client);
ssize_t read_data(int fd,char *buffer,size_t N);
ssize_t write_data(int fd,char *buffer,size_t N);
ssize_t write_socket_data(int fd,char *buffer,size_t N);
ssize_t write_socket(int fd,char *buf,size_t len);
ssize_t read_smb_length(int fd,char *inbuf,unsigned int timeout);
BOOL receive_smb(int fd,char *buffer, unsigned int timeout);
BOOL client_receive_smb(int fd,char *buffer, unsigned int timeout);
BOOL send_null_session_msg(int fd);
BOOL send_smb(int fd,char *buffer);
BOOL send_one_packet(char *buf,int len,struct in_addr ip,int port,int type);
int open_socket_in(int type, int port, int dlevel,uint32 socket_addr, BOOL rebind);
int open_socket_out(int type, struct in_addr *addr, int port ,int timeout);
void reset_globals_after_fork(void);
void client_setfd(int fd);
char *client_name(void);
char *client_addr(void);
char *get_socket_name(int fd);
char *get_socket_addr(int fd);
int open_pipe_sock(char *path);
int create_pipe_socket(char *dir, int dir_perms,
char *path, int path_perms);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_str.c */
void set_first_token(char *ptr);
BOOL next_token(char **ptr,char *buff,char *sep, size_t bufsize);
char **toktocliplist(int *ctok, char *sep);
int StrCaseCmp(const char *s, const char *t);
int StrnCaseCmp(const char *s, const char *t, size_t n);
BOOL strequal(const char *s1, const char *s2);
BOOL strnequal(const char *s1,const char *s2,size_t n);
BOOL strcsequal(const char *s1,const char *s2);
void strlower(char *s);
void strupper(char *s);
void strnorm(char *s);
BOOL strisnormal(char *s);
void string_replace(char *s,char oldc,char newc);
char *skip_string(char *buf,size_t n);
size_t str_charnum(const char *s);
BOOL trim_string(char *s,const char *front,const char *back);
BOOL strhasupper(const char *s);
BOOL strhaslower(const char *s);
size_t count_chars(const char *s,char c);
BOOL str_is_all(const char *s,char c);
char *safe_strcpy(char *dest,const char *src, size_t maxlength);
char *safe_strcat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t maxlength);
char *alpha_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t maxlength);
char *StrnCpy(char *dest,const char *src,size_t n);
char *strncpyn(char *dest, const char *src,size_t n, char c);
size_t strhex_to_str(char *p, size_t len, const char *strhex);
BOOL in_list(char *s,char *list,BOOL casesensitive);
void string_free(char **s);
BOOL string_set(char **dest,const char *src);
void string_sub(char *s,const char *pattern,const char *insert, size_t len);
void fstring_sub(char *s,const char *pattern,const char *insert);
void pstring_sub(char *s,const char *pattern,const char *insert);
void all_string_sub(char *s,const char *pattern,const char *insert, size_t len);
void split_at_last_component(char *path, char *front, char sep, char *back);
char *octal_string(int i);
char *string_truncate(char *s, int length);
void parse_domain_user(char *domuser, fstring domain, fstring user);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_unistr.c */
size_t dos_PutUniCode(char *dst,const char *src, ssize_t len, BOOL null_terminate);
void unistr_to_dos(char *dest, const char *src, size_t len);
char *skip_unibuf(char *src, size_t len);
char *dos_unistrn2(uint16 *src, int len);
char *dos_unistr2(uint16 *src);
char *dos_unistr2_to_str(UNISTR2 *str);
void ascii_to_unistr(uint16 *dest, const char *src, int maxlen);
void unistr_to_ascii(char *dest, const uint16 *src, int len);
void unistr2_to_ascii(char *dest, const UNISTR2 *str, size_t maxlen);
uint32 buffer2_to_uint32(BUFFER2 *str);
char *dos_buffer2_to_str(BUFFER2 *str);
char *dos_buffer2_to_multistr(BUFFER2 *str);
size_t dos_struni2(char *dst, const char *src, size_t max_len);
char *dos_unistr(char *buf);
int unistrcpy(char *dst, char *src);
void default_unicode_map(smb_ucs2_t **pp_cp_to_ucs2, uint16 **pp_ucs2_to_cp);
BOOL load_unicode_map(const char *codepage, smb_ucs2_t **pp_cp_to_ucs2, uint16 **pp_ucs2_to_cp);
BOOL load_dos_unicode_map(int codepage);
BOOL load_unix_unicode_map(const char *unix_char_set);
smb_ucs2_t *multibyte_to_unicode(smb_ucs2_t *dst, const char *src,
size_t dst_len, smb_ucs2_t *cp_to_ucs2);
char *unicode_to_unix(char *dst, const smb_ucs2_t *src, size_t dst_len);
smb_ucs2_t *unix_to_unicode(smb_ucs2_t *dst, const char *src, size_t dst_len);
char *unicode_to_dos(char *dst, const smb_ucs2_t *src, size_t dst_len);
size_t unicode_to_dos_char(char *dst, const smb_ucs2_t src);
smb_ucs2_t *dos_to_unicode(smb_ucs2_t *dst, const char *src, size_t dst_len);
size_t strlen_w(const smb_ucs2_t *src);
smb_ucs2_t *safe_strcpy_w(smb_ucs2_t *dest,const smb_ucs2_t *src, size_t maxlength);
smb_ucs2_t *safe_strcat_w(smb_ucs2_t *dest, const smb_ucs2_t *src, size_t maxlength);
int strcmp_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1, const smb_ucs2_t *s2);
int strncmp_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1, const smb_ucs2_t *s2, size_t len);
smb_ucs2_t *strstr_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1, const smb_ucs2_t *s2);
smb_ucs2_t *strchr_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s, smb_ucs2_t c);
smb_ucs2_t *strrchr_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s, smb_ucs2_t c);
smb_ucs2_t *strtok_w(smb_ucs2_t *s1, const smb_ucs2_t *s2);
smb_ucs2_t *strdup_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s);
int isupper_w( smb_ucs2_t val);
int islower_w( smb_ucs2_t val);
int isdigit_w( smb_ucs2_t val);
int isxdigit_w( smb_ucs2_t val);
int isspace_w( smb_ucs2_t val);
smb_ucs2_t toupper_w( smb_ucs2_t val );
smb_ucs2_t tolower_w( smb_ucs2_t val );
void set_first_token_w(smb_ucs2_t *ptr);
BOOL next_token_w(smb_ucs2_t **ptr, smb_ucs2_t *buff, smb_ucs2_t *sep, size_t bufsize);
smb_ucs2_t **toktocliplist_w(int *ctok, smb_ucs2_t *sep);
int StrCaseCmp_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s, const smb_ucs2_t *t);
int StrnCaseCmp_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s, const smb_ucs2_t *t, size_t n);
BOOL strequal_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1, const smb_ucs2_t *s2);
BOOL strnequal_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1,const smb_ucs2_t *s2,size_t n);
BOOL strcsequal_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1,const smb_ucs2_t *s2);
void strlower_w(smb_ucs2_t *s);
void strupper_w(smb_ucs2_t *s);
void strnorm_w(smb_ucs2_t *s);
BOOL strisnormal_w(smb_ucs2_t *s);
void string_replace_w(smb_ucs2_t *s, smb_ucs2_t oldc, smb_ucs2_t newc);
smb_ucs2_t *skip_string_w(smb_ucs2_t *buf,size_t n);
size_t str_charnum_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s);
BOOL trim_string_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,const smb_ucs2_t *front,const smb_ucs2_t *back);
BOOL strhasupper_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s);
BOOL strhaslower_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s);
size_t count_chars_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s,smb_ucs2_t c);
BOOL str_is_all_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s,smb_ucs2_t c);
smb_ucs2_t *alpha_strcpy_w(smb_ucs2_t *dest, const smb_ucs2_t *src, size_t maxlength);
smb_ucs2_t *StrnCpy_w(smb_ucs2_t *dest,const smb_ucs2_t *src,size_t n);
smb_ucs2_t *strncpyn_w(smb_ucs2_t *dest, const smb_ucs2_t *src,size_t n, smb_ucs2_t c);
size_t strhex_to_str_w(char *p, size_t len, const smb_ucs2_t *strhex);
BOOL in_list_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,smb_ucs2_t *list,BOOL casesensitive);
BOOL string_init_w(smb_ucs2_t **dest,const smb_ucs2_t *src);
void string_free_w(smb_ucs2_t **s);
BOOL string_set_w(smb_ucs2_t **dest,const smb_ucs2_t *src);
void string_sub_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,const smb_ucs2_t *pattern,const smb_ucs2_t *insert, size_t len);
void fstring_sub_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,const smb_ucs2_t *pattern,const smb_ucs2_t *insert);
void pstring_sub_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,const smb_ucs2_t *pattern,smb_ucs2_t *insert);
void all_string_sub_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,const smb_ucs2_t *pattern,const smb_ucs2_t *insert, size_t len);
void split_at_last_component_w(smb_ucs2_t *path, smb_ucs2_t *front, smb_ucs2_t sep, smb_ucs2_t *back);
smb_ucs2_t *octal_string_w(int i);
smb_ucs2_t *string_truncate_w(smb_ucs2_t *s, size_t length);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/cliconnect.c */
BOOL cli_session_setup(struct cli_state *cli,
@ -810,6 +426,10 @@ void pwd_make_lm_nt_16(struct pwd_info *pwd, char *clr);
void pwd_make_lm_nt_owf(struct pwd_info *pwd, uchar cryptkey[8]);
void pwd_get_lm_nt_owf(struct pwd_info *pwd, uchar lm_owf[24], uchar nt_owf[24]);
/*The following definitions come from lib/smbrun.c */
int smbrun(char *cmd,char *outfile,BOOL shared);
/*The following definitions come from libsmb/smbdes.c */
void E_P16(unsigned char *p14,unsigned char *p16);
@ -842,6 +462,385 @@ void clear_unexpected(time_t t);
struct packet_struct *receive_unexpected(enum packet_type packet_type, int id,
char *mailslot_name);
/*The following definitions come from lib/snprintf.c */
/*The following definitions come from lib/substitute.c */
void standard_sub_basic(char *str);
void standard_sub_advanced(int snum, char *user, char *connectpath, gid_t gid, char *str);
void standard_sub_conn(connection_struct *conn, char *str);
void standard_sub_snum(int snum, char *str);
void standard_sub_vuser(char *str, user_struct *vuser);
void standard_sub_vsnum(char *str, user_struct *vuser, int snum);
/*The following definitions come from lib/system.c */
int sys_usleep(long usecs);
int sys_stat(const char *fname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int sys_fstat(int fd,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int sys_lstat(const char *fname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int sys_ftruncate(int fd, SMB_OFF_T offset);
SMB_OFF_T sys_lseek(int fd, SMB_OFF_T offset, int whence);
int sys_fseek(FILE *fp, SMB_OFF_T offset, int whence);
SMB_OFF_T sys_ftell(FILE *fp);
int sys_creat(const char *path, mode_t mode);
int sys_open(const char *path, int oflag, mode_t mode);
FILE *sys_fopen(const char *path, const char *type);
SMB_STRUCT_DIRENT *sys_readdir(DIR *dirp);
int sys_waitpid(pid_t pid,int *status,int options);
char *sys_getwd(char *s);
int sys_chown(const char *fname,uid_t uid,gid_t gid);
int sys_chroot(const char *dname);
struct hostent *sys_gethostbyname(const char *name);
void oplock_set_capability(BOOL this_process, BOOL inherit);
long sys_random(void);
void sys_srandom(unsigned int seed);
int groups_max(void);
int sys_getgroups(int setlen, gid_t *gidset);
int sys_setgroups(int setlen, gid_t *gidset);
struct passwd *sys_getpwnam(const char *name);
struct passwd *sys_getpwuid(uid_t uid);
int wsys_stat(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int wsys_lstat(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int wsys_creat(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname, mode_t mode);
int wsys_open(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname, int oflag, mode_t mode);
FILE *wsys_fopen(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname, const char *type);
DIR *wsys_opendir(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname);
smb_ucs2_t *wsys_getwd(smb_ucs2_t *s);
int wsys_chown(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
int wsys_chroot(const smb_ucs2_t *wfname);
pid_t sys_fork(void);
pid_t sys_getpid(void);
int sys_popen(const char *command);
int sys_pclose(int fd);
/*The following definitions come from lib/talloc.c */
TALLOC_CTX *talloc_init(void);
void *talloc(TALLOC_CTX *t, size_t size);
void talloc_destroy(TALLOC_CTX *t);
/*The following definitions come from lib/time.c */
void GetTimeOfDay(struct timeval *tval);
void TimeInit(void);
int TimeDiff(time_t t);
struct tm *LocalTime(time_t *t);
time_t nt_time_to_unix(NTTIME *nt);
time_t interpret_long_date(char *p);
void unix_to_nt_time(NTTIME *nt, time_t t);
void put_long_date(char *p,time_t t);
BOOL null_mtime(time_t mtime);
void put_dos_date(char *buf,int offset,time_t unixdate);
void put_dos_date2(char *buf,int offset,time_t unixdate);
void put_dos_date3(char *buf,int offset,time_t unixdate);
time_t make_unix_date(void *date_ptr);
time_t make_unix_date2(void *date_ptr);
time_t make_unix_date3(void *date_ptr);
char *http_timestring(time_t t);
char *timestring(BOOL hires);
time_t get_create_time(SMB_STRUCT_STAT *st,BOOL fake_dirs);
/*The following definitions come from lib/ufc.c */
char *ufc_crypt(char *key,char *salt);
/*The following definitions come from lib/username.c */
char *get_user_home_dir(char *user);
BOOL map_username(char *user);
struct passwd *Get_Pwnam(char *user,BOOL allow_change);
BOOL user_in_list(char *user,char *list);
struct passwd *smb_getpwnam(char *user, BOOL allow_change);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_array.c */
void free_void_array(uint32 num_entries, void **entries,
void* add_copy_to_array(uint32 *len, void ***array, const void *item,
void*(item_dup)(const void*), BOOL alloc_anyway);
void* add_item_to_array(uint32 *len, void ***array, void *item);
void free_use_info_array(uint32 num_entries, struct use_info **entries);
struct use_info* add_use_info_to_array(uint32 *len, struct use_info ***array,
const struct use_info *name);
void free_char_array(uint32 num_entries, char **entries);
char* add_chars_to_array(uint32 *len, char ***array, const char *name);
void free_uint32_array(uint32 num_entries, uint32 **entries);
uint32* add_uint32s_to_array(uint32 *len, uint32 ***array, const uint32 *name);
void free_sid_array(uint32 num_entries, DOM_SID **entries);
DOM_SID* add_sid_to_array(uint32 *len, DOM_SID ***array, const DOM_SID *sid);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util.c */
char *tmpdir(void);
BOOL in_group(gid_t group, gid_t current_gid, int ngroups, gid_t *groups);
char *Atoic(char *p, int *n, char *c);
char *get_numlist(char *p, uint32 **num, int *count);
BOOL file_exist(char *fname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
int file_rename(char *from, char *to);
time_t file_modtime(char *fname);
BOOL directory_exist(char *dname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *st);
SMB_OFF_T get_file_size(char *file_name);
char *attrib_string(uint16 mode);
void show_msg(char *buf);
void smb_setlen(char *buf,int len);
int set_message(char *buf,int num_words,int num_bytes,BOOL zero);
void dos_clean_name(char *s);
void unix_clean_name(char *s);
BOOL reduce_name(char *s,char *dir,BOOL widelinks);
void make_dir_struct(char *buf,char *mask,char *fname,SMB_OFF_T size,int mode,time_t date);
void close_low_fds(void);
int set_blocking(int fd, BOOL set);
SMB_OFF_T transfer_file(int infd,int outfd,SMB_OFF_T n,char *header,int headlen,int align);
void msleep(int t);
void become_daemon(void);
BOOL yesno(char *p);
int set_filelen(int fd, SMB_OFF_T len);
void *Realloc(void *p,size_t size);
void safe_free(void *p);
BOOL get_myname(char *my_name);
int interpret_protocol(char *str,int def);
BOOL is_ipaddress(const char *str);
uint32 interpret_addr(char *str);
struct in_addr *interpret_addr2(char *str);
BOOL zero_ip(struct in_addr ip);
BOOL same_net(struct in_addr ip1,struct in_addr ip2,struct in_addr mask);
struct hostent *Get_Hostbyname(const char *name);
BOOL process_exists(pid_t pid);
char *uidtoname(uid_t uid);
char *gidtoname(gid_t gid);
uid_t nametouid(const char *name);
gid_t nametogid(const char *name);
void smb_panic(char *why);
char *readdirname(DIR *p);
BOOL is_in_path(char *name, name_compare_entry *namelist);
void set_namearray(name_compare_entry **ppname_array, char *namelist);
void free_namearray(name_compare_entry *name_array);
BOOL fcntl_lock(int fd, int op, SMB_OFF_T offset, SMB_OFF_T count, int type);
BOOL is_myname(char *s);
void set_remote_arch(enum remote_arch_types type);
enum remote_arch_types get_remote_arch(void);
void out_ascii(FILE *f, unsigned char *buf,int len);
void out_data(FILE *f,char *buf1,int len, int per_line);
void print_asc(int level, unsigned char *buf,int len);
void dump_data(int level,char *buf1,int len);
char *tab_depth(int depth);
int str_checksum(const char *s);
void zero_free(void *p, size_t size);
int set_maxfiles(int requested_max);
BOOL reg_split_key(char *full_keyname, uint32 *reg_type, char *key_name);
char *smbd_mktemp(char *template);
void *memdup(void *p, size_t size);
char *myhostname(void);
char *lock_path(char *name);
char *parent_dirname(const char *path);
BOOL ms_has_wild(char *s);
BOOL mask_match(char *string, char *pattern, BOOL is_case_sensitive);
int _Insure_trap_error(int a1, int a2, int a3, int a4, int a5, int a6);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_file.c */
BOOL do_file_lock(int fd, int waitsecs, int type);
BOOL file_lock(int fd, int type, int secs, int *plock_depth);
BOOL file_unlock(int fd, int *plock_depth);
void *startfilepwent(char *pfile, char *s_readbuf, int bufsize,
int *file_lock_depth, BOOL update);
void endfilepwent(void *vp, int *file_lock_depth);
SMB_BIG_UINT getfilepwpos(void *vp);
BOOL setfilepwpos(void *vp, SMB_BIG_UINT tok);
int getfileline(void *vp, char *linebuf, int linebuf_size);
char *fgets_slash(char *s2,int maxlen,FILE *f);
char *file_pload(char *syscmd, size_t *size);
char *file_load(char *fname, size_t *size);
char **file_lines_load(char *fname, int *numlines);
char **file_lines_pload(char *syscmd, int *numlines);
void file_lines_free(char **lines);
void file_lines_slashcont(char **lines);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_seaccess.c */
BOOL se_access_check(SEC_DESC *sd, struct current_user *user,
uint32 acc_desired, uint32 *acc_granted, uint32 *status);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_sec.c */
void gain_root_privilege(void);
void gain_root_group_privilege(void);
void set_effective_uid(uid_t uid);
void set_effective_gid(gid_t gid);
void save_re_uid(void);
void restore_re_uid(void);
int set_re_uid(void);
void become_user_permanently(uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_sid.c */
void generate_wellknown_sids(void);
BOOL map_domain_sid_to_name(DOM_SID *sid, char *nt_domain);
BOOL lookup_known_rid(DOM_SID *sid, uint32 rid, char *name, uint8 *psid_name_use);
BOOL map_domain_name_to_sid(DOM_SID *sid, char *nt_domain);
void split_domain_name(const char *fullname, char *domain, char *name);
char *sid_to_string(fstring sidstr_out, DOM_SID *sid);
BOOL string_to_sid(DOM_SID *sidout, char *sidstr);
BOOL sid_append_rid(DOM_SID *sid, uint32 rid);
BOOL sid_split_rid(DOM_SID *sid, uint32 *rid);
void sid_copy(DOM_SID *dst, const DOM_SID *src);
DOM_SID *sid_dup(DOM_SID *src);
BOOL sid_linearize(char *outbuf, size_t len, DOM_SID *sid);
BOOL sid_equal(const DOM_SID *sid1, const DOM_SID *sid2);
size_t sid_size(DOM_SID *sid);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_sock.c */
BOOL is_a_socket(int fd);
void set_socket_options(int fd, char *options);
ssize_t read_udp_socket(int fd,char *buf,size_t len);
ssize_t read_with_timeout(int fd,char *buf,size_t mincnt,size_t maxcnt,unsigned int time_out);
BOOL send_keepalive(int client);
ssize_t read_data(int fd,char *buffer,size_t N);
ssize_t write_data(int fd,char *buffer,size_t N);
ssize_t write_socket_data(int fd,char *buffer,size_t N);
ssize_t write_socket(int fd,char *buf,size_t len);
ssize_t read_smb_length(int fd,char *inbuf,unsigned int timeout);
BOOL receive_smb(int fd,char *buffer, unsigned int timeout);
BOOL client_receive_smb(int fd,char *buffer, unsigned int timeout);
BOOL send_null_session_msg(int fd);
BOOL send_smb(int fd,char *buffer);
BOOL send_one_packet(char *buf,int len,struct in_addr ip,int port,int type);
int open_socket_in(int type, int port, int dlevel,uint32 socket_addr, BOOL rebind);
int open_socket_out(int type, struct in_addr *addr, int port ,int timeout);
void reset_globals_after_fork(void);
void client_setfd(int fd);
char *client_name(void);
char *client_addr(void);
char *get_socket_name(int fd);
char *get_socket_addr(int fd);
int open_pipe_sock(char *path);
int create_pipe_socket(char *dir, int dir_perms,
char *path, int path_perms);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_str.c */
void set_first_token(char *ptr);
BOOL next_token(char **ptr,char *buff,char *sep, size_t bufsize);
char **toktocliplist(int *ctok, char *sep);
int StrCaseCmp(const char *s, const char *t);
int StrnCaseCmp(const char *s, const char *t, size_t n);
BOOL strequal(const char *s1, const char *s2);
BOOL strnequal(const char *s1,const char *s2,size_t n);
BOOL strcsequal(const char *s1,const char *s2);
void strlower(char *s);
void strupper(char *s);
void strnorm(char *s);
BOOL strisnormal(char *s);
void string_replace(char *s,char oldc,char newc);
char *skip_string(char *buf,size_t n);
size_t str_charnum(const char *s);
BOOL trim_string(char *s,const char *front,const char *back);
BOOL strhasupper(const char *s);
BOOL strhaslower(const char *s);
size_t count_chars(const char *s,char c);
BOOL str_is_all(const char *s,char c);
char *safe_strcpy(char *dest,const char *src, size_t maxlength);
char *safe_strcat(char *dest, const char *src, size_t maxlength);
char *alpha_strcpy(char *dest, const char *src, size_t maxlength);
char *StrnCpy(char *dest,const char *src,size_t n);
char *strncpyn(char *dest, const char *src,size_t n, char c);
size_t strhex_to_str(char *p, size_t len, const char *strhex);
BOOL in_list(char *s,char *list,BOOL casesensitive);
void string_free(char **s);
BOOL string_set(char **dest,const char *src);
void string_sub(char *s,const char *pattern,const char *insert, size_t len);
void fstring_sub(char *s,const char *pattern,const char *insert);
void pstring_sub(char *s,const char *pattern,const char *insert);
void all_string_sub(char *s,const char *pattern,const char *insert, size_t len);
void split_at_last_component(char *path, char *front, char sep, char *back);
char *octal_string(int i);
char *string_truncate(char *s, int length);
void parse_domain_user(char *domuser, fstring domain, fstring user);
/*The following definitions come from lib/util_unistr.c */
size_t dos_PutUniCode(char *dst,const char *src, ssize_t len, BOOL null_terminate);
void unistr_to_dos(char *dest, const char *src, size_t len);
char *skip_unibuf(char *src, size_t len);
char *dos_unistrn2(uint16 *src, int len);
char *dos_unistr2(uint16 *src);
char *dos_unistr2_to_str(UNISTR2 *str);
void ascii_to_unistr(uint16 *dest, const char *src, int maxlen);
void unistr_to_ascii(char *dest, const uint16 *src, int len);
void unistr2_to_ascii(char *dest, const UNISTR2 *str, size_t maxlen);
uint32 buffer2_to_uint32(BUFFER2 *str);
char *dos_buffer2_to_str(BUFFER2 *str);
char *dos_buffer2_to_multistr(BUFFER2 *str);
size_t dos_struni2(char *dst, const char *src, size_t max_len);
char *dos_unistr(char *buf);
int unistrcpy(char *dst, char *src);
void default_unicode_map(smb_ucs2_t **pp_cp_to_ucs2, uint16 **pp_ucs2_to_cp);
BOOL load_unicode_map(const char *codepage, smb_ucs2_t **pp_cp_to_ucs2, uint16 **pp_ucs2_to_cp);
BOOL load_dos_unicode_map(int codepage);
BOOL load_unix_unicode_map(const char *unix_char_set);
smb_ucs2_t *multibyte_to_unicode(smb_ucs2_t *dst, const char *src,
size_t dst_len, smb_ucs2_t *cp_to_ucs2);
char *unicode_to_unix(char *dst, const smb_ucs2_t *src, size_t dst_len);
smb_ucs2_t *unix_to_unicode(smb_ucs2_t *dst, const char *src, size_t dst_len);
char *unicode_to_dos(char *dst, const smb_ucs2_t *src, size_t dst_len);
size_t unicode_to_dos_char(char *dst, const smb_ucs2_t src);
smb_ucs2_t *dos_to_unicode(smb_ucs2_t *dst, const char *src, size_t dst_len);
size_t strlen_w(const smb_ucs2_t *src);
smb_ucs2_t *safe_strcpy_w(smb_ucs2_t *dest,const smb_ucs2_t *src, size_t maxlength);
smb_ucs2_t *safe_strcat_w(smb_ucs2_t *dest, const smb_ucs2_t *src, size_t maxlength);
int strcmp_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1, const smb_ucs2_t *s2);
int strncmp_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1, const smb_ucs2_t *s2, size_t len);
smb_ucs2_t *strstr_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1, const smb_ucs2_t *s2);
smb_ucs2_t *strchr_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s, smb_ucs2_t c);
smb_ucs2_t *strrchr_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s, smb_ucs2_t c);
smb_ucs2_t *strtok_w(smb_ucs2_t *s1, const smb_ucs2_t *s2);
smb_ucs2_t *strdup_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s);
int isupper_w( smb_ucs2_t val);
int islower_w( smb_ucs2_t val);
int isdigit_w( smb_ucs2_t val);
int isxdigit_w( smb_ucs2_t val);
int isspace_w( smb_ucs2_t val);
smb_ucs2_t toupper_w( smb_ucs2_t val );
smb_ucs2_t tolower_w( smb_ucs2_t val );
void set_first_token_w(smb_ucs2_t *ptr);
BOOL next_token_w(smb_ucs2_t **ptr, smb_ucs2_t *buff, smb_ucs2_t *sep, size_t bufsize);
smb_ucs2_t **toktocliplist_w(int *ctok, smb_ucs2_t *sep);
int StrCaseCmp_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s, const smb_ucs2_t *t);
int StrnCaseCmp_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s, const smb_ucs2_t *t, size_t n);
BOOL strequal_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1, const smb_ucs2_t *s2);
BOOL strnequal_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1,const smb_ucs2_t *s2,size_t n);
BOOL strcsequal_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s1,const smb_ucs2_t *s2);
void strlower_w(smb_ucs2_t *s);
void strupper_w(smb_ucs2_t *s);
void strnorm_w(smb_ucs2_t *s);
BOOL strisnormal_w(smb_ucs2_t *s);
void string_replace_w(smb_ucs2_t *s, smb_ucs2_t oldc, smb_ucs2_t newc);
smb_ucs2_t *skip_string_w(smb_ucs2_t *buf,size_t n);
size_t str_charnum_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s);
BOOL trim_string_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,const smb_ucs2_t *front,const smb_ucs2_t *back);
BOOL strhasupper_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s);
BOOL strhaslower_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s);
size_t count_chars_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s,smb_ucs2_t c);
BOOL str_is_all_w(const smb_ucs2_t *s,smb_ucs2_t c);
smb_ucs2_t *alpha_strcpy_w(smb_ucs2_t *dest, const smb_ucs2_t *src, size_t maxlength);
smb_ucs2_t *StrnCpy_w(smb_ucs2_t *dest,const smb_ucs2_t *src,size_t n);
smb_ucs2_t *strncpyn_w(smb_ucs2_t *dest, const smb_ucs2_t *src,size_t n, smb_ucs2_t c);
size_t strhex_to_str_w(char *p, size_t len, const smb_ucs2_t *strhex);
BOOL in_list_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,smb_ucs2_t *list,BOOL casesensitive);
BOOL string_init_w(smb_ucs2_t **dest,const smb_ucs2_t *src);
void string_free_w(smb_ucs2_t **s);
BOOL string_set_w(smb_ucs2_t **dest,const smb_ucs2_t *src);
void string_sub_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,const smb_ucs2_t *pattern,const smb_ucs2_t *insert, size_t len);
void fstring_sub_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,const smb_ucs2_t *pattern,const smb_ucs2_t *insert);
void pstring_sub_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,const smb_ucs2_t *pattern,smb_ucs2_t *insert);
void all_string_sub_w(smb_ucs2_t *s,const smb_ucs2_t *pattern,const smb_ucs2_t *insert, size_t len);
void split_at_last_component_w(smb_ucs2_t *path, smb_ucs2_t *front, smb_ucs2_t sep, smb_ucs2_t *back);
smb_ucs2_t *octal_string_w(int i);
smb_ucs2_t *string_truncate_w(smb_ucs2_t *s, size_t length);
/*The following definitions come from locking/brlock.c */
void brl_init(int read_only);
@ -928,9 +927,6 @@ BOOL queue_dns_query(struct packet_struct *p,struct nmb_name *question,
struct name_record **n);
void kill_async_dns_child(void);
/*The following definitions come from nmbd/nmbd.c */
/*The following definitions come from nmbd/nmbd_become_dmb.c */
void add_domain_names(time_t t);
@ -961,6 +957,9 @@ void announce_and_sync_with_domain_master_browser( struct subnet_record *subrec,
void collect_all_workgroup_names_from_wins_server(time_t t);
void sync_all_dmbs(time_t t);
/*The following definitions come from nmbd/nmbd.c */
/*The following definitions come from nmbd/nmbd_elections.c */
void check_master_browser_exists(time_t t);
@ -1266,7 +1265,8 @@ BOOL winbind_gid_to_sid(gid_t gid, DOM_SID *sid);
/*The following definitions come from nsswitch/wb_common.c */
void init_request(struct winbindd_request *req,int rq_type);
void init_request(struct winbindd_request *request, int request_type);
void init_response(struct winbindd_response *response);
void close_sock(void);
int write_sock(void *buffer, int count);
int read_reply(struct winbindd_response *response);
@ -1670,8 +1670,7 @@ BOOL get_specific_param_by_index(NT_PRINTER_INFO_LEVEL printer, uint32 level, ui
fstring value, uint8 **data, uint32 *type, uint32 *len);
BOOL get_specific_param(NT_PRINTER_INFO_LEVEL printer, uint32 level,
fstring value, uint8 **data, uint32 *type, uint32 *len);
uint32 nt_printing_setsec(char *printername, struct current_user *user,
SEC_DESC_BUF *secdesc_ctr);
uint32 nt_printing_setsec(char *printername, SEC_DESC_BUF *secdesc_ctr);
BOOL nt_printing_getsec(char *printername, SEC_DESC_BUF **secdesc_ctr);
BOOL print_access_check(struct current_user *user, int snum,
uint32 required_access);
@ -1686,11 +1685,6 @@ void pcap_printer_fn(void (*fn)(char *, char *));
void cups_printer_fn(void (*fn)(char *, char *));
int cups_printername_ok(char *name);
/*The following definitions come from printing/print_svid.c */
void sysv_printer_fn(void (*fn)(char *, char *));
int sysv_printername_ok(char *name);
/*The following definitions come from printing/printfsp.c */
@ -1721,6 +1715,11 @@ BOOL print_queue_pause(struct current_user *user, int snum);
BOOL print_queue_resume(struct current_user *user, int snum);
BOOL print_queue_purge(struct current_user *user, int snum);
/*The following definitions come from printing/print_svid.c */
void sysv_printer_fn(void (*fn)(char *, char *));
int sysv_printername_ok(char *name);
/*The following definitions come from profile/profile.c */
BOOL profile_setup(BOOL rdonly);
@ -1961,6 +1960,46 @@ BOOL do_wks_query_info(struct cli_state *cli,
char *server_name, uint32 switch_value,
WKS_INFO_100 *wks100);
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/cmd_spoolss.c */
uint32 cmd_spoolss_enum_printers(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_enum_printerdata(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_getprinter(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_enum_jobs(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_open_printer_ex(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_getprinterdata(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_getprinterdriver(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_enumprinterdrivers(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_getprinterdriverdir(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/display_sec.c */
void display_sec_desc(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action, SEC_DESC *const sec);
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/display_spool.c */
void display_printer_info_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action, uint32 level,
uint32 count, PRINTER_INFO_CTR ctr);
void display_printer_enumdata(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action, uint32 idx,
uint32 valuelen, uint16 *value, uint32 rvaluelen,
uint32 type,
uint32 datalen, uint8 *data, uint32 rdatalen);
void display_job_info_2(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action,
JOB_INFO_2 *const i2);
void display_job_info_1(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action,
JOB_INFO_1 *const i1);
void display_job_info_2_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action,
uint32 count, JOB_INFO_2 *const *const ctr);
void display_job_info_1_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action,
uint32 count, JOB_INFO_1 *const *const ctr);
void display_job_info_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action,
uint32 level, uint32 count,
void *const *const ctr);
void display_printer_driver_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action, uint32 level,
uint32 count, PRINTER_DRIVER_CTR ctr);
void display_printerdriverdir_info_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action, uint32 level,
/*The following definitions come from rpc_client/msrpc_spoolss.c */
BOOL msrpc_spoolss_enum_printers(char* srv_name, uint32 flags,
@ -2003,6 +2042,13 @@ struct ncacn_np *ncacn_np_use_add(const char *pipe_name,
const struct ntuser_creds *ntc,
BOOL reuse, BOOL *is_new_connection);
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/rpcclient.c */
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/spoolss_cmds.c */
void add_spl_commands(void);
/*The following definitions come from rpc_parse/parse_creds.c */
BOOL make_creds_unix(CREDS_UNIX *r_u, const char* user_name,
@ -3150,53 +3196,6 @@ uint32 lookup_user_rid(char *user_name, uint32 *rid);
BOOL api_wkssvc_rpc(pipes_struct *p);
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/cmd_spoolss.c */
uint32 cmd_spoolss_enum_printers(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_enum_printerdata(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_getprinter(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_enum_jobs(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_open_printer_ex(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_getprinterdata(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_getprinterdriver(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_enumprinterdrivers(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
uint32 cmd_spoolss_getprinterdriverdir(struct client_info *info, int argc, char *argv[]);
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/display_sec.c */
void display_sec_desc(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action, SEC_DESC *const sec);
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/display_spool.c */
void display_printer_info_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action, uint32 level,
uint32 count, PRINTER_INFO_CTR ctr);
void display_printer_enumdata(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action, uint32 idx,
uint32 valuelen, uint16 *value, uint32 rvaluelen,
uint32 type,
uint32 datalen, uint8 *data, uint32 rdatalen);
void display_job_info_2(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action,
JOB_INFO_2 *const i2);
void display_job_info_1(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action,
JOB_INFO_1 *const i1);
void display_job_info_2_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action,
uint32 count, JOB_INFO_2 *const *const ctr);
void display_job_info_1_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action,
uint32 count, JOB_INFO_1 *const *const ctr);
void display_job_info_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action,
uint32 level, uint32 count,
void *const *const ctr);
void display_printer_driver_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action, uint32 level,
uint32 count, PRINTER_DRIVER_CTR ctr);
void display_printerdriverdir_info_ctr(FILE *out_hnd, enum action_type action, uint32 level,
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/rpcclient.c */
/*The following definitions come from rpcclient/spoolss_cmds.c */
void add_spl_commands(void);
/*The following definitions come from smbd/blocking.c */
@ -3689,6 +3688,19 @@ size_t get_nt_acl(files_struct *fsp, SEC_DESC **ppdesc);
BOOL set_nt_acl(files_struct *fsp, uint32 security_info_sent, SEC_DESC *psd);
/*The following definitions come from smbd/vfs.c */
int vfs_init_default(connection_struct *conn);
BOOL vfs_init_custom(connection_struct *conn);
BOOL vfs_directory_exist(connection_struct *conn, char *dname,
BOOL vfs_file_exist(connection_struct *conn,char *fname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
ssize_t vfs_write_data(files_struct *fsp,char *buffer,size_t N);
SMB_OFF_T vfs_transfer_file(int in_fd, files_struct *in_fsp,
int out_fd, files_struct *out_fsp,
SMB_OFF_T n, char *header, int headlen, int align);
char *vfs_readdirname(connection_struct *conn, void *p);
/*The following definitions come from smbd/vfs-wrap.c */
int vfswrap_dummy_connect(struct vfs_connection_struct *conn, char *service,
@ -3718,19 +3730,6 @@ int vfswrap_utime(char *path, struct utimbuf *times);
int vfswrap_ftruncate(int fd, SMB_OFF_T offset);
BOOL vfswrap_lock(int fd, int op, SMB_OFF_T offset, SMB_OFF_T count, int type);
/*The following definitions come from smbd/vfs.c */
int vfs_init_default(connection_struct *conn);
BOOL vfs_init_custom(connection_struct *conn);
BOOL vfs_directory_exist(connection_struct *conn, char *dname,
BOOL vfs_file_exist(connection_struct *conn,char *fname,SMB_STRUCT_STAT *sbuf);
ssize_t vfs_write_data(files_struct *fsp,char *buffer,size_t N);
SMB_OFF_T vfs_transfer_file(int in_fd, files_struct *in_fsp,
int out_fd, files_struct *out_fsp,
SMB_OFF_T n, char *header, int headlen, int align);
char *vfs_readdirname(connection_struct *conn, void *p);
/*The following definitions come from smbwrapper/realcalls.c */
int real_utime(const char *name, struct utimbuf *buf);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user