mirror of
synced 2025-03-01 04:58:35 +03:00
Remove minschema js tests.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,385 +0,0 @@
exec smbscript "$0" ${1+"$@"}
demonstrate access to ldb databases from ejs
var ldb = ldb_init();
var sys;
var options = GetOptions(ARGV,
if (options == undefined) {
println("Failed to parse options");
return -1;
if (options.ARGV.length != 1) {
println("Usage: ldb.js <prefix>");
return -1;
prefix = options.ARGV[0];
function basic_tests(ldb)
println("Running basic tests");
ok = ldb.add("
dn: cn=x,cn=test
objectClass: foo
x: 3
assert(ok.error == 0);
println("Testing ldb.search");
var res = ldb.search("(objectClass=*)");
assert(res.msgs[0].objectClass[0] == "foo");
assert(res.msgs[0].dn == "cn=x,cn=test");
assert(res.msgs[0].x == 3);
ok = ldb.add("
dn: cn=x2,cn=test
objectClass: foo
x: 4
assert(ok.error == 0);
var attrs = new Array("x");
res = ldb.search("x=4", NULL, ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(res.msgs[0].x == 4);
assert(res.msgs[0].objectClass == undefined);
assert(res.msgs[0].dn == "cn=x2,cn=test");
ok = ldb.del("cn=x,cn=test");
assert(ok.error == 0);
ok = ldb.rename("cn=x2,cn=test", "cn=x3,cn=test");
assert(ok.error == 0);
res = ldb.search("x=4", NULL, ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(res.msgs[0].dn == "cn=x3,cn=test");
ok = ldb.rename("cn=x3,cn=test", "cn=X3,cn=test");
assert(ok.error == 0);
res = ldb.search("x=4", NULL, ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(res.msgs[0].dn == "cn=X3,cn=test");
ok = ldb.modify("
dn: cn=x3,cn=test
changetype: modify
add: x
x: 7
res = ldb.search("x=7");
assert(res.msgs.length == 1);
assert(res.msgs[0].x.length == 2);
/* Check a few things before we add modules */
assert(res.msgs[0].objectGUID == undefined);
assert(res.msgs[0].createTimestamp == undefined);
assert(res.msgs[0].whenCreated == undefined);
function setup_modules(ldb)
ok = ldb.add("
@LIST: rootdse,operational,rdn_name,partition
defaultNamingContext: cn=Test
partition: cn=SideTest:" + prefix + "/" + "testside.ldb
partition: cn=Sub,cn=PartTest:" + prefix + "/" + "testsub.ldb
partition: cn=PartTest:" + prefix + "/" + "testpartition.ldb
partition: cn=Sub,cn=Sub,cn=PartTest:" + prefix + "/" + "testsubsub.ldb
replicateEntries: @ATTRIBUTES
replicateEntries: @INDEXLIST
modules: cn=PartTest:objectguid
/* Test the basic operation of the timestamps,objectguid and name_rdn
modules */
function modules_test(ldb, parttestldb)
println("Running modules tests");
ok = ldb.add("
if (ok.error != 0) {
println("Failed to add: " + ok.errstr);
assert(ok.error == 0);
/* Confirm that the attributes were replicated */
var res_attrs = parttestldb.search("cn=*", "@ATTRIBUTES", parttestldb.SCOPE_BASE);
assert(res_attrs.msgs[0].cn == "CASE_INSENSITIVE");
ok = ldb.add("
dn: cn=x8,cn=PartTest
objectClass: foo
x: 8
if (ok.error != 0) {
println("Failed to add: " + ok.errstr);
assert(ok.error == 0);
ok = ldb.add("
dn: cn=x9,cn=PartTest
objectClass: foo
x: 9
cn: X9
if (ok.error != 0) {
println("Failed to add: " + ok.errstr);
assert(ok.error == 0);
ok = ldb.add("
dn: cn=X9,cn=PartTest
objectClass: foo
x: 9
cn: X9
if (ok.error == 0) {
println("Should have failed to add cn=X9,cn=PartTest");
assert(ok.error != 0);
var res = ldb.search("x=8", "cn=PartTest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT);
assert(res.msgs[0].objectGUID != undefined);
assert(res.msgs[0].uSNCreated != undefined);
assert(res.msgs[0].uSNChanged != undefined);
assert(res.msgs[0].createTimestamp == undefined);
assert(res.msgs[0].whenCreated != undefined);
assert(res.msgs[0].name == "x8");
assert(res.msgs[0].cn == "x8");
/* Confirm that this ended up in the correct LDB */
var res_otherldb = parttestldb.search("x=8", "cn=PartTest", parttestldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT);
assert(res_otherldb.msgs[0].objectGUID != undefined);
assert(res_otherldb.msgs[0].createTimestamp == undefined);
assert(res_otherldb.msgs[0].whenCreated != undefined);
assert(res_otherldb.msgs[0].name == "x8");
assert(res_otherldb.msgs[0].cn == "x8");
var attrs = new Array("*", "createTimestamp");
var res2 = ldb.search("x=9", "cn=PartTest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(res2.msgs[0].objectGUID != undefined);
assert(res2.msgs[0].createTimestamp != undefined);
assert(res2.msgs[0].whenCreated != undefined);
assert(res2.msgs[0].name == "x9");
assert(res2.msgs[0].cn == "x9");
assert(res.msgs[0].objectGUID != res2.msgs[0].objectGUID);
var attrs = new Array("*");
var res3 = ldb.search("", "", ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs);
assert(res3.msgs[0].cn == undefined);
assert(res3.msgs[0].distinguishedName == undefined);
assert(res3.msgs[0].name == undefined);
assert(res3.msgs[0].currentTime != undefined);
assert(res3.msgs[0].highestCommittedUSN != undefined);
assert(res3.msgs[0].namingContexts[0] == "cn=Sub,cn=Sub,cn=PartTest");
assert(res3.msgs[0].namingContexts[1] == "cn=Sub,cn=PartTest");
assert(res3.msgs[0].namingContexts[2] == "cn=PartTest");
assert(res3.msgs[0].namingContexts[3] == "cn=SideTest");
var usn = res3.msgs[0].highestCommittedUSN;
/* Start a transaction. We are going to abort it later, to
* show we clean up all partitions */
ok = ldb.transaction_start()
if (!ok) {
println("Failed to start a transaction: " + ok.errstr);
assert(ok.error == 0);
ok = ldb.add("
dn: cn=x10,cn=parttest
objectClass: foo
x: 10
if (ok.error != 0) {
println("Failed to add: " + ok.errstr);
assert(ok.error == 0);
var attrs = new Array("highestCommittedUSN");
var res4 = ldb.search("", "", ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs);
var usn2 = res4.msgs[0].highestCommittedUSN;
assert(usn < res4.msgs[0].highestCommittedUSN);
ok = ldb.add("
dn: cn=x11,cn=sub,cn=parttest
objectClass: foo
x: 11
if (ok.error != 0) {
println("Failed to add: " + ok.errstr);
assert(ok.error == 0);
var attrs = new Array("highestCommittedUSN");
var res5 = ldb.search("", "", ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs);
assert(usn2 < res5.msgs[0].highestCommittedUSN);
var attrs = new Array("*", "createTimestamp");
var res6 = ldb.search("x=11", "cn=parttest", ldb.SCOPE_SUB, attrs);
assert(res6.msgs.length == 0);
var attrs = new Array("*", "createTimestamp");
var res7 = ldb.search("x=10", "cn=sub,cn=parttest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(res7.msgs.length == 0);
var res8 = ldb.search("x=11", "cn=sub,cn=parttest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(res8.msgs[0].objectGUID == undefined); /* The objectGUID module is not loaded here */
assert(res8.msgs[0].uSNCreated == undefined); /* The objectGUID module is not loaded here */
assert(res8.msgs[0].name == "x11");
assert(res8.msgs[0].cn == "x11");
ok = ldb.add("
dn: caseattr=XY,cn=PartTest
objectClass: foo
x: Y
if (ok.error != 0) {
println("Failed to add: " + ok.errstr);
assert(ok.error == 0);
ok = ldb.add("
dn: caseattr=XZ,cn=PartTest
objectClass: foo
x: Z
caseattr: XZ
if (ok.error != 0) {
println("Failed to add: " + ok.errstr);
assert(ok.error == 0);
ok = ldb.add("
dn: caseattr=xz,cn=PartTest
objectClass: foo
x: Z
caseattr: xz
if (ok.error == 0) {
println("Should have failed to add caseattr=xz,cn=PartTest");
assert(ok.error != 0);
ok = ldb.add("
dn: caseattr2=XZ,cn=PartTest
objectClass: foo
x: Z
caseattr2: XZ
if (ok.error != 0) {
println("Failed to add: " + ok.errstr);
assert(ok.error == 0);
ok = ldb.add("
dn: caseattr2=Xz,cn=PartTest
objectClass: foo
x: Z
caseattr2: Xz
if (ok.error != 0) {
println("Failed to add: " + ok.errstr);
assert(ok.error == 0);
var resX = ldb.search("caseattr=xz", "cn=parttest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(resX.msgs.length == 1);
assert(resX.msgs[0].objectGUID != undefined);
assert(resX.msgs[0].createTimestamp != undefined);
assert(resX.msgs[0].whenCreated != undefined);
assert(resX.msgs[0].name == "XZ");
var rescount = ldb.search("(|(caseattr=*)(cn=*))", "cn=parttest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(rescount.msgs.length == 5);
/* Check this attribute is *not* case sensitive */
var resXcount = ldb.search("caseattr=x*", "cn=parttest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(resXcount.msgs.length == 2);
/* Check that this attribute *is* case sensitive */
var resXcount2 = ldb.search("caseattr2=xz", "cn=parttest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(resXcount2.msgs.length == 0);
/* Now abort the transaction to show that even with
* partitions, it is aborted everywhere */
ok = ldb.transaction_cancel();
if (!ok) {
println("Failed to cancel a transaction: " + ok.errstr);
/* now check it all went away */
var attrs = new Array("highestCommittedUSN");
var res9 = ldb.search("", "", ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs);
assert(usn == res9.msgs[0].highestCommittedUSN);
var attrs = new Array("*");
var res10 = ldb.search("x=11", "cn=sub,cn=parttest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(res10.msgs.length == 0);
var attrs = new Array("*");
var res11 = ldb.search("x=10", "cn=parttest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(res11.msgs.length == 0);
var attrs = new Array("*");
var res12 = ldb.search("caseattr=*", "cn=parttest", ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
assert(res12.msgs.length == 0);
sys = sys_init();
var dbfile = "test.ldb";
sys.unlink(prefix + "/" + dbfile);
sys.unlink(prefix + "/" + "testpartition.ldb");
sys.unlink(prefix + "/" + "testsub.ldb");
sys.unlink(prefix + "/" + "testsubsub.ldb");
sys.unlink(prefix + "/" + "testside.ldb");
var ok = ldb.connect("tdb://" + prefix + "/" + dbfile);
ldb = ldb_init();
var ok = ldb.connect("tdb://" + prefix + "/" + dbfile);
parttestldb = ldb_init();
var ok = parttestldb.connect("tdb://" + prefix + "/" + "testpartition.ldb");
modules_test(ldb, parttestldb);
sys.unlink(prefix + "/" + dbfile);
sys.unlink(prefix + "/" + "testpartition.ldb");
sys.unlink(prefix + "/" + "testsub.ldb");
sys.unlink(prefix + "/" + "testsubsub.ldb");
sys.unlink(prefix + "/" + "testside.ldb");
return 0;
@ -1,804 +0,0 @@
exec smbscript "$0" ${1+"$@"}
work out the minimal schema for a set of objectclasses
var ldb = ldb_init();
var options = GetOptions(ARGV,
if (options == undefined) {
println("Failed to parse options");
return -1;
verbose = options["verbose"];
dump_all = "yes";
dump_classes = options["classes"];
dump_attributes = options["attributes"];
if (dump_classes != undefined) {
dump_all = undefined;
if (dump_attributes != undefined) {
dump_all = undefined;
if (dump_all != undefined) {
dump_classes = "yes";
dump_attributes = "yes";
if (options.ARGV.length != 2) {
println("Usage: minschema.js <URL> <classfile>");
return -1;
var url = options.ARGV[0];
var classfile = options.ARGV[1];
/* use command line creds if available */
ldb.credentials = options.get_credentials();
var ok = ldb.connect(url);
objectclasses = new Object();
attributes = new Object();
rootDse = new Object();
objectclasses_expanded = new Object();
/* the attributes we need for objectclasses */
class_attrs = new Array("objectClass",
/* this attributes are not used by w2k3 */
attrib_attrs = new Array("objectClass",
/* this attributes are not used by w2k3 */
1: structural
2: abstract
3: auxiliary
print only if verbose is set
function dprintf() {
if (verbose != undefined) {
function get_object_cn(ldb, name) {
var attrs = new Array("cn");
var res = ldb.search(sprintf("(ldapDisplayName=%s)", name), rootDse.schemaNamingContext, ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, attrs);
assert(res != undefined);
assert(res.msgs.length == 1);
var cn = res.msgs[0]["cn"];
assert(cn != undefined);
if (typeof(cn) == "string") {
return cn;
return cn[0];
create an objectclass object
function obj_objectClass(ldb, name) {
var o = new Object();
o.name = name;
o.cn = get_object_cn(ldb, name);
return o;
create an attribute object
function obj_attribute(ldb, name) {
var o = new Object();
o.name = name;
o.cn = get_object_cn(ldb, name);
return o;
syntaxmap = new Object();
syntaxmap[''] = '';
syntaxmap[''] = '';
syntaxmap[''] = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.1362';
syntaxmap[''] = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.905';
syntaxmap[''] = '';
syntaxmap[''] = '';
syntaxmap[''] = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.903';
syntaxmap[''] = '';
syntaxmap[''] = '';
syntaxmap[''] = '';
syntaxmap[''] = '';
syntaxmap[''] = '';
syntaxmap[''] = '';
syntaxmap[''] = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.904';
syntaxmap[''] = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.907';
syntaxmap[''] = '1.2.840.113556.1.4.906';
syntaxmap[''] = '';
map some attribute syntaxes from some apparently MS specific
syntaxes to the standard syntaxes
function map_attribute_syntax(s) {
if (syntaxmap[s] != undefined) {
return syntaxmap[s];
return s;
fix a string DN to use ${SCHEMADN}
function fix_dn(dn) {
var s = strstr(dn, rootDse.schemaNamingContext);
if (s == NULL) {
return dn;
return substr(dn, 0, strlen(dn) - strlen(s)) + "${SCHEMADN}";
dump an object as ldif
function write_ldif_one(o, attrs) {
var i;
printf("dn: CN=%s,${SCHEMADN}\n", o.cn);
for (i=0;i<attrs.length;i++) {
var a = attrs[i];
if (o[a] == undefined) {
/* special case for oMObjectClass, which is a binary object */
if (a == "oMObjectClass") {
printf("%s:: %s\n", a, o[a]);
var v = o[a];
if (typeof(v) == "string") {
v = new Array(v);
var j;
for (j=0;j<v.length;j++) {
printf("%s: %s\n", a, fix_dn(v[j]));
dump an array of objects as ldif
function write_ldif(o, attrs) {
var i;
for (i in o) {
write_ldif_one(o[i], attrs);
create a testDN based an an example DN
the idea is to ensure we obey any structural rules
function create_testdn(exampleDN) {
var a = split(",", exampleDN);
a[0] = "CN=TestDN";
return join(",", a);
find the properties of an objectclass
function find_objectclass_properties(ldb, o) {
var res = ldb.search(
sprintf("(ldapDisplayName=%s)", o.name),
rootDse.schemaNamingContext, ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, class_attrs);
assert(res != undefined);
assert(res.msgs.length == 1);
var msg = res.msgs[0];
var a;
for (a in msg) {
o[a] = msg[a];
find the properties of an attribute
function find_attribute_properties(ldb, o) {
var res = ldb.search(
sprintf("(ldapDisplayName=%s)", o.name),
rootDse.schemaNamingContext, ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, attrib_attrs);
assert(res != undefined);
assert(res.msgs.length == 1);
var msg = res.msgs[0];
var a;
for (a in msg) {
/* special case for oMObjectClass, which is a binary object */
if (a == "oMObjectClass") {
o[a] = ldb.encode(msg[a]);
o[a] = msg[a];
find the auto-created properties of an objectclass. Only works for classes
that can be created using just a DN and the objectclass
function find_objectclass_auto(ldb, o) {
if (o["exampleDN"] == undefined) {
var testdn = create_testdn(o.exampleDN);
var ok;
dprintf("testdn is '%s'\n", testdn);
var ldif = "dn: " + testdn;
ldif = ldif + "\nobjectClass: " + o.name;
ok = ldb.add(ldif);
if (ok.error != 0) {
dprintf("error adding %s: %s\n", o.name, ok.errstr);
dprintf("%s\n", ldif);
var res = ldb.search("", testdn, ldb.SCOPE_BASE);
ok = ldb.del(testdn);
assert(ok.error == 0);
var a;
for (a in res.msgs[0]) {
attributes[a].autocreate = true;
look at auxiliary information from a class to intuit the existance of more
classes needed for a minimal schema
function expand_objectclass(ldb, o) {
var attrs = new Array("auxiliaryClass", "systemAuxiliaryClass",
"possSuperiors", "systemPossSuperiors",
var res = ldb.search(
sprintf("(&(objectClass=classSchema)(ldapDisplayName=%s))", o.name),
rootDse.schemaNamingContext, ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, attrs);
var a;
dprintf("Expanding class %s\n", o.name);
assert(res != undefined);
assert(res.msgs.length == 1);
var msg = res.msgs[0];
for (a=0;a<attrs.length;a++) {
var aname = attrs[a];
if (msg[aname] == undefined) {
var list = msg[aname];
if (typeof(list) == "string") {
list = new Array(msg[aname]);
var i;
for (i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
var name = list[i];
if (objectclasses[name] == undefined) {
dprintf("Found new objectclass '%s'\n", name);
objectclasses[name] = obj_objectClass(ldb, name);
add the must and may attributes from an objectclass to the full list
of attributes
function add_objectclass_attributes(ldb, class) {
var attrs = new Array("mustContain", "systemMustContain",
"mayContain", "systemMayContain");
var i;
for (i=0;i<attrs.length;i++) {
var aname = attrs[i];
if (class[aname] == undefined) {
var alist = class[aname];
if (typeof(alist) == "string") {
alist = new Array(alist);
var j;
var len = alist.length;
for (j=0;j<len;j++) {
var a = alist[j];
if (attributes[a] == undefined) {
attributes[a] = obj_attribute(ldb, a);
process an individual record, working out what attributes it has
function walk_dn(ldb, dn) {
/* get a list of all possible attributes for this object */
var attrs = new Array("allowedAttributes");
var res = ldb.search("objectClass=*", dn, ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs);
if (res.error != 0) {
dprintf("Unable to fetch allowedAttributes for '%s' - %s\n",
dn, res.errstr);
var allattrs = res.msgs[0].allowedAttributes;
res = ldb.search("objectClass=*", dn, ldb.SCOPE_BASE, allattrs);
if (res.error != 0) {
dprintf("Unable to fetch all attributes for '%s' - %s\n",
dn, res.errstr);
var a;
var msg = res.msgs[0];
for (a in msg) {
if (attributes[a] == undefined) {
attributes[a] = obj_attribute(ldb, a);
walk a naming context, looking for all records
function walk_naming_context(ldb, namingContext) {
var attrs = new Array("objectClass");
var res = ldb.search("objectClass=*", namingContext, ldb.SCOPE_DEFAULT, attrs);
if (res.error != 0) {
dprintf("Unable to fetch objectClasses for '%s' - %s\n",
namingContext, res.errstr);
var r;
for (r=0;r<res.msgs.length;r++) {
var msg = res.msgs[r].objectClass;
var c;
for (c=0;c<msg.length;c++) {
var objectClass = msg[c];
if (objectclasses[objectClass] == undefined) {
objectclasses[objectClass] = obj_objectClass(ldb, objectClass);
objectclasses[objectClass].exampleDN = res.msgs[r].dn;
walk_dn(ldb, res.msgs[r].dn);
trim the may attributes for an objectClass
function trim_objectclass_attributes(ldb, class) {
var i,j,n;
/* trim possibleInferiors,
* include only the classes we extracted */
var possinf = class["possibleInferiors"];
if (possinf != undefined) {
var newpossinf = new Array();
if (typeof(possinf) == "string") {
possinf = new Array(possinf);
n = 0;
for (j = 0;j < possinf.length; j++) {
var x = possinf[j];
if (objectclasses[x] != undefined) {
newpossinf[n] = x;
class["possibleInferiors"] = newpossinf;
/* trim systemMayContain,
* remove duplicates */
var sysmay = class["systemMayContain"];
if (sysmay != undefined) {
var newsysmay = new Array();
if (typeof(sysmay) == "string") {
sysmay = new Array(sysmay);
for (j = 0;j < sysmay.length; j++) {
var x = sysmay[j];
var dup = false;
if (newsysmay[0] == undefined) {
newsysmay[0] = x;
} else {
for (n = 0; n < newsysmay.length; n++) {
if (newsysmay[n] == x) {
dup = true;
if (dup == false) {
newsysmay[n] = x;
class["systemMayContain"] = newsysmay;
/* trim mayContain,
* remove duplicates */
var may = class["mayContain"];
if (may != undefined) {
var newmay = new Array();
if (typeof(may) == "string") {
may = new Array(may);
for (j = 0;j < may.length; j++) {
var x = may[j];
var dup = false;
if (newmay[0] == undefined) {
newmay[0] = x;
} else {
for (n = 0; n < newmay.length; n++) {
if (newmay[n] == x) {
dup = true;
if (dup == false) {
newmay[n] = x;
class["mayContain"] = newmay;
load the basic attributes of an objectClass
function build_objectclass(ldb, name) {
var attrs = new Array("name");
var res = ldb.search(
sprintf("(&(objectClass=classSchema)(ldapDisplayName=%s))", name),
rootDse.schemaNamingContext, ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, attrs);
if (res.error != 0) {
dprintf("unknown class '%s'\n", name);
return undefined;
if (res.msgs.length == 0) {
dprintf("unknown class '%s'\n", name);
return undefined;
return obj_objectClass(ldb, name);
append 2 lists
function list_append(a1, a2) {
var i;
if (a1 == undefined) {
return a2;
if (a2 == undefined) {
return a1;
for (i=0;i<a2.length;i++) {
a1[a1.length] = a2[i];
return a1;
form a coalesced attribute list
function attribute_list(class, attr1, attr2) {
var a1 = class[attr1];
var a2 = class[attr2];
if (typeof(a1) == "string") {
a1 = new Array(a1);
if (typeof(a2) == "string") {
a2 = new Array(a2);
return list_append(a1, a2);
write out a list in aggregate form
function aggregate_list(name, list) {
if (list == undefined) {
var i;
printf("%s ( ", name);
for (i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
printf("%s ", list[i]);
if (i < (list.length - 1)) {
printf("$ ");
printf(") ");
write the aggregate record for an objectclass
function write_aggregate_objectclass(class) {
printf("objectClasses: ( %s NAME '%s' ", class.governsID, class.name);
if (class['subClassOf'] != undefined) {
printf("SUP %s ", class['subClassOf']);
if (class.objectClassCategory == 1) {
printf("STRUCTURAL ");
} else if (class.objectClassCategory == 2) {
printf("ABSTRACT ");
} else if (class.objectClassCategory == 3) {
printf("AUXILIARY ");
var list;
list = attribute_list(class, "systemMustContain", "mustContain");
aggregate_list("MUST", list);
list = attribute_list(class, "systemMayContain", "mayContain");
aggregate_list("MAY", list);
write the aggregate record for an ditcontentrule
function write_aggregate_ditcontentrule(class) {
var list = attribute_list(class, "auxiliaryClass", "systemAuxiliaryClass");
var i;
if (list == undefined) {
printf("dITContentRules: ( %s NAME '%s' ", class.governsID, class.name);
aggregate_list("AUX", list);
var may_list = undefined;
var must_list = undefined;
for (i=0;i<list.length;i++) {
var c = list[i];
var list2;
list2 = attribute_list(objectclasses[c],
"mayContain", "systemMayContain");
may_list = list_append(may_list, list2);
list2 = attribute_list(objectclasses[c],
"mustContain", "systemMustContain");
must_list = list_append(must_list, list2);
aggregate_list("MUST", must_list);
aggregate_list("MAY", may_list);
write the aggregate record for an attribute
function write_aggregate_attribute(attrib) {
printf("attributeTypes: ( %s NAME '%s' SYNTAX '%s' ",
attrib.attributeID, attrib.name,
if (attrib['isSingleValued'] == "TRUE") {
printf("SINGLE-VALUE ");
if (attrib['systemOnly'] == "TRUE") {
load a list from a file
function load_list(file) {
var sys = sys_init();
var s = sys.file_load(file);
var a = split("\n", s);
return a;
/* get the rootDSE */
var res = ldb.search("", "", ldb.SCOPE_BASE);
rootDse = res.msgs[0];
/* load the list of classes we are interested in */
var classes = load_list(classfile);
var i;
for (i=0;i<classes.length;i++) {
var classname = classes[i];
var class = build_objectclass(ldb, classname);
if (class != undefined) {
objectclasses[classname] = class;
expand the objectclass list as needed
var num_classes = 0;
var expanded = 0;
/* calculate the actual number of classes */
for (i in objectclasses) {
/* so EJS do not have while nor the break statement
cannot find any other way than doing more loops
than necessary to recursively expand all classes
var inf;
for (inf = 0;inf < 500; inf++) {
if (expanded < num_classes) {
for (i in objectclasses) {
var n = objectclasses[i];
if (objectclasses_expanded[i] != "DONE") {
expand_objectclass(ldb, objectclasses[i]);
objectclasses_expanded[i] = "DONE";
/* recalculate the actual number of classes */
num_classes = 0;
for (i in objectclasses) {
find objectclass properties
for (i in objectclasses) {
find_objectclass_properties(ldb, objectclasses[i]);
form the full list of attributes
for (i in objectclasses) {
add_objectclass_attributes(ldb, objectclasses[i]);
/* and attribute properties */
for (i in attributes) {
find_attribute_properties(ldb, attributes[i]);
trim the 'may' attribute lists to those really needed
for (i in objectclasses) {
trim_objectclass_attributes(ldb, objectclasses[i]);
dump an ldif form of the attributes and objectclasses
if (dump_attributes != undefined) {
write_ldif(attributes, attrib_attrs);
if (dump_classes != undefined) {
write_ldif(objectclasses, class_attrs);
if (verbose == undefined) {
dump list of objectclasses
for (i in objectclasses) {
printf("\t%s\n", i);
for (i in attributes) {
printf("\t%s\n", i);
printf("autocreated attributes:\n");
for (i in attributes) {
if (attributes[i].autocreate == true) {
printf("\t%s\n", i);
return 0;
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