#include "includes.h" #include "torture/torture.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_winspool.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_winspool_c.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_spoolss_c.h" #include "torture/rpc/torture_rpc.h" #include "libcli/registry/util_reg.h" #include "torture/rpc/iremotewinspool_common.h" #include "lib/printer_driver/printer_driver.h" void init_winreg_String(struct winreg_String *name, const char *s) { name->name = s; if (s != NULL) { name->name_len = 2 * (strlen_m(s) + 1); name->name_size = name->name_len; } else { name->name_len = 0; name->name_size = 0; } } struct spoolss_UserLevel1 test_get_client_info(struct torture_context *tctx, enum client_os_version os, enum spoolss_MajorVersion major_number, enum spoolss_MinorVersion minor_number, const char *machine, const char *user) { struct spoolss_UserLevel1 level1; level1.size = 28; level1.client = talloc_asprintf(tctx, "\\\\%s", machine); level1.user = user; level1.processor = PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64; level1.major = major_number; level1.minor = minor_number; if (os == WIN_SERVER_2016 || os == WIN_10) { level1.build = 10586; } else if (os == WIN_SERVER_2012 || os == WIN_8) { level1.build = 9200; } else if (os == WIN_SERVER_2008R2 || os == WIN_7) { level1.build = 7007; } else if (os == WIN_SERVER_2008 || os == WIN_VISTA) { level1.build = 6000; } else if (os == WIN_2000) { level1.build = 1382; } return level1; } bool test_AsyncOpenPrinter_byprinter_expect(struct torture_context *tctx, struct test_iremotewinspool_context *ctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p, const char *printer_name, uint32_t access_mask, struct spoolss_UserLevel1 cinfo, NTSTATUS expected_status, WERROR expected_result, struct policy_handle *handle) { struct dcerpc_binding_handle *b = p->binding_handle; struct spoolss_DevmodeContainer devmode_ctr; struct spoolss_UserLevelCtr client_info_ctr; struct winspool_AsyncOpenPrinter r; NTSTATUS status; bool ok = true; ZERO_STRUCT(r); ZERO_STRUCT(devmode_ctr); client_info_ctr.level = 1; client_info_ctr.user_info.level1 = &cinfo; r.in.pPrinterName = printer_name; r.in.pDatatype = NULL; r.in.pDevModeContainer = &devmode_ctr; r.in.AccessRequired = access_mask; r.in.pClientInfo = &client_info_ctr; r.out.pHandle = handle; status = dcerpc_winspool_AsyncOpenPrinter_r(b, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_equal(tctx, status, expected_status, "AsyncOpenPrinter failed"); torture_assert_werr_equal(tctx, r.out.result, expected_result, "AsyncOpenPrinter failed"); return ok; } bool test_AsyncOpenPrinter_byprinter(struct torture_context *tctx, struct test_iremotewinspool_context *ctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p, const char *printer_name, struct spoolss_UserLevel1 cinfo, struct policy_handle *handle) { return test_AsyncOpenPrinter_byprinter_expect(tctx, ctx, p, printer_name, SERVER_ALL_ACCESS, cinfo, NT_STATUS_OK, WERR_OK, handle); } bool test_get_environment(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_binding_handle *b, struct policy_handle *handle, const char **architecture) { DATA_BLOB blob; enum winreg_Type type; uint8_t *data; uint32_t needed; bool ok; ok = test_AsyncGetPrinterData_args(tctx, b, handle, "Architecture", &type, &data, &needed); torture_assert(tctx, ok, "failed to get Architecture"); torture_assert_int_equal(tctx, type, REG_SZ, "unexpected type"); blob = data_blob_const(data, needed); torture_assert(tctx, pull_reg_sz(tctx, &blob, architecture), "failed to pull environment"); return true; } bool test_AsyncClosePrinter_byhandle(struct torture_context *tctx, struct test_iremotewinspool_context *ctx, struct dcerpc_pipe *p, struct policy_handle *handle) { struct dcerpc_binding_handle *b = p->binding_handle; struct winspool_AsyncClosePrinter r; NTSTATUS status; bool ok = true; r.in.phPrinter = handle; r.out.phPrinter = handle; status = dcerpc_winspool_AsyncClosePrinter_r(b, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ok, done, "AsyncClosePrinter failed"); torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "AsyncClosePrinter failed"); done: return ok; } static bool test_AsyncGetPrinterData_checktype(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_binding_handle *b, struct policy_handle *handle, const char *value_name, enum winreg_Type *expected_type, enum winreg_Type *type_p, uint8_t **data_p, uint32_t *needed_p) { struct winspool_AsyncGetPrinterData r; enum winreg_Type type; uint32_t needed; NTSTATUS status; bool ok = true; r.in.hPrinter = *handle; r.in.pValueName = value_name; r.in.nSize = 0; r.out.pType = &type; r.out.pData = talloc_zero_array(tctx, uint8_t, r.in.nSize); r.out.pcbNeeded = &needed; torture_comment(tctx, "Testing AsyncGetPrinterData(%s)\n", r.in.pValueName); status = dcerpc_winspool_AsyncGetPrinterData_r(b, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ok, done, "AsyncGetPrinterData failed"); if (W_ERROR_EQUAL(r.out.result, WERR_MORE_DATA)) { if (expected_type) { torture_assert_int_equal(tctx, type, *expected_type, "unexpected type"); } r.in.nSize = needed; r.out.pData = talloc_zero_array(tctx, uint8_t, r.in.nSize); status = dcerpc_winspool_AsyncGetPrinterData_r(b, tctx, &r); torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ok, done, "AsyncGetPrinterData failed"); } torture_assert_werr_ok(tctx, r.out.result, "AsyncGetPrinterData failed"); if (type_p) { *type_p = type; } if (data_p) { *data_p = r.out.pData; } if (needed_p) { *needed_p = needed; } done: return ok; } bool test_AsyncGetPrinterData_args(struct torture_context *tctx, struct dcerpc_binding_handle *b, struct policy_handle *handle, const char *value_name, enum winreg_Type *type_p, uint8_t **data_p, uint32_t *needed_p) { return test_AsyncGetPrinterData_checktype(tctx, b, handle, value_name, NULL, type_p, data_p, needed_p); } /* Parse a driver inf file */ bool parse_inf_driver(struct torture_context *tctx, const char *driver_name, const char *abs_inf_path, const char *driver_arch, const char *core_driver_inf, struct spoolss_AddDriverInfo8 **_parsed_dinfo) { struct spoolss_AddDriverInfo8 *drv_info; const char *source_disk_name = NULL; NTSTATUS status; bool ok = true; drv_info = talloc_zero(tctx, struct spoolss_AddDriverInfo8); torture_assert_not_null_goto(tctx, drv_info, ok, done, "Cannot allocate memory"); status = driver_inf_parse(tctx, core_driver_inf, abs_inf_path, driver_arch, driver_name, drv_info, &source_disk_name); if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(status, NT_STATUS_DRIVER_INTERNAL_ERROR)) { torture_comment(tctx, "--- Verify the correct torture option:driver_name is provided\n"); } torture_assert_ntstatus_ok_goto(tctx, status, ok, done, "Failed to parse driver inf\n"); *_parsed_dinfo = drv_info; done: return ok; }