/* netlogon interface much of this was derived from the ethereal sources - thanks to everyone who contributed! */ #include "idl_types.h" [ uuid(12345678-1234-abcd-ef00-01234567cffb), version(1.0), pointer_default(unique) ] interface netlogon { /*****************/ /* Function 0x00 */ typedef struct { unistr *account_name; uint32 priv; uint32 auth_flags; uint32 logon_count; uint32 bad_pw_count; time_t last_logon; time_t last_logoff; time_t logoff_time; time_t kickoff_time; uint32 password_age; time_t pw_can_change; time_t pw_must_change; unistr *computer; unistr *domain; unistr *script_path; uint32 unknown; } netr_UasInfo; WERROR netr_LogonUasLogon( [in] unistr *server_name, [in] unistr username, [in] unistr workstation, [out] netr_UasInfo *info ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x01 */ typedef struct { uint32 duration; uint16 logon_count; } netr_UasLogoffInfo; WERROR netr_LogonUasLogoff( [in] unistr *server_name, [in] unistr username, [in] unistr workstation, [out] netr_UasLogoffInfo info ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x02 */ typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct { uint8 data[8]; } netr_Credential; typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct { uint8 session_key[8]; uint32 sequence; netr_Credential seed; netr_Credential client; netr_Credential server; } netr_CredentialState; typedef struct { [value(strlen_m(r->string)*2)] uint16 size; [value(r->size)] uint16 length; unistr_noterm *string; } netr_String; typedef struct { netr_String domain_name; uint32 parameter_control; uint32 logon_id_low; uint32 logon_id_high; netr_String username; netr_String workstation; } netr_IdentityInfo; typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct { uint8 data[16]; } netr_Password; typedef struct { netr_IdentityInfo identity_info; netr_Password lmpassword; netr_Password ntpassword; } netr_PasswordInfo; typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct { uint16 length; [value(r->length)] uint16 size; [size_is(size),length_is(length)] uint8 *data; } netr_ChallengeResponse; typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct { netr_IdentityInfo logon_info; uint8 challenge[8]; netr_ChallengeResponse nt; netr_ChallengeResponse lm; } netr_NetworkInfo; typedef union { [case(1)] netr_PasswordInfo *interactive; [case(2)] netr_NetworkInfo *network; [case(3)] netr_PasswordInfo *service; } netr_LogonLevel; typedef struct { netr_Credential cred; time_t timestamp; } netr_Authenticator; typedef struct { uint32 user_id; uint32 attributes; } netr_GroupMembership; typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct { uint8 user_session_key[16]; } netr_UserSessionKey; typedef struct { NTTIME logon_time; NTTIME logoff_time; NTTIME kickoff_time; NTTIME passwd_last_set; NTTIME passwd_can_change; NTTIME passwd_must_change; netr_String account_name; netr_String full_name; netr_String logon_script; netr_String profile_path; netr_String home_dir; netr_String home_drive; uint16 logon_count; uint16 bad_passwd_count; uint32 userid; uint32 primary_group; uint32 group_count; [size_is(group_count)] netr_GroupMembership *groupids; uint32 user_flags; netr_UserSessionKey key; netr_String logon_server; netr_String domain; dom_sid2 *domain_sid; uint32 expansionroom[10]; } netr_SamInfo; typedef struct { dom_sid2 *sid; uint32 attribute; } netr_SidAttr; typedef struct { NTTIME logon_time; NTTIME logoff_time; NTTIME kickoff_time; NTTIME passwd_last_set; NTTIME passwd_can_change; NTTIME passwd_must_change; netr_String account_name; netr_String full_name; netr_String logon_script; netr_String profile_path; netr_String home_dir; netr_String home_drive; uint16 logon_count; uint16 bad_passwd_count; uint32 userid; uint32 primary_group; uint32 group_count; [size_is(group_count)] netr_GroupMembership *groupids; uint32 user_flags; netr_UserSessionKey key; netr_String logon_server; netr_String domain; dom_sid2 *domain_sid; uint32 expansionroom[10]; uint32 sidcount; [size_is(sidcount)] netr_SidAttr *sids; } netr_SamInfo2; typedef struct { uint32 pac_size; [size_is(pac_size)] uint8 *pac; netr_String logon_domain; netr_String logon_server; netr_String principal_name; uint32 auth_size; [size_is(auth_size)] uint8 *auth; netr_UserSessionKey user_session_key; uint32 expansionroom[10]; netr_String unknown1; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; } netr_PacInfo; typedef union { [case(2)] netr_SamInfo *sam; [case(3)] netr_SamInfo2 *sam2; [case(4)] netr_PacInfo *pac; [case(5)] netr_PacInfo *pac2; } netr_Validation; NTSTATUS netr_LogonSamLogon( [in] unistr *server_name, [in] unistr *workstation, [in] netr_Authenticator *credential, [in][out] netr_Authenticator *authenticator, [in] uint16 logon_level, [in] [switch_is(logon_level)] netr_LogonLevel logon, [in] uint16 validation_level, [out] [switch_is(validation_level)] netr_Validation validation, [out] uint32 authoritative ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x03 */ NTSTATUS netr_LogonSamLogoff( [in] unistr *server_name, [in] unistr *computer_name, [in] netr_Authenticator *credential, [in][out] netr_Authenticator *return_authenticator, [in] uint16 logon_level, [in] [switch_is(logon_level)] netr_LogonLevel logon ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x04 */ NTSTATUS netr_ServerReqChallenge( [in] unistr *server_name, [in] unistr computer_name, [in][out] netr_Credential credentials ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x05 */ /* secure channel types */ const int SEC_CHAN_WKSTA = 2; const int SEC_CHAN_DOMAIN = 4; const int SEC_CHAN_BDC = 6; NTSTATUS netr_ServerAuthenticate( [in] unistr *server_name, [in] unistr username, [in] uint16 secure_challenge_type, [in] unistr computer_name, [in,out] netr_Credential credentials ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x06 */ NTSTATUS netr_ServerPasswordSet( [in] unistr *server_name, [in] unistr username, [in] uint16 secure_challenge_type, [in] unistr computer_name, [in] netr_Authenticator credential, [in] netr_Password new_password, [out] netr_Authenticator return_authenticator ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x07 */ typedef struct { unistr *username; netr_String unknown1; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; uint32 unknown5; uint32 unknown6; uint32 unknown7; uint32 unknown8; } netr_DELTA_DELETE_USER; typedef struct { bool8 SensitiveDataFlag; uint32 DataLength; [size_is(DataLength)] uint8 *SensitiveData; } netr_USER_PRIVATE_INFO; typedef struct { netr_String account_name; netr_String full_name; uint32 rid; uint32 primary_group; netr_String home_dir; netr_String home_drive; netr_String logon_script; netr_String description; netr_String workstations; NTTIME LastLogon; NTTIME LastLogoff; samr_LogonHours logon_hours; uint16 bad_pw_count; uint16 logon_count; NTTIME PwLastSet; NTTIME AccountExpires; uint32 AccountControl; netr_Password lmpw; netr_Password ntpw; bool8 NTPwPresent; bool8 LMPwPresent; bool8 PwExpired; netr_String UserComment; netr_String Parameters; uint16 CountryCode; uint16 CodePage; netr_USER_PRIVATE_INFO user_private_info; uint32 SecurityInformation; sec_desc_buf sdbuf; netr_String profile_path; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; uint32 unknown5; uint32 unknown6; uint32 unknown7; uint32 unknown8; } netr_DELTA_USER; typedef struct { netr_String DomainName; netr_String OEMInfo; NTTIME forcedlogoff; uint16 minpasswdlen; uint16 passwdhistorylen; ULONG8 pwd_must_change_time; ULONG8 pwd_can_change_time; ULONG8 sequence_num; NTTIME domain_create_time; uint32 SecurityInformation; sec_desc_buf sdbuf; netr_String unknown1; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; uint32 unknown5; uint32 unknown6; uint32 unknown7; uint32 unknown8; } netr_DELTA_DOMAIN; typedef struct { netr_String groupname; netr_GroupMembership group_membership; netr_String comment; uint32 SecurityInformation; sec_desc_buf sdbuf; netr_String unknown1; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; uint32 unknown5; uint32 unknown6; uint32 unknown7; uint32 unknown8; } netr_DELTA_GROUP; typedef struct { netr_String OldName; netr_String NewName; netr_String unknown1; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; uint32 unknown5; uint32 unknown6; uint32 unknown7; uint32 unknown8; } netr_DELTA_RENAME; typedef struct { [size_is(num_rids)] uint32 *rids; [size_is(num_rids)] uint32 *attribs; uint32 num_rids; uint32 unknown1; uint32 unknown2; uint32 unknown3; uint32 unknown4; } netr_DELTA_GROUP_MEMBER; typedef struct { netr_String alias_name; uint32 rid; uint32 SecurityInformation; sec_desc_buf sdbuf; netr_String unknown1; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; uint32 unknown5; uint32 unknown6; uint32 unknown7; uint32 unknown8; } netr_DELTA_ALIAS; typedef struct { lsa_SidArray sids; uint32 unknown1; uint32 unknown2; uint32 unknown3; uint32 unknown4; } netr_DELTA_ALIAS_MEMBER; typedef struct { uint32 pagedpoollimit; uint32 nonpagedpoollimit; uint32 minimumworkingsetsize; uint32 maximumworkingsetsize; uint32 pagefilelimit; NTTIME timelimit; } netr_QUOTA_LIMITS; typedef struct { uint32 maxlogsize; NTTIME auditretentionperiod; bool8 auditingmode; uint32 maxauditeventcount; [size_is(maxauditeventcount+1)] uint32 *eventauditoptions; netr_String primarydomainname; dom_sid2 *sid; netr_QUOTA_LIMITS quota_limits; NTTIME db_modify_time; NTTIME db_create_time; uint32 SecurityInformation; sec_desc_buf sdbuf; netr_String unknown1; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; uint32 unknown5; uint32 unknown6; uint32 unknown7; uint32 unknown8; } netr_DELTA_POLICY; typedef struct { netr_String DomainName; uint32 num_controllers; [size_is(num_controllers)] netr_String *controller_names; uint32 SecurityInformation; sec_desc_buf sdbuf; netr_String unknown1; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; uint32 unknown5; uint32 unknown6; uint32 unknown7; uint32 unknown8; } netr_DELTA_TRUSTED_DOMAINS; typedef struct { uint32 privilege_entries; uint32 privilege_control; [size_is(privilege_entries)] uint32 *privilege_attrib; [size_is(privilege_entries)] netr_String *privilege_name; netr_QUOTA_LIMITS quotalimits; uint32 system_flags; uint32 SecurityInformation; sec_desc_buf sdbuf; netr_String unknown1; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; uint32 unknown5; uint32 unknown6; uint32 unknown7; uint32 unknown8; } netr_DELTA_ACCOUNTS; typedef struct { uint32 len; uint32 maxlen; [size_is(maxlen)][length_is(len)] uint8 *cipher_data; } netr_CIPHER_VALUE; typedef struct { netr_CIPHER_VALUE current_cipher; NTTIME current_cipher_set_time; netr_CIPHER_VALUE old_cipher; NTTIME old_cipher_set_time; uint32 SecurityInformation; sec_desc_buf sdbuf; netr_String unknown1; netr_String unknown2; netr_String unknown3; netr_String unknown4; uint32 unknown5; uint32 unknown6; uint32 unknown7; uint32 unknown8; } netr_DELTA_SECRET; typedef union { [case(1)] netr_DELTA_DOMAIN *domain; [case(2)] netr_DELTA_GROUP *group; [case(4)] netr_DELTA_RENAME *rename_group; [case(5)] netr_DELTA_USER *user; [case(7)] netr_DELTA_RENAME *rename_user; [case(8)] netr_DELTA_GROUP_MEMBER *group_member; [case(9)] netr_DELTA_ALIAS *alias; [case(11)] netr_DELTA_RENAME *rename_alias; [case(12)] netr_DELTA_ALIAS_MEMBER *alias_member; [case(13)] netr_DELTA_POLICY *policy; [case(14)] netr_DELTA_TRUSTED_DOMAINS *trusted_domains; [case(16)] netr_DELTA_ACCOUNTS *accounts; [case(18)] netr_DELTA_SECRET *secret; [case(20)] netr_DELTA_DELETE_USER *delete_group; [case(21)] netr_DELTA_DELETE_USER *delete_user; [case(22)] ULONG8 *modified_count; } netr_DELTA_UNION; typedef union { [case(1)] uint32 rid; [case(2)] uint32 rid; [case(3)] uint32 rid; [case(4)] uint32 rid; [case(5)] uint32 rid; [case(6)] uint32 rid; [case(7)] uint32 rid; [case(8)] uint32 rid; [case(9)] uint32 rid; [case(10)] uint32 rid; [case(11)] uint32 rid; [case(12)] uint32 rid; [case(13)] dom_sid2 *sid; [case(14)] dom_sid2 *sid; [case(15)] dom_sid2 *sid; [case(16)] dom_sid2 *sid; [case(17)] dom_sid2 *sid; [case(18)] unistr *Name; [case(19)] unistr *Name; [case(20)] uint32 rid; [case(21)] uint32 rid; } netr_DELTA_ID_UNION; typedef struct { uint16 delta_type; [switch_is(delta_type)] netr_DELTA_ID_UNION delta_id_union; [switch_is(delta_type)] netr_DELTA_UNION delta_union; } netr_DELTA_ENUM; typedef struct { uint32 num_deltas; [size_is(num_deltas)] netr_DELTA_ENUM *delta_enum; } netr_DELTA_ENUM_ARRAY; NTSTATUS netr_DatabaseDeltas( [in] unistr logon_server, [in] unistr computername, [in] netr_Authenticator credential, [in,out] netr_Authenticator return_authenticator, [in] uint32 database_id, [in,out] ULONG8 sequence_num, [in] uint32 preferredmaximumlength, [out] netr_DELTA_ENUM_ARRAY *delta_enum_array ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x08 */ NTSTATUS netr_DatabaseSync( [in] unistr logon_server, [in] unistr computername, [in] netr_Authenticator credential, [in,out] netr_Authenticator return_authenticator, [in] uint32 database_id, [in,out] uint32 sync_context, [in] uint32 preferredmaximumlength, [out] netr_DELTA_ENUM_ARRAY *delta_enum_array ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x09 */ /* w2k3 returns NT_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED for this call */ typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct { uint8 computer_name[16]; uint32 timecreated; uint32 serial_number; } netr_UAS_INFO_0; typedef struct { [flag(NDR_REMAINING)] DATA_BLOB blob; } netr_AccountBuffer; NTSTATUS netr_AccountDeltas( [in] unistr *logon_server, [in] unistr computername, [in] netr_Authenticator credential, [in,out] netr_Authenticator return_authenticator, [in] netr_UAS_INFO_0 uas, [in] uint32 count, [in] uint32 level, [in] uint32 buffersize, [out,subcontext(4)] netr_AccountBuffer buffer, [out] uint32 count_returned, [out] uint32 total_entries, [out] netr_UAS_INFO_0 recordid ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x0A */ NTSTATUS netr_AccountSync( [in] unistr *logon_server, [in] unistr computername, [in] netr_Authenticator credential, [in,out] netr_Authenticator return_authenticator, [in] uint32 reference, [in] uint32 level, [in] uint32 buffersize, [out,subcontext(4)] netr_AccountBuffer buffer, [out] uint32 count_returned, [out] uint32 total_entries, [out] uint32 next_reference, [in,out] netr_UAS_INFO_0 recordid ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x0B */ NTSTATUS netr_GetDcName( [in] unistr logon_server, [in] unistr *domainname, [out] unistr *dcname ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x0C */ typedef struct { uint32 flags; uint32 pdc_connection_status; } netr_NETLOGON_INFO_1; typedef struct { uint32 flags; uint32 pdc_connection_status; unistr trusted_dc_name; uint32 tc_connection_status; } netr_NETLOGON_INFO_2; typedef struct { uint32 flags; uint32 logon_attempts; uint32 unknown1; uint32 unknown2; uint32 unknown3; uint32 unknown4; uint32 unknown5; } netr_NETLOGON_INFO_3; typedef union { [case(1)] netr_NETLOGON_INFO_1 *info1; [case(2)] netr_NETLOGON_INFO_2 *info2; [case(3)] netr_NETLOGON_INFO_3 *info3; } netr_CONTROL_QUERY_INFORMATION; WERROR netr_LogonControl( [in] unistr *logon_server, [in] uint32 function_code, [in] uint32 level, [out,switch_is(level)] netr_CONTROL_QUERY_INFORMATION info ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x0D */ WERROR netr_GetAnyDCName( [in] unistr *logon_server, [in] unistr *domainname, [out] unistr *dcname ); #if 0 typedef [switch_type(long)] union { [case(5)] unistr *unknown; [case(6)] unistr *unknown; [case(0xfffe)] uint32 unknown; [case(7)] unistry*unknown; } CONTROL_DATA_INFORMATION; /*****************/ /* Function 0x0E */ NTSTATUS netr_LogonControl2( [in][string] wchar_t *logon_server, [in] uint32 function_code, [in] uint32 level, [in][ref] CONTROL_DATA_INFORMATION *data, [out][ref] CONTROL_QUERY_INFORMATION *query ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x0F */ NTSTATUS netr_ServerAuthenticate2( [in][string] wchar_t *logon_server, [in] unistr username, [in] uint16 secure_channel_type, [in] unistr computername, [in][ref] CREDENTIAL *client_chal, [out][ref] CREDENTIAL *server_chal, [in][out][ref] uint32 *negotiate_flags, ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x10 */ NTSTATUS netr_DatabaseSync2( [in][string][ref] wchar_t *logon_server, # REF!!! [in][string][ref] wchar_t *computername, [in][ref] AUTHENTICATOR credential, [in][out][ref] AUTHENTICATOR return_authenticator, [in] uint32 database_id, [in] uint16 restart_state, [in][out][ref] uint32 *sync_context, [in] uint32 preferredmaximumlength, [out] netr_DELTA_ENUM_ARRAY *delta_enum_array ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x11 */ NTSTATUS netr_DatabaseRedo( [in][string][ref] wchar_t *logon_server, # REF!!! [in][string][ref] wchar_t *computername, [in][ref] netr_Authenticator credential, [in][out][ref] netr_Authenticator return_authenticator, [in][ref][size_is(change_log_entry_size)] uint8 *change_log_entry, [in] uint32 change_log_entry_size, [out] netr_DELTA_ENUM_ARRAY *delta_enum_array ); /*****************/ /* Function 0x12 */ NTSTATUS netr_LogonControl2Ex( [in][string] wchar_t *logon_server, [in] uint32 function_code, [in] uint32 level, [in][ref] CONTROL_DATA_INFORMATION *data, [out][ref] CONTROL_QUERY_INFORMATION *query ); #endif }