# GPO Parser for security extensions # # Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett 2018 # Written by Garming Sam # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # import codecs import collections import re from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement from samba.gp_parse import GPParser # [MS-GPSB] Security Protocol Extension class GptTmplInfParser(GPParser): sections = None encoding = 'utf-16' output_encoding = 'utf-16le' class AbstractParam: __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self): self.param_list = [] @abstractmethod def parse(self, line): pass @abstractmethod def write_section(self, header, fp): pass @abstractmethod def build_xml(self, xml_parent): pass @abstractmethod def from_xml(self, section): pass class IniParam(AbstractParam): # param_list = [(Key, Value),] def parse(self, line): key, val = line.split('=') self.param_list.append((key.strip(), val.strip())) # print key.strip(), val.strip() def write_section(self, header, fp): if len(self.param_list) == 0: return fp.write(u'[%s]\r\n' % header) for key_out, val_out in self.param_list: fp.write(u'%s = %s\r\n' % (key_out, val_out)) def build_xml(self, xml_parent): for key_ini, val_ini in self.param_list: child = SubElement(xml_parent, 'Parameter') key = SubElement(child, 'Key') value = SubElement(child, 'Value') key.text = key_ini value.text = val_ini def from_xml(self, section): for param in section.findall('Parameter'): key = param.find('Key').text value = param.find('Value').text if value is None: value = '' self.param_list.append((key, value)) class RegParam(AbstractParam): # param_list = [Value, Value, ...] def parse(self, line): # = can occur in a registry key, so don't parse these self.param_list.append(line) # print line def write_section(self, header, fp): if len(self.param_list) == 0: return fp.write(u'[%s]\r\n' % header) for param in self.param_list: fp.write(u'%s\r\n' % param) def build_xml(self, xml_parent): for val_ini in self.param_list: child = SubElement(xml_parent, 'Parameter') value = SubElement(child, 'Value') value.text = val_ini def from_xml(self, section): for param in section.findall('Parameter'): value = param.find('Value').text if value is None: value = '' self.param_list.append(value) class PrivSIDListParam(AbstractParam): # param_list = [(Key, [SID, SID,..]), def parse(self, line): key, val = line.split('=') self.param_list.append((key.strip(), [x.strip() for x in val.split(',')])) # print line def write_section(self, header, fp): if len(self.param_list) == 0: return fp.write(u'[%s]\r\n' % header) for key_out, val in self.param_list: val_out = u','.join(val) fp.write(u'%s = %s\r\n' % (key_out, val_out)) def build_xml(self, xml_parent): for key_ini, sid_list in self.param_list: child = SubElement(xml_parent, 'Parameter') key = SubElement(child, 'Key') key.text = key_ini for val_ini in sid_list: value = SubElement(child, 'Value') value.attrib['user_id'] = 'TRUE' value.text = val_ini def from_xml(self, section): for param in section.findall('Parameter'): key = param.find('Key').text sid_list = [] for val in param.findall('Value'): value = val.text if value is None: value = '' sid_list.append(value) self.param_list.append((key, sid_list)) class NameModeACLParam(AbstractParam): # param_list = [[Name, Mode, ACL],] def parse(self, line): parameters = [None, None, None] current_arg = 0 while line != '': # Read quoted string if line[:1] == '"': line = line[1:] findex = line.find('"') parameters[current_arg] = line[:findex] line = line[findex + 1:] # Skip past delimeter elif line[:1] == ',': line = line[1:] current_arg += 1 # Read unquoted string else: findex = line.find(',') parameters[current_arg] = line[:findex] line = line[findex:] # print parameters # print line self.param_list.append(parameters) def write_section(self, header, fp): if len(self.param_list) == 0: return fp.write(u'[%s]\r\n' % header) for param in self.param_list: fp.write(u'"%s",%s,"%s"\r\n' % tuple(param)) def build_xml(self, xml_parent): for name_mode_acl in self.param_list: child = SubElement(xml_parent, 'Parameter') value = SubElement(child, 'Value') value.text = name_mode_acl[0] value = SubElement(child, 'Value') value.text = name_mode_acl[1] value = SubElement(child, 'Value') value.attrib['acl'] = 'TRUE' value.text = name_mode_acl[2] def from_xml(self, section): for param in section.findall('Parameter'): name_mode_acl = [x.text if x.text else '' for x in param.findall('Value')] self.param_list.append(name_mode_acl) class MemberSIDListParam(AbstractParam): # param_list = [([XXXX, Memberof|Members], [SID, SID...]),...] def parse(self, line): key, val = line.split('=') key = key.strip() self.param_list.append((key.split('__'), [x.strip() for x in val.split(',')])) # print line def write_section(self, header, fp): if len(self.param_list) == 0: return fp.write(u'[%s]\r\n' % header) for key, val in self.param_list: key_out = u'__'.join(key) val_out = u','.join(val) fp.write(u'%s = %s\r\n' % (key_out, val_out)) def build_xml(self, xml_parent): for key_ini, sid_list in self.param_list: child = SubElement(xml_parent, 'Parameter') key = SubElement(child, 'Key') key.text = key_ini[0] key.attrib['member_type'] = key_ini[1] key.attrib['user_id'] = 'TRUE' for val_ini in sid_list: value = SubElement(child, 'Value') value.attrib['user_id'] = 'TRUE' value.text = val_ini def from_xml(self, section): for param in section.findall('Parameter'): key = param.find('Key') member_type = key.attrib['member_type'] sid_list = [] for val in param.findall('Value'): value = val.text if value is None: value = '' sid_list.append(value) self.param_list.append(([key.text, member_type], sid_list)) class UnicodeParam(AbstractParam): def parse(self, line): # print line pass def write_section(self, header, fp): fp.write(u'[Unicode]\r\nUnicode=yes\r\n') def build_xml(self, xml_parent): # We do not bother storing this field pass def from_xml(self, section): # We do not bother storing this field pass class VersionParam(AbstractParam): def parse(self, line): # print line pass def write_section(self, header, fp): out = u'[Version]\r\nsignature="$CHICAGO$"\r\nRevision=1\r\n' fp.write(out) def build_xml(self, xml_parent): # We do not bother storing this field pass def from_xml(self, section): # We do not bother storing this field pass def parse(self, contents): inf_file = contents.decode(self.encoding) self.sections = collections.OrderedDict([ (u'Unicode', self.UnicodeParam()), (u'Version', self.VersionParam()), (u'System Access', self.IniParam()), (u'Kerberos Policy', self.IniParam()), (u'System Log', self.IniParam()), (u'Security Log', self.IniParam()), (u'Application Log', self.IniParam()), (u'Event Audit', self.IniParam()), (u'Registry Values', self.RegParam()), (u'Privilege Rights', self.PrivSIDListParam()), (u'Service General Setting', self.NameModeACLParam()), (u'Registry Keys', self.NameModeACLParam()), (u'File Security', self.NameModeACLParam()), (u'Group Membership', self.MemberSIDListParam()), ]) current_param_parser = None current_header_name = None for line in inf_file.splitlines(): match = re.match(r'\[(.*)\]', line) if match: header_name = match.group(1) if header_name in self.sections: current_param_parser = self.sections[header_name] # print current_param_parser continue # print 'using', current_param_parser current_param_parser.parse(line) def write_binary(self, filename): with codecs.open(filename, 'wb+', self.output_encoding) as f: # Write the byte-order mark f.write(u'\ufeff') for s in self.sections: self.sections[s].write_section(s, f) def write_xml(self, filename): with open(filename, 'wb') as f: root = Element('GptTmplInfFile') for sec_inf in self.sections: section = SubElement(root, 'Section') section.attrib['name'] = sec_inf self.sections[sec_inf].build_xml(section) self.write_pretty_xml(root, f) # contents = codecs.open(filename, encoding='utf-8').read() # self.load_xml(fromstring(contents)) def load_xml(self, root): self.sections = collections.OrderedDict([ (u'Unicode', self.UnicodeParam()), (u'Version', self.VersionParam()), (u'System Access', self.IniParam()), (u'Kerberos Policy', self.IniParam()), (u'System Log', self.IniParam()), (u'Security Log', self.IniParam()), (u'Application Log', self.IniParam()), (u'Event Audit', self.IniParam()), (u'Registry Values', self.RegParam()), (u'Privilege Rights', self.PrivSIDListParam()), (u'Service General Setting', self.NameModeACLParam()), (u'Registry Keys', self.NameModeACLParam()), (u'File Security', self.NameModeACLParam()), (u'Group Membership', self.MemberSIDListParam()), ]) for s in root.findall('Section'): self.sections[s.attrib['name']].from_xml(s)