/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. User credentials handling (as regards on-disk files) Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij 2005 Copyright (C) Tim Potter 2001 Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org> 2005 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "lib/events/events.h" #include <ldb.h> #include "librpc/gen_ndr/samr.h" /* for struct samrPassword */ #include "param/secrets.h" #include "system/filesys.h" #include "auth/credentials/credentials.h" #include "auth/credentials/credentials_internal.h" #include "auth/credentials/credentials_krb5.h" #include "auth/kerberos/kerberos_util.h" #include "param/param.h" #include "lib/events/events.h" #include "dsdb/samdb/samdb.h" #include "source3/include/secrets.h" #include "dbwrap/dbwrap.h" #include "dbwrap/dbwrap_open.h" #include "lib/util/util_tdb.h" #include "libds/common/roles.h" #undef DBGC_CLASS #define DBGC_CLASS DBGC_AUTH /** * Fill in credentials for the machine trust account, from the secrets database. * * @param cred Credentials structure to fill in * @retval NTSTATUS error detailing any failure */ static NTSTATUS cli_credentials_set_secrets_lct(struct cli_credentials *cred, struct loadparm_context *lp_ctx, struct ldb_context *ldb, const char *base, const char *filter, time_t secrets_tdb_last_change_time, const char *secrets_tdb_password, char **error_string) { TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx; int ldb_ret; struct ldb_message *msg; const char *machine_account; const char *password; const char *domain; const char *realm; enum netr_SchannelType sct; const char *salt_principal; char *keytab; const struct ldb_val *whenChanged; time_t lct; /* ok, we are going to get it now, don't recurse back here */ cred->machine_account_pending = false; /* some other parts of the system will key off this */ cred->machine_account = true; mem_ctx = talloc_named(cred, 0, "cli_credentials_set_secrets from ldb"); if (!ldb) { /* Local secrets are stored in secrets.ldb */ ldb = secrets_db_connect(mem_ctx, lp_ctx); if (!ldb) { *error_string = talloc_strdup(cred, "Could not open secrets.ldb"); talloc_free(mem_ctx); return NT_STATUS_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO; } } ldb_ret = dsdb_search_one(ldb, mem_ctx, &msg, ldb_dn_new(mem_ctx, ldb, base), LDB_SCOPE_SUBTREE, NULL, 0, "%s", filter); if (ldb_ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { *error_string = talloc_asprintf(cred, "Could not find entry to match filter: '%s' base: '%s': %s: %s", filter, base ? base : "", ldb_strerror(ldb_ret), ldb_errstring(ldb)); talloc_free(mem_ctx); return NT_STATUS_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO; } password = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(msg, "secret", NULL); whenChanged = ldb_msg_find_ldb_val(msg, "whenChanged"); if (!whenChanged || ldb_val_to_time(whenChanged, &lct) != LDB_SUCCESS) { /* This attribute is mandatory */ talloc_free(mem_ctx); return NT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } /* Don't set secrets.ldb info if the secrets.tdb entry was more recent */ if (lct < secrets_tdb_last_change_time) { talloc_free(mem_ctx); return NT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } if ((lct == secrets_tdb_last_change_time) && (secrets_tdb_password != NULL) && (password != NULL) && (strcmp(password, secrets_tdb_password) != 0)) { talloc_free(mem_ctx); return NT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND; } cli_credentials_set_password_last_changed_time(cred, lct); machine_account = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(msg, "samAccountName", NULL); if (!machine_account) { machine_account = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(msg, "servicePrincipalName", NULL); if (!machine_account) { const char *ldap_bind_dn = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(msg, "ldapBindDn", NULL); if (!ldap_bind_dn) { *error_string = talloc_asprintf(cred, "Could not find 'samAccountName', " "'servicePrincipalName' or " "'ldapBindDn' in secrets record: %s", ldb_dn_get_linearized(msg->dn)); talloc_free(mem_ctx); return NT_STATUS_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO; } else { /* store bind dn in credentials */ cli_credentials_set_bind_dn(cred, ldap_bind_dn); } } } salt_principal = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(msg, "saltPrincipal", NULL); cli_credentials_set_salt_principal(cred, salt_principal); sct = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_int(msg, "secureChannelType", 0); if (sct) { cli_credentials_set_secure_channel_type(cred, sct); } if (!password) { const struct ldb_val *nt_password_hash = ldb_msg_find_ldb_val(msg, "unicodePwd"); struct samr_Password hash; ZERO_STRUCT(hash); if (nt_password_hash) { memcpy(hash.hash, nt_password_hash->data, MIN(nt_password_hash->length, sizeof(hash.hash))); cli_credentials_set_nt_hash(cred, &hash, CRED_SPECIFIED); } else { cli_credentials_set_password(cred, NULL, CRED_SPECIFIED); } } else { cli_credentials_set_password(cred, password, CRED_SPECIFIED); } domain = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(msg, "flatname", NULL); if (domain) { cli_credentials_set_domain(cred, domain, CRED_SPECIFIED); } realm = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_string(msg, "realm", NULL); if (realm) { cli_credentials_set_realm(cred, realm, CRED_SPECIFIED); } if (machine_account) { cli_credentials_set_username(cred, machine_account, CRED_SPECIFIED); } cli_credentials_set_kvno(cred, ldb_msg_find_attr_as_int(msg, "msDS-KeyVersionNumber", 0)); /* If there was an external keytab specified by reference in * the LDB, then use this. Otherwise we will make one up * (chewing CPU time) from the password */ keytab = keytab_name_from_msg(cred, ldb, msg); if (keytab) { cli_credentials_set_keytab_name(cred, lp_ctx, keytab, CRED_SPECIFIED); talloc_free(keytab); } talloc_free(mem_ctx); return NT_STATUS_OK; } /** * Fill in credentials for the machine trust account, from the secrets database. * * @param cred Credentials structure to fill in * @retval NTSTATUS error detailing any failure */ _PUBLIC_ NTSTATUS cli_credentials_set_secrets(struct cli_credentials *cred, struct loadparm_context *lp_ctx, struct ldb_context *ldb, const char *base, const char *filter, char **error_string) { NTSTATUS status = cli_credentials_set_secrets_lct(cred, lp_ctx, ldb, base, filter, 0, NULL, error_string); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { /* set anonymous as the fallback, if the machine account won't work */ cli_credentials_set_anonymous(cred); } return status; } /** * Fill in credentials for the machine trust account, from the secrets database. * * @param cred Credentials structure to fill in * @retval NTSTATUS error detailing any failure */ _PUBLIC_ NTSTATUS cli_credentials_set_machine_account(struct cli_credentials *cred, struct loadparm_context *lp_ctx) { struct db_context *db_ctx; char *secrets_tdb_path; int hash_size, tdb_flags; secrets_tdb_path = lpcfg_private_db_path(cred, lp_ctx, "secrets"); if (secrets_tdb_path == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } hash_size = lpcfg_tdb_hash_size(lp_ctx, secrets_tdb_path); tdb_flags = lpcfg_tdb_flags(lp_ctx, TDB_DEFAULT); db_ctx = dbwrap_local_open( cred, secrets_tdb_path, hash_size, tdb_flags, O_RDWR, 0600, DBWRAP_LOCK_ORDER_1, DBWRAP_FLAG_NONE); TALLOC_FREE(secrets_tdb_path); /* * We do not check for errors here, we might not have a * secrets.tdb at all, and so we just need to check the * secrets.ldb */ return cli_credentials_set_machine_account_db_ctx(cred, lp_ctx, db_ctx); } /** * Fill in credentials for the machine trust account, from the * secrets.ldb or passed in handle to secrets.tdb (perhaps in CTDB). * * This version is used in parts of the code that can link in the * CTDB dbwrap backend, by passing down the already open handle. * * @param cred Credentials structure to fill in * @param db_ctx dbwrap context for secrets.tdb * @retval NTSTATUS error detailing any failure */ _PUBLIC_ NTSTATUS cli_credentials_set_machine_account_db_ctx(struct cli_credentials *cred, struct loadparm_context *lp_ctx, struct db_context *db_ctx) { NTSTATUS status; char *filter; char *error_string = NULL; const char *domain; bool secrets_tdb_password_more_recent; time_t secrets_tdb_lct = 0; char *secrets_tdb_password = NULL; char *secrets_tdb_old_password = NULL; uint32_t secrets_tdb_secure_channel_type = SEC_CHAN_NULL; int server_role = lpcfg_server_role(lp_ctx); int security = lpcfg_security(lp_ctx); char *keystr; char *keystr_upper = NULL; TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx = talloc_named(cred, 0, "cli_credentials_set_secrets from ldb"); if (!tmp_ctx) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } /* Bleh, nasty recursion issues: We are setting a machine * account here, so we don't want the 'pending' flag around * any more */ cred->machine_account_pending = false; /* We have to do this, as the fallback in * cli_credentials_set_secrets is to run as anonymous, so the domain is wiped */ domain = cli_credentials_get_domain(cred); if (db_ctx) { TDB_DATA dbuf; keystr = talloc_asprintf(tmp_ctx, "%s/%s", SECRETS_MACHINE_LAST_CHANGE_TIME, domain); keystr_upper = strupper_talloc(tmp_ctx, keystr); status = dbwrap_fetch(db_ctx, tmp_ctx, string_tdb_data(keystr_upper), &dbuf); if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status) && dbuf.dsize == 4) { secrets_tdb_lct = IVAL(dbuf.dptr,0); } keystr = talloc_asprintf(tmp_ctx, "%s/%s", SECRETS_MACHINE_PASSWORD, domain); keystr_upper = strupper_talloc(tmp_ctx, keystr); status = dbwrap_fetch(db_ctx, tmp_ctx, string_tdb_data(keystr_upper), &dbuf); if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { secrets_tdb_password = (char *)dbuf.dptr; } keystr = talloc_asprintf(tmp_ctx, "%s/%s", SECRETS_MACHINE_PASSWORD_PREV, domain); keystr_upper = strupper_talloc(tmp_ctx, keystr); status = dbwrap_fetch(db_ctx, tmp_ctx, string_tdb_data(keystr_upper), &dbuf); if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { secrets_tdb_old_password = (char *)dbuf.dptr; } keystr = talloc_asprintf(tmp_ctx, "%s/%s", SECRETS_MACHINE_SEC_CHANNEL_TYPE, domain); keystr_upper = strupper_talloc(tmp_ctx, keystr); status = dbwrap_fetch(db_ctx, tmp_ctx, string_tdb_data(keystr_upper), &dbuf); if (NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status) && dbuf.dsize == 4) { secrets_tdb_secure_channel_type = IVAL(dbuf.dptr,0); } } filter = talloc_asprintf(cred, SECRETS_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_FILTER, domain); status = cli_credentials_set_secrets_lct(cred, lp_ctx, NULL, SECRETS_PRIMARY_DOMAIN_DN, filter, secrets_tdb_lct, secrets_tdb_password, &error_string); if (secrets_tdb_password == NULL) { secrets_tdb_password_more_recent = false; } else if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(NT_STATUS_CANT_ACCESS_DOMAIN_INFO, status) || NT_STATUS_EQUAL(NT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, status)) { secrets_tdb_password_more_recent = true; } else if (secrets_tdb_lct > cli_credentials_get_password_last_changed_time(cred)) { secrets_tdb_password_more_recent = true; } else if (secrets_tdb_lct == cli_credentials_get_password_last_changed_time(cred)) { secrets_tdb_password_more_recent = strcmp(secrets_tdb_password, cli_credentials_get_password(cred)) != 0; } else { secrets_tdb_password_more_recent = false; } if (secrets_tdb_password_more_recent) { char *machine_account = talloc_asprintf(tmp_ctx, "%s$", lpcfg_netbios_name(lp_ctx)); cli_credentials_set_password(cred, secrets_tdb_password, CRED_SPECIFIED); cli_credentials_set_old_password(cred, secrets_tdb_old_password, CRED_SPECIFIED); cli_credentials_set_domain(cred, domain, CRED_SPECIFIED); if (strequal(domain, lpcfg_workgroup(lp_ctx))) { enum credentials_use_kerberos use_kerberos = cli_credentials_get_kerberos_state(cred); enum credentials_obtained use_kerberos_obtained = cli_credentials_get_kerberos_state_obtained(cred); bool is_ad = false; cli_credentials_set_realm(cred, lpcfg_realm(lp_ctx), CRED_SPECIFIED); switch (server_role) { case ROLE_DOMAIN_MEMBER: if (security != SEC_ADS) { break; } FALL_THROUGH; case ROLE_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_DC: case ROLE_IPA_DC: is_ad = true; break; } if (use_kerberos != CRED_USE_KERBEROS_DESIRED || is_ad) { /* * Keep an explicit selection * * For AD domains we also keep * CRED_USE_KERBEROS_DESIRED */ } else if (use_kerberos_obtained <= CRED_SMB_CONF) { /* * Disable kerberos by default within * an NT4 domain. */ cli_credentials_set_kerberos_state(cred, CRED_USE_KERBEROS_DISABLED, CRED_SMB_CONF); } } cli_credentials_set_username(cred, machine_account, CRED_SPECIFIED); cli_credentials_set_password_last_changed_time(cred, secrets_tdb_lct); cli_credentials_set_secure_channel_type(cred, secrets_tdb_secure_channel_type); status = NT_STATUS_OK; } else if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { if (db_ctx) { error_string = talloc_asprintf(cred, "Failed to fetch machine account password for %s from both " "secrets.ldb (%s) and from %s", domain, error_string == NULL ? "error" : error_string, dbwrap_name(db_ctx)); } else { char *secrets_tdb_path; secrets_tdb_path = lpcfg_private_db_path(tmp_ctx, lp_ctx, "secrets"); if (secrets_tdb_path == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } error_string = talloc_asprintf(cred, "Failed to fetch machine account password from " "secrets.ldb: %s and failed to open %s", error_string == NULL ? "error" : error_string, secrets_tdb_path); } DEBUG(1, ("Could not find machine account in secrets database: %s: %s\n", error_string == NULL ? "error" : error_string, nt_errstr(status))); /* set anonymous as the fallback, if the machine account won't work */ cli_credentials_set_anonymous(cred); } TALLOC_FREE(tmp_ctx); return status; } /** * Fill in credentials for a particular principal, from the secrets database. * * @param cred Credentials structure to fill in * @retval NTSTATUS error detailing any failure */ _PUBLIC_ NTSTATUS cli_credentials_set_stored_principal(struct cli_credentials *cred, struct loadparm_context *lp_ctx, const char *serviceprincipal) { NTSTATUS status; char *filter; char *error_string = NULL; /* Bleh, nasty recursion issues: We are setting a machine * account here, so we don't want the 'pending' flag around * any more */ cred->machine_account_pending = false; filter = talloc_asprintf(cred, SECRETS_PRINCIPAL_SEARCH, cli_credentials_get_realm(cred), cli_credentials_get_domain(cred), serviceprincipal); status = cli_credentials_set_secrets_lct(cred, lp_ctx, NULL, SECRETS_PRINCIPALS_DN, filter, 0, NULL, &error_string); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { DEBUG(1, ("Could not find %s principal in secrets database: %s: %s\n", serviceprincipal, nt_errstr(status), error_string ? error_string : "<no error>")); } return status; } /** * Ask that when required, the credentials system will be filled with * machine trust account, from the secrets database. * * @param cred Credentials structure to fill in * @note This function is used to call the above function after, rather * than during, popt processing. * */ _PUBLIC_ void cli_credentials_set_machine_account_pending(struct cli_credentials *cred, struct loadparm_context *lp_ctx) { cred->machine_account_pending = true; cred->machine_account_pending_lp_ctx = lp_ctx; }