/* * Samba Unix/Linux SMB client library * * Copyright (C) Gregor Beck 2010 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @brief Parser for dot.reg files * @file reg_parse.c * @author Gregor Beck * @date Jun 2010 * */ #include "includes.h" #include "system/filesys.h" #include "cbuf.h" #include "srprs.h" #include "reg_parse_internal.h" #include "reg_parse.h" #include "reg_format.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include enum reg_parse_state { STATE_DEFAULT, STATE_KEY_OPEN, STATE_VAL_HEX_CONT, STATE_VAL_SZ_CONT }; struct reg_parse { struct reg_format_callback reg_format_callback; cbuf* key; cbuf* valname; uint32_t valtype; cbuf* valblob; cbuf* tmp; struct reg_parse_callback call; int ret; int linenum; enum reg_parse_state state; struct reg_parse_options* opt; smb_iconv_t str2UTF16; unsigned flags; }; /** * @defgroup action Action * @{ */ static bool act_key(struct reg_parse* p, cbuf* keyname, bool del) { const char* name = cbuf_gets(keyname, 0); cbuf_swap(p->key, keyname); assert(p->state == STATE_DEFAULT || p->state == STATE_KEY_OPEN); p->state = del ? STATE_DEFAULT : STATE_KEY_OPEN; assert(p->call.key); p->ret = p->call.key(p->call.data, &name, 1, del); return p->ret >= 0; } static bool value_callback(struct reg_parse* p) { const char* name = cbuf_gets(p->valname,0); const uint8_t* val = (const uint8_t*)cbuf_gets(p->valblob,0); size_t len = cbuf_getpos(p->valblob); assert(p->call.val); p->ret = p->call.val(p->call.data, name, p->valtype, val, len); return p->ret >= 0; } static bool act_val_hex(struct reg_parse* p, cbuf* value, bool cont) { cbuf_swap(p->valblob, value); assert((p->state == STATE_KEY_OPEN) || (p->state == STATE_VAL_HEX_CONT)); if (cont) { p->state = STATE_VAL_HEX_CONT; } else { p->state = STATE_KEY_OPEN; switch (p->valtype) { case REG_EXPAND_SZ: case REG_MULTI_SZ: if (p->str2UTF16 != NULL) { char* dst = NULL; const char* src = cbuf_gets(p->valblob, 0); const size_t slen = cbuf_getpos(p->valblob); size_t dlen = iconvert_talloc(p, p->str2UTF16, src, slen, &dst); if (dlen != -1) { cbuf_swapptr(p->valblob, &dst, dlen); } else { DEBUG(0, ("iconvert_talloc failed\n")); return false; } talloc_free(dst); } break; default: break; } return value_callback(p); } return true; } static bool act_val_dw(struct reg_parse* p, uint32_t val) { assert(p->valtype == REG_DWORD); assert(p->state == STATE_KEY_OPEN); cbuf_clear(p->valblob); if (cbuf_putdw(p->valblob, val) < 0) { return false; } return value_callback(p); } static bool act_val_sz(struct reg_parse* p, cbuf* value, bool cont) { cbuf_swap(p->valblob, value); assert(p->valtype == REG_SZ); assert((p->state == STATE_KEY_OPEN) || (p->state == STATE_VAL_SZ_CONT)); if (cont) { p->state = STATE_VAL_SZ_CONT; } else { char* dst = NULL; size_t dlen; const char* src = cbuf_gets(p->valblob, 0); p->state = STATE_KEY_OPEN; if (convert_string_talloc(p->valblob, CH_UNIX, CH_UTF16LE, src, strlen(src)+1, &dst, &dlen)) { cbuf_swapptr(p->valblob, &dst, dlen); } else { DEBUG(0, ("convert_string_talloc failed: >%s<\n" "use it as is\t", src)); return false; } talloc_free(dst); return value_callback(p); } return true; } static bool act_val_del(struct reg_parse* p) { const char* name = cbuf_gets(p->valname, 0); assert(p->call.val_del); p->ret = p->call.val_del(p->call.data, name); return p->ret >= 0; } static bool act_comment (struct reg_parse* p, const char* txt) { assert(p->call.comment); p->ret = p->call.comment(p->call.data, txt); return p->ret >= 0; } /**@}*/ static int nop_callback_key(void* private_data, const char* key[], size_t klen, bool del) { return 0; } static int nop_callback_val(void* private_data, const char* name, uint32_t type, const uint8_t* data, size_t len) { return 0; } static int nop_callback_del(void* data, const char* str) { return 0; } struct reg_parse* reg_parse_new(const void* ctx, struct reg_parse_callback cb, const char* str_enc, unsigned flags) { struct reg_parse* s = talloc_zero(ctx, struct reg_parse); if (s == NULL) return NULL; s->key = cbuf_new(s); s->valname = cbuf_new(s); s->valblob = cbuf_new(s); s->tmp = cbuf_new(s); if ( (s->tmp == NULL) || (s->valblob == NULL) || (s->valname == NULL) || (s->key == NULL) ) { goto fail; } s->reg_format_callback.writeline = (reg_format_callback_writeline_t)®_parse_line; s->reg_format_callback.data = s; s->valtype = 0; if (cb.key == NULL) { cb.key = (reg_parse_callback_key_t)&nop_callback_key; } if (cb.val == NULL) { cb.val = (reg_parse_callback_val_t)&nop_callback_val; } if (cb.val_del == NULL) { cb.val_del = (reg_parse_callback_val_del_t)&nop_callback_del; } if (cb.comment == NULL) { cb.comment = (reg_parse_callback_comment_t)&nop_callback_del; } s->call = cb; s->linenum = 0; s->state = STATE_DEFAULT; s->flags = flags; if (str_enc && !set_iconv(&s->str2UTF16, "UTF-16LE", str_enc)) { DEBUG(0, ("reg_parse_new: failed to set encoding: %s", str_enc)); goto fail; } assert(&s->reg_format_callback == (struct reg_format_callback*)s); return s; fail: set_iconv(&s->str2UTF16, NULL, NULL); talloc_free(s); return NULL; } /** * @defgroup parse Parser Primitive * @ingroup internal * @{ */ static bool srprs_key(const char** ptr, cbuf* key, bool* del) { const char* pos = *ptr; const char* closing_bracket_pos = NULL; size_t closing_bracket_idx = 0; if (!srprs_skipws(&pos) || !srprs_char(&pos, '[')) { return false; } *del = srprs_char(&pos, '-'); cbuf_clear(key); while (true) { while (srprs_charsetinv(&pos, "]\\", key)) ; switch (*pos) { case ']': closing_bracket_idx = cbuf_getpos(key); closing_bracket_pos = pos; cbuf_putc(key, ']'); pos++; break; case '\\': cbuf_putc(key, '\\'); /* n++; */ /* cbuf_puts(subkeyidx, cbuf_getpos(key), sizeof(size_t)) */ while (srprs_char(&pos,'\\')) ; break; case '\0': if (closing_bracket_pos == NULL) { return false; } /* remove trailing backslash (if any) */ if (*(closing_bracket_pos-1)=='\\') { closing_bracket_idx--; } cbuf_setpos(key, closing_bracket_idx); *ptr = closing_bracket_pos+1; return true; default: assert(false); } } } static bool srprs_val_name(const char** ptr, cbuf* name) { const char* pos = *ptr; const size_t spos = cbuf_getpos(name); if ( !srprs_skipws(&pos) ) { goto fail; } if ( srprs_char(&pos, '@') ) { cbuf_puts(name, "", -1); } else if (!srprs_quoted_string(&pos, name, NULL)) { goto fail; } if (!srprs_skipws(&pos) || !srprs_char(&pos, '=')) { goto fail; } *ptr = pos; return true; fail: cbuf_setpos(name, spos); return false; } static bool srprs_val_dword(const char** ptr, uint32_t* type, uint32_t* val) { const char* pos = *ptr; if (!srprs_str(&pos, "dword:", -1)) { return false; } if (!srprs_hex(&pos, 8, val)) { return false; } *type = REG_DWORD; *ptr = pos; return true; } static bool srprs_val_sz(const char** ptr, uint32_t* type, cbuf* val, bool* cont) { if (!srprs_quoted_string(ptr, val, cont)) { return false; } *type = REG_SZ; return true; } static bool srprs_nl_no_eos(const char** ptr, cbuf* str, bool eof) { const char* pos = *ptr; const size_t spos = cbuf_getpos(str); if( srprs_nl(&pos, str) && (eof || *pos != '\0')) { *ptr = pos; return true; } cbuf_setpos(str, spos); return false; } static bool srprs_eol_cont(const char** ptr, bool* cont) { const char* pos = *ptr; bool bs = srprs_char(&pos, '\\'); if (!srprs_eol(&pos, NULL)) { return false; } *cont = bs; *ptr = pos; return true; } /* matches the empty string, for zero length lists */ static bool srprs_val_hex_values(const char** ptr, cbuf* val, bool* cont) { const char* pos = *ptr; unsigned u; do { if (!srprs_skipws(&pos) || !srprs_hex(&pos, 2, &u) || !srprs_skipws(&pos)) { break; } cbuf_putc(val, (char)u); } while(srprs_char(&pos, ',')); *ptr = pos; if (srprs_skipws(&pos) && srprs_eol_cont(&pos, cont)) { *ptr = pos; } return true; } static bool srprs_val_hex(const char** ptr, uint32_t* ptype, cbuf* val, bool* cont) { const char* pos = *ptr; uint32_t type; if (!srprs_str(&pos, "hex", -1)) { return false; } if (srprs_char(&pos, ':')) { type = REG_BINARY; } else if (!srprs_char(&pos, '(') || !srprs_hex(&pos, 8, &type) || !srprs_char(&pos,')') || !srprs_char(&pos, ':')) { return false; } if (!srprs_val_hex_values(&pos, val, cont)) { return false; } *ptype = type; *ptr = pos; return true; } static bool srprs_comment(const char** ptr, cbuf* str) { return srprs_char(ptr, ';') && srprs_line(ptr, str); } /**@}*/ int reg_parse_set_options(struct reg_parse* parser, const char* options) { static const char* DEFAULT ="enc=unix,flags=0"; int ret = 0; char *key, *val; void* ctx = talloc_new(parser); if (options == NULL) { options = DEFAULT; } while (srprs_option(&options, ctx, &key, &val)) { if ((strcmp(key, "enc") == 0) || (strcmp(key, "strenc") == 0)) { } else if ((strcmp(key, "flags") == 0) && (val != NULL)) { char* end = NULL; if (val != NULL) { parser->flags = strtol(val, &end, 0); } if ((end==NULL) || (*end != '\0')) { DEBUG(0, ("Invalid flags format: %s\n", val ? val : "")); ret = -1; } } /* else if (strcmp(key, "hive") == 0) { */ /* if (strcmp(val, "short") == 0) { */ /* f->hive_fmt = REG_FMT_SHORT_HIVES; */ /* } else if (strcmp(val, "long") == 0) { */ /* f->hive_fmt = REG_FMT_LONG_HIVES; */ /* } else if (strcmp(val, "preserve") == 0) { */ /* f->hive_fmt = REG_FMT_PRESERVE_HIVES; */ /* } else { */ /* DEBUG(0, ("Invalid hive format: %s\n", val)); */ /* ret = -1; */ /* } */ /* } */ } talloc_free(ctx); return ret; } int reg_parse_line(struct reg_parse* parser, const char* line) { const char* pos; bool del=false; cbuf* tmp=cbuf_clear(parser->tmp); bool cb_ok = true; bool cont = true; if (!line) { return -4; } parser->linenum++; pos = line; switch (parser->state) { case STATE_VAL_HEX_CONT: if (srprs_val_hex_values(&pos, parser->valblob, &cont)) { cb_ok = act_val_hex(parser, parser->valblob, cont); } goto done; case STATE_VAL_SZ_CONT: if (srprs_quoted_string(&pos, parser->valblob, &cont)) { cb_ok = act_val_sz(parser, parser->valblob, cont); } goto done; default: cont = false; } if ( !srprs_skipws(&pos) ) { return -4; } /* empty line ?*/ if ( srprs_eol(&pos, NULL) ) { return 0; } /* key line ?*/ else if (srprs_key(&pos, tmp, &del)) { cb_ok = act_key(parser, tmp, del); } /* comment line ? */ else if (srprs_comment(&pos, tmp)) { cb_ok = act_comment(parser, cbuf_gets(tmp, 0)); } /* head line */ else if ((parser->linenum == 1) && srprs_line(&pos, tmp) ) { /* cb_ok = act_head(parser, cbuf_gets(tmp, 0)); */ } /* value line ?*/ else if (srprs_val_name(&pos, tmp)) { uint32_t dw; cbuf_swap(parser->valname, tmp); cbuf_clear(tmp); if (parser->state != STATE_KEY_OPEN) { DEBUG(0, ("value \"%s\" without a key at line: %i", cbuf_gets(parser->valname, 0), parser->linenum)); return -3; } if (!srprs_skipws(&pos)) { return -4; } if (srprs_char(&pos, '-')) { cb_ok = act_val_del(parser); } else if (srprs_val_dword(&pos, &parser->valtype, &dw)) { cb_ok = act_val_dw(parser, dw); } else if (srprs_val_sz(&pos, &parser->valtype, tmp, &cont)) { cb_ok = act_val_sz(parser, tmp, cont); } else if (srprs_val_hex(&pos, &parser->valtype, tmp, &cont)){ cb_ok = act_val_hex(parser, tmp, cont); } else { DEBUG(0, ("value \"%s\" parse error" "at line: %i pos: %li : %s", cbuf_gets(parser->valname, 0), parser->linenum, (long int)(pos-line), pos)); return -3; } } else { DEBUG(0, ("unrecognized line %i : %s\n", parser->linenum, line)); return -3; } done: if (!cb_ok) return -2; if (!srprs_skipws(&pos) || !srprs_eol(&pos, NULL)) { DEBUG(0, ("trailing garbage at line: %i pos: %li : %s\n", parser->linenum, (long int)(pos-line), pos)); return -1; } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /** * @addtogroup misc * @{ */ static bool lookslike_utf16(const char* line, size_t len, bool* little_endian) { static const uint16_t M_LE = 0xFF80; static const uint16_t M_BE = 0x80FF; uint16_t mask; bool le; size_t l = MIN(len/2, 64); const uint16_t* u = (const uint16_t*)line; size_t i; assert(len >= 2); if ( u[0] & M_LE ) { le = true; mask = M_LE; } else if ( u[0] & M_BE ) { le = false; mask = M_BE; } else { return false; } for (i=1; i")); } } else if ((strcmp(key, "fail") == 0) && (val != NULL)) { char* end = NULL; if (val != NULL) { ret.fail_level = -strtol(val, &end, 0); } if ((end==NULL) || (*end != '\0')) { DEBUG(0, ("Invalid format \"%s\": %s\n", key, val ? val : "")); } } } done: talloc_free(ctx); return ret; } static void display_iconv_error_bytes(const char *inbuf, size_t len) { size_t i; for (i = 0; i < 4 && i < len; i++) { DEBUGADD(0, ("<%02x>", (unsigned char)inbuf[i])); } DEBUGADD(0, ("\n")); } int reg_parse_fd(int fd, const struct reg_parse_callback* cb, const char* opts) { void* mem_ctx = talloc_stackframe(); cbuf* line = cbuf_new(mem_ctx); smb_iconv_t cd = (smb_iconv_t)-1; struct reg_parse* parser = NULL; char buf_in[1024]; char buf_out[1025] = { 0 }; ssize_t nread; const char* iptr; char* optr; size_t ilen; size_t olen; size_t avail_osize = sizeof(buf_out)-1; size_t space_to_read = sizeof(buf_in); int ret = -1; bool eof = false; size_t linecount = 0; struct reg_parse_fd_opt opt = reg_parse_fd_opt(mem_ctx, opts); if (cb == NULL) { DBG_ERR("NULL callback\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } nread = read(fd, buf_in, space_to_read); if (nread < 0) { DBG_ERR("read failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); ret = -1; goto done; } if (nread == 0) { /* Empty file. */ eof = true; goto done; } iptr = buf_in; ilen = nread; if (!guess_charset(&iptr, &ilen, &opt.file_enc, &opt.str_enc)) { DBG_ERR("reg_parse_fd: failed to guess encoding\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } if (ilen == 0) { /* File only contained charset info. */ eof = true; ret = -1; goto done; } DBG_DEBUG("reg_parse_fd: encoding file: %s str: %s\n", opt.file_enc, opt.str_enc); if (!set_iconv(&cd, "unix", opt.file_enc)) { DBG_ERR("reg_parse_fd: failed to set file encoding %s\n", opt.file_enc); ret = -1; goto done; } parser = reg_parse_new(mem_ctx, *cb, opt.str_enc, opt.flags); if (parser == NULL) { ret = -1; goto done; } /* Move input data to start of buf_in. */ if (iptr > buf_in) { memmove(buf_in, iptr, ilen); iptr = buf_in; } optr = buf_out; /* Leave last byte for null termination. */ olen = avail_osize; /* * We read from buf_in (iptr), iconv converting into * buf_out (optr). */ while (!eof) { const char *pos; size_t nconv; if (olen == 0) { /* We're out of possible room. */ DBG_ERR("no room in output buffer\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } nconv = smb_iconv(cd, &iptr, &ilen, &optr, &olen); if (nconv == (size_t)-1) { bool valid_err = false; if (errno == EINVAL) { valid_err = true; } if (errno == E2BIG) { valid_err = true; } if (!valid_err) { DBG_ERR("smb_iconv error in file at line %zu: ", linecount); display_iconv_error_bytes(iptr, ilen); ret = -1; goto done; } /* * For valid errors process the * existing buffer then continue. */ } /* * We know this is safe as we have an extra * enforced zero byte at the end of buf_out. */ *optr = '\0'; pos = buf_out; while (srprs_line(&pos, line) && srprs_nl_no_eos(&pos, line, eof)) { int retval; /* Process all lines we got. */ retval = reg_parse_line(parser, cbuf_gets(line, 0)); if (retval < opt.fail_level) { DBG_ERR("reg_parse_line %zu fail %d\n", linecount, retval); ret = -1; goto done; } cbuf_clear(line); linecount++; } if (pos > buf_out) { /* * The output data we have * processed starts at buf_out * and ends at pos. * The unprocessed output * data starts at pos and * ends at optr. * * <------ sizeof(buf_out) - 1------------->|0| * <--------- avail_osize------------------>|0| * +----------------------+-------+-----------+ * | | | |0| * +----------------------+-------+-----------+ * ^ ^ ^ * | | | * buf_out pos optr */ size_t unprocessed_len; /* Paranoia checks. */ if (optr < pos) { ret = -1; goto done; } unprocessed_len = optr - pos; /* Paranoia checks. */ if (avail_osize < unprocessed_len) { ret = -1; goto done; } /* Move down any unprocessed data. */ memmove(buf_out, pos, unprocessed_len); /* * After the move, reset the output length. * * <------ sizeof(buf_out) - 1------------->|0| * <--------- avail_osize------------------>|0| * +----------------------+-------+-----------+ * | | |0| * +----------------------+-------+-----------+ * ^ ^ * | optr * buf_out */ optr = buf_out + unprocessed_len; /* * Calculate the new output space available * for iconv. * We already did the paranoia check for this * arithmetic above. */ olen = avail_osize - unprocessed_len; } /* * Move any unprocessed data to the start of * the input buffer (buf_in). */ if (ilen > 0 && iptr > buf_in) { memmove(buf_in, iptr, ilen); } /* Is there any space to read more input ? */ if (ilen >= sizeof(buf_in)) { /* No space. Nothing was converted. Error. */ DBG_ERR("no space in input buffer\n"); ret = -1; goto done; } space_to_read = sizeof(buf_in) - ilen; /* Read the next chunk from the file. */ nread = read(fd, buf_in + ilen, space_to_read); if (nread < 0) { DBG_ERR("read failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); ret = -1; goto done; } if (nread == 0) { /* Empty file. */ eof = true; continue; } /* Paranoia check. */ if (nread + ilen < ilen) { ret = -1; goto done; } /* Paranoia check. */ if (nread + ilen > sizeof(buf_in)) { ret = -1; goto done; } iptr = buf_in; ilen = nread + ilen; } ret = 0; done: set_iconv(&cd, NULL, NULL); if (parser) { set_iconv(&parser->str2UTF16, NULL, NULL); } talloc_free(mem_ctx); return ret; } int reg_parse_file(const char* fname, const struct reg_parse_callback* cb, const char* opt) { int ret = -1; int fd; fd = open(fname, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { DEBUG(0, ("reg_parse_file: open %s failed: %s\n", fname, strerror(errno))); return -1; } ret = reg_parse_fd(fd, cb, opt); close(fd); return ret; } /* static struct registry_key *find_regkey_by_hnd(pipes_struct *p, */ /* struct policy_handle *hnd) */ /* { */ /* struct registry_key *regkey = NULL; */ /* if(!find_policy_by_hnd(p,hnd,(void **)(void *)®key)) { */ /* DEBUG(2,("find_regkey_index_by_hnd: Registry Key not found: ")); */ /* return NULL; */ /* } */ /* return regkey; */ /* } */