
# Verify that a gratuitous ARP is sent when a node is failed out.

# We ping a public IP and lookup the MAC address in the ARP table.  We
# then disable the node and check the ARP table again - the MAC address
# should have changed.  This test does NOT test connectivity after the
# failover.

# Prerequisites:

# * An active CTDB cluster with at least 2 nodes with public addresses.

# * Test must be run on a real or virtual cluster rather than against
#   local daemons.

# * Test must not be run from a cluster node.

# Steps:

# 1. Verify that the cluster is healthy.
# 2. Select a public address and its corresponding node.
# 3. Remove any entries for the chosen address from the ARP table.
# 4. Send a single ping request packet to the selected public address.
# 5. Determine the MAC address corresponding to the public address by
#    checking the ARP table.
# 6. Disable the selected node.
# 7. Check the ARP table and check the MAC associated with the public
#    address.

# Expected results:

# * When a node is disabled the MAC address associated with public
#   addresses on that node should change.

. "${TEST_SCRIPTS_DIR}/cluster.bash"

set -e



echo "Removing ${test_ip} from the local ARP table..."
ip neigh flush "$test_prefix" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true

echo "Pinging ${test_ip}..."
ping_wrapper -q -n -c 1 $test_ip

echo "Getting MAC address associated with ${test_ip}..."
original_mac=$(ip neigh show $test_prefix | awk '$4 == "lladdr" {print $5}')
[ -n "$original_mac" ] || die "Couldn't get MAC address for ${test_prefix}"

echo "MAC address is: ${original_mac}"


echo "Disabling node $test_node"
try_command_on_node 1 $CTDB disable -n $test_node
wait_until_node_has_status $test_node disabled


echo "Getting MAC address associated with ${test_ip} again..."
new_mac=$(ip neigh show $test_prefix | awk '$4 == "lladdr" {print $5}')
[ -n "$new_mac" ] || die "Couldn't get MAC address for ${test_prefix}"

echo "MAC address is: ${new_mac}"

if [ "$original_mac" != "$new_mac" ] ; then
    echo "GOOD: MAC address changed"
    die "BAD: MAC address did not change"