# Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. # Copyright (C) Jelmer Vernooij 2007-2010 # Copyright (C) Matthias Dieter Wallnoefer 2009 # # Based on the original in EJS: # Copyright (C) Andrew Tridgell 2005 # Copyright (C) Giampaolo Lauria 2011 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . # """Convenience functions for using the SAM.""" import samba import ldb import time import base64 import os import re from samba import dsdb, dsdb_dns from samba.ndr import ndr_unpack, ndr_pack from samba.dcerpc import drsblobs, misc from samba.common import normalise_int32 from samba.compat import text_type from samba.compat import binary_type from samba.compat import get_bytes from samba.dcerpc import security __docformat__ = "restructuredText" def get_default_backend_store(): return "tdb" class SamDB(samba.Ldb): """The SAM database.""" hash_oid_name = {} hash_well_known = {} def __init__(self, url=None, lp=None, modules_dir=None, session_info=None, credentials=None, flags=ldb.FLG_DONT_CREATE_DB, options=None, global_schema=True, auto_connect=True, am_rodc=None): self.lp = lp if not auto_connect: url = None elif url is None and lp is not None: url = lp.samdb_url() self.url = url super(SamDB, self).__init__(url=url, lp=lp, modules_dir=modules_dir, session_info=session_info, credentials=credentials, flags=flags, options=options) if global_schema: dsdb._dsdb_set_global_schema(self) if am_rodc is not None: dsdb._dsdb_set_am_rodc(self, am_rodc) def connect(self, url=None, flags=0, options=None): '''connect to the database''' if self.lp is not None and not os.path.exists(url): url = self.lp.private_path(url) self.url = url super(SamDB, self).connect(url=url, flags=flags, options=options) def am_rodc(self): '''return True if we are an RODC''' return dsdb._am_rodc(self) def am_pdc(self): '''return True if we are an PDC emulator''' return dsdb._am_pdc(self) def domain_dn(self): '''return the domain DN''' return str(self.get_default_basedn()) def schema_dn(self): '''return the schema partition dn''' return str(self.get_schema_basedn()) def disable_account(self, search_filter): """Disables an account :param search_filter: LDAP filter to find the user (eg samccountname=name) """ flags = samba.dsdb.UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE self.toggle_userAccountFlags(search_filter, flags, on=True) def enable_account(self, search_filter): """Enables an account :param search_filter: LDAP filter to find the user (eg samccountname=name) """ flags = samba.dsdb.UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE | samba.dsdb.UF_PASSWD_NOTREQD self.toggle_userAccountFlags(search_filter, flags, on=False) def toggle_userAccountFlags(self, search_filter, flags, flags_str=None, on=True, strict=False): """Toggle_userAccountFlags :param search_filter: LDAP filter to find the user (eg samccountname=name) :param flags: samba.dsdb.UF_* flags :param on: on=True (default) => set, on=False => unset :param strict: strict=False (default) ignore if no action is needed strict=True raises an Exception if... """ res = self.search(base=self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression=search_filter, attrs=["userAccountControl"]) if len(res) == 0: raise Exception("Unable to find account where '%s'" % search_filter) assert(len(res) == 1) account_dn = res[0].dn old_uac = int(res[0]["userAccountControl"][0]) if on: if strict and (old_uac & flags): error = "Account flag(s) '%s' already set" % flags_str raise Exception(error) new_uac = old_uac | flags else: if strict and not (old_uac & flags): error = "Account flag(s) '%s' already unset" % flags_str raise Exception(error) new_uac = old_uac & ~flags if old_uac == new_uac: return mod = """ dn: %s changetype: modify delete: userAccountControl userAccountControl: %u add: userAccountControl userAccountControl: %u """ % (account_dn, old_uac, new_uac) self.modify_ldif(mod) def force_password_change_at_next_login(self, search_filter): """Forces a password change at next login :param search_filter: LDAP filter to find the user (eg samccountname=name) """ res = self.search(base=self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression=search_filter, attrs=[]) if len(res) == 0: raise Exception('Unable to find user "%s"' % search_filter) assert(len(res) == 1) user_dn = res[0].dn mod = """ dn: %s changetype: modify replace: pwdLastSet pwdLastSet: 0 """ % (user_dn) self.modify_ldif(mod) def newgroup(self, groupname, groupou=None, grouptype=None, description=None, mailaddress=None, notes=None, sd=None, gidnumber=None, nisdomain=None): """Adds a new group with additional parameters :param groupname: Name of the new group :param grouptype: Type of the new group :param description: Description of the new group :param mailaddress: Email address of the new group :param notes: Notes of the new group :param gidnumber: GID Number of the new group :param nisdomain: NIS Domain Name of the new group :param sd: security descriptor of the object """ group_dn = "CN=%s,%s,%s" % (groupname, (groupou or "CN=Users"), self.domain_dn()) # The new user record. Note the reliance on the SAMLDB module which # fills in the default information ldbmessage = {"dn": group_dn, "sAMAccountName": groupname, "objectClass": "group"} if grouptype is not None: ldbmessage["groupType"] = normalise_int32(grouptype) if description is not None: ldbmessage["description"] = description if mailaddress is not None: ldbmessage["mail"] = mailaddress if notes is not None: ldbmessage["info"] = notes if gidnumber is not None: ldbmessage["gidNumber"] = normalise_int32(gidnumber) if nisdomain is not None: ldbmessage["msSFU30Name"] = groupname ldbmessage["msSFU30NisDomain"] = nisdomain if sd is not None: ldbmessage["nTSecurityDescriptor"] = ndr_pack(sd) self.add(ldbmessage) def deletegroup(self, groupname): """Deletes a group :param groupname: Name of the target group """ groupfilter = "(&(sAMAccountName=%s)(objectCategory=%s,%s))" % (ldb.binary_encode(groupname), "CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration", self.domain_dn()) self.transaction_start() try: targetgroup = self.search(base=self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression=groupfilter, attrs=[]) if len(targetgroup) == 0: raise Exception('Unable to find group "%s"' % groupname) assert(len(targetgroup) == 1) self.delete(targetgroup[0].dn) except: self.transaction_cancel() raise else: self.transaction_commit() def add_remove_group_members(self, groupname, members, add_members_operation=True): """Adds or removes group members :param groupname: Name of the target group :param members: list of group members :param add_members_operation: Defines if its an add or remove operation """ groupfilter = "(&(sAMAccountName=%s)(objectCategory=%s,%s))" % ( ldb.binary_encode(groupname), "CN=Group,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration", self.domain_dn()) self.transaction_start() try: targetgroup = self.search(base=self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression=groupfilter, attrs=['member']) if len(targetgroup) == 0: raise Exception('Unable to find group "%s"' % groupname) assert(len(targetgroup) == 1) modified = False addtargettogroup = """ dn: %s changetype: modify """ % (str(targetgroup[0].dn)) for member in members: filter = ('(&(sAMAccountName=%s)(|(objectclass=user)' '(objectclass=group)))' % ldb.binary_encode(member)) foreign_msg = None try: membersid = security.dom_sid(member) except TypeError as e: membersid = None if membersid is not None: filter = '(objectSid=%s)' % str(membersid) dn_str = "" % str(membersid) foreign_msg = ldb.Message() foreign_msg.dn = ldb.Dn(self, dn_str) targetmember = self.search(base=self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression="%s" % filter, attrs=[]) if len(targetmember) == 0 and foreign_msg is not None: targetmember = [foreign_msg] if len(targetmember) != 1: raise Exception('Unable to find "%s". Operation cancelled.' % member) targetmember_dn = targetmember[0].dn.extended_str(1) if add_members_operation is True and (targetgroup[0].get('member') is None or get_bytes(targetmember_dn) not in [str(x) for x in targetgroup[0]['member']]): modified = True addtargettogroup += """add: member member: %s """ % (str(targetmember_dn)) elif add_members_operation is False and (targetgroup[0].get('member') is not None and get_bytes(targetmember_dn) in targetgroup[0]['member']): modified = True addtargettogroup += """delete: member member: %s """ % (str(targetmember_dn)) if modified is True: self.modify_ldif(addtargettogroup) except: self.transaction_cancel() raise else: self.transaction_commit() def newuser(self, username, password, force_password_change_at_next_login_req=False, useusernameascn=False, userou=None, surname=None, givenname=None, initials=None, profilepath=None, scriptpath=None, homedrive=None, homedirectory=None, jobtitle=None, department=None, company=None, description=None, mailaddress=None, internetaddress=None, telephonenumber=None, physicaldeliveryoffice=None, sd=None, setpassword=True, uidnumber=None, gidnumber=None, gecos=None, loginshell=None, uid=None, nisdomain=None, unixhome=None, smartcard_required=False): """Adds a new user with additional parameters :param username: Name of the new user :param password: Password for the new user :param force_password_change_at_next_login_req: Force password change :param useusernameascn: Use username as cn rather that firstname + initials + lastname :param userou: Object container (without domainDN postfix) for new user :param surname: Surname of the new user :param givenname: First name of the new user :param initials: Initials of the new user :param profilepath: Profile path of the new user :param scriptpath: Logon script path of the new user :param homedrive: Home drive of the new user :param homedirectory: Home directory of the new user :param jobtitle: Job title of the new user :param department: Department of the new user :param company: Company of the new user :param description: of the new user :param mailaddress: Email address of the new user :param internetaddress: Home page of the new user :param telephonenumber: Phone number of the new user :param physicaldeliveryoffice: Office location of the new user :param sd: security descriptor of the object :param setpassword: optionally disable password reset :param uidnumber: RFC2307 Unix numeric UID of the new user :param gidnumber: RFC2307 Unix primary GID of the new user :param gecos: RFC2307 Unix GECOS field of the new user :param loginshell: RFC2307 Unix login shell of the new user :param uid: RFC2307 Unix username of the new user :param nisdomain: RFC2307 Unix NIS domain of the new user :param unixhome: RFC2307 Unix home directory of the new user :param smartcard_required: set the UF_SMARTCARD_REQUIRED bit of the new user """ displayname = "" if givenname is not None: displayname += givenname if initials is not None: displayname += ' %s.' % initials if surname is not None: displayname += ' %s' % surname cn = username if useusernameascn is None and displayname != "": cn = displayname user_dn = "CN=%s,%s,%s" % (cn, (userou or "CN=Users"), self.domain_dn()) dnsdomain = ldb.Dn(self, self.domain_dn()).canonical_str().replace("/", "") user_principal_name = "%s@%s" % (username, dnsdomain) # The new user record. Note the reliance on the SAMLDB module which # fills in the default information ldbmessage = {"dn": user_dn, "sAMAccountName": username, "userPrincipalName": user_principal_name, "objectClass": "user"} if smartcard_required: ldbmessage["userAccountControl"] = str(dsdb.UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT | dsdb.UF_SMARTCARD_REQUIRED) setpassword = False if surname is not None: ldbmessage["sn"] = surname if givenname is not None: ldbmessage["givenName"] = givenname if displayname != "": ldbmessage["displayName"] = displayname ldbmessage["name"] = displayname if initials is not None: ldbmessage["initials"] = '%s.' % initials if profilepath is not None: ldbmessage["profilePath"] = profilepath if scriptpath is not None: ldbmessage["scriptPath"] = scriptpath if homedrive is not None: ldbmessage["homeDrive"] = homedrive if homedirectory is not None: ldbmessage["homeDirectory"] = homedirectory if jobtitle is not None: ldbmessage["title"] = jobtitle if department is not None: ldbmessage["department"] = department if company is not None: ldbmessage["company"] = company if description is not None: ldbmessage["description"] = description if mailaddress is not None: ldbmessage["mail"] = mailaddress if internetaddress is not None: ldbmessage["wWWHomePage"] = internetaddress if telephonenumber is not None: ldbmessage["telephoneNumber"] = telephonenumber if physicaldeliveryoffice is not None: ldbmessage["physicalDeliveryOfficeName"] = physicaldeliveryoffice if sd is not None: ldbmessage["nTSecurityDescriptor"] = ndr_pack(sd) ldbmessage2 = None if any(map(lambda b: b is not None, (uid, uidnumber, gidnumber, gecos, loginshell, nisdomain, unixhome))): ldbmessage2 = ldb.Message() ldbmessage2.dn = ldb.Dn(self, user_dn) if uid is not None: ldbmessage2["uid"] = ldb.MessageElement(str(uid), ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, 'uid') if uidnumber is not None: ldbmessage2["uidNumber"] = ldb.MessageElement(str(uidnumber), ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, 'uidNumber') if gidnumber is not None: ldbmessage2["gidNumber"] = ldb.MessageElement(str(gidnumber), ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, 'gidNumber') if gecos is not None: ldbmessage2["gecos"] = ldb.MessageElement(str(gecos), ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, 'gecos') if loginshell is not None: ldbmessage2["loginShell"] = ldb.MessageElement(str(loginshell), ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, 'loginShell') if unixhome is not None: ldbmessage2["unixHomeDirectory"] = ldb.MessageElement( str(unixhome), ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, 'unixHomeDirectory') if nisdomain is not None: ldbmessage2["msSFU30NisDomain"] = ldb.MessageElement( str(nisdomain), ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, 'msSFU30NisDomain') ldbmessage2["msSFU30Name"] = ldb.MessageElement( str(username), ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, 'msSFU30Name') ldbmessage2["unixUserPassword"] = ldb.MessageElement( 'ABCD!efgh12345$67890', ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, 'unixUserPassword') self.transaction_start() try: self.add(ldbmessage) if ldbmessage2: self.modify(ldbmessage2) # Sets the password for it if setpassword: self.setpassword(("(distinguishedName=%s)" % ldb.binary_encode(user_dn)), password, force_password_change_at_next_login_req) except: self.transaction_cancel() raise else: self.transaction_commit() def newcontact(self, fullcontactname=None, ou=None, surname=None, givenname=None, initials=None, displayname=None, jobtitle=None, department=None, company=None, description=None, mailaddress=None, internetaddress=None, telephonenumber=None, mobilenumber=None, physicaldeliveryoffice=None): """Adds a new contact with additional parameters :param fullcontactname: Optional full name of the new contact :param ou: Object container for new contact :param surname: Surname of the new contact :param givenname: First name of the new contact :param initials: Initials of the new contact :param displayname: displayName of the new contact :param jobtitle: Job title of the new contact :param department: Department of the new contact :param company: Company of the new contact :param description: Description of the new contact :param mailaddress: Email address of the new contact :param internetaddress: Home page of the new contact :param telephonenumber: Phone number of the new contact :param mobilenumber: Primary mobile number of the new contact :param physicaldeliveryoffice: Office location of the new contact """ # Prepare the contact name like the RSAT, using the name parts. cn = "" if givenname is not None: cn += givenname if initials is not None: cn += ' %s.' % initials if surname is not None: cn += ' %s' % surname # Use the specified fullcontactname instead of the previously prepared # contact name, if it is specified. # This is similar to the "Full name" value of the RSAT. if fullcontactname is not None: cn = fullcontactname if fullcontactname is None and cn == "": raise Exception('No name for contact specified') contactcontainer_dn = self.domain_dn() if ou: contactcontainer_dn = self.normalize_dn_in_domain(ou) contact_dn = "CN=%s,%s" % (cn, contactcontainer_dn) ldbmessage = {"dn": contact_dn, "objectClass": "contact", } if surname is not None: ldbmessage["sn"] = surname if givenname is not None: ldbmessage["givenName"] = givenname if displayname is not None: ldbmessage["displayName"] = displayname if initials is not None: ldbmessage["initials"] = '%s.' % initials if jobtitle is not None: ldbmessage["title"] = jobtitle if department is not None: ldbmessage["department"] = department if company is not None: ldbmessage["company"] = company if description is not None: ldbmessage["description"] = description if mailaddress is not None: ldbmessage["mail"] = mailaddress if internetaddress is not None: ldbmessage["wWWHomePage"] = internetaddress if telephonenumber is not None: ldbmessage["telephoneNumber"] = telephonenumber if mobilenumber is not None: ldbmessage["mobile"] = mobilenumber if physicaldeliveryoffice is not None: ldbmessage["physicalDeliveryOfficeName"] = physicaldeliveryoffice self.add(ldbmessage) return cn def newcomputer(self, computername, computerou=None, description=None, prepare_oldjoin=False, ip_address_list=None, service_principal_name_list=None): """Adds a new user with additional parameters :param computername: Name of the new computer :param computerou: Object container for new computer :param description: Description of the new computer :param prepare_oldjoin: Preset computer password for oldjoin mechanism :param ip_address_list: ip address list for DNS A or AAAA record :param service_principal_name_list: string list of servicePincipalName """ cn = re.sub(r"\$$", "", computername) if cn.count('$'): raise Exception('Illegal computername "%s"' % computername) samaccountname = "%s$" % cn computercontainer_dn = "CN=Computers,%s" % self.domain_dn() if computerou: computercontainer_dn = self.normalize_dn_in_domain(computerou) computer_dn = "CN=%s,%s" % (cn, computercontainer_dn) ldbmessage = {"dn": computer_dn, "sAMAccountName": samaccountname, "objectClass": "computer", } if description is not None: ldbmessage["description"] = description if service_principal_name_list: ldbmessage["servicePrincipalName"] = service_principal_name_list accountcontrol = str(dsdb.UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT | dsdb.UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE) if prepare_oldjoin: accountcontrol = str(dsdb.UF_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT) ldbmessage["userAccountControl"] = accountcontrol if ip_address_list: ldbmessage['dNSHostName'] = '{}.{}'.format( cn, self.domain_dns_name()) self.transaction_start() try: self.add(ldbmessage) if prepare_oldjoin: password = cn.lower() self.setpassword(("(distinguishedName=%s)" % ldb.binary_encode(computer_dn)), password, False) except: self.transaction_cancel() raise else: self.transaction_commit() def deleteuser(self, username): """Deletes a user :param username: Name of the target user """ filter = "(&(sAMAccountName=%s)(objectCategory=%s,%s))" % (ldb.binary_encode(username), "CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration", self.domain_dn()) self.transaction_start() try: target = self.search(base=self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression=filter, attrs=[]) if len(target) == 0: raise Exception('Unable to find user "%s"' % username) assert(len(target) == 1) self.delete(target[0].dn) except: self.transaction_cancel() raise else: self.transaction_commit() def setpassword(self, search_filter, password, force_change_at_next_login=False, username=None): """Sets the password for a user :param search_filter: LDAP filter to find the user (eg samccountname=name) :param password: Password for the user :param force_change_at_next_login: Force password change """ self.transaction_start() try: res = self.search(base=self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression=search_filter, attrs=[]) if len(res) == 0: raise Exception('Unable to find user "%s"' % (username or search_filter)) if len(res) > 1: raise Exception('Matched %u multiple users with filter "%s"' % (len(res), search_filter)) user_dn = res[0].dn if not isinstance(password, text_type): pw = password.decode('utf-8') else: pw = password pw = ('"' + pw + '"').encode('utf-16-le') setpw = """ dn: %s changetype: modify replace: unicodePwd unicodePwd:: %s """ % (user_dn, base64.b64encode(pw).decode('utf-8')) self.modify_ldif(setpw) if force_change_at_next_login: self.force_password_change_at_next_login( "(distinguishedName=" + str(user_dn) + ")") # modify the userAccountControl to remove the disabled bit self.enable_account(search_filter) except: self.transaction_cancel() raise else: self.transaction_commit() def setexpiry(self, search_filter, expiry_seconds, no_expiry_req=False): """Sets the account expiry for a user :param search_filter: LDAP filter to find the user (eg samaccountname=name) :param expiry_seconds: expiry time from now in seconds :param no_expiry_req: if set, then don't expire password """ self.transaction_start() try: res = self.search(base=self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression=search_filter, attrs=["userAccountControl", "accountExpires"]) if len(res) == 0: raise Exception('Unable to find user "%s"' % search_filter) assert(len(res) == 1) user_dn = res[0].dn userAccountControl = int(res[0]["userAccountControl"][0]) accountExpires = int(res[0]["accountExpires"][0]) if no_expiry_req: userAccountControl = userAccountControl | 0x10000 accountExpires = 0 else: userAccountControl = userAccountControl & ~0x10000 accountExpires = samba.unix2nttime(expiry_seconds + int(time.time())) setexp = """ dn: %s changetype: modify replace: userAccountControl userAccountControl: %u replace: accountExpires accountExpires: %u """ % (user_dn, userAccountControl, accountExpires) self.modify_ldif(setexp) except: self.transaction_cancel() raise else: self.transaction_commit() def set_domain_sid(self, sid): """Change the domain SID used by this LDB. :param sid: The new domain sid to use. """ dsdb._samdb_set_domain_sid(self, sid) def get_domain_sid(self): """Read the domain SID used by this LDB. """ return dsdb._samdb_get_domain_sid(self) domain_sid = property(get_domain_sid, set_domain_sid, doc="SID for the domain") def set_invocation_id(self, invocation_id): """Set the invocation id for this SamDB handle. :param invocation_id: GUID of the invocation id. """ dsdb._dsdb_set_ntds_invocation_id(self, invocation_id) def get_invocation_id(self): """Get the invocation_id id""" return dsdb._samdb_ntds_invocation_id(self) invocation_id = property(get_invocation_id, set_invocation_id, doc="Invocation ID GUID") def get_oid_from_attid(self, attid): return dsdb._dsdb_get_oid_from_attid(self, attid) def get_attid_from_lDAPDisplayName(self, ldap_display_name, is_schema_nc=False): '''return the attribute ID for a LDAP attribute as an integer as found in DRSUAPI''' return dsdb._dsdb_get_attid_from_lDAPDisplayName(self, ldap_display_name, is_schema_nc) def get_syntax_oid_from_lDAPDisplayName(self, ldap_display_name): '''return the syntax OID for a LDAP attribute as a string''' return dsdb._dsdb_get_syntax_oid_from_lDAPDisplayName(self, ldap_display_name) def get_systemFlags_from_lDAPDisplayName(self, ldap_display_name): '''return the systemFlags for a LDAP attribute as a integer''' return dsdb._dsdb_get_systemFlags_from_lDAPDisplayName(self, ldap_display_name) def get_linkId_from_lDAPDisplayName(self, ldap_display_name): '''return the linkID for a LDAP attribute as a integer''' return dsdb._dsdb_get_linkId_from_lDAPDisplayName(self, ldap_display_name) def get_lDAPDisplayName_by_attid(self, attid): '''return the lDAPDisplayName from an integer DRS attribute ID''' return dsdb._dsdb_get_lDAPDisplayName_by_attid(self, attid) def get_backlink_from_lDAPDisplayName(self, ldap_display_name): '''return the attribute name of the corresponding backlink from the name of a forward link attribute. If there is no backlink return None''' return dsdb._dsdb_get_backlink_from_lDAPDisplayName(self, ldap_display_name) def set_ntds_settings_dn(self, ntds_settings_dn): """Set the NTDS Settings DN, as would be returned on the dsServiceName rootDSE attribute. This allows the DN to be set before the database fully exists :param ntds_settings_dn: The new DN to use """ dsdb._samdb_set_ntds_settings_dn(self, ntds_settings_dn) def get_ntds_GUID(self): """Get the NTDS objectGUID""" return dsdb._samdb_ntds_objectGUID(self) def server_site_name(self): """Get the server site name""" return dsdb._samdb_server_site_name(self) def host_dns_name(self): """return the DNS name of this host""" res = self.search(base='', scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=['dNSHostName']) return str(res[0]['dNSHostName'][0]) def domain_dns_name(self): """return the DNS name of the domain root""" domain_dn = self.get_default_basedn() return domain_dn.canonical_str().split('/')[0] def forest_dns_name(self): """return the DNS name of the forest root""" forest_dn = self.get_root_basedn() return forest_dn.canonical_str().split('/')[0] def load_partition_usn(self, base_dn): return dsdb._dsdb_load_partition_usn(self, base_dn) def set_schema(self, schema, write_indices_and_attributes=True): self.set_schema_from_ldb(schema.ldb, write_indices_and_attributes=write_indices_and_attributes) def set_schema_from_ldb(self, ldb_conn, write_indices_and_attributes=True): dsdb._dsdb_set_schema_from_ldb(self, ldb_conn, write_indices_and_attributes) def set_schema_update_now(self): ldif = """ dn: changetype: modify add: schemaUpdateNow schemaUpdateNow: 1 """ self.modify_ldif(ldif) def dsdb_DsReplicaAttribute(self, ldb, ldap_display_name, ldif_elements): '''convert a list of attribute values to a DRSUAPI DsReplicaAttribute''' return dsdb._dsdb_DsReplicaAttribute(ldb, ldap_display_name, ldif_elements) def dsdb_normalise_attributes(self, ldb, ldap_display_name, ldif_elements): '''normalise a list of attribute values''' return dsdb._dsdb_normalise_attributes(ldb, ldap_display_name, ldif_elements) def get_attribute_from_attid(self, attid): """ Get from an attid the associated attribute :param attid: The attribute id for searched attribute :return: The name of the attribute associated with this id """ if len(self.hash_oid_name.keys()) == 0: self._populate_oid_attid() if self.get_oid_from_attid(attid) in self.hash_oid_name: return self.hash_oid_name[self.get_oid_from_attid(attid)] else: return None def _populate_oid_attid(self): """Populate the hash hash_oid_name. This hash contains the oid of the attribute as a key and its display name as a value """ self.hash_oid_name = {} res = self.search(expression="objectClass=attributeSchema", controls=["search_options:1:2"], attrs=["attributeID", "lDAPDisplayName"]) if len(res) > 0: for e in res: strDisplay = str(e.get("lDAPDisplayName")) self.hash_oid_name[str(e.get("attributeID"))] = strDisplay def get_attribute_replmetadata_version(self, dn, att): """Get the version field trom the replPropertyMetaData for the given field :param dn: The on which we want to get the version :param att: The name of the attribute :return: The value of the version field in the replPropertyMetaData for the given attribute. None if the attribute is not replicated """ res = self.search(expression="distinguishedName=%s" % dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, controls=["search_options:1:2"], attrs=["replPropertyMetaData"]) if len(res) == 0: return None repl = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.replPropertyMetaDataBlob, res[0]["replPropertyMetaData"][0]) ctr = repl.ctr if len(self.hash_oid_name.keys()) == 0: self._populate_oid_attid() for o in ctr.array: # Search for Description att_oid = self.get_oid_from_attid(o.attid) if att_oid in self.hash_oid_name and\ att.lower() == self.hash_oid_name[att_oid].lower(): return o.version return None def set_attribute_replmetadata_version(self, dn, att, value, addifnotexist=False): res = self.search(expression="distinguishedName=%s" % dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, controls=["search_options:1:2"], attrs=["replPropertyMetaData"]) if len(res) == 0: return None repl = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.replPropertyMetaDataBlob, res[0]["replPropertyMetaData"][0]) ctr = repl.ctr now = samba.unix2nttime(int(time.time())) found = False if len(self.hash_oid_name.keys()) == 0: self._populate_oid_attid() for o in ctr.array: # Search for Description att_oid = self.get_oid_from_attid(o.attid) if att_oid in self.hash_oid_name and\ att.lower() == self.hash_oid_name[att_oid].lower(): found = True seq = self.sequence_number(ldb.SEQ_NEXT) o.version = value o.originating_change_time = now o.originating_invocation_id = misc.GUID(self.get_invocation_id()) o.originating_usn = seq o.local_usn = seq if not found and addifnotexist and len(ctr.array) > 0: o2 = drsblobs.replPropertyMetaData1() o2.attid = 589914 att_oid = self.get_oid_from_attid(o2.attid) seq = self.sequence_number(ldb.SEQ_NEXT) o2.version = value o2.originating_change_time = now o2.originating_invocation_id = misc.GUID(self.get_invocation_id()) o2.originating_usn = seq o2.local_usn = seq found = True tab = ctr.array tab.append(o2) ctr.count = ctr.count + 1 ctr.array = tab if found: replBlob = ndr_pack(repl) msg = ldb.Message() msg.dn = res[0].dn msg["replPropertyMetaData"] = \ ldb.MessageElement(replBlob, ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "replPropertyMetaData") self.modify(msg, ["local_oid:"]) def write_prefixes_from_schema(self): dsdb._dsdb_write_prefixes_from_schema_to_ldb(self) def get_partitions_dn(self): return dsdb._dsdb_get_partitions_dn(self) def get_nc_root(self, dn): return dsdb._dsdb_get_nc_root(self, dn) def get_wellknown_dn(self, nc_root, wkguid): h_nc = self.hash_well_known.get(str(nc_root)) dn = None if h_nc is not None: dn = h_nc.get(wkguid) if dn is None: dn = dsdb._dsdb_get_wellknown_dn(self, nc_root, wkguid) if dn is None: return dn if h_nc is None: self.hash_well_known[str(nc_root)] = {} h_nc = self.hash_well_known[str(nc_root)] h_nc[wkguid] = dn return dn def set_minPwdAge(self, value): if not isinstance(value, binary_type): value = str(value).encode('utf8') m = ldb.Message() m.dn = ldb.Dn(self, self.domain_dn()) m["minPwdAge"] = ldb.MessageElement(value, ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "minPwdAge") self.modify(m) def get_minPwdAge(self): res = self.search(self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["minPwdAge"]) if len(res) == 0: return None elif "minPwdAge" not in res[0]: return None else: return int(res[0]["minPwdAge"][0]) def set_maxPwdAge(self, value): if not isinstance(value, binary_type): value = str(value).encode('utf8') m = ldb.Message() m.dn = ldb.Dn(self, self.domain_dn()) m["maxPwdAge"] = ldb.MessageElement(value, ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "maxPwdAge") self.modify(m) def get_maxPwdAge(self): res = self.search(self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["maxPwdAge"]) if len(res) == 0: return None elif "maxPwdAge" not in res[0]: return None else: return int(res[0]["maxPwdAge"][0]) def set_minPwdLength(self, value): if not isinstance(value, binary_type): value = str(value).encode('utf8') m = ldb.Message() m.dn = ldb.Dn(self, self.domain_dn()) m["minPwdLength"] = ldb.MessageElement(value, ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "minPwdLength") self.modify(m) def get_minPwdLength(self): res = self.search(self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["minPwdLength"]) if len(res) == 0: return None elif "minPwdLength" not in res[0]: return None else: return int(res[0]["minPwdLength"][0]) def set_pwdProperties(self, value): if not isinstance(value, binary_type): value = str(value).encode('utf8') m = ldb.Message() m.dn = ldb.Dn(self, self.domain_dn()) m["pwdProperties"] = ldb.MessageElement(value, ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "pwdProperties") self.modify(m) def get_pwdProperties(self): res = self.search(self.domain_dn(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["pwdProperties"]) if len(res) == 0: return None elif "pwdProperties" not in res[0]: return None else: return int(res[0]["pwdProperties"][0]) def set_dsheuristics(self, dsheuristics): m = ldb.Message() m.dn = ldb.Dn(self, "CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,%s" % self.get_config_basedn().get_linearized()) if dsheuristics is not None: m["dSHeuristics"] = \ ldb.MessageElement(dsheuristics, ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, "dSHeuristics") else: m["dSHeuristics"] = \ ldb.MessageElement([], ldb.FLAG_MOD_DELETE, "dSHeuristics") self.modify(m) def get_dsheuristics(self): res = self.search("CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,%s" % self.get_config_basedn().get_linearized(), scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["dSHeuristics"]) if len(res) == 0: dsheuristics = None elif "dSHeuristics" in res[0]: dsheuristics = res[0]["dSHeuristics"][0] else: dsheuristics = None return dsheuristics def create_ou(self, ou_dn, description=None, name=None, sd=None): """Creates an organizationalUnit object :param ou_dn: dn of the new object :param description: description attribute :param name: name atttribute :param sd: security descriptor of the object, can be an SDDL string or security.descriptor type """ m = {"dn": ou_dn, "objectClass": "organizationalUnit"} if description: m["description"] = description if name: m["name"] = name if sd: m["nTSecurityDescriptor"] = ndr_pack(sd) self.add(m) def sequence_number(self, seq_type): """Returns the value of the sequence number according to the requested type :param seq_type: type of sequence number """ self.transaction_start() try: seq = super(SamDB, self).sequence_number(seq_type) except: self.transaction_cancel() raise else: self.transaction_commit() return seq def get_dsServiceName(self): '''get the NTDS DN from the rootDSE''' res = self.search(base="", scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["dsServiceName"]) return str(res[0]["dsServiceName"][0]) def get_serverName(self): '''get the server DN from the rootDSE''' res = self.search(base="", scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["serverName"]) return str(res[0]["serverName"][0]) def dns_lookup(self, dns_name, dns_partition=None): '''Do a DNS lookup in the database, returns the NDR database structures''' if dns_partition is None: return dsdb_dns.lookup(self, dns_name) else: return dsdb_dns.lookup(self, dns_name, dns_partition=dns_partition) def dns_extract(self, el): '''Return the NDR database structures from a dnsRecord element''' return dsdb_dns.extract(self, el) def dns_replace(self, dns_name, new_records): '''Do a DNS modification on the database, sets the NDR database structures on a DNS name ''' return dsdb_dns.replace(self, dns_name, new_records) def dns_replace_by_dn(self, dn, new_records): '''Do a DNS modification on the database, sets the NDR database structures on a LDB DN This routine is important because if the last record on the DN is removed, this routine will put a tombstone in the record. ''' return dsdb_dns.replace_by_dn(self, dn, new_records) def garbage_collect_tombstones(self, dn, current_time, tombstone_lifetime=None): '''garbage_collect_tombstones(lp, samdb, [dn], current_time, tombstone_lifetime) -> (num_objects_expunged, num_links_expunged)''' if tombstone_lifetime is None: return dsdb._dsdb_garbage_collect_tombstones(self, dn, current_time) else: return dsdb._dsdb_garbage_collect_tombstones(self, dn, current_time, tombstone_lifetime) def create_own_rid_set(self): '''create a RID set for this DSA''' return dsdb._dsdb_create_own_rid_set(self) def allocate_rid(self): '''return a new RID from the RID Pool on this DSA''' return dsdb._dsdb_allocate_rid(self) def normalize_dn_in_domain(self, dn): '''return a new DN expanded by adding the domain DN If the dn is already a child of the domain DN, just return it as-is. :param dn: relative dn ''' domain_dn = ldb.Dn(self, self.domain_dn()) if isinstance(dn, ldb.Dn): dn = str(dn) full_dn = ldb.Dn(self, dn) if not full_dn.is_child_of(domain_dn): full_dn.add_base(domain_dn) return full_dn