/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. RPC Spotlight client Copyright (C) Ralph Boehme 2018 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "includes.h" #include "rpcclient.h" #include "libsmb/libsmb.h" #include "../librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_mdssvc_c.h" #include "../rpc_server/mdssvc/mdssvc.h" #include "../rpc_server/mdssvc/dalloc.h" #include "../rpc_server/mdssvc/marshalling.h" static NTSTATUS cmd_mdssvc_fetch_properties( struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { struct dcerpc_binding_handle *b = cli->binding_handle; NTSTATUS status; uint32_t device_id = 0x2f000045; uint32_t unkn1 = 23; uint32_t unkn2 = 0; struct policy_handle share_handle; char share_path[1025] = { 0 }; uint32_t mds_status; uint32_t flags; /* server always returns 0x6b000001 ? */ uint32_t unkn3; /* server always returns 0 ? */ struct mdssvc_blob request_blob; struct mdssvc_blob response_blob; uint32_t max_fragment_size = 64 * 1024; DALLOC_CTX *d, *mds_reply; uint64_t *uint64var; sl_array_t *array1, *array2; uint32_t unkn4; int result; bool ok; if (argc != 3) { printf("Usage: %s SHARENAME MOUNTPATH\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } status = dcerpc_mdssvc_open(b, mem_ctx, &device_id, &unkn1, &unkn2, argv[2], argv[1], share_path, &share_handle); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { goto done; } status = dcerpc_mdssvc_unknown1(b, mem_ctx, &share_handle, 0, device_id, unkn1, 0, geteuid(), getegid(), &mds_status, &flags, &unkn3); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { goto done; } d = dalloc_new(mem_ctx); if (d == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } mds_reply = dalloc_new(mem_ctx); if (mds_reply == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } array1 = dalloc_zero(d, sl_array_t); if (array1 == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } array2 = dalloc_zero(d, sl_array_t); if (array2 == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } result = dalloc_stradd(array2, "fetchPropertiesForContext:"); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } uint64var = talloc_zero_array(mem_ctx, uint64_t, 2); if (uint64var == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } talloc_set_name(uint64var, "uint64_t *"); result = dalloc_add(array2, &uint64var[0], uint64_t *); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } result = dalloc_add(array1, array2, sl_array_t); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } result = dalloc_add(d, array1, sl_array_t); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } status = sl_pack_alloc(mem_ctx, d, &request_blob, max_fragment_size); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { goto done; } status = dcerpc_mdssvc_cmd(b, mem_ctx, &share_handle, 0, device_id, 23, 0, 0x6b000001, request_blob, 0, max_fragment_size, 1, max_fragment_size, 0, 0, &mds_status, &response_blob, &unkn4); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { goto done; } ok = sl_unpack(mds_reply, (char *)response_blob.spotlight_blob, response_blob.length); if (!ok) { DEBUG(1, ("error unpacking Spotlight RPC blob\n")); status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } DEBUG(0, ("%s", dalloc_dump(mds_reply, 0))); done: return status; } static NTSTATUS cmd_mdssvc_fetch_attributes( struct rpc_pipe_client *cli, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, int argc, const char **argv) { struct dcerpc_binding_handle *b = cli->binding_handle; NTSTATUS status; uint32_t device_id = 0x2f000045; uint32_t unkn1 = 23; uint32_t unkn2 = 0; struct policy_handle share_handle; char share_path[1025]; uint32_t mds_status; uint32_t flags; /* server always returns 0x6b000001 ? */ uint32_t unkn3; /* server always returns 0 ? */ struct mdssvc_blob request_blob; struct mdssvc_blob response_blob; uint32_t max_fragment_size = 64 * 1024; DALLOC_CTX *d, *mds_reply; uint64_t *uint64var; sl_array_t *array; sl_array_t *cmd_array; sl_array_t *attr_array; sl_cnids_t *cnids; uint64_t cnid; uint32_t unkn4; int result; bool ok; if (argc != 4) { printf("Usage: %s SHARENAME MOUNTPATH CNID\n", argv[0]); return NT_STATUS_OK; } ok = conv_str_u64(argv[3], &cnid); if (!ok) { printf("Failed to parse: %s\n", argv[3]); return NT_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } status = dcerpc_mdssvc_open(b, mem_ctx, &device_id, &unkn1, &unkn2, argv[2], argv[1], share_path, &share_handle); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { goto done; } status = dcerpc_mdssvc_unknown1(b, mem_ctx, &share_handle, 0, device_id, unkn1, 0, geteuid(), getegid(), &mds_status, &flags, &unkn3); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { goto done; } d = dalloc_new(mem_ctx); if (d == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } array = dalloc_zero(d, sl_array_t); if (array == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } result = dalloc_add(d, array, sl_array_t); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } cmd_array = dalloc_zero(d, sl_array_t); if (cmd_array == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } result = dalloc_add(array, cmd_array, sl_array_t); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } result = dalloc_stradd(cmd_array, "fetchAttributes:forOIDArray:context:"); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } uint64var = talloc_zero_array(mem_ctx, uint64_t, 2); if (uint64var == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } talloc_set_name(uint64var, "uint64_t *"); uint64var[0] = 0x500a; uint64var[1] = 0; result = dalloc_add(cmd_array, &uint64var[0], uint64_t *); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } attr_array = dalloc_zero(d, sl_array_t); if (attr_array == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } result = dalloc_add(array, attr_array, sl_array_t); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } result = dalloc_stradd(attr_array, "kMDItemPath"); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } /* CNIDs */ cnids = talloc_zero(array, sl_cnids_t); if (cnids == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } cnids->ca_cnids = dalloc_new(cnids); if (cnids->ca_cnids == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } cnids->ca_unkn1 = 0xadd; cnids->ca_context = 0x6b000020; result = dalloc_add_copy(cnids->ca_cnids, &cnid, uint64_t); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } result = dalloc_add(array, cnids, sl_cnids_t); if (result != 0) { status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } status = sl_pack_alloc(mem_ctx, d, &request_blob, max_fragment_size); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { goto done; } status = dcerpc_mdssvc_cmd(b, mem_ctx, &share_handle, 0, device_id, 23, 0, 0x6b000001, request_blob, 0, max_fragment_size, 1, max_fragment_size, 0, 0, &mds_status, &response_blob, &unkn4); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { printf("dcerpc_mdssvc_cmd failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(status)); goto done; } if (response_blob.length == 0) { printf("mdssvc returned empty response\n"); status = NT_STATUS_RPC_PROTOCOL_ERROR; goto done; } mds_reply = dalloc_new(mem_ctx); if (mds_reply == NULL) { status = NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto done; } ok = sl_unpack(mds_reply, (char *)response_blob.spotlight_blob, response_blob.length); if (!ok) { printf("Unpacking Spotlight RPC blob failed\n"); status = NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; goto done; } printf("%s", dalloc_dump(mds_reply, 0)); done: return status; } /* List of commands exported by this module */ struct cmd_set spotlight_commands[] = { { .name = "MDSSVC" }, { .name = "fetch_properties", .returntype = RPC_RTYPE_NTSTATUS, .ntfn = cmd_mdssvc_fetch_properties, .table = &ndr_table_mdssvc, .description = "Fetch connection properties", .usage = "", }, { .name = "fetch_attributes", .returntype = RPC_RTYPE_NTSTATUS, .ntfn = cmd_mdssvc_fetch_attributes, .table = &ndr_table_mdssvc, .description = "Fetch attributes for a CNID", .usage = "", }, {0} };