/* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation. PAC Glue between Samba and the KDC Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett 2005-2009 Copyright (C) Simo Sorce 2010 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "lib/replace/replace.h" #include "lib/replace/system/kerberos.h" #include "lib/util/debug.h" #include "lib/util/samba_util.h" #include "lib/util/talloc_stack.h" #include "auth/auth_sam_reply.h" #include "auth/kerberos/kerberos.h" #include "auth/kerberos/pac_utils.h" #include "libcli/security/security.h" #include "libds/common/flags.h" #include "librpc/gen_ndr/ndr_krb5pac.h" #include "param/param.h" #include "source4/auth/auth.h" #include "source4/dsdb/common/util.h" #include "source4/dsdb/samdb/samdb.h" #include "source4/kdc/samba_kdc.h" #include "source4/kdc/pac-glue.h" #include static NTSTATUS samba_get_logon_info_pac_blob(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct auth_user_info_dc *info, DATA_BLOB *pac_data, DATA_BLOB *requester_sid_blob) { struct netr_SamInfo3 *info3; union PAC_INFO pac_info; enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; NTSTATUS nt_status; ZERO_STRUCT(pac_info); *pac_data = data_blob_null; if (requester_sid_blob != NULL) { *requester_sid_blob = data_blob_null; } nt_status = auth_convert_user_info_dc_saminfo3(mem_ctx, info, &info3); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { DEBUG(1, ("Getting Samba info failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } pac_info.logon_info.info = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, struct PAC_LOGON_INFO); if (!pac_info.logon_info.info) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } pac_info.logon_info.info->info3 = *info3; ndr_err = ndr_push_union_blob(pac_data, mem_ctx, &pac_info, PAC_TYPE_LOGON_INFO, (ndr_push_flags_fn_t)ndr_push_PAC_INFO); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(1, ("PAC_LOGON_INFO (presig) push failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } if (requester_sid_blob != NULL && info->num_sids > 0) { union PAC_INFO pac_requester_sid; ZERO_STRUCT(pac_requester_sid); pac_requester_sid.requester_sid.sid = info->sids[0]; ndr_err = ndr_push_union_blob(requester_sid_blob, mem_ctx, &pac_requester_sid, PAC_TYPE_REQUESTER_SID, (ndr_push_flags_fn_t)ndr_push_PAC_INFO); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(1, ("PAC_REQUESTER_SID (presig) push failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } } return NT_STATUS_OK; } static NTSTATUS samba_get_upn_info_pac_blob(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct auth_user_info_dc *info, DATA_BLOB *upn_data) { union PAC_INFO pac_upn; enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; NTSTATUS nt_status; bool ok; ZERO_STRUCT(pac_upn); *upn_data = data_blob_null; pac_upn.upn_dns_info.upn_name = info->info->user_principal_name; pac_upn.upn_dns_info.dns_domain_name = strupper_talloc(mem_ctx, info->info->dns_domain_name); if (pac_upn.upn_dns_info.dns_domain_name == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } if (info->info->user_principal_constructed) { pac_upn.upn_dns_info.flags |= PAC_UPN_DNS_FLAG_CONSTRUCTED; } pac_upn.upn_dns_info.flags |= PAC_UPN_DNS_FLAG_HAS_SAM_NAME_AND_SID; pac_upn.upn_dns_info.ex.sam_name_and_sid.samaccountname = info->info->account_name; pac_upn.upn_dns_info.ex.sam_name_and_sid.objectsid = &info->sids[0]; ndr_err = ndr_push_union_blob(upn_data, mem_ctx, &pac_upn, PAC_TYPE_UPN_DNS_INFO, (ndr_push_flags_fn_t)ndr_push_PAC_INFO); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(1, ("PAC UPN_DNS_INFO (presig) push failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } ok = data_blob_pad(mem_ctx, upn_data, 8); if (!ok) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } return NT_STATUS_OK; } static NTSTATUS samba_get_pac_attrs_blob(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, uint64_t pac_attributes, DATA_BLOB *pac_attrs_data) { union PAC_INFO pac_attrs; enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; NTSTATUS nt_status; ZERO_STRUCT(pac_attrs); *pac_attrs_data = data_blob_null; /* Set the length of the flags in bits. */ pac_attrs.attributes_info.flags_length = 2; pac_attrs.attributes_info.flags = pac_attributes; ndr_err = ndr_push_union_blob(pac_attrs_data, mem_ctx, &pac_attrs, PAC_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES_INFO, (ndr_push_flags_fn_t)ndr_push_PAC_INFO); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(1, ("PAC ATTRIBUTES_INFO (presig) push failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } return NT_STATUS_OK; } static NTSTATUS samba_get_cred_info_ndr_blob(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, const struct ldb_message *msg, DATA_BLOB *cred_blob) { enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; NTSTATUS nt_status; struct samr_Password *lm_hash = NULL; struct samr_Password *nt_hash = NULL; struct PAC_CREDENTIAL_NTLM_SECPKG ntlm_secpkg = { .version = 0, }; DATA_BLOB ntlm_blob = data_blob_null; struct PAC_CREDENTIAL_SUPPLEMENTAL_SECPKG secpkgs[1] = {{ .credential_size = 0, }}; struct PAC_CREDENTIAL_DATA cred_data = { .credential_count = 0, }; struct PAC_CREDENTIAL_DATA_NDR cred_ndr; ZERO_STRUCT(cred_ndr); *cred_blob = data_blob_null; lm_hash = samdb_result_hash(mem_ctx, msg, "dBCSPwd"); if (lm_hash != NULL) { bool zero = all_zero(lm_hash->hash, 16); if (zero) { lm_hash = NULL; } } if (lm_hash != NULL) { DEBUG(5, ("Passing LM password hash through credentials set\n")); ntlm_secpkg.flags |= PAC_CREDENTIAL_NTLM_HAS_LM_HASH; ntlm_secpkg.lm_password = *lm_hash; ZERO_STRUCTP(lm_hash); TALLOC_FREE(lm_hash); } nt_hash = samdb_result_hash(mem_ctx, msg, "unicodePwd"); if (nt_hash != NULL) { bool zero = all_zero(nt_hash->hash, 16); if (zero) { nt_hash = NULL; } } if (nt_hash != NULL) { DEBUG(5, ("Passing LM password hash through credentials set\n")); ntlm_secpkg.flags |= PAC_CREDENTIAL_NTLM_HAS_NT_HASH; ntlm_secpkg.nt_password = *nt_hash; ZERO_STRUCTP(nt_hash); TALLOC_FREE(nt_hash); } if (ntlm_secpkg.flags == 0) { return NT_STATUS_OK; } #ifdef DEBUG_PASSWORD if (DEBUGLVL(11)) { NDR_PRINT_DEBUG(PAC_CREDENTIAL_NTLM_SECPKG, &ntlm_secpkg); } #endif ndr_err = ndr_push_struct_blob(&ntlm_blob, mem_ctx, &ntlm_secpkg, (ndr_push_flags_fn_t)ndr_push_PAC_CREDENTIAL_NTLM_SECPKG); ZERO_STRUCT(ntlm_secpkg); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(1, ("PAC_CREDENTIAL_NTLM_SECPKG (presig) push failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } DEBUG(10, ("NTLM credential BLOB (len %zu) for user\n", ntlm_blob.length)); dump_data_pw("PAC_CREDENTIAL_NTLM_SECPKG", ntlm_blob.data, ntlm_blob.length); secpkgs[0].package_name.string = discard_const_p(char, "NTLM"); secpkgs[0].credential_size = ntlm_blob.length; secpkgs[0].credential = ntlm_blob.data; cred_data.credential_count = ARRAY_SIZE(secpkgs); cred_data.credentials = secpkgs; #ifdef DEBUG_PASSWORD if (DEBUGLVL(11)) { NDR_PRINT_DEBUG(PAC_CREDENTIAL_DATA, &cred_data); } #endif cred_ndr.ctr.data = &cred_data; #ifdef DEBUG_PASSWORD if (DEBUGLVL(11)) { NDR_PRINT_DEBUG(PAC_CREDENTIAL_DATA_NDR, &cred_ndr); } #endif ndr_err = ndr_push_struct_blob(cred_blob, mem_ctx, &cred_ndr, (ndr_push_flags_fn_t)ndr_push_PAC_CREDENTIAL_DATA_NDR); data_blob_clear(&ntlm_blob); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(1, ("PAC_CREDENTIAL_DATA_NDR (presig) push failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } DEBUG(10, ("Created credential BLOB (len %zu) for user\n", cred_blob->length)); dump_data_pw("PAC_CREDENTIAL_DATA_NDR", cred_blob->data, cred_blob->length); return NT_STATUS_OK; } #ifdef SAMBA4_USES_HEIMDAL krb5_error_code samba_kdc_encrypt_pac_credentials(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *pkreplykey, const DATA_BLOB *cred_ndr_blob, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, DATA_BLOB *cred_info_blob) { krb5_crypto cred_crypto; krb5_enctype cred_enctype; krb5_data cred_ndr_crypt; struct PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO pac_cred_info = { .version = 0, }; krb5_error_code ret; const char *krb5err; enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; NTSTATUS nt_status; *cred_info_blob = data_blob_null; ret = krb5_crypto_init(context, pkreplykey, ETYPE_NULL, &cred_crypto); if (ret != 0) { krb5err = krb5_get_error_message(context, ret); DEBUG(1, ("Failed initializing cred data crypto: %s\n", krb5err)); krb5_free_error_message(context, krb5err); return ret; } ret = krb5_crypto_getenctype(context, cred_crypto, &cred_enctype); if (ret != 0) { DEBUG(1, ("Failed getting crypto type for key\n")); krb5_crypto_destroy(context, cred_crypto); return ret; } DEBUG(10, ("Plain cred_ndr_blob (len %zu)\n", cred_ndr_blob->length)); dump_data_pw("PAC_CREDENTIAL_DATA_NDR", cred_ndr_blob->data, cred_ndr_blob->length); ret = krb5_encrypt(context, cred_crypto, KRB5_KU_OTHER_ENCRYPTED, cred_ndr_blob->data, cred_ndr_blob->length, &cred_ndr_crypt); krb5_crypto_destroy(context, cred_crypto); if (ret != 0) { krb5err = krb5_get_error_message(context, ret); DEBUG(1, ("Failed crypt of cred data: %s\n", krb5err)); krb5_free_error_message(context, krb5err); return ret; } pac_cred_info.encryption_type = cred_enctype; pac_cred_info.encrypted_data.length = cred_ndr_crypt.length; pac_cred_info.encrypted_data.data = (uint8_t *)cred_ndr_crypt.data; if (DEBUGLVL(10)) { NDR_PRINT_DEBUG(PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO, &pac_cred_info); } ndr_err = ndr_push_struct_blob(cred_info_blob, mem_ctx, &pac_cred_info, (ndr_push_flags_fn_t)ndr_push_PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO); krb5_data_free(&cred_ndr_crypt); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(1, ("PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO (presig) push failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return KRB5KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE; } DEBUG(10, ("Encrypted credential BLOB (len %zu) with alg %d\n", cred_info_blob->length, (int)pac_cred_info.encryption_type)); dump_data_pw("PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO", cred_info_blob->data, cred_info_blob->length); return 0; } #else /* SAMBA4_USES_HEIMDAL */ krb5_error_code samba_kdc_encrypt_pac_credentials(krb5_context context, const krb5_keyblock *pkreplykey, const DATA_BLOB *cred_ndr_blob, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, DATA_BLOB *cred_info_blob) { krb5_key cred_key; krb5_enctype cred_enctype; struct PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO pac_cred_info = { .version = 0, }; krb5_error_code code; const char *krb5err; enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; NTSTATUS nt_status; krb5_data cred_ndr_data; krb5_enc_data cred_ndr_crypt; size_t enc_len = 0; *cred_info_blob = data_blob_null; code = krb5_k_create_key(context, pkreplykey, &cred_key); if (code != 0) { krb5err = krb5_get_error_message(context, code); DEBUG(1, ("Failed initializing cred data crypto: %s\n", krb5err)); krb5_free_error_message(context, krb5err); return code; } cred_enctype = krb5_k_key_enctype(context, cred_key); DEBUG(10, ("Plain cred_ndr_blob (len %zu)\n", cred_ndr_blob->length)); dump_data_pw("PAC_CREDENTIAL_DATA_NDR", cred_ndr_blob->data, cred_ndr_blob->length); pac_cred_info.encryption_type = cred_enctype; cred_ndr_data.magic = 0; cred_ndr_data.data = (char *)cred_ndr_blob->data; cred_ndr_data.length = cred_ndr_blob->length; code = krb5_c_encrypt_length(context, cred_enctype, cred_ndr_data.length, &enc_len); if (code != 0) { krb5err = krb5_get_error_message(context, code); DEBUG(1, ("Failed initializing cred data crypto: %s\n", krb5err)); krb5_free_error_message(context, krb5err); return code; } pac_cred_info.encrypted_data = data_blob_talloc_zero(mem_ctx, enc_len); if (pac_cred_info.encrypted_data.data == NULL) { DBG_ERR("Out of memory\n"); return ENOMEM; } cred_ndr_crypt.ciphertext.length = enc_len; cred_ndr_crypt.ciphertext.data = (char *)pac_cred_info.encrypted_data.data; code = krb5_k_encrypt(context, cred_key, KRB5_KU_OTHER_ENCRYPTED, NULL, &cred_ndr_data, &cred_ndr_crypt); krb5_k_free_key(context, cred_key); if (code != 0) { krb5err = krb5_get_error_message(context, code); DEBUG(1, ("Failed crypt of cred data: %s\n", krb5err)); krb5_free_error_message(context, krb5err); return code; } if (DEBUGLVL(10)) { NDR_PRINT_DEBUG(PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO, &pac_cred_info); } ndr_err = ndr_push_struct_blob(cred_info_blob, mem_ctx, &pac_cred_info, (ndr_push_flags_fn_t)ndr_push_PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO); TALLOC_FREE(pac_cred_info.encrypted_data.data); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(1, ("PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO (presig) push failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return KRB5KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE; } DEBUG(10, ("Encrypted credential BLOB (len %zu) with alg %d\n", cred_info_blob->length, (int)pac_cred_info.encryption_type)); dump_data_pw("PAC_CREDENTIAL_INFO", cred_info_blob->data, cred_info_blob->length); return 0; } #endif /* SAMBA4_USES_HEIMDAL */ /** * @brief Create a PAC with the given blobs (logon, credentials, upn and * delegation). * * @param[in] context The KRB5 context to use. * * @param[in] logon_blob Fill the logon info PAC buffer with the given blob, * use NULL to ignore it. * * @param[in] cred_blob Fill the credentials info PAC buffer with the given * blob, use NULL to ignore it. * * @param[in] upn_blob Fill the UPN info PAC buffer with the given blob, use * NULL to ignore it. * * @param[in] deleg_blob Fill the delegation info PAC buffer with the given * blob, use NULL to ignore it. * * @param[in] pac The pac buffer to fill. This should be allocated with * krb5_pac_init() already. * * @returns 0 on success or a corresponding KRB5 error. */ krb5_error_code samba_make_krb5_pac(krb5_context context, const DATA_BLOB *logon_blob, const DATA_BLOB *cred_blob, const DATA_BLOB *upn_blob, const DATA_BLOB *pac_attrs_blob, const DATA_BLOB *requester_sid_blob, const DATA_BLOB *deleg_blob, krb5_pac pac) { krb5_data logon_data; krb5_data cred_data; krb5_data upn_data; krb5_data pac_attrs_data; krb5_data requester_sid_data; krb5_data deleg_data; krb5_error_code ret; #ifdef SAMBA4_USES_HEIMDAL char null_byte = '\0'; krb5_data null_data = { .length = 1, .data = &null_byte, }; #endif /* The user account may be set not to want the PAC */ if (logon_blob == NULL) { return 0; } ret = smb_krb5_copy_data_contents(&logon_data, logon_blob->data, logon_blob->length); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } ZERO_STRUCT(cred_data); if (cred_blob != NULL) { ret = smb_krb5_copy_data_contents(&cred_data, cred_blob->data, cred_blob->length); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &logon_data); return ret; } } ZERO_STRUCT(upn_data); if (upn_blob != NULL) { ret = smb_krb5_copy_data_contents(&upn_data, upn_blob->data, upn_blob->length); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &logon_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &cred_data); return ret; } } ZERO_STRUCT(pac_attrs_data); if (pac_attrs_blob != NULL) { ret = smb_krb5_copy_data_contents(&pac_attrs_data, pac_attrs_blob->data, pac_attrs_blob->length); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &logon_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &cred_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &upn_data); return ret; } } ZERO_STRUCT(requester_sid_data); if (requester_sid_blob != NULL) { ret = smb_krb5_copy_data_contents(&requester_sid_data, requester_sid_blob->data, requester_sid_blob->length); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &logon_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &cred_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &upn_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &pac_attrs_data); return ret; } } ZERO_STRUCT(deleg_data); if (deleg_blob != NULL) { ret = smb_krb5_copy_data_contents(&deleg_data, deleg_blob->data, deleg_blob->length); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &logon_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &cred_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &upn_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &pac_attrs_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &requester_sid_data); return ret; } } ret = krb5_pac_add_buffer(context, pac, PAC_TYPE_LOGON_INFO, &logon_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &logon_data); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &cred_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &upn_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &pac_attrs_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &requester_sid_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &deleg_data); return ret; } if (cred_blob != NULL) { ret = krb5_pac_add_buffer(context, pac, PAC_TYPE_CREDENTIAL_INFO, &cred_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &cred_data); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &upn_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &pac_attrs_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &requester_sid_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &deleg_data); return ret; } } #ifdef SAMBA4_USES_HEIMDAL /* * null_data will be filled by the generic KDC code in the caller * here we just add it in order to have it before * PAC_TYPE_UPN_DNS_INFO * * Not needed with MIT Kerberos - asn */ ret = krb5_pac_add_buffer(context, pac, PAC_TYPE_LOGON_NAME, &null_data); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &upn_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &pac_attrs_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &requester_sid_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &deleg_data); return ret; } #endif if (upn_blob != NULL) { ret = krb5_pac_add_buffer(context, pac, PAC_TYPE_UPN_DNS_INFO, &upn_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &upn_data); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &pac_attrs_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &requester_sid_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &deleg_data); return ret; } } if (pac_attrs_blob != NULL) { ret = krb5_pac_add_buffer(context, pac, PAC_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES_INFO, &pac_attrs_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &pac_attrs_data); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &requester_sid_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &deleg_data); return ret; } } if (requester_sid_blob != NULL) { ret = krb5_pac_add_buffer(context, pac, PAC_TYPE_REQUESTER_SID, &requester_sid_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &requester_sid_data); if (ret != 0) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &deleg_data); return ret; } } if (deleg_blob != NULL) { ret = krb5_pac_add_buffer(context, pac, PAC_TYPE_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION, &deleg_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &deleg_data); if (ret != 0) { return ret; } } return ret; } bool samba_princ_needs_pac(struct samba_kdc_entry *skdc_entry) { uint32_t userAccountControl; /* The service account may be set not to want the PAC */ userAccountControl = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_uint(skdc_entry->msg, "userAccountControl", 0); if (userAccountControl & UF_NO_AUTH_DATA_REQUIRED) { return false; } return true; } int samba_client_requested_pac(krb5_context context, const krb5_pac *pac, TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, bool *requested_pac) { enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; krb5_data k5pac_attrs_in; DATA_BLOB pac_attrs_in; union PAC_INFO pac_attrs; int ret; *requested_pac = true; ret = krb5_pac_get_buffer(context, *pac, PAC_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES_INFO, &k5pac_attrs_in); if (ret != 0) { return ret == ENOENT ? 0 : ret; } pac_attrs_in = data_blob_const(k5pac_attrs_in.data, k5pac_attrs_in.length); ndr_err = ndr_pull_union_blob(&pac_attrs_in, mem_ctx, &pac_attrs, PAC_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES_INFO, (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t)ndr_pull_PAC_INFO); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &k5pac_attrs_in); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { NTSTATUS nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(0,("can't parse the PAC ATTRIBUTES_INFO: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return EINVAL; } if (pac_attrs.attributes_info.flags & (PAC_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_PAC_WAS_GIVEN_IMPLICITLY | PAC_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_PAC_WAS_REQUESTED)) { *requested_pac = true; } else { *requested_pac = false; } return 0; } /* Was the krbtgt in this DB (ie, should we check the incoming signature) and was it an RODC */ int samba_krbtgt_is_in_db(struct samba_kdc_entry *p, bool *is_in_db, bool *is_untrusted) { NTSTATUS status; int rodc_krbtgt_number, trust_direction; uint32_t rid; TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx = talloc_new(NULL); if (!mem_ctx) { return ENOMEM; } trust_direction = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_int(p->msg, "trustDirection", 0); if (trust_direction != 0) { /* Domain trust - we cannot check the sig, but we trust it for a correct PAC This is exactly where we should flag for SID validation when we do inter-foreest trusts */ talloc_free(mem_ctx); *is_untrusted = false; *is_in_db = false; return 0; } /* The lack of password controls etc applies to krbtgt by * virtue of being that particular RID */ status = dom_sid_split_rid(NULL, samdb_result_dom_sid(mem_ctx, p->msg, "objectSid"), NULL, &rid); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(status)) { talloc_free(mem_ctx); return EINVAL; } rodc_krbtgt_number = ldb_msg_find_attr_as_int(p->msg, "msDS-SecondaryKrbTgtNumber", -1); if (p->kdc_db_ctx->my_krbtgt_number == 0) { if (rid == DOMAIN_RID_KRBTGT) { *is_untrusted = false; *is_in_db = true; talloc_free(mem_ctx); return 0; } else if (rodc_krbtgt_number != -1) { *is_in_db = true; *is_untrusted = true; talloc_free(mem_ctx); return 0; } } else if ((rid != DOMAIN_RID_KRBTGT) && (rodc_krbtgt_number == p->kdc_db_ctx->my_krbtgt_number)) { talloc_free(mem_ctx); *is_untrusted = false; *is_in_db = true; return 0; } else if (rid == DOMAIN_RID_KRBTGT) { /* krbtgt viewed from an RODC */ talloc_free(mem_ctx); *is_untrusted = false; *is_in_db = false; return 0; } /* Another RODC */ talloc_free(mem_ctx); *is_untrusted = true; *is_in_db = false; return 0; } /* * Look up the user's info in the database and create a auth_user_info_dc * structure. If the resulting structure is not talloc_free()d, it will be * reused on future calls to this function. */ NTSTATUS samba_kdc_get_user_info_from_db(struct samba_kdc_entry *skdc_entry, struct ldb_message *msg, struct auth_user_info_dc **user_info_dc) { if (skdc_entry->user_info_dc == NULL) { NTSTATUS nt_status; struct loadparm_context *lp_ctx = skdc_entry->kdc_db_ctx->lp_ctx; nt_status = authsam_make_user_info_dc(skdc_entry, skdc_entry->kdc_db_ctx->samdb, lpcfg_netbios_name(lp_ctx), lpcfg_sam_name(lp_ctx), lpcfg_sam_dnsname(lp_ctx), skdc_entry->realm_dn, msg, data_blob_null, data_blob_null, &skdc_entry->user_info_dc); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { return nt_status; } } *user_info_dc = skdc_entry->user_info_dc; return NT_STATUS_OK; } NTSTATUS samba_kdc_get_pac_blobs(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, struct samba_kdc_entry *p, DATA_BLOB **_logon_info_blob, DATA_BLOB **_cred_ndr_blob, DATA_BLOB **_upn_info_blob, DATA_BLOB **_pac_attrs_blob, uint64_t pac_attributes, DATA_BLOB **_requester_sid_blob) { struct auth_user_info_dc *user_info_dc = NULL; DATA_BLOB *logon_blob = NULL; DATA_BLOB *cred_blob = NULL; DATA_BLOB *upn_blob = NULL; DATA_BLOB *pac_attrs_blob = NULL; DATA_BLOB *requester_sid_blob = NULL; NTSTATUS nt_status; *_logon_info_blob = NULL; if (_cred_ndr_blob != NULL) { *_cred_ndr_blob = NULL; } *_upn_info_blob = NULL; if (_pac_attrs_blob != NULL) { *_pac_attrs_blob = NULL; } if (_requester_sid_blob != NULL) { *_requester_sid_blob = NULL; } logon_blob = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, DATA_BLOB); if (logon_blob == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } if (_cred_ndr_blob != NULL) { cred_blob = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, DATA_BLOB); if (cred_blob == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } upn_blob = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, DATA_BLOB); if (upn_blob == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } if (_pac_attrs_blob != NULL) { pac_attrs_blob = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, DATA_BLOB); if (pac_attrs_blob == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } if (_requester_sid_blob != NULL) { requester_sid_blob = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, DATA_BLOB); if (requester_sid_blob == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } } nt_status = samba_kdc_get_user_info_from_db(p, p->msg, &user_info_dc); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { DEBUG(0, ("Getting user info for PAC failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } nt_status = samba_get_logon_info_pac_blob(logon_blob, user_info_dc, logon_blob, requester_sid_blob); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { DEBUG(0, ("Building PAC LOGON INFO failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } if (cred_blob != NULL) { nt_status = samba_get_cred_info_ndr_blob(cred_blob, p->msg, cred_blob); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { DEBUG(0, ("Building PAC CRED INFO failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } } nt_status = samba_get_upn_info_pac_blob(upn_blob, user_info_dc, upn_blob); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { DEBUG(0, ("Building PAC UPN INFO failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } if (pac_attrs_blob != NULL) { nt_status = samba_get_pac_attrs_blob(pac_attrs_blob, pac_attributes, pac_attrs_blob); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { DEBUG(0, ("Building PAC ATTRIBUTES failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); return nt_status; } } *_logon_info_blob = logon_blob; if (_cred_ndr_blob != NULL) { *_cred_ndr_blob = cred_blob; } *_upn_info_blob = upn_blob; if (_pac_attrs_blob != NULL) { *_pac_attrs_blob = pac_attrs_blob; } if (_requester_sid_blob != NULL) { *_requester_sid_blob = requester_sid_blob; } return NT_STATUS_OK; } NTSTATUS samba_kdc_update_pac_blob(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, krb5_context context, struct ldb_context *samdb, const krb5_pac pac, DATA_BLOB *pac_blob, struct PAC_SIGNATURE_DATA *pac_srv_sig, struct PAC_SIGNATURE_DATA *pac_kdc_sig) { struct auth_user_info_dc *user_info_dc; krb5_error_code ret; NTSTATUS nt_status; ret = kerberos_pac_to_user_info_dc(mem_ctx, pac, context, &user_info_dc, pac_srv_sig, pac_kdc_sig); if (ret) { return NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } /* * We need to expand group memberships within our local domain, * as the token might be generated by a trusted domain. */ nt_status = authsam_update_user_info_dc(mem_ctx, samdb, user_info_dc); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { return nt_status; } nt_status = samba_get_logon_info_pac_blob(mem_ctx, user_info_dc, pac_blob, NULL); return nt_status; } NTSTATUS samba_kdc_update_delegation_info_blob(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, krb5_context context, const krb5_pac pac, const krb5_principal server_principal, const krb5_principal proxy_principal, DATA_BLOB *new_blob) { krb5_data old_data; DATA_BLOB old_blob; krb5_error_code ret; NTSTATUS nt_status; enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; union PAC_INFO info; struct PAC_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION _d; struct PAC_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION *d = NULL; char *server = NULL; char *proxy = NULL; uint32_t i; TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx = talloc_new(mem_ctx); if (tmp_ctx == NULL) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } ret = krb5_pac_get_buffer(context, pac, PAC_TYPE_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION, &old_data); if (ret == ENOENT) { ZERO_STRUCT(old_data); } else if (ret) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return NT_STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } old_blob.length = old_data.length; old_blob.data = (uint8_t *)old_data.data; ZERO_STRUCT(info); if (old_blob.length > 0) { ndr_err = ndr_pull_union_blob(&old_blob, mem_ctx, &info, PAC_TYPE_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION, (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t)ndr_pull_PAC_INFO); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &old_data); nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(0,("can't parse the PAC LOGON_INFO: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return nt_status; } } else { ZERO_STRUCT(_d); info.constrained_delegation.info = &_d; } smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &old_data); ret = krb5_unparse_name_flags(context, server_principal, KRB5_PRINCIPAL_UNPARSE_NO_REALM, &server); if (ret) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } ret = krb5_unparse_name(context, proxy_principal, &proxy); if (ret) { SAFE_FREE(server); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return NT_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; } d = info.constrained_delegation.info; i = d->num_transited_services; d->proxy_target.string = server; d->transited_services = talloc_realloc(mem_ctx, d->transited_services, struct lsa_String, i + 1); d->transited_services[i].string = proxy; d->num_transited_services = i + 1; ndr_err = ndr_push_union_blob(new_blob, mem_ctx, &info, PAC_TYPE_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION, (ndr_push_flags_fn_t)ndr_push_PAC_INFO); SAFE_FREE(server); SAFE_FREE(proxy); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &old_data); nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(0,("can't parse the PAC LOGON_INFO: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return nt_status; } talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return NT_STATUS_OK; } /* function to map policy errors */ krb5_error_code samba_kdc_map_policy_err(NTSTATUS nt_status) { krb5_error_code ret; if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(nt_status, NT_STATUS_PASSWORD_MUST_CHANGE)) ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_KEY_EXP; else if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(nt_status, NT_STATUS_PASSWORD_EXPIRED)) ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_KEY_EXP; else if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(nt_status, NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_EXPIRED)) ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED; else if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(nt_status, NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_DISABLED)) ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED; else if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(nt_status, NT_STATUS_INVALID_LOGON_HOURS)) ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED; else if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(nt_status, NT_STATUS_ACCOUNT_LOCKED_OUT)) ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_CLIENT_REVOKED; else if (NT_STATUS_EQUAL(nt_status, NT_STATUS_INVALID_WORKSTATION)) ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_POLICY; else ret = KRB5KDC_ERR_POLICY; return ret; } /* Given a kdc entry, consult the account_ok routine in auth/auth_sam.c * for consistency */ NTSTATUS samba_kdc_check_client_access(struct samba_kdc_entry *kdc_entry, const char *client_name, const char *workstation, bool password_change) { TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx; NTSTATUS nt_status; tmp_ctx = talloc_named(NULL, 0, "samba_kdc_check_client_access"); if (!tmp_ctx) { return NT_STATUS_NO_MEMORY; } /* we allow all kinds of trusts here */ nt_status = authsam_account_ok(tmp_ctx, kdc_entry->kdc_db_ctx->samdb, MSV1_0_ALLOW_SERVER_TRUST_ACCOUNT | MSV1_0_ALLOW_WORKSTATION_TRUST_ACCOUNT, kdc_entry->realm_dn, kdc_entry->msg, workstation, client_name, true, password_change); kdc_entry->reject_status = nt_status; talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return nt_status; } static krb5_error_code samba_get_requester_sid(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, krb5_pac pac, krb5_context context, struct dom_sid *sid) { NTSTATUS nt_status; enum ndr_err_code ndr_err; krb5_error_code ret; DATA_BLOB pac_requester_sid_in; krb5_data k5pac_requester_sid_in; union PAC_INFO info; TALLOC_CTX *tmp_ctx = talloc_new(mem_ctx); if (tmp_ctx == NULL) { return ENOMEM; } ret = krb5_pac_get_buffer(context, pac, PAC_TYPE_REQUESTER_SID, &k5pac_requester_sid_in); if (ret != 0) { talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return ret; } pac_requester_sid_in = data_blob_const(k5pac_requester_sid_in.data, k5pac_requester_sid_in.length); ndr_err = ndr_pull_union_blob(&pac_requester_sid_in, tmp_ctx, &info, PAC_TYPE_REQUESTER_SID, (ndr_pull_flags_fn_t)ndr_pull_PAC_INFO); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &k5pac_requester_sid_in); if (!NDR_ERR_CODE_IS_SUCCESS(ndr_err)) { nt_status = ndr_map_error2ntstatus(ndr_err); DEBUG(0,("can't parse the PAC REQUESTER_SID: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status))); talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return EINVAL; } *sid = info.requester_sid.sid; talloc_free(tmp_ctx); return 0; } /* Does a parse and SID check, but no crypto. */ krb5_error_code samba_kdc_validate_pac_blob( krb5_context context, struct samba_kdc_entry *client_skdc_entry, const krb5_pac pac) { TALLOC_CTX *frame = talloc_stackframe(); struct auth_user_info_dc *pac_user_info = NULL; struct dom_sid *client_sid = NULL; struct dom_sid pac_sid; krb5_error_code code; bool ok; /* * First, try to get the SID from the requester SID buffer in the PAC. */ code = samba_get_requester_sid(frame, pac, context, &pac_sid); if (code == ENOENT) { /* * If the requester SID buffer isn't present, fall back to the * SID in the LOGON_INFO PAC buffer. */ code = kerberos_pac_to_user_info_dc(frame, pac, context, &pac_user_info, NULL, NULL); if (code != 0) { goto out; } if (pac_user_info->num_sids == 0) { code = EINVAL; goto out; } pac_sid = pac_user_info->sids[0]; } else if (code != 0) { goto out; } client_sid = samdb_result_dom_sid(frame, client_skdc_entry->msg, "objectSid"); ok = dom_sid_equal(&pac_sid, client_sid); if (!ok) { struct dom_sid_buf buf1; struct dom_sid_buf buf2; DBG_ERR("SID mismatch between PAC and looked up client: " "PAC[%s] != CLI[%s]\n", dom_sid_str_buf(&pac_sid, &buf1), dom_sid_str_buf(client_sid, &buf2)); code = KRB5KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED; goto out; } code = 0; out: TALLOC_FREE(frame); return code; } /* * In the RODC case, to confirm that the returned user is permitted to * be replicated to the KDC (krbgtgt_xxx user) represented by *rodc */ WERROR samba_rodc_confirm_user_is_allowed(uint32_t num_object_sids, struct dom_sid *object_sids, struct samba_kdc_entry *rodc, struct samba_kdc_entry *object) { int ret; WERROR werr; TALLOC_CTX *frame = talloc_stackframe(); const char *rodc_attrs[] = { "msDS-KrbTgtLink", "msDS-NeverRevealGroup", "msDS-RevealOnDemandGroup", "userAccountControl", "objectSid", NULL }; struct ldb_result *rodc_machine_account = NULL; struct ldb_dn *rodc_machine_account_dn = samdb_result_dn(rodc->kdc_db_ctx->samdb, frame, rodc->msg, "msDS-KrbTgtLinkBL", NULL); const struct dom_sid *rodc_machine_account_sid = NULL; if (rodc_machine_account_dn == NULL) { DBG_ERR("krbtgt account %s has no msDS-KrbTgtLinkBL to find RODC machine account for allow/deny list\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(rodc->msg->dn)); TALLOC_FREE(frame); return WERR_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND; } /* * Follow the link and get the RODC account (the krbtgt * account is the krbtgt_XXX account, but the * msDS-NeverRevealGroup and msDS-RevealOnDemandGroup is on * the RODC$ account) * * We need DSDB_SEARCH_SHOW_EXTENDED_DN as we get a SID lists * out of the extended DNs */ ret = dsdb_search_dn(rodc->kdc_db_ctx->samdb, frame, &rodc_machine_account, rodc_machine_account_dn, rodc_attrs, DSDB_SEARCH_SHOW_EXTENDED_DN); if (ret != LDB_SUCCESS) { DBG_ERR("Failed to fetch RODC machine account %s pointed to by %s to check allow/deny list: %s\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(rodc_machine_account_dn), ldb_dn_get_linearized(rodc->msg->dn), ldb_errstring(rodc->kdc_db_ctx->samdb)); TALLOC_FREE(frame); return WERR_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND; } if (rodc_machine_account->count != 1) { DBG_ERR("Failed to fetch RODC machine account %s pointed to by %s to check allow/deny list: (%d)\n", ldb_dn_get_linearized(rodc_machine_account_dn), ldb_dn_get_linearized(rodc->msg->dn), rodc_machine_account->count); TALLOC_FREE(frame); return WERR_DS_DRA_BAD_DN; } /* if the object SID is equal to the user_sid, allow */ rodc_machine_account_sid = samdb_result_dom_sid(frame, rodc_machine_account->msgs[0], "objectSid"); if (rodc_machine_account_sid == NULL) { return WERR_DS_DRA_BAD_DN; } werr = samdb_confirm_rodc_allowed_to_repl_to_sid_list(rodc->kdc_db_ctx->samdb, rodc_machine_account_sid, rodc_machine_account->msgs[0], object->msg, num_object_sids, object_sids); TALLOC_FREE(frame); return werr; } /** * @brief Update a PAC * * @param mem_ctx A talloc memory context * * @param context A krb5 context * * @param samdb An open samdb connection. * * @param flags Bitwise OR'ed flags * * @param client The client samba kdc entry. * @param server_principal The server principal * @param server The server samba kdc entry. * @param krbtgt The krbtgt samba kdc entry. * * @param delegated_proxy_principal The delegated proxy principal used for * updating the constrained delegation PAC * buffer. * @param old_pac The old PAC * @param new_pac The new already allocated PAC * @return A Kerberos error code. If no PAC should be returned, the code will be * ENODATA! */ krb5_error_code samba_kdc_update_pac(TALLOC_CTX *mem_ctx, krb5_context context, struct ldb_context *samdb, uint32_t flags, struct samba_kdc_entry *client, const krb5_principal server_principal, struct samba_kdc_entry *server, struct samba_kdc_entry *krbtgt, const krb5_principal delegated_proxy_principal, const krb5_pac old_pac, krb5_pac new_pac) { krb5_error_code code = EINVAL; NTSTATUS nt_status; DATA_BLOB *pac_blob = NULL; DATA_BLOB *upn_blob = NULL; DATA_BLOB *deleg_blob = NULL; DATA_BLOB *requester_sid_blob = NULL; bool is_untrusted = flags & SAMBA_KDC_FLAG_KRBTGT_IS_UNTRUSTED; int is_tgs = false; size_t num_types = 0; uint32_t *types = NULL; /* * FIXME: Do we really still need forced_next_type? With MIT Kerberos * the PAC buffers do not get ordered and it works just fine. We are * not aware of any issues in this regard. This might be just ancient * code. */ uint32_t forced_next_type = 0; size_t i = 0; ssize_t logon_info_idx = -1; ssize_t delegation_idx = -1; ssize_t logon_name_idx = -1; ssize_t upn_dns_info_idx = -1; ssize_t srv_checksum_idx = -1; ssize_t kdc_checksum_idx = -1; ssize_t tkt_checksum_idx = -1; ssize_t attrs_info_idx = -1; ssize_t requester_sid_idx = -1; if (client != NULL) { /* * Check the objectSID of the client and pac data are the same. * Does a parse and SID check, but no crypto. */ code = samba_kdc_validate_pac_blob(context, client, old_pac); if (code != 0) { goto done; } } if (delegated_proxy_principal != NULL) { deleg_blob = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, DATA_BLOB); if (deleg_blob == NULL) { code = ENOMEM; goto done; } nt_status = samba_kdc_update_delegation_info_blob( mem_ctx, context, old_pac, server_principal, delegated_proxy_principal, deleg_blob); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { DBG_ERR("update delegation info blob failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status)); code = EINVAL; goto done; } } if (is_untrusted) { struct auth_user_info_dc *user_info_dc = NULL; WERROR werr; if (client == NULL) { code = KRB5KDC_ERR_C_PRINCIPAL_UNKNOWN; goto done; } nt_status = samba_kdc_get_pac_blobs(mem_ctx, client, &pac_blob, NULL, &upn_blob, NULL, PAC_ATTRIBUTE_FLAG_PAC_WAS_GIVEN_IMPLICITLY, &requester_sid_blob); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { DBG_ERR("samba_kdc_get_pac_blobs failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status)); code = KRB5KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED; goto done; } nt_status = samba_kdc_get_user_info_from_db(client, client->msg, &user_info_dc); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { DBG_ERR("samba_kdc_get_user_info_from_db failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status)); code = KRB5KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED; goto done; } /* * Check if the SID list in the user_info_dc intersects * correctly with the RODC allow/deny lists. */ werr = samba_rodc_confirm_user_is_allowed(user_info_dc->num_sids, user_info_dc->sids, krbtgt, client); TALLOC_FREE(user_info_dc); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(werr)) { code = KRB5KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED; if (W_ERROR_EQUAL(werr, WERR_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_NOT_FOUND)) { code = KRB5KDC_ERR_POLICY; } goto done; } } else { pac_blob = talloc_zero(mem_ctx, DATA_BLOB); if (pac_blob == NULL) { code = ENOMEM; goto done; } nt_status = samba_kdc_update_pac_blob(mem_ctx, context, samdb, old_pac, pac_blob, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_STATUS_IS_OK(nt_status)) { DBG_ERR("samba_kdc_update_pac_blob failed: %s\n", nt_errstr(nt_status)); code = EINVAL; goto done; } } /* Check the types of the given PAC */ code = krb5_pac_get_types(context, old_pac, &num_types, &types); if (code != 0) { DBG_ERR("krb5_pac_get_types failed\n"); goto done; } for (i = 0; i < num_types; i++) { switch (types[i]) { case PAC_TYPE_LOGON_INFO: if (logon_info_idx != -1) { DBG_WARNING("logon info type[%u] twice [%zd] " "and [%zu]: \n", types[i], logon_info_idx, i); code = EINVAL; goto done; } logon_info_idx = i; break; case PAC_TYPE_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION: if (delegation_idx != -1) { DBG_WARNING("constrained delegation type[%u] " "twice [%zd] and [%zu]: \n", types[i], delegation_idx, i); code = EINVAL; goto done; } delegation_idx = i; break; case PAC_TYPE_LOGON_NAME: if (logon_name_idx != -1) { DBG_WARNING("logon name type[%u] twice [%zd] " "and [%zu]: \n", types[i], logon_name_idx, i); code = EINVAL; goto done; } logon_name_idx = i; break; case PAC_TYPE_UPN_DNS_INFO: if (upn_dns_info_idx != -1) { DBG_WARNING("upn dns info type[%u] twice [%zd] " "and [%zu]: \n", types[i], upn_dns_info_idx, i); code = EINVAL; goto done; } upn_dns_info_idx = i; break; case PAC_TYPE_SRV_CHECKSUM: if (srv_checksum_idx != -1) { DBG_WARNING("srv checksum type[%u] twice [%zd] " "and [%zu]: \n", types[i], srv_checksum_idx, i); code = EINVAL; goto done; } srv_checksum_idx = i; break; case PAC_TYPE_KDC_CHECKSUM: if (kdc_checksum_idx != -1) { DBG_WARNING("kdc checksum type[%u] twice [%zd] " "and [%zu]: \n", types[i], kdc_checksum_idx, i); code = EINVAL; goto done; } kdc_checksum_idx = i; break; case PAC_TYPE_TICKET_CHECKSUM: if (tkt_checksum_idx != -1) { DBG_WARNING("ticket checksum type[%u] twice " "[%zd] and [%zu]: \n", types[i], tkt_checksum_idx, i); code = EINVAL; goto done; } tkt_checksum_idx = i; break; case PAC_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES_INFO: if (attrs_info_idx != -1) { DBG_WARNING("attributes info type[%u] twice " "[%zd] and [%zu]: \n", types[i], attrs_info_idx, i); code = EINVAL; goto done; } attrs_info_idx = i; break; case PAC_TYPE_REQUESTER_SID: if (requester_sid_idx != -1) { DBG_WARNING("requester sid type[%u] twice" "[%zd] and [%zu]: \n", types[i], requester_sid_idx, i); code = EINVAL; goto done; } requester_sid_idx = i; break; default: continue; } } if (logon_info_idx == -1) { DBG_WARNING("PAC_TYPE_LOGON_INFO missing\n"); code = EINVAL; goto done; } if (logon_name_idx == -1) { DBG_WARNING("PAC_TYPE_LOGON_NAME missing\n"); code = EINVAL; goto done; } if (srv_checksum_idx == -1) { DBG_WARNING("PAC_TYPE_SRV_CHECKSUM missing\n"); code = EINVAL; goto done; } if (kdc_checksum_idx == -1) { DBG_WARNING("PAC_TYPE_KDC_CHECKSUM missing\n"); code = EINVAL; goto done; } if (!(flags & SAMBA_KDC_FLAG_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION) && requester_sid_idx == -1) { DBG_WARNING("PAC_TYPE_REQUESTER_SID missing\n"); code = KRB5KDC_ERR_TGT_REVOKED; goto done; } /* * The server account may be set not to want the PAC. * * While this is wasteful if the above cacluations were done * and now thrown away, this is cleaner as we do any ticket * signature checking etc always. * * UF_NO_AUTH_DATA_REQUIRED is the rare case and most of the * time (eg not accepting a ticket from the RODC) we do not * need to re-generate anything anyway. */ if (!samba_princ_needs_pac(server)) { code = ENODATA; goto done; } is_tgs = smb_krb5_principal_is_tgs(context, server_principal); if (is_tgs == -1) { code = ENOMEM; goto done; } if (!is_untrusted && !is_tgs) { /* * The client may have requested no PAC when obtaining the * TGT. */ bool requested_pac = false; code = samba_client_requested_pac(context, &old_pac, mem_ctx, &requested_pac); if (code != 0 || !requested_pac) { if (!requested_pac) { code = ENODATA; } goto done; } } #define MAX_PAC_BUFFERS 128 /* Avoid infinite loops */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_PAC_BUFFERS;) { const uint8_t zero_byte = 0; krb5_data type_data; DATA_BLOB type_blob = data_blob_null; uint32_t type; if (forced_next_type != 0) { /* * We need to inject possible missing types */ type = forced_next_type; forced_next_type = 0; } else if (i < num_types) { type = types[i]; i++; } else { break; } switch (type) { case PAC_TYPE_LOGON_INFO: type_blob = *pac_blob; if (delegation_idx == -1 && deleg_blob != NULL) { /* inject CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION behind */ forced_next_type = PAC_TYPE_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION; } break; case PAC_TYPE_CONSTRAINED_DELEGATION: /* * This is generated in the main KDC code */ if (flags & SAMBA_KDC_FLAG_SKIP_PAC_BUFFER) { continue; } if (deleg_blob != NULL) { type_blob = *deleg_blob; } break; case PAC_TYPE_CREDENTIAL_INFO: /* * Note that we copy the credential blob, * as it's only usable with the PKINIT based * AS-REP reply key, it's only available on the * host which did the AS-REQ/AS-REP exchange. * * This matches Windows 2008R2... */ break; case PAC_TYPE_LOGON_NAME: /* * This is generated in the main KDC code */ if (flags & SAMBA_KDC_FLAG_SKIP_PAC_BUFFER) { continue; } type_blob = data_blob_const(&zero_byte, 1); if (upn_dns_info_idx == -1 && upn_blob != NULL) { /* inject UPN_DNS_INFO behind */ forced_next_type = PAC_TYPE_UPN_DNS_INFO; } break; case PAC_TYPE_UPN_DNS_INFO: /* * Replace in the RODC case, otherwise * upn_blob is NULL and we just copy. */ if (upn_blob != NULL) { type_blob = *upn_blob; } break; case PAC_TYPE_SRV_CHECKSUM: /* * This is generated in the main KDC code */ if (flags & SAMBA_KDC_FLAG_SKIP_PAC_BUFFER) { continue; } type_blob = data_blob_const(&zero_byte, 1); if (requester_sid_idx == -1 && requester_sid_blob != NULL) { /* inject REQUESTER_SID behind */ forced_next_type = PAC_TYPE_REQUESTER_SID; } break; case PAC_TYPE_KDC_CHECKSUM: /* * This is generated in the main KDC code */ if (flags & SAMBA_KDC_FLAG_SKIP_PAC_BUFFER) { continue; } type_blob = data_blob_const(&zero_byte, 1); break; case PAC_TYPE_TICKET_CHECKSUM: /* * This is generated in the main KDC code */ if (flags & SAMBA_KDC_FLAG_SKIP_PAC_BUFFER) { continue; } type_blob = data_blob_const(&zero_byte, 1); break; case PAC_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES_INFO: if (!is_untrusted && is_tgs) { /* just copy... */ break; } continue; case PAC_TYPE_REQUESTER_SID: if (!is_tgs) { continue; } /* * Replace in the RODC case, otherwise * requester_sid_blob is NULL and we just copy. */ if (requester_sid_blob != NULL) { type_blob = *requester_sid_blob; } break; default: /* just copy... */ break; } if (type_blob.length != 0) { code = smb_krb5_copy_data_contents(&type_data, type_blob.data, type_blob.length); if (code != 0) { goto done; } } else { code = krb5_pac_get_buffer(context, old_pac, type, &type_data); if (code != 0) { goto done; } } code = krb5_pac_add_buffer(context, new_pac, type, &type_data); smb_krb5_free_data_contents(context, &type_data); if (code != 0) { goto done; } } code = 0; done: TALLOC_FREE(pac_blob); TALLOC_FREE(upn_blob); TALLOC_FREE(deleg_blob); SAFE_FREE(types); return code; }