/* * Samba Unix/Linux SMB client library * Registry Editor * Copyright (C) Christopher Davis 2012 * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #include "includes.h" #include "regedit.h" #include "regedit_dialog.h" #include "regedit_valuelist.h" #include "regedit_hexedit.h" #include "util_reg.h" #include "lib/registry/registry.h" #include "lib/util/smb_strtox.h" #include #include static char *string_trim_n(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, const char *buf, size_t n) { char *str; str = talloc_strndup(ctx, buf, n); if (str) { trim_string(str, " ", " "); } return str; } static char *string_trim(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, const char *buf) { char *str; str = talloc_strdup(ctx, buf); if (str) { trim_string(str, " ", " "); } return str; } static int dialog_free(struct dialog *dia) { dialog_destroy(dia); return 0; } static bool default_validator(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *sect, void *arg) { return true; } struct dialog *dialog_new(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, short color, const char *title, int y, int x) { struct dialog *dia; dia = talloc_zero(ctx, struct dialog); if (dia == NULL) { return NULL; } talloc_set_destructor(dia, dialog_free); dia->title = talloc_strdup(dia, title); if (dia->title == NULL) { goto fail; } dia->x = x; dia->y = y; dia->color = color; dia->submit = default_validator; return dia; fail: talloc_free(dia); return NULL; } void dialog_set_submit_cb(struct dialog *dia, dialog_submit_cb cb, void *arg) { dia->submit = cb; dia->submit_arg = arg; } static void center_above_window(int *nlines, int *ncols, int *y, int *x) { int centery, centerx; centery = LINES / 2; centerx = COLS / 2; *y = 0; *x = 0; if (*nlines > LINES) { *nlines = LINES; } if (*ncols > COLS) { *ncols = COLS; } if (*nlines/2 < centery) { *y = centery - *nlines / 2; } if (*ncols/2 < centerx) { *x = centerx - *ncols / 2; } } void dialog_section_destroy(struct dialog_section *section) { if (section->ops->destroy) { section->ops->destroy(section); } if (section->window) { delwin(section->window); section->window = NULL; } } void dialog_section_init(struct dialog_section *section, const struct dialog_section_ops *ops, int nlines, int ncols) { section->ops = ops; section->nlines = nlines; section->ncols = ncols; } const char *dialog_section_get_name(struct dialog_section *section) { return section->name; } void dialog_section_set_name(struct dialog_section *section, const char *name) { TALLOC_FREE(section->name); section->name = talloc_strdup(section, name); } void dialog_section_set_justify(struct dialog_section *section, enum section_justify justify) { section->justify = justify; } /* append a section to the dialog's circular list */ void dialog_append_section(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { SMB_ASSERT(section != NULL); if (!dia->head_section) { dia->head_section = section; } if (dia->tail_section) { dia->tail_section->next = section; } section->prev = dia->tail_section; section->next = dia->head_section; dia->head_section->prev = section; dia->tail_section = section; } struct dialog_section *dialog_find_section(struct dialog *dia, const char *name) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->head_section; do { if (section->name && strequal(section->name, name)) { return section; } section = section->next; } while (section != dia->head_section); return NULL; } static void section_on_input(struct dialog *dia, int c) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->current_section; if (!section->ops->on_input) { return; } section->ops->on_input(dia, section, c); } static bool section_on_tab(struct dialog *dia) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->current_section; if (!section || !section->ops->on_tab) { return false; } return section->ops->on_tab(dia, section); } static bool section_on_btab(struct dialog *dia) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->current_section; if (!section || !section->ops->on_btab) { return false; } return section->ops->on_btab(dia, section); } static bool section_on_up(struct dialog *dia) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->current_section; if (!section || !section->ops->on_up) { return false; } return section->ops->on_up(dia, section); } static bool section_on_down(struct dialog *dia) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->current_section; if (!section || !section->ops->on_down) { return false; } return section->ops->on_down(dia, section); } static bool section_on_left(struct dialog *dia) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->current_section; if (!section || !section->ops->on_left) { return false; } return section->ops->on_left(dia, section); } static bool section_on_right(struct dialog *dia) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->current_section; if (!section || !section->ops->on_right) { return false; } return section->ops->on_right(dia, section); } static enum dialog_action section_on_enter(struct dialog *dia) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->current_section; if (!section || !section->ops->on_enter) { return DIALOG_OK; } return section->ops->on_enter(dia, section); } static bool section_on_focus(struct dialog *dia, bool forward) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->current_section; if (!section->ops->on_focus) { return false; } return section->ops->on_focus(dia, section, forward); } static void section_on_leave_focus(struct dialog *dia) { struct dialog_section *section = dia->current_section; if (section->ops->on_leave_focus) { section->ops->on_leave_focus(dia, section); } } static void section_set_next_focus(struct dialog *dia) { section_on_leave_focus(dia); do { dia->current_section = dia->current_section->next; } while (!section_on_focus(dia, true)); } static void section_set_previous_focus(struct dialog *dia) { section_on_leave_focus(dia); do { dia->current_section = dia->current_section->prev; } while (!section_on_focus(dia, false)); } WERROR dialog_create(struct dialog *dia) { WERROR rv = WERR_OK; int row, col; int nlines, ncols; struct dialog_section *section; nlines = 0; ncols = 0; SMB_ASSERT(dia->head_section != NULL); /* calculate total size based on sections */ section = dia->head_section; do { nlines += section->nlines; ncols = MAX(ncols, section->ncols); section = section->next; } while (section != dia->head_section); /* fill in widths for sections that expand */ section = dia->head_section; do { if (section->ncols < 0) { section->ncols = ncols; } section = section->next; } while (section != dia->head_section); /* create window for dialog */ nlines += 4; ncols += 6; dia->pad = newpad(nlines, ncols); if (dia->pad == NULL) { rv = WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto fail; } dia->centered = false; if (dia->y < 0 || dia->x < 0) { dia->centered = true; center_above_window(&nlines, &ncols, &dia->y, &dia->x); } dia->window = newwin(nlines, ncols, dia->y, dia->x); if (dia->window == NULL) { rv = WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto fail; } dia->panel = new_panel(dia->window); if (dia->panel == NULL) { rv = WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto fail; } /* setup color and border */ getmaxyx(dia->pad, nlines, ncols); wbkgdset(dia->pad, ' ' | COLOR_PAIR(dia->color)); wclear(dia->pad); mvwhline(dia->pad, 1, 2, 0, ncols - 4); mvwhline(dia->pad, nlines - 2, 2, 0, ncols - 4); mvwvline(dia->pad, 2, 1, 0, nlines - 4); mvwvline(dia->pad, 2, ncols - 2, 0, nlines - 4); mvwaddch(dia->pad, 1, 1, ACS_ULCORNER); mvwaddch(dia->pad, 1, ncols - 2, ACS_URCORNER); mvwaddch(dia->pad, nlines - 2, 1, ACS_LLCORNER); mvwaddch(dia->pad, nlines - 2, ncols - 2, ACS_LRCORNER); col = ncols / 2 - MIN(strlen(dia->title) + 2, ncols) / 2; mvwprintw(dia->pad, 1, col, " %s ", dia->title); /* create subwindows for each section */ row = 2; section = dia->head_section; do { col = 3; switch (section->justify) { case SECTION_JUSTIFY_LEFT: break; case SECTION_JUSTIFY_CENTER: col += (ncols - 6)/ 2 - section->ncols / 2; break; case SECTION_JUSTIFY_RIGHT: break; } section->window = subpad(dia->pad, section->nlines, section->ncols, row, col); if (section->window == NULL) { rv = WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto fail; } SMB_ASSERT(section->ops->create != NULL); rv = section->ops->create(dia, section); row += section->nlines; section = section->next; } while (section != dia->head_section && W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)); dia->current_section = dia->head_section; section_set_next_focus(dia); fail: return rv; } void dialog_show(struct dialog *dia) { int nlines, ncols; int pad_y, pad_x; int y, x; int rv; touchwin(dia->pad); getmaxyx(dia->window, nlines, ncols); getmaxyx(dia->pad, pad_y, pad_x); y = 0; if (pad_y > nlines) { y = (pad_y - nlines) / 2; } x = 0; if (pad_x > ncols) { x = (pad_x - ncols) / 2; } rv = copywin(dia->pad, dia->window, y, x, 0, 0, nlines - 1, ncols - 1, false); SMB_ASSERT(rv == OK); getyx(dia->pad, pad_y, pad_x); wmove(dia->window, pad_y - y, pad_x - x); touchwin(dia->window); wnoutrefresh(dia->window); } void dialog_destroy(struct dialog *dia) { struct dialog_section *section; section = dia->head_section; do { dialog_section_destroy(section); section = section->next; } while (section != dia->head_section); if (dia->panel) { del_panel(dia->panel); dia->panel = NULL; } if (dia->window) { delwin(dia->window); dia->window = NULL; } } static int dialog_getch(struct dialog *dia) { int c; c = regedit_getch(); if (c == KEY_RESIZE) { int nlines, ncols, y, x; int pad_nlines, pad_ncols; int win_nlines, win_ncols; getmaxyx(dia->window, win_nlines, win_ncols); getmaxyx(dia->pad, pad_nlines, pad_ncols); getbegyx(dia->window, y, x); nlines = pad_nlines; ncols = pad_ncols; if (dia->centered) { center_above_window(&nlines, &ncols, &y, &x); } else { if (nlines + y > LINES) { if (nlines > LINES) { y = 0; } else { y = LINES - nlines; } } if (ncols + x > COLS) { if (ncols > COLS) { x = 0; } else { x = COLS - ncols; } } } if (nlines != win_nlines || ncols != win_ncols) { wresize(dia->window, nlines, ncols); replace_panel(dia->panel, dia->window); } move_panel(dia->panel, y, x); } return c; } bool dialog_handle_input(struct dialog *dia, WERROR *err, enum dialog_action *action) { int c; *err = WERR_OK; c = dialog_getch(dia); switch (c) { case '\t': if (!section_on_tab(dia)) { section_set_next_focus(dia); } break; case KEY_BTAB: if (!section_on_btab(dia)) { section_set_previous_focus(dia); } break; case KEY_UP: if (!section_on_up(dia)) { section_set_previous_focus(dia); } break; case KEY_DOWN: if (!section_on_down(dia)) { section_set_next_focus(dia); } break; case KEY_LEFT: if (!section_on_left(dia)) { section_set_previous_focus(dia); } break; case KEY_RIGHT: if (!section_on_right(dia)) { section_set_next_focus(dia); } break; case '\n': case KEY_ENTER: *action = section_on_enter(dia); switch (*action) { case DIALOG_IGNORE: break; case DIALOG_CANCEL: return false; case DIALOG_OK: return !dia->submit(dia, dia->current_section, dia->submit_arg); } break; case 27: /* ESC */ return false; default: section_on_input(dia, c); break; } return true; } void dialog_modal_loop(struct dialog *dia, WERROR *err, enum dialog_action *action) { do { dialog_show(dia); update_panels(); doupdate(); } while (dialog_handle_input(dia, err, action)); } /* text label */ struct dialog_section_label { struct dialog_section section; char **text; }; static WERROR label_create(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { int row; struct dialog_section_label *label = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_label); for (row = 0; row < section->nlines; ++row) { mvwaddstr(section->window, row, 0, label->text[row]); } return WERR_OK; } struct dialog_section_ops label_ops = { .create = label_create, }; static int label_free(struct dialog_section_label *label) { dialog_section_destroy(&label->section); return 0; } struct dialog_section *dialog_section_label_new_va(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, const char *msg, va_list ap) { struct dialog_section_label *label; char *tmp, *ptmp, *line, *saveptr; int nlines, ncols; label = talloc_zero(ctx, struct dialog_section_label); if (label == NULL) { return NULL; } talloc_set_destructor(label, label_free); tmp = talloc_vasprintf(label, msg, ap); if (tmp == NULL) { goto fail; } for (nlines = 0, ncols = 0, ptmp = tmp; (line = strtok_r(ptmp, "\n", &saveptr)) != NULL; ++nlines) { ptmp = NULL; label->text = talloc_realloc(label, label->text, char *, nlines + 1); if (label->text == NULL) { goto fail; } ncols = MAX(ncols, strlen(line)); label->text[nlines] = talloc_strdup(label->text, line); if (label->text[nlines] == NULL) { goto fail; } } talloc_free(tmp); dialog_section_init(&label->section, &label_ops, nlines, ncols); return &label->section; fail: talloc_free(label); return NULL; } struct dialog_section *dialog_section_label_new(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; struct dialog_section *rv; va_start(ap, msg); rv = dialog_section_label_new_va(ctx, msg, ap); va_end(ap); return rv; } /* horizontal separator */ struct dialog_section_hsep { struct dialog_section section; int sep; }; static WERROR hsep_create(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { int y, x; struct dialog_section_hsep *hsep = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hsep); whline(section->window, hsep->sep, section->ncols); if (hsep->sep == 0 || hsep->sep == ACS_HLINE) { /* change the border characters around this section to tee chars */ getparyx(section->window, y, x); mvwaddch(dia->pad, y, x - 1, ACS_HLINE); mvwaddch(dia->pad, y, x - 2, ACS_LTEE); mvwaddch(dia->pad, y, x + section->ncols, ACS_HLINE); mvwaddch(dia->pad, y, x + section->ncols + 1, ACS_RTEE); } return WERR_OK; } struct dialog_section_ops hsep_ops = { .create = hsep_create }; static int hsep_free(struct dialog_section_hsep *hsep) { dialog_section_destroy(&hsep->section); return 0; } struct dialog_section *dialog_section_hsep_new(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, int sep) { struct dialog_section_hsep *hsep; hsep = talloc_zero(ctx, struct dialog_section_hsep); if (hsep) { talloc_set_destructor(hsep, hsep_free); dialog_section_init(&hsep->section, &hsep_ops, 1, -1); hsep->sep = sep; } return &hsep->section; } /* text input field */ struct dialog_section_text_field { struct dialog_section section; unsigned opts; FIELD *field[2]; FORM *form; int length; }; static int get_cursor_col(struct dialog_section_text_field *field) { int col; col = field->form->curcol + field->form->begincol; return col; } static WERROR text_field_create(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); text_field->field[0] = new_field(section->nlines, section->ncols, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (text_field->field[0] == NULL) { return WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } set_field_back(text_field->field[0], A_REVERSE); set_field_opts(text_field->field[0], text_field->opts); text_field->form = new_form(text_field->field); if (text_field->form == NULL) { return WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } set_form_win(text_field->form, dia->window); set_form_sub(text_field->form, section->window); set_current_field(text_field->form, text_field->field[0]); post_form(text_field->form); return WERR_OK; } static void text_field_destroy(struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); if (text_field->form) { unpost_form(text_field->form); free_form(text_field->form); text_field->form = NULL; } if (text_field->field[0]) { free_field(text_field->field[0]); text_field->field[0] = NULL; } } static void text_field_on_input(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section, int c) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); switch (c) { case KEY_BACKSPACE: if (text_field->length) { text_field->length--; } form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_DEL_PREV); break; case '\x7f': case KEY_DC: if (text_field->length) { text_field->length--; } form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_DEL_CHAR); break; default: text_field->length++; form_driver(text_field->form, c); break; } } static bool text_field_on_up(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); if (section->nlines > 1) { form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_UP_CHAR); return true; } return false; } static bool text_field_on_down(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); if (section->nlines > 1) { form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_DOWN_CHAR); return true; } return false; } static bool text_field_on_left(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_LEFT_CHAR); return true; } static bool text_field_on_right(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); if (section->nlines > 1 || get_cursor_col(text_field) < text_field->length) { form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_RIGHT_CHAR); } return true; } static enum dialog_action text_field_on_enter(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); if (section->nlines > 1) { text_field->length += text_field->form->cols; form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_NEW_LINE); return DIALOG_IGNORE; } return DIALOG_OK; } static bool text_field_on_focus(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section, bool forward) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); pos_form_cursor(text_field->form); return true; } struct dialog_section_ops text_field_ops = { .create = text_field_create, .destroy = text_field_destroy, .on_input = text_field_on_input, .on_up = text_field_on_up, .on_down = text_field_on_down, .on_left = text_field_on_left, .on_right = text_field_on_right, .on_enter = text_field_on_enter, .on_focus = text_field_on_focus }; static int text_field_free(struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field) { dialog_section_destroy(&text_field->section); return 0; } struct dialog_section *dialog_section_text_field_new(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, int height, int width) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field; text_field = talloc_zero(ctx, struct dialog_section_text_field); if (text_field == NULL) { return NULL; } talloc_set_destructor(text_field, text_field_free); dialog_section_init(&text_field->section, &text_field_ops, height, width); text_field->opts = O_ACTIVE | O_PUBLIC | O_EDIT | O_VISIBLE | O_NULLOK; return &text_field->section; } const char *dialog_section_text_field_get(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_VALIDATION); return string_trim(ctx, field_buffer(text_field->field[0], 0)); } void dialog_section_text_field_set(struct dialog_section *section, const char *s) { struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); text_field->length = strlen(s); set_field_buffer(text_field->field[0], 0, s); } const char **dialog_section_text_field_get_lines(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, struct dialog_section *section) { int rows, cols, max; const char **arr; size_t i; const char *buf; struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_VALIDATION); buf = field_buffer(text_field->field[0], 0); dynamic_field_info(text_field->field[0], &rows, &cols, &max); arr = talloc_zero_array(ctx, const char *, rows + 1); if (arr == NULL) { return NULL; } for (i = 0; *buf; ++i, buf += cols) { SMB_ASSERT(i < rows); arr[i] = string_trim_n(arr, buf, cols); } return arr; } WERROR dialog_section_text_field_set_lines(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, struct dialog_section *section, const char **array) { int rows, cols, max; size_t padding, length, idx; const char **arrayp; char *buf = NULL; struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); dynamic_field_info(text_field->field[0], &rows, &cols, &max); /* try to fit each string on it's own line. each line needs to be padded with whitespace manually, since ncurses fields do not have newlines. */ for (idx = 0, arrayp = array; *arrayp != NULL; ++arrayp) { length = MIN(strlen(*arrayp), cols); padding = cols - length; buf = talloc_realloc(ctx, buf, char, talloc_array_length(buf) + length + padding + 1); if (buf == NULL) { return WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } memcpy(&buf[idx], *arrayp, length); idx += length; memset(&buf[idx], ' ', padding); idx += padding; buf[idx] = '\0'; } set_field_buffer(text_field->field[0], 0, buf); talloc_free(buf); return WERR_OK; } bool dialog_section_text_field_get_int(struct dialog_section *section, long long *out) { bool rv; const char *buf; char *endp; struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_VALIDATION); buf = string_trim(section, field_buffer(text_field->field[0], 0)); if (buf == NULL) { return false; } *out = strtoll(buf, &endp, 0); rv = true; if (endp == buf || endp == NULL || endp[0] != '\0') { rv = false; } return rv; } bool dialog_section_text_field_get_uint(struct dialog_section *section, unsigned long long *out) { const char *buf; int error = 0; struct dialog_section_text_field *text_field = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_text_field); form_driver(text_field->form, REQ_VALIDATION); buf = string_trim(section, field_buffer(text_field->field[0], 0)); if (buf == NULL) { return false; } *out = smb_strtoull(buf, NULL, 0, &error, SMB_STR_FULL_STR_CONV); if (error != 0) { return false; } return true; } /* hex editor field */ struct dialog_section_hexedit { struct dialog_section section; struct hexedit *buf; }; #define HEXEDIT_MIN_SIZE 1 static WERROR hexedit_create(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); hexedit->buf = hexedit_new(dia, section->window, NULL, HEXEDIT_MIN_SIZE); if (hexedit->buf == NULL) { return WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } hexedit_refresh(hexedit->buf); return WERR_OK; } static void hexedit_destroy(struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); if (hexedit->buf) { TALLOC_FREE(hexedit->buf); } } static void hexedit_on_input(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section, int c) { struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); switch (c) { case KEY_BACKSPACE: hexedit_driver(hexedit->buf, HE_BACKSPACE); break; case '\x7f': case KEY_DC: hexedit_driver(hexedit->buf, HE_DELETE); break; default: hexedit_driver(hexedit->buf, c); break; } } static bool hexedit_on_up(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); hexedit_driver(hexedit->buf, HE_CURSOR_UP); return true; } static bool hexedit_on_down(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); hexedit_driver(hexedit->buf, HE_CURSOR_DOWN); return true; } static bool hexedit_on_left(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); hexedit_driver(hexedit->buf, HE_CURSOR_LEFT); return true; } static bool hexedit_on_right(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); hexedit_driver(hexedit->buf, HE_CURSOR_RIGHT); return true; } static enum dialog_action hexedit_on_enter(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { return DIALOG_IGNORE; } static bool hexedit_on_focus(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section, bool forward) { struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); hexedit_set_cursor(hexedit->buf); return true; } struct dialog_section_ops hexedit_ops = { .create = hexedit_create, .destroy = hexedit_destroy, .on_input = hexedit_on_input, .on_up = hexedit_on_up, .on_down = hexedit_on_down, .on_left = hexedit_on_left, .on_right = hexedit_on_right, .on_enter = hexedit_on_enter, .on_focus = hexedit_on_focus }; static int hexedit_free(struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit) { dialog_section_destroy(&hexedit->section); return 0; } struct dialog_section *dialog_section_hexedit_new(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, int height) { struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit; hexedit = talloc_zero(ctx, struct dialog_section_hexedit); if (hexedit == NULL) { return NULL; } talloc_set_destructor(hexedit, hexedit_free); dialog_section_init(&hexedit->section, &hexedit_ops, height, LINE_WIDTH); return &hexedit->section; } WERROR dialog_section_hexedit_set_buf(struct dialog_section *section, const void *data, size_t size) { WERROR rv; struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); SMB_ASSERT(hexedit->buf != NULL); rv = hexedit_set_buf(hexedit->buf, data, size); if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)) { hexedit_refresh(hexedit->buf); hexedit_set_cursor(hexedit->buf); } return rv; } void dialog_section_hexedit_get_buf(struct dialog_section *section, const void **data, size_t *size) { struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); SMB_ASSERT(hexedit->buf != NULL); *data = hexedit_get_buf(hexedit->buf); *size = hexedit_get_buf_len(hexedit->buf); } WERROR dialog_section_hexedit_resize(struct dialog_section *section, size_t size) { WERROR rv; struct dialog_section_hexedit *hexedit = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_hexedit); SMB_ASSERT(hexedit->buf != NULL); rv = hexedit_resize_buffer(hexedit->buf, size); if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)) { hexedit_refresh(hexedit->buf); } return rv; } /* button box */ struct dialog_section_buttons { struct dialog_section section; struct button_spec *spec; int current_button; }; static void buttons_unhighlight(struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons) { short pair; attr_t attr; /* * Some GCC versions will complain if the macro version of * wattr_get is used. So we should enforce the use of the * function instead. See: * http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-ncurses/2013-12/msg00017.html */ (wattr_get)(buttons->section.window, &attr, &pair, NULL); mvwchgat(buttons->section.window, 0, 0, -1, A_NORMAL, pair, NULL); wnoutrefresh(buttons->section.window); } static void buttons_highlight(struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons) { struct button_spec *spec = &buttons->spec[buttons->current_button]; short pair; attr_t attr; /* * Some GCC versions will complain if the macro version of * wattr_get is used. So we should enforce the use of the * function instead. See: * http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-ncurses/2013-12/msg00017.html */ (wattr_get)(buttons->section.window, &attr, &pair, NULL); mvwchgat(buttons->section.window, 0, 0, -1, A_NORMAL, pair, NULL); mvwchgat(buttons->section.window, 0, spec->col, strlen(spec->label), A_REVERSE, pair, NULL); wmove(buttons->section.window, 0, spec->col + 2); wcursyncup(buttons->section.window); wnoutrefresh(buttons->section.window); } static bool buttons_highlight_next(struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons) { if (buttons->current_button < talloc_array_length(buttons->spec) - 1) { buttons->current_button++; buttons_highlight(buttons); return true; } return false; } static bool buttons_highlight_previous(struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons) { if (buttons->current_button > 0) { buttons->current_button--; buttons_highlight(buttons); return true; } return false; } static WERROR buttons_create(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { size_t i, nbuttons; struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_buttons); nbuttons = talloc_array_length(buttons->spec); for (i = 0; i < nbuttons; ++i) { struct button_spec *spec = &buttons->spec[i]; mvwaddstr(section->window, 0, spec->col, spec->label); } buttons->current_button = 0; return WERR_OK; } static bool buttons_on_btab(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_buttons); return buttons_highlight_previous(buttons); } static bool buttons_on_tab(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_buttons); return buttons_highlight_next(buttons); } static enum dialog_action buttons_on_enter(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_buttons); struct button_spec *spec = &buttons->spec[buttons->current_button]; if (spec->on_enter) { return spec->on_enter(dia, section); } return spec->action; } static bool buttons_on_focus(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section, bool forward) { struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_buttons); if (forward) { buttons->current_button = 0; } else { buttons->current_button = talloc_array_length(buttons->spec) - 1; } buttons_highlight(buttons); return true; } static void buttons_on_leave_focus(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_buttons); buttons_unhighlight(buttons); } struct dialog_section_ops buttons_ops = { .create = buttons_create, .on_tab = buttons_on_tab, .on_btab = buttons_on_btab, .on_up = buttons_on_btab, .on_down = buttons_on_tab, .on_left = buttons_on_btab, .on_right = buttons_on_tab, .on_enter = buttons_on_enter, .on_focus = buttons_on_focus, .on_leave_focus = buttons_on_leave_focus }; static int buttons_free(struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons) { dialog_section_destroy(&buttons->section); return 0; } struct dialog_section *dialog_section_buttons_new(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, const struct button_spec *spec) { struct dialog_section_buttons *buttons; size_t i, nbuttons; int width; buttons = talloc_zero(ctx, struct dialog_section_buttons); if (buttons == NULL) { return NULL; } talloc_set_destructor(buttons, buttons_free); for (nbuttons = 0; spec[nbuttons].label; ++nbuttons) { } buttons->spec = talloc_zero_array(buttons, struct button_spec, nbuttons); if (buttons->spec == NULL) { goto fail; } for (width = 0, i = 0; i < nbuttons; ++i) { buttons->spec[i] = spec[i]; buttons->spec[i].label = talloc_asprintf(buttons->spec, "[ %s ]", spec[i].label); if (!buttons->spec[i].label) { goto fail; } buttons->spec[i].col = width; width += strlen(buttons->spec[i].label); if (i != nbuttons - 1) { ++width; } } dialog_section_init(&buttons->section, &buttons_ops, 1, width); return &buttons->section; fail: talloc_free(buttons); return NULL; } /* options */ struct dialog_section_options { struct dialog_section section; struct option_spec *spec; int current_option; bool single_select; }; static void options_unhighlight(struct dialog_section_options *options) { short pair; attr_t attr; size_t row; /* * Some GCC versions will complain if the macro version of * wattr_get is used. So we should enforce the use of the * function instead. See: * http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-ncurses/2013-12/msg00017.html */ (wattr_get)(options->section.window, &attr, &pair, NULL); for (row = 0; row < options->section.nlines; ++row) { mvwchgat(options->section.window, row, 0, -1, A_NORMAL, pair, NULL); } wnoutrefresh(options->section.window); } static void options_highlight(struct dialog_section_options *options) { struct option_spec *spec = &options->spec[options->current_option]; short pair; attr_t attr; size_t row; /* * Some GCC versions will complain if the macro version of * wattr_get is used. So we should enforce the use of the * function instead. See: * http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-ncurses/2013-12/msg00017.html */ (wattr_get)(options->section.window, &attr, &pair, NULL); for (row = 0; row < options->section.nlines; ++row) { mvwchgat(options->section.window, row, 0, -1, A_NORMAL, pair, NULL); } mvwchgat(options->section.window, spec->row, spec->col, strlen(spec->label), A_REVERSE, pair, NULL); wmove(options->section.window, spec->row, spec->col + 4); wcursyncup(options->section.window); wnoutrefresh(options->section.window); } static void options_render_state(struct dialog_section_options *options) { size_t i, noptions; noptions = talloc_array_length(options->spec); for (i = 0; i < noptions; ++i) { struct option_spec *spec = &options->spec[i]; char c = ' '; if (*spec->state) c = 'x'; mvwaddch(options->section.window, spec->row, spec->col + 1, c); wnoutrefresh(options->section.window); } } static bool options_highlight_next(struct dialog_section_options *options) { if (options->current_option < talloc_array_length(options->spec) - 1) { options->current_option++; options_highlight(options); return true; } return false; } static bool options_highlight_previous(struct dialog_section_options *options) { if (options->current_option > 0) { options->current_option--; options_highlight(options); return true; } return false; } static WERROR options_create(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { size_t i, noptions; struct dialog_section_options *options = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_options); noptions = talloc_array_length(options->spec); for (i = 0; i < noptions; ++i) { struct option_spec *spec = &options->spec[i]; mvwaddstr(section->window, spec->row, spec->col, spec->label); } options->current_option = 0; options_render_state(options); return WERR_OK; } static bool options_on_btab(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_options *options = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_options); return options_highlight_previous(options); } static bool options_on_tab(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_options *options = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_options); return options_highlight_next(options); } static void options_on_input(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section, int c) { struct dialog_section_options *options = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_options); if (c == ' ') { struct option_spec *spec = &options->spec[options->current_option]; if (options->single_select) { size_t i, noptions; noptions = talloc_array_length(options->spec); for (i = 0; i < noptions; ++i) { *(options->spec[i].state) = false; } } *spec->state = !*spec->state; options_unhighlight(options); options_render_state(options); options_highlight(options); } } static enum dialog_action options_on_enter(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { options_on_input(dia, section, ' '); return DIALOG_OK; } static bool options_on_focus(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section, bool forward) { struct dialog_section_options *options = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_options); if (forward) { options->current_option = 0; } else { options->current_option = talloc_array_length(options->spec) - 1; } options_highlight(options); return true; } static void options_on_leave_focus(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section_options *options = talloc_get_type_abort(section, struct dialog_section_options); options_unhighlight(options); } struct dialog_section_ops options_ops = { .create = options_create, .on_tab = options_on_tab, .on_btab = options_on_btab, .on_up = options_on_btab, .on_down = options_on_tab, .on_left = options_on_btab, .on_right = options_on_tab, .on_input = options_on_input, .on_enter = options_on_enter, .on_focus = options_on_focus, .on_leave_focus = options_on_leave_focus }; static int options_free(struct dialog_section_options *options) { dialog_section_destroy(&options->section); return 0; } struct dialog_section *dialog_section_options_new(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, const struct option_spec *spec, int maxcol, bool single_select) { struct dialog_section_options *options; size_t i, noptions; int width, maxwidth, maxrows; options = talloc_zero(ctx, struct dialog_section_options); if (options == NULL) { return NULL; } talloc_set_destructor(options, options_free); for (noptions = 0; spec[noptions].label; ++noptions) { } options->spec = talloc_zero_array(options, struct option_spec, noptions); if (options->spec == NULL) { goto fail; } maxrows = noptions / maxcol; if (noptions % maxcol) { ++maxrows; } for (width = 0, maxwidth = 0, i = 0; i < noptions; ++i) { options->spec[i] = spec[i]; options->spec[i].label = talloc_asprintf(options->spec, "[ ] %s", spec[i].label); if (!options->spec[i].label) { goto fail; } options->spec[i].col = maxwidth; options->spec[i].row = i % maxrows; width = MAX(strlen(options->spec[i].label), width); if (options->spec[i].row == maxrows - 1 || i == noptions - 1) { maxwidth += width + 1; width = 0; } } dialog_section_init(&options->section, &options_ops, maxrows, maxwidth - 1); options->single_select = single_select; return &options->section; fail: talloc_free(options); return NULL; } enum input_type { DLG_IN_LONG, DLG_IN_ULONG, DLG_IN_STR, }; struct input_req { TALLOC_CTX *ctx; enum input_type type; union { void *out; unsigned long *out_ulong; long *out_long; const char **out_str; } out; }; static bool input_on_submit(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section, void *arg) { struct input_req *req = arg; struct dialog_section *data; unsigned long long out_ulong; long long out_long; data = dialog_find_section(dia, "input"); switch (req->type) { case DLG_IN_LONG: if (!dialog_section_text_field_get_int(data, &out_long)) { dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Input must be a number."); return false; } if (out_long < LONG_MIN || out_long > LONG_MAX) { dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Number is out of range."); return false; } *req->out.out_long = out_long; break; case DLG_IN_ULONG: if (!dialog_section_text_field_get_uint(data, &out_ulong)) { dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Input must be a number greater than zero."); return false; } if (out_ulong > ULONG_MAX) { dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Number is out of range."); return false; } *req->out.out_ulong = out_ulong; break; case DLG_IN_STR: *req->out.out_str = dialog_section_text_field_get(req->ctx, data); break; } return true; } static int dialog_input_internal(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, void *output, enum input_type type, const char *title, const char *msg, va_list ap) PRINTF_ATTRIBUTE(5,0); static int dialog_input_internal(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, void *output, enum input_type type, const char *title, const char *msg, va_list ap) { WERROR err; struct input_req req; enum dialog_action action; struct dialog *dia; struct dialog_section *section; struct button_spec spec[] = { {.label = "OK", .action = DIALOG_OK}, {.label = "Cancel", .action = DIALOG_CANCEL}, { 0 } }; req.ctx = ctx; req.type = type; req.out.out = output; *req.out.out_str = NULL; dia = dialog_new(ctx, PAIR_BLACK_CYAN, title, -1, -1); dialog_set_submit_cb(dia, input_on_submit, &req); section = dialog_section_label_new_va(dia, msg, ap); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_hsep_new(dia, ' '); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_text_field_new(dia, 1, -1); dialog_section_set_name(section, "input"); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_hsep_new(dia, 0); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_buttons_new(dia, spec); dialog_section_set_justify(section, SECTION_JUSTIFY_CENTER); dialog_append_section(dia, section); dialog_create(dia); dialog_show(dia); dialog_modal_loop(dia, &err, &action); talloc_free(dia); return action; } int dialog_input(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, const char **output, const char *title, const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; int rv; va_start(ap, msg); rv = dialog_input_internal(ctx, output, DLG_IN_STR, title, msg, ap); va_end(ap); return rv; } int dialog_input_ulong(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, unsigned long *output, const char *title, const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; int rv; va_start(ap, msg); rv = dialog_input_internal(ctx, output, DLG_IN_ULONG, title, msg, ap); va_end(ap); return rv; } int dialog_input_long(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, long *output, const char *title, const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; int rv; va_start(ap, msg); rv = dialog_input_internal(ctx, output, DLG_IN_LONG, title, msg, ap); va_end(ap); return rv; } int dialog_notice(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, enum dialog_type type, const char *title, const char *msg, ...) { va_list ap; WERROR err; enum dialog_action action; struct dialog *dia; struct dialog_section *section; struct button_spec spec[3]; memset(&spec, '\0', sizeof(spec)); spec[0].label = "OK"; spec[0].action = DIALOG_OK; if (type == DIA_CONFIRM) { spec[1].label = "Cancel"; spec[1].action = DIALOG_CANCEL; } dia = dialog_new(ctx, PAIR_BLACK_CYAN, title, -1, -1); va_start(ap, msg); section = dialog_section_label_new_va(dia, msg, ap); va_end(ap); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_hsep_new(dia, 0); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_buttons_new(dia, spec); dialog_section_set_justify(section, SECTION_JUSTIFY_CENTER); dialog_append_section(dia, section); dialog_create(dia); dialog_show(dia); dialog_modal_loop(dia, &err, &action); talloc_free(dia); return action; } struct edit_req { uint32_t type; uint32_t mode; struct registry_key *key; const struct value_item *vitem; }; static WERROR fill_value_buffer(struct dialog *dia, struct edit_req *edit) { char *tmp; struct dialog_section *data; if (edit->vitem == NULL) { return WERR_OK; } data = dialog_find_section(dia, "data"); SMB_ASSERT(data != NULL); switch (edit->mode) { case REG_DWORD: { uint32_t v = 0; if (edit->vitem->data.length >= 4) { v = IVAL(edit->vitem->data.data, 0); } tmp = talloc_asprintf(dia, "%u", (unsigned)v); if (tmp == NULL) { return WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } dialog_section_text_field_set(data, tmp); talloc_free(tmp); break; } case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: { const char *s; if (!pull_reg_sz(dia, &edit->vitem->data, &s)) { return WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } dialog_section_text_field_set(data, s); break; } case REG_MULTI_SZ: { const char **array; if (!pull_reg_multi_sz(dia, &edit->vitem->data, &array)) { return WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } return dialog_section_text_field_set_lines(dia, data, array); } case REG_BINARY: default: return dialog_section_hexedit_set_buf(data, edit->vitem->data.data, edit->vitem->data.length); } return WERR_OK; } static bool value_exists(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, const struct registry_key *key, const char *name) { uint32_t type; DATA_BLOB blob; WERROR rv; rv = reg_key_get_value_by_name(ctx, key, name, &type, &blob); return W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv); } static bool edit_on_submit(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section, void *arg) { struct edit_req *edit = arg; WERROR rv; DATA_BLOB blob = {}; const char *name; struct dialog_section *name_section, *data; name_section = dialog_find_section(dia, "name"); if (name_section) { name = dialog_section_text_field_get(dia, name_section); if (*name == '\0') { dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Value name must not be blank."); return false; } if (value_exists(dia, edit->key, name)) { dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Value named \"%s\" already exists.", name); return false; } } else { SMB_ASSERT(edit->vitem); name = edit->vitem->value_name; } SMB_ASSERT(name); data = dialog_find_section(dia, "data"); SMB_ASSERT(data != NULL); rv = WERR_OK; switch (edit->mode) { case REG_DWORD: { unsigned long long v; uint32_t val; if (!dialog_section_text_field_get_uint(data, &v)) { dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "REG_DWORD value must be an integer."); return false; } if (v > UINT32_MAX) { dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "REG_DWORD value must less than %lu.", (unsigned long)UINT32_MAX); return false; } val = (uint32_t)v; blob = data_blob_talloc(dia, NULL, sizeof(val)); SIVAL(blob.data, 0, val); break; } case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: { const char *buf; buf = dialog_section_text_field_get(dia, data); if (!buf || !push_reg_sz(dia, &blob, buf)) { rv = WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } break; } case REG_MULTI_SZ: { const char **lines; lines = dialog_section_text_field_get_lines(dia, data); if (!lines || !push_reg_multi_sz(dia, &blob, lines)) { rv = WERR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } break; } case REG_BINARY: { const void *buf; size_t len; dialog_section_hexedit_get_buf(data, &buf, &len); blob = data_blob_talloc(dia, buf, len); break; } } if (W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)) { rv = reg_val_set(edit->key, name, edit->type, blob); } if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(rv)) { const char *msg = get_friendly_werror_msg(rv); dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Error saving value:\n%s", msg); return false; } return true; } static enum dialog_action edit_on_resize(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section) { struct dialog_section *data; unsigned long size; int rv; data = dialog_find_section(dia, "data"); rv = dialog_input_ulong(dia, &size, "Resize", "Enter size of buffer"); if (rv == DIALOG_OK) { dialog_section_hexedit_resize(data, size); } return DIALOG_IGNORE; } int dialog_edit_value(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, struct registry_key *key, uint32_t type, const struct value_item *vitem, bool force_binary, WERROR *err, const char **name) { enum dialog_action action; struct dialog *dia; struct dialog_section *section; struct edit_req edit; struct button_spec buttons[] = { {.label = "OK", .action = DIALOG_OK}, {.label = "Cancel", .action = DIALOG_CANCEL}, { 0 } }; struct button_spec buttons_hexedit[] = { {.label = "OK", .action = DIALOG_OK}, {.label = "Resize Buffer", .on_enter = edit_on_resize}, {.label = "Cancel", .action = DIALOG_CANCEL}, { 0 } }; edit.key = key; edit.vitem = vitem; edit.type = type; edit.mode = type; if (force_binary || (vitem && vitem->unprintable)) { edit.mode = REG_BINARY; } dia = dialog_new(ctx, PAIR_BLACK_CYAN, "Edit Value", -1, -1); dialog_set_submit_cb(dia, edit_on_submit, &edit); section = dialog_section_label_new(dia, "Type"); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_label_new(dia, "%s", str_regtype(type)); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_hsep_new(dia, ' '); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_label_new(dia, "Name"); dialog_append_section(dia, section); if (vitem) { section = dialog_section_label_new(dia, "%s", vitem->value_name); } else { section = dialog_section_text_field_new(dia, 1, 50); dialog_section_set_name(section, "name"); } dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_hsep_new(dia, ' '); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_label_new(dia, "Data"); dialog_append_section(dia, section); switch (edit.mode) { case REG_DWORD: case REG_SZ: case REG_EXPAND_SZ: section = dialog_section_text_field_new(dia, 1, 50); break; case REG_MULTI_SZ: section = dialog_section_text_field_new(dia, 10, 50); break; case REG_BINARY: default: section = dialog_section_hexedit_new(dia, 10); break; } dialog_section_set_name(section, "data"); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_hsep_new(dia, 0); dialog_append_section(dia, section); if (edit.mode == REG_BINARY) { section = dialog_section_buttons_new(dia, buttons_hexedit); } else { section = dialog_section_buttons_new(dia, buttons); } dialog_section_set_justify(section, SECTION_JUSTIFY_CENTER); dialog_append_section(dia, section); dialog_create(dia); *err = fill_value_buffer(dia, &edit); if (!W_ERROR_IS_OK(*err)) { return DIALOG_CANCEL; } dialog_show(dia); dialog_modal_loop(dia, err, &action); if (action == DIALOG_OK && name) { if (vitem) { *name = talloc_strdup(ctx, vitem->value_name); } else if ((section = dialog_find_section(dia, "name"))) { *name = dialog_section_text_field_get(ctx, section); } } talloc_free(dia); return action; } int dialog_select_type(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, int *type) { WERROR err; enum dialog_action action; struct dialog *dia; struct dialog_section *section; const char *reg_types[] = { "REG_BINARY", "REG_DWORD", "REG_EXPAND_SZ", "REG_MULTI_SZ", "REG_SZ" }; #define NTYPES ARRAY_SIZE(reg_types) struct button_spec spec[] = { {.label = "OK", .action = DIALOG_OK}, {.label = "Cancel", .action = DIALOG_CANCEL}, { 0 } }; bool flags[NTYPES] = { true }; struct option_spec opsec[NTYPES + 1]; unsigned i; memset(&opsec, '\0', sizeof(opsec)); for (i = 0; i < NTYPES; ++i) { opsec[i].label = reg_types[i]; opsec[i].state = &flags[i]; } dia = dialog_new(ctx, PAIR_BLACK_CYAN, "New Value", -1, -1); section = dialog_section_label_new(dia, "Select type for new value:"); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_hsep_new(dia, ' '); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_options_new(dia, opsec, 2, true); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_hsep_new(dia, 0); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_buttons_new(dia, spec); dialog_section_set_justify(section, SECTION_JUSTIFY_CENTER); dialog_append_section(dia, section); dialog_create(dia); dialog_show(dia); dialog_modal_loop(dia, &err, &action); if (action == DIALOG_OK) { for (i = 0; i < NTYPES; ++i) { if (flags[i]) { *type = regtype_by_string(reg_types[i]); break; } } } talloc_free(dia); return action; } struct search_req { TALLOC_CTX *ctx; struct regedit_search_opts *opts; }; static bool search_on_submit(struct dialog *dia, struct dialog_section *section, void *arg) { struct search_req *search = arg; struct dialog_section *query; query = dialog_find_section(dia, "query"); SMB_ASSERT(query != NULL); if (!search->opts->search_key && !search->opts->search_value) { dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Must search a key and/or a value"); return false; } talloc_free(discard_const(search->opts->query)); search->opts->query = dialog_section_text_field_get(search->ctx, query); SMB_ASSERT(search->opts->query != NULL); if (search->opts->query[0] == '\0') { dialog_notice(dia, DIA_ALERT, "Error", "Query must not be blank."); return false; } return true; } int dialog_search_input(TALLOC_CTX *ctx, struct regedit_search_opts *opts) { WERROR err; enum dialog_action action; struct dialog *dia; struct dialog_section *section, *query; struct search_req search; struct button_spec spec[] = { {.label = "Search", .action = DIALOG_OK}, {.label = "Cancel", .action = DIALOG_CANCEL}, { 0 } }; struct option_spec search_opts[] = { {.label = "Search Keys", .state = &opts->search_key}, {.label = "Search Values", .state = &opts->search_value}, {.label = "Recursive", .state = &opts->search_recursive}, {.label = "Case Sensitive", .state = &opts->search_case}, { 0 } }; if (!opts->search_key && !opts->search_value) { opts->search_key = true; } search.ctx = ctx; search.opts = opts; dia = dialog_new(ctx, PAIR_BLACK_CYAN, "Search", -1, -1); dialog_set_submit_cb(dia, search_on_submit, &search); section = dialog_section_label_new(dia, "Query"); dialog_append_section(dia, section); query = dialog_section_text_field_new(dia, 1, -1); dialog_section_set_name(query, "query"); dialog_append_section(dia, query); section = dialog_section_hsep_new(dia, 0); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_options_new(dia, search_opts, 2, false); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_hsep_new(dia, 0); dialog_append_section(dia, section); section = dialog_section_buttons_new(dia, spec); dialog_section_set_justify(section, SECTION_JUSTIFY_CENTER); dialog_append_section(dia, section); dialog_create(dia); if (opts->query) { dialog_section_text_field_set(query, opts->query); } dialog_modal_loop(dia, &err, &action); talloc_free(dia); return action; }