#!/usr/bin/env python3 # run tests on all Samba subprojects and push to a git tree on success # Copyright Andrew Tridgell 2010 # released under GNU GPL v3 or later from __future__ import print_function from subprocess import call, check_call, Popen, PIPE import os import tarfile import sys import time from optparse import OptionParser import smtplib import email from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from email.mime.application import MIMEApplication from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib import platform try: from waflib.Build import CACHE_SUFFIX except ImportError: sys.path.insert(0, "./third_party/waf") from waflib.Build import CACHE_SUFFIX os.environ["PYTHONUNBUFFERED"] = "1" # This speeds up testing remarkably. os.environ['TDB_NO_FSYNC'] = '1' cleanup_list = [] builddirs = { "ctdb": "ctdb", "samba": ".", "samba-nt4": ".", "samba-fileserver": ".", "samba-xc": ".", "samba-o3": ".", "samba-ctdb": ".", "samba-libs": ".", "samba-static": ".", "samba-none-env": ".", "samba-ad-dc": ".", "samba-ad-dc-ntvfs": ".", "samba-ad-dc-2": ".", "samba-ad-dc-backup": ".", "samba-systemkrb5": ".", "samba-nopython": ".", "samba-nopython-py2": ".", "ldb": "lib/ldb", "tdb": "lib/tdb", "talloc": "lib/talloc", "replace": "lib/replace", "tevent": "lib/tevent", "pidl": "pidl" } defaulttasks = builddirs.keys() if os.environ.get("AUTOBUILD_SKIP_SAMBA_O3", "0") == "1": defaulttasks.remove("samba-o3") ctdb_configure_params = " --enable-developer --picky-developer ${PREFIX}" samba_configure_params = " --picky-developer ${PREFIX} --with-profiling-data" samba_libs_envvars = "PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PREFIX}:$PYTHONPATH" samba_libs_envvars += " PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:${PREFIX_DIR}/lib/pkgconfig" samba_libs_envvars += " ADDITIONAL_CFLAGS='-Wmissing-prototypes'" samba_libs_configure_base = samba_libs_envvars + " ./configure --abi-check --enable-debug --picky-developer -C ${PREFIX}" samba_libs_configure_libs = samba_libs_configure_base + " --bundled-libraries=cmocka,popt,NONE" samba_libs_configure_bundled_libs = " --bundled-libraries=!talloc,!pytalloc-util,!tdb,!pytdb,!ldb,!pyldb,!pyldb-util,!tevent,!pytevent,!popt" samba_libs_configure_samba = samba_libs_configure_base + samba_libs_configure_bundled_libs tasks = { "ctdb": [("random-sleep", "../script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure " + ctdb_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make all", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make autotest", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "../script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain")], # We have 'test' before 'install' because, 'test' should work without 'install (runs all the other envs)' "samba": [ ("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='--exclude-env=none " "--exclude-env=nt4_dc " "--exclude-env=nt4_member " "--exclude-env=ad_dc " "--exclude-env=ad_dc_ntvfs " "--exclude-env=ad_dc_no_nss " "--exclude-env=fl2003dc " "--exclude-env=fl2008r2dc " "--exclude-env=ad_member " "--exclude-env=ad_member_idmap_rid " "--exclude-env=ad_member_idmap_ad " "--exclude-env=chgdcpass " "--exclude-env=vampire_2000_dc " "--exclude-env=fl2000dc " "--exclude-env=fileserver " "--exclude-env=backupfromdc " "--exclude-env=restoredc " "--exclude-env=renamedc " "--exclude-env=offlinebackupdc " "--exclude-env=labdc " "'", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain")], "samba-nt4": [("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer --without-ads --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='--include-env=nt4_dc --include-env=nt4_member'", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain")], "samba-fileserver": [("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer --without-ad-dc --without-ldap --without-ads --without-json --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='--include-env=fileserver'", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain")], "samba-ad-dc": [("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='--include-env=ad_dc " "--include-env=fl2003dc " "--include-env=fl2008r2dc " "--include-env=ad_member " "--include-env=ad_member_idmap_rid " "--include-env=ad_member_idmap_ad'", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain")], "samba-ad-dc-2": [("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='--include-env=chgdcpass " "--include-env=vampire_2000_dc " "--include-env=fl2000dc " "--include-env=ad_dc_no_nss " "'", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain")], # We split out the ad_dc_ntvfs tests (which are long) so other test do not wait # This is currently the longest task, so we don't randomly delay it. "samba-ad-dc-ntvfs": [ ("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 1 1", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='--include-env=ad_dc_ntvfs'", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain")], # run the backup/restore testenvs separately as they're fairly standalone # (and CI seems to max out at ~8 different DCs running at once) "samba-ad-dc-backup": [("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='--include-env=backupfromdc " "--include-env=restoredc " "--include-env=renamedc " "--include-env=offlinebackupdc " "--include-env=labdc " "'", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain")], "samba-test-only": [("configure", "./configure.developer --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab --abi-check-disable" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("test", 'make test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 TESTS="${TESTS}"', "text/plain")], # Test cross-compile infrastructure "samba-xc": [("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure-native", "./configure.developer --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("configure-cross-execute", "./configure.developer --out ./bin-xe --cross-compile --cross-execute=script/identity_cc.sh" \ " --cross-answers=./bin-xe/cross-answers.txt --with-selftest-prefix=./bin-xe/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("configure-cross-answers", "./configure.developer --out ./bin-xa --cross-compile" \ " --cross-answers=./bin-xe/cross-answers.txt --with-selftest-prefix=./bin-xa/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("compare-results", "script/compare_cc_results.py " "./bin/c4che/default{} " "./bin-xe/c4che/default{} " "./bin-xa/c4che/default{}".format(*([CACHE_SUFFIX]*3)), "text/plain")], # test build with -O3 -- catches extra warnings and bugs, tests the ad_dc environments "samba-o3": [("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "ADDITIONAL_CFLAGS='-O3 -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2' ./configure.developer --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab --abi-check-disable" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("test", "make quicktest FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='--include-env=ad_dc'", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain")], "samba-ctdb": [("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), # make sure we have tdb around: ("tdb-configure", "cd lib/tdb && PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PREFIX}:$PYTHONPATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:${PREFIX_DIR}/lib/pkgconfig ./configure --bundled-libraries=NONE --abi-check --enable-debug -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("tdb-make", "cd lib/tdb && make", "text/plain"), ("tdb-install", "cd lib/tdb && make install", "text/plain"), # build samba with cluster support (also building ctdb): ("samba-configure", "PYTHONPATH=${PYTHON_PREFIX}:$PYTHONPATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${PREFIX_DIR}/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH} ./configure.developer --picky-developer ${PREFIX} --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab --with-cluster-support --bundled-libraries=!tdb", "text/plain"), ("samba-make", "make", "text/plain"), ("samba-check", "./bin/smbd -b | grep CLUSTER_SUPPORT", "text/plain"), ("samba-install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("ctdb-check", "test -e ${PREFIX_DIR}/sbin/ctdbd", "text/plain"), # clean up: ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain"), ("ctdb-clean", "cd ./ctdb && make clean", "text/plain")], "samba-libs": [ ("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("talloc-configure", "cd lib/talloc && " + samba_libs_configure_libs, "text/plain"), ("talloc-make", "cd lib/talloc && make", "text/plain"), ("talloc-install", "cd lib/talloc && make install", "text/plain"), ("tdb-configure", "cd lib/tdb && " + samba_libs_configure_libs, "text/plain"), ("tdb-make", "cd lib/tdb && make", "text/plain"), ("tdb-install", "cd lib/tdb && make install", "text/plain"), ("tevent-configure", "cd lib/tevent && " + samba_libs_configure_libs, "text/plain"), ("tevent-make", "cd lib/tevent && make", "text/plain"), ("tevent-install", "cd lib/tevent && make install", "text/plain"), ("ldb-configure", "cd lib/ldb && " + samba_libs_configure_libs, "text/plain"), ("ldb-make", "cd lib/ldb && make", "text/plain"), ("ldb-install", "cd lib/ldb && make install", "text/plain"), ("nondevel-configure", "./configure ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("nondevel-make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("nondevel-check", "./bin/smbd -b | grep WITH_NTVFS_FILESERVER && exit 1; exit 0", "text/plain"), ("nondevel-install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("nondevel-dist", "make dist", "text/plain"), # retry with all modules shared ("allshared-distclean", "make distclean", "text/plain"), ("allshared-configure", samba_libs_configure_samba + " --with-shared-modules=ALL", "text/plain"), ("allshared-make", "make -j", "text/plain")], "samba-none-env": [ ("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer --with-selftest-prefix=./bin/ab" + samba_configure_params, "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test " "FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='--include-env=none'", "text/plain")], "samba-static": [ ("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), # build with all modules static ("allstatic-configure", "./configure.developer " + samba_configure_params + " --with-static-modules=ALL", "text/plain"), ("allstatic-make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("allstatic-test", "make test " "FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='samba3.smb2.create.*nt4_dc'", "text/plain"), # retry without any required modules ("none-distclean", "make distclean", "text/plain"), ("none-configure", "./configure.developer " + samba_configure_params + " --with-static-modules=!FORCED,!DEFAULT --with-shared-modules=!FORCED,!DEFAULT", "text/plain"), ("none-make", "make -j", "text/plain"), # retry with nonshared smbd and smbtorture ("nonshared-distclean", "make distclean", "text/plain"), ("nonshared-configure", "./configure.developer " + samba_configure_params + " --bundled-libraries=talloc,tdb,pytdb,ldb,pyldb,tevent,pytevent --with-static-modules=ALL --nonshared-binary=smbtorture,smbd/smbd", "text/plain"), ("nonshared-make", "make -j", "text/plain")], "samba-systemkrb5": [ ("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer " + samba_configure_params + " --with-system-mitkrb5 --without-ad-dc", "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), # we currently cannot run a full make test, a limited list of tests could be run # via "make test TESTS=sometests" ("test", "make test FAIL_IMMEDIATELY=1 " "TESTS='--include-env=ktest'", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain") ], # Test Samba without python still builds. When this test fails # due to more use of Python, the expectations is that the newly # failing part of the code should be disabled when # --disable-python is set (rather than major work being done to # support this environment). The target here is for vendors # shipping a minimal smbd. "samba-nopython": [ ("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure.developer --picky-developer ${PREFIX} --with-profiling-data --disable-python --without-ad-dc", "text/plain"), ("make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test-nopython", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain"), ("talloc-configure", "cd lib/talloc && " + samba_libs_configure_base + " --bundled-libraries=cmocka,NONE --disable-python", "text/plain"), ("talloc-make", "cd lib/talloc && make", "text/plain"), ("talloc-install", "cd lib/talloc && make install", "text/plain"), ("tdb-configure", "cd lib/tdb && " + samba_libs_configure_base + " --bundled-libraries=cmocka,NONE --disable-python", "text/plain"), ("tdb-make", "cd lib/tdb && make", "text/plain"), ("tdb-install", "cd lib/tdb && make install", "text/plain"), ("tevent-configure", "cd lib/tevent && " + samba_libs_configure_base + " --bundled-libraries=cmocka,NONE --disable-python", "text/plain"), ("tevent-make", "cd lib/tevent && make", "text/plain"), ("tevent-install", "cd lib/tevent && make install", "text/plain"), ("ldb-configure", "cd lib/ldb && " + samba_libs_configure_base + " --bundled-libraries=cmocka,NONE --disable-python", "text/plain"), ("ldb-make", "cd lib/ldb && make", "text/plain"), ("ldb-install", "cd lib/ldb && make install", "text/plain"), # retry against installed library packages ("libs-configure", samba_libs_configure_base + samba_libs_configure_bundled_libs + " --disable-python --without-ad-dc", "text/plain"), ("libs-make", "make -j", "text/plain"), ("libs-install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("libs-check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("libs-clean", "make clean", "text/plain") ], # check we can do the same thing using python2 "samba-nopython-py2": [ ("random-sleep", "script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "PYTHON=python2 ./configure.developer --picky-developer ${PREFIX} --with-profiling-data --disable-python --without-ad-dc", "text/plain"), ("make", "PYTHON=python2 make -j", "text/plain"), ("install", "PYTHON=python2 make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test-nopython", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("clean", "PYTHON=python2 make clean", "text/plain"), ("talloc-configure", "cd lib/talloc && PYTHON=python2 " + samba_libs_configure_base + " --bundled-libraries=cmocka,NONE --disable-python", "text/plain"), ("talloc-make", "cd lib/talloc && PYTHON=python2 make", "text/plain"), ("talloc-install", "cd lib/talloc && PYTHON=python2 make install", "text/plain"), ("tdb-configure", "cd lib/tdb && PYTHON=python2 " + samba_libs_configure_base + " --bundled-libraries=cmocka,NONE --disable-python", "text/plain"), ("tdb-make", "cd lib/tdb && PYTHON=python2 make", "text/plain"), ("tdb-install", "cd lib/tdb && PYTHON=python2 make install", "text/plain"), ("tevent-configure", "cd lib/tevent && PYTHON=python2 " + samba_libs_configure_base + " --bundled-libraries=cmocka,NONE --disable-python", "text/plain"), ("tevent-make", "cd lib/tevent && PYTHON=python2 make", "text/plain"), ("tevent-install", "cd lib/tevent && PYTHON=python2 make install", "text/plain"), ("ldb-configure", "cd lib/ldb && PYTHON=python2 " + samba_libs_configure_base + " --bundled-libraries=cmocka,NONE --disable-python", "text/plain"), ("ldb-make", "cd lib/ldb && PYTHON=python2 make", "text/plain"), ("ldb-install", "cd lib/ldb && PYTHON=python2 make install", "text/plain"), # retry against installed library packages ("libs-configure", "PYTHON=python2 " + samba_libs_configure_base + samba_libs_configure_bundled_libs + " --disable-python --without-ad-dc", "text/plain"), ("libs-make", "PYTHON=python2 make -j", "text/plain"), ("libs-install", "PYTHON=python2 make install", "text/plain"), ("libs-check-clean-tree", "script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("libs-clean", "PYTHON=python2 make clean", "text/plain") ], "ldb": [ ("random-sleep", "../../script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain"), ("configure-no-lmdb", "./configure --enable-developer --without-ldb-lmdb -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make-no-lmdb", "make", "text/plain"), ("install-no-lmdb", "make install", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "../../script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("distcheck", "make distcheck", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain")], "tdb": [ ("random-sleep", "../../script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "../../script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("distcheck", "make distcheck", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain")], "talloc": [ ("random-sleep", "../../script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "../../script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("distcheck", "make distcheck", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain")], "replace": [ ("random-sleep", "../../script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "../../script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("distcheck", "make distcheck", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain")], "tevent": [ ("random-sleep", "../../script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "./configure --enable-developer -C ${PREFIX}", "text/plain"), ("make", "make", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "../../script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("distcheck", "make distcheck", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain")], "pidl": [ ("random-sleep", "../script/random-sleep.sh 60 600", "text/plain"), ("configure", "perl Makefile.PL PREFIX=${PREFIX_DIR}", "text/plain"), ("touch", "touch *.yp", "text/plain"), ("make", "make", "text/plain"), ("test", "make test", "text/plain"), ("install", "make install", "text/plain"), ("checkout-yapp-generated", "git checkout lib/Parse/Pidl/IDL.pm lib/Parse/Pidl/Expr.pm", "text/plain"), ("check-clean-tree", "../script/clean-source-tree.sh", "text/plain"), ("clean", "make clean", "text/plain")], # these are useful for debugging autobuild 'pass': [("pass", 'echo passing && /bin/true', "text/plain")], 'fail': [("fail", 'echo failing && /bin/false', "text/plain")] } def do_print(msg): print("%s" % msg) sys.stdout.flush() sys.stderr.flush() def run_cmd(cmd, dir=".", show=None, output=False, checkfail=True): if show is None: show = options.verbose if show: do_print("Running: '%s' in '%s'" % (cmd, dir)) if output: return Popen([cmd], shell=True, stdout=PIPE, cwd=dir, close_fds=True).communicate()[0] elif checkfail: return check_call(cmd, shell=True, cwd=dir) else: return call(cmd, shell=True, cwd=dir) class builder(object): '''handle build of one directory''' def __init__(self, name, sequence, cp=True): self.name = name if name in builddirs: self.dir = builddirs[name] else: self.dir = "." self.tag = self.name.replace('/', '_') self.sequence = sequence self.next = 0 self.stdout_path = "%s/%s.stdout" % (gitroot, self.tag) self.stderr_path = "%s/%s.stderr" % (gitroot, self.tag) if options.verbose: do_print("stdout for %s in %s" % (self.name, self.stdout_path)) do_print("stderr for %s in %s" % (self.name, self.stderr_path)) run_cmd("rm -f %s %s" % (self.stdout_path, self.stderr_path)) self.stdout = open(self.stdout_path, 'w') self.stderr = open(self.stderr_path, 'w') self.stdin = open("/dev/null", 'r') self.sdir = "%s/%s" % (testbase, self.tag) self.prefix = "%s/%s" % (test_prefix, self.tag) run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % self.sdir) run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % self.prefix) if cp: run_cmd("cp --recursive --link --archive %s %s" % (test_master, self.sdir), dir=test_master, show=True) else: run_cmd("git clone --recursive --shared %s %s" % (test_master, self.sdir), dir=test_master, show=True) self.start_next() def start_next(self): if self.next == len(self.sequence): if not options.nocleanup: run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % self.sdir) run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % self.prefix) do_print('%s: Completed OK' % self.name) self.done = True return (self.stage, self.cmd, self.output_mime_type) = self.sequence[self.next] self.cmd = self.cmd.replace("${PYTHON_PREFIX}", get_python_lib(plat_specific=1, standard_lib=0, prefix=self.prefix)) self.cmd = self.cmd.replace("${PREFIX}", "--prefix=%s" % self.prefix) self.cmd = self.cmd.replace("${PREFIX_DIR}", "%s" % self.prefix) self.cmd = self.cmd.replace("${TESTS}", options.restrict_tests) # if self.output_mime_type == "text/x-subunit": # self.cmd += " | %s --immediate" % (os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "selftest/format-subunit")) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir("%s/%s" % (self.sdir, self.dir)) do_print('%s: [%s] Running %s in %r' % (self.name, self.stage, self.cmd, os.getcwd())) self.proc = Popen(self.cmd, shell=True, close_fds=True, stdout=self.stdout, stderr=self.stderr, stdin=self.stdin) os.chdir(cwd) self.next += 1 class buildlist(object): '''handle build of multiple directories''' def __init__(self, tasknames, rebase_url, rebase_branch="master"): global tasks self.tlist = [] self.tail_proc = None self.retry = None if tasknames == []: if options.restrict_tests: tasknames = ["samba-test-only"] else: tasknames = defaulttasks else: # If we are only running one test, # do not sleep randomly to wait for it to start os.environ['AUTOBUILD_RANDOM_SLEEP_OVERRIDE'] = '1' for n in tasknames: b = builder(n, tasks[n], cp=n is not "pidl") self.tlist.append(b) if options.retry: rebase_remote = "rebaseon" retry_task = [("retry", '''set -e git remote add -t %s %s %s git fetch %s while :; do sleep 60 git describe %s/%s > old_remote_branch.desc git fetch %s git describe %s/%s > remote_branch.desc diff old_remote_branch.desc remote_branch.desc done ''' % ( rebase_branch, rebase_remote, rebase_url, rebase_remote, rebase_remote, rebase_branch, rebase_remote, rebase_remote, rebase_branch ), "test/plain")] self.retry = builder('retry', retry_task, cp=False) self.need_retry = False def kill_kids(self): if self.tail_proc is not None: self.tail_proc.terminate() self.tail_proc.wait() self.tail_proc = None if self.retry is not None: self.retry.proc.terminate() self.retry.proc.wait() self.retry = None for b in self.tlist: if b.proc is not None: run_cmd("killbysubdir %s > /dev/null 2>&1" % b.sdir, checkfail=False) b.proc.terminate() b.proc.wait() b.proc = None def wait_one(self): while True: none_running = True for b in self.tlist: if b.proc is None: continue none_running = False b.status = b.proc.poll() if b.status is None: continue b.proc = None return b if options.retry: ret = self.retry.proc.poll() if ret is not None: self.need_retry = True self.retry = None return None if none_running: return None time.sleep(0.1) def run(self): while True: b = self.wait_one() if options.retry and self.need_retry: self.kill_kids() do_print("retry needed") return (0, None, None, None, "retry") if b is None: break if os.WIFSIGNALED(b.status) or os.WEXITSTATUS(b.status) != 0: self.kill_kids() return (b.status, b.name, b.stage, b.tag, "%s: [%s] failed '%s' with status %d" % (b.name, b.stage, b.cmd, b.status)) b.start_next() self.kill_kids() return (0, None, None, None, "All OK") def write_system_info(self): filename = 'system-info.txt' f = open(filename, 'w') for cmd in ['uname -a', 'lsb_release -a', 'free', 'mount', 'cat /proc/cpuinfo', 'cc --version', 'df -m .', 'df -m %s' % testbase]: out = run_cmd(cmd, output=True, checkfail=False) print('### %s' % cmd, file=f) print(out.decode('utf8', 'backslashreplace'), file=f) print(file=f) f.close() return filename def tarlogs(self, fname): tar = tarfile.open(fname, "w:gz") for b in self.tlist: tar.add(b.stdout_path, arcname="%s.stdout" % b.tag) tar.add(b.stderr_path, arcname="%s.stderr" % b.tag) if os.path.exists("autobuild.log"): tar.add("autobuild.log") sys_info = self.write_system_info() tar.add(sys_info) tar.close() def remove_logs(self): for b in self.tlist: os.unlink(b.stdout_path) os.unlink(b.stderr_path) def start_tail(self): cmd = ["tail", "-f"] for b in self.tlist: cmd.append(b.stdout_path) cmd.append(b.stderr_path) self.tail_proc = Popen(cmd, close_fds=True) def cleanup(): if options.nocleanup: return run_cmd("stat %s || true" % test_tmpdir, show=True) run_cmd("stat %s" % testbase, show=True) do_print("Cleaning up %r" % cleanup_list) for d in cleanup_list: run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % d) def find_git_root(): '''get to the top of the git repo''' p = os.getcwd() while p != '/': if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(p, ".git")): return p p = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(p, '..')) return None def daemonize(logfile): pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: # Parent os.setsid() pid = os.fork() if pid != 0: # Actual daemon os._exit(0) else: # Grandparent os._exit(0) import resource # Resource usage information. maxfd = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1] if maxfd == resource.RLIM_INFINITY: maxfd = 1024 # Rough guess at maximum number of open file descriptors. for fd in range(0, maxfd): try: os.close(fd) except OSError: pass os.open(logfile, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT) os.dup2(0, 1) os.dup2(0, 2) def write_pidfile(fname): '''write a pid file, cleanup on exit''' f = open(fname, mode='w') f.write("%u\n" % os.getpid()) f.close() def rebase_tree(rebase_url, rebase_branch="master"): rebase_remote = "rebaseon" do_print("Rebasing on %s" % rebase_url) run_cmd("git describe HEAD", show=True, dir=test_master) run_cmd("git remote add -t %s %s %s" % (rebase_branch, rebase_remote, rebase_url), show=True, dir=test_master) run_cmd("git fetch %s" % rebase_remote, show=True, dir=test_master) if options.fix_whitespace: run_cmd("git rebase --force-rebase --whitespace=fix %s/%s" % (rebase_remote, rebase_branch), show=True, dir=test_master) else: run_cmd("git rebase --force-rebase %s/%s" % (rebase_remote, rebase_branch), show=True, dir=test_master) diff = run_cmd("git --no-pager diff HEAD %s/%s" % (rebase_remote, rebase_branch), dir=test_master, output=True) if diff == '': do_print("No differences between HEAD and %s/%s - exiting" % (rebase_remote, rebase_branch)) sys.exit(0) run_cmd("git describe %s/%s" % (rebase_remote, rebase_branch), show=True, dir=test_master) run_cmd("git describe HEAD", show=True, dir=test_master) run_cmd("git --no-pager diff --stat HEAD %s/%s" % (rebase_remote, rebase_branch), show=True, dir=test_master) def push_to(push_url, push_branch="master"): push_remote = "pushto" do_print("Pushing to %s" % push_url) if options.mark: run_cmd("git config --replace-all core.editor script/commit_mark.sh", dir=test_master) run_cmd("git commit --amend -c HEAD", dir=test_master) # the notes method doesn't work yet, as metze hasn't allowed refs/notes/* in master # run_cmd("EDITOR=script/commit_mark.sh git notes edit HEAD", dir=test_master) run_cmd("git remote add -t %s %s %s" % (push_branch, push_remote, push_url), show=True, dir=test_master) run_cmd("git push %s +HEAD:%s" % (push_remote, push_branch), show=True, dir=test_master) def_testbase = os.getenv("AUTOBUILD_TESTBASE", "/memdisk/%s" % os.getenv('USER')) gitroot = find_git_root() if gitroot is None: raise Exception("Failed to find git root") parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("", "--tail", help="show output while running", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--keeplogs", help="keep logs", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--nocleanup", help="don't remove test tree", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--testbase", help="base directory to run tests in (default %s)" % def_testbase, default=def_testbase) parser.add_option("", "--passcmd", help="command to run on success", default=None) parser.add_option("", "--verbose", help="show all commands as they are run", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--rebase", help="rebase on the given tree before testing", default=None, type='str') parser.add_option("", "--pushto", help="push to a git url on success", default=None, type='str') parser.add_option("", "--mark", help="add a Tested-By signoff before pushing", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--fix-whitespace", help="fix whitespace on rebase", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--retry", help="automatically retry if master changes", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--email", help="send email to the given address on failure", type='str', default=None) parser.add_option("", "--email-from", help="send email from the given address", type='str', default="autobuild@samba.org") parser.add_option("", "--email-server", help="send email via the given server", type='str', default='localhost') parser.add_option("", "--always-email", help="always send email, even on success", action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--daemon", help="daemonize after initial setup", action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--branch", help="the branch to work on (default=master)", default="master", type='str') parser.add_option("", "--log-base", help="location where the logs can be found (default=cwd)", default=gitroot, type='str') parser.add_option("", "--attach-logs", help="Attach logs to mails sent on success/failure?", default=False, action="store_true") parser.add_option("", "--restrict-tests", help="run as make test with this TESTS= regex", default='') def send_email(subject, text, log_tar): if options.email is None: do_print("not sending email because the recipient is not set") do_print("the text content would have been:\n\nSubject: %s\n\n%s" % (subject, text)) return outer = MIMEMultipart() outer['Subject'] = subject outer['To'] = options.email outer['From'] = options.email_from outer['Date'] = email.utils.formatdate(localtime=True) outer.preamble = 'Autobuild mails are now in MIME because we optionally attach the logs.\n' outer.attach(MIMEText(text, 'plain')) if options.attach_logs: fp = open(log_tar, 'rb') msg = MIMEApplication(fp.read(), 'gzip', email.encoders.encode_base64) fp.close() # Set the filename parameter msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=os.path.basename(log_tar)) outer.attach(msg) content = outer.as_string() s = smtplib.SMTP(options.email_server) s.sendmail(options.email_from, [options.email], content) s.set_debuglevel(1) s.quit() def email_failure(status, failed_task, failed_stage, failed_tag, errstr, elapsed_time, log_base=None, add_log_tail=True): '''send an email to options.email about the failure''' elapsed_minutes = elapsed_time / 60.0 if log_base is None: log_base = gitroot text = ''' Dear Developer, Your autobuild on %s failed after %.1f minutes when trying to test %s with the following error: %s the autobuild has been abandoned. Please fix the error and resubmit. A summary of the autobuild process is here: %s/autobuild.log ''' % (platform.node(), elapsed_minutes, failed_task, errstr, log_base) if options.restrict_tests: text += """ The build was restricted to tests matching %s\n""" % options.restrict_tests if failed_task != 'rebase': text += ''' You can see logs of the failed task here: %s/%s.stdout %s/%s.stderr or you can get full logs of all tasks in this job here: %s/logs.tar.gz The top commit for the tree that was built was: %s ''' % (log_base, failed_tag, log_base, failed_tag, log_base, top_commit_msg) if add_log_tail: f = open("%s/%s.stdout" % (gitroot, failed_tag), 'r') lines = f.readlines() log_tail = "".join(lines[-50:]) num_lines = len(lines) if num_lines < 50: # Also include stderr (compile failures) if < 50 lines of stdout f = open("%s/%s.stderr" % (gitroot, failed_tag), 'r') log_tail += "".join(f.readlines()[-(50 - num_lines):]) text += ''' The last 50 lines of log messages: %s ''' % log_tail f.close() logs = os.path.join(gitroot, 'logs.tar.gz') send_email('autobuild[%s] failure on %s for task %s during %s' % (options.branch, platform.node(), failed_task, failed_stage), text, logs) def email_success(elapsed_time, log_base=None): '''send an email to options.email about a successful build''' if log_base is None: log_base = gitroot text = ''' Dear Developer, Your autobuild on %s has succeeded after %.1f minutes. ''' % (platform.node(), elapsed_time / 60.) if options.restrict_tests: text += """ The build was restricted to tests matching %s\n""" % options.restrict_tests if options.keeplogs: text += ''' you can get full logs of all tasks in this job here: %s/logs.tar.gz ''' % log_base text += ''' The top commit for the tree that was built was: %s ''' % top_commit_msg logs = os.path.join(gitroot, 'logs.tar.gz') send_email('autobuild[%s] success on %s' % (options.branch, platform.node()), text, logs) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.retry: if options.rebase is None: raise Exception('You can only use --retry if you also rebase') testbase = "%s/b%u" % (options.testbase, os.getpid()) test_master = "%s/master" % testbase test_prefix = "%s/prefix" % testbase test_tmpdir = "%s/tmp" % testbase os.environ['TMPDIR'] = test_tmpdir # get the top commit message, for emails top_commit_msg = run_cmd("git log -1", dir=gitroot, output=True) top_commit_msg = top_commit_msg.decode('utf-8', 'backslashreplace') try: os.makedirs(testbase) except Exception as reason: raise Exception("Unable to create %s : %s" % (testbase, reason)) cleanup_list.append(testbase) if options.daemon: logfile = os.path.join(testbase, "log") do_print("Forking into the background, writing progress to %s" % logfile) daemonize(logfile) write_pidfile(gitroot + "/autobuild.pid") start_time = time.time() while True: try: run_cmd("rm -rf %s" % test_tmpdir, show=True) os.makedirs(test_tmpdir) # The waf uninstall code removes empty directories all the way # up the tree. Creating a file in test_tmpdir stops it from # being removed. run_cmd("touch %s" % os.path.join(test_tmpdir, ".directory-is-not-empty"), show=True) run_cmd("stat %s" % test_tmpdir, show=True) run_cmd("stat %s" % testbase, show=True) run_cmd("git clone --recursive --shared %s %s" % (gitroot, test_master), show=True, dir=gitroot) except Exception: cleanup() raise try: try: if options.rebase is not None: rebase_tree(options.rebase, rebase_branch=options.branch) except Exception: cleanup_list.append(gitroot + "/autobuild.pid") cleanup() elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time email_failure(-1, 'rebase', 'rebase', 'rebase', 'rebase on %s failed' % options.branch, elapsed_time, log_base=options.log_base) sys.exit(1) blist = buildlist(args, options.rebase, rebase_branch=options.branch) if options.tail: blist.start_tail() (status, failed_task, failed_stage, failed_tag, errstr) = blist.run() if status != 0 or errstr != "retry": break cleanup() except Exception: cleanup() raise cleanup_list.append(gitroot + "/autobuild.pid") do_print(errstr) blist.kill_kids() if options.tail: do_print("waiting for tail to flush") time.sleep(1) elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time if status == 0: if options.passcmd is not None: do_print("Running passcmd: %s" % options.passcmd) run_cmd(options.passcmd, dir=test_master) if options.pushto is not None: push_to(options.pushto, push_branch=options.branch) if options.keeplogs or options.attach_logs: blist.tarlogs("logs.tar.gz") do_print("Logs in logs.tar.gz") if options.always_email: email_success(elapsed_time, log_base=options.log_base) blist.remove_logs() cleanup() do_print(errstr) sys.exit(0) # something failed, gather a tar of the logs blist.tarlogs("logs.tar.gz") if options.email is not None: email_failure(status, failed_task, failed_stage, failed_tag, errstr, elapsed_time, log_base=options.log_base) else: elapsed_minutes = elapsed_time / 60.0 print(''' #################################################################### AUTOBUILD FAILURE Your autobuild[%s] on %s failed after %.1f minutes when trying to test %s with the following error: %s the autobuild has been abandoned. Please fix the error and resubmit. #################################################################### ''' % (options.branch, platform.node(), elapsed_minutes, failed_task, errstr)) cleanup() do_print(errstr) do_print("Logs in logs.tar.gz") sys.exit(status)