#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (C) Catalyst.Net Ltd 2019 # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . """ Manage dependencies and bootstrap environments for Samba. Config file for packages and templates. Update the lists in this file to require new packages in the container images used in GitLab CI Author: Joe Guo """ import os from os.path import abspath, dirname, join HERE = abspath(dirname(__file__)) # output dir for rendered files OUT = join(HERE, 'generated-dists') # pkgs with same name in all packaging systems COMMON = [ 'acl', 'attr', 'autoconf', 'binutils', 'bison', 'ccache', 'curl', 'chrpath', 'flex', 'gcc', 'gdb', 'git', 'gzip', 'hostname', 'htop', 'jq', 'lcov', 'make', 'patch', 'perl', 'psmisc', # for pstree in test 'rng-tools', 'rsync', 'sed', 'sudo', # docker images has no sudo by default 'tar', 'tree', 'wget', ] # define pkgs for all packaging systems in parallel # make it easier to find missing ones # use latest ubuntu and fedora as defaults # deb, rpm, ... PKGS = [ # NAME1-dev, NAME2-devel ('lmdb-utils', 'lmdb'), ('mingw-w64', 'mingw64-gcc'), ('zlib1g-dev', 'zlib-devel'), ('libbsd-dev', 'libbsd-devel'), ('liburing-dev', 'liburing-devel'), ('libarchive-dev', 'libarchive-devel'), ('libblkid-dev', 'libblkid-devel'), ('libcap-dev', 'libcap-devel'), ('libacl1-dev', 'libacl-devel'), ('libattr1-dev', 'libattr-devel'), # libNAME1-dev, NAME2-devel ('libpopt-dev', 'popt-devel'), ('libreadline-dev', 'readline-devel'), ('libjansson-dev', 'jansson-devel'), ('liblmdb-dev', 'lmdb-devel'), ('libncurses5-dev', 'ncurses-devel'), # NOTE: Debian 7+ or Ubuntu 16.04+ ('libsystemd-dev', 'systemd-devel'), ('libkrb5-dev', 'krb5-devel'), ('libldap2-dev', 'openldap-devel'), ('libcups2-dev', 'cups-devel'), ('libpam0g-dev', 'pam-devel'), ('libgpgme11-dev', 'gpgme-devel'), # NOTE: Debian 8+ and Ubuntu 14.04+ ('libgnutls28-dev', 'gnutls-devel'), ('gnutls-bin', 'gnutls-utils'), ('libtasn1-bin', 'libtasn1-tools'), ('libtasn1-dev', 'libtasn1-devel'), ('', 'quota-devel'), ('uuid-dev', 'libuuid-devel'), ('libjs-jquery', ''), ('libavahi-common-dev', 'avahi-devel'), ('libdbus-1-dev', 'dbus-devel'), ('libpcap-dev', 'libpcap-devel'), ('libunwind-dev', 'libunwind-devel'), # for back trace ('libglib2.0-dev', 'glib2-devel'), ('libicu-dev', 'libicu-devel'), ('heimdal-multidev', ''), # NAME1, NAME2 # for debian, locales provide locale support with language packs # ubuntu split language packs to language-pack-xx # for centos, glibc-common provide locale support with language packs # fedora split language packs to glibc-langpack-xx ('locales', 'glibc-common'), # required for locale ('language-pack-en', 'glibc-langpack-en'), # we need en_US.UTF-8 ('bind9utils', 'bind-utils'), ('dnsutils', ''), ('xsltproc', 'libxslt'), ('krb5-user', 'krb5-workstation'), ('krb5-config', ''), ('krb5-kdc', 'krb5-server'), ('apt-utils', 'yum-utils'), ('pkg-config', 'pkgconfig'), ('procps', 'procps-ng'), # required for the free cmd in tests ('lsb-release', 'lsb-release'), # we need lsb_release to show info ('', 'rpcgen'), # required for test # refer: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/SunRPCRemoval ('', 'libtirpc-devel'), # for header on fedora ('', 'rpcsvc-proto-devel'), # for header ('mawk', 'gawk'), ('', 'mold'), ('', 'ShellCheck'), ('', 'shfmt'), ('', 'crypto-policies-scripts'), ('python3', 'python3'), ('python3-cryptography', 'python3-cryptography'), # for krb5 tests ('python3-dev', 'python3-devel'), ('python3-dbg', ''), ('python3-iso8601', 'python3-iso8601'), ('python3-gpg', 'python3-gpg'), # defaults to ubuntu/fedora latest ('python3-markdown', 'python3-markdown'), ('python3-dnspython', 'python3-dns'), ('python3-pexpect', ''), # for wintest only ('python3-pyasn1', 'python3-pyasn1'), # for krb5 tests ('python3-setproctitle', 'python3-setproctitle'), ('python3-requests', 'python3-requests'), # for cert auto enroll ('', 'python3-libsemanage'), ('', 'python3-policycoreutils'), # perl ('libparse-yapp-perl', 'perl-Parse-Yapp'), ('libjson-perl', 'perl-JSON'), ('', 'perl-JSON-Parse'), ('perl-modules', ''), ('', 'perl-FindBin'), ('', 'perl-Archive-Tar'), ('', 'perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker'), ('', 'perl-Test-Base'), ('', 'perl-generators'), ('', 'perl-interpreter'), # fs ('xfslibs-dev', 'xfsprogs-devel'), # for xfs quota support ('', 'glusterfs-api-devel'), ('glusterfs-common', 'glusterfs-devel'), ('libcephfs-dev', 'libcephfs-devel'), # spotlight ('libtracker-sparql-2.0-dev', 'tracker-devel'), # misc # @ means group for rpm, use fedora as rpm default ('build-essential', '@development-tools'), ('debhelper', ''), # rpm has no pkg for docbook-xml ('docbook-xml', 'docbook-dtds'), ('docbook-xsl', 'docbook-style-xsl'), ('libkeyutils-dev', 'keyutils-libs-devel'), ('', 'which'), ('xz-utils', 'xz') ] DEB_PKGS = COMMON + [pkg for pkg, _ in PKGS if pkg] RPM_PKGS = COMMON + [pkg for _, pkg in PKGS if pkg] GENERATED_MARKER = r""" # # This file is generated by 'bootstrap/template.py --render' # See also bootstrap/config.py # """ APT_BOOTSTRAP = r""" #!/bin/bash {GENERATED_MARKER} set -xueo pipefail export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get -y update apt-get -y install \ {pkgs} apt-get -y autoremove apt-get -y autoclean apt-get -y clean """ YUM_BOOTSTRAP = r""" #!/bin/bash {GENERATED_MARKER} set -xueo pipefail yum update -y yum install -y epel-release yum install -y yum-plugin-copr yum copr enable -y sergiomb/SambaAD yum update -y yum install -y \ {pkgs} yum clean all if [ ! -f /usr/bin/python3 ]; then ln -sf /usr/bin/python3.6 /usr/bin/python3 fi """ CENTOS8S_YUM_BOOTSTRAP = r""" #!/bin/bash {GENERATED_MARKER} set -xueo pipefail yum update -y yum install -y dnf-plugins-core yum install -y epel-release yum -v repolist all yum config-manager --set-enabled powertools -y yum update -y yum install -y \ --setopt=install_weak_deps=False \ {pkgs} yum clean all """ DNF_BOOTSTRAP = r""" #!/bin/bash {GENERATED_MARKER} set -xueo pipefail dnf update -y dnf install -y \ --setopt=install_weak_deps=False \ {pkgs} dnf clean all update-crypto-policies --set DEFAULT:AD-SUPPORT """ DNF_BOOTSTRAP_MIT = r""" #!/bin/bash {GENERATED_MARKER} set -xueo pipefail dnf update -y dnf install -y dnf-plugins-core dnf copr -y enable abbra/krb5-test dnf update -y dnf install -y \ --setopt=install_weak_deps=False \ {pkgs} dnf clean all """ ZYPPER_BOOTSTRAP = r""" #!/bin/bash {GENERATED_MARKER} set -xueo pipefail zypper --non-interactive refresh zypper --non-interactive update zypper --non-interactive install \ --no-recommends \ system-user-nobody \ {pkgs} zypper --non-interactive clean if [ -f /usr/lib/mit/bin/krb5-config ]; then ln -sf /usr/lib/mit/bin/krb5-config /usr/bin/krb5-config fi """ # A generic shell script to setup locale LOCALE_SETUP = r""" #!/bin/bash {GENERATED_MARKER} set -xueo pipefail # refer to /usr/share/i18n/locales INPUTFILE=en_US # refer to /usr/share/i18n/charmaps CHARMAP=UTF-8 # locale to generate in /usr/lib/locale # glibc/localedef will normalize UTF-8 to utf8, follow the naming style LOCALE=$INPUTFILE.utf8 # if locale is already correct, exit ( locale | grep LC_ALL | grep -i $LOCALE ) && exit 0 # if locale not available, generate locale into /usr/lib/locale if ! ( locale --all-locales | grep -i $LOCALE ) then # no-archive means create its own dir localedef --inputfile $INPUTFILE --charmap $CHARMAP --no-archive $LOCALE fi # update locale conf and global env file # set both LC_ALL and LANG for safe # update conf for Debian family FILE=/etc/default/locale if [ -f $FILE ] then echo LC_ALL="$LOCALE" > $FILE echo LANG="$LOCALE" >> $FILE fi # update conf for RedHat family FILE=/etc/locale.conf if [ -f $FILE ] then # LC_ALL is not valid in this file, set LANG only echo LANG="$LOCALE" > $FILE fi # update global env file FILE=/etc/environment if [ -f $FILE ] then # append LC_ALL if not exist grep LC_ALL $FILE || echo LC_ALL="$LOCALE" >> $FILE # append LANG if not exist grep LANG $FILE || echo LANG="$LOCALE" >> $FILE fi """ DOCKERFILE = r""" {GENERATED_MARKER} FROM {docker_image} # pass in with --build-arg while build ARG SHA1SUM RUN [ -n $SHA1SUM ] && echo $SHA1SUM > /sha1sum.txt ADD *.sh /tmp/ # need root permission, do it before USER samba RUN /tmp/bootstrap.sh && /tmp/locale.sh # if ld.gold exists, force link it to ld RUN set -x; ! LD_GOLD=$(which ld.gold) || {{ LD=$(which ld) && ln -sf $LD_GOLD $LD && test -x $LD && echo "$LD is now $LD_GOLD"; }} # if ld.mold exists, force link it to ld (prefer mold over gold! ;-) RUN set -x; ! LD_MOLD=$(which ld.mold) || {{ LD=$(which ld) && ln -sf $LD_MOLD $LD && test -x $LD && echo "$LD is now $LD_MOLD"; }} # make test can not work with root, so we have to create a new user RUN useradd -m -U -s /bin/bash samba && \ mkdir -p /etc/sudoers.d && \ echo "samba ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL" > /etc/sudoers.d/samba USER samba WORKDIR /home/samba # samba tests rely on this ENV USER=samba LC_ALL=en_US.utf8 LANG=en_US.utf8 LANGUAGE=en_US """ # Vagrantfile snippet for each dist VAGRANTFILE_SNIPPET = r""" config.vm.define "{name}" do |v| v.vm.box = "{vagrant_box}" v.vm.hostname = "{name}" v.vm.provision :shell, path: "{name}/bootstrap.sh" v.vm.provision :shell, path: "{name}/locale.sh" end """ # global Vagrantfile with snippets for all dists VAGRANTFILE_GLOBAL = r""" {GENERATED_MARKER} Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| config.ssh.insert_key = false {vagrantfile_snippets} end """ DEB_DISTS = { 'debian11': { 'docker_image': 'debian:11', 'vagrant_box': 'debian/bullseye64', 'replace': { 'language-pack-en': '', # included in locales } }, 'debian11-32bit': { 'docker_image': 'registry-1.docker.io/i386/debian:11', 'vagrant_box': 'debian/bullseye32', 'replace': { 'language-pack-en': '', # included in locales } }, 'debian12': { 'docker_image': 'debian:12', 'vagrant_box': 'debian/bookworm64', 'replace': { 'language-pack-en': '', # included in locales 'libtracker-sparql-2.0-dev': '', # only tracker 3.x is available } }, 'debian12-32bit': { 'docker_image': 'registry-1.docker.io/i386/debian:12', 'vagrant_box': 'debian/bookworm32', 'replace': { 'language-pack-en': '', # included in locales 'libtracker-sparql-2.0-dev': '', # only tracker 3.x is available } }, 'ubuntu1804': { 'docker_image': 'ubuntu:18.04', 'vagrant_box': 'ubuntu/bionic64', 'replace': { 'liburing-dev': '', # not available } }, 'ubuntu1804-32bit': { 'docker_image': 'registry-1.docker.io/i386/ubuntu:18.04', 'vagrant_box': 'ubuntu/bionic32', 'replace': { 'liburing-dev': '', # not available } }, 'ubuntu2004': { 'docker_image': 'ubuntu:20.04', 'vagrant_box': 'ubuntu/focal64', 'replace': { 'liburing-dev': '', # not available } }, 'ubuntu2204': { 'docker_image': 'ubuntu:22.04', 'vagrant_box': 'ubuntu/jammy64', 'replace': { 'libtracker-sparql-2.0-dev': '', # only tracker 3.x is available }, } } RPM_DISTS = { 'centos7': { 'docker_image': 'centos:7', 'vagrant_box': 'centos/7', 'bootstrap': YUM_BOOTSTRAP, 'replace': { 'lsb-release': 'redhat-lsb', 'python3': 'python36', 'python3-cryptography': 'python36-cryptography', 'python3-devel': 'python36-devel', 'python3-dns': 'python36-dns', 'python3-pyasn1': 'python36-pyasn1', 'python3-gpg': 'python36-gpg', 'python3-iso8601' : 'python36-iso8601', 'python3-markdown': 'python36-markdown', 'python3-requests': 'python36-requests', # although python36-devel is available # after epel-release installed # however, all other python3 pkgs are still python36-ish 'python2-gpg': 'pygpgme', '@development-tools': '"@Development Tools"', # add quotes 'glibc-langpack-en': '', # included in glibc-common 'glibc-locale-source': '', # included in glibc-common # update perl core modules on centos # fix: Can't locate Archive/Tar.pm in @INC 'perl': 'perl-core', 'perl-FindBin': '', 'rpcsvc-proto-devel': '', 'glusterfs-api-devel': '', 'glusterfs-devel': '', 'libcephfs-devel': '', 'gnutls-devel': 'compat-gnutls37-devel', 'gnutls-utils': 'compat-gnutls37-utils', 'liburing-devel': '', # not available 'python3-setproctitle': 'python36-setproctitle', 'tracker-devel': '', # do not install 'mold': '', 'ShellCheck': '', 'shfmt': '', } }, 'centos8s': { 'docker_image': 'quay.io/centos/centos:stream8', 'vagrant_box': 'centos/stream8', 'bootstrap': CENTOS8S_YUM_BOOTSTRAP, 'replace': { 'lsb-release': 'redhat-lsb', '@development-tools': '"@Development Tools"', # add quotes 'lcov': '', # does not exist 'perl-JSON-Parse': '', # does not exist? 'perl-Test-Base': 'perl-Test-Simple', 'perl-FindBin': '', 'liburing-devel': '', # not available yet, Add me back, once available! 'mold': '', 'ShellCheck': '', 'shfmt': '', } }, 'fedora38': { 'docker_image': 'quay.io/fedora/fedora:38', 'vagrant_box': 'fedora/38-cloud-base', 'bootstrap': DNF_BOOTSTRAP, 'replace': { 'lsb-release': 'redhat-lsb', 'perl-FindBin': '', 'python3-iso8601': 'python3-dateutil', 'libtracker-sparql-2.0-dev': '', # only tracker 3.x is available } }, 'opensuse155': { 'docker_image': 'opensuse/leap:15.5', 'vagrant_box': 'opensuse/openSUSE-15.5-x86_64', 'bootstrap': ZYPPER_BOOTSTRAP, 'replace': { '@development-tools': '', 'dbus-devel': 'dbus-1-devel', 'docbook-style-xsl': 'docbook-xsl-stylesheets', 'glibc-common': 'glibc-locale', 'glibc-locale-source': 'glibc-i18ndata', 'glibc-langpack-en': '', 'jansson-devel': 'libjansson-devel', 'keyutils-libs-devel': 'keyutils-devel', 'krb5-workstation': 'krb5-client', 'python3-libsemanage': 'python3-semanage', 'openldap-devel': 'openldap2-devel', 'perl-Archive-Tar': 'perl-Archive-Tar-Wrapper', 'perl-JSON-Parse': 'perl-JSON-XS', 'perl-generators': '', 'perl-interpreter': '', 'perl-FindBin': '', 'procps-ng': 'procps', 'python3-iso8601': 'python3-python-dateutil', 'python3-dns': 'python3-dnspython', 'python3-markdown': 'python3-Markdown', 'quota-devel': '', 'glusterfs-api-devel': '', 'gnutls-utils': 'gnutls', 'libtasn1-tools': '', # asn1Parser is part of libtasn1 'mold': '', 'shfmt': '', 'yum-utils': '', } } } DEB_FAMILY = { 'name': 'deb', 'pkgs': DEB_PKGS, 'bootstrap': APT_BOOTSTRAP, # family default 'dists': DEB_DISTS, } RPM_FAMILY = { 'name': 'rpm', 'pkgs': RPM_PKGS, 'bootstrap': YUM_BOOTSTRAP, # family default 'dists': RPM_DISTS, } YML_HEADER = r""" --- packages: """ def expand_family_dists(family): dists = {} for name, config in family['dists'].items(): config = config.copy() config['name'] = name config['home'] = join(OUT, name) config['family'] = family['name'] config['GENERATED_MARKER'] = GENERATED_MARKER # replace dist specific pkgs replace = config.get('replace', {}) pkgs = [] for pkg in family['pkgs']: pkg = replace.get(pkg, pkg) # replace if exists or get self if pkg: pkgs.append(pkg) pkgs.sort() lines = [' - {}'.format(pkg) for pkg in pkgs] config['packages.yml'] = YML_HEADER.lstrip() + os.linesep.join(lines) sep = ' \\' + os.linesep + ' ' config['pkgs'] = sep.join(pkgs) # get dist bootstrap template or fall back to family default bootstrap_template = config.get('bootstrap', family['bootstrap']) config['bootstrap.sh'] = bootstrap_template.format(**config).strip() config['locale.sh'] = LOCALE_SETUP.format(**config).strip() config['Dockerfile'] = DOCKERFILE.format(**config).strip() # keep the indent, no strip config['vagrantfile_snippet'] = VAGRANTFILE_SNIPPET.format(**config) dists[name] = config return dists # expanded config for dists DEB_DISTS_EXP = expand_family_dists(DEB_FAMILY) RPM_DISTS_EXP = expand_family_dists(RPM_FAMILY) # assemble all together DISTS = {} DISTS.update(DEB_DISTS_EXP) DISTS.update(RPM_DISTS_EXP) def render_vagrantfile(dists): """ Render all snippets for each dist into global Vagrantfile. Vagrant supports multiple vms in one Vagrantfile. This make it easier to manage the fleet, e.g: start all: vagrant up start one: vagrant up ubuntu1804 All other commands apply to above syntax, e.g.: status, destroy, provision """ # sort dists by name and put all vagrantfile snippets together snippets = [ dists[dist]['vagrantfile_snippet'] for dist in sorted(dists.keys())] return VAGRANTFILE_GLOBAL.format( vagrantfile_snippets=''.join(snippets), GENERATED_MARKER=GENERATED_MARKER ) VAGRANTFILE = render_vagrantfile(DISTS) # data we need to expose __all__ = ['DISTS', 'VAGRANTFILE', 'OUT']