#!/usr/bin/python # # tap2subunit: convert a tap stream to a subunit stream. # Extract from the subunit source: # Copyright (C) 2005 Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net> # # Licensed under either the Apache License, Version 2.0 or the BSD 3-clause # license at the users choice. A copy of both licenses are available in the # project source as Apache-2.0 and BSD. You may not use this file except in # compliance with one of these two licences. # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under these licenses is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # license you chose for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under that license. # import re import sys def TAP2SubUnit(tap, subunit): """Filter a TAP pipe into a subunit pipe. :param tap: A tap pipe/stream/file object. :param subunit: A pipe/stream/file object to write subunit results to. :return: The exit code to exit with. """ BEFORE_PLAN = 0 AFTER_PLAN = 1 SKIP_STREAM = 2 state = BEFORE_PLAN plan_start = 1 plan_stop = 0 def _skipped_test(subunit, plan_start): # Some tests were skipped. subunit.write('test: test %d\n' % plan_start) subunit.write('error: test %d [\n' % plan_start) subunit.write('test missing from TAP output\n') subunit.write(']\n') return plan_start + 1 # Test data for the next test to emit test_name = None log = [] result = None def _emit_test(): "write out a test" if test_name is None: return subunit.write("test: %s\n" % test_name) if not log: subunit.write("%s: %s\n" % (result, test_name)) else: subunit.write("%s: %s [\n" % (result, test_name)) if log: for line in log: subunit.write("%s\n" % line) subunit.write("]\n") del log[:] for line in tap: if state == BEFORE_PLAN: match = re.match("(\d+)\.\.(\d+)\s*(?:\#\s+(.*))?\n", line) if match: state = AFTER_PLAN _, plan_stop, comment = match.groups() plan_stop = int(plan_stop) if plan_start > plan_stop and plan_stop == 0: # skipped file state = SKIP_STREAM subunit.write("test: file skip\n") subunit.write("skip: file skip [\n") subunit.write("%s\n" % comment) subunit.write("]\n") continue # not a plan line, or have seen one before match = re.match("(ok|not ok)(?:\s+(\d+)?)?(?:\s+([^#]*[^#\s]+)\s*)?(?:\s+#\s+(TODO|SKIP|skip|todo)(?:\s+(.*))?)?\n", line) if match: # new test, emit current one. _emit_test() status, number, description, directive, directive_comment = match.groups() if status == 'ok': result = 'success' else: result = "failure" if description is None: description = '' else: description = ' ' + description if directive is not None: if directive.upper() == 'TODO': result = 'xfail' elif directive.upper() == 'SKIP': result = 'skip' if directive_comment is not None: log.append(directive_comment) if number is not None: number = int(number) while plan_start < number: plan_start = _skipped_test(subunit, plan_start) test_name = "test %d%s" % (plan_start, description) plan_start += 1 continue match = re.match("Bail out\!(?:\s*(.*))?\n", line) if match: reason, = match.groups() if reason is None: extra = '' else: extra = ' %s' % reason _emit_test() test_name = "Bail out!%s" % extra result = "error" state = SKIP_STREAM continue match = re.match("\#.*\n", line) if match: log.append(line[:-1]) continue subunit.write(line) _emit_test() while plan_start <= plan_stop: # record missed tests plan_start = _skipped_test(subunit, plan_start) return 0 sys.exit(TAP2SubUnit(sys.stdin, sys.stdout))