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# user management
# Copyright Jelmer Vernooij 2010 <jelmer@samba.org>
# Copyright Theresa Halloran 2011 <theresahalloran@gmail.com>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
import samba.getopt as options
import ldb
import pwd
import os
import io
import re
import difflib
import fcntl
import signal
import errno
import time
import base64
import binascii
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT, check_call, CalledProcessError
from getpass import getpass
from samba.auth import system_session
from samba.samdb import SamDB
from samba.dcerpc import misc
from samba.dcerpc import security
from samba.dcerpc import drsblobs
from samba.ndr import ndr_unpack, ndr_pack, ndr_print
from samba import (
from samba.net import Net
from samba.netcmd import (
from samba.compat import text_type
from samba.compat import get_bytes
from samba.compat import get_string
from . import common
# python[3]-gpgme is abandoned since ubuntu 1804 and debian 9
# have to use python[3]-gpg instead
# The API is different, need to adapt.
def _gpgme_decrypt(encrypted_bytes):
Use python[3]-gpgme to decrypt GPG.
ctx = gpgme.Context()
ctx.armor = True # use ASCII-armored
out = io.BytesIO()
ctx.decrypt(io.BytesIO(encrypted_bytes), out)
return out.getvalue()
def _gpg_decrypt(encrypted_bytes):
Use python[3]-gpg to decrypt GPG.
ciphertext = gpg.Data(string=encrypted_bytes)
ctx = gpg.Context(armor=True)
# plaintext, result, verify_result
plaintext, _, _ = ctx.decrypt(ciphertext)
return plaintext
gpg_decrypt = None
if not gpg_decrypt:
import gpgme
gpg_decrypt = _gpgme_decrypt
except ImportError:
if not gpg_decrypt:
import gpg
gpg_decrypt = _gpg_decrypt
except ImportError:
if gpg_decrypt:
decrypt_samba_gpg_help = ("Decrypt the SambaGPG password as "
"cleartext source")
decrypt_samba_gpg_help = ("Decrypt the SambaGPG password not supported, "
"python[3]-gpgme or python[3]-gpg required")
disabled_virtual_attributes = {
virtual_attributes = {
"virtualClearTextUTF8": {
"virtualClearTextUTF16": {
"virtualSambaGPG": {
def get_crypt_value(alg, utf8pw, rounds=0):
algs = {
"5": {"length": 43},
"6": {"length": 86},
assert alg in algs
salt = os.urandom(16)
# The salt needs to be in [A-Za-z0-9./]
# base64 is close enough and as we had 16
# random bytes but only need 16 characters
# we can ignore the possible == at the end
# of the base64 string
# we just need to replace '+' by '.'
b64salt = base64.b64encode(salt)[0:16].replace(b'+', b'.').decode('utf8')
crypt_salt = ""
if rounds != 0:
crypt_salt = "$%s$rounds=%s$%s$" % (alg, rounds, b64salt)
crypt_salt = "$%s$%s$" % (alg, b64salt)
crypt_value = crypt.crypt(utf8pw, crypt_salt)
if crypt_value is None:
raise NotImplementedError("crypt.crypt(%s) returned None" % (crypt_salt))
expected_len = len(crypt_salt) + algs[alg]["length"]
if len(crypt_value) != expected_len:
raise NotImplementedError("crypt.crypt(%s) returned a value with length %d, expected length is %d" % (
crypt_salt, len(crypt_value), expected_len))
return crypt_value
# Extract the rounds value from the options of a virtualCrypt attribute
# i.e. options = "rounds=20;other=ignored;" will return 20
# if the rounds option is not found or the value is not a number, 0 is returned
# which indicates that the default number of rounds should be used.
def get_rounds(options):
if not options:
return 0
opts = options.split(';')
for o in opts:
if o.lower().startswith("rounds="):
(key, _, val) = o.partition('=')
return int(val)
except ValueError:
return 0
return 0
import hashlib
h = hashlib.sha1()
h = None
virtual_attributes["virtualSSHA"] = {
except ImportError as e:
reason = "hashlib.sha1()"
reason += " required"
disabled_virtual_attributes["virtualSSHA"] = {
"reason": reason,
for (alg, attr) in [("5", "virtualCryptSHA256"), ("6", "virtualCryptSHA512")]:
import crypt
v = get_crypt_value(alg, "")
v = None
virtual_attributes[attr] = {
except ImportError as e:
reason = "crypt"
reason += " required"
disabled_virtual_attributes[attr] = {
"reason": reason,
except NotImplementedError as e:
reason = "modern '$%s$' salt in crypt(3) required" % (alg)
disabled_virtual_attributes[attr] = {
"reason": reason,
# Add the wDigest virtual attributes, virtualWDigest01 to virtualWDigest29
for x in range(1, 30):
virtual_attributes["virtualWDigest%02d" % x] = {}
# Add Kerberos virtual attributes
virtual_attributes["virtualKerberosSalt"] = {}
virtual_attributes_help = "The attributes to display (comma separated). "
virtual_attributes_help += "Possible supported virtual attributes: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(virtual_attributes.keys()))
if len(disabled_virtual_attributes) != 0:
virtual_attributes_help += "Unsupported virtual attributes: %s" % ", ".join(sorted(disabled_virtual_attributes.keys()))
class cmd_user_create(Command):
"""Create a new user.
This command creates a new user account in the Active Directory domain. The username specified on the command is the sAMaccountName.
User accounts may represent physical entities, such as people or may be used as service accounts for applications. User accounts are also referred to as security principals and are assigned a security identifier (SID).
A user account enables a user to logon to a computer and domain with an identity that can be authenticated. To maximize security, each user should have their own unique user account and password. A user's access to domain resources is based on permissions assigned to the user account.
Unix (RFC2307) attributes may be added to the user account. Attributes taken from NSS are obtained on the local machine. Explicitly given values override values obtained from NSS. Configure 'idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = Yes' to use these attributes for UID/GID mapping.
The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid. The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote server.
samba-tool user create User1 passw0rd --given-name=John --surname=Smith --must-change-at-next-login -H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com -Uadministrator%passw1rd
Example1 shows how to create a new user in the domain against a remote LDAP server. The -H parameter is used to specify the remote target server. The -U option is used to pass the userid and password authorized to issue the command remotely.
sudo samba-tool user create User2 passw2rd --given-name=Jane --surname=Doe --must-change-at-next-login
Example2 shows how to create a new user in the domain against the local server. sudo is used so a user may run the command as root. In this example, after User2 is created, he/she will be forced to change their password when they logon.
samba-tool user create User3 passw3rd --userou='OU=OrgUnit'
Example3 shows how to create a new user in the OrgUnit organizational unit.
samba-tool user create User4 passw4rd --rfc2307-from-nss --gecos 'some text'
Example4 shows how to create a new user with Unix UID, GID and login-shell set from the local NSS and GECOS set to 'some text'.
samba-tool user create User5 passw5rd --nis-domain=samdom --unix-home=/home/User5 \\
--uid-number=10005 --login-shell=/bin/false --gid-number=10000
Example5 shows how to create an RFC2307/NIS domain enabled user account. If
--nis-domain is set, then the other four parameters are mandatory.
synopsis = "%prog <username> [<password>] [options]"
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server", type=str,
metavar="URL", dest="H"),
help="Force password to be changed on next login",
help="Generate random password",
help="Require a smartcard for interactive logons",
help="Force use of username as user's CN",
help="DN of alternative location (without domainDN counterpart) to default CN=Users in which new user object will be created. E. g. 'OU=<OU name>'",
Option("--surname", help="User's surname", type=str),
Option("--given-name", help="User's given name", type=str),
Option("--initials", help="User's initials", type=str),
Option("--profile-path", help="User's profile path", type=str),
Option("--script-path", help="User's logon script path", type=str),
Option("--home-drive", help="User's home drive letter", type=str),
Option("--home-directory", help="User's home directory path", type=str),
Option("--job-title", help="User's job title", type=str),
Option("--department", help="User's department", type=str),
Option("--company", help="User's company", type=str),
Option("--description", help="User's description", type=str),
Option("--mail-address", help="User's email address", type=str),
Option("--internet-address", help="User's home page", type=str),
Option("--telephone-number", help="User's phone number", type=str),
Option("--physical-delivery-office", help="User's office location", type=str),
help="Copy Unix user attributes from NSS (will be overridden by explicit UID/GID/GECOS/shell)",
Option("--nis-domain", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 NIS domain", type=str),
Option("--unix-home", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 home directory",
Option("--uid", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 username", type=str),
Option("--uid-number", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 numeric UID", type=int),
Option("--gid-number", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 primary GID number", type=int),
Option("--gecos", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 GECOS field", type=str),
Option("--login-shell", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 login shell", type=str),
takes_args = ["username", "password?"]
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
def run(self, username, password=None, credopts=None, sambaopts=None,
versionopts=None, H=None, must_change_at_next_login=False,
random_password=False, use_username_as_cn=False, userou=None,
surname=None, given_name=None, initials=None, profile_path=None,
script_path=None, home_drive=None, home_directory=None,
job_title=None, department=None, company=None, description=None,
mail_address=None, internet_address=None, telephone_number=None,
physical_delivery_office=None, rfc2307_from_nss=False,
nis_domain=None, unix_home=None, uid=None, uid_number=None,
gid_number=None, gecos=None, login_shell=None,
if smartcard_required:
if password is not None and password != '':
raise CommandError('It is not allowed to specify '
'--newpassword '
'together with --smartcard-required.')
if must_change_at_next_login:
raise CommandError('It is not allowed to specify '
'--must-change-at-next-login '
'together with --smartcard-required.')
if random_password and not smartcard_required:
password = generate_random_password(128, 255)
while True:
if smartcard_required:
if password is not None and password != '':
password = getpass("New Password: ")
passwordverify = getpass("Retype Password: ")
if not password == passwordverify:
password = None
self.outf.write("Sorry, passwords do not match.\n")
if rfc2307_from_nss:
pwent = pwd.getpwnam(username)
if uid is None:
uid = username
if uid_number is None:
uid_number = pwent[2]
if gid_number is None:
gid_number = pwent[3]
if gecos is None:
gecos = pwent[4]
if login_shell is None:
login_shell = pwent[6]
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)
if uid_number or gid_number:
if not lp.get("idmap_ldb:use rfc2307"):
self.outf.write("You are setting a Unix/RFC2307 UID or GID. You may want to set 'idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = Yes' to use those attributes for XID/SID-mapping.\n")
if nis_domain is not None:
if None in (uid_number, login_shell, unix_home, gid_number):
raise CommandError('Missing parameters. To enable NIS features, '
'the following options have to be given: '
'--nis-domain=, --uidNumber=, --login-shell='
', --unix-home=, --gid-number= Operation '
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
samdb.newuser(username, password, force_password_change_at_next_login_req=must_change_at_next_login,
useusernameascn=use_username_as_cn, userou=userou, surname=surname, givenname=given_name, initials=initials,
profilepath=profile_path, homedrive=home_drive, scriptpath=script_path, homedirectory=home_directory,
jobtitle=job_title, department=department, company=company, description=description,
mailaddress=mail_address, internetaddress=internet_address,
telephonenumber=telephone_number, physicaldeliveryoffice=physical_delivery_office,
nisdomain=nis_domain, unixhome=unix_home, uid=uid,
uidnumber=uid_number, gidnumber=gid_number,
gecos=gecos, loginshell=login_shell,
except Exception as e:
raise CommandError("Failed to add user '%s': " % username, e)
self.outf.write("User '%s' created successfully\n" % username)
class cmd_user_add(cmd_user_create):
__doc__ = cmd_user_create.__doc__
# take this print out after the add subcommand is removed.
# the add subcommand is deprecated but left in for now to allow people to
# migrate to create
def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
"Note: samba-tool user add is deprecated. "
"Please use samba-tool user create for the same function.\n")
return super(cmd_user_add, self).run(*args, **kwargs)
class cmd_user_delete(Command):
"""Delete a user.
This command deletes a user account from the Active Directory domain. The username specified on the command is the sAMAccountName.
Once the account is deleted, all permissions and memberships associated with that account are deleted. If a new user account is added with the same name as a previously deleted account name, the new user does not have the previous permissions. The new account user will be assigned a new security identifier (SID) and permissions and memberships will have to be added.
The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid. The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote server.
samba-tool user delete User1 -H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com --username=administrator --password=passw1rd
Example1 shows how to delete a user in the domain against a remote LDAP server. The -H parameter is used to specify the remote target server. The --username= and --password= options are used to pass the username and password of a user that exists on the remote server and is authorized to issue the command on that server.
sudo samba-tool user delete User2
Example2 shows how to delete a user in the domain against the local server. sudo is used so a user may run the command as root.
synopsis = "%prog <username> [options]"
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server", type=str,
metavar="URL", dest="H"),
takes_args = ["username"]
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
def run(self, username, credopts=None, sambaopts=None, versionopts=None,
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp, fallback_machine=True)
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
filter = ("(&(sAMAccountName=%s)(sAMAccountType=805306368))" %
res = samdb.search(base=samdb.domain_dn(),
user_dn = res[0].dn
except IndexError:
raise CommandError('Unable to find user "%s"' % (username))
except Exception as e:
raise CommandError('Failed to remove user "%s"' % username, e)
self.outf.write("Deleted user %s\n" % username)
class cmd_user_list(Command):
"""List all users."""
synopsis = "%prog [options]"
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server", type=str,
metavar="URL", dest="H"),
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
def run(self, sambaopts=None, credopts=None, versionopts=None, H=None):
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp, fallback_machine=True)
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
domain_dn = samdb.domain_dn()
res = samdb.search(domain_dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE,
if (len(res) == 0):
for msg in res:
self.outf.write("%s\n" % msg.get("samaccountname", idx=0))
class cmd_user_enable(Command):
"""Enable a user.
This command enables a user account for logon to an Active Directory domain. The username specified on the command is the sAMAccountName. The username may also be specified using the --filter option.
There are many reasons why an account may become disabled. These include:
- If a user exceeds the account policy for logon attempts
- If an administrator disables the account
- If the account expires
The samba-tool user enable command allows an administrator to enable an account which has become disabled.
Additionally, the enable function allows an administrator to have a set of created user accounts defined and setup with default permissions that can be easily enabled for use.
The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid. The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote server.
samba-tool user enable Testuser1 --URL=ldap://samba.samdom.example.com --username=administrator --password=passw1rd
Example1 shows how to enable a user in the domain against a remote LDAP server. The --URL parameter is used to specify the remote target server. The --username= and --password= options are used to pass the username and password of a user that exists on the remote server and is authorized to update that server.
su samba-tool user enable Testuser2
Example2 shows how to enable user Testuser2 for use in the domain on the local server. sudo is used so a user may run the command as root.
samba-tool user enable --filter=samaccountname=Testuser3
Example3 shows how to enable a user in the domain against a local LDAP server. It uses the --filter=samaccountname to specify the username.
synopsis = "%prog (<username>|--filter <filter>) [options]"
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server", type=str,
metavar="URL", dest="H"),
Option("--filter", help="LDAP Filter to set password on", type=str),
takes_args = ["username?"]
def run(self, username=None, sambaopts=None, credopts=None,
versionopts=None, filter=None, H=None):
if username is None and filter is None:
raise CommandError("Either the username or '--filter' must be specified!")
if filter is None:
filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))" % (ldb.binary_encode(username))
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp, fallback_machine=True)
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
except Exception as msg:
raise CommandError("Failed to enable user '%s': %s" % (username or filter, msg))
self.outf.write("Enabled user '%s'\n" % (username or filter))
class cmd_user_disable(Command):
"""Disable a user."""
synopsis = "%prog (<username>|--filter <filter>) [options]"
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server", type=str,
metavar="URL", dest="H"),
Option("--filter", help="LDAP Filter to set password on", type=str),
takes_args = ["username?"]
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
def run(self, username=None, sambaopts=None, credopts=None,
versionopts=None, filter=None, H=None):
if username is None and filter is None:
raise CommandError("Either the username or '--filter' must be specified!")
if filter is None:
filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))" % (ldb.binary_encode(username))
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp, fallback_machine=True)
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
except Exception as msg:
raise CommandError("Failed to disable user '%s': %s" % (username or filter, msg))
class cmd_user_setexpiry(Command):
"""Set the expiration of a user account.
The user can either be specified by their sAMAccountName or using the --filter option.
When a user account expires, it becomes disabled and the user is unable to logon. The administrator may issue the samba-tool user enable command to enable the account for logon. The permissions and memberships associated with the account are retained when the account is enabled.
The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid. The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command on a remote server.
samba-tool user setexpiry User1 --days=20 --URL=ldap://samba.samdom.example.com --username=administrator --password=passw1rd
Example1 shows how to set the expiration of an account in a remote LDAP server. The --URL parameter is used to specify the remote target server. The --username= and --password= options are used to pass the username and password of a user that exists on the remote server and is authorized to update that server.
sudo samba-tool user setexpiry User2 --noexpiry
Example2 shows how to set the account expiration of user User2 so it will never expire. The user in this example resides on the local server. sudo is used so a user may run the command as root.
samba-tool user setexpiry --days=20 --filter=samaccountname=User3
Example3 shows how to set the account expiration date to end of day 20 days from the current day. The username or sAMAccountName is specified using the --filter= parameter and the username in this example is User3.
samba-tool user setexpiry --noexpiry User4
Example4 shows how to set the account expiration so that it will never expire. The username and sAMAccountName in this example is User4.
synopsis = "%prog (<username>|--filter <filter>) [options]"
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server", type=str,
metavar="URL", dest="H"),
Option("--filter", help="LDAP Filter to set password on", type=str),
Option("--days", help="Days to expiry", type=int, default=0),
Option("--noexpiry", help="Password does never expire", action="store_true", default=False),
takes_args = ["username?"]
def run(self, username=None, sambaopts=None, credopts=None,
versionopts=None, H=None, filter=None, days=None, noexpiry=None):
if username is None and filter is None:
raise CommandError("Either the username or '--filter' must be specified!")
if filter is None:
filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))" % (ldb.binary_encode(username))
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
samdb.setexpiry(filter, days * 24 * 3600, no_expiry_req=noexpiry)
except Exception as msg:
# FIXME: Catch more specific exception
raise CommandError("Failed to set expiry for user '%s': %s" % (
username or filter, msg))
if noexpiry:
self.outf.write("Expiry for user '%s' disabled.\n" % (
username or filter))
self.outf.write("Expiry for user '%s' set to %u days.\n" % (
username or filter, days))
class cmd_user_password(Command):
"""Change password for a user account (the one provided in authentication).
synopsis = "%prog [options]"
takes_options = [
Option("--newpassword", help="New password", type=str),
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
def run(self, credopts=None, sambaopts=None, versionopts=None,
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)
# get old password now, to get the password prompts in the right order
old_password = creds.get_password()
net = Net(creds, lp, server=credopts.ipaddress)
password = newpassword
while True:
if password is not None and password != '':
password = getpass("New Password: ")
passwordverify = getpass("Retype Password: ")
if not password == passwordverify:
password = None
self.outf.write("Sorry, passwords do not match.\n")
if not isinstance(password, text_type):
password = password.decode('utf8')
except Exception as msg:
# FIXME: catch more specific exception
raise CommandError("Failed to change password : %s" % msg)
self.outf.write("Changed password OK\n")
class cmd_user_setpassword(Command):
"""Set or reset the password of a user account.
This command sets or resets the logon password for a user account. The username specified on the command is the sAMAccountName. The username may also be specified using the --filter option.
If the password is not specified on the command through the --newpassword parameter, the user is prompted for the password to be entered through the command line.
It is good security practice for the administrator to use the --must-change-at-next-login option which requires that when the user logs on to the account for the first time following the password change, he/she must change the password.
The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid. The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote server.
samba-tool user setpassword TestUser1 --newpassword=passw0rd --URL=ldap://samba.samdom.example.com -Uadministrator%passw1rd
Example1 shows how to set the password of user TestUser1 on a remote LDAP server. The --URL parameter is used to specify the remote target server. The -U option is used to pass the username and password of a user that exists on the remote server and is authorized to update the server.
sudo samba-tool user setpassword TestUser2 --newpassword=passw0rd --must-change-at-next-login
Example2 shows how an administrator would reset the TestUser2 user's password to passw0rd. The user is running under the root userid using the sudo command. In this example the user TestUser2 must change their password the next time they logon to the account.
samba-tool user setpassword --filter=samaccountname=TestUser3 --newpassword=passw0rd
Example3 shows how an administrator would reset TestUser3 user's password to passw0rd using the --filter= option to specify the username.
synopsis = "%prog (<username>|--filter <filter>) [options]"
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server", type=str,
metavar="URL", dest="H"),
Option("--filter", help="LDAP Filter to set password on", type=str),
Option("--newpassword", help="Set password", type=str),
help="Force password to be changed on next login",
help="Generate random password",
help="Require a smartcard for interactive logons",
help="Don't require a smartcard for interactive logons",
takes_args = ["username?"]
def run(self, username=None, filter=None, credopts=None, sambaopts=None,
versionopts=None, H=None, newpassword=None,
must_change_at_next_login=False, random_password=False,
smartcard_required=False, clear_smartcard_required=False):
if filter is None and username is None:
raise CommandError("Either the username or '--filter' must be specified!")
password = newpassword
if smartcard_required:
if password is not None and password != '':
raise CommandError('It is not allowed to specify '
'--newpassword '
'together with --smartcard-required.')
if must_change_at_next_login:
raise CommandError('It is not allowed to specify '
'--must-change-at-next-login '
'together with --smartcard-required.')
if clear_smartcard_required:
raise CommandError('It is not allowed to specify '
'--clear-smartcard-required '
'together with --smartcard-required.')
if random_password and not smartcard_required:
password = generate_random_password(128, 255)
while True:
if smartcard_required:
if password is not None and password != '':
password = getpass("New Password: ")
passwordverify = getpass("Retype Password: ")
if not password == passwordverify:
password = None
self.outf.write("Sorry, passwords do not match.\n")
if filter is None:
filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))" % (ldb.binary_encode(username))
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)
creds.set_gensec_features(creds.get_gensec_features() | gensec.FEATURE_SEAL)
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
if smartcard_required:
command = ""
command = "Failed to set UF_SMARTCARD_REQUIRED for user '%s'" % (username or filter)
samdb.toggle_userAccountFlags(filter, flags, on=True)
command = "Failed to enable account for user '%s'" % (username or filter)
except Exception as msg:
# FIXME: catch more specific exception
raise CommandError("%s: %s" % (command, msg))
self.outf.write("Added UF_SMARTCARD_REQUIRED OK\n")
command = ""
if clear_smartcard_required:
command = "Failed to remove UF_SMARTCARD_REQUIRED for user '%s'" % (username or filter)
samdb.toggle_userAccountFlags(filter, flags, on=False)
command = "Failed to set password for user '%s'" % (username or filter)
samdb.setpassword(filter, password,
except Exception as msg:
# FIXME: catch more specific exception
raise CommandError("%s: %s" % (command, msg))
self.outf.write("Changed password OK\n")
class GetPasswordCommand(Command):
def __init__(self):
super(GetPasswordCommand, self).__init__()
self.lp = None
def connect_system_samdb(self, url, allow_local=False, verbose=False):
# using anonymous here, results in no authentication
# which means we can get system privileges via
# the privileged ldapi socket
creds = credentials.Credentials()
if url is None and allow_local:
elif url.lower().startswith("ldapi://"):
elif url.lower().startswith("ldap://"):
raise CommandError("--url ldap:// is not supported for this command")
elif url.lower().startswith("ldaps://"):
raise CommandError("--url ldaps:// is not supported for this command")
elif not allow_local:
raise CommandError("--url requires an ldapi:// url for this command")
if verbose:
self.outf.write("Connecting to '%s'\n" % url)
samdb = SamDB(url=url, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=self.lp)
# Make sure we're connected as SYSTEM
res = samdb.search(base='', scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE, attrs=["tokenGroups"])
assert len(res) == 1
sids = res[0].get("tokenGroups")
assert len(sids) == 1
sid = ndr_unpack(security.dom_sid, sids[0])
assert str(sid) == security.SID_NT_SYSTEM
except Exception as msg:
raise CommandError("You need to specify an URL that gives privileges as SID_NT_SYSTEM(%s)" %
# We use sort here in order to have a predictable processing order
# this might not be strictly needed, but also doesn't hurt here
for a in sorted(virtual_attributes.keys()):
flags = ldb.ATTR_FLAG_HIDDEN | virtual_attributes[a].get("flags", 0)
samdb.schema_attribute_add(a, flags, ldb.SYNTAX_OCTET_STRING)
return samdb
def get_account_attributes(self, samdb, username, basedn, filter, scope,
attrs, decrypt):
raw_attrs = attrs[:]
search_attrs = []
attr_opts = {}
for a in raw_attrs:
(attr, _, opts) = a.partition(';')
if opts:
attr_opts[attr] = opts
attr_opts[attr] = None
lower_attrs = [x.lower() for x in search_attrs]
require_supplementalCredentials = False
for a in virtual_attributes.keys():
if a.lower() in lower_attrs:
require_supplementalCredentials = True
add_supplementalCredentials = False
add_unicodePwd = False
if require_supplementalCredentials:
a = "supplementalCredentials"
if a.lower() not in lower_attrs:
search_attrs += [a]
add_supplementalCredentials = True
a = "unicodePwd"
if a.lower() not in lower_attrs:
search_attrs += [a]
add_unicodePwd = True
add_sAMAcountName = False
a = "sAMAccountName"
if a.lower() not in lower_attrs:
search_attrs += [a]
add_sAMAcountName = True
add_userPrincipalName = False
upn = "usePrincipalName"
if upn.lower() not in lower_attrs:
search_attrs += [upn]
add_userPrincipalName = True
if scope == ldb.SCOPE_BASE:
search_controls = ["show_deleted:1", "show_recycled:1"]
search_controls = []
res = samdb.search(base=basedn, expression=filter,
scope=scope, attrs=search_attrs,
if len(res) == 0:
raise Exception('Unable to find user "%s"' % (username or filter))
if len(res) > 1:
raise Exception('Matched %u multiple users with filter "%s"' % (len(res), filter))
except Exception as msg:
# FIXME: catch more specific exception
raise CommandError("Failed to get password for user '%s': %s" % (username or filter, msg))
obj = res[0]
sc = None
unicodePwd = None
if "supplementalCredentials" in obj:
sc_blob = obj["supplementalCredentials"][0]
sc = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.supplementalCredentialsBlob, sc_blob)
if add_supplementalCredentials:
del obj["supplementalCredentials"]
if "unicodePwd" in obj:
unicodePwd = obj["unicodePwd"][0]
if add_unicodePwd:
del obj["unicodePwd"]
account_name = str(obj["sAMAccountName"][0])
if add_sAMAcountName:
del obj["sAMAccountName"]
if "userPrincipalName" in obj:
account_upn = str(obj["userPrincipalName"][0])
realm = self.lp.get("realm")
account_upn = "%s@%s" % (account_name, realm.lower())
if add_userPrincipalName:
del obj["userPrincipalName"]
calculated = {}
def get_package(name, min_idx=0):
if name in calculated:
return calculated[name]
if sc is None:
return None
if min_idx < 0:
min_idx = len(sc.sub.packages) + min_idx
idx = 0
for p in sc.sub.packages:
idx += 1
if idx <= min_idx:
if name != p.name:
return binascii.a2b_hex(p.data)
return None
if decrypt:
# Samba adds 'Primary:SambaGPG' at the end.
# When Windows sets the password it keeps
# 'Primary:SambaGPG' and rotates it to
# the begining. So we can only use the value,
# if it is the last one.
# In order to get more protection we verify
# the nthash of the decrypted utf16 password
# against the stored nthash in unicodePwd.
sgv = get_package("Primary:SambaGPG", min_idx=-1)
if sgv is not None and unicodePwd is not None:
cv = gpg_decrypt(sgv)
# We only use the password if it matches
# the current nthash stored in the unicodePwd
# attribute
tmp = credentials.Credentials()
nthash = tmp.get_nt_hash()
if nthash == unicodePwd:
calculated["Primary:CLEARTEXT"] = cv
except Exception as e:
"WARNING: '%s': SambaGPG can't be decrypted "
"into CLEARTEXT: %s\n" % (
username or account_name, e))
def get_utf8(a, b, username):
u = text_type(get_bytes(b), 'utf-16-le')
except UnicodeDecodeError as e:
self.outf.write("WARNING: '%s': CLEARTEXT is invalid UTF-16-LE unable to generate %s\n" % (
username, a))
return None
u8 = u.encode('utf-8')
return u8
# Extract the WDigest hash for the value specified by i.
# Builds an htdigest compatible value
DIGEST = "Digest"
def get_wDigest(i, primary_wdigest, account_name, account_upn,
domain, dns_domain):
if i == 1:
user = account_name
realm = domain
elif i == 2:
user = account_name.lower()
realm = domain.lower()
elif i == 3:
user = account_name.upper()
realm = domain.upper()
elif i == 4:
user = account_name
realm = domain.upper()
elif i == 5:
user = account_name
realm = domain.lower()
elif i == 6:
user = account_name.upper()
realm = domain.lower()
elif i == 7:
user = account_name.lower()
realm = domain.upper()
elif i == 8:
user = account_name
realm = dns_domain.lower()
elif i == 9:
user = account_name.lower()
realm = dns_domain.lower()
elif i == 10:
user = account_name.upper()
realm = dns_domain.upper()
elif i == 11:
user = account_name
realm = dns_domain.upper()
elif i == 12:
user = account_name
realm = dns_domain.lower()
elif i == 13:
user = account_name.upper()
realm = dns_domain.lower()
elif i == 14:
user = account_name.lower()
realm = dns_domain.upper()
elif i == 15:
user = account_upn
realm = ""
elif i == 16:
user = account_upn.lower()
realm = ""
elif i == 17:
user = account_upn.upper()
realm = ""
elif i == 18:
user = "%s\\%s" % (domain, account_name)
realm = ""
elif i == 19:
user = "%s\\%s" % (domain.lower(), account_name.lower())
realm = ""
elif i == 20:
user = "%s\\%s" % (domain.upper(), account_name.upper())
realm = ""
elif i == 21:
user = account_name
realm = DIGEST
elif i == 22:
user = account_name.lower()
realm = DIGEST
elif i == 23:
user = account_name.upper()
realm = DIGEST
elif i == 24:
user = account_upn
realm = DIGEST
elif i == 25:
user = account_upn.lower()
realm = DIGEST
elif i == 26:
user = account_upn.upper()
realm = DIGEST
elif i == 27:
user = "%s\\%s" % (domain, account_name)
realm = DIGEST
elif i == 28:
# Differs from spec, see tests
user = "%s\\%s" % (domain.lower(), account_name.lower())
realm = DIGEST
elif i == 29:
# Differs from spec, see tests
user = "%s\\%s" % (domain.upper(), account_name.upper())
realm = DIGEST
user = ""
digests = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.package_PrimaryWDigestBlob,
digest = binascii.hexlify(bytearray(digests.hashes[i - 1].hash))
return "%s:%s:%s" % (user, realm, get_string(digest))
except IndexError:
return None
# get the value for a virtualCrypt attribute.
# look for an exact match on algorithm and rounds in supplemental creds
# if not found calculate using Primary:CLEARTEXT
# if no Primary:CLEARTEXT return the first supplementalCredential
# that matches the algorithm.
def get_virtual_crypt_value(a, algorithm, rounds, username, account_name):
sv = None
fb = None
b = get_package("Primary:userPassword")
if b is not None:
(sv, fb) = get_userPassword_hash(b, algorithm, rounds)
if sv is None:
# No exact match on algorithm and number of rounds
# try and calculate one from the Primary:CLEARTEXT
b = get_package("Primary:CLEARTEXT")
if b is not None:
u8 = get_utf8(a, b, username or account_name)
if u8 is not None:
# in py2 using get_bytes should ensure u8 is unmodified
# in py3 it will be decoded
sv = get_crypt_value(str(algorithm), get_string(u8), rounds)
if sv is None:
# Unable to calculate a hash with the specified
# number of rounds, fall back to the first hash using
# the specified algorithm
sv = fb
if sv is None:
return None
return "{CRYPT}" + sv
def get_userPassword_hash(blob, algorithm, rounds):
up = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.package_PrimaryUserPasswordBlob, blob)
# Check that the NT hash has not been changed without updating
# the user password hashes. This indicates that password has been
# changed without updating the supplemental credentials.
if unicodePwd != bytearray(up.current_nt_hash.hash):
return None
scheme_prefix = "$%d$" % algorithm
prefix = scheme_prefix
if rounds > 0:
prefix = "$%d$rounds=%d" % (algorithm, rounds)
scheme_match = None
for h in up.hashes:
# in PY2 this should just do nothing and in PY3 if bytes
# it will decode them
h_value = get_string(h.value)
if (scheme_match is None and
h.scheme == SCHEME and
scheme_match = h_value
if h.scheme == SCHEME and h_value.startswith(prefix):
return (h_value, scheme_match)
# No match on the number of rounds, return the value of the
# first matching scheme
return (None, scheme_match)
def get_kerberos_ctr():
primary_krb5 = get_package("Primary:Kerberos-Newer-Keys")
if primary_krb5 is None:
primary_krb5 = get_package("Primary:Kerberos")
if primary_krb5 is None:
return (0, None)
krb5_blob = ndr_unpack(drsblobs.package_PrimaryKerberosBlob,
return (krb5_blob.version, krb5_blob.ctr)
# We use sort here in order to have a predictable processing order
for a in sorted(virtual_attributes.keys()):
if not a.lower() in lower_attrs:
if a == "virtualClearTextUTF8":
b = get_package("Primary:CLEARTEXT")
if b is None:
u8 = get_utf8(a, b, username or account_name)
if u8 is None:
v = u8
elif a == "virtualClearTextUTF16":
v = get_package("Primary:CLEARTEXT")
if v is None:
elif a == "virtualSSHA":
b = get_package("Primary:CLEARTEXT")
if b is None:
u8 = get_utf8(a, b, username or account_name)
if u8 is None:
salt = os.urandom(4)
h = hashlib.sha1()
bv = h.digest() + salt
v = "{SSHA}" + base64.b64encode(bv).decode('utf8')
elif a == "virtualCryptSHA256":
rounds = get_rounds(attr_opts[a])
x = get_virtual_crypt_value(a, 5, rounds, username, account_name)
if x is None:
v = x
elif a == "virtualCryptSHA512":
rounds = get_rounds(attr_opts[a])
x = get_virtual_crypt_value(a, 6, rounds, username, account_name)
if x is None:
v = x
elif a == "virtualSambaGPG":
# Samba adds 'Primary:SambaGPG' at the end.
# When Windows sets the password it keeps
# 'Primary:SambaGPG' and rotates it to
# the begining. So we can only use the value,
# if it is the last one.
v = get_package("Primary:SambaGPG", min_idx=-1)
if v is None:
elif a == "virtualKerberosSalt":
(krb5_v, krb5_ctr) = get_kerberos_ctr()
if krb5_v not in [3, 4]:
v = krb5_ctr.salt.string
elif a.startswith("virtualWDigest"):
primary_wdigest = get_package("Primary:WDigest")
if primary_wdigest is None:
x = a[len("virtualWDigest"):]
i = int(x)
except ValueError:
domain = self.lp.get("workgroup")
dns_domain = samdb.domain_dns_name()
v = get_wDigest(i, primary_wdigest, account_name, account_upn, domain, dns_domain)
if v is None:
obj[a] = ldb.MessageElement(v, ldb.FLAG_MOD_REPLACE, a)
return obj
def parse_attributes(self, attributes):
if attributes is None:
raise CommandError("Please specify --attributes")
attrs = attributes.split(',')
password_attrs = []
for pa in attrs:
pa = pa.lstrip().rstrip()
for da in disabled_virtual_attributes.keys():
if pa.lower() == da.lower():
r = disabled_virtual_attributes[da]["reason"]
raise CommandError("Virtual attribute '%s' not supported: %s" % (
da, r))
for va in virtual_attributes.keys():
if pa.lower() == va.lower():
# Take the real name
pa = va
password_attrs += [pa]
return password_attrs
class cmd_user_getpassword(GetPasswordCommand):
"""Get the password fields of a user/computer account.
This command gets the logon password for a user/computer account.
The username specified on the command is the sAMAccountName.
The username may also be specified using the --filter option.
The command must be run from the root user id or another authorized user id.
The '-H' or '--URL' option only supports ldapi:// or [tdb://] and can be
used to adjust the local path. By default tdb:// is used by default.
The '--attributes' parameter takes a comma separated list of attributes,
which will be printed or given to the script specified by '--script'. If a
specified attribute is not available on an object it's silently omitted.
All attributes defined in the schema (e.g. the unicodePwd attribute holds
the NTHASH) and the following virtual attributes are possible (see --help
for which virtual attributes are supported in your environment):
virtualClearTextUTF16: The raw cleartext as stored in the
'Primary:CLEARTEXT' (or 'Primary:SambaGPG'
with '--decrypt-samba-gpg') buffer inside of the
supplementalCredentials attribute. This typically
contains valid UTF-16-LE, but may contain random
bytes, e.g. for computer accounts.
virtualClearTextUTF8: As virtualClearTextUTF16, but converted to UTF-8
(only from valid UTF-16-LE)
virtualSSHA: As virtualClearTextUTF8, but a salted SHA-1
checksum, useful for OpenLDAP's '{SSHA}' algorithm.
virtualCryptSHA256: As virtualClearTextUTF8, but a salted SHA256
checksum, useful for OpenLDAP's '{CRYPT}' algorithm,
with a $5$... salt, see crypt(3) on modern systems.
The number of rounds used to calculate the hash can
also be specified. By appending ";rounds=x" to the
attribute name i.e. virtualCryptSHA256;rounds=10000
will calculate a SHA256 hash with 10,000 rounds.
non numeric values for rounds are silently ignored
The value is calculated as follows:
1) If a value exists in 'Primary:userPassword' with
the specified number of rounds it is returned.
2) If 'Primary:CLEARTEXT, or 'Primary:SambaGPG' with
'--decrypt-samba-gpg'. Calculate a hash with
the specified number of rounds
3) Return the first CryptSHA256 value in
virtualCryptSHA512: As virtualClearTextUTF8, but a salted SHA512
checksum, useful for OpenLDAP's '{CRYPT}' algorithm,
with a $6$... salt, see crypt(3) on modern systems.
The number of rounds used to calculate the hash can
also be specified. By appending ";rounds=x" to the
attribute name i.e. virtualCryptSHA512;rounds=10000
will calculate a SHA512 hash with 10,000 rounds.
non numeric values for rounds are silently ignored
The value is calculated as follows:
1) If a value exists in 'Primary:userPassword' with
the specified number of rounds it is returned.
2) If 'Primary:CLEARTEXT, or 'Primary:SambaGPG' with
'--decrypt-samba-gpg'. Calculate a hash with
the specified number of rounds
3) Return the first CryptSHA512 value in
virtualWDigestNN: The individual hash values stored in
'Primary:WDigest' where NN is the hash number in
the range 01 to 29.
NOTE: As at 22-05-2017 the documentation:
is incorrect
virtualKerberosSalt: This results the salt string that is used to compute
Kerberos keys from a UTF-8 cleartext password.
virtualSambaGPG: The raw cleartext as stored in the
'Primary:SambaGPG' buffer inside of the
supplementalCredentials attribute.
See the 'password hash gpg key ids' option in
The '--decrypt-samba-gpg' option triggers decryption of the
Primary:SambaGPG buffer. Check with '--help' if this feature is available
in your environment or not (the python-gpgme package is required). Please
note that you might need to set the GNUPGHOME environment variable. If the
decryption key has a passphrase you have to make sure that the GPG_AGENT_INFO
environment variable has been set correctly and the passphrase is already
known by the gpg-agent.
samba-tool user getpassword TestUser1 --attributes=pwdLastSet,virtualClearTextUTF8
samba-tool user getpassword --filter=samaccountname=TestUser3 --attributes=msDS-KeyVersionNumber,unicodePwd,virtualClearTextUTF16
def __init__(self):
super(cmd_user_getpassword, self).__init__()
synopsis = "%prog (<username>|--filter <filter>) [options]"
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for sam.ldb database or local ldapi server", type=str,
metavar="URL", dest="H"),
Option("--filter", help="LDAP Filter to set password on", type=str),
Option("--attributes", type=str,
metavar="ATTRIBUTELIST", dest="attributes"),
action="store_true", default=False, dest="decrypt_samba_gpg"),
takes_args = ["username?"]
def run(self, username=None, H=None, filter=None,
attributes=None, decrypt_samba_gpg=None,
sambaopts=None, versionopts=None):
self.lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
if decrypt_samba_gpg and not gpg_decrypt:
raise CommandError(decrypt_samba_gpg_help)
if filter is None and username is None:
raise CommandError("Either the username or '--filter' must be specified!")
if filter is None:
filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(sAMAccountName=%s))" % (ldb.binary_encode(username))
if attributes is None:
raise CommandError("Please specify --attributes")
password_attrs = self.parse_attributes(attributes)
samdb = self.connect_system_samdb(url=H, allow_local=True)
obj = self.get_account_attributes(samdb, username,
ldif = samdb.write_ldif(obj, ldb.CHANGETYPE_NONE)
self.outf.write("%s" % ldif)
self.outf.write("Got password OK\n")
class cmd_user_syncpasswords(GetPasswordCommand):
"""Sync the password of user accounts.
This syncs logon passwords for user accounts.
Note that this command should run on a single domain controller only
(typically the PDC-emulator). However the "password hash gpg key ids"
option should to be configured on all domain controllers.
The command must be run from the root user id or another authorized user id.
The '-H' or '--URL' option only supports ldapi:// and can be used to adjust the
local path. By default, ldapi:// is used with the default path to the
privileged ldapi socket.
This command has three modes: "Cache Initialization", "Sync Loop Run" and
"Sync Loop Terminate".
Cache Initialization
The first time, this command needs to be called with
'--cache-ldb-initialize' in order to initialize its cache.
The cache initialization requires '--attributes' and allows the following
optional options: '--decrypt-samba-gpg', '--script', '--filter' or
The '--attributes' parameter takes a comma separated list of attributes,
which will be printed or given to the script specified by '--script'. If a
specified attribute is not available on an object it will be silently omitted.
All attributes defined in the schema (e.g. the unicodePwd attribute holds
the NTHASH) and the following virtual attributes are possible (see '--help'
for supported virtual attributes in your environment):
virtualClearTextUTF16: The raw cleartext as stored in the
'Primary:CLEARTEXT' (or 'Primary:SambaGPG'
with '--decrypt-samba-gpg') buffer inside of the
supplementalCredentials attribute. This typically
contains valid UTF-16-LE, but may contain random
bytes, e.g. for computer accounts.
virtualClearTextUTF8: As virtualClearTextUTF16, but converted to UTF-8
(only from valid UTF-16-LE)
virtualSSHA: As virtualClearTextUTF8, but a salted SHA-1
checksum, useful for OpenLDAP's '{SSHA}' algorithm.
virtualCryptSHA256: As virtualClearTextUTF8, but a salted SHA256
checksum, useful for OpenLDAP's '{CRYPT}' algorithm,
with a $5$... salt, see crypt(3) on modern systems.
The number of rounds used to calculate the hash can
also be specified. By appending ";rounds=x" to the
attribute name i.e. virtualCryptSHA256;rounds=10000
will calculate a SHA256 hash with 10,000 rounds.
non numeric values for rounds are silently ignored
The value is calculated as follows:
1) If a value exists in 'Primary:userPassword' with
the specified number of rounds it is returned.
2) If 'Primary:CLEARTEXT, or 'Primary:SambaGPG' with
'--decrypt-samba-gpg'. Calculate a hash with
the specified number of rounds
3) Return the first CryptSHA256 value in
virtualCryptSHA512: As virtualClearTextUTF8, but a salted SHA512
checksum, useful for OpenLDAP's '{CRYPT}' algorithm,
with a $6$... salt, see crypt(3) on modern systems.
The number of rounds used to calculate the hash can
also be specified. By appending ";rounds=x" to the
attribute name i.e. virtualCryptSHA512;rounds=10000
will calculate a SHA512 hash with 10,000 rounds.
non numeric values for rounds are silently ignored
The value is calculated as follows:
1) If a value exists in 'Primary:userPassword' with
the specified number of rounds it is returned.
2) If 'Primary:CLEARTEXT, or 'Primary:SambaGPG' with
'--decrypt-samba-gpg'. Calculate a hash with
the specified number of rounds
3) Return the first CryptSHA512 value in
virtualWDigestNN: The individual hash values stored in
'Primary:WDigest' where NN is the hash number in
the range 01 to 29.
NOTE: As at 22-05-2017 the documentation:
is incorrect.
virtualKerberosSalt: This results the salt string that is used to compute
Kerberos keys from a UTF-8 cleartext password.
virtualSambaGPG: The raw cleartext as stored in the
'Primary:SambaGPG' buffer inside of the
supplementalCredentials attribute.
See the 'password hash gpg key ids' option in
The '--decrypt-samba-gpg' option triggers decryption of the
Primary:SambaGPG buffer. Check with '--help' if this feature is available
in your environment or not (the python-gpgme package is required). Please
note that you might need to set the GNUPGHOME environment variable. If the
decryption key has a passphrase you have to make sure that the GPG_AGENT_INFO
environment variable has been set correctly and the passphrase is already
known by the gpg-agent.
The '--script' option specifies a custom script that is called whenever any
of the dirsyncAttributes (see below) was changed. The script is called
without any arguments. It gets the LDIF for exactly one object on STDIN.
If the script processed the object successfully it has to respond with a
single line starting with 'DONE-EXIT: ' followed by an optional message.
Note that the script might be called without any password change, e.g. if
the account was disabled (a userAccountControl change) or the
sAMAccountName was changed. The objectGUID,isDeleted,isRecycled attributes
are always returned as unique identifier of the account. It might be useful
to also ask for non-password attributes like: objectSid, sAMAccountName,
userPrincipalName, userAccountControl, pwdLastSet and msDS-KeyVersionNumber.
Depending on the object, some attributes may not be present/available,
but you always get the current state (and not a diff).
If no '--script' option is specified, the LDIF will be printed on STDOUT or
into the logfile.
The default filter for the LDAP_SERVER_DIRSYNC_OID search is:
This means only normal (non-krbtgt) user
accounts are monitored. The '--filter' can modify that, e.g. if it's
required to also sync computer accounts.
Sync Loop Run
This (default) mode runs in an endless loop waiting for password related
changes in the active directory database. It makes use of the
get changes in a reliable fashion. Objects are monitored for changes of the
following dirsyncAttributes:
unicodePwd, dBCSPwd, supplementalCredentials, pwdLastSet, sAMAccountName,
userPrincipalName and userAccountControl.
It recovers from LDAP disconnects and updates the cache in conservative way
(in single steps after each successfully processed change). An error from
the script (specified by '--script') will result in fatal error and this
command will exit. But the cache state should be still valid and can be
resumed in the next "Sync Loop Run".
The '--logfile' option specifies an optional (required if '--daemon' is
specified) logfile that takes all output of the command. The logfile is
automatically reopened if fstat returns st_nlink == 0.
The optional '--daemon' option will put the command into the background.
You can stop the command without the '--daemon' option, also by hitting
If you specify the '--no-wait' option the command skips the
LDAP_SERVER_NOTIFICATION_OID 'waiting' step and exit once
all LDAP_SERVER_DIRSYNC_OID changes are consumed.
Sync Loop Terminate
In order to terminate an already running command (likely as daemon) the
'--terminate' option can be used. This also requires the '--logfile' option
to be specified.
samba-tool user syncpasswords --cache-ldb-initialize \\
samba-tool user syncpasswords
samba-tool user syncpasswords --cache-ldb-initialize \\
msDS-KeyVersionNumber,virtualCryptSHA512 \\
samba-tool user syncpasswords --daemon \\
samba-tool user syncpasswords --terminate \\
def __init__(self):
super(cmd_user_syncpasswords, self).__init__()
synopsis = "%prog [--cache-ldb-initialize] [options]"
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
takes_options = [
help="Initialize the cache for the first time",
dest="cache_ldb_initialize", action="store_true"),
Option("--cache-ldb", help="optional LDB URL user-syncpasswords-cache.ldb", type=str,
metavar="CACHE-LDB-PATH", dest="cache_ldb"),
Option("-H", "--URL", help="optional LDB URL for a local ldapi server", type=str,
metavar="URL", dest="H"),
Option("--filter", help="optional LDAP filter to set password on", type=str,
metavar="LDAP-SEARCH-FILTER", dest="filter"),
Option("--attributes", type=str,
metavar="ATTRIBUTELIST", dest="attributes"),
action="store_true", default=False, dest="decrypt_samba_gpg"),
Option("--script", help="Script that is called for each password change", type=str,
metavar="/path/to/syncpasswords.script", dest="script"),
Option("--no-wait", help="Don't block waiting for changes",
action="store_true", default=False, dest="nowait"),
Option("--logfile", type=str,
help="The logfile to use (required in --daemon mode).",
metavar="/path/to/syncpasswords.log", dest="logfile"),
Option("--daemon", help="daemonize after initial setup",
action="store_true", default=False, dest="daemon"),
help="Send a SIGTERM to an already running (daemon) process",
action="store_true", default=False, dest="terminate"),
def run(self, cache_ldb_initialize=False, cache_ldb=None,
H=None, filter=None,
attributes=None, decrypt_samba_gpg=None,
script=None, nowait=None, logfile=None, daemon=None, terminate=None,
sambaopts=None, versionopts=None):
self.lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
self.logfile = None
self.samdb_url = None
self.samdb = None
self.cache = None
if not cache_ldb_initialize:
if attributes is not None:
raise CommandError("--attributes is only allowed together with --cache-ldb-initialize")
if decrypt_samba_gpg:
raise CommandError("--decrypt-samba-gpg is only allowed together with --cache-ldb-initialize")
if script is not None:
raise CommandError("--script is only allowed together with --cache-ldb-initialize")
if filter is not None:
raise CommandError("--filter is only allowed together with --cache-ldb-initialize")
if H is not None:
raise CommandError("-H/--URL is only allowed together with --cache-ldb-initialize")
if nowait is not False:
raise CommandError("--no-wait is not allowed together with --cache-ldb-initialize")
if logfile is not None:
raise CommandError("--logfile is not allowed together with --cache-ldb-initialize")
if daemon is not False:
raise CommandError("--daemon is not allowed together with --cache-ldb-initialize")
if terminate is not False:
raise CommandError("--terminate is not allowed together with --cache-ldb-initialize")
if nowait is True:
if daemon is True:
raise CommandError("--daemon is not allowed together with --no-wait")
if terminate is not False:
raise CommandError("--terminate is not allowed together with --no-wait")
if terminate is True and daemon is True:
raise CommandError("--terminate is not allowed together with --daemon")
if daemon is True and logfile is None:
raise CommandError("--daemon is only allowed together with --logfile")
if terminate is True and logfile is None:
raise CommandError("--terminate is only allowed together with --logfile")
if script is not None:
if not os.path.exists(script):
raise CommandError("script[%s] does not exist!" % script)
sync_command = "%s" % os.path.abspath(script)
sync_command = None
dirsync_filter = filter
if dirsync_filter is None:
dirsync_filter = "(&" + \
"(objectClass=user)" + \
"(userAccountControl:%s:=%u)" % (
"(!(sAMAccountName=krbtgt*))" + \
dirsync_secret_attrs = [
dirsync_attrs = dirsync_secret_attrs + [
password_attrs = None
if cache_ldb_initialize:
if H is None:
H = "ldapi://%s" % os.path.abspath(self.lp.private_path("ldap_priv/ldapi"))
if decrypt_samba_gpg and not gpg_decrypt:
raise CommandError(decrypt_samba_gpg_help)
password_attrs = self.parse_attributes(attributes)
lower_attrs = [x.lower() for x in password_attrs]
# We always return these in order to track deletions
for a in ["objectGUID", "isDeleted", "isRecycled"]:
if a.lower() not in lower_attrs:
password_attrs += [a]
if cache_ldb is not None:
if cache_ldb.lower().startswith("ldapi://"):
raise CommandError("--cache_ldb ldapi:// is not supported")
elif cache_ldb.lower().startswith("ldap://"):
raise CommandError("--cache_ldb ldap:// is not supported")
elif cache_ldb.lower().startswith("ldaps://"):
raise CommandError("--cache_ldb ldaps:// is not supported")
elif cache_ldb.lower().startswith("tdb://"):
if not os.path.exists(cache_ldb):
cache_ldb = self.lp.private_path(cache_ldb)
cache_ldb = self.lp.private_path("user-syncpasswords-cache.ldb")
self.lockfile = "%s.pid" % cache_ldb
def log_msg(msg):
if self.logfile is not None:
info = os.fstat(0)
if info.st_nlink == 0:
logfile = self.logfile
self.logfile = None
log_msg("Closing logfile[%s] (st_nlink == 0)\n" % (logfile))
logfd = os.open(logfile, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND | os.O_CREAT, 0o600)
os.dup2(logfd, 0)
os.dup2(logfd, 1)
os.dup2(logfd, 2)
log_msg("Reopened logfile[%s]\n" % (logfile))
self.logfile = logfile
msg = "%s: pid[%d]: %s" % (
def load_cache():
cache_attrs = [
self.cache = Ldb(cache_ldb)
self.cache_dn = ldb.Dn(self.cache, "KEY=USERSYNCPASSWORDS")
res = self.cache.search(base=self.cache_dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE,
if len(res) == 1:
self.samdb_url = str(res[0]["samdbUrl"][0])
except KeyError as e:
self.samdb_url = None
self.samdb_url = None
if self.samdb_url is None and not cache_ldb_initialize:
raise CommandError("cache_ldb[%s] not initialized, use --cache-ldb-initialize the first time" % (
if self.samdb_url is not None and cache_ldb_initialize:
raise CommandError("cache_ldb[%s] already initialized, --cache-ldb-initialize not allowed" % (
if self.samdb_url is None:
self.samdb_url = H
self.dirsync_filter = dirsync_filter
self.dirsync_attrs = dirsync_attrs
self.dirsync_controls = ["dirsync:1:0:0", "extended_dn:1:0"]
self.password_attrs = password_attrs
self.decrypt_samba_gpg = decrypt_samba_gpg
self.sync_command = sync_command
add_ldif = "dn: %s\n" % self.cache_dn +\
"objectClass: userSyncPasswords\n" +\
"samdbUrl:: %s\n" % base64.b64encode(get_bytes(self.samdb_url)).decode('utf8') +\
"dirsyncFilter:: %s\n" % base64.b64encode(get_bytes(self.dirsync_filter)).decode('utf8') +\
"".join("dirsyncAttribute:: %s\n" % base64.b64encode(get_bytes(a)).decode('utf8') for a in self.dirsync_attrs) +\
"dirsyncControl: %s\n" % self.dirsync_controls[0] +\
"".join("passwordAttribute:: %s\n" % base64.b64encode(get_bytes(a)).decode('utf8') for a in self.password_attrs)
if self.decrypt_samba_gpg:
add_ldif += "decryptSambaGPG: TRUE\n"
add_ldif += "decryptSambaGPG: FALSE\n"
if self.sync_command is not None:
add_ldif += "syncCommand: %s\n" % self.sync_command
add_ldif += "currentTime: %s\n" % ldb.timestring(int(time.time()))
self.current_pid = None
self.outf.write("Initialized cache_ldb[%s]\n" % (cache_ldb))
msgs = self.cache.parse_ldif(add_ldif)
changetype, msg = next(msgs)
ldif = self.cache.write_ldif(msg, ldb.CHANGETYPE_NONE)
self.outf.write("%s" % ldif)
self.dirsync_filter = str(res[0]["dirsyncFilter"][0])
self.dirsync_attrs = []
for a in res[0]["dirsyncAttribute"]:
self.dirsync_controls = [str(res[0]["dirsyncControl"][0]), "extended_dn:1:0"]
self.password_attrs = []
for a in res[0]["passwordAttribute"]:
decrypt_string = str(res[0]["decryptSambaGPG"][0])
assert(decrypt_string in ["TRUE", "FALSE"])
if decrypt_string == "TRUE":
self.decrypt_samba_gpg = True
self.decrypt_samba_gpg = False
if "syncCommand" in res[0]:
self.sync_command = str(res[0]["syncCommand"][0])
self.sync_command = None
if "currentPid" in res[0]:
self.current_pid = int(res[0]["currentPid"][0])
self.current_pid = None
log_msg("Using cache_ldb[%s]\n" % (cache_ldb))
def run_sync_command(dn, ldif):
log_msg("Call Popen[%s] for %s\n" % (self.sync_command, dn))
sync_command_p = Popen(self.sync_command,
res = sync_command_p.poll()
assert res is None
input = "%s" % (ldif)
reply = sync_command_p.communicate(
log_msg("%s\n" % (reply))
res = sync_command_p.poll()
if res is None:
res = sync_command_p.wait()
if reply.startswith("DONE-EXIT: "):
log_msg("RESULT: %s\n" % (res))
raise Exception("ERROR: %s - %s\n" % (res, reply))
def handle_object(idx, dirsync_obj):
binary_guid = dirsync_obj.dn.get_extended_component("GUID")
guid = ndr_unpack(misc.GUID, binary_guid)
binary_sid = dirsync_obj.dn.get_extended_component("SID")
sid = ndr_unpack(security.dom_sid, binary_sid)
domain_sid, rid = sid.split()
if rid == security.DOMAIN_RID_KRBTGT:
log_msg("# Dirsync[%d] SKIP: DOMAIN_RID_KRBTGT\n\n" % (idx))
for a in list(dirsync_obj.keys()):
for h in dirsync_secret_attrs:
if a.lower() == h.lower():
del dirsync_obj[a]
dirsync_obj["# %s::" % a] = ["REDACTED SECRET ATTRIBUTE"]
dirsync_ldif = self.samdb.write_ldif(dirsync_obj, ldb.CHANGETYPE_NONE)
log_msg("# Dirsync[%d] %s %s\n%s" % (idx, guid, sid, dirsync_ldif))
obj = self.get_account_attributes(self.samdb,
username="%s" % sid,
basedn="<GUID=%s>" % guid,
ldif = self.samdb.write_ldif(obj, ldb.CHANGETYPE_NONE)
log_msg("# Passwords[%d] %s %s\n" % (idx, guid, sid))
if self.sync_command is None:
self.outf.write("%s" % (ldif))
self.outf.write("# attrs=%s\n" % (sorted(obj.keys())))
run_sync_command(obj.dn, ldif)
def check_current_pid_conflict(terminate):
flags = os.O_RDWR
if not terminate:
flags |= os.O_CREAT
self.lockfd = os.open(self.lockfile, flags, 0o600)
except IOError as e4:
(err, msg) = e4.args
if err == errno.ENOENT:
if terminate:
return False
log_msg("check_current_pid_conflict: failed to open[%s] - %s (%d)" %
(self.lockfile, msg, err))
got_exclusive = False
fcntl.lockf(self.lockfd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
got_exclusive = True
except IOError as e5:
(err, msg) = e5.args
if err != errno.EACCES and err != errno.EAGAIN:
log_msg("check_current_pid_conflict: failed to get exclusive lock[%s] - %s (%d)" %
(self.lockfile, msg, err))
if not got_exclusive:
buf = os.read(self.lockfd, 64)
self.current_pid = None
self.current_pid = int(buf)
except ValueError as e:
if self.current_pid is not None:
return True
if got_exclusive and terminate:
os.ftruncate(self.lockfd, 0)
except IOError as e2:
(err, msg) = e2.args
log_msg("check_current_pid_conflict: failed to truncate [%s] - %s (%d)" %
(self.lockfile, msg, err))
self.lockfd = -1
return False
fcntl.lockf(self.lockfd, fcntl.LOCK_SH)
except IOError as e6:
(err, msg) = e6.args
log_msg("check_current_pid_conflict: failed to get shared lock[%s] - %s (%d)" %
(self.lockfile, msg, err))
# We leave the function with the shared lock.
return False
def update_pid(pid):
if self.lockfd != -1:
got_exclusive = False
# Try 5 times to get the exclusiv lock.
for i in range(0, 5):
fcntl.lockf(self.lockfd, fcntl.LOCK_EX | fcntl.LOCK_NB)
got_exclusive = True
except IOError as e:
(err, msg) = e.args
if err != errno.EACCES and err != errno.EAGAIN:
log_msg("update_pid(%r): failed to get exclusive lock[%s] - %s (%d)" %
(pid, self.lockfile, msg, err))
if got_exclusive:
if not got_exclusive:
log_msg("update_pid(%r): failed to get exclusive lock[%s]" %
(pid, self.lockfile))
raise CommandError("update_pid(%r): failed to get "
"exclusive lock[%s] after 5 seconds" %
(pid, self.lockfile))
if pid is not None:
buf = "%d\n" % pid
buf = None
os.ftruncate(self.lockfd, 0)
if buf is not None:
os.write(self.lockfd, get_bytes(buf))
except IOError as e3:
(err, msg) = e3.args
log_msg("check_current_pid_conflict: failed to write pid to [%s] - %s (%d)" %
(self.lockfile, msg, err))
self.current_pid = pid
if self.current_pid is not None:
log_msg("currentPid: %d\n" % self.current_pid)
modify_ldif = "dn: %s\n" % (self.cache_dn) +\
"changetype: modify\n" +\
"replace: currentPid\n"
if self.current_pid is not None:
modify_ldif += "currentPid: %d\n" % (self.current_pid)
modify_ldif += "replace: currentTime\n" +\
"currentTime: %s\n" % ldb.timestring(int(time.time()))
def update_cache(res_controls):
assert len(res_controls) > 0
assert res_controls[0].oid == "1.2.840.113556.1.4.841"
res_controls[0].critical = True
self.dirsync_controls = [str(res_controls[0]), "extended_dn:1:0"]
# This cookie can be extremely long
# log_msg("dirsyncControls: %r\n" % self.dirsync_controls)
modify_ldif = "dn: %s\n" % (self.cache_dn) +\
"changetype: modify\n" +\
"replace: dirsyncControl\n" +\
"dirsyncControl: %s\n" % (self.dirsync_controls[0]) +\
"replace: currentTime\n" +\
"currentTime: %s\n" % ldb.timestring(int(time.time()))
def check_object(dirsync_obj, res_controls):
assert len(res_controls) > 0
assert res_controls[0].oid == "1.2.840.113556.1.4.841"
binary_sid = dirsync_obj.dn.get_extended_component("SID")
sid = ndr_unpack(security.dom_sid, binary_sid)
dn = "KEY=%s" % sid
lastCookie = str(res_controls[0])
res = self.cache.search(base=dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE,
expression="(lastCookie=%s)" % (
if len(res) == 1:
return True
return False
def update_object(dirsync_obj, res_controls):
assert len(res_controls) > 0
assert res_controls[0].oid == "1.2.840.113556.1.4.841"
binary_sid = dirsync_obj.dn.get_extended_component("SID")
sid = ndr_unpack(security.dom_sid, binary_sid)
dn = "KEY=%s" % sid
lastCookie = str(res_controls[0])
res = self.cache.search(base=dn, scope=ldb.SCOPE_BASE,
if len(res) == 0:
add_ldif = "dn: %s\n" % (dn) +\
"objectClass: userCookie\n" +\
"lastCookie: %s\n" % (lastCookie) +\
"currentTime: %s\n" % ldb.timestring(int(time.time()))
modify_ldif = "dn: %s\n" % (dn) +\
"changetype: modify\n" +\
"replace: lastCookie\n" +\
"lastCookie: %s\n" % (lastCookie) +\
"replace: currentTime\n" +\
"currentTime: %s\n" % ldb.timestring(int(time.time()))
except Exception as e:
def dirsync_loop():
while True:
res = self.samdb.search(expression=str(self.dirsync_filter),
log_msg("dirsync_loop(): results %d\n" % len(res))
ri = 0
for r in res:
done = check_object(r, res.controls)
if not done:
handle_object(ri, r)
update_object(r, res.controls)
ri += 1
if len(res) == 0:
def sync_loop(wait):
notify_attrs = ["name", "uSNCreated", "uSNChanged", "objectClass"]
notify_controls = ["notification:1", "show_recycled:1"]
notify_handle = self.samdb.search_iterator(expression="objectClass=*",
if wait is True:
log_msg("Resuming monitoring\n")
log_msg("Getting changes\n")
self.outf.write("dirsyncFilter: %s\n" % self.dirsync_filter)
self.outf.write("dirsyncControls: %r\n" % self.dirsync_controls)
self.outf.write("syncCommand: %s\n" % self.sync_command)
if wait is not True:
for msg in notify_handle:
if not isinstance(msg, ldb.Message):
self.outf.write("referal: %s\n" % msg)
created = msg.get("uSNCreated")[0]
changed = msg.get("uSNChanged")[0]
log_msg("# Notify %s uSNCreated[%s] uSNChanged[%s]\n" %
(msg.dn, created, changed))
res = notify_handle.result()
def daemonize():
self.samdb = None
self.cache = None
orig_pid = os.getpid()
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0:
pid = os.fork()
if pid == 0: # Actual daemon
pid = os.getpid()
log_msg("Daemonized as pid %d (from %d)\n" % (pid, orig_pid))
if cache_ldb_initialize:
self.samdb_url = H
self.samdb = self.connect_system_samdb(url=self.samdb_url,
if logfile is not None:
import resource # Resource usage information.
maxfd = resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_NOFILE)[1]
if maxfd == resource.RLIM_INFINITY:
maxfd = 1024 # Rough guess at maximum number of open file descriptors.
logfd = os.open(logfile, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_APPEND | os.O_CREAT, 0o600)
self.outf.write("Using logfile[%s]\n" % logfile)
for fd in range(0, maxfd):
if fd == logfd:
except OSError:
os.dup2(logfd, 0)
os.dup2(logfd, 1)
os.dup2(logfd, 2)
log_msg("Attached to logfile[%s]\n" % (logfile))
self.logfile = logfile
conflict = check_current_pid_conflict(terminate)
if terminate:
if self.current_pid is None:
log_msg("No process running.\n")
if not conflict:
log_msg("Proccess %d is not running anymore.\n" % (
log_msg("Sending SIGTERM to proccess %d.\n" % (
os.kill(self.current_pid, signal.SIGTERM)
if conflict:
raise CommandError("Exiting pid %d, command is already running as pid %d" % (
os.getpid(), self.current_pid))
if daemon is True:
wait = True
while wait is True:
retry_sleep_min = 1
retry_sleep_max = 600
if nowait is True:
wait = False
retry_sleep = 0
retry_sleep = retry_sleep_min
while self.samdb is None:
if retry_sleep != 0:
log_msg("Wait before connect - sleep(%d)\n" % retry_sleep)
retry_sleep = retry_sleep * 2
if retry_sleep >= retry_sleep_max:
retry_sleep = retry_sleep_max
log_msg("Connecting to '%s'\n" % self.samdb_url)
self.samdb = self.connect_system_samdb(url=self.samdb_url)
except Exception as msg:
self.samdb = None
log_msg("Connect to samdb Exception => (%s)\n" % msg)
if wait is not True:
except ldb.LdbError as e7:
(enum, estr) = e7.args
self.samdb = None
log_msg("ldb.LdbError(%d) => (%s)\n" % (enum, estr))
class cmd_user_edit(Command):
"""Modify User AD object.
This command will allow editing of a user account in the Active Directory
domain. You will then be able to add or change attributes and their values.
The username specified on the command is the sAMAccountName.
The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid.
The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote
samba-tool user edit User1 -H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com \\
-U administrator --password=passw1rd
Example1 shows how to edit a users attributes in the domain against a remote
LDAP server.
The -H parameter is used to specify the remote target server.
samba-tool user edit User2
Example2 shows how to edit a users attributes in the domain against a local
LDAP server.
samba-tool user edit User3 --editor=nano
Example3 shows how to edit a users attributes in the domain against a local
LDAP server using the 'nano' editor.
synopsis = "%prog <username> [options]"
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server",
type=str, metavar="URL", dest="H"),
Option("--editor", help="Editor to use instead of the system default,"
" or 'vi' if no system default is set.", type=str),
takes_args = ["username"]
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
def run(self, username, credopts=None, sambaopts=None, versionopts=None,
H=None, editor=None):
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp, fallback_machine=True)
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
filter = ("(&(sAMAccountType=%d)(sAMAccountName=%s))" %
(dsdb.ATYPE_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, ldb.binary_encode(username)))
domaindn = samdb.domain_dn()
res = samdb.search(base=domaindn,
user_dn = res[0].dn
except IndexError:
raise CommandError('Unable to find user "%s"' % (username))
import tempfile
for msg in res:
result_ldif = common.get_ldif_for_editor(samdb, msg)
if editor is None:
editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR')
if editor is None:
editor = 'vi'
with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=".tmp") as t_file:
check_call([editor, t_file.name])
except CalledProcessError as e:
raise CalledProcessError("ERROR: ", e)
with open(t_file.name) as edited_file:
edited_message = edited_file.read()
msgs_edited = samdb.parse_ldif(edited_message)
msg_edited = next(msgs_edited)[1]
res_msg_diff = samdb.msg_diff(msg, msg_edited)
if len(res_msg_diff) == 0:
self.outf.write("Nothing to do\n")
except Exception as e:
raise CommandError("Failed to modify user '%s': " % username, e)
self.outf.write("Modified User '%s' successfully\n" % username)
class cmd_user_show(Command):
"""Display a user AD object.
This command displays a user account and it's attributes in the Active
Directory domain.
The username specified on the command is the sAMAccountName.
The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid.
The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote
samba-tool user show User1 -H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com \\
-U administrator --password=passw1rd
Example1 shows how to display a users attributes in the domain against a remote
LDAP server.
The -H parameter is used to specify the remote target server.
samba-tool user show User2
Example2 shows how to display a users attributes in the domain against a local
LDAP server.
samba-tool user show User2 --attributes=objectSid,memberOf
Example3 shows how to display a users objectSid and memberOf attributes.
synopsis = "%prog <username> [options]"
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server",
type=str, metavar="URL", dest="H"),
help=("Comma separated list of attributes, "
"which will be printed."),
type=str, dest="user_attrs"),
takes_args = ["username"]
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
def run(self, username, credopts=None, sambaopts=None, versionopts=None,
H=None, user_attrs=None):
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp, fallback_machine=True)
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
attrs = None
if user_attrs:
attrs = user_attrs.split(",")
filter = ("(&(sAMAccountType=%d)(sAMAccountName=%s))" %
(dsdb.ATYPE_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, ldb.binary_encode(username)))
domaindn = samdb.domain_dn()
res = samdb.search(base=domaindn, expression=filter,
scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, attrs=attrs)
user_dn = res[0].dn
except IndexError:
raise CommandError('Unable to find user "%s"' % (username))
for msg in res:
user_ldif = common.get_ldif_for_editor(samdb, msg)
class cmd_user_move(Command):
"""Move a user to an organizational unit/container.
This command moves a user account into the specified organizational unit
or container.
The username specified on the command is the sAMAccountName.
The name of the organizational unit or container can be specified as a
full DN or without the domainDN component.
The command may be run from the root userid or another authorized userid.
The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a remote
samba-tool user move User1 'OU=OrgUnit,DC=samdom.DC=example,DC=com' \\
-H ldap://samba.samdom.example.com -U administrator
Example1 shows how to move a user User1 into the 'OrgUnit' organizational
unit on a remote LDAP server.
The -H parameter is used to specify the remote target server.
samba-tool user move User1 CN=Users
Example2 shows how to move a user User1 back into the CN=Users container
on the local server.
synopsis = "%prog <username> <new_parent_dn> [options]"
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server",
type=str, metavar="URL", dest="H"),
takes_args = ["username", "new_parent_dn"]
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
def run(self, username, new_parent_dn, credopts=None, sambaopts=None,
versionopts=None, H=None):
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp, fallback_machine=True)
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
domain_dn = ldb.Dn(samdb, samdb.domain_dn())
filter = ("(&(sAMAccountType=%d)(sAMAccountName=%s))" %
(dsdb.ATYPE_NORMAL_ACCOUNT, ldb.binary_encode(username)))
res = samdb.search(base=domain_dn,
user_dn = res[0].dn
except IndexError:
raise CommandError('Unable to find user "%s"' % (username))
full_new_parent_dn = samdb.normalize_dn_in_domain(new_parent_dn)
except Exception as e:
raise CommandError('Invalid new_parent_dn "%s": %s' %
(new_parent_dn, e))
full_new_user_dn = ldb.Dn(samdb, str(user_dn))
full_new_user_dn.remove_base_components(len(user_dn) - 1)
samdb.rename(user_dn, full_new_user_dn)
except Exception as e:
raise CommandError('Failed to move user "%s"' % username, e)
self.outf.write('Moved user "%s" into "%s"\n' %
(username, full_new_parent_dn))
class cmd_user_add_unix_attrs(Command):
"""Add RFC2307 attributes to a user.
This command adds Unix attributes to a user account in the Active
Directory domain.
The username specified on the command is the sAMaccountName.
You must supply a unique uidNumber.
Unix (RFC2307) attributes will be added to the user account.
If you supply a gidNumber with '--gid-number', this will be used for the
users Unix 'gidNumber' attribute.
If '--gid-number' is not supplied, the users Unix gidNumber will be set to the
one found in 'Domain Users', this means Domain Users must have a gidNumber
if '--unix-home' is not supplied, the users Unix home directory will be
set to /home/DOMAIN/username
if '--login-shell' is not supplied, the users Unix login shell will be
set to '/bin/sh'
if ---gecos' is not supplied, the users Unix gecos field will be set to the
users 'CN'
Add 'idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = Yes' to the smb.conf on DCs, to use these
attributes for UID/GID mapping.
The command may be run from the root userid or another authorised userid.
The -H or --URL= option can be used to execute the command against a
remote server.
samba-tool user addunixattrs User1 10001
Example1 shows how to add RFC2307 attributes to a domain enabled user
account, Domain Users will be set as the users gidNumber.
The users Unix ID will be set to '10001', provided this ID isn't already
in use.
samba-tool user addunixattrs User2 10002 --gid-number=10001 \
Example2 shows how to add RFC2307 attributes to a domain enabled user
The users Unix ID will be set to '10002', provided this ID isn't already
in use.
The users gidNumber attribute will be set to '10001'
The users Unix home directory will be set to '/home/user2'
samba-tool user addunixattrs User3 10003 --gid-number=10001 \
--login-shell=/bin/false --gecos='User3 test'
Example3 shows how to add RFC2307 attributes to a domain enabled user
The users Unix ID will be set to '10003', provided this ID isn't already
in use.
The users gidNumber attribute will be set to '10001'
The users Unix login shell will be set to '/bin/false'
The users gecos field will be set to 'User3 test'
samba-tool user addunixattrs User4 10004 --gid-number=10001 \
--unix-home=/home/User4 --login-shell=/bin/bash --gecos='User4 test'
Example4 shows how to add RFC2307 attributes to a domain enabled user
The users Unix ID will be set to '10004', provided this ID isn't already
in use.
The users gidNumber attribute will be set to '10001'
The users Unix home directory will be set to '/home/User4'
The users Unix login shell will be set to '/bin/bash'
The users gecos field will be set to 'User4 test'
synopsis = "%prog <username> <uid-number> [options]"
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server",
type=str, metavar="URL", dest="H"),
Option("--gid-number", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 GID", type=str),
Option("--unix-home", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 home directory",
Option("--login-shell", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 login shell",
Option("--gecos", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 GECOS field", type=str),
Option("--uid", help="User's Unix/RFC2307 username", type=str),
takes_args = ["username", "uid-number"]
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
def run(self, username, uid_number, credopts=None, sambaopts=None,
versionopts=None, H=None, gid_number=None, unix_home=None,
login_shell=None, gecos=None, uid=None):
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp)
samdb = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
domaindn = samdb.domain_dn()
# Check that uidNumber supplied isn't already in use
filter = ("(&(objectClass=person)(uidNumber={}))"
res = samdb.search(domaindn,
if (len(res) != 0):
raise CommandError("uidNumber {} is already being used."
# Check user exists and doesn't have a uidNumber
filter = "(samaccountname={})".format(ldb.binary_encode(username))
res = samdb.search(domaindn,
if (len(res) == 0):
raise CommandError("Unable to find user '{}'".format(username))
user_dn = res[0].dn
if "uidNumber" in res[0]:
raise CommandError("User {} is already a Unix user."
if gecos is None:
gecos = res[0]["cn"][0]
if uid is None:
uid = res[0]["cn"][0]
if gid_number is None:
search_filter = ("(samaccountname={})"
.format(ldb.binary_encode('Domain Users')))
res = samdb.search(domaindn,
for msg in res:
except IndexError:
raise CommandError('Domain Users does not have a'
' gidNumber attribute')
if login_shell is None:
login_shell = "/bin/sh"
if unix_home is None:
# obtain nETBIOS Domain Name
filter = "(&(objectClass=crossRef)(nETBIOSName=*))"
searchdn = ("CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration," + domaindn)
res = samdb.search(searchdn,
unix_domain = res[0]["nETBIOSName"][0]
except IndexError:
raise CommandError('Unable to find Unix domain')
unix_home = "/home/{0}/{1}".format(unix_domain, username)
if not lp.get("idmap_ldb:use rfc2307"):
self.outf.write("You are setting a Unix/RFC2307 UID & GID. "
"You may want to set 'idmap_ldb:use rfc2307 = Yes'"
" in smb.conf to use the attributes for "
user_mod = """
dn: {0}
changetype: modify
add: uidNumber
uidNumber: {1}
add: gidnumber
gidNumber: {2}
add: gecos
gecos: {3}
add: uid
uid: {4}
add: loginshell
loginShell: {5}
add: unixHomeDirectory
unixHomeDirectory: {6}
""".format(user_dn, uid_number, gid_number, gecos, uid, login_shell, unix_home)
except ldb.LdbError as e:
raise CommandError("Failed to modify user '{0}': {1}"
.format(username, e))
self.outf.write("Modified User '{}' successfully\n"
class cmd_user_sensitive(Command):
"""Set/unset or show UF_NOT_DELEGATED for an account."""
synopsis = "%prog <accountname> [(show|on|off)] [options]"
takes_optiongroups = {
"sambaopts": options.SambaOptions,
"credopts": options.CredentialsOptions,
"versionopts": options.VersionOptions,
takes_options = [
Option("-H", "--URL", help="LDB URL for database or target server", type=str,
metavar="URL", dest="H"),
takes_args = ["accountname", "cmd"]
def run(self, accountname, cmd, H=None, credopts=None, sambaopts=None,
if cmd not in ("show", "on", "off"):
raise CommandError("invalid argument: '%s' (choose from 'show', 'on', 'off')" % cmd)
lp = sambaopts.get_loadparm()
creds = credopts.get_credentials(lp, fallback_machine=True)
sam = SamDB(url=H, session_info=system_session(),
credentials=creds, lp=lp)
search_filter = "sAMAccountName=%s" % ldb.binary_encode(accountname)
flag = dsdb.UF_NOT_DELEGATED;
if cmd == "show":
res = sam.search(scope=ldb.SCOPE_SUBTREE, expression=search_filter,
if len(res) == 0:
raise Exception("Unable to find account where '%s'" % search_filter)
uac = int(res[0].get("userAccountControl")[0])
self.outf.write("Account-DN: %s\n" % str(res[0].dn))
self.outf.write("UF_NOT_DELEGATED: %s\n" % bool(uac & flag))
if cmd == "on":
on = True
elif cmd == "off":
on = False
sam.toggle_userAccountFlags(search_filter, flag, flags_str="Not-Delegated",
on=on, strict=True)
except Exception as err:
raise CommandError(err)
class cmd_user(SuperCommand):
"""User management."""
subcommands = {}
subcommands["add"] = cmd_user_add()
subcommands["create"] = cmd_user_create()
subcommands["delete"] = cmd_user_delete()
subcommands["disable"] = cmd_user_disable()
subcommands["enable"] = cmd_user_enable()
subcommands["list"] = cmd_user_list()
subcommands["setexpiry"] = cmd_user_setexpiry()
subcommands["password"] = cmd_user_password()
subcommands["setpassword"] = cmd_user_setpassword()
subcommands["getpassword"] = cmd_user_getpassword()
subcommands["syncpasswords"] = cmd_user_syncpasswords()
subcommands["edit"] = cmd_user_edit()
subcommands["show"] = cmd_user_show()
subcommands["move"] = cmd_user_move()
subcommands["addunixattrs"] = cmd_user_add_unix_attrs()
subcommands["sensitive"] = cmd_user_sensitive()