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synced 2025-03-01 04:58:35 +03:00
This modifies our waf 1.5 wafadmin copy to resemble the waf 1.8 waflib API. It is a preparation to change to waf 1.8, decoupling this change from changes in wafsamba. Signed-off-by: Thomas Nagy <tnagy@waf.io> Reviewed-by: Michael Adam <obnox@samba.org> Reviewed-by: Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org>
702 lines
19 KiB
702 lines
19 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Thomas Nagy, 2005 (ita)
Node: filesystem structure, contains lists of nodes
1. Each file/folder is represented by exactly one node.
2. Most would-be class properties are stored in Build: nodes to depend on, signature, flags, ..
unused class members increase the .wafpickle file size sensibly with lots of objects.
3. The build is launched from the top of the build dir (for example, in _build_/).
4. Node should not be instantiated directly.
Each instance of Build.BuildContext has a Node subclass.
(aka: 'Nodu', see BuildContext initializer)
The BuildContext is referenced here as self.__class__.bld
Its Node class is referenced here as self.__class__
The public and advertised apis are the following:
${TGT} -> dir/to/file.ext
${TGT[0].base()} -> dir/to/file
${TGT[0].dir(env)} -> dir/to
${TGT[0].file()} -> file.ext
${TGT[0].file_base()} -> file
${TGT[0].suffix()} -> .ext
${TGT[0].abspath(env)} -> /path/to/dir/to/file.ext
import os, sys, fnmatch, re, stat
import Utils, Constants
DIR = 1
FILE = 2
type_to_string = {UNDEFINED: "unk", DIR: "dir", FILE: "src", BUILD: "bld"}
# These fnmatch expressions are used by default to prune the directory tree
# while doing the recursive traversal in the find_iter method of the Node class.
prune_pats = '.git .bzr .hg .svn _MTN _darcs CVS SCCS'.split()
# These fnmatch expressions are used by default to exclude files and dirs
# while doing the recursive traversal in the find_iter method of the Node class.
exclude_pats = prune_pats + '*~ #*# .#* %*% ._* .gitignore .cvsignore vssver.scc .DS_Store'.split()
# These Utils.jar_regexp expressions are used by default to exclude files and dirs and also prune the directory tree
# while doing the recursive traversal in the ant_glob method of the Node class.
exclude_regs = '''
class Node(object):
__slots__ = ("name", "parent", "id", "childs")
def __init__(self, name, parent, node_type = UNDEFINED):
self.name = name
self.parent = parent
# assumption: one build object at a time
self.__class__.bld.id_nodes += 4
self.id = self.__class__.bld.id_nodes + node_type
if node_type == DIR: self.childs = {}
# We do not want to add another type attribute (memory)
# use the id to find out: type = id & 3
# for setting: new type = type + x - type & 3
if parent and name in parent.childs:
raise Utils.WafError('node %s exists in the parent files %r already' % (name, parent))
if parent: parent.childs[name] = self
def __setstate__(self, data):
if len(data) == 4:
(self.parent, self.name, self.id, self.childs) = data
(self.parent, self.name, self.id) = data
def __getstate__(self):
if getattr(self, 'childs', None) is None:
return (self.parent, self.name, self.id)
return (self.parent, self.name, self.id, self.childs)
def __str__(self):
if not self.parent: return ''
return "%s://%s" % (type_to_string[self.id & 3], self.abspath())
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __hash__(self):
"expensive, make certain it is not used"
raise Utils.WafError('nodes, you are doing it wrong')
def __copy__(self):
"nodes are not supposed to be copied"
raise Utils.WafError('nodes are not supposed to be cloned')
def get_type(self):
return self.id & 3
def set_type(self, t):
"dangerous, you are not supposed to use this"
self.id = self.id + t - self.id & 3
def dirs(self):
return [x for x in self.childs.values() if x.id & 3 == DIR]
def files(self):
return [x for x in self.childs.values() if x.id & 3 == FILE]
def get_dir(self, name, default=None):
node = self.childs.get(name, None)
if not node or node.id & 3 != DIR: return default
return node
def get_file(self, name, default=None):
node = self.childs.get(name, None)
if not node or node.id & 3 != FILE: return default
return node
def get_build(self, name, default=None):
node = self.childs.get(name, None)
if not node or node.id & 3 != BUILD: return default
return node
def find_resource(self, lst):
"Find an existing input file: either a build node declared previously or a source node"
if isinstance(lst, str):
lst = Utils.split_path(lst)
if len(lst) == 1:
parent = self
parent = self.find_dir(lst[:-1])
if not parent: return None
name = lst[-1]
node = parent.childs.get(name, None)
if node:
tp = node.id & 3
if tp == FILE or tp == BUILD:
return node
return None
tree = self.__class__.bld
if not name in tree.cache_dir_contents[parent.id]:
return None
path = parent.abspath() + os.sep + name
st = Utils.h_file(path)
except IOError:
return None
child = self.__class__(name, parent, FILE)
tree.node_sigs[0][child.id] = st
return child
def find_or_declare(self, lst):
"Used for declaring a build node representing a file being built"
if isinstance(lst, str):
lst = Utils.split_path(lst)
if len(lst) == 1:
parent = self
parent = self.find_dir(lst[:-1])
if not parent: return None
name = lst[-1]
node = parent.childs.get(name, None)
if node:
tp = node.id & 3
if tp != BUILD:
raise Utils.WafError('find_or_declare found a source file where a build file was expected %r' % '/'.join(lst))
return node
node = self.__class__(name, parent, BUILD)
return node
def find_dir(self, lst):
"search a folder in the filesystem"
if isinstance(lst, str):
lst = Utils.split_path(lst)
current = self
for name in lst:
prev = current
if not current.parent and name == current.name:
elif not name:
elif name == '.':
elif name == '..':
current = current.parent or current
current = prev.childs.get(name, None)
if current is None:
dir_cont = self.__class__.bld.cache_dir_contents
if prev.id in dir_cont and name in dir_cont[prev.id]:
if not prev.name:
if os.sep == '/':
# cygwin //machine/share
dirname = os.sep + name
# windows c:
dirname = name
# regular path
dirname = prev.abspath() + os.sep + name
if not os.path.isdir(dirname):
return None
current = self.__class__(name, prev, DIR)
elif (not prev.name and len(name) == 2 and name[1] == ':') or name.startswith('\\\\'):
# drive letter or \\ path for windows
current = self.__class__(name, prev, DIR)
return None
if current.id & 3 != DIR:
return None
return current
def ensure_dir_node_from_path(self, lst):
"used very rarely, force the construction of a branch of node instance for representing folders"
if isinstance(lst, str):
lst = Utils.split_path(lst)
current = self
for name in lst:
if not name:
elif name == '.':
elif name == '..':
current = current.parent or current
prev = current
current = prev.childs.get(name, None)
if current is None:
current = self.__class__(name, prev, DIR)
return current
def exclusive_build_node(self, path):
create a hierarchy in the build dir (no source folders) for ill-behaving compilers
the node is not hashed, so you must do it manually
after declaring such a node, find_dir and find_resource should work as expected
lst = Utils.split_path(path)
name = lst[-1]
if len(lst) > 1:
parent = None
parent = self.find_dir(lst[:-1])
except OSError:
if not parent:
parent = self.ensure_dir_node_from_path(lst[:-1])
except OSError:
parent = self
node = parent.childs.get(name, None)
if not node:
node = self.__class__(name, parent, BUILD)
return node
def path_to_parent(self, parent):
"path relative to a direct ancestor, as string"
lst = []
p = self
h1 = parent.height()
h2 = p.height()
while h2 > h1:
h2 -= 1
p = p.parent
if lst:
ret = os.path.join(*lst)
ret = ''
return ret
def find_ancestor(self, node):
"find a common ancestor for two nodes - for the shortest path in hierarchy"
dist = self.height() - node.height()
if dist < 0: return node.find_ancestor(self)
# now the real code
cand = self
while dist > 0:
cand = cand.parent
dist -= 1
if cand == node: return cand
cursor = node
while cand.parent:
cand = cand.parent
cursor = cursor.parent
if cand == cursor: return cand
def relpath_gen(self, from_node):
"string representing a relative path between self to another node"
if self == from_node: return '.'
if from_node.parent == self: return '..'
# up_path is '../../../' and down_path is 'dir/subdir/subdir/file'
ancestor = self.find_ancestor(from_node)
lst = []
cand = self
while not cand.id == ancestor.id:
cand = cand.parent
cand = from_node
while not cand.id == ancestor.id:
cand = cand.parent
return os.sep.join(lst)
def nice_path(self, env=None):
"printed in the console, open files easily from the launch directory"
tree = self.__class__.bld
ln = tree.launch_node()
if self.id & 3 == FILE: return self.relpath_gen(ln)
else: return os.path.join(tree.bldnode.relpath_gen(ln), env.variant(), self.relpath_gen(tree.srcnode))
def is_child_of(self, node):
"does this node belong to the subtree node"
p = self
diff = self.height() - node.height()
while diff > 0:
diff -= 1
p = p.parent
return p.id == node.id
def variant(self, env):
"variant, or output directory for this node, a source has for variant 0"
if not env: return 0
elif self.id & 3 == FILE: return 0
else: return env.variant()
def height(self):
"amount of parents"
# README a cache can be added here if necessary
d = self
val = -1
while d:
d = d.parent
val += 1
return val
# helpers for building things
def abspath(self, env=None):
absolute path
@param env [Environment]:
* obligatory for build nodes: build/variant/src/dir/bar.o
* optional for dirs: get either src/dir or build/variant/src/dir
* excluded for source nodes: src/dir/bar.c
Instead of computing the absolute path each time again,
store the already-computed absolute paths in one of (variants+1) dictionaries:
bld.cache_node_abspath[0] holds absolute paths for source nodes.
bld.cache_node_abspath[variant] holds the absolute path for the build nodes
which reside in the variant given by env.
## absolute path - hot zone, so do not touch
# less expensive
variant = (env and (self.id & 3 != FILE) and env.variant()) or 0
ret = self.__class__.bld.cache_node_abspath[variant].get(self.id, None)
if ret: return ret
if not variant:
# source directory
if not self.parent:
val = os.sep == '/' and os.sep or ''
elif not self.parent.name: # root
val = (os.sep == '/' and os.sep or '') + self.name
val = self.parent.abspath() + os.sep + self.name
# build directory
val = os.sep.join((self.__class__.bld.bldnode.abspath(), variant, self.path_to_parent(self.__class__.bld.srcnode)))
self.__class__.bld.cache_node_abspath[variant][self.id] = val
return val
def change_ext(self, ext):
"node of the same path, but with a different extension - hot zone so do not touch"
name = self.name
k = name.rfind('.')
if k >= 0:
name = name[:k] + ext
name = name + ext
return self.parent.find_or_declare([name])
def src_dir(self, env):
"src path without the file name"
return self.parent.srcpath(env)
def bld_dir(self, env):
"build path without the file name"
return self.parent.bldpath(env)
def bld_base(self, env):
"build path without the extension: src/dir/foo(.cpp)"
s = os.path.splitext(self.name)[0]
return os.path.join(self.bld_dir(env), s)
def bldpath(self, env=None):
"path seen from the build dir default/src/foo.cpp"
if self.id & 3 == FILE:
return self.relpath_gen(self.__class__.bld.bldnode)
p = self.path_to_parent(self.__class__.bld.srcnode)
if p is not '':
return env.variant() + os.sep + p
return env.variant()
def srcpath(self, env=None):
"path in the srcdir from the build dir ../src/foo.cpp"
if self.id & 3 == BUILD:
return self.bldpath(env)
return self.relpath_gen(self.__class__.bld.bldnode)
def read(self, env):
"get the contents of a file, it is not used anywhere for the moment"
return Utils.readf(self.abspath(env))
def dir(self, env):
return self.parent.abspath(env)
def file(self):
return self.name
def file_base(self):
return os.path.splitext(self.name)[0]
def suffix(self):
"scons-like - hot zone so do not touch"
k = max(0, self.name.rfind('.'))
return self.name[k:]
def find_iter_impl(self, src=True, bld=True, dir=True, accept_name=None, is_prune=None, maxdepth=25):
"""find nodes in the filesystem hierarchy, try to instanciate the nodes passively; same gotcha as ant_glob"""
bld_ctx = self.__class__.bld
for name in bld_ctx.cache_dir_contents[self.id]:
if accept_name(self, name):
node = self.find_resource(name)
if node:
if src and node.id & 3 == FILE:
yield node
node = self.find_dir(name)
if node and node.id != bld_ctx.bldnode.id:
if dir:
yield node
if not is_prune(self, name):
if maxdepth:
for k in node.find_iter_impl(src, bld, dir, accept_name, is_prune, maxdepth=maxdepth - 1):
yield k
if not is_prune(self, name):
node = self.find_resource(name)
if not node:
# not a file, it is a dir
node = self.find_dir(name)
if node and node.id != bld_ctx.bldnode.id:
if maxdepth:
for k in node.find_iter_impl(src, bld, dir, accept_name, is_prune, maxdepth=maxdepth - 1):
yield k
if bld:
for node in self.childs.values():
if node.id == bld_ctx.bldnode.id:
if node.id & 3 == BUILD:
if accept_name(self, node.name):
yield node
raise StopIteration
def find_iter(self, in_pat=['*'], ex_pat=exclude_pats, prune_pat=prune_pats, src=True, bld=True, dir=False, maxdepth=25, flat=False):
"""find nodes recursively, this returns everything but folders by default; same gotcha as ant_glob"""
if not (src or bld or dir):
raise StopIteration
if self.id & 3 != DIR:
raise StopIteration
in_pat = Utils.to_list(in_pat)
ex_pat = Utils.to_list(ex_pat)
prune_pat = Utils.to_list(prune_pat)
def accept_name(node, name):
for pat in ex_pat:
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, pat):
return False
for pat in in_pat:
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, pat):
return True
return False
def is_prune(node, name):
for pat in prune_pat:
if fnmatch.fnmatchcase(name, pat):
return True
return False
ret = self.find_iter_impl(src, bld, dir, accept_name, is_prune, maxdepth=maxdepth)
if flat:
return " ".join([x.relpath_gen(self) for x in ret])
return ret
def ant_glob(self, *k, **kw):
known gotcha: will enumerate the files, but only if the folder exists in the source directory
src=kw.get('src', 1)
bld=kw.get('bld', 0)
dir=kw.get('dir', 0)
excl = kw.get('excl', exclude_regs)
incl = k and k[0] or kw.get('incl', '**')
def to_pat(s):
lst = Utils.to_list(s)
ret = []
for x in lst:
x = x.replace('//', '/')
if x.endswith('/'):
x += '**'
lst2 = x.split('/')
accu = []
for k in lst2:
if k == '**':
k = k.replace('.', '[.]').replace('*', '.*').replace('?', '.')
k = '^%s$' % k
#print "pattern", k
return ret
def filtre(name, nn):
ret = []
for lst in nn:
if not lst:
elif lst[0] == '**':
if len(lst) > 1:
if lst[1].match(name):
elif lst[0].match(name):
return ret
def accept(name, pats):
nacc = filtre(name, pats[0])
nrej = filtre(name, pats[1])
if [] in nrej:
nacc = []
return [nacc, nrej]
def ant_iter(nodi, maxdepth=25, pats=[]):
tmp = list(nodi.__class__.bld.cache_dir_contents[nodi.id])
for name in tmp:
npats = accept(name, pats)
if npats and npats[0]:
accepted = [] in npats[0]
#print accepted, nodi, name
node = nodi.find_resource(name)
if node and accepted:
if src and node.id & 3 == FILE:
yield node
node = nodi.find_dir(name)
if node and node.id != nodi.__class__.bld.bldnode.id:
if accepted and dir:
yield node
if maxdepth:
for k in ant_iter(node, maxdepth=maxdepth - 1, pats=npats):
yield k
if bld:
for node in nodi.childs.values():
if node.id == nodi.__class__.bld.bldnode.id:
if node.id & 3 == BUILD:
npats = accept(node.name, pats)
if npats and npats[0] and [] in npats[0]:
yield node
raise StopIteration
ret = [x for x in ant_iter(self, pats=[to_pat(incl), to_pat(excl)])]
if kw.get('flat', True):
return " ".join([x.relpath_gen(self) for x in ret])
return ret
def update_build_dir(self, env=None):
if not env:
for env in self.bld.all_envs:
path = self.abspath(env)
lst = Utils.listdir(path)
except KeyError:
self.__class__.bld.cache_dir_contents[self.id] = set(lst)
self.__class__.bld.cache_scanned_folders[self.id] = True
for k in lst:
npath = path + os.sep + k
st = os.stat(npath)
if stat.S_ISREG(st[stat.ST_MODE]):
ick = self.find_or_declare(k)
if not (ick.id in self.__class__.bld.node_sigs[env.variant()]):
self.__class__.bld.node_sigs[env.variant()][ick.id] = Constants.SIG_NIL
elif stat.S_ISDIR(st[stat.ST_MODE]):
child = self.find_dir(k)
if not child:
child = self.ensure_dir_node_from_path(k)
def read(self, flags='r', encoding='ISO8859-1'):
"""backported from waf 1.8"""
return Utils.readf(self.abspath(), flags, encoding)
def write(self, data, flags='w', encoding='ISO8859-1'):
"""backported from waf 1.8"""
Utils.writef(self.abspath(self.bld.env), data, flags, encoding)
class Nodu(Node):