mirror of
synced 2025-03-07 00:58:40 +03:00
The code makes sure we are backwards compatible. It will first check if we still have files in the private directory, if yes it will use those. If the the file is not in the private directory it will try the binddns dir. Signed-off-by: Andreas Schneider <asn@samba.org> Reviewed-by: Andrew Bartlet <abartlet@samba.org>
2399 lines
65 KiB
Executable File
2399 lines
65 KiB
Executable File
# Bootstrap Samba and run a number of tests against it.
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Jelmer Vernooij <jelmer@samba.org>
# Published under the GNU GPL, v3 or later.
package Samba3;
use strict;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use POSIX;
use target::Samba;
use File::Path 'remove_tree';
sub have_ads($) {
my ($self) = @_;
my $found_ads = 0;
my $smbd_build_options = Samba::bindir_path($self, "smbd") . " -b|";
open(IN, $smbd_build_options) or die("Unable to run $smbd_build_options: $!");
while (<IN>) {
if (/WITH_ADS/) {
$found_ads = 1;
close IN;
# If we were not built with ADS support, pretend we were never even available
print "smbd does not have ADS support\n" unless $found_ads;
return $found_ads;
# return smb.conf parameters applicable to @path, based on the underlying
# filesystem type
sub get_fs_specific_conf($$)
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $mods = "";
my $stat_out = `stat --file-system $path` or return "";
if ($stat_out =~ m/Type:\s+btrfs/) {
$mods .= "streams_xattr btrfs";
if ($mods) {
return "vfs objects = $mods";
return undef;
sub new($$) {
my ($classname, $bindir, $srcdir, $server_maxtime) = @_;
my $self = { vars => {},
bindir => $bindir,
srcdir => $srcdir,
server_maxtime => $server_maxtime
bless $self;
return $self;
sub teardown_env($$)
my ($self, $envvars) = @_;
my $count = 0;
# This should cause smbd to terminate gracefully
my $smbdpid = $envvars->{SMBD_TL_PID};
my $nmbdpid = $envvars->{NMBD_TL_PID};
my $winbinddpid = $envvars->{WINBINDD_TL_PID};
# This should give it time to write out the gcov data
until ($count > 20) {
my $smbdchild = Samba::cleanup_child($smbdpid, "smbd");
my $nmbdchild = Samba::cleanup_child($nmbdpid, "nmbd");
my $winbinddchild = Samba::cleanup_child($winbinddpid, "winbindd");
if ($smbdchild == -1
&& $nmbdchild == -1
&& $winbinddchild == -1) {
if ($count <= 20 && kill(0, $smbdpid, $nmbdpid, $winbinddpid) == 0) {
$count = 0;
until ($count > 10) {
my $smbdchild = Samba::cleanup_child($smbdpid, "smbd");
my $nmbdchild = Samba::cleanup_child($nmbdpid, "nmbd");
my $winbinddchild = Samba::cleanup_child($winbinddpid, "winbindd");
if ($smbdchild == -1
&& $nmbdchild == -1
&& $winbinddchild == -1) {
if ($count <= 10 && kill(0, $smbdpid, $nmbdpid, $winbinddpid) == 0) {
warn("timelimit process did not quit on SIGTERM, sending SIGKILL");
return 0;
sub getlog_env_app($$$)
my ($self, $envvars, $name) = @_;
my $title = "$name LOG of: $envvars->{NETBIOSNAME}\n";
my $out = $title;
open(LOG, "<".$envvars->{$name."_TEST_LOG"});
seek(LOG, $envvars->{$name."_TEST_LOG_POS"}, SEEK_SET);
while (<LOG>) {
$out .= $_;
$envvars->{$name."_TEST_LOG_POS"} = tell(LOG);
return "" if $out eq $title;
return $out;
sub getlog_env($$)
my ($self, $envvars) = @_;
my $ret = "";
$ret .= $self->getlog_env_app($envvars, "SMBD");
$ret .= $self->getlog_env_app($envvars, "NMBD");
$ret .= $self->getlog_env_app($envvars, "WINBINDD");
return $ret;
sub check_env($$)
my ($self, $envvars) = @_;
my $childpid = waitpid(-1, WNOHANG);
# TODO ...
return 1;
sub setup_env($$$)
my ($self, $envname, $path) = @_;
$ENV{ENVNAME} = $envname;
if (defined($self->{vars}->{$envname})) {
return $self->{vars}->{$envname};
# Avoid hitting system krb5.conf -
# An env that needs Kerberos will reset this to the real
# value.
$ENV{KRB5_CONFIG} = "$path/no_krb5.conf";
if ($envname eq "nt4_dc") {
return $self->setup_nt4_dc("$path/nt4_dc");
} elsif ($envname eq "nt4_dc_schannel") {
return $self->setup_nt4_dc_schannel("$path/nt4_dc_schannel");
} elsif ($envname eq "simpleserver") {
return $self->setup_simpleserver("$path/simpleserver");
} elsif ($envname eq "fileserver") {
return $self->setup_fileserver("$path/fileserver");
} elsif ($envname eq "maptoguest") {
return $self->setup_maptoguest("$path/maptoguest");
} elsif ($envname eq "ktest") {
return $self->setup_ktest("$path/ktest");
} elsif ($envname eq "nt4_member") {
if (not defined($self->{vars}->{nt4_dc})) {
if (not defined($self->setup_nt4_dc("$path/nt4_dc"))) {
return undef;
return $self->setup_nt4_member("$path/nt4_member", $self->{vars}->{nt4_dc});
} else {
return "UNKNOWN";
sub setup_nt4_dc($$)
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $nt4_dc_options = "
domain master = yes
domain logons = yes
lanman auth = yes
ntlm auth = yes
raw NTLMv2 auth = yes
rpc_server:epmapper = external
rpc_server:spoolss = external
rpc_server:lsarpc = external
rpc_server:samr = external
rpc_server:netlogon = external
rpc_server:register_embedded_np = yes
rpc_server:FssagentRpc = external
rpc_daemon:epmd = fork
rpc_daemon:spoolssd = fork
rpc_daemon:lsasd = fork
rpc_daemon:fssd = fork
fss: sequence timeout = 1
my $vars = $self->provision($path, "SAMBA-TEST",
$vars or return undef;
if (not $self->check_or_start($vars, "yes", "yes", "yes")) {
return undef;
$vars->{DC_SERVER} = $vars->{SERVER};
$vars->{DC_SERVER_IP} = $vars->{SERVER_IP};
$vars->{DC_SERVER_IPV6} = $vars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$vars->{DC_USERNAME} = $vars->{USERNAME};
$vars->{DC_PASSWORD} = $vars->{PASSWORD};
$self->{vars}->{nt4_dc} = $vars;
return $vars;
sub setup_nt4_dc_schannel($$)
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $pdc_options = "
domain master = yes
domain logons = yes
lanman auth = yes
rpc_server:epmapper = external
rpc_server:spoolss = external
rpc_server:lsarpc = external
rpc_server:samr = external
rpc_server:netlogon = external
rpc_server:register_embedded_np = yes
rpc_daemon:epmd = fork
rpc_daemon:spoolssd = fork
rpc_daemon:lsasd = fork
server schannel = yes
# used to reproduce bug #12772
server max protocol = SMB2_02
my $vars = $self->provision($path, "NT4SCHANNEL",
$vars or return undef;
if (not $self->check_or_start($vars, "yes", "yes", "yes")) {
return undef;
$vars->{DC_SERVER} = $vars->{SERVER};
$vars->{DC_SERVER_IP} = $vars->{SERVER_IP};
$vars->{DC_SERVER_IPV6} = $vars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$vars->{DC_USERNAME} = $vars->{USERNAME};
$vars->{DC_PASSWORD} = $vars->{PASSWORD};
$self->{vars}->{nt4_dc_schannel} = $vars;
return $vars;
sub setup_nt4_member($$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $nt4_dc_vars) = @_;
my $count = 0;
my $rc;
my $require_mutexes = "dbwrap_tdb_require_mutexes:* = yes";
$require_mutexes = "" if ($ENV{SELFTEST_DONT_REQUIRE_TDB_MUTEX_SUPPORT} eq "1");
my $member_options = "
security = domain
dbwrap_tdb_mutexes:* = yes
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix, $nt4_dc_vars->{DOMAIN},
$ret or return undef;
my $nmblookup = Samba::bindir_path($self, "nmblookup");
do {
print "Waiting for the LOGON SERVER registration ...\n";
$rc = system("$nmblookup $ret->{CONFIGURATION} $ret->{DOMAIN}\#1c");
if ($rc != 0) {
} while ($rc != 0 && $count < 10);
if ($count == 10) {
print "NMBD not reachable after 10 retries\n";
teardown_env($self, $ret);
return 0;
my $net = Samba::bindir_path($self, "net");
my $cmd = "";
$cmd .= "$net join $ret->{CONFIGURATION} $nt4_dc_vars->{DOMAIN} member";
$cmd .= " -U$nt4_dc_vars->{USERNAME}\%$nt4_dc_vars->{PASSWORD}";
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
my $cmd = "";
$cmd .= "$net $ret->{CONFIGURATION} primarytrust dumpinfo | grep -q 'REDACTED SECRET VALUES'";
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
warn("check failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
if (not $self->check_or_start($ret, "yes", "yes", "yes")) {
return undef;
$ret->{DC_SERVER} = $nt4_dc_vars->{SERVER};
$ret->{DC_SERVER_IP} = $nt4_dc_vars->{SERVER_IP};
$ret->{DC_SERVER_IPV6} = $nt4_dc_vars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$ret->{DC_NETBIOSNAME} = $nt4_dc_vars->{NETBIOSNAME};
$ret->{DC_USERNAME} = $nt4_dc_vars->{USERNAME};
$ret->{DC_PASSWORD} = $nt4_dc_vars->{PASSWORD};
return $ret;
sub setup_admember($$$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($prefix);
my @dirs = ();
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
mkdir($prefix_abs, 0777);
my $share_dir="$prefix_abs/share";
push(@dirs, $share_dir);
my $substitution_path = "$share_dir/D_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}";
push(@dirs, $substitution_path);
$substitution_path = "$share_dir/D_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}/U_alice";
push(@dirs, $substitution_path);
$substitution_path = "$share_dir/D_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}/U_alice/G_domain users";
push(@dirs, $substitution_path);
# Using '/' as the winbind separator is a bad idea ...
$substitution_path = "$share_dir/D_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}/u_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}";
push(@dirs, $substitution_path);
$substitution_path = "$share_dir/D_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}/u_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}/alice";
push(@dirs, $substitution_path);
$substitution_path = "$share_dir/D_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}/u_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}/alice/g_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}";
push(@dirs, $substitution_path);
$substitution_path = "$share_dir/D_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}/u_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}/alice/g_$dcvars->{DOMAIN}/domain users";
push(@dirs, $substitution_path);
my $member_options = "
security = ads
workgroup = $dcvars->{DOMAIN}
realm = $dcvars->{REALM}
netbios aliases = foo bar
template homedir = /home/%D/%G/%U
path = $share_dir/D_%D/U_%U/G_%G
writeable = yes
path = $share_dir/D_%D/u_%u/g_%g
writeable = yes
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix, $dcvars->{DOMAIN},
$ret or return undef;
mkdir($_, 0777) foreach(@dirs);
$ret->{DOMAIN} = $dcvars->{DOMAIN};
$ret->{REALM} = $dcvars->{REALM};
my $ctx;
$ctx = {};
$ctx->{krb5_conf} = "$prefix_abs/lib/krb5.conf";
$ctx->{domain} = $dcvars->{DOMAIN};
$ctx->{realm} = $dcvars->{REALM};
$ctx->{dnsname} = lc($dcvars->{REALM});
$ctx->{kdc_ipv4} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IP};
$ctx->{kdc_ipv6} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$ctx->{krb5_ccname} = "$prefix_abs/krb5cc_%{uid}";
Samba::mk_krb5_conf($ctx, "");
$ret->{KRB5_CONFIG} = $ctx->{krb5_conf};
my $net = Samba::bindir_path($self, "net");
my $cmd = "";
if (defined($ret->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF})) {
} else {
$cmd .= "KRB5_CONFIG=\"$ret->{KRB5_CONFIG}\" ";
$cmd .= "$net join $ret->{CONFIGURATION}";
$cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{PASSWORD}";
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
# We need world access to this share, as otherwise the domain
# administrator from the AD domain provided by Samba4 can't
# access the share for tests.
chmod 0777, "$prefix/share";
if (not $self->check_or_start($ret, "yes", "yes", "yes")) {
return undef;
$ret->{DC_SERVER} = $dcvars->{SERVER};
$ret->{DC_SERVER_IP} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IP};
$ret->{DC_SERVER_IPV6} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$ret->{DC_NETBIOSNAME} = $dcvars->{NETBIOSNAME};
$ret->{DC_USERNAME} = $dcvars->{USERNAME};
$ret->{DC_PASSWORD} = $dcvars->{PASSWORD};
# Special case, this is called from Samba4.pm but needs to use the Samba3 check_env and get_log_env
$ret->{target} = $self;
return $ret;
sub setup_admember_rfc2307($$$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
print "PROVISIONING S3 AD MEMBER WITH idmap_rfc2307 config...";
my $member_options = "
security = ads
workgroup = $dcvars->{DOMAIN}
realm = $dcvars->{REALM}
idmap cache time = 0
idmap negative cache time = 0
idmap config * : backend = autorid
idmap config * : range = 1000000-1999999
idmap config * : rangesize = 100000
idmap config $dcvars->{DOMAIN} : backend = rfc2307
idmap config $dcvars->{DOMAIN} : range = 2000000-2999999
idmap config $dcvars->{DOMAIN} : ldap_server = ad
idmap config $dcvars->{DOMAIN} : bind_path_user = ou=idmap,dc=samba,dc=example,dc=com
idmap config $dcvars->{DOMAIN} : bind_path_group = ou=idmap,dc=samba,dc=example,dc=com
password server = $dcvars->{SERVER}
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix, $dcvars->{DOMAIN},
$ret or return undef;
$ret->{DOMAIN} = $dcvars->{DOMAIN};
$ret->{REALM} = $dcvars->{REALM};
my $ctx;
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($prefix);
$ctx = {};
$ctx->{krb5_conf} = "$prefix_abs/lib/krb5.conf";
$ctx->{domain} = $dcvars->{DOMAIN};
$ctx->{realm} = $dcvars->{REALM};
$ctx->{dnsname} = lc($dcvars->{REALM});
$ctx->{kdc_ipv4} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IP};
$ctx->{kdc_ipv6} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$ctx->{krb5_ccname} = "$prefix_abs/krb5cc_%{uid}";
Samba::mk_krb5_conf($ctx, "");
$ret->{KRB5_CONFIG} = $ctx->{krb5_conf};
my $net = Samba::bindir_path($self, "net");
my $cmd = "";
if (defined($ret->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF})) {
} else {
$cmd .= "KRB5_CONFIG=\"$ret->{KRB5_CONFIG}\" ";
$cmd .= "$net join $ret->{CONFIGURATION}";
$cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{PASSWORD}";
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
# We need world access to this share, as otherwise the domain
# administrator from the AD domain provided by Samba4 can't
# access the share for tests.
chmod 0777, "$prefix/share";
if (not $self->check_or_start($ret, "yes", "yes", "yes")) {
return undef;
$ret->{DC_SERVER} = $dcvars->{SERVER};
$ret->{DC_SERVER_IP} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IP};
$ret->{DC_SERVER_IPV6} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$ret->{DC_NETBIOSNAME} = $dcvars->{NETBIOSNAME};
$ret->{DC_USERNAME} = $dcvars->{USERNAME};
$ret->{DC_PASSWORD} = $dcvars->{PASSWORD};
# Special case, this is called from Samba4.pm but needs to use the Samba3 check_env and get_log_env
$ret->{target} = $self;
return $ret;
sub setup_ad_member_idmap_rid($$$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
print "PROVISIONING S3 AD MEMBER WITH idmap_rid config...";
my $member_options = "
security = ads
workgroup = $dcvars->{DOMAIN}
realm = $dcvars->{REALM}
idmap config * : backend = tdb
idmap config * : range = 1000000-1999999
idmap config $dcvars->{DOMAIN} : backend = rid
idmap config $dcvars->{DOMAIN} : range = 2000000-2999999
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix, $dcvars->{DOMAIN},
$ret or return undef;
$ret->{DOMAIN} = $dcvars->{DOMAIN};
$ret->{REALM} = $dcvars->{REALM};
my $ctx;
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($prefix);
$ctx = {};
$ctx->{krb5_conf} = "$prefix_abs/lib/krb5.conf";
$ctx->{domain} = $dcvars->{DOMAIN};
$ctx->{realm} = $dcvars->{REALM};
$ctx->{dnsname} = lc($dcvars->{REALM});
$ctx->{kdc_ipv4} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IP};
$ctx->{kdc_ipv6} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$ctx->{krb5_ccname} = "$prefix_abs/krb5cc_%{uid}";
Samba::mk_krb5_conf($ctx, "");
$ret->{KRB5_CONFIG} = $ctx->{krb5_conf};
my $net = Samba::bindir_path($self, "net");
my $cmd = "";
if (defined($ret->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF})) {
} else {
$cmd .= "KRB5_CONFIG=\"$ret->{KRB5_CONFIG}\" ";
$cmd .= "$net join $ret->{CONFIGURATION}";
$cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{PASSWORD}";
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
# We need world access to this share, as otherwise the domain
# administrator from the AD domain provided by Samba4 can't
# access the share for tests.
chmod 0777, "$prefix/share";
if (not $self->check_or_start($ret, "yes", "yes", "yes")) {
return undef;
$ret->{DC_SERVER} = $dcvars->{SERVER};
$ret->{DC_SERVER_IP} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IP};
$ret->{DC_SERVER_IPV6} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$ret->{DC_NETBIOSNAME} = $dcvars->{NETBIOSNAME};
$ret->{DC_USERNAME} = $dcvars->{USERNAME};
$ret->{DC_PASSWORD} = $dcvars->{PASSWORD};
# Special case, this is called from Samba4.pm but needs to use the Samba3 check_env and get_log_env
$ret->{target} = $self;
return $ret;
sub setup_ad_member_idmap_ad($$$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $dcvars) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
print "PROVISIONING S3 AD MEMBER WITH idmap_ad config...";
my $member_options = "
security = ads
workgroup = $dcvars->{DOMAIN}
realm = $dcvars->{REALM}
password server = $dcvars->{SERVER}
idmap config * : backend = tdb
idmap config * : range = 1000000-1999999
idmap config $dcvars->{DOMAIN} : backend = ad
idmap config $dcvars->{DOMAIN} : range = 2000000-2999999
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix, $dcvars->{DOMAIN},
$ret or return undef;
$ret->{DOMAIN} = $dcvars->{DOMAIN};
$ret->{REALM} = $dcvars->{REALM};
my $ctx;
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($prefix);
$ctx = {};
$ctx->{krb5_conf} = "$prefix_abs/lib/krb5.conf";
$ctx->{domain} = $dcvars->{DOMAIN};
$ctx->{realm} = $dcvars->{REALM};
$ctx->{dnsname} = lc($dcvars->{REALM});
$ctx->{kdc_ipv4} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IP};
$ctx->{kdc_ipv6} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$ctx->{krb5_ccname} = "$prefix_abs/krb5cc_%{uid}";
Samba::mk_krb5_conf($ctx, "");
$ret->{KRB5_CONFIG} = $ctx->{krb5_conf};
my $net = Samba::bindir_path($self, "net");
my $cmd = "";
if (defined($ret->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF})) {
} else {
$cmd .= "KRB5_CONFIG=\"$ret->{KRB5_CONFIG}\" ";
$cmd .= "$net join $ret->{CONFIGURATION}";
$cmd .= " -U$dcvars->{USERNAME}\%$dcvars->{PASSWORD}";
if (system($cmd) != 0) {
warn("Join failed\n$cmd");
return undef;
# We need world access to this share, as otherwise the domain
# administrator from the AD domain provided by Samba4 can't
# access the share for tests.
chmod 0777, "$prefix/share";
if (not $self->check_or_start($ret, "yes", "yes", "yes")) {
return undef;
$ret->{DC_SERVER} = $dcvars->{SERVER};
$ret->{DC_SERVER_IP} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IP};
$ret->{DC_SERVER_IPV6} = $dcvars->{SERVER_IPV6};
$ret->{DC_NETBIOSNAME} = $dcvars->{NETBIOSNAME};
$ret->{DC_USERNAME} = $dcvars->{USERNAME};
$ret->{DC_PASSWORD} = $dcvars->{PASSWORD};
# Special case, this is called from Samba4.pm but needs to use the Samba3 check_env and get_log_env
$ret->{target} = $self;
return $ret;
sub setup_simpleserver($$)
my ($self, $path) = @_;
print "PROVISIONING simple server...";
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($path);
my $simpleserver_options = "
lanman auth = yes
ntlm auth = yes
vfs objects = xattr_tdb streams_depot time_audit full_audit
change notify = no
smb encrypt = off
full_audit:syslog = no
full_audit:success = none
full_audit:failure = none
path = $prefix_abs/share
vfs objects = aio_fork
read only = no
path = $prefix_abs/share
vfs objects =
store dos attributes = yes
hide files = /hidefile/
hide dot files = yes
path = $prefix_abs/share
vfs objects =
smb encrypt = desired
my $vars = $self->provision($path, "WORKGROUP",
$vars or return undef;
if (not $self->check_or_start($vars, "yes", "no", "yes")) {
return undef;
$self->{vars}->{simpleserver} = $vars;
return $vars;
sub setup_fileserver($$)
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($path);
my $srcdir_abs = abs_path($self->{srcdir});
print "PROVISIONING file server ...\n";
my @dirs = ();
mkdir($prefix_abs, 0777);
my $usershare_dir="$prefix_abs/lib/usershare";
mkdir("$prefix_abs/lib", 0755);
mkdir($usershare_dir, 01770);
my $share_dir="$prefix_abs/share";
# Create share directory structure
my $lower_case_share_dir="$share_dir/lower-case";
push(@dirs, $lower_case_share_dir);
my $lower_case_share_dir_30000="$share_dir/lower-case-30000";
push(@dirs, $lower_case_share_dir_30000);
my $dfree_share_dir="$share_dir/dfree";
push(@dirs, $dfree_share_dir);
push(@dirs, "$dfree_share_dir/subdir1");
push(@dirs, "$dfree_share_dir/subdir2");
push(@dirs, "$dfree_share_dir/subdir3");
my $valid_users_sharedir="$share_dir/valid_users";
my $offline_sharedir="$share_dir/offline";
my $force_user_valid_users_dir = "$share_dir/force_user_valid_users";
push(@dirs, $force_user_valid_users_dir);
my $smbget_sharedir="$share_dir/smbget";
my $tarmode_sharedir="$share_dir/tarmode";
my $usershare_sharedir="$share_dir/usershares";
my $fileserver_options = "
kernel change notify = yes
usershare path = $usershare_dir
usershare max shares = 10
usershare allow guests = yes
usershare prefix allow list = $usershare_sharedir
path = $lower_case_share_dir
comment = smb username is [%U]
case sensitive = True
default case = lower
preserve case = no
short preserve case = no
path = $lower_case_share_dir_30000
comment = smb username is [%U]
case sensitive = True
default case = lower
preserve case = no
short preserve case = no
path = $dfree_share_dir
comment = smb username is [%U]
dfree command = $srcdir_abs/testprogs/blackbox/dfree.sh
path = $valid_users_sharedir
valid users = +userdup
path = $offline_sharedir
vfs objects = offline
# BUG: https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9878
# RH BUG: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1077651
path = $force_user_valid_users_dir
comment = force user with valid users combination test share
valid users = +force_user
force user = force_user
force group = everyone
write list = force_user
path = $smbget_sharedir
comment = smb username is [%U]
guest ok = yes
path = $share_dir
comment = ignore system acls
acl_xattr:ignore system acls = yes
path = $share_dir
comment = inherit owner
inherit owner = yes
path = $share_dir
comment = inherit only unix owner
inherit owner = unix only
acl_xattr:ignore system acls = yes
my $vars = $self->provision($path, "WORKGROUP",
$vars or return undef;
if (not $self->check_or_start($vars, "yes", "no", "yes")) {
return undef;
$self->{vars}->{fileserver} = $vars;
mkdir($_, 0777) foreach(@dirs);
## Create case sensitive lower case share dir
foreach my $file ('a'..'z') {
my $full_path = $lower_case_share_dir . '/' . $file;
open my $fh, '>', $full_path;
# Add some content to file
print $fh $full_path;
close $fh;
for (my $file = 1; $file < 51; ++$file) {
my $full_path = $lower_case_share_dir . '/' . $file;
open my $fh, '>', $full_path;
# Add some content to file
print $fh $full_path;
close $fh;
# Create content for 30000 share
foreach my $file ('a'..'z') {
my $full_path = $lower_case_share_dir_30000 . '/' . $file;
open my $fh, '>', $full_path;
# Add some content to file
print $fh $full_path;
close $fh;
for (my $file = 1; $file < 30001; ++$file) {
my $full_path = $lower_case_share_dir_30000 . '/' . $file;
open my $fh, '>', $full_path;
# Add some content to file
print $fh $full_path;
close $fh;
## create a listable file in valid_users_share
my $valid_users_target = "$valid_users_sharedir/foo";
unless (open(VALID_USERS_TARGET, ">$valid_users_target")) {
warn("Unable to open $valid_users_target");
return undef;
chmod 0644, $valid_users_target;
return $vars;
sub setup_ktest($$$)
my ($self, $prefix) = @_;
# If we didn't build with ADS, pretend this env was never available
if (not $self->have_ads()) {
return "UNKNOWN";
print "PROVISIONING server with security=ads...";
my $ktest_options = "
workgroup = KTEST
realm = ktest.samba.example.com
security = ads
username map = $prefix/lib/username.map
server signing = required
server min protocol = SMB3_00
client max protocol = SMB3
# This disables NTLM auth against the local SAM, which
# we use can then test this setting by.
ntlm auth = disabled
my $ret = $self->provision($prefix, "KTEST",
$ret or return undef;
my $ctx;
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($prefix);
$ctx = {};
$ctx->{krb5_conf} = "$prefix_abs/lib/krb5.conf";
$ctx->{domain} = "KTEST";
$ctx->{realm} = "KTEST.SAMBA.EXAMPLE.COM";
$ctx->{dnsname} = lc($ctx->{realm});
$ctx->{kdc_ipv4} = "";
$ctx->{kdc_ipv6} = "::";
$ctx->{krb5_ccname} = "$prefix_abs/krb5cc_%{uid}";
Samba::mk_krb5_conf($ctx, "");
$ret->{KRB5_CONFIG} = $ctx->{krb5_conf};
open(USERMAP, ">$prefix/lib/username.map") or die("Unable to open $prefix/lib/username.map");
print USERMAP "
$ret->{USERNAME} = KTEST\\Administrator
#This is the secrets.tdb created by 'net ads join' from Samba3 to a
#Samba4 DC with the same parameters as are being used here. The
#domain SID is S-1-5-21-1071277805-689288055-3486227160
system("cp $self->{srcdir}/source3/selftest/ktest-secrets.tdb $prefix/private/secrets.tdb");
chmod 0600, "$prefix/private/secrets.tdb";
#Make sure there's no old ntdb file.
system("rm -f $prefix/private/secrets.ntdb");
#This uses a pre-calculated krb5 credentials cache, obtained by running Samba4 with:
# "--option=kdc:service ticket lifetime=239232" "--option=kdc:user ticket lifetime=239232" "--option=kdc:renewal lifetime=239232"
#and having in krb5.conf:
# ticket_lifetime = 799718400
# renew_lifetime = 799718400
# The commands for the -2 keytab where were:
# kinit administrator@KTEST.SAMBA.EXAMPLE.COM
# kvno host/localktest6@KTEST.SAMBA.EXAMPLE.COM
# kvno cifs/localktest6@KTEST.SAMBA.EXAMPLE.COM
# and then for the -3 keytab, I did
# net changetrustpw; kdestroy and the same again.
# This creates a credential cache with a very long lifetime (2036 at
# at 2011-04), and shows that running 'net changetrustpw' does not
# break existing logins (for the secrets.tdb method at least).
system("cp $self->{srcdir}/source3/selftest/ktest-krb5_ccache-2 $prefix/krb5_ccache-2");
chmod 0600, "$prefix/krb5_ccache-2";
system("cp $self->{srcdir}/source3/selftest/ktest-krb5_ccache-3 $prefix/krb5_ccache-3");
chmod 0600, "$prefix/krb5_ccache-3";
# We need world access to this share, as otherwise the domain
# administrator from the AD domain provided by ktest can't
# access the share for tests.
chmod 0777, "$prefix/share";
if (not $self->check_or_start($ret, "yes", "no", "yes")) {
return undef;
return $ret;
sub setup_maptoguest($$)
my ($self, $path) = @_;
print "PROVISIONING maptoguest...";
my $options = "
map to guest = bad user
ntlm auth = yes
my $vars = $self->provision($path, "WORKGROUP",
$vars or return undef;
if (not $self->check_or_start($vars, "yes", "no", "yes")) {
return undef;
$self->{vars}->{s3maptoguest} = $vars;
return $vars;
sub stop_sig_term($$) {
my ($self, $pid) = @_;
kill("USR1", $pid) or kill("ALRM", $pid) or warn("Unable to kill $pid: $!");
sub stop_sig_kill($$) {
my ($self, $pid) = @_;
kill("ALRM", $pid) or warn("Unable to kill $pid: $!");
sub write_pid($$$)
my ($env_vars, $app, $pid) = @_;
open(PID, ">$env_vars->{PIDDIR}/timelimit.$app.pid");
print PID $pid;
sub read_pid($$)
my ($env_vars, $app) = @_;
open(PID, "<$env_vars->{PIDDIR}/timelimit.$app.pid");
my $pid = <PID>;
return $pid;
sub check_or_start($$$$$) {
my ($self, $env_vars, $nmbd, $winbindd, $smbd) = @_;
# use a pipe for stdin in the child processes. This allows
# those processes to monitor the pipe for EOF to ensure they
# exit when the test script exits
pipe(STDIN_READER, $env_vars->{STDIN_PIPE});
print "STARTING NMBD...";
my $pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
open STDOUT, ">$env_vars->{NMBD_TEST_LOG}";
open STDERR, '>&STDOUT';
$ENV{KRB5_CONFIG} = $env_vars->{KRB5_CONFIG};
$ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = "$env_vars->{KRB5_CCACHE}.nmbd";
if ($nmbd ne "yes") {
$SIG{USR1} = $SIG{ALRM} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
my $signame = shift;
print("Skip nmbd received signal $signame");
exit 0;
exit 0;
$ENV{MAKE_TEST_BINARY} = Samba::bindir_path($self, "nmbd");
my @optargs = ("-d0");
if (defined($ENV{NMBD_OPTIONS})) {
@optargs = split(/ /, $ENV{NMBD_OPTIONS});
my @preargs = (Samba::bindir_path($self, "timelimit"), $self->{server_maxtime});
if(defined($ENV{NMBD_VALGRIND})) {
@preargs = split(/ /, $ENV{NMBD_VALGRIND});
my @args = ("-F", "--no-process-group",
"-s", $env_vars->{SERVERCONFFILE},
"-l", $env_vars->{LOGDIR});
if (not defined($ENV{NMBD_DONT_LOG_STDOUT})) {
push(@args, "--log-stdout");
open STDIN, ">&", \*STDIN_READER or die "can't dup STDIN_READER to STDIN: $!";
exec(@preargs, $ENV{MAKE_TEST_BINARY}, @args, @optargs)
or die("Unable to start $ENV{MAKE_TEST_BINARY}: $!");
$env_vars->{NMBD_TL_PID} = $pid;
write_pid($env_vars, "nmbd", $pid);
print "DONE\n";
$pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
open STDOUT, ">$env_vars->{WINBINDD_TEST_LOG}";
open STDERR, '>&STDOUT';
$ENV{KRB5_CONFIG} = $env_vars->{KRB5_CONFIG};
$ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = "$env_vars->{KRB5_CCACHE}.winbindd";
if (defined($env_vars->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF})) {
} else {
$ENV{ENVNAME} = "$ENV{ENVNAME}.winbindd";
if ($winbindd ne "yes") {
$SIG{USR1} = $SIG{ALRM} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
my $signame = shift;
print("Skip winbindd received signal $signame");
exit 0;
exit 0;
$ENV{MAKE_TEST_BINARY} = Samba::bindir_path($self, "winbindd");
my @optargs = ("-d0");
if (defined($ENV{WINBINDD_OPTIONS})) {
@optargs = split(/ /, $ENV{WINBINDD_OPTIONS});
my @preargs = (Samba::bindir_path($self, "timelimit"), $self->{server_maxtime});
if(defined($ENV{WINBINDD_VALGRIND})) {
@preargs = split(/ /, $ENV{WINBINDD_VALGRIND});
my @args = ("-F", "--no-process-group",
"-s", $env_vars->{SERVERCONFFILE},
"-l", $env_vars->{LOGDIR});
if (not defined($ENV{WINBINDD_DONT_LOG_STDOUT})) {
push(@args, "--stdout");
open STDIN, ">&", \*STDIN_READER or die "can't dup STDIN_READER to STDIN: $!";
exec(@preargs, $ENV{MAKE_TEST_BINARY}, @args, @optargs)
or die("Unable to start $ENV{MAKE_TEST_BINARY}: $!");
$env_vars->{WINBINDD_TL_PID} = $pid;
write_pid($env_vars, "winbindd", $pid);
print "DONE\n";
print "STARTING SMBD...";
$pid = fork();
if ($pid == 0) {
open STDOUT, ">$env_vars->{SMBD_TEST_LOG}";
open STDERR, '>&STDOUT';
$ENV{KRB5_CONFIG} = $env_vars->{KRB5_CONFIG};
$ENV{KRB5CCNAME} = "$env_vars->{KRB5_CCACHE}.smbd";
if (defined($env_vars->{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF})) {
} else {
if ($smbd ne "yes") {
$SIG{USR1} = $SIG{ALRM} = $SIG{INT} = $SIG{QUIT} = $SIG{TERM} = sub {
my $signame = shift;
print("Skip smbd received signal $signame");
exit 0;
exit 0;
$ENV{MAKE_TEST_BINARY} = Samba::bindir_path($self, "smbd");
my @optargs = ("-d0");
if (defined($ENV{SMBD_OPTIONS})) {
@optargs = split(/ /, $ENV{SMBD_OPTIONS});
my @preargs = (Samba::bindir_path($self, "timelimit"), $self->{server_maxtime});
if(defined($ENV{SMBD_VALGRIND})) {
@preargs = split(/ /,$ENV{SMBD_VALGRIND});
my @args = ("-F", "--no-process-group",
"-s", $env_vars->{SERVERCONFFILE},
"-l", $env_vars->{LOGDIR});
if (not defined($ENV{SMBD_DONT_LOG_STDOUT})) {
push(@args, "--log-stdout");
open STDIN, ">&", \*STDIN_READER or die "can't dup STDIN_READER to STDIN: $!";
exec(@preargs, $ENV{MAKE_TEST_BINARY}, @args, @optargs)
or die("Unable to start $ENV{MAKE_TEST_BINARY}: $!");
$env_vars->{SMBD_TL_PID} = $pid;
write_pid($env_vars, "smbd", $pid);
print "DONE\n";
return $self->wait_for_start($env_vars, $nmbd, $winbindd, $smbd);
sub createuser($$$$)
my ($self, $username, $password, $conffile) = @_;
my $cmd = "UID_WRAPPER_ROOT=1 " . Samba::bindir_path($self, "smbpasswd")." -c $conffile -L -s -a $username > /dev/null";
unless (open(PWD, "|$cmd")) {
warn("Unable to set password for $username account\n$cmd");
return undef;
print PWD "$password\n$password\n";
unless (close(PWD)) {
warn("Unable to set password for $username account\n$cmd");
return undef;
sub provision($$$$$$$$$)
my ($self, $prefix, $domain, $server, $password, $extra_options, $dc_server_ip, $dc_server_ipv6, $no_delete_prefix) = @_;
## setup the various environment variables we need
my $swiface = Samba::get_interface($server);
my %ret = ();
my $server_ip = "127.0.0.$swiface";
my $server_ipv6 = sprintf("fd00:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:5357:5f%02x", $swiface);
my $unix_name = ($ENV{USER} or $ENV{LOGNAME} or `PATH=/usr/ucb:$ENV{PATH} whoami`);
chomp $unix_name;
my $unix_uid = $>;
my $unix_gids_str = $);
my @unix_gids = split(" ", $unix_gids_str);
my $prefix_abs = abs_path($prefix);
my $bindir_abs = abs_path($self->{bindir});
my @dirs = ();
my $shrdir="$prefix_abs/share";
my $libdir="$prefix_abs/lib";
my $piddir="$prefix_abs/pid";
my $privatedir="$prefix_abs/private";
my $binddnsdir = "$prefix_abs/bind-dns";
push(@dirs, $binddnsdir);
my $lockdir="$prefix_abs/lockdir";
my $eventlogdir="$prefix_abs/lockdir/eventlog";
my $logdir="$prefix_abs/logs";
my $driver32dir="$shrdir/W32X86";
my $driver64dir="$shrdir/x64";
my $driver40dir="$shrdir/WIN40";
my $ro_shrdir="$shrdir/root-tmp";
my $msdfs_shrdir="$shrdir/msdfsshare";
my $msdfs_deeppath="$msdfs_shrdir/deeppath";
my $badnames_shrdir="$shrdir/badnames";
my $lease1_shrdir="$shrdir/SMB2_10";
my $lease2_shrdir="$shrdir/SMB3_00";
my $manglenames_shrdir="$shrdir/manglenames";
my $widelinks_shrdir="$shrdir/widelinks";
my $widelinks_linkdir="$shrdir/widelinks_foo";
my $shadow_tstdir="$shrdir/shadow";
my $shadow_mntdir="$shadow_tstdir/mount";
my $shadow_basedir="$shadow_mntdir/base";
my $shadow_shrdir="$shadow_basedir/share";
my $nosymlinks_shrdir="$shrdir/nosymlinks";
my $local_symlinks_shrdir="$shrdir/local_symlinks";
# this gets autocreated by winbindd
my $wbsockdir="$prefix_abs/winbindd";
my $nmbdsockdir="$prefix_abs/nmbd";
## create the test directory layout
die ("prefix_abs = ''") if $prefix_abs eq "";
die ("prefix_abs = '/'") if $prefix_abs eq "/";
mkdir($prefix_abs, 0777);
print "CREATE TEST ENVIRONMENT IN '$prefix'...";
if (not defined($no_delete_prefix) or not $no_delete_prefix) {
system("rm -rf $prefix_abs/*");
mkdir($_, 0777) foreach(@dirs);
my $fs_specific_conf = $self->get_fs_specific_conf($shrdir);
## lockdir and piddir must be 0755
chmod 0755, $lockdir;
chmod 0755, $piddir;
## create ro and msdfs share layout
chmod 0755, $ro_shrdir;
my $unreadable_file = "$ro_shrdir/unreadable_file";
unless (open(UNREADABLE_FILE, ">$unreadable_file")) {
warn("Unable to open $unreadable_file");
return undef;
chmod 0600, $unreadable_file;
my $msdfs_target = "$ro_shrdir/msdfs-target";
unless (open(MSDFS_TARGET, ">$msdfs_target")) {
warn("Unable to open $msdfs_target");
return undef;
chmod 0666, $msdfs_target;
symlink "msdfs:$server_ip\\ro-tmp,$server_ipv6\\ro-tmp",
symlink "msdfs:$server_ipv6\\ro-tmp", "$msdfs_shrdir/deeppath/msdfs-src2";
## create bad names in $badnames_shrdir
## (An invalid name, would be mangled to 8.3).
my $badname_target = "$badnames_shrdir/\340|\231\216\377\177";
unless (open(BADNAME_TARGET, ">$badname_target")) {
warn("Unable to open $badname_target");
return undef;
chmod 0666, $badname_target;
## (A bad name, would not be mangled to 8.3).
my $badname_target = "$badnames_shrdir/\240\276\346\327\377\177";
unless (open(BADNAME_TARGET, ">$badname_target")) {
warn("Unable to open $badname_target");
return undef;
chmod 0666, $badname_target;
## (A bad good name).
my $badname_target = "$badnames_shrdir/blank.txt";
unless (open(BADNAME_TARGET, ">$badname_target")) {
warn("Unable to open $badname_target");
return undef;
chmod 0666, $badname_target;
## create mangleable directory names in $manglenames_shrdir
my $manglename_target = "$manglenames_shrdir/foo:bar";
mkdir($manglename_target, 0777);
## create symlinks for widelinks tests.
my $widelinks_target = "$widelinks_linkdir/target";
unless (open(WIDELINKS_TARGET, ">$widelinks_target")) {
warn("Unable to open $widelinks_target");
return undef;
chmod 0666, $widelinks_target;
## This link should get ACCESS_DENIED
symlink "$widelinks_target", "$widelinks_shrdir/source";
## This link should be allowed
symlink "$widelinks_shrdir", "$widelinks_shrdir/dot";
my $conffile="$libdir/server.conf";
my $dfqconffile="$libdir/dfq.conf";
my $nss_wrapper_pl = "$ENV{PERL} $self->{srcdir}/lib/nss_wrapper/nss_wrapper.pl";
my $nss_wrapper_passwd = "$privatedir/passwd";
my $nss_wrapper_group = "$privatedir/group";
my $nss_wrapper_hosts = "$ENV{SELFTEST_PREFIX}/hosts";
my $resolv_conf = "$privatedir/resolv.conf";
my $dns_host_file = "$ENV{SELFTEST_PREFIX}/dns_host_file";
my $mod_printer_pl = "$ENV{PERL} $self->{srcdir}/source3/script/tests/printing/modprinter.pl";
my $fake_snap_pl = "$ENV{PERL} $self->{srcdir}/source3/script/tests/fake_snap.pl";
my @eventlog_list = ("dns server", "application");
## calculate uids and gids
my ($max_uid, $max_gid);
my ($uid_nobody, $uid_root, $uid_pdbtest, $uid_pdbtest2, $uid_userdup);
my ($uid_pdbtest_wkn);
my ($uid_smbget);
my ($uid_force_user);
my ($gid_nobody, $gid_nogroup, $gid_root, $gid_domusers, $gid_domadmins);
my ($gid_userdup, $gid_everyone);
my ($gid_force_user);
my ($uid_user1);
my ($uid_user2);
if ($unix_uid < 0xffff - 10) {
$max_uid = 0xffff;
} else {
$max_uid = $unix_uid;
$uid_root = $max_uid - 1;
$uid_nobody = $max_uid - 2;
$uid_pdbtest = $max_uid - 3;
$uid_pdbtest2 = $max_uid - 4;
$uid_userdup = $max_uid - 5;
$uid_pdbtest_wkn = $max_uid - 6;
$uid_force_user = $max_uid - 7;
$uid_smbget = $max_uid - 8;
$uid_user1 = $max_uid - 9;
$uid_user2 = $max_uid - 10;
if ($unix_gids[0] < 0xffff - 8) {
$max_gid = 0xffff;
} else {
$max_gid = $unix_gids[0];
$gid_nobody = $max_gid - 1;
$gid_nogroup = $max_gid - 2;
$gid_root = $max_gid - 3;
$gid_domusers = $max_gid - 4;
$gid_domadmins = $max_gid - 5;
$gid_userdup = $max_gid - 6;
$gid_everyone = $max_gid - 7;
$gid_force_user = $max_gid - 8;
## create conffile
unless (open(CONF, ">$conffile")) {
warn("Unable to open $conffile");
return undef;
print CONF "
netbios name = $server
interfaces = $server_ip/8 $server_ipv6/64
bind interfaces only = yes
panic action = cd $self->{srcdir} && $self->{srcdir}/selftest/gdb_backtrace %d %\$(MAKE_TEST_BINARY)
smbd:suicide mode = yes
workgroup = $domain
private dir = $privatedir
binddns dir = $binddnsdir
pid directory = $piddir
lock directory = $lockdir
log file = $logdir/log.\%m
log level = 1
debug pid = yes
max log size = 0
state directory = $lockdir
cache directory = $lockdir
passdb backend = tdbsam
time server = yes
add user script = $nss_wrapper_pl --passwd_path $nss_wrapper_passwd --type passwd --action add --name %u --gid $gid_nogroup
add group script = $nss_wrapper_pl --group_path $nss_wrapper_group --type group --action add --name %g
add machine script = $nss_wrapper_pl --passwd_path $nss_wrapper_passwd --type passwd --action add --name %u --gid $gid_nogroup
add user to group script = $nss_wrapper_pl --passwd_path $nss_wrapper_passwd --type member --action add --member %u --name %g --group_path $nss_wrapper_group
delete user script = $nss_wrapper_pl --passwd_path $nss_wrapper_passwd --type passwd --action delete --name %u
delete group script = $nss_wrapper_pl --group_path $nss_wrapper_group --type group --action delete --name %g
delete user from group script = $nss_wrapper_pl --passwd_path $nss_wrapper_passwd --type member --action delete --member %u --name %g --group_path $nss_wrapper_group
addprinter command = $mod_printer_pl -a -s $conffile --
deleteprinter command = $mod_printer_pl -d -s $conffile --
eventlog list = application \"dns server\"
kernel oplocks = no
kernel change notify = no
logging = file
printing = bsd
printcap name = /dev/null
winbindd socket directory = $wbsockdir
nmbd:socket dir = $nmbdsockdir
idmap config * : range = 100000-200000
winbind enum users = yes
winbind enum groups = yes
winbind separator = /
include system krb5 conf = no
# min receivefile size = 4000
read only = no
smbd:sharedelay = 100000
smbd:writetimeupdatedelay = 500000
map hidden = no
map system = no
map readonly = no
store dos attributes = yes
create mask = 755
dos filemode = yes
strict rename = yes
strict sync = yes
vfs objects = acl_xattr fake_acls xattr_tdb streams_depot
printing = vlp
print command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb print %p %s
lpq command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb lpq %p
lp rm command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb lprm %p %j
lp pause command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb lppause %p %j
lp resume command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb lpresume %p %j
queue pause command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb queuepause %p
queue resume command = $bindir_abs/vlp tdbfile=$lockdir/vlp.tdb queueresume %p
lpq cache time = 0
print notify backchannel = yes
ncalrpc dir = $prefix_abs/ncalrpc
# The samba3.blackbox.smbclient_s3 test uses this to test that
# sending messages works, and that the %m sub works.
message command = mv %s $shrdir/message.%m
# fsrvp server requires registry shares
registry shares = yes
# Used by RPC SRVSVC tests
add share command = $bindir_abs/smbaddshare
change share command = $bindir_abs/smbchangeshare
delete share command = $bindir_abs/smbdeleteshare
# fruit:copyfile is a global option
fruit:copyfile = yes
#this does not mean that we use non-secure test env,
#it just means we ALLOW one to be configured.
allow insecure wide links = yes
# Begin extra options
# End extra options
#Include user defined custom parameters if set
if (defined($ENV{INCLUDE_CUSTOM_CONF})) {
print CONF "
path = $shrdir
comment = smb username is [%U]
path = $shrdir
comment = Load dirsort module
vfs objects = dirsort acl_xattr fake_acls xattr_tdb streams_depot
path = $shrdir
comment = encrypt smb username is [%U]
smb encrypt = required
vfs objects = dirsort
path = $shrdir
guest ok = yes
path = $shrdir
guest only = yes
guest ok = yes
path = $shrdir
force user = $unix_name
guest ok = yes
comment = force a user with unix user SID and group SID
path = $shrdir
force user = pdbtest
guest ok = yes
comment = force a user with well-known group SID
path = $shrdir
force user = pdbtest_wkn
guest ok = yes
path = $shrdir
force group = nogroup
guest ok = yes
path = $ro_shrdir
guest ok = yes
path = $shrdir
read only = yes
write list = $unix_name
path = $shrdir
valid users = $unix_name
access based share enum = yes
path = $msdfs_shrdir
msdfs root = yes
msdfs shuffle referrals = yes
guest ok = yes
copy = tmp
hide unreadable = yes
copy = tmp
case sensitive = yes
copy = tmp
hide unwriteable files = yes
copy = tmp
kernel share modes = no
kernel oplocks = no
posix locking = no
copy = tmp
copy = tmp
printable = yes
copy = print1
copy = print1
default devmode = no
copy = print1
path = $shrdir
comment = smb username is [%U]
nfs4:mode = simple
vfs objects = nfs4acl_xattr xattr_tdb
path = $shrdir
comment = smb username is [%U]
nfs4:mode = special
vfs objects = nfs4acl_xattr xattr_tdb
path = $shrdir
comment = smb username is [%U]
create mask = 777
force create mode = 777
path = $shrdir
comment = smb username is [%U]
create mask = 0777
force create mode = 0
directory mask = 0777
force directory mode = 0
vfs objects = xattr_tdb streams_depot
copy = tmp
aio read size = 1
aio write size = 1
copy = tmp
path = $shrdir
vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr acl_xattr
fruit:resource = file
fruit:metadata = netatalk
fruit:locking = netatalk
fruit:encoding = native
path = $shrdir
vfs objects = fruit streams_xattr acl_xattr
fruit:resource = file
fruit:metadata = stream
path = $shrdir
vfs objects = fruit streams_depot acl_xattr
fruit:resource = stream
fruit:metadata = stream
path = $shrdir
vfs objects = streams_xattr acl_xattr
path = $shrdir
vfs objects = streams_depot acl_xattr
path = $badnames_shrdir
guest ok = yes
path = $manglenames_shrdir
guest ok = yes
path = $shrdir/%R
guest ok = yes
path = $widelinks_shrdir
wide links = no
guest ok = yes
path = $shrdir
comment = fake shapshots using rsync
vfs objects = shell_snap shadow_copy2
shell_snap:check path command = $fake_snap_pl --check
shell_snap:create command = $fake_snap_pl --create
shell_snap:delete command = $fake_snap_pl --delete
# a relative path here fails, the snapshot dir is no longer found
shadow:snapdir = $shrdir/.snapshots
path = $shadow_shrdir
comment = previous versions snapshots under mount point
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
path = $shadow_shrdir
comment = previous versions snapshots outside mount point
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_tstdir/.snapshots
path = $shadow_shrdir
comment = previous versions with subvolume snapshots, snapshots under base dir
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:basedir = $shadow_basedir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_basedir/.snapshots
path = $shadow_shrdir
comment = previous versions with subvolume snapshots, snapshots outside mount point
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:basedir = $shadow_basedir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_tstdir/.snapshots
path = $shadow_shrdir
comment = previous versions at volume root snapshots under mount point
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_shrdir
path = $shadow_shrdir
comment = previous versions at volume root snapshots outside mount point
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_shrdir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_tstdir/.snapshots
path = $shadow_shrdir
comment = previous versions snapshots everywhere
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:snapdirseverywhere = yes
path = $shadow_shrdir
comment = previous versions using snapsharepath
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_tstdir/.snapshots
shadow:snapsharepath = share
comment = Testing shadow:format with default option
vfs object = shadow_copy2
path = $shadow_shrdir
read only = no
guest ok = yes
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:basedir = $shadow_basedir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_basedir/.snapshots
shadow:format = \@GMT-%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S
comment = Testing shadow:format with only date component
vfs object = shadow_copy2
path = $shadow_shrdir
read only = no
guest ok = yes
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:basedir = $shadow_basedir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_basedir/.snapshots
shadow:format = \@GMT-%Y-%m-%d
comment = Testing shadow:format with some hardcoded prefix
vfs object = shadow_copy2
path = $shadow_shrdir
read only = no
guest ok = yes
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:basedir = $shadow_basedir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_basedir/.snapshots
shadow:format = snap\@GMT-%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S
comment = Testing shadow:format with modified format
vfs object = shadow_copy2
path = $shadow_shrdir
read only = no
guest ok = yes
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:basedir = $shadow_basedir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_basedir/.snapshots
shadow:format = \@GMT-%Y.%m.%d-%H_%M_%S-snap
comment = Testing shadow:snapprefix regex
vfs object = shadow_copy2
path = $shadow_shrdir
read only = no
guest ok = yes
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:basedir = $shadow_basedir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_basedir/.snapshots
shadow:snapprefix = \^s[a-z]*p\$
shadow:format = _GMT-%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S
comment = Testing shadow:snapprefix with delim regex
vfs object = shadow_copy2
path = $shadow_shrdir
read only = no
guest ok = yes
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
shadow:basedir = $shadow_basedir
shadow:snapdir = $shadow_basedir/.snapshots
shadow:delimiter = \@GMT
shadow:snapprefix = [a-z]*
shadow:format = \@GMT-%Y.%m.%d-%H.%M.%S
path = $shadow_shrdir
comment = previous versions with wide links allowed
vfs objects = shadow_copy2
shadow:mountpoint = $shadow_mntdir
wide links = yes
path = $shrdir/dfree
vfs objects = acl_xattr fake_acls xattr_tdb fake_dfq
admin users = $unix_name
include = $dfqconffile
path = $shrdir/dfree
vfs objects = acl_xattr fake_acls xattr_tdb fake_dfq
inherit owner = yes
include = $dfqconffile
copy = tmp
acl_xattr:ignore system acls = yes
acl_xattr:default acl style = posix
copy = tmp
acl_xattr:ignore system acls = yes
acl_xattr:default acl style = windows
copy = tmp
mangled names = illegal
copy = tmp
path = $nosymlinks_shrdir
follow symlinks = no
copy = tmp
path = $local_symlinks_shrdir
follow symlinks = yes
copy = tmp
kernel oplocks = yes
vfs objects = streams_xattr xattr_tdb
copy = tmp
smbd:find async delay usec = 10000
unless (open(DFQCONF, ">$dfqconffile")) {
warn("Unable to open $dfqconffile");
return undef;
## create a test account
unless (open(PASSWD, ">$nss_wrapper_passwd")) {
warn("Unable to open $nss_wrapper_passwd");
return undef;
print PASSWD "nobody:x:$uid_nobody:$gid_nobody:nobody gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
$unix_name:x:$unix_uid:$unix_gids[0]:$unix_name gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
pdbtest:x:$uid_pdbtest:$gid_nogroup:pdbtest gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
pdbtest2:x:$uid_pdbtest2:$gid_nogroup:pdbtest gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
userdup:x:$uid_userdup:$gid_userdup:userdup gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
pdbtest_wkn:x:$uid_pdbtest_wkn:$gid_everyone:pdbtest_wkn gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
force_user:x:$uid_force_user:$gid_force_user:force user gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
smbget_user:x:$uid_smbget:$gid_domusers:smbget_user gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
user1:x:$uid_user1:$gid_nogroup:user1 gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
user2:x:$uid_user2:$gid_nogroup:user2 gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
if ($unix_uid != 0) {
print PASSWD "root:x:$uid_root:$gid_root:root gecos:$prefix_abs:/bin/false
unless (open(GROUP, ">$nss_wrapper_group")) {
warn("Unable to open $nss_wrapper_group");
return undef;
print GROUP "nobody:x:$gid_nobody:
if ($unix_gids[0] != 0) {
print GROUP "root:x:$gid_root:
## hosts
my $hostname = lc($server);
unless (open(HOSTS, ">>$nss_wrapper_hosts")) {
warn("Unable to open $nss_wrapper_hosts");
return undef;
print HOSTS "${server_ip} ${hostname}.samba.example.com ${hostname}\n";
print HOSTS "${server_ipv6} ${hostname}.samba.example.com ${hostname}\n";
## hosts
unless (open(RESOLV_CONF, ">$resolv_conf")) {
warn("Unable to open $resolv_conf");
return undef;
if (defined($dc_server_ip) or defined($dc_server_ipv6)) {
if (defined($dc_server_ip)) {
print RESOLV_CONF "nameserver $dc_server_ip\n";
if (defined($dc_server_ipv6)) {
print RESOLV_CONF "nameserver $dc_server_ipv6\n";
} else {
print RESOLV_CONF "nameserver ${server_ip}\n";
print RESOLV_CONF "nameserver ${server_ipv6}\n";
foreach my $evlog (@eventlog_list) {
my $evlogtdb = "$eventlogdir/$evlog.tdb";
open(EVENTLOG, ">$evlogtdb") or die("Unable to open $evlogtdb");
$ENV{NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD} = $nss_wrapper_passwd;
$ENV{NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP} = $nss_wrapper_group;
$ENV{NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTS} = $nss_wrapper_hosts;
$ENV{NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTNAME} = "${hostname}.samba.example.com";
$ENV{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF} = $resolv_conf;
} else {
$ENV{RESOLV_WRAPPER_HOSTS} = $dns_host_file;
createuser($self, $unix_name, $password, $conffile) || die("Unable to create user");
createuser($self, "force_user", $password, $conffile) || die("Unable to create force_user");
createuser($self, "smbget_user", $password, $conffile) || die("Unable to create smbget_user");
createuser($self, "user1", $password, $conffile) || die("Unable to create user1");
createuser($self, "user2", $password, $conffile) || die("Unable to create user2");
open(DNS_UPDATE_LIST, ">$prefix/dns_update_list") or die("Unable to open $$prefix/dns_update_list");
print DNS_UPDATE_LIST "A $server. $server_ip\n";
print DNS_UPDATE_LIST "AAAA $server. $server_ipv6\n";
print "DONE\n";
$ret{SERVER_IP} = $server_ip;
$ret{SERVER_IPV6} = $server_ipv6;
$ret{NMBD_TEST_LOG} = "$prefix/nmbd_test.log";
$ret{NMBD_TEST_LOG_POS} = 0;
$ret{WINBINDD_TEST_LOG} = "$prefix/winbindd_test.log";
$ret{SMBD_TEST_LOG} = "$prefix/smbd_test.log";
$ret{SMBD_TEST_LOG_POS} = 0;
$ret{SERVERCONFFILE} = $conffile;
$ret{CONFIGURATION} ="-s $conffile";
$ret{LOCK_DIR} = $lockdir;
$ret{SERVER} = $server;
$ret{USERNAME} = $unix_name;
$ret{USERID} = $unix_uid;
$ret{DOMAIN} = $domain;
$ret{NETBIOSNAME} = $server;
$ret{PASSWORD} = $password;
$ret{PIDDIR} = $piddir;
$ret{NMBD_SOCKET_DIR} = $nmbdsockdir;
$ret{NSS_WRAPPER_PASSWD} = $nss_wrapper_passwd;
$ret{NSS_WRAPPER_GROUP} = $nss_wrapper_group;
$ret{NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTS} = $nss_wrapper_hosts;
$ret{NSS_WRAPPER_HOSTNAME} = "${hostname}.samba.example.com";
$ret{NSS_WRAPPER_MODULE_SO_PATH} = Samba::nss_wrapper_winbind_so_path($self);
$ret{RESOLV_WRAPPER_HOSTS} = $dns_host_file;
} else {
$ret{RESOLV_WRAPPER_CONF} = $resolv_conf;
$ret{LOCAL_PATH} = "$shrdir";
$ret{LOGDIR} = $logdir;
# Avoid hitting system krb5.conf -
# An env that needs Kerberos will reset this to the real
# value.
$ret{KRB5_CONFIG} = abs_path($prefix) . "/no_krb5.conf";
# Define KRB5CCNAME for each environment we set up
$ret{KRB5_CCACHE} = abs_path($prefix) . "/krb5ccache";
return \%ret;
sub wait_for_start($$$$$)
my ($self, $envvars, $nmbd, $winbindd, $smbd) = @_;
my $ret;
if ($nmbd eq "yes") {
my $count = 0;
# give time for nbt server to register its names
print "checking for nmbd\n";
# This will return quickly when things are up, but be slow if we need to wait for (eg) SSL init
my $nmblookup = Samba::bindir_path($self, "nmblookup");
do {
$ret = system("$nmblookup $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} $envvars->{SERVER}");
if ($ret != 0) {
} else {
system("$nmblookup $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} -U $envvars->{SERVER_IP} __SAMBA__");
system("$nmblookup $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} __SAMBA__");
system("$nmblookup $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} -U __SAMBA__");
system("$nmblookup $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} -U $envvars->{SERVER_IP} $envvars->{SERVER}");
} while ($ret != 0 && $count < 10);
if ($count == 10) {
print "NMBD not reachable after 10 retries\n";
teardown_env($self, $envvars);
return 0;
if ($winbindd eq "yes") {
print "checking for winbindd\n";
my $count = 0;
do {
$ret = system("SELFTEST_WINBINDD_SOCKET_DIR=" . $envvars->{SELFTEST_WINBINDD_SOCKET_DIR} . " " . Samba::bindir_path($self, "wbinfo") . " --ping-dc");
if ($ret != 0) {
} while ($ret != 0 && $count < 20);
if ($count == 20) {
print "WINBINDD not reachable after 20 seconds\n";
teardown_env($self, $envvars);
return 0;
if ($smbd eq "yes") {
# make sure smbd is also up set
print "wait for smbd\n";
my $count = 0;
do {
$ret = system(Samba::bindir_path($self, "smbclient") ." $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} -L $envvars->{SERVER} -U% -p 139");
if ($ret != 0) {
} while ($ret != 0 && $count < 20);
if ($count == 20) {
print "SMBD failed to start up in a reasonable time (20sec)\n";
teardown_env($self, $envvars);
return 0;
# Ensure we have domain users mapped.
$ret = system(Samba::bindir_path($self, "net") ." $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} groupmap add rid=513 unixgroup=domusers type=domain");
if ($ret != 0) {
return 1;
$ret = system(Samba::bindir_path($self, "net") ." $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} groupmap add rid=512 unixgroup=domadmins type=domain");
if ($ret != 0) {
return 1;
$ret = system(Samba::bindir_path($self, "net") ." $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} groupmap add sid=S-1-1-0 unixgroup=everyone type=builtin");
if ($ret != 0) {
return 1;
if ($winbindd eq "yes") {
# note: creating builtin groups requires winbindd for the
# unix id allocator
$ret = system("SELFTEST_WINBINDD_SOCKET_DIR=" . $envvars->{SELFTEST_WINBINDD_SOCKET_DIR} . " " . Samba::bindir_path($self, "net") ." $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} sam createbuiltingroup Users");
if ($ret != 0) {
print "Failed to create BUILTIN\\Users group\n";
return 0;
my $count = 0;
do {
system(Samba::bindir_path($self, "net") . " $envvars->{CONFIGURATION} cache del IDMAP/SID2XID/S-1-5-32-545");
$ret = system("SELFTEST_WINBINDD_SOCKET_DIR=" . $envvars->{SELFTEST_WINBINDD_SOCKET_DIR} . " " . Samba::bindir_path($self, "wbinfo") . " --sid-to-gid=S-1-5-32-545");
if ($ret != 0) {
} while ($ret != 0 && $count < 10);
if ($count == 10) {
print "WINBINDD not reachable after 20 seconds\n";
teardown_env($self, $envvars);
return 0;
print $self->getlog_env($envvars);
return 1;