mirror of https://github.com/samba-team/samba.git synced 2025-03-05 20:58:40 +03:00
Andrew Bartlett ef28247f3b third_party/heimdal: import lorikeet-heimdal-202210310104 (commit 0fc20ff4144973047e6aaaeb2fc8708bd75be222)
This commit won't compile on it's own, as we need to fix the build system
to cope in the next commit.

The purpose of this commit is to update to a new lorikeet-heimdal tree
that includes the previous two patches and is rebased on a current
Heimdal master snapshot.

Signed-off-by: Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org>
Reviewed-by: Joseph Sutton <josephsutton@catalyst.net.nz>
2022-11-02 04:23:34 +00:00

Building Heimdal for Windows

1. Introduction

Heimdal can be built and run on Windows XP or later. Older OSs may work, but have not been tested.

2. Prerequisites

  • Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler: Heimdal has been tested with Microsoft Visual C/C++ compiler version 15.x. This corresponds to Microsoft Visual Studio version 2008. The compiler and tools that are included with Microsoft Windows SDK versions 6.1 and later can also be used for building Heimdal. If you have a recent Windows SDK, then you already have a compatible compiler.

  • Microsoft Windows SDK: Heimdal has been tested with Microsoft Windows SDK version 6.1 and 7.0.

  • Microsoft HTML Help Compiler: Needed for building documentation.

  • Perl: A recent version of Perl. Tested with ActiveState ActivePerl.

  • Python: Tested with Python 2.5 and 2.6. Python 3.9 is known to not work.

  • WiX: The Windows Installer XML toolkit (WiX) Version 3.x is used to build the installers.

  • Cygwin: The Heimdal build system requires a number of additional tools: awk, yacc, lex, cmp, sed, makeinfo, sh (Required for running tests). These can be found in the Cygwin distribution. MinGW or GnuWin32 may also be used instead of Cygwin. However, a recent build of makeinfo is required for building the documentation. Cygwin makeinfo 4.7 is known to work.

    • Native makeinfo.exe is no longer available from cygwin.
  • Certificate for code-signing: The Heimdal build produces a number of Assemblies that should be signed if they are to be installed via Windows Installer. In addition, all executable binaries produced by the build including installers can be signed and timestamped if a code-signing certificate is available. As of 1 January 2016 Windows 7 and above require the use of sha256 signatures. The signtool.exe provided with Windows SDK 8.1 or later must be used.

3. Setting up the build environment

  • Starting with a Windows SDK environment: The target platform, OS and build type (debug / release) is determined by the build environment.

    E.g.: You can use the SetEnv.Cmd script to set up a build environment targetting 64-bit Windows XP or later with:

    SetEnv.Cmd /xp /x64 /Debug

    The build will produce debug binaries. If you specify

    SetEnv.Cmd /xp /x64 /Release

    the build will produce release binaries.

  • Starting with a Visual Studio build: The target platform and OS is determined by the build environment.

    E.g.: You can use the vcvarsall.bat script to set up an environ,ent script to set up a build environment targetting 64-bit Windows 10 with:

    vcvarsall.bat x64 10.0.19041.0  -vcvars_ver=14.29 -vcvars_spectre_libs=spectre

    The choice of Debug or Release is made on the nmake command line.

  • Add any directories to PATH as necessary for tools required by the build to be found. The build scripts will check for build tools at the start of the build and will indicate which ones are missing. In general, adding Perl, Python, WiX, HTML Help Compiler and Cygwin binary directories to the path should be sufficient.

  • Set up environment variables for code signing. This can be done in one of two ways. By specifying options for signtool or by specifying the code-signing command directly. To use signtool, define SIGNTOOL_C and optionally, SIGNTOOL_O and SIGNTOOL_T.

    • SIGNTOOL_C: Certificate selection and private key selection options for signtool.


      set SIGNTOOL_C=/f c:\mycerts\codesign.pfx

      set SIGNTOOL_C=/n "Certificate Subject Name" /a

    • SIGNTOOL_O: Signing parameter options for signtool. Optional.


      set SIGNTOOL_O=/du http://example.com/myheimdal
    • SIGNTOOL_T: SHA1 Timestamp URL for signtool. If not specified, defaults to http://timestamp.digicert.com.

    • SIGNTOOL_T_SHA256: SHA256 Timestamp URL for signtool. If not specified, defaults to http://timestamp.digicert.com.

    • CODESIGN: SHA1 Code signer command. This environment variable, if defined, overrides the SIGNTOOL_* variables. It should be defined to be a command that takes one parameter: the binary to be signed.

    • CODESIGN_SHA256: SHA256 Code signer command. This environment variable, if defined, applies a second SHA256 signature to the parameter. It should be defined to be a command that takes one parameter: the binary to be signed.


      set CODESIGN=c:\scripts\mycodesigner.cmd

      set CODESIGN_SHA256=c:\scripts\mycodesigner256.cmd

    • 'APPVER'. This environment variable controls the version passed to the -subsystem qualifier for linker. Additionally it helps locate the runtime library (or otherwise) associated with the compiler (Not sure how to build for XP with VC2017)

  • Define the code sign public key token. This is contained in the environment variable CODESIGN_PKT and is needed to build the Heimdal assemblies. If you are not using a code-sign certificate, set this to 0000000000000000.

    You can use the pktextract tool to determine the public key token corresponding to your code signing certificate as follows (assuming your code signing certificate is in c:\mycerts\codesign.cer:

    pktextract c:\mycerts\codesign.cer

    The above command will output the certificate name, key size and the public key token. Set the CODESIGN_PKT variable to the publicKeyToken value (excluding quotes).


    set CODESIGN_PKT=abcdef0123456789

4. Running the build

If you checkout from git, you should ensure that and awk input files retain unix (LF only) line endings.

Change the current directory to the root of the Heimdal source tree and run:

nmake /f NTMakefile

This should build the binaries, assemblies and the installers. If you are building with the Visual Studio tools you can build the release versions by setting the NODEBUG variable

nmake /f NTMakefile NODEBUG=TRUE

The build can also be invoked from any subdirectory that contains an NTMakefile using the same command. Keep in mind that there are inter-dependencies between directories and therefore it is recommended that a full build be invoked from the root of the source tree.

Tests can be invoked, after a full build, by executing:

nmake /f NTMakefile test

The build tree can be cleaned with:

nmake /f NTMakefile clean

It is recommended that both AMD64 and X86 builds take place on the same machine. This permits a multi-platform installer package to be built. First build for X86 and then build AMD64


The build must be executed under cmd.exe.

5. Makeinfo

Makeinfo is no longer available from cygwin (see this mail thread).The following appears to work (added to NTMakefile.w32)

MAKEINFO=$(PERL) C:\cygwin64\bin\texi2any

You should expect a certain amount of debugging to ensure that all the required Perl libraries are installed.