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synced 2025-03-12 20:58:37 +03:00
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#include "idl_types.h"
samr interface definition
Thanks to Todd Sabin for some information from his samr.idl in acltools
[ uuid("12345778-1234-abcd-ef00-0123456789ac"),
endpoint("ncacn_np:[\\pipe\\samr]","ncacn_ip_tcp:", "ncalrpc:"),
] interface samr
declare bitmap security_secinfo;
/* account control (acct_flags) bits */
typedef [public,bitmap32bit] bitmap {
ACB_DISABLED = 0x00000001, /* 1 = User account disabled */
ACB_HOMDIRREQ = 0x00000002, /* 1 = Home directory required */
ACB_PWNOTREQ = 0x00000004, /* 1 = User password not required */
ACB_TEMPDUP = 0x00000008, /* 1 = Temporary duplicate account */
ACB_NORMAL = 0x00000010, /* 1 = Normal user account */
ACB_MNS = 0x00000020, /* 1 = MNS logon user account */
ACB_DOMTRUST = 0x00000040, /* 1 = Interdomain trust account */
ACB_WSTRUST = 0x00000080, /* 1 = Workstation trust account */
ACB_SVRTRUST = 0x00000100, /* 1 = Server trust account */
ACB_PWNOEXP = 0x00000200, /* 1 = User password does not expire */
ACB_AUTOLOCK = 0x00000400, /* 1 = Account auto locked */
ACB_ENC_TXT_PWD_ALLOWED = 0x00000800, /* 1 = Encryped text password is allowed */
ACB_SMARTCARD_REQUIRED = 0x00001000, /* 1 = Smart Card required */
ACB_TRUSTED_FOR_DELEGATION = 0x00002000, /* 1 = Trusted for Delegation */
ACB_NOT_DELEGATED = 0x00004000, /* 1 = Not delegated */
ACB_USE_DES_KEY_ONLY = 0x00008000, /* 1 = Use DES key only */
ACB_DONT_REQUIRE_PREAUTH = 0x00010000 /* 1 = Preauth not required */
} samr_AcctFlags;
/* Function: 0x00 */
NTSTATUS samr_Connect (
/* notice the lack of [string] */
[in] uint16 *system_name,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[out,ref] policy_handle *connect_handle
/* Function: 0x01 */
NTSTATUS samr_Close (
[in,out,ref] policy_handle *handle
/* Function: 0x02 */
NTSTATUS samr_SetSecurity (
[in,ref] policy_handle *handle,
[in] security_secinfo sec_info,
[in,ref] sec_desc_buf *sdbuf
/* Function: 0x03 */
NTSTATUS samr_QuerySecurity (
[in,ref] policy_handle *handle,
[in] security_secinfo sec_info,
[out] sec_desc_buf *sdbuf
/* Function: 0x04 */
shutdown the SAM - once you call this the SAM will be dead
NTSTATUS samr_Shutdown (
[in,ref] policy_handle *connect_handle
/* Function: 0x05 */
NTSTATUS samr_LookupDomain (
[in,ref] policy_handle *connect_handle,
[in,ref] lsa_String *domain_name,
[out] dom_sid2 *sid
/* Function: 0x06 */
typedef struct {
uint32 idx;
lsa_String name;
} samr_SamEntry;
typedef struct {
uint32 count;
[size_is(count)] samr_SamEntry *entries;
} samr_SamArray;
NTSTATUS samr_EnumDomains (
[in,ref] policy_handle *connect_handle,
[in,out,ref] uint32 *resume_handle,
[in] uint32 buf_size,
[out] samr_SamArray *sam,
[out] uint32 num_entries
/* Function 0x07 */
NTSTATUS samr_OpenDomain(
[in,ref] policy_handle *connect_handle,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[in,ref] dom_sid2 *sid,
[out,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle
/* Function 0x08 */
/* server roles */
typedef [v1_enum] enum {
} samr_Role;
/* password properties flags */
typedef [public,bitmap32bit] bitmap {
} samr_PasswordProperties;
typedef struct {
uint16 min_password_length;
uint16 password_history_length;
samr_PasswordProperties password_properties;
/* yes, these are signed. They are in negative 100ns */
dlong max_password_age;
dlong min_password_age;
} samr_DomInfo1;
typedef struct {
NTTIME force_logoff_time;
lsa_String comment;
lsa_String domain_name;
lsa_String primary; /* PDC name if this is a BDC */
udlong sequence_num;
uint32 unknown2;
samr_Role role;
uint32 unknown3;
uint32 num_users;
uint32 num_groups;
uint32 num_aliases;
} samr_DomInfo2;
typedef struct {
NTTIME force_logoff_time;
} samr_DomInfo3;
typedef struct {
lsa_String comment;
} samr_DomInfo4;
typedef struct {
lsa_String domain_name;
} samr_DomInfo5;
typedef struct {
lsa_String primary;
} samr_DomInfo6;
typedef struct {
samr_Role role;
} samr_DomInfo7;
typedef struct {
hyper sequence_num;
NTTIME domain_create_time;
} samr_DomInfo8;
typedef struct {
uint32 unknown; /* w2k3 returns 1 */
} samr_DomInfo9;
typedef struct {
samr_DomInfo2 info2;
hyper lockout_duration;
hyper lockout_window;
uint16 lockout_threshold;
} samr_DomInfo11;
typedef struct {
hyper lockout_duration;
hyper lockout_window;
uint16 lockout_threshold;
} samr_DomInfo12;
typedef struct {
hyper sequence_num;
NTTIME domain_create_time;
uint32 unknown1;
uint32 unknown2;
} samr_DomInfo13;
typedef [switch_type(uint16)] union {
[case(1)] samr_DomInfo1 info1;
[case(2)] samr_DomInfo2 info2;
[case(3)] samr_DomInfo3 info3;
[case(4)] samr_DomInfo4 info4;
[case(5)] samr_DomInfo5 info5;
[case(6)] samr_DomInfo6 info6;
[case(7)] samr_DomInfo7 info7;
[case(8)] samr_DomInfo8 info8;
[case(9)] samr_DomInfo9 info9;
[case(11)] samr_DomInfo11 info11;
[case(12)] samr_DomInfo12 info12;
[case(13)] samr_DomInfo13 info13;
} samr_DomainInfo;
NTSTATUS samr_QueryDomainInfo(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[out,switch_is(level)] samr_DomainInfo *info
/* Function 0x09 */
only levels 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12 are valid for this
call in w2k3
NTSTATUS samr_SetDomainInfo(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[in,switch_is(level),ref] samr_DomainInfo *info
/* Function 0x0a */
NTSTATUS samr_CreateDomainGroup(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,ref] lsa_String *name,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[out,ref] policy_handle *group_handle,
[out,ref] uint32 *rid
/* Function 0x0b */
NTSTATUS samr_EnumDomainGroups(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,out,ref] uint32 *resume_handle,
[in] uint32 max_size,
[out] samr_SamArray *sam,
[out] uint32 num_entries
/* Function 0x0c */
NTSTATUS samr_CreateUser(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,ref] lsa_String *account_name,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[out,ref] policy_handle *user_handle,
[out,ref] uint32 *rid
/* Function 0x0d */
/* w2k3 treats max_size as max_users*54 and sets the
resume_handle as the rid of the last user sent
NTSTATUS samr_EnumDomainUsers(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,out,ref] uint32 *resume_handle,
[in] samr_AcctFlags acct_flags,
[in] uint32 max_size,
[out] samr_SamArray *sam,
[out] uint32 num_entries
/* Function 0x0e */
NTSTATUS samr_CreateDomAlias(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,ref] lsa_String *alias_name,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[out,ref] policy_handle *alias_handle,
[out,ref] uint32 *rid
/* Function 0x0f */
NTSTATUS samr_EnumDomainAliases(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,out,ref] uint32 *resume_handle,
[in] samr_AcctFlags acct_flags,
[out] samr_SamArray *sam,
[out] uint32 num_entries
/* Function 0x10 */
typedef struct {
[range(0,1024)] uint32 count;
[size_is(count)] uint32 *ids;
} samr_Ids;
NTSTATUS samr_GetAliasMembership(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,ref] lsa_SidArray *sids,
[out,ref] samr_Ids *rids
/* Function 0x11 */
NTSTATUS samr_LookupNames(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,range(0,1000)] uint32 num_names,
[in,size_is(1000),length_is(num_names)] lsa_String names[],
[out] samr_Ids rids,
[out] samr_Ids types
/* Function 0x12 */
NTSTATUS samr_LookupRids(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,range(0,1000)] uint32 num_rids,
[in,size_is(1000),length_is(num_rids)] uint32 rids[],
[out] lsa_Strings names,
[out] samr_Ids types
/* Function 0x13 */
NTSTATUS samr_OpenGroup(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[in] uint32 rid,
[out,ref] policy_handle *group_handle
/* Group attributes */
typedef [public,bitmap32bit] bitmap {
SE_GROUP_MANDATORY = 0x00000001,
SE_GROUP_ENABLED = 0x00000004,
SE_GROUP_OWNER = 0x00000008,
SE_GROUP_RESOURCE = 0x20000000,
SE_GROUP_LOGON_ID = 0xC0000000
} samr_GroupAttrs;
/* Function 0x14 */
typedef struct {
lsa_String name;
samr_GroupAttrs attributes;
uint32 num_members;
lsa_String description;
} samr_GroupInfoAll;
typedef struct {
uint32 unknown;
} samr_GroupInfoX;
typedef struct {
lsa_String description;
} samr_GroupInfoDescription;
typedef enum {
} samr_GroupInfoEnum;
typedef [switch_type(samr_GroupInfoEnum)] union {
[case(GROUPINFOALL)] samr_GroupInfoAll all;
[case(GROUPINFONAME)] lsa_String name;
[case(GROUPINFOX)] samr_GroupInfoX unknown;
[case(GROUPINFODESCRIPTION)] lsa_String description;
[case(GROUPINFOALL2)] samr_GroupInfoAll all2;
} samr_GroupInfo;
NTSTATUS samr_QueryGroupInfo(
[in,ref] policy_handle *group_handle,
[in] samr_GroupInfoEnum level,
[out,switch_is(level)] samr_GroupInfo *info
/* Function 0x15 */
NTSTATUS samr_SetGroupInfo(
[in,ref] policy_handle *group_handle,
[in] samr_GroupInfoEnum level,
[in,switch_is(level),ref] samr_GroupInfo *info
/* Function 0x16 */
NTSTATUS samr_AddGroupMember(
[in,ref] policy_handle *group_handle,
[in] uint32 rid,
[in] uint32 flags
/* Function 0x17 */
NTSTATUS samr_DeleteDomainGroup(
[in,out,ref] policy_handle *group_handle
/* Function 0x18 */
NTSTATUS samr_DeleteGroupMember(
[in,ref] policy_handle *group_handle,
[in] uint32 rid
/* Function 0x19 */
typedef struct {
uint32 count;
[size_is(count)] uint32 *rids;
[size_is(count)] uint32 *types;
} samr_RidTypeArray;
NTSTATUS samr_QueryGroupMember(
[in,ref] policy_handle *group_handle,
[out] samr_RidTypeArray *rids
/* Function 0x1a */
win2003 seems to accept any data at all for the two integers
below, and doesn't seem to do anything with them that I can
see. Weird. I really expected the first integer to be a rid
and the second to be the attributes for that rid member.
NTSTATUS samr_SetMemberAttributesOfGroup(
[in,ref] policy_handle *group_handle,
[in] uint32 unknown1,
[in] uint32 unknown2
/* Function 0x1b */
NTSTATUS samr_OpenAlias (
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[in] uint32 rid,
[out,ref] policy_handle *alias_handle
/* Function 0x1c */
typedef struct {
lsa_String name;
uint32 num_members;
lsa_String description;
} samr_AliasInfoAll;
typedef enum {
} samr_AliasInfoEnum;
typedef [switch_type(samr_AliasInfoEnum)] union {
[case(ALIASINFOALL)] samr_AliasInfoAll all;
[case(ALIASINFONAME)] lsa_String name;
[case(ALIASINFODESCRIPTION)] lsa_String description;
} samr_AliasInfo;
NTSTATUS samr_QueryAliasInfo(
[in,ref] policy_handle *alias_handle,
[in] samr_AliasInfoEnum level,
[out,switch_is(level)] samr_AliasInfo *info
/* Function 0x1d */
NTSTATUS samr_SetAliasInfo(
[in,ref] policy_handle *alias_handle,
[in] samr_AliasInfoEnum level,
[in,switch_is(level),ref] samr_AliasInfo *info
/* Function 0x1e */
NTSTATUS samr_DeleteDomAlias(
[in,out,ref] policy_handle *alias_handle
/* Function 0x1f */
NTSTATUS samr_AddAliasMember(
[in,ref] policy_handle *alias_handle,
[in,ref] dom_sid2 *sid
/* Function 0x20 */
NTSTATUS samr_DeleteAliasMember(
[in,ref] policy_handle *alias_handle,
[in,ref] dom_sid2 *sid
/* Function 0x21 */
NTSTATUS samr_GetMembersInAlias(
[in,ref] policy_handle *alias_handle,
[out,ref] lsa_SidArray *sids
/* Function 0x22 */
NTSTATUS samr_OpenUser(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[in] uint32 rid,
[out,ref] policy_handle *user_handle
/* Function 0x23 */
NTSTATUS samr_DeleteUser(
[in,out,ref] policy_handle *user_handle
/* Function 0x24 */
typedef struct {
lsa_String account_name;
lsa_String full_name;
uint32 primary_gid;
lsa_String description;
lsa_String comment;
} samr_UserInfo1;
typedef struct {
lsa_String comment;
lsa_String unknown; /* settable, but doesn't stick. probably obsolete */
uint16 country_code;
uint16 code_page;
} samr_UserInfo2;
/* this is also used in samr and netlogon */
typedef [public, flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct {
uint16 units_per_week;
[size_is(1260), length_is(units_per_week/8)] uint8 *bits;
} samr_LogonHours;
typedef struct {
lsa_String account_name;
lsa_String full_name;
uint32 rid;
uint32 primary_gid;
lsa_String home_directory;
lsa_String home_drive;
lsa_String logon_script;
lsa_String profile_path;
lsa_String workstations;
NTTIME last_logon;
NTTIME last_logoff;
NTTIME last_password_change;
NTTIME allow_password_change;
NTTIME force_password_change;
samr_LogonHours logon_hours;
uint16 bad_password_count;
uint16 logon_count;
samr_AcctFlags acct_flags;
} samr_UserInfo3;
typedef struct {
samr_LogonHours logon_hours;
} samr_UserInfo4;
typedef struct {
lsa_String account_name;
lsa_String full_name;
uint32 rid;
uint32 primary_gid;
lsa_String home_directory;
lsa_String home_drive;
lsa_String logon_script;
lsa_String profile_path;
lsa_String description;
lsa_String workstations;
NTTIME last_logon;
NTTIME last_logoff;
samr_LogonHours logon_hours;
uint16 bad_password_count;
uint16 logon_count;
NTTIME last_password_change;
NTTIME acct_expiry;
samr_AcctFlags acct_flags;
} samr_UserInfo5;
typedef struct {
lsa_String account_name;
lsa_String full_name;
} samr_UserInfo6;
typedef struct {
lsa_String account_name;
} samr_UserInfo7;
typedef struct {
lsa_String full_name;
} samr_UserInfo8;
typedef struct {
uint32 primary_gid;
} samr_UserInfo9;
typedef struct {
lsa_String home_directory;
lsa_String home_drive;
} samr_UserInfo10;
typedef struct {
lsa_String logon_script;
} samr_UserInfo11;
typedef struct {
lsa_String profile_path;
} samr_UserInfo12;
typedef struct {
lsa_String description;
} samr_UserInfo13;
typedef struct {
lsa_String workstations;
} samr_UserInfo14;
typedef struct {
samr_AcctFlags acct_flags;
} samr_UserInfo16;
typedef struct {
NTTIME acct_expiry;
} samr_UserInfo17;
typedef struct {
lsa_String parameters;
} samr_UserInfo20;
/* this defines the bits used for fields_present in info21 */
typedef [bitmap32bit] bitmap {
SAMR_FIELD_FULL_NAME = 0x00000002,
SAMR_FIELD_COMMENT = 0x00000020,
SAMR_FIELD_CODE_PAGE = 0x00800000,
SAMR_FIELD_PASSWORD = 0x01000000, /* either of these */
SAMR_FIELD_PASSWORD2 = 0x02000000 /* two bits seems to work */
} samr_FieldsPresent;
typedef struct {
NTTIME last_logon;
NTTIME last_logoff;
NTTIME last_password_change;
NTTIME acct_expiry;
NTTIME allow_password_change;
NTTIME force_password_change;
lsa_String account_name;
lsa_String full_name;
lsa_String home_directory;
lsa_String home_drive;
lsa_String logon_script;
lsa_String profile_path;
lsa_String description;
lsa_String workstations;
lsa_String comment;
lsa_String parameters;
lsa_String unknown1;
lsa_String unknown2;
lsa_String unknown3;
uint32 buf_count;
[size_is(buf_count)] uint8 *buffer;
uint32 rid;
uint32 primary_gid;
samr_AcctFlags acct_flags;
samr_FieldsPresent fields_present;
samr_LogonHours logon_hours;
uint16 bad_password_count;
uint16 logon_count;
uint16 country_code;
uint16 code_page;
uint8 nt_password_set;
uint8 lm_password_set;
uint8 password_expired;
uint8 unknown4;
} samr_UserInfo21;
typedef [public, flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct {
uint8 data[516];
} samr_CryptPassword;
typedef struct {
samr_UserInfo21 info;
samr_CryptPassword password;
} samr_UserInfo23;
typedef struct {
samr_CryptPassword password;
uint16 pw_len;
} samr_UserInfo24;
typedef [flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct {
uint8 data[532];
} samr_CryptPasswordEx;
typedef struct {
samr_UserInfo21 info;
samr_CryptPasswordEx password;
} samr_UserInfo25;
typedef struct {
samr_CryptPasswordEx password;
uint8 pw_len;
} samr_UserInfo26;
typedef [switch_type(uint16)] union {
[case(1)] samr_UserInfo1 info1;
[case(2)] samr_UserInfo2 info2;
[case(3)] samr_UserInfo3 info3;
[case(4)] samr_UserInfo4 info4;
[case(5)] samr_UserInfo5 info5;
[case(6)] samr_UserInfo6 info6;
[case(7)] samr_UserInfo7 info7;
[case(8)] samr_UserInfo8 info8;
[case(9)] samr_UserInfo9 info9;
[case(10)] samr_UserInfo10 info10;
[case(11)] samr_UserInfo11 info11;
[case(12)] samr_UserInfo12 info12;
[case(13)] samr_UserInfo13 info13;
[case(14)] samr_UserInfo14 info14;
[case(16)] samr_UserInfo16 info16;
[case(17)] samr_UserInfo17 info17;
[case(20)] samr_UserInfo20 info20;
[case(21)] samr_UserInfo21 info21;
[case(23)] samr_UserInfo23 info23;
[case(24)] samr_UserInfo24 info24;
[case(25)] samr_UserInfo25 info25;
[case(26)] samr_UserInfo26 info26;
} samr_UserInfo;
NTSTATUS samr_QueryUserInfo(
[in,ref] policy_handle *user_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[out,switch_is(level)] samr_UserInfo *info
/* Function 0x25 */
NTSTATUS samr_SetUserInfo(
[in,ref] policy_handle *user_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[in,ref,switch_is(level)] samr_UserInfo *info
/* Function 0x26 */
typedef [public, flag(NDR_PAHEX)] struct {
uint8 hash[16];
} samr_Password;
this is a password change interface that doesn't give
the server the plaintext password. Depricated.
NTSTATUS samr_ChangePasswordUser(
[in,ref] policy_handle *user_handle,
[in] bool8 lm_present,
[in] samr_Password *old_lm_crypted,
[in] samr_Password *new_lm_crypted,
[in] bool8 nt_present,
[in] samr_Password *old_nt_crypted,
[in] samr_Password *new_nt_crypted,
[in] bool8 cross1_present,
[in] samr_Password *nt_cross,
[in] bool8 cross2_present,
[in] samr_Password *lm_cross
/* Function 0x27 */
typedef [public] struct {
uint32 rid;
samr_GroupAttrs attributes;
} samr_RidWithAttribute;
typedef [public] struct {
uint32 count;
[size_is(count)] samr_RidWithAttribute *rids;
} samr_RidWithAttributeArray;
NTSTATUS samr_GetGroupsForUser(
[in,ref] policy_handle *user_handle,
[out] samr_RidWithAttributeArray *rids
/* Function 0x28 */
typedef struct {
uint32 idx;
uint32 rid;
samr_AcctFlags acct_flags;
lsa_String account_name;
lsa_String full_name;
lsa_String description;
} samr_DispEntryGeneral;
typedef struct {
uint32 count;
[size_is(count)] samr_DispEntryGeneral *entries;
} samr_DispInfoGeneral;
typedef struct {
uint32 idx;
uint32 rid;
samr_AcctFlags acct_flags;
lsa_String account_name;
lsa_String description;
} samr_DispEntryFull;
typedef struct {
uint32 count;
[size_is(count)] samr_DispEntryFull *entries;
} samr_DispInfoFull;
typedef struct {
uint32 idx;
lsa_AsciiString account_name;
} samr_DispEntryAscii;
typedef struct {
uint32 count;
[size_is(count)] samr_DispEntryAscii *entries;
} samr_DispInfoAscii;
typedef [switch_type(uint16)] union {
[case(1)] samr_DispInfoGeneral info1;/* users */
[case(2)] samr_DispInfoFull info2; /* trust accounts? */
[case(3)] samr_DispInfoFull info3; /* groups */
[case(4)] samr_DispInfoAscii info4; /* users */
[case(5)] samr_DispInfoAscii info5; /* groups */
} samr_DispInfo;
NTSTATUS samr_QueryDisplayInfo(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[in] uint32 start_idx,
[in] uint32 max_entries,
[in] uint32 buf_size,
[out] uint32 total_size,
[out] uint32 returned_size,
[out,switch_is(level)] samr_DispInfo info
/* Function 0x29 */
this seems to be an alphabetic search function. The returned index
is the index for samr_QueryDisplayInfo needed to get names occurring
after the specified name. The supplied name does not need to exist
in the database (for example you can supply just a first letter for
searching starting at that letter)
The level corresponds to the samr_QueryDisplayInfo level
NTSTATUS samr_GetDisplayEnumerationIndex(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[in] lsa_String name,
[out] uint32 idx
/* Function 0x2a */
w2k3 returns NT_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED for this
NTSTATUS samr_TestPrivateFunctionsDomain(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle
/* Function 0x2b */
w2k3 returns NT_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED for this
NTSTATUS samr_TestPrivateFunctionsUser(
[in,ref] policy_handle *user_handle
/* Function 0x2c */
typedef struct {
uint16 min_password_length;
samr_PasswordProperties password_properties;
} samr_PwInfo;
NTSTATUS samr_GetUserPwInfo(
[in,ref] policy_handle *user_handle,
[out] samr_PwInfo info
/* Function 0x2d */
NTSTATUS samr_RemoveMemberFromForeignDomain(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,ref] dom_sid2 *sid
/* Function 0x2e */
how is this different from QueryDomainInfo ??
NTSTATUS samr_QueryDomainInfo2(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[out,switch_is(level)] samr_DomainInfo *info
/* Function 0x2f */
how is this different from QueryUserInfo ??
NTSTATUS samr_QueryUserInfo2(
[in,ref] policy_handle *user_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[out,switch_is(level)] samr_UserInfo *info
/* Function 0x30 */
how is this different from QueryDisplayInfo??
NTSTATUS samr_QueryDisplayInfo2(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[in] uint32 start_idx,
[in] uint32 max_entries,
[in] uint32 buf_size,
[out] uint32 total_size,
[out] uint32 returned_size,
[out,switch_is(level)] samr_DispInfo info
/* Function 0x31 */
how is this different from GetDisplayEnumerationIndex ??
NTSTATUS samr_GetDisplayEnumerationIndex2(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[in] lsa_String name,
[out] uint32 idx
/* Function 0x32 */
NTSTATUS samr_CreateUser2(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in,ref] lsa_String *account_name,
[in] samr_AcctFlags acct_flags,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[out,ref] policy_handle *user_handle,
[out,ref] uint32 *access_granted,
[out,ref] uint32 *rid
/* Function 0x33 */
another duplicate. There must be a reason ....
NTSTATUS samr_QueryDisplayInfo3(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[in] uint32 start_idx,
[in] uint32 max_entries,
[in] uint32 buf_size,
[out] uint32 total_size,
[out] uint32 returned_size,
[out,switch_is(level)] samr_DispInfo info
/* Function 0x34 */
NTSTATUS samr_AddMultipleMembersToAlias(
[in,ref] policy_handle *alias_handle,
[in,ref] lsa_SidArray *sids
/* Function 0x35 */
NTSTATUS samr_RemoveMultipleMembersFromAlias(
[in,ref] policy_handle *alias_handle,
[in,ref] lsa_SidArray *sids
/* Function 0x36 */
NTSTATUS samr_OemChangePasswordUser2(
[in] lsa_AsciiString *server,
[in,ref] lsa_AsciiString *account,
[in] samr_CryptPassword *password,
[in] samr_Password *hash
/* Function 0x37 */
NTSTATUS samr_ChangePasswordUser2(
[in] lsa_String *server,
[in,ref] lsa_String *account,
[in] samr_CryptPassword *nt_password,
[in] samr_Password *nt_verifier,
[in] bool8 lm_change,
[in] samr_CryptPassword *lm_password,
[in] samr_Password *lm_verifier
/* Function 0x38 */
NTSTATUS samr_GetDomPwInfo(
[in] lsa_String *domain_name,
[out] samr_PwInfo info
/* Function 0x39 */
NTSTATUS samr_Connect2(
[in,string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *system_name,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[out,ref] policy_handle *connect_handle
/* Function 0x3a */
seems to be an exact alias for samr_SetUserInfo()
NTSTATUS samr_SetUserInfo2(
[in,ref] policy_handle *user_handle,
[in] uint16 level,
[in,ref,switch_is(level)] samr_UserInfo *info
/* Function 0x3b */
this one is mysterious. I have a few guesses, but nothing working yet
NTSTATUS samr_SetBootKeyInformation(
[in,ref] policy_handle *connect_handle,
[in] uint32 unknown1,
[in] uint32 unknown2,
[in] uint32 unknown3
/* Function 0x3c */
NTSTATUS samr_GetBootKeyInformation(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[out] uint32 unknown
/* Function 0x3d */
NTSTATUS samr_Connect3(
[in,string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *system_name,
/* this unknown value seems to be completely ignored by w2k3 */
[in] uint32 unknown,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[out,ref] policy_handle *connect_handle
/* Function 0x3e */
NTSTATUS samr_Connect4(
[in,string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *system_name,
[in] uint32 unknown,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[out,ref] policy_handle *connect_handle
/* Function 0x3f */
declare enum samr_RejectReason;
typedef struct {
samr_RejectReason reason;
uint32 unknown1;
uint32 unknown2;
} samr_ChangeReject;
NTSTATUS samr_ChangePasswordUser3(
[in] lsa_String *server,
[in,ref] lsa_String *account,
[in] samr_CryptPassword *nt_password,
[in] samr_Password *nt_verifier,
[in] bool8 lm_change,
[in] samr_CryptPassword *lm_password,
[in] samr_Password *lm_verifier,
[in] samr_CryptPassword *password3,
[out] samr_DomInfo1 *dominfo,
[out] samr_ChangeReject *reject
/* Function 0x40 */
typedef struct {
uint32 unknown1; /* w2k3 gives 3 */
uint32 unknown2; /* w2k3 gives 0 */
} samr_ConnectInfo1;
typedef union {
[case(1)] samr_ConnectInfo1 info1;
} samr_ConnectInfo;
NTSTATUS samr_Connect5(
[in,string,charset(UTF16)] uint16 *system_name,
[in] uint32 access_mask,
[in,out] uint32 level,
[in,out,switch_is(level),ref] samr_ConnectInfo *info,
[out,ref] policy_handle *connect_handle
/* Function 0x41 */
NTSTATUS samr_RidToSid(
[in,ref] policy_handle *domain_handle,
[in] uint32 rid,
[out] dom_sid2 *sid
/* Function 0x42 */
this should set the DSRM password for the server, which is used
when booting into Directory Services Recovery Mode on a DC. Win2003
NTSTATUS samr_SetDsrmPassword(
[in] lsa_String *name,
[in] uint32 unknown,
[in] samr_Password *hash
/* Function 0x43 */
I haven't been able to work out the format of this one yet.
Seems to start with a switch level for a union?
NTSTATUS samr_ValidatePassword();