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synced 2025-03-12 20:58:37 +03:00
Signed-off-by: Bjoern Jacke <bjacke@samba.org> Reviewed-by: Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org>
260 lines
8.8 KiB
260 lines
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# functions for handling ABI checking of libraries
import os
import sys
import re
import fnmatch
from waflib import Options, Utils, Logs, Task, Build, Errors
from waflib.TaskGen import feature, before, after
from wafsamba import samba_utils
# these type maps cope with platform specific names for common types
# please add new type mappings into the list below
abi_type_maps = {
'_Bool' : 'bool',
'struct __va_list_tag *' : 'va_list'
version_key = lambda x: list(map(int, x.split(".")))
def normalise_signature(sig):
'''normalise a signature from gdb'''
sig = sig.strip()
sig = re.sub('^\$[0-9]+\s=\s\{(.+)\}$', r'\1', sig)
sig = re.sub('^\$[0-9]+\s=\s\{(.+)\}(\s0x[0-9a-f]+\s<\w+>)+$', r'\1', sig)
sig = re.sub('^\$[0-9]+\s=\s(0x[0-9a-f]+)\s?(<\w+>)?$', r'\1', sig)
sig = re.sub('0x[0-9a-f]+', '0xXXXX', sig)
sig = re.sub('", <incomplete sequence (\\\\[a-z0-9]+)>', r'\1"', sig)
for t in abi_type_maps:
# we need to cope with non-word characters in mapped types
m = t
m = m.replace('*', '\*')
if m[-1].isalnum() or m[-1] == '_':
m += '\\b'
if m[0].isalnum() or m[0] == '_':
m = '\\b' + m
sig = re.sub(m, abi_type_maps[t], sig)
return sig
def normalise_varargs(sig):
'''cope with older versions of gdb'''
sig = re.sub(',\s\.\.\.', '', sig)
return sig
def parse_sigs(sigs, abi_match):
'''parse ABI signatures file'''
abi_match = samba_utils.TO_LIST(abi_match)
ret = {}
a = sigs.split('\n')
for s in a:
if s.find(':') == -1:
sa = s.split(':')
if abi_match:
matched = False
negative = False
for p in abi_match:
if p[0] == '!' and fnmatch.fnmatch(sa[0], p[1:]):
negative = True
elif fnmatch.fnmatch(sa[0], p):
matched = True
if (not matched) and negative:
Logs.debug("%s -> %s" % (sa[1], normalise_signature(sa[1])))
ret[sa[0]] = normalise_signature(sa[1])
return ret
def save_sigs(sig_file, parsed_sigs):
'''save ABI signatures to a file'''
sigs = "".join('%s: %s\n' % (s, parsed_sigs[s]) for s in sorted(parsed_sigs.keys()))
return samba_utils.save_file(sig_file, sigs, create_dir=True)
def abi_check_task(self):
'''check if the ABI has changed'''
abi_gen = self.ABI_GEN
libpath = self.inputs[0].abspath(self.env)
libname = os.path.basename(libpath)
sigs = samba_utils.get_string(Utils.cmd_output([abi_gen, libpath]))
parsed_sigs = parse_sigs(sigs, self.ABI_MATCH)
sig_file = self.ABI_FILE
old_sigs = samba_utils.load_file(sig_file)
if old_sigs is None or Options.options.ABI_UPDATE:
if not save_sigs(sig_file, parsed_sigs):
raise Errors.WafError('Failed to save ABI file "%s"' % sig_file)
Logs.warn('Generated ABI signatures %s' % sig_file)
parsed_old_sigs = parse_sigs(old_sigs, self.ABI_MATCH)
# check all old sigs
got_error = False
for s in parsed_old_sigs:
if not s in parsed_sigs:
Logs.error('%s: symbol %s has been removed - please update major version\n\tsignature: %s' % (
libname, s, parsed_old_sigs[s]))
got_error = True
elif normalise_varargs(parsed_old_sigs[s]) != normalise_varargs(parsed_sigs[s]):
Logs.error('%s: symbol %s has changed - please update major version\n\told_signature: %s\n\tnew_signature: %s' % (
libname, s, parsed_old_sigs[s], parsed_sigs[s]))
got_error = True
for s in parsed_sigs:
if not s in parsed_old_sigs:
Logs.error('%s: symbol %s has been added - please mark it _PRIVATE_ or update minor version\n\tsignature: %s' % (
libname, s, parsed_sigs[s]))
got_error = True
if got_error:
raise Errors.WafError('ABI for %s has changed - please fix library version then build with --abi-update\nSee http://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Waf#ABI_Checking for more information\nIf you have not changed any ABI, and your platform always gives this error, please configure with --abi-check-disable to skip this check' % libname)
t = Task.task_factory('abi_check', abi_check_task, color='BLUE', ext_in='.bin')
t.quiet = True
# allow "waf --abi-check" to force re-checking the ABI
if '--abi-check' in sys.argv:
t.always_run = True
def abi_check(self):
'''check that ABI matches saved signatures'''
env = self.bld.env
if not env.ABI_CHECK or self.abi_directory is None:
# if the platform doesn't support -fvisibility=hidden then the ABI
# checks become fairly meaningless
topsrc = self.bld.srcnode.abspath()
abi_gen = os.path.join(topsrc, 'buildtools/scripts/abi_gen.sh')
abi_file = "%s/%s-%s.sigs" % (self.abi_directory, self.version_libname,
tsk = self.create_task('abi_check', self.link_task.outputs[0])
tsk.ABI_FILE = abi_file
tsk.ABI_MATCH = self.abi_match
tsk.ABI_GEN = abi_gen
def abi_process_file(fname, version, symmap):
'''process one ABI file, adding new symbols to the symmap'''
for line in Utils.readf(fname).splitlines():
symname = line.split(":")[0]
if not symname in symmap:
symmap[symname] = version
def abi_write_vscript(f, libname, current_version, versions, symmap, abi_match):
"""Write a vscript file for a library in --version-script format.
:param f: File-like object to write to
:param libname: Name of the library, uppercased
:param current_version: Current version
:param versions: Versions to consider
:param symmap: Dictionary mapping symbols -> version
:param abi_match: List of symbols considered to be public in the current
invmap = {}
for s in symmap:
invmap.setdefault(symmap[s], []).append(s)
last_key = ""
versions = sorted(versions, key=version_key)
for k in versions:
symver = "%s_%s" % (libname, k)
if symver == current_version:
f.write("%s {\n" % symver)
if k in sorted(invmap.keys()):
for s in invmap.get(k, []):
f.write("\t\t%s;\n" % s);
f.write("}%s;\n\n" % last_key)
last_key = " %s" % symver
f.write("%s {\n" % current_version)
local_abi = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] == '!', abi_match))
global_abi = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] != '!', abi_match))
if len(global_abi) > 0:
for x in global_abi:
f.write("\t\t%s;\n" % x)
# Always hide symbols that must be local if exist
local_abi.extend(["!_end", "!__bss_start", "!_edata"])
for x in local_abi:
f.write("\t\t%s;\n" % x[1:])
if global_abi != ["*"]:
if len(global_abi) > 0:
def abi_build_vscript(task):
'''generate a vscript file for our public libraries'''
tgt = task.outputs[0].bldpath(task.env)
symmap = {}
versions = []
for f in task.inputs:
fname = f.abspath(task.env)
basename = os.path.basename(fname)
version = basename[len(task.env.LIBNAME)+1:-len(".sigs")]
abi_process_file(fname, version, symmap)
f = open(tgt, mode='w')
abi_write_vscript(f, task.env.LIBNAME, task.env.VERSION, versions,
symmap, task.env.ABI_MATCH)
def ABI_VSCRIPT(bld, libname, abi_directory, version, vscript, abi_match=None):
'''generate a vscript file for our public libraries'''
if abi_directory:
source = bld.path.ant_glob('%s/%s-[0-9]*.sigs' % (abi_directory, libname), flat=True)
def abi_file_key(path):
return version_key(path[:-len(".sigs")].rsplit("-")[-1])
source = sorted(source.split(), key=abi_file_key)
source = ''
libname = os.path.basename(libname)
version = os.path.basename(version)
libname = libname.replace("-", "_").replace("+","_").upper()
version = version.replace("-", "_").replace("+","_").upper()
t = bld.SAMBA_GENERATOR(vscript,
if abi_match is None:
abi_match = ["*"]
abi_match = samba_utils.TO_LIST(abi_match)
t.env.ABI_MATCH = abi_match
t.env.VERSION = version
t.env.LIBNAME = libname
t.vars = ['LIBNAME', 'VERSION', 'ABI_MATCH']