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synced 2025-02-28 01:58:17 +03:00
objectclasses are case insensitive. we used to convert only LDAP objects with the typical UpperLower case for sambaAccount and sambaGroupMapping and ignored any other case writings
234 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable File
234 lines
5.7 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
## Convert an LDIF file containing sambaAccount entries
## to the new sambaSamAccount objectclass
## Copyright Gerald (Jerry) Carter 2003
## Usage: convertSambaAccount --sid=<Domain SID> \
## --input=<input ldif> --output=<output ldif> \
## --changetype=[modify|add]
## You can generate an input ldif file using:
## $ ldapsearch -LL -x -h ldapsrv -D cn=root,dc=company,dc=com \
## -b dc=copmany,dc=com > /tmp/samba3.alpha23.ldif
## Note the "-LL" so no additional comments are generated
use strict;
use Net::LDAP::LDIF;
use Getopt::Long;
## local variables
my ( $domain, $domsid, $changetype );
my ( $ldif, $ldif2 );
my ( $entry, @objclasses, $obj );
my ( $is_samba_account, $is_samba_group );
my ( %attr_map, %group_attr_map, $key );
my ( @dels, $deletion, @adds, $addition );
my ( $result, %options );
## Print the option usage
sub usage {
print "convertSambaAccount <options>\n";
print "Options:\n";
print " --help print this help message\n";
print " --input input LDIF filename\n";
print " --output output LDIF filename\n";
print " --sid domain SID\n";
print " --changetype [modify|add] (default is 'add')\n";
## hashes to map old attribute names to new ones
%attr_map = (
lmPassword => 'sambaLMPassword',
ntPassword => 'sambaNTPassword',
pwdLastSet => 'sambaPwdLastSet',
pwdMustChange => 'sambaPwdMustChange',
pwdCanChange => 'sambaPwdCanChange',
homeDrive => 'sambaHomeDrive',
smbHome => 'sambaHomePath',
scriptPath => 'sambaLogonScript',
profilePath => 'sambaProfilePath',
kickoffTime => 'sambaKickoffTime',
logonTime => 'sambaLogonTime',
logoffTime => 'sambaLogoffTime',
userWorkstations => 'sambaUserWorkstations',
domain => 'sambaDomainName',
acctFlags => 'sambaAcctFlags',
%group_attr_map = (
ntSid => 'sambaSID',
ntGroupType => 'sambaGroupType',
## process command line args
$result = GetOptions(\%options,
if (!$result && ($#ARGV != -1)) {
exit 1;
if ( defined($options{'help'}) ) {
exit 0;
if ( !defined( $options{'sid'} ) ) {
print "You must provide a domain sid\n";
exit 1;
$domsid = $options{'sid'};
$changetype = 'add';
if ( defined( $options{'changetype'} ) ) {
$changetype = $options{'changetype'};
## open files
$ldif = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new ($options{'input'}, "r") or die $!;
if ( "$changetype" eq "add" ) {
$ldif2 = Net::LDAP::LDIF->new ($options{'output'}, "w") or die $!;
elsif ( "$changetype" eq "modify" ) {
open( OUTPUT, ">$options{'output'}" ) or die $!;
else {
print "Bad changetype!\n";
exit 1;
## process LDIF
while ( !$ldif->eof ) {
undef ( $entry );
$entry = $ldif->read_entry();
## skip entry if we find an error
if ( $ldif->error() ) {
print "Error msg: ",$ldif->error(),"\n";
print "Error lines:\n",$ldif->error_lines(),"\n";
## check to see if we have anything to do on this
## entry. If not just write it out
@objclasses = $entry->get_value( "objectClass" );
undef ( $is_samba_account );
undef ( $is_samba_group );
@adds = ();
@dels = ();
foreach $obj ( @objclasses ) {
if ( lc($obj) eq "sambaaccount" ) {
$is_samba_account = 1;
} elsif ( lc($obj) eq "sambagroupmapping" ) {
$is_samba_group = 1;
if ( defined ( $is_samba_account ) ) {
## start editing the sambaAccount
@dels = ( 'objectclass: sambaAccount', 'rid' );
@adds = ('objectclass: sambaSamAccount', "sambaSID: " . ${domsid} . "-" . ${entry}->get_value( 'rid' ) );
$entry->delete( 'objectclass' => [ 'sambaAccount' ] );
$entry->add( 'objectclass' => 'sambaSamAccount' );
$entry->add( 'sambaSID' => $domsid."-".$entry->get_value( "rid" ) );
$entry->delete( 'rid' );
if ( defined($entry->get_value( "primaryGroupID" )) ) {
push @adds, "sambaPrimaryGroupSID: " . $domsid."-".$entry->get_value( "primaryGroupID" );
push @dels, "primaryGroupID";
$entry->add( 'sambaPrimaryGroupSID' => $domsid."-".$entry->get_value( "primaryGroupID" ) );
$entry->delete( 'primaryGroupID' );
foreach $key ( keys %attr_map ) {
if ( defined($entry->get_value($key)) ) {
push @adds, "$attr_map{$key}: " . $entry->get_value($key);
push @dels, "$key";
$entry->add( $attr_map{$key} => $entry->get_value($key) );
$entry->delete( $key );
} elsif ( defined ( $is_samba_group ) ) {
foreach $key ( keys %group_attr_map ) {
if ( defined($entry->get_value($key)) ) {
push @adds, "$group_attr_map{$key}: " . $entry->get_value($key);
push @dels, "$key";
$entry->add( $group_attr_map{$key} => $entry->get_value($key) );
$entry->delete( $key );
## see if we should write full entries or only the changes
if ( "$changetype" eq "add" ) {
$ldif2->write_entry( $entry );
else {
if ( defined ( $is_samba_account ) || defined ( $is_samba_group ) ){
if ( @adds + @dels > 0 ) {
print OUTPUT "dn: " . $entry->dn . "\n";
foreach $addition (@adds) {
$addition =~ /(^\w+):/;
print OUTPUT "add: " . $1 . "\n";
print OUTPUT "$addition\n-\n";
foreach $deletion (@dels) {
if ( $deletion =~ /^(\w+):\s(.*)/ ) {
print OUTPUT "delete: $1\n$1: $2\n-\n";
} else {
print OUTPUT "delete: $deletion\n-\n"
print OUTPUT "\n"