mirror of https://github.com/samba-team/samba.git synced 2025-03-08 04:58:40 +03:00
Stefan Metzmacher 048c80bf54 rerun 'make idl'
(This used to be commit 37b95450518419e2153e9930b63f894b68096d3d)
2008-01-24 15:17:46 +01:00

625 lines
11 KiB

/* header auto-generated by pidl */
#include <stdint.h>
#include "librpc/gen_ndr/lsa.h"
#include "librpc/gen_ndr/initshutdown.h"
#include "librpc/gen_ndr/security.h"
#ifndef _HEADER_winreg
#define _HEADER_winreg
/* bitmap winreg_AccessMask */
#define KEY_QUERY_VALUE ( 0x00001 )
#define KEY_SET_VALUE ( 0x00002 )
#define KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY ( 0x00004 )
#define KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS ( 0x00008 )
#define KEY_NOTIFY ( 0x00010 )
#define KEY_CREATE_LINK ( 0x00020 )
#define KEY_WOW64_64KEY ( 0x00100 )
#define KEY_WOW64_32KEY ( 0x00200 )
enum winreg_Type
{ __donnot_use_enum_winreg_Type=0x7FFFFFFF}
#define REG_NONE ( 0 )
#define REG_SZ ( 1 )
#define REG_EXPAND_SZ ( 2 )
#define REG_BINARY ( 3 )
#define REG_DWORD ( 4 )
#define REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN ( 5 )
#define REG_LINK ( 6 )
#define REG_MULTI_SZ ( 7 )
#define REG_RESOURCE_LIST ( 8 )
#define REG_QWORD ( 11 )
struct winreg_String {
uint16_t name_len;/* [value(strlen_m_term(name)*2)] */
uint16_t name_size;/* [value(strlen_m_term(name)*2)] */
const char *name;/* [unique,charset(UTF16)] */
}/* [public,noejs] */;
struct KeySecurityData {
uint8_t *data;/* [unique,length_is(len),size_is(size)] */
uint32_t size;
uint32_t len;
struct winreg_SecBuf {
uint32_t length;
struct KeySecurityData sd;
uint8_t inherit;
enum winreg_CreateAction
{ __donnot_use_enum_winreg_CreateAction=0x7FFFFFFF}
#define REG_ACTION_NONE ( 0 )
#define REG_CREATED_NEW_KEY ( 1 )
struct winreg_StringBuf {
uint16_t length;/* [value(strlen_m_term_null(name)*2)] */
uint16_t size;
const char *name;/* [unique,length_is(length/2),charset(UTF16),size_is(size/2)] */
struct winreg_ValNameBuf {
uint16_t length;/* [value(strlen_m_term(name)*2)] */
uint16_t size;
const char *name;/* [unique,length_is(length/2),charset(UTF16),size_is(size/2)] */
struct KeySecurityAttribute {
uint32_t data_size;
struct KeySecurityData sec_data;
uint8_t inherit;
struct QueryMultipleValue {
struct winreg_String *name;/* [unique] */
enum winreg_Type type;
uint32_t offset;
uint32_t length;
struct winreg_OpenHKCR {
struct {
uint16_t *system_name;/* [unique] */
uint32_t access_mask;
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_OpenHKCU {
struct {
uint16_t *system_name;/* [unique] */
uint32_t access_mask;
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_OpenHKLM {
struct {
uint16_t *system_name;/* [unique] */
uint32_t access_mask;
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_OpenHKPD {
struct {
uint16_t *system_name;/* [unique] */
uint32_t access_mask;
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_OpenHKU {
struct {
uint16_t *system_name;/* [unique] */
uint32_t access_mask;
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_CloseKey {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_CreateKey {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String name;
struct winreg_String keyclass;
uint32_t options;
uint32_t access_mask;
struct winreg_SecBuf *secdesc;/* [unique] */
enum winreg_CreateAction *action_taken;/* [unique] */
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *new_handle;/* [ref] */
enum winreg_CreateAction *action_taken;/* [unique] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_DeleteKey {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String key;
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_DeleteValue {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String value;
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_EnumKey {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
uint32_t enum_index;
struct winreg_StringBuf *name;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_StringBuf *keyclass;/* [unique] */
NTTIME *last_changed_time;/* [unique] */
} in;
struct {
struct winreg_StringBuf *name;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_StringBuf *keyclass;/* [unique] */
NTTIME *last_changed_time;/* [unique] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_EnumValue {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
uint32_t enum_index;
struct winreg_ValNameBuf *name;/* [ref] */
enum winreg_Type *type;/* [unique] */
uint8_t *value;/* [unique,length_is(*length),size_is(*size)] */
uint32_t *size;/* [unique] */
uint32_t *length;/* [unique] */
} in;
struct {
struct winreg_ValNameBuf *name;/* [ref] */
enum winreg_Type *type;/* [unique] */
uint8_t *value;/* [unique,length_is(*length),size_is(*size)] */
uint32_t *size;/* [unique] */
uint32_t *length;/* [unique] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_FlushKey {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_GetKeySecurity {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
uint32_t sec_info;
struct KeySecurityData *sd;/* [ref] */
} in;
struct {
struct KeySecurityData *sd;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_LoadKey {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String *keyname;/* [unique] */
struct winreg_String *filename;/* [unique] */
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_NotifyChangeKeyValue {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
uint8_t watch_subtree;
uint32_t notify_filter;
uint32_t unknown;
struct winreg_String string1;
struct winreg_String string2;
uint32_t unknown2;
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_OpenKey {
struct {
struct policy_handle *parent_handle;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String keyname;
uint32_t unknown;
uint32_t access_mask;
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_QueryInfoKey {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String *classname;/* [ref] */
} in;
struct {
uint32_t *num_subkeys;/* [ref] */
uint32_t *max_subkeylen;/* [ref] */
uint32_t *max_classlen;/* [ref] */
uint32_t *num_values;/* [ref] */
uint32_t *max_valnamelen;/* [ref] */
uint32_t *max_valbufsize;/* [ref] */
uint32_t *secdescsize;/* [ref] */
NTTIME *last_changed_time;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String *classname;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_QueryValue {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String value_name;
enum winreg_Type *type;/* [unique] */
uint8_t *data;/* [unique,length_is(*value_length),size_is(*data_size)] */
uint32_t *data_size;/* [unique] */
uint32_t *value_length;/* [unique] */
} in;
struct {
enum winreg_Type *type;/* [unique] */
uint8_t *data;/* [unique,length_is(*value_length),size_is(*data_size)] */
uint32_t *data_size;/* [unique] */
uint32_t *value_length;/* [unique] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_ReplaceKey {
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_RestoreKey {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String *filename;/* [ref] */
uint32_t flags;
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_SaveKey {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String *filename;/* [ref] */
struct KeySecurityAttribute *sec_attrib;/* [unique] */
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_SetKeySecurity {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
uint32_t access_mask;
struct KeySecurityData *sd;/* [ref] */
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_SetValue {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
struct winreg_String name;
enum winreg_Type type;
uint8_t *data;/* [ref,size_is(size)] */
uint32_t size;
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_UnLoadKey {
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_InitiateSystemShutdown {
struct {
uint16_t *hostname;/* [unique] */
struct initshutdown_String *message;/* [unique] */
uint32_t timeout;
uint8_t force_apps;
uint8_t reboot;
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_AbortSystemShutdown {
struct {
uint16_t *server;/* [unique] */
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_GetVersion {
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
} in;
struct {
uint32_t *version;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_OpenHKCC {
struct {
uint16_t *system_name;/* [unique] */
uint32_t access_mask;
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_OpenHKDD {
struct {
uint16_t *system_name;/* [unique] */
uint32_t access_mask;
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_QueryMultipleValues {
struct {
struct policy_handle *key_handle;/* [ref] */
uint32_t num_values;
struct QueryMultipleValue *values;/* [ref,length_is(num_values),size_is(num_values)] */
uint8_t *buffer;/* [unique,length_is(*buffer_size),size_is(*buffer_size)] */
uint32_t *buffer_size;/* [ref] */
} in;
struct {
struct QueryMultipleValue *values;/* [ref,length_is(num_values),size_is(num_values)] */
uint8_t *buffer;/* [unique,length_is(*buffer_size),size_is(*buffer_size)] */
uint32_t *buffer_size;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_InitiateSystemShutdownEx {
struct {
uint16_t *hostname;/* [unique] */
struct initshutdown_String *message;/* [unique] */
uint32_t timeout;
uint8_t force_apps;
uint8_t reboot;
uint32_t reason;
} in;
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_SaveKeyEx {
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_OpenHKPT {
struct {
uint16_t *system_name;/* [unique] */
uint32_t access_mask;
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_OpenHKPN {
struct {
uint16_t *system_name;/* [unique] */
uint32_t access_mask;
} in;
struct {
struct policy_handle *handle;/* [ref] */
WERROR result;
} out;
struct winreg_QueryMultipleValues2 {
struct {
WERROR result;
} out;
#endif /* _HEADER_winreg */