mirror of https://github.com/samba-team/samba.git synced 2025-03-12 20:58:37 +03:00
2009-10-16 10:50:28 +02:00

2579 lines
73 KiB

* Unix SMB/CIFS implementation.
* NetApi Support
* Copyright (C) Guenther Deschner 2007-2009
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#ifndef __LIB_NETAPI_H__
#define __LIB_NETAPI_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */
typedef enum {
#define ERROR_MORE_DATA ( 234L )
#define ENCRYPTED_PWLEN ( 16 )
#ifndef _HEADER_misc
struct GUID {
uint32_t time_low;
uint16_t time_mid;
uint16_t time_hi_and_version;
uint8_t clock_seq[2];
uint8_t node[6];
#endif /* _HEADER_misc */
#ifndef _HEADER_libnetapi
#define MAXSUBAUTHS 15 /* max sub authorities in a SID */
struct domsid {
uint8_t sid_rev_num;
uint8_t num_auths;
uint8_t id_auth[6];
uint32_t sub_auths[MAXSUBAUTHS];
const char * domain_controller_name;
const char * domain_controller_address;
uint32_t domain_controller_address_type;
struct GUID domain_guid;
const char * domain_name;
const char * dns_forest_name;
uint32_t flags;
const char * dc_site_name;
const char * client_site_name;
/* bitmap NetJoinFlags */
#define NETSETUP_JOIN_DOMAIN ( 0x00000001 )
#define NETSETUP_ACCT_CREATE ( 0x00000002 )
#define NETSETUP_ACCT_DELETE ( 0x00000004 )
#define NETSETUP_WIN9X_UPGRADE ( 0x00000010 )
#define NETSETUP_DOMAIN_JOIN_IF_JOINED ( 0x00000020 )
#define NETSETUP_JOIN_UNSECURE ( 0x00000040 )
#define NETSETUP_MACHINE_PWD_PASSED ( 0x00000080 )
#define NETSETUP_DEFER_SPN_SET ( 0x00000100 )
#define NETSETUP_JOIN_DC_ACCOUNT ( 0x00000200 )
#define NETSETUP_JOIN_WITH_NEW_NAME ( 0x00000400 )
#define NETSETUP_INSTALL_INVOCATION ( 0x00040000 )
#define FILTER_NORMAL_ACCOUNT ( 0x0002 )
#define TIMEQ_FOREVER ( (uint32_t)-1L )
struct SERVER_INFO_100 {
uint32_t sv100_platform_id;
const char * sv100_name;
struct SERVER_INFO_101 {
uint32_t sv101_platform_id;
const char * sv101_name;
uint32_t sv101_version_major;
uint32_t sv101_version_minor;
uint32_t sv101_type;
const char * sv101_comment;
struct SERVER_INFO_102 {
uint32_t sv102_platform_id;
const char * sv102_name;
uint32_t sv102_version_major;
uint32_t sv102_version_minor;
uint32_t sv102_type;
const char * sv102_comment;
uint32_t sv102_users;
uint32_t sv102_disc;
uint8_t sv102_hidden;
uint32_t sv102_announce;
uint32_t sv102_anndelta;
uint32_t sv102_licenses;
const char * sv102_userpath;
struct SERVER_INFO_402 {
uint32_t sv402_ulist_mtime;
uint32_t sv402_glist_mtime;
uint32_t sv402_alist_mtime;
const char * sv402_alerts;
uint32_t sv402_security;
uint32_t sv402_numadmin;
uint32_t sv402_lanmask;
const char * sv402_guestacct;
uint32_t sv402_chdevs;
uint32_t sv402_chdevq;
uint32_t sv402_chdevjobs;
uint32_t sv402_connections;
uint32_t sv402_shares;
uint32_t sv402_openfiles;
uint32_t sv402_sessopens;
uint32_t sv402_sessvcs;
uint32_t sv402_sessreqs;
uint32_t sv402_opensearch;
uint32_t sv402_activelocks;
uint32_t sv402_numreqbuf;
uint32_t sv402_sizreqbuf;
uint32_t sv402_numbigbuf;
uint32_t sv402_numfiletasks;
uint32_t sv402_alertsched;
uint32_t sv402_erroralert;
uint32_t sv402_logonalert;
uint32_t sv402_accessalert;
uint32_t sv402_diskalert;
uint32_t sv402_netioalert;
uint32_t sv402_maxauditsz;
const char * sv402_srvheuristics;
struct SERVER_INFO_403 {
uint32_t sv403_ulist_mtime;
uint32_t sv403_glist_mtime;
uint32_t sv403_alist_mtime;
const char * sv403_alerts;
uint32_t sv403_security;
uint32_t sv403_numadmin;
uint32_t sv403_lanmask;
const char * sv403_guestacct;
uint32_t sv403_chdevs;
uint32_t sv403_chdevq;
uint32_t sv403_chdevjobs;
uint32_t sv403_connections;
uint32_t sv403_shares;
uint32_t sv403_openfiles;
uint32_t sv403_sessopens;
uint32_t sv403_sessvcs;
uint32_t sv403_sessreqs;
uint32_t sv403_opensearch;
uint32_t sv403_activelocks;
uint32_t sv403_numreqbuf;
uint32_t sv403_sizreqbuf;
uint32_t sv403_numbigbuf;
uint32_t sv403_numfiletasks;
uint32_t sv403_alertsched;
uint32_t sv403_erroralert;
uint32_t sv403_logonalert;
uint32_t sv403_accessalert;
uint32_t sv403_diskalert;
uint32_t sv403_netioalert;
uint32_t sv403_maxauditsz;
const char * sv403_srvheuristics;
uint32_t sv403_auditedevents;
uint32_t sv403_autoprofile;
const char * sv403_autopath;
struct SERVER_INFO_502 {
uint32_t sv502_sessopens;
uint32_t sv502_sessvcs;
uint32_t sv502_opensearch;
uint32_t sv502_sizreqbuf;
uint32_t sv502_initworkitems;
uint32_t sv502_maxworkitems;
uint32_t sv502_rawworkitems;
uint32_t sv502_irpstacksize;
uint32_t sv502_maxrawbuflen;
uint32_t sv502_sessusers;
uint32_t sv502_sessconns;
uint32_t sv502_maxpagedmemoryusage;
uint32_t sv502_maxnonpagedmemoryusage;
uint8_t sv502_enablesoftcompat;
uint8_t sv502_enableforcedlogoff;
uint8_t sv502_timesource;
uint8_t sv502_acceptdownlevelapis;
uint8_t sv502_lmannounce;
struct SERVER_INFO_503 {
uint32_t sv503_sessopens;
uint32_t sv503_sessvcs;
uint32_t sv503_opensearch;
uint32_t sv503_sizreqbuf;
uint32_t sv503_initworkitems;
uint32_t sv503_maxworkitems;
uint32_t sv503_rawworkitems;
uint32_t sv503_irpstacksize;
uint32_t sv503_maxrawbuflen;
uint32_t sv503_sessusers;
uint32_t sv503_sessconns;
uint32_t sv503_maxpagedmemoryusage;
uint32_t sv503_maxnonpagedmemoryusage;
uint8_t sv503_enablesoftcompat;
uint8_t sv503_enableforcedlogoff;
uint8_t sv503_timesource;
uint8_t sv503_acceptdownlevelapis;
uint8_t sv503_lmannounce;
const char * sv503_domain;
uint32_t sv503_maxcopyreadlen;
uint32_t sv503_maxcopywritelen;
uint32_t sv503_minkeepsearch;
uint32_t sv503_maxkeepsearch;
uint32_t sv503_minkeepcomplsearch;
uint32_t sv503_maxkeepcomplsearch;
uint32_t sv503_threadcountadd;
uint32_t sv503_numblockthreads;
uint32_t sv503_scavtimeout;
uint32_t sv503_minrcvqueue;
uint32_t sv503_minfreeworkitems;
uint32_t sv503_xactmemsize;
uint32_t sv503_threadpriority;
uint32_t sv503_maxmpxct;
uint32_t sv503_oplockbreakwait;
uint32_t sv503_oplockbreakresponsewait;
uint8_t sv503_enableoplocks;
uint8_t sv503_enableoplockforceclose;
uint8_t sv503_enablefcbopens;
uint8_t sv503_enableraw;
uint8_t sv503_enablesharednetdrives;
uint32_t sv503_minfreeconnections;
uint32_t sv503_maxfreeconnections;
struct SERVER_INFO_599 {
uint32_t sv599_sessopens;
uint32_t sv599_sessvcs;
uint32_t sv599_opensearch;
uint32_t sv599_sizreqbuf;
uint32_t sv599_initworkitems;
uint32_t sv599_maxworkitems;
uint32_t sv599_rawworkitems;
uint32_t sv599_irpstacksize;
uint32_t sv599_maxrawbuflen;
uint32_t sv599_sessusers;
uint32_t sv599_sessconns;
uint32_t sv599_maxpagedmemoryusage;
uint32_t sv599_maxnonpagedmemoryusage;
uint8_t sv599_enablesoftcompat;
uint8_t sv599_enableforcedlogoff;
uint8_t sv599_timesource;
uint8_t sv599_acceptdownlevelapis;
uint8_t sv599_lmannounce;
const char * sv599_domain;
uint32_t sv599_maxcopyreadlen;
uint32_t sv599_maxcopywritelen;
uint32_t sv599_minkeepsearch;
uint32_t sv599_maxkeepsearch;
uint32_t sv599_minkeepcomplsearch;
uint32_t sv599_maxkeepcomplsearch;
uint32_t sv599_threadcountadd;
uint32_t sv599_numblockthreads;
uint32_t sv599_scavtimeout;
uint32_t sv599_minrcvqueue;
uint32_t sv599_minfreeworkitems;
uint32_t sv599_xactmemsize;
uint32_t sv599_threadpriority;
uint32_t sv599_maxmpxct;
uint32_t sv599_oplockbreakwait;
uint32_t sv599_oplockbreakresponsewait;
uint8_t sv599_enableoplocks;
uint8_t sv599_enableoplockforceclose;
uint8_t sv599_enablefcbopens;
uint8_t sv599_enableraw;
uint8_t sv599_enablesharednetdrives;
uint32_t sv599_minfreeconnections;
uint32_t sv599_maxfreeconnections;
uint32_t sv599_initsesstable;
uint32_t sv599_initconntable;
uint32_t sv599_initfiletable;
uint32_t sv599_initsearchtable;
uint32_t sv599_alertschedule;
uint32_t sv599_errorthreshold;
uint32_t sv599_networkerrorthreshold;
uint32_t sv599_diskspacethreshold;
uint32_t sv599_reserved;
uint32_t sv599_maxlinkdelay;
uint32_t sv599_minlinkthroughput;
uint32_t sv599_linkinfovalidtime;
uint32_t sv599_scavqosinfoupdatetime;
uint32_t sv599_maxworkitemidletime;
struct SERVER_INFO_598 {
uint32_t sv598_maxrawworkitems;
uint32_t sv598_maxthreadsperqueue;
uint32_t sv598_producttype;
uint32_t sv598_serversize;
uint32_t sv598_connectionlessautodisc;
uint32_t sv598_sharingviolationretries;
uint32_t sv598_sharingviolationdelay;
uint32_t sv598_maxglobalopensearch;
uint32_t sv598_removeduplicatesearches;
uint32_t sv598_lockviolationoffset;
uint32_t sv598_lockviolationdelay;
uint32_t sv598_mdlreadswitchover;
uint32_t sv598_cachedopenlimit;
uint32_t sv598_otherqueueaffinity;
uint8_t sv598_restrictnullsessaccess;
uint8_t sv598_enablewfw311directipx;
uint32_t sv598_queuesamplesecs;
uint32_t sv598_balancecount;
uint32_t sv598_preferredaffinity;
uint32_t sv598_maxfreerfcbs;
uint32_t sv598_maxfreemfcbs;
uint32_t sv598_maxfreelfcbs;
uint32_t sv598_maxfreepagedpoolchunks;
uint32_t sv598_minpagedpoolchunksize;
uint32_t sv598_maxpagedpoolchunksize;
uint8_t sv598_sendsfrompreferredprocessor;
uint32_t sv598_cacheddirectorylimit;
uint32_t sv598_maxcopylength;
uint8_t sv598_enablecompression;
uint8_t sv598_autosharewks;
uint8_t sv598_autoshareserver;
uint8_t sv598_enablesecuritysignature;
uint8_t sv598_requiresecuritysignature;
uint32_t sv598_minclientbuffersize;
struct GUID sv598_serverguid;
uint32_t sv598_ConnectionNoSessionsTimeout;
uint32_t sv598_IdleThreadTimeOut;
uint8_t sv598_enableW9xsecuritysignature;
uint8_t sv598_enforcekerberosreauthentication;
uint8_t sv598_disabledos;
uint32_t sv598_lowdiskspaceminimum;
uint8_t sv598_disablestrictnamechecking;
struct SERVER_INFO_1005 {
const char * sv1005_comment;
struct SERVER_INFO_1107 {
uint32_t sv1107_users;
struct SERVER_INFO_1010 {
int32_t sv1010_disc;
struct SERVER_INFO_1016 {
uint8_t sv1016_hidden;
struct SERVER_INFO_1017 {
uint32_t sv1017_announce;
struct SERVER_INFO_1018 {
uint32_t sv1018_anndelta;
struct SERVER_INFO_1501 {
uint32_t sv1501_sessopens;
struct SERVER_INFO_1502 {
uint32_t sv1502_sessvcs;
struct SERVER_INFO_1503 {
uint32_t sv1503_opensearch;
struct SERVER_INFO_1506 {
uint32_t sv1506_maxworkitems;
struct SERVER_INFO_1509 {
uint32_t sv1509_maxrawbuflen;
struct SERVER_INFO_1510 {
uint32_t sv1510_sessusers;
struct SERVER_INFO_1511 {
uint32_t sv1511_sessconns;
struct SERVER_INFO_1512 {
uint32_t sv1512_maxnonpagedmemoryusage;
struct SERVER_INFO_1513 {
uint32_t sv1513_maxpagedmemoryusage;
struct SERVER_INFO_1514 {
uint8_t sv1514_enablesoftcompat;
struct SERVER_INFO_1515 {
uint8_t sv1515_enableforcedlogoff;
struct SERVER_INFO_1516 {
uint8_t sv1516_timesource;
struct SERVER_INFO_1518 {
uint8_t sv1518_lmannounce;
struct SERVER_INFO_1520 {
uint32_t sv1520_maxcopyreadlen;
struct SERVER_INFO_1521 {
uint32_t sv1521_maxcopywritelen;
struct SERVER_INFO_1522 {
uint32_t sv1522_minkeepsearch;
struct SERVER_INFO_1523 {
uint32_t sv1523_maxkeepsearch;
struct SERVER_INFO_1524 {
uint32_t sv1524_minkeepcomplsearch;
struct SERVER_INFO_1525 {
uint32_t sv1525_maxkeepcomplsearch;
struct SERVER_INFO_1528 {
uint32_t sv1528_scavtimeout;
struct SERVER_INFO_1529 {
uint32_t sv1529_minrcvqueue;
struct SERVER_INFO_1530 {
uint32_t sv1530_minfreeworkitems;
struct SERVER_INFO_1533 {
uint32_t sv1533_maxmpxct;
struct SERVER_INFO_1534 {
uint32_t sv1534_oplockbreakwait;
struct SERVER_INFO_1535 {
uint32_t sv1535_oplockbreakresponsewait;
struct SERVER_INFO_1536 {
uint8_t sv1536_enableoplocks;
struct SERVER_INFO_1537 {
uint8_t sv1537_enableoplockforceclose;
struct SERVER_INFO_1538 {
uint8_t sv1538_enablefcbopens;
struct SERVER_INFO_1539 {
uint8_t sv1539_enableraw;
struct SERVER_INFO_1540 {
uint8_t sv1540_enablesharednetdrives;
struct SERVER_INFO_1541 {
uint8_t sv1541_minfreeconnections;
struct SERVER_INFO_1542 {
uint8_t sv1542_maxfreeconnections;
struct SERVER_INFO_1543 {
uint32_t sv1543_initsesstable;
struct SERVER_INFO_1544 {
uint32_t sv1544_initconntable;
struct SERVER_INFO_1545 {
uint32_t sv1545_initfiletable;
struct SERVER_INFO_1546 {
uint32_t sv1546_initsearchtable;
struct SERVER_INFO_1547 {
uint32_t sv1547_alertschedule;
struct SERVER_INFO_1548 {
uint32_t sv1548_errorthreshold;
struct SERVER_INFO_1549 {
uint32_t sv1549_networkerrorthreshold;
struct SERVER_INFO_1550 {
uint32_t sv1550_diskspacethreshold;
struct SERVER_INFO_1552 {
uint32_t sv1552_maxlinkdelay;
struct SERVER_INFO_1553 {
uint32_t sv1553_minlinkthroughput;
struct SERVER_INFO_1554 {
uint32_t sv1554_linkinfovalidtime;
struct SERVER_INFO_1555 {
uint32_t sv1555_scavqosinfoupdatetime;
struct SERVER_INFO_1556 {
uint32_t sv1556_maxworkitemidletime;
struct SERVER_INFO_1557 {
uint32_t sv1557_maxrawworkitems;
struct SERVER_INFO_1560 {
uint32_t sv1560_producttype;
struct SERVER_INFO_1561 {
uint32_t sv1561_serversize;
struct SERVER_INFO_1562 {
uint32_t sv1562_connectionlessautodisc;
struct SERVER_INFO_1563 {
uint32_t sv1563_sharingviolationretries;
struct SERVER_INFO_1564 {
uint32_t sv1564_sharingviolationdelay;
struct SERVER_INFO_1565 {
uint32_t sv1565_maxglobalopensearch;
struct SERVER_INFO_1566 {
uint8_t sv1566_removeduplicatesearches;
struct SERVER_INFO_1567 {
uint32_t sv1567_lockviolationretries;
struct SERVER_INFO_1568 {
uint32_t sv1568_lockviolationoffset;
struct SERVER_INFO_1569 {
uint32_t sv1569_lockviolationdelay;
struct SERVER_INFO_1570 {
uint32_t sv1570_mdlreadswitchover;
struct SERVER_INFO_1571 {
uint32_t sv1571_cachedopenlimit;
struct SERVER_INFO_1572 {
uint32_t sv1572_criticalthreads;
struct SERVER_INFO_1573 {
uint32_t sv1573_restrictnullsessaccess;
struct SERVER_INFO_1574 {
uint32_t sv1574_enablewfw311directipx;
struct SERVER_INFO_1575 {
uint32_t sv1575_otherqueueaffinity;
struct SERVER_INFO_1576 {
uint32_t sv1576_queuesamplesecs;
struct SERVER_INFO_1577 {
uint32_t sv1577_balancecount;
struct SERVER_INFO_1578 {
uint32_t sv1578_preferredaffinity;
struct SERVER_INFO_1579 {
uint32_t sv1579_maxfreerfcbs;
struct SERVER_INFO_1580 {
uint32_t sv1580_maxfreemfcbs;
struct SERVER_INFO_1581 {
uint32_t sv1581_maxfreemlcbs;
struct SERVER_INFO_1582 {
uint32_t sv1582_maxfreepagedpoolchunks;
struct SERVER_INFO_1583 {
uint32_t sv1583_minpagedpoolchunksize;
struct SERVER_INFO_1584 {
uint32_t sv1584_maxpagedpoolchunksize;
struct SERVER_INFO_1585 {
uint8_t sv1585_sendsfrompreferredprocessor;
struct SERVER_INFO_1586 {
uint32_t sv1586_maxthreadsperqueue;
struct SERVER_INFO_1587 {
uint32_t sv1587_cacheddirectorylimit;
struct SERVER_INFO_1588 {
uint32_t sv1588_maxcopylength;
struct SERVER_INFO_1590 {
uint32_t sv1590_enablecompression;
struct SERVER_INFO_1591 {
uint32_t sv1591_autosharewks;
struct SERVER_INFO_1592 {
uint32_t sv1592_autosharewks;
struct SERVER_INFO_1593 {
uint32_t sv1593_enablesecuritysignature;
struct SERVER_INFO_1594 {
uint32_t sv1594_requiresecuritysignature;
struct SERVER_INFO_1595 {
uint32_t sv1595_minclientbuffersize;
struct SERVER_INFO_1596 {
uint32_t sv1596_ConnectionNoSessionsTimeout;
struct SERVER_INFO_1597 {
uint32_t sv1597_IdleThreadTimeOut;
struct SERVER_INFO_1598 {
uint32_t sv1598_enableW9xsecuritysignature;
struct SERVER_INFO_1599 {
uint8_t sv1598_enforcekerberosreauthentication;
struct SERVER_INFO_1600 {
uint8_t sv1598_disabledos;
struct SERVER_INFO_1601 {
uint32_t sv1598_lowdiskspaceminimum;
struct SERVER_INFO_1602 {
uint8_t sv_1598_disablestrictnamechecking;
struct USER_INFO_0 {
const char * usri0_name;
#define USER_PRIV_GUEST ( 0 )
#define USER_PRIV_USER ( 1 )
#define USER_PRIV_ADMIN ( 2 )
struct USER_INFO_1 {
const char * usri1_name;
const char * usri1_password;
uint32_t usri1_password_age;
uint32_t usri1_priv;
const char * usri1_home_dir;
const char * usri1_comment;
uint32_t usri1_flags;
const char * usri1_script_path;
#define AF_OP_PRINT ( 0x1 )
#define AF_OP_COMM ( 0x2 )
#define AF_OP_SERVER ( 0x4 )
#define AF_OP_ACCOUNTS ( 0x8 )
struct USER_INFO_2 {
const char * usri2_name;
const char * usri2_password;
uint32_t usri2_password_age;
uint32_t usri2_priv;
const char * usri2_home_dir;
const char * usri2_comment;
uint32_t usri2_flags;
const char * usri2_script_path;
uint32_t usri2_auth_flags;
const char * usri2_full_name;
const char * usri2_usr_comment;
const char * usri2_parms;
const char * usri2_workstations;
uint32_t usri2_last_logon;
uint32_t usri2_last_logoff;
uint32_t usri2_acct_expires;
uint32_t usri2_max_storage;
uint32_t usri2_units_per_week;
uint8_t *usri2_logon_hours;/* [unique] */
uint32_t usri2_bad_pw_count;
uint32_t usri2_num_logons;
const char * usri2_logon_server;
uint32_t usri2_country_code;
uint32_t usri2_code_page;
struct USER_INFO_3 {
const char * usri3_name;
uint32_t usri3_password_age;
uint32_t usri3_priv;
const char * usri3_home_dir;
const char * usri3_comment;
uint32_t usri3_flags;
const char * usri3_script_path;
uint32_t usri3_auth_flags;
const char * usri3_full_name;
const char * usri3_usr_comment;
const char * usri3_parms;
const char * usri3_workstations;
uint32_t usri3_last_logon;
uint32_t usri3_last_logoff;
uint32_t usri3_acct_expires;
uint32_t usri3_max_storage;
uint32_t usri3_units_per_week;
uint8_t *usri3_logon_hours;/* [unique] */
uint32_t usri3_bad_pw_count;
uint32_t usri3_num_logons;
const char * usri3_logon_server;
uint32_t usri3_country_code;
uint32_t usri3_code_page;
uint32_t usri3_user_id;
uint32_t usri3_primary_group_id;
const char * usri3_profile;
const char * usri3_home_dir_drive;
uint32_t usri3_password_expired;
struct USER_INFO_4 {
const char * usri4_name;
const char * usri4_password;
uint32_t usri4_password_age;
uint32_t usri4_priv;
const char * usri4_home_dir;
const char * usri4_comment;
uint32_t usri4_flags;
const char * usri4_script_path;
uint32_t usri4_auth_flags;
const char * usri4_full_name;
const char * usri4_usr_comment;
const char * usri4_parms;
const char * usri4_workstations;
uint32_t usri4_last_logon;
uint32_t usri4_last_logoff;
uint32_t usri4_acct_expires;
uint32_t usri4_max_storage;
uint32_t usri4_units_per_week;
uint8_t *usri4_logon_hours;/* [unique] */
uint32_t usri4_bad_pw_count;
uint32_t usri4_num_logons;
const char * usri4_logon_server;
uint32_t usri4_country_code;
uint32_t usri4_code_page;
struct domsid *usri4_user_sid;/* [unique] */
uint32_t usri4_primary_group_id;
const char * usri4_profile;
const char * usri4_home_dir_drive;
uint32_t usri4_password_expired;
struct USER_INFO_10 {
const char * usri10_name;
const char * usri10_comment;
const char * usri10_usr_comment;
const char * usri10_full_name;
struct USER_INFO_11 {
const char * usri11_name;
const char * usri11_comment;
const char * usri11_usr_comment;
const char * usri11_full_name;
uint32_t usri11_priv;
uint32_t usri11_auth_flags;
uint32_t usri11_password_age;
const char * usri11_home_dir;
const char * usri11_parms;
uint32_t usri11_last_logon;
uint32_t usri11_last_logoff;
uint32_t usri11_bad_pw_count;
uint32_t usri11_num_logons;
const char * usri11_logon_server;
uint32_t usri11_country_code;
const char * usri11_workstations;
uint32_t usri11_max_storage;
uint32_t usri11_units_per_week;
uint8_t *usri11_logon_hours;/* [unique] */
uint32_t usri11_code_page;
struct USER_INFO_20 {
const char * usri20_name;
const char * usri20_full_name;
const char * usri20_comment;
uint32_t usri20_flags;
uint32_t usri20_user_id;
struct USER_INFO_21 {
uint8_t *usri21_password;
struct USER_INFO_22 {
const char * usri22_name;
uint8_t *usri22_password;
uint32_t usri22_password_age;
uint32_t usri22_priv;
const char * usri22_home_dir;
const char * usri22_comment;
uint32_t usri22_flags;
uint32_t usri22_script_path;
uint32_t usri22_auth_flags;
const char * usri22_full_name;
const char * usri22_usr_comment;
const char * usri22_parms;
const char * usri22_workstations;
uint32_t usri22_last_logon;
uint32_t usri22_last_logoff;
uint32_t usri22_acct_expires;
uint32_t usri22_max_storage;
uint32_t usri22_units_per_week;
uint8_t *usri22_logon_hours;/* [unique] */
uint32_t usri22_bad_pw_count;
uint32_t usri22_num_logons;
const char * usri22_logon_server;
uint32_t usri22_country_code;
uint32_t usri22_code_page;
struct USER_INFO_23 {
const char * usri23_name;
const char * usri23_full_name;
const char * usri23_comment;
uint32_t usri23_flags;
struct domsid *usri23_user_sid;/* [unique] */
struct USER_INFO_1003 {
const char * usri1003_password;
struct USER_INFO_1005 {
uint32_t usri1005_priv;
struct USER_INFO_1006 {
const char * usri1006_home_dir;
struct USER_INFO_1007 {
const char * usri1007_comment;
struct USER_INFO_1008 {
uint32_t usri1008_flags;
struct USER_INFO_1009 {
const char * usri1009_script_path;
struct USER_INFO_1010 {
uint32_t usri1010_auth_flags;
struct USER_INFO_1011 {
const char * usri1011_full_name;
struct USER_INFO_1012 {
const char * usri1012_usr_comment;
struct USER_INFO_1013 {
const char * usri1013_parms;
struct USER_INFO_1014 {
const char * usri1014_workstations;
struct USER_INFO_1017 {
uint32_t usri1017_acct_expires;
struct USER_INFO_1018 {
uint32_t usri1018_max_storage;
struct USER_INFO_1020 {
uint32_t usri1020_units_per_week;
uint8_t *usri1020_logon_hours;/* [unique] */
struct USER_INFO_1023 {
const char * usri1023_logon_server;
struct USER_INFO_1024 {
uint32_t usri1024_country_code;
struct USER_INFO_1025 {
uint32_t usri1025_code_page;
struct USER_INFO_1051 {
uint32_t usri1051_primary_group_id;
struct USER_INFO_1052 {
const char * usri1052_profile;
struct USER_INFO_1053 {
const char * usri1053_home_dir_drive;
uint32_t usrmod0_min_passwd_len;
uint32_t usrmod0_max_passwd_age;
uint32_t usrmod0_min_passwd_age;
uint32_t usrmod0_force_logoff;
uint32_t usrmod0_password_hist_len;
uint32_t usrmod1_role;
const char * usrmod1_primary;
const char * usrmod2_domain_name;
struct domsid *usrmod2_domain_id;/* [unique] */
uint32_t usrmod3_lockout_duration;
uint32_t usrmod3_lockout_observation_window;
uint32_t usrmod3_lockout_threshold;
struct USER_MODALS_INFO_1001 {
uint32_t usrmod1001_min_passwd_len;
struct USER_MODALS_INFO_1002 {
uint32_t usrmod1002_max_passwd_age;
struct USER_MODALS_INFO_1003 {
uint32_t usrmod1003_min_passwd_age;
struct USER_MODALS_INFO_1004 {
uint32_t usrmod1004_force_logoff;
struct USER_MODALS_INFO_1005 {
uint32_t usrmod1005_password_hist_len;
struct USER_MODALS_INFO_1006 {
uint32_t usrmod1006_role;
struct USER_MODALS_INFO_1007 {
const char * usrmod1007_primary;
const char * usri1_name;
const char * usri1_comment;
uint32_t usri1_flags;
const char * usri1_full_name;
uint32_t usri1_user_id;
uint32_t usri1_next_index;
const char * usri2_name;
const char * usri2_comment;
uint32_t usri2_flags;
uint32_t usri2_user_id;
uint32_t usri2_next_index;
const char * grpi3_name;
const char * grpi3_comment;
uint32_t grpi3_group_id;
uint32_t grpi3_attributes;
uint32_t grpi3_next_index;
struct GROUP_INFO_0 {
const char * grpi0_name;
struct GROUP_INFO_1 {
const char * grpi1_name;
const char * grpi1_comment;
struct GROUP_INFO_2 {
const char * grpi2_name;
const char * grpi2_comment;
uint32_t grpi2_group_id;
uint32_t grpi2_attributes;
struct GROUP_INFO_3 {
const char * grpi3_name;
const char * grpi3_comment;
struct domsid * grpi3_group_sid;
uint32_t grpi3_attributes;
struct GROUP_INFO_1002 {
const char * grpi1002_comment;
struct GROUP_INFO_1005 {
uint32_t grpi1005_attributes;
const char * grui0_name;
const char * grui1_name;
uint32_t grui1_attributes;
const char * lgrpi0_name;
const char * lgrpi1_name;
const char * lgrpi1_comment;
struct LOCALGROUP_INFO_1002 {
const char * lgrpi1002_comment;
struct domsid *lgrmi0_sid;/* [unique] */
struct domsid *lgrmi1_sid;/* [unique] */
enum SID_NAME_USE lgrmi1_sidusage;
const char * lgrmi1_name;
struct domsid *lgrmi2_sid;/* [unique] */
enum SID_NAME_USE lgrmi2_sidusage;
const char * lgrmi2_domainandname;
const char * lgrmi3_domainandname;
const char * lgrui0_name;
uint32_t tod_elapsedt;
uint32_t tod_msecs;
uint32_t tod_hours;
uint32_t tod_mins;
uint32_t tod_secs;
uint32_t tod_hunds;
int32_t tod_timezone;
uint32_t tod_tinterval;
uint32_t tod_day;
uint32_t tod_month;
uint32_t tod_year;
uint32_t tod_weekday;
struct SHARE_INFO_0 {
const char * shi0_netname;
struct SHARE_INFO_1 {
const char * shi1_netname;
uint32_t shi1_type;
const char * shi1_remark;
struct SHARE_INFO_2 {
const char * shi2_netname;
uint32_t shi2_type;
const char * shi2_remark;
uint32_t shi2_permissions;
uint32_t shi2_max_uses;
uint32_t shi2_current_uses;
const char * shi2_path;
const char * shi2_passwd;
struct SHARE_INFO_501 {
const char * shi501_netname;
uint32_t shi501_type;
const char * shi501_remark;
uint32_t shi501_flags;
struct SHARE_INFO_1004 {
const char * shi1004_remark;
struct SHARE_INFO_1005 {
uint32_t shi1005_flags;
struct SHARE_INFO_1006 {
uint32_t shi1006_max_uses;
struct FILE_INFO_2 {
uint32_t fi2_id;
struct FILE_INFO_3 {
uint32_t fi3_id;
uint32_t fi3_permissions;
uint32_t fi3_num_locks;
const char * fi3_pathname;
const char * fi3_username;
struct NETLOGON_INFO_1 {
uint32_t netlog1_flags;
NET_API_STATUS netlog1_pdc_connection_status;
struct NETLOGON_INFO_2 {
uint32_t netlog2_flags;
NET_API_STATUS netlog2_pdc_connection_status;
const char * netlog2_trusted_dc_name;
NET_API_STATUS netlog2_tc_connection_status;
struct NETLOGON_INFO_3 {
uint32_t netlog1_flags;
uint32_t netlog3_logon_attempts;
uint32_t netlog3_reserved1;
uint32_t netlog3_reserved2;
uint32_t netlog3_reserved3;
uint32_t netlog3_reserved4;
uint32_t netlog3_reserved5;
struct NETLOGON_INFO_4 {
const char * netlog4_trusted_dc_name;
const char * netlog4_trusted_domain_name;
#endif /* _HEADER_libnetapi */
#ifndef _HEADER_netlogon
#define NETLOGON_CONTROL_QUERY ( 0x00000001 )
#define NETLOGON_CONTROL_REPLICATE ( 0x00000002 )
#define NETLOGON_CONTROL_REDISCOVER ( 0x00000005 )
#define NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_QUERY ( 0x00000006 )
#define NETLOGON_CONTROL_FIND_USER ( 0x00000008 )
#define NETLOGON_CONTROL_TC_VERIFY ( 0x0000000A )
#endif /* _HEADER_netlogon */
struct libnetapi_ctx {
char *debuglevel;
char *error_string;
char *username;
char *workgroup;
char *password;
char *krb5_cc_env;
int use_kerberos;
int disable_policy_handle_cache;
void *private_data;
NET_API_STATUS libnetapi_init(struct libnetapi_ctx **ctx);
NET_API_STATUS libnetapi_free(struct libnetapi_ctx *ctx);
NET_API_STATUS libnetapi_getctx(struct libnetapi_ctx **ctx);
NET_API_STATUS libnetapi_set_debuglevel(struct libnetapi_ctx *ctx,
const char *debuglevel);
NET_API_STATUS libnetapi_set_username(struct libnetapi_ctx *ctx,
const char *username);
NET_API_STATUS libnetapi_set_password(struct libnetapi_ctx *ctx,
const char *password);
NET_API_STATUS libnetapi_set_workgroup(struct libnetapi_ctx *ctx,
const char *workgroup);
NET_API_STATUS libnetapi_set_use_kerberos(struct libnetapi_ctx *ctx);
const char *libnetapi_errstr(NET_API_STATUS status);
const char *libnetapi_get_error_string(struct libnetapi_ctx *ctx,
NET_API_STATUS NetApiBufferAllocate(uint32_t byte_count,
void **buffer);
NET_API_STATUS NetApiBufferFree(void *buffer);
* ConvertSidToStringSid
* @brief Convert a domain sid into a string
* @param[in] sid A pointer to a sid structure
* @param[in,out] sid_string A pointer that holds a pointer to a sid string. Caller
* needs to free with free(3)
* @return bool
int ConvertSidToStringSid(const struct domsid *sid,
char **sid_string);
* ConvertStringSidToSid
* @brief Convert a string into a domain sid
* @param[in] sid_string A pointer to a sid string.
* @param[in,out] sid A pointer that holds a pointer to a sid structure.
* Caller needs to free with free(3)
* @return bool
int ConvertStringSidToSid(const char *sid_string,
struct domsid **sid);
* NetJoinDomain
* @brief Join a computer to a domain or workgroup
* @param[in] server The server name to connect to
* @param[in] domain The domain or workgroup to join
* @param[in] account_ou The organizational Unit to create the computer account
* in (AD only)
* @param[in] account The domain account used for joining a domain
* @param[in] password The domain account's password used for joining a domain
* @param[in] join_flags Bitmask field to define specific join features
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example netdomjoin/netdomjoin.c
NET_API_STATUS NetJoinDomain(const char * server /* [in] */,
const char * domain /* [in] [ref] */,
const char * account_ou /* [in] */,
const char * account /* [in] */,
const char * password /* [in] */,
uint32_t join_flags /* [in] */);
* NetUnjoinDomain
* @brief Unjoin a computer from a domain or workgroup
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] account The domain account used for unjoining a domain
* @param[in] password The domain account's password used for unjoining a domain
* @param[in] unjoin_flags Bitmask field to define specific unjoin features
* @return NET_API_STATUS
NET_API_STATUS NetUnjoinDomain(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * account /* [in] */,
const char * password /* [in] */,
uint32_t unjoin_flags /* [in] */);
* NetGetJoinInformation
* @brief Unjoin a computer from a domain or workgroup
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[out] name_buffer Returns the name of the workgroup or domain
* @param[out] name_type Returns the type of that name
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example netdomjoin-gui/netdomjoin-gui.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGetJoinInformation(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * *name_buffer /* [out] [ref] */,
uint16_t *name_type /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetGetJoinableOUs
* @brief Query for the list of joinable organizational Units that can be used
* for joining AD
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] domain The AD domain to query
* @param[in] account The domain account used for the query
* @param[in] password The domain account's password used for the query
* @param[out] ou_count The number of ous returned
* @param[out] ous Returned string array containing the ous
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example netdomjoin-gui/netdomjoin-gui.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGetJoinableOUs(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * domain /* [in] [ref] */,
const char * account /* [in] */,
const char * password /* [in] */,
uint32_t *ou_count /* [out] [ref] */,
const char * **ous /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetRenameMachineInDomain
* @brief Rename a machine in a domain
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] new_machine_name The new machine name
* @param[in] account The domain account used for the query
* @param[in] password The domain account's password used for the query
* @param[in] rename_options Options used for the rename operation
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example join/rename_machine.c
NET_API_STATUS NetRenameMachineInDomain(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * new_machine_name /* [in] */,
const char * account /* [in] */,
const char * password /* [in] */,
uint32_t rename_options /* [in] */);
* NetServerGetInfo
* @brief Get Information on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The level to define which information is requested
* @param[out] buffer The returned buffer carrying the SERVER_INFO structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
NET_API_STATUS NetServerGetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetServerSetInfo
* @brief Get Information on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The level to define which information is set
* @param[in] buffer The buffer carrying the SERVER_INFO structure
* @param[out] parm_error On failure returns the invalid SERVER_INFO member
* @return NET_API_STATUS
NET_API_STATUS NetServerSetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t *parm_error /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetGetDCName
* @brief Query for the PDC for a given domain
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] domain_name The name of the domain to lookup
* @param[out] buffer The name of the domain to lookup
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example getdc/getdc.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGetDCName(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * domain_name /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetGetAnyDCName
* @brief Query for any DC for a given domain
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] domain_name The name of the domain to lookup
* @param[out] buffer The name of the domain to lookup
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example getdc/getdc.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGetAnyDCName(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * domain_name /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */);
* DsGetDcName
* @brief Lookup a DC for a given domain and return information structure
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] domain_name The name of the domain to lookup (cannot be NULL)
* @param[in] domain_guid The GUID of the domain to lookup (optional)
* @param[in] site_name The name of the site the DC should reside in
* @param[in] flags A bitmask to request specific features supported by the DC
* @param[out] dc_info Pointer to a DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example dsgetdc/dsgetdc.c
NET_API_STATUS DsGetDcName(const char * server_name /* [in] [unique] */,
const char * domain_name /* [in] [ref] */,
struct GUID *domain_guid /* [in] [unique] */,
const char * site_name /* [in] [unique] */,
uint32_t flags /* [in] */,
struct DOMAIN_CONTROLLER_INFO **dc_info /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetUserAdd
* @brief Create a user on a given server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The level of the USER_INFO structure passed in (Currently
* only level 1 is supported)
* @param[in] buffer The buffer carrying the USER_INFO structure
* @param[out] parm_error In case of error returns the failing member of the
* structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_add.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserAdd(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t *parm_error /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetUserDel
* @brief Delete a user on a given server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] user_name The user account to delete
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_del.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserDel(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * user_name /* [in] */);
* NetUserEnum
* @brief Enumerate accounts on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The enumeration level used for the query (Currently only
* level 0 is supported)
* @param[in] filter The account flags filter used for the query
* @param[out] buffer The returned enumeration buffer
* @param[in] prefmaxlen The requested maximal buffer size
* @param[out] entries_read The number of returned entries
* @param[out] total_entries The number of total entries
* @param[in,out] resume_handle A handle passed in and returned for resuming
* operations
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_enum.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserEnum(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint32_t filter /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t prefmaxlen /* [in] */,
uint32_t *entries_read /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *total_entries /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *resume_handle /* [in,out] [ref] */);
* NetUserChangePassword
* @brief Change the password for a user on a given server or in a given domain
* @param[in] domain_name The server or domain name to connect to
* @param[in] user_name The user account to change the password for
* @param[in] old_password The user account's old password
* @param[in] new_password The user account's new password
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_chgpwd.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserChangePassword(const char * domain_name /* [in] */,
const char * user_name /* [in] */,
const char * old_password /* [in] */,
const char * new_password /* [in] */);
* NetUserGetInfo
* @brief Get User Information
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] user_name The name of the user that is going to be queried
* @param[in] level The level defining the requested USER_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] buffer The buffer containing a USER_INFO_X structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_getinfo.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserGetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * user_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetUserSetInfo
* @brief Set User Information
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] user_name The name of the user that is going to be modified
* @param[in] level The level defining the requested USER_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] buffer The buffer containing a USER_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] parm_err The returned parameter error number if any
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_setinfo.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserSetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * user_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t *parm_err /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetUserModalsGet
* @brief Get SAM domain and password information
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The level defining which USER_MODALS_INFO_X buffer to query
* @param[out] buffer The returned USER_MODALS_INFO_X buffer
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_modalsget.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserModalsGet(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetUserModalsSet
* @brief Set SAM domain and password information
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The level defining which USER_MODALS_INFO_X buffer to query
* @param[out] buffer The buffer conntaing a USER_MODALS_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] parm_err The returned parameter error number if any
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_modalsset.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserModalsSet(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t *parm_err /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetUserGetGroups
* @brief Enumerate grouplist of a user on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] user_name The user name to query
* @param[in] level The enumeration level used for the query (Currently only
* level 0 is supported)
* @param[out] buffer The returned enumeration buffer
* @param[in] prefmaxlen The requested maximal buffer size
* @param[out] entries_read The number of returned entries
* @param[out] total_entries The number of total entries
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_getgroups.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserGetGroups(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * user_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t prefmaxlen /* [in] */,
uint32_t *entries_read /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *total_entries /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetUserSetGroups
* @brief Set grouplist of a user on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] user_name The user name to query
* @param[in] level The level defining the GROUP_USERS_INFO_X structures in the buffer
* @param[in] buffer The buffer containing GROUP_USERS_INFO_X structures
* @param[in] num_entries The number of X structures in the buffer
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_setgroups.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserSetGroups(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * user_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t num_entries /* [in] */);
* NetUserGetLocalGroups
* @brief Enumerate local grouplist of a user on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] user_name The user name to query
* @param[in] level The enumeration level used for the query
* @param[in] flags The flags used for the query
* @param[out] buffer The returned enumeration buffer
* @param[in] prefmaxlen The requested maximal buffer size
* @param[out] entries_read The number of returned entries
* @param[out] total_entries The number of total entries
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_getlocalgroups.c
NET_API_STATUS NetUserGetLocalGroups(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * user_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint32_t flags /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t prefmaxlen /* [in] */,
uint32_t *entries_read /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *total_entries /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetQueryDisplayInformation
* @brief Enumerate accounts on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The enumeration level used for the query
* @param[in] idx The index to start the the display enumeration at
* @param[in] entries_requested The number of entries requested
* @param[in] prefmaxlen The requested maximal buffer size
* @param[out] entries_read The number of returned entries
* @param[out] buffer The returned display information buffer
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example user/user_dispinfo.c
NET_API_STATUS NetQueryDisplayInformation(const char * server_name /* [in] [unique] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint32_t idx /* [in] */,
uint32_t entries_requested /* [in] */,
uint32_t prefmaxlen /* [in] */,
uint32_t *entries_read /* [out] [ref] */,
void **buffer /* [out] [noprint,ref] */);
* NetGroupAdd
* @brief Create Domain Group
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The level used for the new group creation
* @param[in] buf The buffer containing the group structure
* @param[out] parm_err The returned parameter error number if any
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example group/group_add.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGroupAdd(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buf /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t *parm_err /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetGroupDel
* @brief Delete Domain Group
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to be deleted
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example group/group_del.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGroupDel(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */);
* NetGroupEnum
* @brief Enumerate groups on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The enumeration level used for the query (Currently only
* level 0 is supported)
* @param[out] buffer The returned enumeration buffer
* @param[in] prefmaxlen The requested maximal buffer size
* @param[out] entries_read The number of returned entries
* @param[out] total_entries The number of total entries
* @param[in,out] resume_handle A handle passed in and returned for resuming
* operations
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example group/group_enum.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGroupEnum(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t prefmaxlen /* [in] */,
uint32_t *entries_read /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *total_entries /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *resume_handle /* [in,out] [ref] */);
* NetGroupSetInfo
* @brief Set Domain Group Information
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to be modified
* @param[in] level The level defining the structure type in buf
* @param[in] buf The buffer containing a GROUP_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] parm_err The returned parameter error number if any
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example group/group_setinfo.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGroupSetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buf /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t *parm_err /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetGroupGetInfo
* @brief Get Domain Group Information
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to be queried
* @param[in] level The level defining the requested GROUP_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] buf The buffer containing a GROUP_INFO_X structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example group/group_getinfo.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGroupGetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buf /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetGroupAddUser
* @brief Add existing User to existing Domain Group
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to be modified
* @param[in] user_name The name of the user that is going to be added to the
* group
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example group/group_adduser.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGroupAddUser(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
const char * user_name /* [in] */);
* NetGroupDelUser
* @brief Remove User from Domain Group
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to be modified
* @param[in] user_name The name of the user that is going to be removed from
* the group
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example group/group_deluser.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGroupDelUser(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
const char * user_name /* [in] */);
* NetGroupGetUsers
* @brief Get Users for a group on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The group name to enumerate users for
* @param[in] level The enumeration level used for the query
* @param[out] buffer The returned enumeration buffer
* @param[in] prefmaxlen The requested maximal buffer size
* @param[out] entries_read The number of returned entries
* @param[out] total_entries The number of total entries
* @param[in,out] resume_handle A handle passed in and returned for resuming
* operations
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example group/group_getusers.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGroupGetUsers(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t prefmaxlen /* [in] */,
uint32_t *entries_read /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *total_entries /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *resume_handle /* [in,out] [ref] */);
* NetGroupSetUsers
* @brief Set Users for a group on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The group name to enumerate users for
* @param[in] level The enumeration level used for the query
* @param[in] buffer The buffer containing a X structure
* @param[in] num_entries The number of X entries in the buffer
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example group/group_setusers.c
NET_API_STATUS NetGroupSetUsers(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t num_entries /* [in] */);
* NetLocalGroupAdd
* @brief Create Local Group
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The level used for the new group creation
* @param[in] buf The buffer containing the group structure
* @param[out] parm_err The returned parameter error number if any
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example localgroup/localgroup_add.c
NET_API_STATUS NetLocalGroupAdd(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buf /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t *parm_err /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetLocalGroupDel
* @brief Delete Local Group
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to be deleted
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example localgroup/localgroup_del.c
NET_API_STATUS NetLocalGroupDel(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */);
* NetLocalGroupGetInfo
* @brief Get Local Group Information
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to be queried
* @param[in] level The level defining the requested LOCALGROUP_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] buf The buffer containing a LOCALGROUP_INFO_X structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example localgroup/localgroup_getinfo.c
NET_API_STATUS NetLocalGroupGetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buf /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetLocalGroupSetInfo
* @brief Set Local Group Information
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to be modified
* @param[in] level The level defining the requested LOCALGROUP_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] buf The buffer containing a LOCALGROUP_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] parm_err The returned parameter error number if any
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example localgroup/localgroup_setinfo.c
NET_API_STATUS NetLocalGroupSetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buf /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t *parm_err /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetLocalGroupEnum
* @brief Enumerate local groups on a server
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The enumeration level used for the query (Currently only
* level 0 is supported)
* @param[out] buffer The returned enumeration buffer
* @param[in] prefmaxlen The requested maximal buffer size
* @param[out] entries_read The number of returned entries
* @param[out] total_entries The number of total entries
* @param[in,out] resume_handle A handle passed in and returned for resuming
* operations
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example localgroup/localgroup_enum.c
NET_API_STATUS NetLocalGroupEnum(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t prefmaxlen /* [in] */,
uint32_t *entries_read /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *total_entries /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *resume_handle /* [in,out] [ref] */);
* NetLocalGroupAddMembers
* @brief Add Members to a Local Group
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to modified
* @param[in] level The level defining the LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] buffer The buffer containing a LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] total_entries The number of LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X entries in
* the buffer
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example localgroup/localgroup_addmembers.c
NET_API_STATUS NetLocalGroupAddMembers(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t total_entries /* [in] */);
* NetLocalGroupDelMembers
* @brief Delete Members from a Local Group
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to modified
* @param[in] level The level defining the LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] buffer The buffer containing a LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] total_entries The number of LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X entries in
* the buffer
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example localgroup/localgroup_delmembers.c
NET_API_STATUS NetLocalGroupDelMembers(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t total_entries /* [in] */);
* NetLocalGroupGetMembers
* @brief Enumerate Members in a local group
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] local_group_name The localgroup that is going to be queried
* @param[in] level The level defining the LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] buffer The buffer containing a LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X
* structure
* @param[in] prefmaxlen The requested maximal buffer size
* @param[out] entries_read The number of LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X entries in the buffer
* @param[out] total_entries The total number of LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X entries for that group
* @param[in,out] resume_handle A handle passed in and returned for resuming
* operations
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example localgroup/localgroup_getmembers.c
NET_API_STATUS NetLocalGroupGetMembers(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * local_group_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t prefmaxlen /* [in] */,
uint32_t *entries_read /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *total_entries /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *resume_handle /* [in,out] [ref] */);
* NetLocalGroupSetMembers
* @brief Set Members in a Local Group
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] group_name The name of the group that is going to modified
* @param[in] level The level defining the LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] buffer The buffer containing a LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] total_entries The number of LOCALGROUP_MEMBERS_INFO_X entries in
* the buffer
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example localgroup/localgroup_setmembers.c
NET_API_STATUS NetLocalGroupSetMembers(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * group_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t total_entries /* [in] */);
* NetRemoteTOD
* @brief Query remote Time of Day
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[out] buf The buffer containing a TIME_OF_DAY_INFO structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example server/remote_tod.c
NET_API_STATUS NetRemoteTOD(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buf /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetShareAdd
* @brief Add Share
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The level defining the requested SHARE_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] buffer The buffer containing a SHARE_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] parm_err The returned parameter error number if any
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example share/share_add.c
NET_API_STATUS NetShareAdd(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t *parm_err /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetShareDel
* @brief Delete Share
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] net_name The name of the share to delete
* @param[in] reserved
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example share/share_del.c
NET_API_STATUS NetShareDel(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * net_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t reserved /* [in] */);
* NetShareEnum
* @brief Enumerate Shares
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] level The level defining the SHARE_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] buffer The buffer containing a SHARE_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] prefmaxlen The requested maximal buffer size
* @param[out] entries_read The number of SHARE_INFO_X entries in the buffer
* @param[out] total_entries The total number of SHARE_INFO_X entries
* @param[in,out] resume_handle A handle passed in and returned for resuming
* operations
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example share/share_enum.c
NET_API_STATUS NetShareEnum(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t prefmaxlen /* [in] */,
uint32_t *entries_read /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *total_entries /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *resume_handle /* [in,out] [ref] */);
* NetShareGetInfo
* @brief Get Share Info
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] net_name The name of the share to query
* @param[in] level The level defining the SHARE_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] buffer The buffer containing a SHARE_INFO_X structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example share/share_getinfo.c
NET_API_STATUS NetShareGetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * net_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetShareSetInfo
* @brief Set Share Info
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] net_name The name of the share to query
* @param[in] level The level defining the SHARE_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] buffer The buffer containing a SHARE_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] parm_err The returned parameter error number if any
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example share/share_setinfo.c
NET_API_STATUS NetShareSetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * net_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *buffer /* [in] [ref] */,
uint32_t *parm_err /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetFileClose
* @brief Close a file
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] fileid The fileid of the file that is going to be closed
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example file/file_close.c
NET_API_STATUS NetFileClose(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t fileid /* [in] */);
* NetFileGetInfo
* @brief Close a file
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] fileid The fileid of the file that is going to be closed
* @param[in] level The level of the FILE_INFO_X buffer
* @param[out] buffer The buffer containing a FILE_INFO_X structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example file/file_getinfo.c
NET_API_STATUS NetFileGetInfo(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t fileid /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */);
* NetFileEnum
* @brief Enumerate Files
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] base_path The
* @param[in] user_name The
* @param[in] level The level defining the FILE_INFO_X structure
* @param[out] buffer The buffer containing a FILE_INFO_X structure
* @param[in] prefmaxlen The requested maximal buffer size
* @param[out] entries_read The number of FILE_INFO_X entries in the buffer
* @param[out] total_entries The total number of FILE_INFO_X entries
* @param[in,out] resume_handle A handle passed in and returned for resuming
* operations
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example file/file_enum.c
NET_API_STATUS NetFileEnum(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * base_path /* [in] */,
const char * user_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t prefmaxlen /* [in] */,
uint32_t *entries_read /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *total_entries /* [out] [ref] */,
uint32_t *resume_handle /* [in,out] [ref] */);
* NetShutdownInit
* @brief Start a machine shutdown
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] message The message that is displayed before the shutdown
* @param[in] timeout The amount of seconds to wait until shutting down
* @param[in] force_apps Whether to close all applications before the shutdown
* @param[in] do_reboot Whether to reboot after the shutdown
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example shutdown/shutdown_init.c
NET_API_STATUS NetShutdownInit(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
const char * message /* [in] */,
uint32_t timeout /* [in] */,
uint8_t force_apps /* [in] */,
uint8_t do_reboot /* [in] */);
* NetShutdownAbort
* @brief Abort an initiated machine shutdown
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example shutdown/shutdown_abort.c
NET_API_STATUS NetShutdownAbort(const char * server_name /* [in] */);
* I_NetLogonControl
* @brief Control various aspects of the NETLOGON service
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] function_code The function code to call on the server
* @param[in] query_level The level of the NETLOGON_INFO structure returned
* @param[out] buffer The returned buffer containing the NETLOGON_INFO structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example netlogon/netlogon_control.c
NET_API_STATUS I_NetLogonControl(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t function_code /* [in] */,
uint32_t query_level /* [in] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */);
* I_NetLogonControl2
* @brief Control various aspects of the NETLOGON service
* @param[in] server_name The server name to connect to
* @param[in] function_code The function code to call on the server
* @param[in] query_level The level of the NETLOGON_INFO structure returned
* @param[in] data The buffer containing information related to the function code
* @param[out] buffer The returned buffer containing the NETLOGON_INFO structure
* @return NET_API_STATUS
* example netlogon/netlogon_control2.c
NET_API_STATUS I_NetLogonControl2(const char * server_name /* [in] */,
uint32_t function_code /* [in] */,
uint32_t query_level /* [in] */,
uint8_t *data /* [in] [ref] */,
uint8_t **buffer /* [out] [ref] */);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */
#endif /* __LIB_NETAPI_H__ */