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synced 2025-03-11 16:58:40 +03:00
This made Python 2's print behave like Python 3's print(). In some cases, where we had: from __future__ import print_function """Intended module documentation...""" this will have the side effect of making the intended module documentation work as the actual module documentation (i.e. becoming __doc__), because it is once again the first statement in the module. Signed-off-by: Douglas Bagnall <douglas.bagnall@catalyst.net.nz> Reviewed-by: Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org>
277 lines
9.1 KiB
277 lines
9.1 KiB
# Create forest updates ldif from Github markdown
# Each update is converted to an ldif then gets written to a corresponding
# .LDF output file or stored in a dictionary.
# Only add updates can generally be applied.
# Copyright (C) Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org> 2017
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Generate LDIF from Github documentation."""
import re
import os
import markdown
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from samba.common import get_string
# Display specifier updates or otherwise (ignored in forest_update.py)
def noop(description, attributes, sd):
return (None, None, [], None)
# ACE addition updates (ignored in forest_update.py)
def parse_grant(description, attributes, sd):
return ('modify', None, [], sd if sd.lower() != 'n/a' else None)
# Addition of new objects to the directory (most are applied in forest_update.py)
def parse_add(description, attributes, sd):
dn = extract_dn(description)
return ('add', dn, extract_attrib(dn, attributes), sd if sd.lower() != 'n/a' else None)
# Set of a particular attribute (ignored in forest_update.py)
def parse_set(description, attributes, sd):
return ('modify', extract_dn_or_none(description),
sd if sd.lower() != 'n/a' else None)
# Set of a particular ACE (ignored in forest_update.py)
# The general issue is that the list of DNs must be generated dynamically
def parse_ace(description, attributes, sd):
def extract_dn_ace(text):
if 'Sam-Domain' in text:
return ('${DOMAIN_DN}', 'CN=Sam-Domain,${SCHEMA_DN}')
elif 'Domain-DNS' in text:
return ('${...}', 'CN=Domain-DNS,${SCHEMA_DN}')
return None
return [('modify', extract_dn_ace(description)[0],
['replace: nTSecurityDescriptor',
'nTSecurityDescriptor: ${DOMAIN_SCHEMA_SD}%s' % sd], None),
('modify', extract_dn_ace(description)[1],
['replace: defaultSecurityDescriptor',
'defaultSecurityDescriptor: ${OLD_SAMBA_SD}%s' % sd], None)]
# We are really only interested in 'Created' items
operation_map = {
# modify
'Granting': parse_grant,
# add
'Created': parse_add,
# modify
'Set': parse_set,
# modify
'Added ACE': parse_ace,
# modify
'Updated': parse_set,
# unknown
'Call': noop
def extract_dn(text):
Extract a DN from the textual description
:param text:
:return: DN in string form
text = text.replace(' in the Schema partition.', ',${SCHEMA_DN}')
text = text.replace(' in the Configuration partition.', ',${CONFIG_DN}')
dn = re.search('([CDO][NCU]=.*?,)*([CDO][NCU]=.*)', text).group(0)
# This should probably be also fixed upstream
if dn == 'CN=ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo,CN=Claim Types,CN=Claims Configuration,CN=Services':
return 'CN=ad://ext/AuthenticationSilo,CN=Claim Types,CN=Claims Configuration,CN=Services,${CONFIG_DN}'
return dn
def extract_dn_or_none(text):
Same as above, but returns None if it doesn't work
:param text:
:return: DN or None
return extract_dn(text)
return None
def save_ldif(filename, answers, out_folder):
Save ldif to disk for each updates
:param filename: filename use ([OPERATION NUM]-{GUID}.ldif)
:param answers: array of tuples generated with earlier functions
:param out_folder: folder to prepend
path = os.path.join(out_folder, filename)
with open(path, 'w') as ldif:
for answer in answers:
change, dn, attrib, sd = answer
ldif.write('dn: %s\n' % dn)
ldif.write('changetype: %s\n' % change)
if len(attrib) > 0:
ldif.write('\n'.join(attrib) + '\n')
if sd is not None:
ldif.write('nTSecurityDescriptor: D:%s\n' % sd)
def save_array(guid, answers, out_dict):
Save ldif to an output dictionary
:param guid: GUID to store
:param answers: array of tuples generated with earlier functions
:param out_dict: output dictionary
ldif = ''
for answer in answers:
change, dn, attrib, sd = answer
ldif += 'dn: %s\n' % dn
ldif += 'changetype: %s\n' % change
if len(attrib) > 0:
ldif += '\n'.join(attrib) + '\n'
if sd is not None:
ldif += 'nTSecurityDescriptor: D:%s\n' % sd
ldif += '-\n\n'
out_dict[guid] = ldif
def extract_attrib(dn, attributes):
Extract the attributes as an array from the attributes column
:param dn: parsed from markdown
:param attributes: from markdown
:return: attribute array (ldif-type format)
attrib = [x.lstrip('- ') for x in attributes.split('- ') if x.lower() != 'n/a' and x != '']
attrib = [x.replace(': True', ': TRUE') if x.endswith(': True') else x for x in attrib]
attrib = [x.replace(': False', ': FALSE') if x.endswith(': False') else x for x in attrib]
# We only have one such value, we may as well skip them all consistently
attrib = [x for x in attrib if not x.lower().startswith('msds-claimpossiblevalues')]
return attrib
def extract_replace_attrib(attributes):
Extract the attributes as an array from the attributes column
(for replace)
:param attributes: from markdown
:return: attribute array (ldif-type format)
lines = [x.lstrip('- ') for x in attributes.split('- ') if x.lower() != 'n/a' and x != '']
lines = [('replace: %s' % line.split(':')[0], line) for line in lines]
lines = [line for pair in lines for line in pair]
return lines
def innertext(tag):
return (tag.text or '') + \
''.join(innertext(e) for e in tag) + \
(tag.tail or '')
def read_ms_markdown(in_file, out_folder=None, out_dict=None):
Read Github documentation to produce forest wide udpates
:param in_file: Forest-Wide-Updates.md
:param out_folder: output folder
:param out_dict: output dictionary
with open(in_file) as update_file:
# There is a hidden ClaimPossibleValues in this md file
html = markdown.markdown(re.sub(r'CN=<forest root domain.*?>',
html = html.replace('CN=Schema,%ws', '${SCHEMA_DN}')
tree = ET.fromstring('<root>' + html + '</root>')
for node in tree:
if node.text and node.text.startswith('|Operation'):
# Strip first and last |
updates = [x[1:len(x) - 1].split('|') for x in
get_string(ET.tostring(node, method='text')).splitlines()]
for update in updates[2:]:
output = re.match('Operation (\d+): {(.*)}', update[0])
if output:
# print output.group(1), output.group(2)
guid = output.group(2)
filename = "%s-{%s}.ldif" % (output.group(1).zfill(4), guid)
found = False
if update[3].startswith('Created') or update[1].startswith('Added ACE'):
# Trigger the security descriptor code
# Reduce info to just the security descriptor
update[3] = update[3].split(':')[-1]
result = parse_ace(update[1], update[2], update[3])
if filename and out_folder is not None:
save_ldif(filename, result, out_folder)
save_array(guid, result, out_dict)
for operation in operation_map:
if update[1].startswith(operation):
found = True
result = operation_map[operation](update[1], update[2], update[3])
if filename and out_folder is not None:
save_ldif(filename, [result], out_folder)
save_array(guid, [result], out_dict)
if not found:
raise Exception(update)
# print ET.tostring(node, method='text')
if __name__ == '__main__':
import sys
out_folder = ''
if len(sys.argv) == 0:
print("Usage: %s <Forest-Wide-Updates.md> [<output folder>]" % (sys.argv[0]), file=sys.stderr)
in_file = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
out_folder = sys.argv[2]
read_ms_markdown(in_file, out_folder)