mirror of https://github.com/samba-team/samba.git synced 2025-02-03 13:47:25 +03:00
Andrew Tridgell adabc3d082 waf: added --symbol-check option
this adds checking of the symbols in all our object files, libraries
and syslibs. It will form the basis in future for a lot more checks,
but for now it just checks basic rules like not allowing us to use
symbols that are in system libs.

Currently this is enabled only if you use the --symbol-check option,
(or use make with SYMBOLCHECK=1) but I intend to make this always
enabled once it has had more testing.

Pair-Programmed-With: Andrew Bartlett <abartlet@samba.org>
2010-10-30 23:49:00 +11:00

383 lines
12 KiB

# a waf tool to extract symbols from object files or libraries
# using nm, producing a set of exposed defined/undefined symbols
import Utils, Build, subprocess, Logs
from samba_wildcard import fake_build_environment
from samba_utils import *
def symbols_extract(objfiles, dynamic=False):
'''extract symbols from objfile, returning a dictionary containing
the set of undefined and public symbols for each file'''
ret = {}
cmd = ["nm"]
if dynamic:
# needed for some .so files
nmpipe = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
if len(objfiles) == 1:
filename = objfiles[0]
ret[filename] = { "PUBLIC": set(), "UNDEFINED" : set()}
for line in nmpipe:
line = line.strip()
if line.endswith(':'):
filename = line[:-1]
ret[filename] = { "PUBLIC": set(), "UNDEFINED" : set() }
cols = line.split(" ")
if cols == ['']:
# see if the line starts with an address
if len(cols) == 3:
symbol_type = cols[1]
symbol = cols[2]
symbol_type = cols[0]
symbol = cols[1]
if symbol_type in "BDGTRVWSi":
# its a public symbol
elif symbol_type in "U":
return ret
def real_name(name):
if name.find(".objlist") != -1:
name = name[:-8]
return name
def find_syslib_path(bld, libname, deps):
'''find the path to the syslib we will link against'''
# the strategy is to use the targets that depend on the library, and run ldd
# on it to find the real location of the library that is used
linkpath = deps[0].link_task.outputs[0].abspath(bld.env)
if libname == "python":
libname += bld.env.PYTHON_VERSION
ret = None
lddpipe = subprocess.Popen(['ldd', linkpath], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout
for line in lddpipe:
line = line.strip()
cols = line.split(" ")
if len(cols) < 3 or cols[1] != "=>":
if cols[0].startswith("lib%s." % libname.lower()):
ret = cols[2]
if cols[0].startswith("libc."):
# save this one too
bld.env.libc_path = cols[2]
return ret
def build_symbol_sets(bld, tgt_list):
'''build the public_symbols and undefined_symbols attributes for each target'''
objlist = [] # list of object file
objmap = {} # map from object filename to target
for t in tgt_list:
t.public_symbols = set()
t.undefined_symbols = set()
for tsk in getattr(t, 'compiled_tasks', []):
for output in tsk.outputs:
objpath = output.abspath(bld.env)
objmap[objpath] = t
symbols = symbols_extract(objlist)
for obj in objlist:
t = objmap[obj]
t.public_symbols = t.public_symbols.union(symbols[obj]["PUBLIC"])
t.undefined_symbols = t.undefined_symbols.union(symbols[obj]["UNDEFINED"])
t.undefined_symbols = t.undefined_symbols.difference(t.public_symbols)
# and the reverse map of public symbols to subsystem name
bld.env.symbol_map = {}
for t in tgt_list:
for s in t.public_symbols:
bld.env.symbol_map[s] = real_name(t.sname)
targets = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'TARGET_TYPE')
bld.env.public_symbols = {}
for t in tgt_list:
name = real_name(t.sname)
if name in bld.env.public_symbols:
bld.env.public_symbols[name] = bld.env.public_symbols[name].union(t.public_symbols)
bld.env.public_symbols[name] = t.public_symbols
if t.samba_type == 'LIBRARY':
for dep in t.add_objects:
t2 = bld.name_to_obj(dep, bld.env)
bld.ASSERT(t2 is not None, "Library '%s' has unknown dependency '%s'" % (name, dep))
bld.env.public_symbols[name] = bld.env.public_symbols[name].union(t2.public_symbols)
def build_syslib_sets(bld, tgt_list):
'''build the public_symbols for all syslibs'''
# work out what syslibs we depend on, and what targets those are used in
syslibs = {}
objmap = {}
for t in tgt_list:
if getattr(t, 'uselib', []) and t.samba_type in [ 'LIBRARY', 'BINARY', 'PYTHON' ]:
for lib in t.uselib:
if lib in ['PYEMBED', 'PYEXT']:
lib = "python"
if not lib in syslibs:
syslibs[lib] = []
# work out the paths to each syslib
syslib_paths = []
for lib in syslibs:
path = find_syslib_path(bld, lib, syslibs[lib])
if path is None:
print("Unable to find syslib path for %s used by %s" % lib)
if path is not None:
objmap[path] = lib.lower()
# add in libc
objmap[bld.env.libc_path] = 'c'
symbols = symbols_extract(syslib_paths, dynamic=True)
# keep a map of syslib names to public symbols
bld.env.syslib_symbols = {}
for lib in symbols:
bld.env.syslib_symbols[lib] = symbols[lib]["PUBLIC"]
# add to the map of symbols to dependencies
for lib in symbols:
for sym in symbols[lib]["PUBLIC"]:
bld.env.symbol_map[sym] = objmap[lib]
# keep the libc symbols as well, as these are useful for some of the
# sanity checks
bld.env.libc_symbols = symbols[bld.env.libc_path]["PUBLIC"]
# add to the combined map of dependency name to public_symbols
for lib in bld.env.syslib_symbols:
bld.env.public_symbols[objmap[lib]] = bld.env.syslib_symbols[lib]
def build_autodeps(bld, t):
'''build the set of dependencies for a target'''
deps = set()
name = real_name(t.sname)
targets = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'TARGET_TYPE')
for sym in t.undefined_symbols:
if sym in t.public_symbols:
if sym in bld.env.symbol_map:
depname = bld.env.symbol_map[sym]
if depname == name:
# self dependencies aren't interesting
if t.in_library == [depname]:
# no need to depend on the library we are part of
if depname in ['c', 'python']:
# these don't go into autodeps
if targets[depname] in [ 'SYSLIB' ]:
t2 = bld.name_to_obj(depname, bld.env)
if len(t2.in_library) != 1:
if t2.in_library == t.in_library:
# if we're part of the same library, we don't need to autodep
t.autodeps = deps
def build_library_names(bld, tgt_list):
'''add a in_library attribute to all targets that are part of a library'''
for t in tgt_list:
t.in_library = []
for t in tgt_list:
if t.samba_type in [ 'LIBRARY' ]:
for obj in t.samba_deps_extended:
t2 = bld.name_to_obj(obj, bld.env)
if t2 and t2.samba_type in [ 'SUBSYSTEM', 'ASN1' ]:
if not t.sname in t2.in_library:
def check_library_deps(bld, t):
'''check that all the autodeps that have mutual dependency of this
target are in the same library as the target'''
name = real_name(t.sname)
if len(t.in_library) > 1:
Logs.warn("WARNING: Target '%s' in multiple libraries: %s" % (t.sname, t.in_library))
for dep in t.autodeps:
t2 = bld.name_to_obj(dep, bld.env)
if t2 is None:
for dep2 in t2.autodeps:
if dep2 == name and t.in_library != t2.in_library:
Logs.warn("WARNING: mutual dependency %s <=> %s" % (name, real_name(t2.sname)))
Logs.warn("Libraries should match. %s != %s" % (t.in_library, t2.in_library))
# raise Utils.WafError("illegal mutual dependency")
def check_syslib_collisions(bld, tgt_list):
'''check if a target has any symbol collisions with a syslib
We do not want any code in Samba to use a symbol name from a
system library. The chance of that causing problems is just too
high. Note that libreplace uses a rep_XX approach of renaming
symbols via macros
has_error = False
for t in tgt_list:
for lib in bld.env.syslib_symbols:
common = t.public_symbols.intersection(bld.env.syslib_symbols[lib])
if common:
Logs.error("ERROR: Target '%s' has symbols '%s' which is also in syslib '%s'" % (t.sname, common, lib))
has_error = True
if has_error:
raise Utils.WafError("symbols in common with system libraries")
def check_dependencies(bld, t):
'''check for depenencies that should be changed'''
if bld.name_to_obj(t.sname + ".objlist", bld.env):
targets = LOCAL_CACHE(bld, 'TARGET_TYPE')
remaining = t.undefined_symbols.copy()
remaining = remaining.difference(t.public_symbols)
sname = real_name(t.sname)
deps = set(t.samba_deps)
for d in t.samba_deps:
if targets[d] in [ 'EMPTY', 'DISABLED', 'SYSLIB' ]:
bld.ASSERT(d in bld.env.public_symbols, "Failed to find symbol list for dependency '%s'" % d)
diff = remaining.intersection(bld.env.public_symbols[d])
if not diff and targets[sname] != 'LIBRARY':
Logs.info("Target '%s' has no dependency on %s" % (sname, d))
remaining = remaining.difference(diff)
t.unsatisfied_symbols = set()
needed = {}
for sym in remaining:
if sym in bld.env.symbol_map:
dep = bld.env.symbol_map[sym]
if not dep in needed:
needed[dep] = set()
for dep in needed:
Logs.info("Target '%s' should add dep '%s' for symbols %s" % (sname, dep, " ".join(needed[dep])))
def check_syslib_dependencies(bld, t):
'''check for syslib depenencies'''
if bld.name_to_obj(t.sname + ".objlist", bld.env):
sname = real_name(t.sname)
remaining = set()
features = TO_LIST(t.features)
if 'pyembed' in features or 'pyext' in features:
t.unsatisfied_symbols = t.unsatisfied_symbols.difference(bld.env.public_symbols['python'])
needed = {}
for sym in t.unsatisfied_symbols:
if sym in bld.env.symbol_map:
dep = bld.env.symbol_map[sym]
if dep == 'c':
if not dep in needed:
needed[dep] = set()
for dep in needed:
Logs.info("Target '%s' should add syslib dep '%s' for symbols %s" % (sname, dep, " ".join(needed[dep])))
if remaining:
debug("deps: Target '%s' has unsatisfied symbols: %s" % (sname, " ".join(remaining)))
def symbols_symbolcheck(task):
'''check the internal dependency lists'''
bld = task.env.bld
tgt_list = get_tgt_list(bld)
build_symbol_sets(bld, tgt_list)
build_library_names(bld, tgt_list)
for t in tgt_list:
t.autodeps = set()
if getattr(t, 'source', ''):
build_autodeps(bld, t)
for t in tgt_list:
check_dependencies(bld, t)
for t in tgt_list:
check_library_deps(bld, t)
def symbols_syslibcheck(task):
'''check the syslib dependencies'''
bld = task.env.bld
tgt_list = get_tgt_list(bld)
build_syslib_sets(bld, tgt_list)
check_syslib_collisions(bld, tgt_list)
for t in tgt_list:
check_syslib_dependencies(bld, t)
def SYMBOL_CHECK(bld):
'''check our dependency lists'''
if Options.options.SYMBOLCHECK:
task = bld(rule=symbols_symbolcheck, always=True, name='symbol checking')
task.env.bld = bld
task = bld(rule=symbols_syslibcheck, always=True, name='syslib checking')
task.env.bld = bld